We provide a single script that runs all the experiments and generates the papers figures. The script can be run as a standalone, and in that case it also downloads the project source code, or it can be run as part of a cloned project.
To run the script as a standalone, download only the file reproduce_experiments.py
and run it.
To run the script from within a cloned project, first clone the project,
git clone https://github.com/hsivan/automon
and then run the script: python <automon_root>/reproduce_experiments.py
To run the distributed experiments on AWS, in addition to the simulation experiments,
use the --aws
flag when running the script. Read this for more information.
Before running the experiments, download AutoMon's source code:
git clone https://github.com/hsivan/automon
Let automon_root
be the root folder of the project on your local computer.
Download the external datasets by running: python <automon_root>/experiments/reproduce.py --dd
The script downloads the two external datasets and does the following:
- Air Quality:
from here and unzip it. Put the 12PRSA_Data_XXX_20130301-20170228.csv
files in<automon_root>/datasets/air_quality
folder. - Intrusion Detection:
from here and decompress. Put the decompressedkddcup.data_10_percent
files in<automon_root>/datasets/ _detection
Run all the experiments from within the experiments
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<automon_root>
cd <automon_root>/experiments
To reproduce Error-Communication Tradeoff results run:
python test_max_error_vs_communication_inner_product.py
python test_max_error_vs_communication_quadratic.py
python test_max_error_vs_communication_kld_air_quality.py
python test_max_error_vs_communication_dnn_intrusion_detection.py
You will find the output files and figures in <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_test_max_error_vs_communication_inner_product_xxx
To generate figures that summarize the four experiments, replace the xxx in the following command with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python visualization/plot_error_communication_tradeoff.py test_results \
results_test_max_error_vs_communication_inner_product_xxx \
results_test_max_error_vs_communication_quadratic_xxx \
results_test_max_error_vs_communication_dnn_intrusion_detection_xxx \
To reproduce Scalability to Dimensionality results run:
python test_dimension_impact_inner_product.py
python test_dimension_impact_kld_air_quality.py
python test_dimension_impact_mlp.py
These generate the output folders <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_test_dimension_impact_xxx
To generate figures that summarize the three experiments, replace the xxx in the following command with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python visualization/plot_dimensions_stats.py test_results \
results_test_dimension_impact_inner_product_xxx \
results_test_dimension_impact_kld_air_quality_xxx \
The script generates four figures:
- dimension_communication.pdf shows the total number of messages in each run for different functions and input dimensions.
- dimension_coordinator_runtime.pdf shows the average time for the full sync of an AutoMon coordinator.
- dimension_node_runtime.pdf shows the average time a node takes to check a single data update for each dimension.
- dimension_node_runtime_in_parts.pdf shows the average time it takes the node to complete different tasks during the data update process.
To reproduce Scalability to Number of Nodes results run:
python test_num_nodes_impact_inner_product.py
python test_num_nodes_impact_mlp_40.py
These generate the output folders <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_test_num_nodes_impact_xxx
To generate figures that summarize the two experiments, replace the xxx in the following command with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python visualization/plot_num_nodes_impact.py test_results \
results_test_dimension_impact_inner_product_xxx \
The script generates the figure num_nodes_vs_communication.pdf that illustrates how the number of messages grows with the number of AutoMon nodes.
To reproduce Neighborhood Size Tuning results run:
python test_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_rozenbrock.py
python test_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_mlp_2.py
These generate the output folders <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_xxx
where you will find the
figure neighborhood_size_error_bound_connection_avg.pdf and other output files.
Replace the xxx in the following commands with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python test_neighborhood_impact_on_communication_rozenbrock.py test_results/results_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_rozenbrock_xxx
python test_neighborhood_impact_on_communication_mlp_2.py test_results/results_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_mlp_2_xxx
You will find the output files and figures in <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_comm_neighborhood_xxx
To generate figures that summarize the four experiments, replace the xxx in the following command with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python visualization/plot_neighborhood_impact.py test_results \
results_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_rozenbrock_xxx \
results_optimal_and_tuned_neighborhood_mlp_2_xxx \
results_comm_neighborhood_rozenbrock_xxx \
To reproduce the Ablation Study results run:
python test_ablation_study_quadratic_inverse.py
python test_ablation_study_mlp_2.py
You will find the output files and figures in <automon_root>/experiments/test_results/results_ablation_study_xxx
To generate figures that summarize the two experiments, replace the xxx in the following command with the suffixes of the result folders, and run:
python visualization/plot_monitoring_stats_ablation_study.py test_results \
results_ablation_study_quadratic_inverse_xxx \