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7795fec · Oct 29, 2016


55 lines (37 loc) · 2.14 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (37 loc) · 2.14 KB


Builds an AMI on AWS with all that is needed to build a docker image. After the AMI is built you can boot up an EC2 instace and use it.

The AMI will have Docker and Rocker installed.

Which thing does what?

Testing locally

To test if all the necessary packages and configuration will be installed correctly run the installation process in isolation:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c localhost playbook.yml
# after the installation finished successfully become the 'ubuntu' user:
sudo su - ubuntu
rocker --help


  • Have your awscli installed and configured
  • Install packer and terraform
  • Discover your AWS Account Number and copy it:
    • One way to discover it is to log into your account then go to the support center page. At the upper right corner you'll see the Account Number
    • Another way is, if you already have an AMI built, go to the AMIs page on EC2. It will have an Owner column
  • Have a Key Pair to use in the instances
    • To create a Key Pair go to the EC2 page > Network & Security & Key Pairs and click on Create Key Pair
    • Make sure to download the created Key Pair


  • Build the AMI:

    packer build packer.json

  • Paste your owner and keypair at the file

  • Create the EC2 instance that will use the built AMI:

    terraform get

    terraform plan

    terraform apply

  • SSH into the newly created instance and play with it:

    ssh -i [your key pair PEM file] ubuntu@[instance public IP address]