From 422f0fca6ff29400c49dda028612c4242aff5bd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Folyd Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 23:22:50 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update the latest search-index --- docs/content/ | 2 +- extension/index/books.js | 2 +- extension/index/caniuse.js | 2 +- extension/index/crates.js | 2 +- extension/index/labels.js | 2 +- extension/index/lints.js | 2 +- extension/index/std-docs.js | 6 +++--- 7 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/content/ b/docs/content/ index c9c04e0a..629f64fb 100644 --- a/docs/content/ +++ b/docs/content/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description = "Changelog" weight = 3 +++ -# v1.2 - Unreleased +# v1.2 - 2021-03-26 - Support prefix `//` (double slash) to search [rustc crates docs]( 👉 [Learn more](/#search-rustc-docs). - Support search released Rust versions quickly. 👉 [Learn more](/#search-rust-version). diff --git a/extension/index/books.js b/extension/index/books.js index 7e9dc17f..ef1d7d86 100644 --- a/extension/index/books.js +++ b/extension/index/books.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var C=["The Rust Programming Language","1. Getting Started","3. Common Programming Concepts","4. Understanding Ownership","5. Using Structs to Structure Related Data","6. Enums and Pattern Matching","7. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules","8. Common Collections","9. Error Handling","10. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes","11. Writing Automated Tests","12. An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program","13. Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures","14. More about Cargo and","15. Smart Pointers","16. Fearless Concurrency","17. Object Oriented Programming Features of Rust","18. Patterns and Matching","19. Advanced Features","20. Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server","21. Appendix","2. Under the Hood: Executing Futures and Tasks","5. Streams","6. Executing Multiple Futures at a Time","7. Workarounds to Know and Love","9. Final Project: HTTP Server","10. TODO: I/O","11. TODO: Asynchronous Design Patterns: Solutions and Suggestions","Introduction","1. What are editions?","3. Rust 2018","3.2. Module system","3.3. Error handling and panics","3.4. Control flow","3.5. Trait system","3.7. Ownership and lifetimes","3.8. Data types","3.10. Macros","3.11. The compiler","3.13. Cargo and","3.14. Documentation","3.15. rustdoc","3.16. Platform and target support","4. The Next Edition","1.1. Installation","2. Cargo Guide","3. Cargo Reference","3.1. Specifying Dependencies","3.2. The Manifest Format","3.8. Build Scripts","4. Cargo Commands","4.1. General Commands","4.2. Build Commands","4.3. Manifest Commands","4.4. Package Commands","4.5. Publishing Commands","introduction","3. Background And Concepts","4. Tutorial","reference/index","5. Reference","1. Introduction","1.4. Installation","2. Getting started","3. Peripherals","4. Static Guarantees","8. Design Patterns","8.1. HALs","10. Interoperability","11. Unsorted topics","appendix/glossary","1. Algorithms","2. Command Line","3. Compression","4. Concurrency","5. Cryptography","6. Data Structures","7. Database","8. Date and Time","9. Development Tools","9.1. Debugging","10. Encoding","11. Error Handling","12. File System","13. Hardware Support","14. Memory Management","15. Network","16. Operating System","17. Science","17.1. Mathematics","18. Text Processing","19. Web Programming","19.4. Clients","1. Meet Safe and Unsafe","2. Data Layout","3. Ownership","4. Type Conversions","5. Uninitialized Memory","6. Ownership Based Resource Management","7. Unwinding","concurrency","8. Concurrency","9. Implementing Vec","12. Beneath std"];var N=N;var booksIndex=[{"name":C[0],"url":"","pages":[[C[0],"title-page",N],["Foreword","foreword",N],[C[28],"ch00-00-introduction",N],[C[1],"ch01-00-getting-started",N],[C[44],"ch01-01-installation",[C[1]]],["1.2. Hello, World!","ch01-02-hello-world",[C[1]]],["1.3. Hello, Cargo!","ch01-03-hello-cargo",[C[1]]],["2. Programming a Guessing Game","ch02-00-guessing-game-tutorial",N],[C[2],"ch03-00-common-programming-concepts",N],["3.1. Variables and Mutability","ch03-01-variables-and-mutability",[C[2]]],["3.2. Data Types","ch03-02-data-types",[C[2]]],["3.3. Functions","ch03-03-how-functions-work",[C[2]]],["3.4. Comments","ch03-04-comments",[C[2]]],["3.5. Control Flow","ch03-05-control-flow",[C[2]]],[C[3],"ch04-00-understanding-ownership",N],["4.1. What is Ownership?","ch04-01-what-is-ownership",[C[3]]],["4.2. References and Borrowing","ch04-02-references-and-borrowing",[C[3]]],["4.3. The Slice Type","ch04-03-slices",[C[3]]],[C[4],"ch05-00-structs",N],["5.1. Defining and Instantiating Structs","ch05-01-defining-structs",[C[4]]],["5.2. An Example Program Using Structs","ch05-02-example-structs",[C[4]]],["5.3. Method Syntax","ch05-03-method-syntax",[C[4]]],[C[5],"ch06-00-enums",N],["6.1. Defining an Enum","ch06-01-defining-an-enum",[C[5]]],["6.2. The match Control Flow Operator","ch06-02-match",[C[5]]],["6.3. Concise Control Flow with if let","ch06-03-if-let",[C[5]]],[C[6],"ch07-00-managing-growing-projects-with-packages-crates-and-modules",N],["7.1. Packages and Crates","ch07-01-packages-and-crates",[C[6]]],["7.2. Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy","ch07-02-defining-modules-to-control-scope-and-privacy",[C[6]]],["7.3. Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree","ch07-03-paths-for-referring-to-an-item-in-the-module-tree",[C[6]]],["7.4. Bringing Paths Into Scope with the use Keyword","ch07-04-bringing-paths-into-scope-with-the-use-keyword",[C[6]]],["7.5. Separating Modules into Different Files","ch07-05-separating-modules-into-different-files",[C[6]]],[C[7],"ch08-00-common-collections",N],["8.1. Storing Lists of Values with Vectors","ch08-01-vectors",[C[7]]],["8.2. Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings","ch08-02-strings",[C[7]]],["8.3. Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps","ch08-03-hash-maps",[C[7]]],[C[8],"ch09-00-error-handling",N],["9.1. Unrecoverable Errors with panic!","ch09-01-unrecoverable-errors-with-panic",[C[8]]],["9.2. Recoverable Errors with Result","ch09-02-recoverable-errors-with-result",[C[8]]],["9.3. To panic! or Not To panic!","ch09-03-to-panic-or-not-to-panic",[C[8]]],[C[9],"ch10-00-generics",N],["10.1. Generic Data Types","ch10-01-syntax",[C[9]]],["10.2. Traits: Defining Shared Behavior","ch10-02-traits",[C[9]]],["10.3. Validating References with Lifetimes","ch10-03-lifetime-syntax",[C[9]]],[C[10],"ch11-00-testing",N],["11.1. How to Write Tests","ch11-01-writing-tests",[C[10]]],["11.2. Controlling How Tests Are Run","ch11-02-running-tests",[C[10]]],["11.3. Test Organization","ch11-03-test-organization",[C[10]]],[C[11],"ch12-00-an-io-project",N],["12.1. Accepting Command Line Arguments","ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments",[C[11]]],["12.2. Reading a File","ch12-02-reading-a-file",[C[11]]],["12.3. Refactoring to Improve Modularity and Error Handling","ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity",[C[11]]],["12.4. Developing the Library’s Functionality with Test Driven Development","ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality",[C[11]]],["12.5. Working with Environment Variables","ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables",[C[11]]],["12.6. Writing Error Messages to Standard Error Instead of Standard Output","ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout",[C[11]]],[C[12],"ch13-00-functional-features",N],["13.1. Closures: Anonymous Functions that Can Capture Their Environment","ch13-01-closures",[C[12]]],["13.2. Processing a Series of Items with Iterators","ch13-02-iterators",[C[12]]],["13.3. Improving Our I/O Project","ch13-03-improving-our-io-project",[C[12]]],["13.4. Comparing Performance: Loops vs. Iterators","ch13-04-performance",[C[12]]],[C[13],"ch14-00-more-about-cargo",N],["14.1. Customizing Builds with Release Profiles","ch14-01-release-profiles",[C[13]]],["14.2. Publishing a Crate to","ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io",[C[13]]],["14.3. Cargo Workspaces","ch14-03-cargo-workspaces",[C[13]]],["14.4. Installing Binaries from with cargo install","ch14-04-installing-binaries",[C[13]]],["14.5. Extending Cargo with Custom Commands","ch14-05-extending-cargo",[C[13]]],[C[14],"ch15-00-smart-pointers",N],["15.1. Using Box to Point to Data on the Heap","ch15-01-box",[C[14]]],["15.2. Treating Smart Pointers Like Regular References with the Deref Trait","ch15-02-deref",[C[14]]],["15.3. Running Code on Cleanup with the Drop Trait","ch15-03-drop",[C[14]]],["15.4. Rc, the Reference Counted Smart Pointer","ch15-04-rc",[C[14]]],["15.5. RefCell and the Interior Mutability Pattern","ch15-05-interior-mutability",[C[14]]],["15.6. Reference Cycles Can Leak Memory","ch15-06-reference-cycles",[C[14]]],[C[15],"ch16-00-concurrency",N],["16.1. Using Threads to Run Code Simultaneously","ch16-01-threads",[C[15]]],["16.2. Using Message Passing to Transfer Data Between Threads","ch16-02-message-passing",[C[15]]],["16.3. Shared-State Concurrency","ch16-03-shared-state",[C[15]]],["16.4. Extensible Concurrency with the Sync and Send Traits","ch16-04-extensible-concurrency-sync-and-send",[C[15]]],[C[16],"ch17-00-oop",N],["17.1. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages","ch17-01-what-is-oo",[C[16]]],["17.2. Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types","ch17-02-trait-objects",[C[16]]],["17.3. Implementing an Object-Oriented Design Pattern","ch17-03-oo-design-patterns",[C[16]]],[C[17],"ch18-00-patterns",N],["18.1. All the Places Patterns Can Be Used","ch18-01-all-the-places-for-patterns",[C[17]]],["18.2. Refutability: Whether a Pattern Might Fail to Match","ch18-02-refutability",[C[17]]],["18.3. Pattern Syntax","ch18-03-pattern-syntax",[C[17]]],[C[18],"ch19-00-advanced-features",N],["19.1. Unsafe Rust","ch19-01-unsafe-rust",[C[18]]],["19.2. Advanced Traits","ch19-03-advanced-traits",[C[18]]],["19.3. Advanced Types","ch19-04-advanced-types",[C[18]]],["19.4. Advanced Functions and Closures","ch19-05-advanced-functions-and-closures",[C[18]]],["19.5. Macros","ch19-06-macros",[C[18]]],[C[19],"ch20-00-final-project-a-web-server",N],["20.1. Building a Single-Threaded Web Server","ch20-01-single-threaded",[C[19]]],["20.2. Turning Our Single-Threaded Server into a Multithreaded Server","ch20-02-multithreaded",[C[19]]],["20.3. Graceful Shutdown and Cleanup","ch20-03-graceful-shutdown-and-cleanup",[C[19]]],[C[20],"appendix-00",N],["21.1. A - Keywords","appendix-01-keywords",[C[20]]],["21.2. B - Operators and Symbols","appendix-02-operators",[C[20]]],["21.3. C - Derivable Traits","appendix-03-derivable-traits",[C[20]]],["21.4. D - Useful Development Tools","appendix-04-useful-development-tools",[C[20]]],["21.5. E - Editions","appendix-05-editions",[C[20]]],["21.6. F - Translations of the Book","appendix-06-translation",[C[20]]],["21.7. G - How Rust is Made and “Nightly Rust”","appendix-07-nightly-rust",[C[20]]]]},{"name":"Rust Async Book","url":"","pages":[[C[1],"01_getting_started/01_chapter",N],["1.1. Why Async?","01_getting_started/02_why_async",[C[1]]],["1.2. The State of Asynchronous Rust","01_getting_started/03_state_of_async_rust",[C[1]]],["1.3. async/.await Primer","01_getting_started/04_async_await_primer",[C[1]]],[C[21],"02_execution/01_chapter",N],["2.1. The Future Trait","02_execution/02_future",[C[21]]],["2.2. Task Wakeups with Waker","02_execution/03_wakeups",[C[21]]],["2.3. Applied: Build an Executor","02_execution/04_executor",[C[21]]],["2.4. Executors and System IO","02_execution/05_io",[C[21]]],["3. async/await","03_async_await/01_chapter",N],["4. Pinning","04_pinning/01_chapter",N],[C[22],"05_streams/01_chapter",N],["5.1. Iteration and Concurrency","05_streams/02_iteration_and_concurrency",[C[22]]],[C[23],"06_multiple_futures/01_chapter",N],["6.1. join!","06_multiple_futures/02_join",[C[23]]],["6.2. select!","06_multiple_futures/03_select",[C[23]]],["6.3. TODO: Spawning","404",[C[23]]],["6.4. TODO: Cancellation and Timeouts","404",[C[23]]],["6.5. TODO: FuturesUnordered","404",[C[23]]],[C[24],"07_workarounds/01_chapter",N],["7.1. ? in async Blocks","07_workarounds/02_err_in_async_blocks",[C[24]]],["7.2. Send Approximation","07_workarounds/03_send_approximation",[C[24]]],["7.3. Recursion","07_workarounds/04_recursion",[C[24]]],["7.4. async in Traits","07_workarounds/05_async_in_traits",[C[24]]],["8. The Async Ecosystem","08_ecosystem/00_chapter",N],[C[25],"09_example/00_intro",N],["9.1. Running Asynchronous Code","09_example/01_running_async_code",[C[25]]],["9.2. Handling Connections Concurrently","09_example/02_handling_connections_concurrently",[C[25]]],["9.3. Testing the Server","09_example/03_tests",[C[25]]],[C[26],"404",N],["10.1. TODO: AsyncRead and AsyncWrite","404",[C[26]]],[C[27],"404",N],["11.1. TODO: Modeling Servers and the Request/Response Pattern","404",[C[27]]],["11.2. TODO: Managing Shared State","404",[C[27]]]]},{"name":"Rust Edition Guide Book","url":"","pages":[[C[28],C[56],N],[C[29],"editions/index",N],["1.1. Creating a new project","editions/creating-a-new-project",[C[29]]],["1.2. Transitioning an existing project to a new edition","editions/transitioning-an-existing-project-to-a-new-edition",[C[29]]],["2. Rust 2015","rust-2015/index",N],[C[30],"rust-2018/index",N],["3.1. 2018-Specific Changes","rust-2018/edition-changes",[C[30]]],[C[31],"rust-2018/module-system/index",[C[30]]],["3.2.1. Raw identifiers","rust-2018/module-system/raw-identifiers",[C[30],C[31]]],["3.2.2. Path clarity","rust-2018/module-system/path-clarity",[C[30],C[31]]],["3.2.3. More visibility modifiers","rust-2018/module-system/more-visibility-modifiers",[C[30],C[31]]],["3.2.4. Nested imports with use","rust-2018/module-system/nested-imports-with-use",[C[30],C[31]]],[C[32],"rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/index",[C[30]]],["3.3.1. The ? operator for easier error handling","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/the-question-mark-operator-for-easier-error-handling",[C[30],C[32]]],["3.3.2. ? in main and tests","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/question-mark-in-main-and-tests",[C[30],C[32]]],["3.3.3. Controlling panics with std::panic","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/controlling-panics-with-std-panic",[C[30],C[32]]],["3.3.4. Aborting on panic","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/aborting-on-panic",[C[30],C[32]]],[C[33],"rust-2018/control-flow/index",[C[30]]],["3.4.1. Loops can break with a value","rust-2018/control-flow/loops-can-break-with-a-value",[C[30],C[33]]],["3.4.2. async/await for easier concurrency","rust-2018/control-flow/async-await-for-easier-concurrency",[C[30],C[33]]],[C[34],"rust-2018/trait-system/index",[C[30]]],["3.5.1. impl Trait for returning complex types with ease","rust-2018/trait-system/impl-trait-for-returning-complex-types-with-ease",[C[30],C[34]]],["3.5.2. dyn Trait for trait objects","rust-2018/trait-system/dyn-trait-for-trait-objects",[C[30],C[34]]],["3.5.3. More container types support trait objects","rust-2018/trait-system/more-container-types-support-trait-objects",[C[30],C[34]]],["3.5.4. Associated constants","rust-2018/trait-system/associated-constants",[C[30],C[34]]],["3.5.5. No more anonymous parameters","rust-2018/trait-system/no-anon-params",[C[30],C[34]]],["3.6. Slice patterns","rust-2018/slice-patterns",[C[30]]],[C[35],"rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/index",[C[30]]],["3.7.1. Non-lexical lifetimes","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/non-lexical-lifetimes",[C[30],C[35]]],["3.7.2. Default match bindings","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/default-match-bindings",[C[30],C[35]]],["3.7.3. '_, the anonymous lifetime","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/the-anonymous-lifetime",[C[30],C[35]]],["3.7.4. Lifetime elision in impl","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/lifetime-elision-in-impl",[C[30],C[35]]],["3.7.5. T: 'a inference in structs","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/inference-in-structs",[C[30],C[35]]],["3.7.6. Simpler lifetimes in static and const","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/simpler-lifetimes-in-static-and-const",[C[30],C[35]]],[C[36],"rust-2018/data-types/index",[C[30]]],["3.8.1. Field init shorthand","rust-2018/data-types/field-init-shorthand",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.8.2. ..= for inclusive ranges","rust-2018/data-types/inclusive-ranges",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.8.3. 128 bit integers","rust-2018/data-types/128-bit-integers",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.8.4. \"Operator-equals\" are now implementable","rust-2018/data-types/operator-equals-are-now-implementable",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.8.5. union for an unsafe form of enum","rust-2018/data-types/union-for-an-unsafe-form-of-enum",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.8.6. Choosing alignment with the repr attribute","rust-2018/data-types/choosing-alignment-with-the-repr-attribute",[C[30],C[36]]],["3.9. SIMD for faster computing","rust-2018/simd-for-faster-computing",[C[30]]],[C[37],"rust-2018/macros/index",[C[30]]],["3.10.1. Custom Derive","rust-2018/macros/custom-derive",[C[30],C[37]]],["3.10.2. Macro changes","rust-2018/macros/macro-changes",[C[30],C[37]]],["3.10.3. At most one repetition","rust-2018/macros/at-most-once",[C[30],C[37]]],[C[38],"rust-2018/the-compiler/index",[C[30]]],["3.11.1. Improved error messages","rust-2018/the-compiler/improved-error-messages",[C[30],C[38]]],["3.11.2. Incremental Compilation for faster compiles","rust-2018/the-compiler/incremental-compilation-for-faster-compiles",[C[30],C[38]]],["3.11.3. An attribute for deprecation","rust-2018/the-compiler/an-attribute-for-deprecation",[C[30],C[38]]],["3.12. Rustup for managing Rust versions","rust-2018/rustup-for-managing-rust-versions",[C[30]]],[C[39],"rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/index",[C[30]]],["3.13.1. cargo check for faster checking","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-check-for-faster-checking",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.2. cargo install for easy installation of tools","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-install-for-easy-installation-of-tools",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.3. cargo new defaults to a binary project","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-new-defaults-to-a-binary-project",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.4. cargo rustc for passing arbitrary flags to rustc","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-rustc-for-passing-arbitrary-flags-to-rustc",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.5. Cargo workspaces for multi-package projects","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-workspaces-for-multi-package-projects",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.6. Multi-file examples","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/multi-file-examples",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.7. Replacing dependencies with patch","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/replacing-dependencies-with-patch",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.8. Cargo can use a local registry replacement","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-can-use-a-local-registry-replacement",[C[30],C[39]]],["3.13.9. disallows wildcard dependencies","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/crates-io-disallows-wildcard-dependencies",[C[30],C[39]]],[C[40],"rust-2018/documentation/index",[C[30]]],["3.14.1. New editions of the \"the book\"","rust-2018/documentation/new-editions-of-the-book",[C[30],C[40]]],["3.14.2. The Rust Bookshelf","rust-2018/documentation/the-rust-bookshelf",[C[30],C[40]]],["3.14.3. The Rustonomicon","rust-2018/documentation/the-rustonomicon",[C[30],C[40]]],["3.14.4. Full documentation for std::os","rust-2018/documentation/std-os-has-documentation-for-all-platforms",[C[30],C[40]]],[C[41],"rust-2018/rustdoc/index",[C[30]]],["3.15.1. Documentation tests can now compile-fail","rust-2018/rustdoc/documentation-tests-can-now-compile-fail",[C[30],C[41]]],["3.15.2. Rustdoc uses CommonMark","rust-2018/rustdoc/rustdoc-uses-commonmark",[C[30],C[41]]],[C[42],"rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/index",[C[30]]],["3.16.1. libcore for low-level Rust","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/libcore-for-low-level-rust",[C[30],C[42]]],["3.16.2. WebAssembly support","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/webassembly-support",[C[30],C[42]]],["3.16.3. Global allocators","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/global-allocators",[C[30],C[42]]],["3.16.4. MSVC toolchain support","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/msvc-toolchain-support",[C[30],C[42]]],["3.16.5. MUSL support for fully static binaries","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/musl-support-for-fully-static-binaries",[C[30],C[42]]],["3.16.6. cdylib crates for C interoperability","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/cdylib-crates-for-c-interoperability",[C[30],C[42]]],[C[43],"rust-next/index",N],["4.1. Next-Specific Changes","rust-next/edition-changes",[C[43]]],["4.2. The dbg! macro","rust-next/dbg-macro",[C[43]]],["4.3. No jemalloc by default","rust-next/no-jemalloc",[C[43]]],["4.4. Uniform Paths","rust-next/uniform-paths",[C[43]]],["4.5. literal macro matcher","rust-next/literal-macro-matcher",[C[43]]],["4.6. ? operator in macros","rust-next/qustion-mark-operator-in-macros",[C[43]]],["4.7. const fn","rust-next/const-fn",[C[43]]],["4.8. Pinning","rust-next/pin",[C[43]]],["4.9. No more FnBox","rust-next/no-more-fnbox",[C[43]]],["4.10. Alternative Cargo Registries","rust-next/alternative-cargo-registries",[C[43]]],["4.11. TryFrom and TryInto","rust-next/tryfrom-and-tryinto",[C[43]]],["4.12. The Future trait","rust-next/future",[C[43]]],["4.13. The alloc crate","rust-next/alloc",[C[43]]],["4.14. MaybeUninit","rust-next/maybe-uninit",[C[43]]],["4.15. cargo vendor","rust-next/cargo-vendor",[C[43]]]]},{"name":"The Cargo Book","url":"","pages":[[C[28],"index",N],[C[1],"getting-started/index",N],[C[44],"getting-started/installation",[C[1]]],["1.2. First Steps with Cargo","getting-started/first-steps",[C[1]]],[C[45],"guide/index",N],["2.1. Why Cargo Exists","guide/why-cargo-exists",[C[45]]],["2.2. Creating a New Package","guide/creating-a-new-project",[C[45]]],["2.3. Working on an Existing Package","guide/working-on-an-existing-project",[C[45]]],["2.4. Dependencies","guide/dependencies",[C[45]]],["2.5. Package Layout","guide/project-layout",[C[45]]],["2.6. Cargo.toml vs Cargo.lock","guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock",[C[45]]],["2.7. Tests","guide/tests",[C[45]]],["2.8. Continuous Integration","guide/continuous-integration",[C[45]]],["2.9. Cargo Home","guide/cargo-home",[C[45]]],["2.10. Build Cache","guide/build-cache",[C[45]]],[C[46],C[59],N],[C[47],"reference/specifying-dependencies",[C[46]]],["3.1.1. Overriding Dependencies","reference/overriding-dependencies",[C[46],C[47]]],[C[48],"reference/manifest",[C[46]]],["3.2.1. Cargo Targets","reference/cargo-targets",[C[46],C[48]]],["3.3. Workspaces","reference/workspaces",[C[46]]],["3.4. Features","reference/features",[C[46]]],["3.5. Profiles","reference/profiles",[C[46]]],["3.6. Configuration","reference/config",[C[46]]],["3.7. Environment Variables","reference/environment-variables",[C[46]]],[C[49],"reference/build-scripts",[C[46]]],["3.8.1. Build Script Examples","reference/build-script-examples",[C[46],C[49]]],["3.9. Publishing on","reference/publishing",[C[46]]],["3.10. Package ID Specifications","reference/pkgid-spec",[C[46]]],["3.11. Source Replacement","reference/source-replacement",[C[46]]],["3.12. External Tools","reference/external-tools",[C[46]]],["3.13. Registries","reference/registries",[C[46]]],["3.14. Dependency Resolution","reference/resolver",[C[46]]],["3.15. SemVer Compatibility","reference/semver",[C[46]]],["3.16. Unstable Features","reference/unstable",[C[46]]],[C[50],"commands/index",N],[C[51],"commands/general-commands",[C[50]]],["4.1.1. cargo","commands/cargo",[C[50],C[51]]],["4.1.2. cargo help","commands/cargo-help",[C[50],C[51]]],["4.1.3. cargo version","commands/cargo-version",[C[50],C[51]]],[C[52],"commands/build-commands",[C[50]]],["4.2.1. cargo bench","commands/cargo-bench",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.2. cargo build","commands/cargo-build",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.3. cargo check","commands/cargo-check",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.4. cargo clean","commands/cargo-clean",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.5. cargo doc","commands/cargo-doc",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.6. cargo fetch","commands/cargo-fetch",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.7. cargo fix","commands/cargo-fix",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.8. cargo run","commands/cargo-run",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.9. cargo rustc","commands/cargo-rustc",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.10. cargo rustdoc","commands/cargo-rustdoc",[C[50],C[52]]],["4.2.11. cargo test","commands/cargo-test",[C[50],C[52]]],[C[53],"commands/manifest-commands",[C[50]]],["4.3.1. cargo generate-lockfile","commands/cargo-generate-lockfile",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.2. cargo locate-project","commands/cargo-locate-project",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.3. cargo metadata","commands/cargo-metadata",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.4. cargo pkgid","commands/cargo-pkgid",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.5. cargo tree","commands/cargo-tree",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.6. cargo update","commands/cargo-update",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.7. cargo vendor","commands/cargo-vendor",[C[50],C[53]]],["4.3.8. cargo verify-project","commands/cargo-verify-project",[C[50],C[53]]],[C[54],"commands/package-commands",[C[50]]],["4.4.1. cargo init","commands/cargo-init",[C[50],C[54]]],["4.4.2. cargo install","commands/cargo-install",[C[50],C[54]]],["4.4.3. cargo new","commands/cargo-new",[C[50],C[54]]],["4.4.4. cargo search","commands/cargo-search",[C[50],C[54]]],["4.4.5. cargo uninstall","commands/cargo-uninstall",[C[50],C[54]]],[C[55],"commands/publishing-commands",[C[50]]],["4.5.1. cargo login","commands/cargo-login",[C[50],C[55]]],["4.5.2. cargo owner","commands/cargo-owner",[C[50],C[55]]],["4.5.3. cargo package","commands/cargo-package",[C[50],C[55]]],["4.5.4. cargo publish","commands/cargo-publish",[C[50],C[55]]],["4.5.5. cargo yank","commands/cargo-yank",[C[50],C[55]]],["5. FAQ","faq",N],["6. Appendix: Glossary",C[70],N],["7. Appendix: Git Authentication","appendix/git-authentication",N]]},{"name":"Rust and WebAssembly Book","url":"","pages":[[C[61],C[56],N],["2. Why Rust and WebAssembly?","why-rust-and-webassembly",N],[C[57],"background-and-concepts",N],["3.1. What is WebAssembly?","what-is-webassembly",[C[57]]],[C[58],"game-of-life/introduction",N],["4.1. Setup","game-of-life/setup",[C[58]]],["4.2. Hello, World!","game-of-life/hello-world",[C[58]]],["4.3. Rules","game-of-life/rules",[C[58]]],["4.4. Implementing Life","game-of-life/implementing",[C[58]]],["4.5. Testing Life","game-of-life/testing",[C[58]]],["4.6. Debugging","game-of-life/debugging",[C[58]]],["4.7. Adding Interactivity","game-of-life/interactivity",[C[58]]],["4.8. Time Profiling","game-of-life/time-profiling",[C[58]]],["4.9. Shrinking .wasm Size","game-of-life/code-size",[C[58]]],["4.10. Publishing to npm","game-of-life/publishing-to-npm",[C[58]]],[C[60],C[59],N],["5.1. Crates You Should Know","reference/crates",[C[60]]],["5.2. Tools You Should Know","reference/tools",[C[60]]],["5.3. Project Templates","reference/project-templates",[C[60]]],["5.4. Debugging","reference/debugging",[C[60]]],["5.5. Time Profiling","reference/time-profiling",[C[60]]],["5.6. Shrinking .wasm Size","reference/code-size",[C[60]]],["5.7. JavaScript Interoperation","reference/js-ffi",[C[60]]],["5.8. Which Crates Will Work Off-the-Shelf with WebAssembly?","reference/which-crates-work-with-wasm",[C[60]]],["5.9. How to Add WebAssembly Support to a General-Purpose Crate","reference/add-wasm-support-to-crate",[C[60]]],["5.10. Deploying Rust and WebAssembly to Production","reference/deploying-to-production",[C[60]]]]},{"name":"The Embedded Rust Book","url":"","pages":[[C[61],"intro/index",N],["1.1. Hardware","intro/hardware",[C[61]]],["1.2. no_std","intro/no-std",[C[61]]],["1.3. Tooling","intro/tooling",[C[61]]],[C[62],"intro/install",[C[61]]],["1.4.1. Linux","intro/install/linux",[C[61],C[62]]],["1.4.2. MacOS","intro/install/macos",[C[61],C[62]]],["1.4.3. Windows","intro/install/windows",[C[61],C[62]]],["1.4.4. Verify Installation","intro/install/verify",[C[61],C[62]]],[C[63],"start/index",N],["2.1. QEMU","start/qemu",[C[63]]],["2.2. Hardware","start/hardware",[C[63]]],["2.3. Memory-mapped Registers","start/registers",[C[63]]],["2.4. Semihosting","start/semihosting",[C[63]]],["2.5. Panicking","start/panicking",[C[63]]],["2.6. Exceptions","start/exceptions",[C[63]]],["2.7. Interrupts","start/interrupts",[C[63]]],["2.8. IO","start/io",[C[63]]],[C[64],"peripherals/index",N],["3.1. A first attempt in Rust","peripherals/a-first-attempt",[C[64]]],["3.2. The Borrow Checker","peripherals/borrowck",[C[64]]],["3.3. Singletons","peripherals/singletons",[C[64]]],[C[65],"static-guarantees/index",N],["4.1. Typestate Programming","static-guarantees/typestate-programming",[C[65]]],["4.2. Peripherals as State Machines","static-guarantees/state-machines",[C[65]]],["4.3. Design Contracts","static-guarantees/design-contracts",[C[65]]],["4.4. Zero Cost Abstractions","static-guarantees/zero-cost-abstractions",[C[65]]],["5. Portability","portability/index",N],["6. Concurrency","concurrency/index",N],["7. Collections","collections/index",N],[C[66],"design-patterns/index",N],[C[67],"design-patterns/hal/index",[C[66]]],["8.1.1. Checklist","design-patterns/hal/checklist",[C[66],C[67]]],["8.1.2. Naming","design-patterns/hal/naming",[C[66],C[67]]],["8.1.3. Interoperability","design-patterns/hal/interoperability",[C[66],C[67]]],["8.1.4. Predictability","design-patterns/hal/predictability",[C[66],C[67]]],["8.1.5. GPIO","design-patterns/hal/gpio",[C[66],C[67]]],["9. Tips for embedded C developers","c-tips/index",N],[C[68],"interoperability/index",N],["10.1. A little C with your Rust","interoperability/c-with-rust",[C[68]]],["10.2. A little Rust with your C","interoperability/rust-with-c",[C[68]]],[C[69],"unsorted/index",N],["11.1. Optimizations: The speed size tradeoff","unsorted/speed-vs-size",[C[69]]],["Appendix A: Glossary",C[70],N]]},{"name":"The Rust Cookbook","url":"","pages":[["Table of Contents","intro",N],["About","about",N],[C[71],"algorithms",N],["1.1. Generate Random Values","algorithms/randomness",[C[71]]],["1.2. Sort a Vector","algorithms/sorting",[C[71]]],[C[72],"cli",N],["2.1. Argument Parsing","cli/arguments",[C[72]]],["2.2. ANSI Terminal","cli/ansi_terminal",[C[72]]],[C[73],"compression",N],["3.1. Working with Tarballs","compression/tar",[C[73]]],[C[74],C[100],N],["4.1. Explicit Threads","concurrency/threads",[C[74]]],["4.2. Data Parallelism","concurrency/parallel",[C[74]]],[C[75],"cryptography",N],["5.1. Hashing","cryptography/hashing",[C[75]]],["5.2. Encryption","cryptography/encryption",[C[75]]],[C[76],"data_structures",N],["6.1. Bitfield","data_structures/bitfield",[C[76]]],[C[77],"database",N],["7.1. SQLite","database/sqlite",[C[77]]],["7.2. Postgres","database/postgres",[C[77]]],[C[78],"datetime",N],["8.1. Duration and Calculation","datetime/duration",[C[78]]],["8.2. Parsing and Displaying","datetime/parse",[C[78]]],[C[79],"development_tools",N],[C[80],"development_tools/debugging",[C[79]]],["9.1.1. Log Messages","development_tools/debugging/log",[C[79],C[80]]],["9.1.2. Configure Logging","development_tools/debugging/config_log",[C[79],C[80]]],["9.2. Versioning","development_tools/versioning",[C[79]]],["9.3. Build Time Tooling","development_tools/build_tools",[C[79]]],[C[81],"encoding",N],["10.1. Character Sets","encoding/strings",[C[81]]],["10.2. CSV processing","encoding/csv",[C[81]]],["10.3. Structured Data","encoding/complex",[C[81]]],[C[82],"errors",N],["11.1. Handle Error Variants","errors/handle",[C[82]]],[C[83],"file",N],["12.1. Read & Write","file/read-write",[C[83]]],["12.2. Directory Traversal","file/dir",[C[83]]],[C[84],"hardware",N],["13.1. Processor","hardware/processor",[C[84]]],[C[85],"mem",N],["14.1. Global Static","mem/global_static",[C[85]]],[C[86],"net",N],["15.1. Server","net/server",[C[86]]],[C[87],"os",N],["16.1. External Command","os/external",[C[87]]],[C[88],"science",N],[C[89],"science/mathematics",[C[88]]],["17.1.1. Linear Algebra","science/mathematics/linear_algebra",[C[88],C[89]]],["17.1.2. Trigonometry","science/mathematics/trigonometry",[C[88],C[89]]],["17.1.3. Complex Numbers","science/mathematics/complex_numbers",[C[88],C[89]]],["17.1.4. Statistics","science/mathematics/statistics",[C[88],C[89]]],["17.1.5. Miscellaneous","science/mathematics/miscellaneous",[C[88],C[89]]],[C[90],"text",N],["18.1. Regular Expressions","text/regex",[C[90]]],["18.2. String Parsing","text/string_parsing",[C[90]]],[C[91],"web",N],["19.1. Extracting Links","web/scraping",[C[91]]],["19.2. URL","web/url",[C[91]]],["19.3. Media Types","web/mime",[C[91]]],[C[92],"web/clients",[C[91]]],["19.4.1. Making Requests","web/clients/requests",[C[91],C[92]]],["19.4.2. Calling a Web API","web/clients/apis",[C[91],C[92]]],["19.4.3. Downloads","web/clients/download",[C[91],C[92]]],["19.4.4. Web Authentication","web/clients/authentication",[C[91],C[92]]]]},{"name":"The Rustonomicon","url":"","pages":[[C[28],"index",N],[C[93],"meet-safe-and-unsafe",N],["1.1. How Safe and Unsafe Interact","safe-unsafe-meaning",[C[93]]],["1.2. What Unsafe Can Do","what-unsafe-does",[C[93]]],["1.3. Working with Unsafe","working-with-unsafe",[C[93]]],[C[94],"data",N],["2.1. repr(Rust)","repr-rust",[C[94]]],["2.2. Exotically Sized Types","exotic-sizes",[C[94]]],["2.3. Other reprs","other-reprs",[C[94]]],[C[95],"ownership",N],["3.1. References","references",[C[95]]],["3.2. Aliasing","aliasing",[C[95]]],["3.3. Lifetimes","lifetimes",[C[95]]],["3.4. Limits of Lifetimes","lifetime-mismatch",[C[95]]],["3.5. Lifetime Elision","lifetime-elision",[C[95]]],["3.6. Unbounded Lifetimes","unbounded-lifetimes",[C[95]]],["3.7. Higher-Rank Trait Bounds","hrtb",[C[95]]],["3.8. Subtyping and Variance","subtyping",[C[95]]],["3.9. Drop Check","dropck",[C[95]]],["3.10. PhantomData","phantom-data",[C[95]]],["3.11. Splitting Borrows","borrow-splitting",[C[95]]],[C[96],"conversions",N],["4.1. Coercions","coercions",[C[96]]],["4.2. The Dot Operator","dot-operator",[C[96]]],["4.3. Casts","casts",[C[96]]],["4.4. Transmutes","transmutes",[C[96]]],[C[97],"uninitialized",N],["5.1. Checked","checked-uninit",[C[97]]],["5.2. Drop Flags","drop-flags",[C[97]]],["5.3. Unchecked","unchecked-uninit",[C[97]]],[C[98],"obrm",N],["6.1. Constructors","constructors",[C[98]]],["6.2. Destructors","destructors",[C[98]]],["6.3. Leaking","leaking",[C[98]]],[C[99],"unwinding",N],["7.1. Exception Safety","exception-safety",[C[99]]],["7.2. Poisoning","poisoning",[C[99]]],[C[101],C[100],N],["8.1. Races","races",[C[101]]],["8.2. Send and Sync","send-and-sync",[C[101]]],["8.3. Atomics","atomics",[C[101]]],[C[102],"vec",N],["9.1. Layout","vec-layout",[C[102]]],["9.2. Allocating","vec-alloc",[C[102]]],["9.3. Push and Pop","vec-push-pop",[C[102]]],["9.4. Deallocating","vec-dealloc",[C[102]]],["9.5. Deref","vec-deref",[C[102]]],["9.6. Insert and Remove","vec-insert-remove",[C[102]]],["9.7. IntoIter","vec-into-iter",[C[102]]],["9.8. RawVec","vec-raw",[C[102]]],["9.9. Drain","vec-drain",[C[102]]],["9.10. Handling Zero-Sized Types","vec-zsts",[C[102]]],["9.11. Final Code","vec-final",[C[102]]],["10. Implementing Arc and Mutex","arc-and-mutex",N],["11. FFI","ffi",N],[C[103],"beneath-std",N],["12.1. #[panic_handler]","panic-handler",[C[103]]]]}]; \ No newline at end of file +var C=["The Rust Programming Language","1. Getting Started","3. Common Programming Concepts","4. Understanding Ownership","5. Using Structs to Structure Related Data","6. Enums and Pattern Matching","7. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules","8. Common Collections","9. Error Handling","10. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes","11. Writing Automated Tests","12. An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program","13. Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures","14. More about Cargo and","15. Smart Pointers","16. Fearless Concurrency","17. Object Oriented Programming Features of Rust","18. Patterns and Matching","19. Advanced Features","20. Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server","21. Appendix","2. Under the Hood: Executing Futures and Tasks","5. Streams","6. Executing Multiple Futures at a Time","7. Workarounds to Know and Love","9. Final Project: HTTP Server","Introduction","1. What are editions?","3. Rust 2018","3.2. Module system","3.3. Error handling and panics","3.4. Control flow","3.5. Trait system","3.7. Ownership and lifetimes","3.8. Data types","3.10. Macros","3.11. The compiler","3.13. Cargo and","3.14. Documentation","3.15. rustdoc","3.16. Platform and target support","4. The Next Edition","1.1. Installation","2. Cargo Guide","3. Cargo Reference","3.1. Specifying Dependencies","3.2. The Manifest Format","3.4. Features","3.8. Build Scripts","4. Cargo Commands","4.1. General Commands","4.2. Build Commands","4.3. Manifest Commands","4.4. Package Commands","4.5. Publishing Commands","introduction","3. Background And Concepts","4. Tutorial","reference/index","5. Reference","1. Introduction","1.4. Installation","2. Getting started","3. Peripherals","4. Static Guarantees","8. Design Patterns","8.1. HALs","10. Interoperability","11. Unsorted topics","appendix/glossary","1. Algorithms","2. Command Line","3. Compression","4. Concurrency","5. Cryptography","6. Data Structures","7. Database","8. Date and Time","9. Development Tools","9.1. Debugging","10. Encoding","11. Error Handling","12. File System","13. Hardware Support","14. Memory Management","15. Network","16. Operating System","17. Science","17.1. Mathematics","18. Text Processing","19. Web Programming","19.4. Clients","1. Meet Safe and Unsafe","2. Data Layout","3. Ownership","4. Type Conversions","5. Uninitialized Memory","6. Ownership Based Resource Management","7. Unwinding","concurrency","8. Concurrency","9. Implementing Vec","10. Implementing Arc and Mutex","10.1. Arc","12. Beneath std","2. Lexical structure","3. Macros","6. Items","7. Attributes","8. Statements and expressions","8.2. Expressions","10. Type system","10.1. Types","subtyping","destructors","lifetime-elision","12. Names","13. Memory model","15. Unsafety","19. Appendices","The Unstable Book","1. Compiler flags","2. Language features","3. Library Features","The Embedded Rust Book","intro/index","1.1. Hardware","intro/hardware","1.2. no_std","intro/no-std","1.3. Tooling","intro/tooling","intro/install","1.4.1. Linux","intro/install/linux","1.4.2. MacOS","intro/install/macos","1.4.3. Windows","intro/install/windows","1.4.4. Verify Installation","intro/install/verify","start/index","2.1. QEMU","start/qemu","2.2. Hardware","start/hardware","2.3. Memory-mapped Registers","start/registers","2.4. Semihosting","start/semihosting","2.5. Panicking","start/panicking","2.6. Exceptions","start/exceptions","2.7. Interrupts","start/interrupts","peripherals/index","3.1. A first attempt in Rust","peripherals/a-first-attempt","3.2. The Borrow Checker","peripherals/borrowck","3.3. Singletons","peripherals/singletons","static-guarantees/index","4.1. Typestate Programming","static-guarantees/typestate-programming","4.2. Peripherals as State Machines","static-guarantees/state-machines","4.3. Design Contracts","static-guarantees/design-contracts","4.4. Zero Cost Abstractions","static-guarantees/zero-cost-abstractions","5. Portability","portability/index","6. Concurrency","concurrency/index","7. Collections","collections/index","design-patterns/index","design-patterns/hal/index","8.1.1. Checklist","design-patterns/hal/checklist","8.1.2. Naming","design-patterns/hal/naming","8.1.3. Interoperability","design-patterns/hal/interoperability","8.1.4. Predictability","design-patterns/hal/predictability","8.1.5. GPIO","design-patterns/hal/gpio","9. Tips for embedded C developers","c-tips/index","interoperability/index","10.1. A little C with your Rust","interoperability/c-with-rust","10.2. A little Rust with your C","interoperability/rust-with-c","unsorted/index","11.1. Optimizations: The speed size tradeoff","unsorted/speed-vs-size","Appendix A: Glossary","1. How to Build and Run the Compiler","2. The compiler testing framework","4. Profiling the compiler","17. Notification groups","23. Queries: demand-driven compilation","30. The Rustc Driver and Interface","31. Syntax and the AST","32. The HIR (High-level IR)","34. The MIR (Mid-level IR)","identifiers","38. The ty module: representing types","40. Trait solving","40.5. Chalk-based trait solving","41. Type checking","44. The borrow checker","44.1. Tracking moves and initialization","44.3. Region inference","46. Errors and Lints","50. Constant evaluation","53. Code Generation","About this guide","about-this-guide","getting-started","1. The feature lifecycle","2. Code considerations","2.1. Design","2.2. Breaking changes","2.3. Safety and soundness","2.4. Using unstable language features","2.5. Performance","3. Tools and bots"];var N=N;var booksIndex=[{"name":C[0],"url":"","pages":[[C[0],"title-page",N],["Foreword","foreword",N],[C[26],"ch00-00-introduction",N],[C[1],"ch01-00-getting-started",N],[C[42],"ch01-01-installation",[C[1]]],["1.2. Hello, World!","ch01-02-hello-world",[C[1]]],["1.3. Hello, Cargo!","ch01-03-hello-cargo",[C[1]]],["2. Programming a Guessing Game","ch02-00-guessing-game-tutorial",N],[C[2],"ch03-00-common-programming-concepts",N],["3.1. Variables and Mutability","ch03-01-variables-and-mutability",[C[2]]],["3.2. Data Types","ch03-02-data-types",[C[2]]],["3.3. Functions","ch03-03-how-functions-work",[C[2]]],["3.4. Comments","ch03-04-comments",[C[2]]],["3.5. Control Flow","ch03-05-control-flow",[C[2]]],[C[3],"ch04-00-understanding-ownership",N],["4.1. What is Ownership?","ch04-01-what-is-ownership",[C[3]]],["4.2. References and Borrowing","ch04-02-references-and-borrowing",[C[3]]],["4.3. The Slice Type","ch04-03-slices",[C[3]]],[C[4],"ch05-00-structs",N],["5.1. Defining and Instantiating Structs","ch05-01-defining-structs",[C[4]]],["5.2. An Example Program Using Structs","ch05-02-example-structs",[C[4]]],["5.3. Method Syntax","ch05-03-method-syntax",[C[4]]],[C[5],"ch06-00-enums",N],["6.1. Defining an Enum","ch06-01-defining-an-enum",[C[5]]],["6.2. The match Control Flow Operator","ch06-02-match",[C[5]]],["6.3. Concise Control Flow with if let","ch06-03-if-let",[C[5]]],[C[6],"ch07-00-managing-growing-projects-with-packages-crates-and-modules",N],["7.1. Packages and Crates","ch07-01-packages-and-crates",[C[6]]],["7.2. Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy","ch07-02-defining-modules-to-control-scope-and-privacy",[C[6]]],["7.3. Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree","ch07-03-paths-for-referring-to-an-item-in-the-module-tree",[C[6]]],["7.4. Bringing Paths Into Scope with the use Keyword","ch07-04-bringing-paths-into-scope-with-the-use-keyword",[C[6]]],["7.5. Separating Modules into Different Files","ch07-05-separating-modules-into-different-files",[C[6]]],[C[7],"ch08-00-common-collections",N],["8.1. Storing Lists of Values with Vectors","ch08-01-vectors",[C[7]]],["8.2. Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings","ch08-02-strings",[C[7]]],["8.3. Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps","ch08-03-hash-maps",[C[7]]],[C[8],"ch09-00-error-handling",N],["9.1. Unrecoverable Errors with panic!","ch09-01-unrecoverable-errors-with-panic",[C[8]]],["9.2. Recoverable Errors with Result","ch09-02-recoverable-errors-with-result",[C[8]]],["9.3. To panic! or Not To panic!","ch09-03-to-panic-or-not-to-panic",[C[8]]],[C[9],"ch10-00-generics",N],["10.1. Generic Data Types","ch10-01-syntax",[C[9]]],["10.2. Traits: Defining Shared Behavior","ch10-02-traits",[C[9]]],["10.3. Validating References with Lifetimes","ch10-03-lifetime-syntax",[C[9]]],[C[10],"ch11-00-testing",N],["11.1. How to Write Tests","ch11-01-writing-tests",[C[10]]],["11.2. Controlling How Tests Are Run","ch11-02-running-tests",[C[10]]],["11.3. Test Organization","ch11-03-test-organization",[C[10]]],[C[11],"ch12-00-an-io-project",N],["12.1. Accepting Command Line Arguments","ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments",[C[11]]],["12.2. Reading a File","ch12-02-reading-a-file",[C[11]]],["12.3. Refactoring to Improve Modularity and Error Handling","ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity",[C[11]]],["12.4. Developing the Library’s Functionality with Test Driven Development","ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality",[C[11]]],["12.5. Working with Environment Variables","ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables",[C[11]]],["12.6. Writing Error Messages to Standard Error Instead of Standard Output","ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout",[C[11]]],[C[12],"ch13-00-functional-features",N],["13.1. Closures: Anonymous Functions that Can Capture Their Environment","ch13-01-closures",[C[12]]],["13.2. Processing a Series of Items with Iterators","ch13-02-iterators",[C[12]]],["13.3. Improving Our I/O Project","ch13-03-improving-our-io-project",[C[12]]],["13.4. Comparing Performance: Loops vs. Iterators","ch13-04-performance",[C[12]]],[C[13],"ch14-00-more-about-cargo",N],["14.1. Customizing Builds with Release Profiles","ch14-01-release-profiles",[C[13]]],["14.2. Publishing a Crate to","ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io",[C[13]]],["14.3. Cargo Workspaces","ch14-03-cargo-workspaces",[C[13]]],["14.4. Installing Binaries from with cargo install","ch14-04-installing-binaries",[C[13]]],["14.5. Extending Cargo with Custom Commands","ch14-05-extending-cargo",[C[13]]],[C[14],"ch15-00-smart-pointers",N],["15.1. Using Box to Point to Data on the Heap","ch15-01-box",[C[14]]],["15.2. Treating Smart Pointers Like Regular References with the Deref Trait","ch15-02-deref",[C[14]]],["15.3. Running Code on Cleanup with the Drop Trait","ch15-03-drop",[C[14]]],["15.4. Rc, the Reference Counted Smart Pointer","ch15-04-rc",[C[14]]],["15.5. RefCell and the Interior Mutability Pattern","ch15-05-interior-mutability",[C[14]]],["15.6. Reference Cycles Can Leak Memory","ch15-06-reference-cycles",[C[14]]],[C[15],"ch16-00-concurrency",N],["16.1. Using Threads to Run Code Simultaneously","ch16-01-threads",[C[15]]],["16.2. Using Message Passing to Transfer Data Between Threads","ch16-02-message-passing",[C[15]]],["16.3. Shared-State Concurrency","ch16-03-shared-state",[C[15]]],["16.4. Extensible Concurrency with the Sync and Send Traits","ch16-04-extensible-concurrency-sync-and-send",[C[15]]],[C[16],"ch17-00-oop",N],["17.1. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages","ch17-01-what-is-oo",[C[16]]],["17.2. Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types","ch17-02-trait-objects",[C[16]]],["17.3. Implementing an Object-Oriented Design Pattern","ch17-03-oo-design-patterns",[C[16]]],[C[17],"ch18-00-patterns",N],["18.1. All the Places Patterns Can Be Used","ch18-01-all-the-places-for-patterns",[C[17]]],["18.2. Refutability: Whether a Pattern Might Fail to Match","ch18-02-refutability",[C[17]]],["18.3. Pattern Syntax","ch18-03-pattern-syntax",[C[17]]],[C[18],"ch19-00-advanced-features",N],["19.1. Unsafe Rust","ch19-01-unsafe-rust",[C[18]]],["19.2. Advanced Traits","ch19-03-advanced-traits",[C[18]]],["19.3. Advanced Types","ch19-04-advanced-types",[C[18]]],["19.4. Advanced Functions and Closures","ch19-05-advanced-functions-and-closures",[C[18]]],["19.5. Macros","ch19-06-macros",[C[18]]],[C[19],"ch20-00-final-project-a-web-server",N],["20.1. Building a Single-Threaded Web Server","ch20-01-single-threaded",[C[19]]],["20.2. Turning Our Single-Threaded Server into a Multithreaded Server","ch20-02-multithreaded",[C[19]]],["20.3. Graceful Shutdown and Cleanup","ch20-03-graceful-shutdown-and-cleanup",[C[19]]],[C[20],"appendix-00",N],["21.1. A - Keywords","appendix-01-keywords",[C[20]]],["21.2. B - Operators and Symbols","appendix-02-operators",[C[20]]],["21.3. C - Derivable Traits","appendix-03-derivable-traits",[C[20]]],["21.4. D - Useful Development Tools","appendix-04-useful-development-tools",[C[20]]],["21.5. E - Editions","appendix-05-editions",[C[20]]],["21.6. F - Translations of the Book","appendix-06-translation",[C[20]]],["21.7. G - How Rust is Made and “Nightly Rust”","appendix-07-nightly-rust",[C[20]]]]},{"name":"Rust Async Book","url":"","pages":[[C[1],"01_getting_started/01_chapter",N],["1.1. Why Async?","01_getting_started/02_why_async",[C[1]]],["1.2. The State of Asynchronous Rust","01_getting_started/03_state_of_async_rust",[C[1]]],["1.3. async/.await Primer","01_getting_started/04_async_await_primer",[C[1]]],[C[21],"02_execution/01_chapter",N],["2.1. The Future Trait","02_execution/02_future",[C[21]]],["2.2. Task Wakeups with Waker","02_execution/03_wakeups",[C[21]]],["2.3. Applied: Build an Executor","02_execution/04_executor",[C[21]]],["2.4. Executors and System IO","02_execution/05_io",[C[21]]],["3. async/await","03_async_await/01_chapter",N],["4. Pinning","04_pinning/01_chapter",N],[C[22],"05_streams/01_chapter",N],["5.1. Iteration and Concurrency","05_streams/02_iteration_and_concurrency",[C[22]]],[C[23],"06_multiple_futures/01_chapter",N],["6.1. join!","06_multiple_futures/02_join",[C[23]]],["6.2. select!","06_multiple_futures/03_select",[C[23]]],[C[24],"07_workarounds/01_chapter",N],["7.1. ? in async Blocks","07_workarounds/02_err_in_async_blocks",[C[24]]],["7.2. Send Approximation","07_workarounds/03_send_approximation",[C[24]]],["7.3. Recursion","07_workarounds/04_recursion",[C[24]]],["7.4. async in Traits","07_workarounds/05_async_in_traits",[C[24]]],["8. The Async Ecosystem","08_ecosystem/00_chapter",N],[C[25],"09_example/00_intro",N],["9.1. Running Asynchronous Code","09_example/01_running_async_code",[C[25]]],["9.2. Handling Connections Concurrently","09_example/02_handling_connections_concurrently",[C[25]]],["9.3. Testing the Server","09_example/03_tests",[C[25]]]]},{"name":"Rust Edition Guide Book","url":"","pages":[[C[26],C[55],N],[C[27],"editions/index",N],["1.1. Creating a new project","editions/creating-a-new-project",[C[27]]],["1.2. Transitioning an existing project to a new edition","editions/transitioning-an-existing-project-to-a-new-edition",[C[27]]],["2. Rust 2015","rust-2015/index",N],[C[28],"rust-2018/index",N],["3.1. 2018-Specific Changes","rust-2018/edition-changes",[C[28]]],[C[29],"rust-2018/module-system/index",[C[28]]],["3.2.1. Raw identifiers","rust-2018/module-system/raw-identifiers",[C[28],C[29]]],["3.2.2. Path clarity","rust-2018/module-system/path-clarity",[C[28],C[29]]],["3.2.3. More visibility modifiers","rust-2018/module-system/more-visibility-modifiers",[C[28],C[29]]],["3.2.4. Nested imports with use","rust-2018/module-system/nested-imports-with-use",[C[28],C[29]]],[C[30],"rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/index",[C[28]]],["3.3.1. The ? operator for easier error handling","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/the-question-mark-operator-for-easier-error-handling",[C[28],C[30]]],["3.3.2. ? in main and tests","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/question-mark-in-main-and-tests",[C[28],C[30]]],["3.3.3. Controlling panics with std::panic","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/controlling-panics-with-std-panic",[C[28],C[30]]],["3.3.4. Aborting on panic","rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/aborting-on-panic",[C[28],C[30]]],[C[31],"rust-2018/control-flow/index",[C[28]]],["3.4.1. Loops can break with a value","rust-2018/control-flow/loops-can-break-with-a-value",[C[28],C[31]]],["3.4.2. async/await for easier concurrency","rust-2018/control-flow/async-await-for-easier-concurrency",[C[28],C[31]]],[C[32],"rust-2018/trait-system/index",[C[28]]],["3.5.1. impl Trait for returning complex types with ease","rust-2018/trait-system/impl-trait-for-returning-complex-types-with-ease",[C[28],C[32]]],["3.5.2. dyn Trait for trait objects","rust-2018/trait-system/dyn-trait-for-trait-objects",[C[28],C[32]]],["3.5.3. More container types support trait objects","rust-2018/trait-system/more-container-types-support-trait-objects",[C[28],C[32]]],["3.5.4. Associated constants","rust-2018/trait-system/associated-constants",[C[28],C[32]]],["3.5.5. No more anonymous parameters","rust-2018/trait-system/no-anon-params",[C[28],C[32]]],["3.6. Slice patterns","rust-2018/slice-patterns",[C[28]]],[C[33],"rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/index",[C[28]]],["3.7.1. Non-lexical lifetimes","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/non-lexical-lifetimes",[C[28],C[33]]],["3.7.2. Default match bindings","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/default-match-bindings",[C[28],C[33]]],["3.7.3. '_, the anonymous lifetime","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/the-anonymous-lifetime",[C[28],C[33]]],["3.7.4. Lifetime elision in impl","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/lifetime-elision-in-impl",[C[28],C[33]]],["3.7.5. T: 'a inference in structs","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/inference-in-structs",[C[28],C[33]]],["3.7.6. Simpler lifetimes in static and const","rust-2018/ownership-and-lifetimes/simpler-lifetimes-in-static-and-const",[C[28],C[33]]],[C[34],"rust-2018/data-types/index",[C[28]]],["3.8.1. Field init shorthand","rust-2018/data-types/field-init-shorthand",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.8.2. ..= for inclusive ranges","rust-2018/data-types/inclusive-ranges",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.8.3. 128 bit integers","rust-2018/data-types/128-bit-integers",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.8.4. \"Operator-equals\" are now implementable","rust-2018/data-types/operator-equals-are-now-implementable",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.8.5. union for an unsafe form of enum","rust-2018/data-types/union-for-an-unsafe-form-of-enum",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.8.6. Choosing alignment with the repr attribute","rust-2018/data-types/choosing-alignment-with-the-repr-attribute",[C[28],C[34]]],["3.9. SIMD for faster computing","rust-2018/simd-for-faster-computing",[C[28]]],[C[35],"rust-2018/macros/index",[C[28]]],["3.10.1. Custom Derive","rust-2018/macros/custom-derive",[C[28],C[35]]],["3.10.2. Macro changes","rust-2018/macros/macro-changes",[C[28],C[35]]],["3.10.3. At most one repetition","rust-2018/macros/at-most-once",[C[28],C[35]]],[C[36],"rust-2018/the-compiler/index",[C[28]]],["3.11.1. Improved error messages","rust-2018/the-compiler/improved-error-messages",[C[28],C[36]]],["3.11.2. Incremental Compilation for faster compiles","rust-2018/the-compiler/incremental-compilation-for-faster-compiles",[C[28],C[36]]],["3.11.3. An attribute for deprecation","rust-2018/the-compiler/an-attribute-for-deprecation",[C[28],C[36]]],["3.12. Rustup for managing Rust versions","rust-2018/rustup-for-managing-rust-versions",[C[28]]],[C[37],"rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/index",[C[28]]],["3.13.1. cargo check for faster checking","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-check-for-faster-checking",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.2. cargo install for easy installation of tools","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-install-for-easy-installation-of-tools",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.3. cargo new defaults to a binary project","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-new-defaults-to-a-binary-project",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.4. cargo rustc for passing arbitrary flags to rustc","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-rustc-for-passing-arbitrary-flags-to-rustc",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.5. Cargo workspaces for multi-package projects","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-workspaces-for-multi-package-projects",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.6. Multi-file examples","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/multi-file-examples",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.7. Replacing dependencies with patch","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/replacing-dependencies-with-patch",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.8. Cargo can use a local registry replacement","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/cargo-can-use-a-local-registry-replacement",[C[28],C[37]]],["3.13.9. disallows wildcard dependencies","rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/crates-io-disallows-wildcard-dependencies",[C[28],C[37]]],[C[38],"rust-2018/documentation/index",[C[28]]],["3.14.1. New editions of the \"the book\"","rust-2018/documentation/new-editions-of-the-book",[C[28],C[38]]],["3.14.2. The Rust Bookshelf","rust-2018/documentation/the-rust-bookshelf",[C[28],C[38]]],["3.14.3. The Rustonomicon","rust-2018/documentation/the-rustonomicon",[C[28],C[38]]],["3.14.4. Full documentation for std::os","rust-2018/documentation/std-os-has-documentation-for-all-platforms",[C[28],C[38]]],[C[39],"rust-2018/rustdoc/index",[C[28]]],["3.15.1. Documentation tests can now compile-fail","rust-2018/rustdoc/documentation-tests-can-now-compile-fail",[C[28],C[39]]],["3.15.2. Rustdoc uses CommonMark","rust-2018/rustdoc/rustdoc-uses-commonmark",[C[28],C[39]]],[C[40],"rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/index",[C[28]]],["3.16.1. libcore for low-level Rust","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/libcore-for-low-level-rust",[C[28],C[40]]],["3.16.2. WebAssembly support","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/webassembly-support",[C[28],C[40]]],["3.16.3. Global allocators","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/global-allocators",[C[28],C[40]]],["3.16.4. MSVC toolchain support","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/msvc-toolchain-support",[C[28],C[40]]],["3.16.5. MUSL support for fully static binaries","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/musl-support-for-fully-static-binaries",[C[28],C[40]]],["3.16.6. cdylib crates for C interoperability","rust-2018/platform-and-target-support/cdylib-crates-for-c-interoperability",[C[28],C[40]]],[C[41],"rust-next/index",N],["4.1. Next-Specific Changes","rust-next/edition-changes",[C[41]]],["4.2. The dbg! macro","rust-next/dbg-macro",[C[41]]],["4.3. No jemalloc by default","rust-next/no-jemalloc",[C[41]]],["4.4. Uniform Paths","rust-next/uniform-paths",[C[41]]],["4.5. literal macro matcher","rust-next/literal-macro-matcher",[C[41]]],["4.6. ? operator in macros","rust-next/qustion-mark-operator-in-macros",[C[41]]],["4.7. const fn","rust-next/const-fn",[C[41]]],["4.8. Pinning","rust-next/pin",[C[41]]],["4.9. No more FnBox","rust-next/no-more-fnbox",[C[41]]],["4.10. Alternative Cargo Registries","rust-next/alternative-cargo-registries",[C[41]]],["4.11. TryFrom and TryInto","rust-next/tryfrom-and-tryinto",[C[41]]],["4.12. The Future trait","rust-next/future",[C[41]]],["4.13. The alloc crate","rust-next/alloc",[C[41]]],["4.14. MaybeUninit","rust-next/maybe-uninit",[C[41]]],["4.15. cargo vendor","rust-next/cargo-vendor",[C[41]]]]},{"name":"The Cargo Book","url":"","pages":[[C[26],"index",N],[C[1],"getting-started/index",N],[C[42],"getting-started/installation",[C[1]]],["1.2. First Steps with Cargo","getting-started/first-steps",[C[1]]],[C[43],"guide/index",N],["2.1. Why Cargo Exists","guide/why-cargo-exists",[C[43]]],["2.2. Creating a New Package","guide/creating-a-new-project",[C[43]]],["2.3. Working on an Existing Package","guide/working-on-an-existing-project",[C[43]]],["2.4. Dependencies","guide/dependencies",[C[43]]],["2.5. Package Layout","guide/project-layout",[C[43]]],["2.6. Cargo.toml vs Cargo.lock","guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock",[C[43]]],["2.7. Tests","guide/tests",[C[43]]],["2.8. Continuous Integration","guide/continuous-integration",[C[43]]],["2.9. Cargo Home","guide/cargo-home",[C[43]]],["2.10. Build Cache","guide/build-cache",[C[43]]],[C[44],C[58],N],[C[45],"reference/specifying-dependencies",[C[44]]],["3.1.1. Overriding Dependencies","reference/overriding-dependencies",[C[44],C[45]]],[C[46],"reference/manifest",[C[44]]],["3.2.1. Cargo Targets","reference/cargo-targets",[C[44],C[46]]],["3.3. Workspaces","reference/workspaces",[C[44]]],[C[47],"reference/features",[C[44]]],["3.4.1. Features Examples","reference/features-examples",[C[44],C[47]]],["3.5. Profiles","reference/profiles",[C[44]]],["3.6. Configuration","reference/config",[C[44]]],["3.7. Environment Variables","reference/environment-variables",[C[44]]],[C[48],"reference/build-scripts",[C[44]]],["3.8.1. Build Script Examples","reference/build-script-examples",[C[44],C[48]]],["3.9. Publishing on","reference/publishing",[C[44]]],["3.10. Package ID Specifications","reference/pkgid-spec",[C[44]]],["3.11. Source Replacement","reference/source-replacement",[C[44]]],["3.12. External Tools","reference/external-tools",[C[44]]],["3.13. Registries","reference/registries",[C[44]]],["3.14. Dependency Resolution","reference/resolver",[C[44]]],["3.15. SemVer Compatibility","reference/semver",[C[44]]],["3.16. Unstable Features","reference/unstable",[C[44]]],[C[49],"commands/index",N],[C[50],"commands/general-commands",[C[49]]],["4.1.1. cargo","commands/cargo",[C[49],C[50]]],["4.1.2. cargo help","commands/cargo-help",[C[49],C[50]]],["4.1.3. cargo version","commands/cargo-version",[C[49],C[50]]],[C[51],"commands/build-commands",[C[49]]],["4.2.1. cargo bench","commands/cargo-bench",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.2. cargo build","commands/cargo-build",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.3. cargo check","commands/cargo-check",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.4. cargo clean","commands/cargo-clean",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.5. cargo doc","commands/cargo-doc",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.6. cargo fetch","commands/cargo-fetch",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.7. cargo fix","commands/cargo-fix",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.8. cargo run","commands/cargo-run",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.9. cargo rustc","commands/cargo-rustc",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.10. cargo rustdoc","commands/cargo-rustdoc",[C[49],C[51]]],["4.2.11. cargo test","commands/cargo-test",[C[49],C[51]]],[C[52],"commands/manifest-commands",[C[49]]],["4.3.1. cargo generate-lockfile","commands/cargo-generate-lockfile",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.2. cargo locate-project","commands/cargo-locate-project",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.3. cargo metadata","commands/cargo-metadata",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.4. cargo pkgid","commands/cargo-pkgid",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.5. cargo tree","commands/cargo-tree",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.6. cargo update","commands/cargo-update",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.7. cargo vendor","commands/cargo-vendor",[C[49],C[52]]],["4.3.8. cargo verify-project","commands/cargo-verify-project",[C[49],C[52]]],[C[53],"commands/package-commands",[C[49]]],["4.4.1. cargo init","commands/cargo-init",[C[49],C[53]]],["4.4.2. cargo install","commands/cargo-install",[C[49],C[53]]],["4.4.3. cargo new","commands/cargo-new",[C[49],C[53]]],["4.4.4. cargo search","commands/cargo-search",[C[49],C[53]]],["4.4.5. cargo uninstall","commands/cargo-uninstall",[C[49],C[53]]],[C[54],"commands/publishing-commands",[C[49]]],["4.5.1. cargo login","commands/cargo-login",[C[49],C[54]]],["4.5.2. cargo owner","commands/cargo-owner",[C[49],C[54]]],["4.5.3. cargo package","commands/cargo-package",[C[49],C[54]]],["4.5.4. cargo publish","commands/cargo-publish",[C[49],C[54]]],["4.5.5. cargo yank","commands/cargo-yank",[C[49],C[54]]],["5. FAQ","faq",N],["6. Appendix: Glossary",C[69],N],["7. Appendix: Git Authentication","appendix/git-authentication",N]]},{"name":"Rust and WebAssembly Book","url":"","pages":[[C[60],C[55],N],["2. Why Rust and WebAssembly?","why-rust-and-webassembly",N],[C[56],"background-and-concepts",N],["3.1. What is WebAssembly?","what-is-webassembly",[C[56]]],[C[57],"game-of-life/introduction",N],["4.1. Setup","game-of-life/setup",[C[57]]],["4.2. Hello, World!","game-of-life/hello-world",[C[57]]],["4.3. Rules","game-of-life/rules",[C[57]]],["4.4. Implementing Life","game-of-life/implementing",[C[57]]],["4.5. Testing Life","game-of-life/testing",[C[57]]],["4.6. Debugging","game-of-life/debugging",[C[57]]],["4.7. Adding Interactivity","game-of-life/interactivity",[C[57]]],["4.8. Time Profiling","game-of-life/time-profiling",[C[57]]],["4.9. Shrinking .wasm Size","game-of-life/code-size",[C[57]]],["4.10. Publishing to npm","game-of-life/publishing-to-npm",[C[57]]],[C[59],C[58],N],["5.1. Crates You Should Know","reference/crates",[C[59]]],["5.2. Tools You Should Know","reference/tools",[C[59]]],["5.3. Project Templates","reference/project-templates",[C[59]]],["5.4. Debugging","reference/debugging",[C[59]]],["5.5. Time Profiling","reference/time-profiling",[C[59]]],["5.6. Shrinking .wasm Size","reference/code-size",[C[59]]],["5.7. JavaScript Interoperation","reference/js-ffi",[C[59]]],["5.8. Which Crates Will Work Off-the-Shelf with WebAssembly?","reference/which-crates-work-with-wasm",[C[59]]],["5.9. How to Add WebAssembly Support to a General-Purpose Crate","reference/add-wasm-support-to-crate",[C[59]]],["5.10. Deploying Rust and WebAssembly to Production","reference/deploying-to-production",[C[59]]]]},{"name":C[124],"url":"","pages":[[C[60],C[125],N],[C[126],C[127],[C[60]]],[C[128],C[129],[C[60]]],[C[130],C[131],[C[60]]],[C[61],C[132],[C[60]]],[C[133],C[134],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[135],C[136],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[137],C[138],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[139],C[140],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[62],C[141],N],[C[142],C[143],[C[62]]],[C[144],C[145],[C[62]]],[C[146],C[147],[C[62]]],[C[148],C[149],[C[62]]],[C[150],C[151],[C[62]]],[C[152],C[153],[C[62]]],[C[154],C[155],[C[62]]],["2.8. IO","start/io",[C[62]]],[C[63],C[156],N],[C[157],C[158],[C[63]]],[C[159],C[160],[C[63]]],[C[161],C[162],[C[63]]],[C[64],C[163],N],[C[164],C[165],[C[64]]],[C[166],C[167],[C[64]]],[C[168],C[169],[C[64]]],[C[170],C[171],[C[64]]],[C[172],C[173],N],[C[174],C[175],N],[C[176],C[177],N],[C[65],C[178],N],[C[66],C[179],[C[65]]],[C[180],C[181],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[182],C[183],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[184],C[185],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[186],C[187],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[188],C[189],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[190],C[191],N],[C[67],C[192],N],[C[193],C[194],[C[67]]],[C[195],C[196],[C[67]]],[C[68],C[197],N],[C[198],C[199],[C[68]]],[C[200],C[69],N]]},{"name":"The Rust Cookbook","url":"","pages":[["Table of Contents","intro",N],["About","about",N],[C[70],"algorithms",N],["1.1. Generate Random Values","algorithms/randomness",[C[70]]],["1.2. Sort a Vector","algorithms/sorting",[C[70]]],[C[71],"cli",N],["2.1. Argument Parsing","cli/arguments",[C[71]]],["2.2. ANSI Terminal","cli/ansi_terminal",[C[71]]],[C[72],"compression",N],["3.1. Working with Tarballs","compression/tar",[C[72]]],[C[73],C[99],N],["4.1. Explicit Threads","concurrency/threads",[C[73]]],["4.2. Data Parallelism","concurrency/parallel",[C[73]]],[C[74],"cryptography",N],["5.1. Hashing","cryptography/hashing",[C[74]]],["5.2. Encryption","cryptography/encryption",[C[74]]],[C[75],"data_structures",N],["6.1. Bitfield","data_structures/bitfield",[C[75]]],[C[76],"database",N],["7.1. SQLite","database/sqlite",[C[76]]],["7.2. Postgres","database/postgres",[C[76]]],[C[77],"datetime",N],["8.1. Duration and Calculation","datetime/duration",[C[77]]],["8.2. Parsing and Displaying","datetime/parse",[C[77]]],[C[78],"development_tools",N],[C[79],"development_tools/debugging",[C[78]]],["9.1.1. Log Messages","development_tools/debugging/log",[C[78],C[79]]],["9.1.2. Configure Logging","development_tools/debugging/config_log",[C[78],C[79]]],["9.2. Versioning","development_tools/versioning",[C[78]]],["9.3. Build Time Tooling","development_tools/build_tools",[C[78]]],[C[80],"encoding",N],["10.1. Character Sets","encoding/strings",[C[80]]],["10.2. CSV processing","encoding/csv",[C[80]]],["10.3. Structured Data","encoding/complex",[C[80]]],[C[81],"errors",N],["11.1. Handle Error Variants","errors/handle",[C[81]]],[C[82],"file",N],["12.1. Read & Write","file/read-write",[C[82]]],["12.2. Directory Traversal","file/dir",[C[82]]],[C[83],"hardware",N],["13.1. Processor","hardware/processor",[C[83]]],[C[84],"mem",N],["14.1. Global Static","mem/global_static",[C[84]]],[C[85],"net",N],["15.1. Server","net/server",[C[85]]],[C[86],"os",N],["16.1. External Command","os/external",[C[86]]],[C[87],"science",N],[C[88],"science/mathematics",[C[87]]],["17.1.1. Linear Algebra","science/mathematics/linear_algebra",[C[87],C[88]]],["17.1.2. Trigonometry","science/mathematics/trigonometry",[C[87],C[88]]],["17.1.3. Complex Numbers","science/mathematics/complex_numbers",[C[87],C[88]]],["17.1.4. Statistics","science/mathematics/statistics",[C[87],C[88]]],["17.1.5. Miscellaneous","science/mathematics/miscellaneous",[C[87],C[88]]],[C[89],"text",N],["18.1. Regular Expressions","text/regex",[C[89]]],["18.2. String Parsing","text/string_parsing",[C[89]]],[C[90],"web",N],["19.1. Extracting Links","web/scraping",[C[90]]],["19.2. URL","web/url",[C[90]]],["19.3. Media Types","web/mime",[C[90]]],[C[91],"web/clients",[C[90]]],["19.4.1. Making Requests","web/clients/requests",[C[90],C[91]]],["19.4.2. Calling a Web API","web/clients/apis",[C[90],C[91]]],["19.4.3. Downloads","web/clients/download",[C[90],C[91]]],["19.4.4. Web Authentication","web/clients/authentication",[C[90],C[91]]]]},{"name":"The Rustonomicon","url":"","pages":[[C[26],"index",N],[C[92],"meet-safe-and-unsafe",N],["1.1. How Safe and Unsafe Interact","safe-unsafe-meaning",[C[92]]],["1.2. What Unsafe Can Do","what-unsafe-does",[C[92]]],["1.3. Working with Unsafe","working-with-unsafe",[C[92]]],[C[93],"data",N],["2.1. repr(Rust)","repr-rust",[C[93]]],["2.2. Exotically Sized Types","exotic-sizes",[C[93]]],["2.3. Other reprs","other-reprs",[C[93]]],[C[94],"ownership",N],["3.1. References","references",[C[94]]],["3.2. Aliasing","aliasing",[C[94]]],["3.3. Lifetimes","lifetimes",[C[94]]],["3.4. Limits of Lifetimes","lifetime-mismatch",[C[94]]],["3.5. Lifetime Elision",C[115],[C[94]]],["3.6. Unbounded Lifetimes","unbounded-lifetimes",[C[94]]],["3.7. Higher-Rank Trait Bounds","hrtb",[C[94]]],["3.8. Subtyping and Variance",C[113],[C[94]]],["3.9. Drop Check","dropck",[C[94]]],["3.10. PhantomData","phantom-data",[C[94]]],["3.11. Splitting Borrows","borrow-splitting",[C[94]]],[C[95],"conversions",N],["4.1. Coercions","coercions",[C[95]]],["4.2. The Dot Operator","dot-operator",[C[95]]],["4.3. Casts","casts",[C[95]]],["4.4. Transmutes","transmutes",[C[95]]],[C[96],"uninitialized",N],["5.1. Checked","checked-uninit",[C[96]]],["5.2. Drop Flags","drop-flags",[C[96]]],["5.3. Unchecked","unchecked-uninit",[C[96]]],[C[97],"obrm",N],["6.1. Constructors","constructors",[C[97]]],["6.2. Destructors",C[114],[C[97]]],["6.3. Leaking","leaking",[C[97]]],[C[98],"unwinding",N],["7.1. Exception Safety","exception-safety",[C[98]]],["7.2. Poisoning","poisoning",[C[98]]],[C[100],C[99],N],["8.1. Races","races",[C[100]]],["8.2. Send and Sync","send-and-sync",[C[100]]],["8.3. Atomics","atomics",[C[100]]],[C[101],"vec",N],["9.1. Layout","vec-layout",[C[101]]],["9.2. Allocating","vec-alloc",[C[101]]],["9.3. Push and Pop","vec-push-pop",[C[101]]],["9.4. Deallocating","vec-dealloc",[C[101]]],["9.5. Deref","vec-deref",[C[101]]],["9.6. Insert and Remove","vec-insert-remove",[C[101]]],["9.7. IntoIter","vec-into-iter",[C[101]]],["9.8. RawVec","vec-raw",[C[101]]],["9.9. Drain","vec-drain",[C[101]]],["9.10. Handling Zero-Sized Types","vec-zsts",[C[101]]],["9.11. Final Code","vec-final",[C[101]]],[C[102],"arc-and-mutex",N],[C[103],"arc",[C[102]]],["10.1.1. Layout","arc-layout",[C[102],C[103]]],["10.1.2. Base Code","arc-base",[C[102],C[103]]],["10.1.3. Cloning","arc-clone",[C[102],C[103]]],["10.1.4. Dropping","arc-drop",[C[102],C[103]]],["10.1.5. Final Code","arc-final",[C[102],C[103]]],["11. FFI","ffi",N],[C[104],"beneath-std",N],["12.1. #[panic_handler]","panic-handler",[C[104]]]]},{"name":"The Rust Reference","url":"","pages":[[C[26],C[55],N],["1. Notation","notation",N],[C[105],"lexical-structure",N],["2.1. Input format","input-format",[C[105]]],["2.2. Keywords","keywords",[C[105]]],["2.3. Identifiers",C[210],[C[105]]],["2.4. Comments","comments",[C[105]]],["2.5. Whitespace","whitespace",[C[105]]],["2.6. Tokens","tokens",[C[105]]],[C[106],"macros",N],["3.1. Macros By Example","macros-by-example",[C[106]]],["3.2. Procedural Macros","procedural-macros",[C[106]]],["4. Crates and source files","crates-and-source-files",N],["5. Conditional compilation","conditional-compilation",N],[C[107],"items",N],["6.1. Modules","items/modules",[C[107]]],["6.2. Extern crates","items/extern-crates",[C[107]]],["6.3. Use declarations","items/use-declarations",[C[107]]],["6.4. Functions","items/functions",[C[107]]],["6.5. Type aliases","items/type-aliases",[C[107]]],["6.6. Structs","items/structs",[C[107]]],["6.7. Enumerations","items/enumerations",[C[107]]],["6.8. Unions","items/unions",[C[107]]],["6.9. Constant items","items/constant-items",[C[107]]],["6.10. Static items","items/static-items",[C[107]]],["6.11. Traits","items/traits",[C[107]]],["6.12. Implementations","items/implementations",[C[107]]],["6.13. External blocks","items/external-blocks",[C[107]]],["6.14. Generic parameters","items/generics",[C[107]]],["6.15. Associated Items","items/associated-items",[C[107]]],[C[108],"attributes",N],["7.1. Testing","attributes/testing",[C[108]]],["7.2. Derive","attributes/derive",[C[108]]],["7.3. Diagnostics","attributes/diagnostics",[C[108]]],["7.4. Code generation","attributes/codegen",[C[108]]],["7.5. Limits","attributes/limits",[C[108]]],["7.6. Type System","attributes/type_system",[C[108]]],[C[109],"statements-and-expressions",N],["8.1. Statements","statements",[C[109]]],[C[110],"expressions",[C[109]]],["8.2.1. Literal expressions","expressions/literal-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.2. Path expressions","expressions/path-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.3. Block expressions","expressions/block-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.4. Operator expressions","expressions/operator-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.5. Grouped expressions","expressions/grouped-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.6. Array and index expressions","expressions/array-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.7. Tuple and index expressions","expressions/tuple-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.8. Struct expressions","expressions/struct-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.9. Enum variant expressions","expressions/enum-variant-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.10. Call expressions","expressions/call-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.11. Method call expressions","expressions/method-call-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.12. Field access expressions","expressions/field-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.13. Closure expressions","expressions/closure-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.14. Loop expressions","expressions/loop-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.15. Range expressions","expressions/range-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.16. If and if let expressions","expressions/if-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.17. Match expressions","expressions/match-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.18. Return expressions","expressions/return-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["8.2.19. Await expressions","expressions/await-expr",[C[109],C[110]]],["9. Patterns","patterns",N],[C[111],"type-system",N],[C[112],"types",[C[111]]],["10.1.1. Boolean type","types/boolean",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.2. Numeric types","types/numeric",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.3. Textual types","types/textual",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.4. Never type","types/never",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.5. Tuple types","types/tuple",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.6. Array types","types/array",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.7. Slice types","types/slice",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.8. Struct types","types/struct",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.9. Enumerated types","types/enum",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.10. Union types","types/union",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.11. Function item types","types/function-item",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.12. Closure types","types/closure",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.13. Pointer types","types/pointer",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.14. Function pointer types","types/function-pointer",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.15. Trait object types","types/trait-object",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.16. Impl trait type","types/impl-trait",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.17. Type parameters","types/parameters",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.1.18. Inferred type","types/inferred",[C[111],C[112]]],["10.2. Dynamically Sized Types","dynamically-sized-types",[C[111]]],["10.3. Type layout","type-layout",[C[111]]],["10.4. Interior mutability","interior-mutability",[C[111]]],["10.5. Subtyping and Variance",C[113],[C[111]]],["10.6. Trait and lifetime bounds","trait-bounds",[C[111]]],["10.7. Type coercions","type-coercions",[C[111]]],["10.8. Destructors",C[114],[C[111]]],["10.9. Lifetime elision",C[115],[C[111]]],["11. Special types and traits","special-types-and-traits",N],[C[116],"names",N],["12.1. Namespaces","names/namespaces",[C[116]]],["12.2. Scopes","names/scopes",[C[116]]],["12.3. Preludes","names/preludes",[C[116]]],["12.4. Paths","paths",[C[116]]],["12.5. Name resolution","names/name-resolution",[C[116]]],["12.6. Visibility and privacy","visibility-and-privacy",[C[116]]],[C[117],"memory-model",N],["13.1. Memory allocation and lifetime","memory-allocation-and-lifetime",[C[117]]],["13.2. Memory ownership","memory-ownership",[C[117]]],["13.3. Variables","variables",[C[117]]],["14. Linkage","linkage",N],[C[118],"unsafety",N],["15.1. Unsafe functions","unsafe-functions",[C[118]]],["15.2. Unsafe blocks","unsafe-blocks",[C[118]]],["15.3. Behavior considered undefined","behavior-considered-undefined",[C[118]]],["15.4. Behavior not considered unsafe","behavior-not-considered-unsafe",[C[118]]],["16. Constant Evaluation","const_eval",N],["17. Application Binary Interface","abi",N],["18. The Rust runtime","runtime",N],[C[119],"appendices",N],["19.1. Macro Follow-Set Ambiguity Formal Specification","macro-ambiguity",[C[119]]],["19.2. Influences","influences",[C[119]]],["19.3. Glossary","glossary",[C[119]]]]},{"name":C[120],"url":"","pages":[[C[120],"the-unstable-book",N],[C[121],"compiler-flags",N],["1.1. codegen_backend","compiler-flags/codegen-backend",[C[121]]],["1.2. control_flow_guard","compiler-flags/control-flow-guard",[C[121]]],["1.3. emit_stack_sizes","compiler-flags/emit-stack-sizes",[C[121]]],["1.4. profile","compiler-flags/profile",[C[121]]],["1.5. report_time","compiler-flags/report-time",[C[121]]],["1.6. sanitizer","compiler-flags/sanitizer",[C[121]]],["1.7. self_profile","compiler-flags/self-profile",[C[121]]],["1.8. self_profile_events","compiler-flags/self-profile-events",[C[121]]],["1.9. source_based_code_coverage","compiler-flags/source-based-code-coverage",[C[121]]],["1.10. src_hash_algorithm","compiler-flags/src-hash-algorithm",[C[121]]],["1.11. strip","compiler-flags/strip",[C[121]]],["1.12. tls_model","compiler-flags/tls-model",[C[121]]],["1.13. unsound_mir_opts","compiler-flags/unsound-mir-opts",[C[121]]],[C[122],"language-features",N],["2.1. aarch64_target_feature","language-features/aarch64-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.2. abi_amdgpu_kernel","language-features/abi-amdgpu-kernel",[C[122]]],["2.3. abi_avr_interrupt","language-features/abi-avr-interrupt",[C[122]]],["2.4. abi_c_cmse_nonsecure_call","language-features/abi-c-cmse-nonsecure-call",[C[122]]],["2.5. abi_efiapi","language-features/abi-efiapi",[C[122]]],["2.6. abi_msp430_interrupt","language-features/abi-msp430-interrupt",[C[122]]],["2.7. abi_ptx","language-features/abi-ptx",[C[122]]],["2.8. abi_thiscall","language-features/abi-thiscall",[C[122]]],["2.9. abi_unadjusted","language-features/abi-unadjusted",[C[122]]],["2.10. abi_vectorcall","language-features/abi-vectorcall",[C[122]]],["2.11. abi_x86_interrupt","language-features/abi-x86-interrupt",[C[122]]],["2.12. adx_target_feature","language-features/adx-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.13. alloc_error_handler","language-features/alloc-error-handler",[C[122]]],["2.14. allocator_internals","language-features/allocator-internals",[C[122]]],["2.15. allow_fail","language-features/allow-fail",[C[122]]],["2.16. allow_internal_unsafe","language-features/allow-internal-unsafe",[C[122]]],["2.17. allow_internal_unstable","language-features/allow-internal-unstable",[C[122]]],["2.18. arbitrary_enum_discriminant","language-features/arbitrary-enum-discriminant",[C[122]]],["2.19. arbitrary_self_types","language-features/arbitrary-self-types",[C[122]]],["2.20. arm_target_feature","language-features/arm-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.21. associated_type_bounds","language-features/associated-type-bounds",[C[122]]],["2.22. associated_type_defaults","language-features/associated-type-defaults",[C[122]]],["2.23. async_closure","language-features/async-closure",[C[122]]],["2.24. auto_traits","language-features/auto-traits",[C[122]]],["2.25. avx512_target_feature","language-features/avx512-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.26. bindings_after_at","language-features/bindings-after-at",[C[122]]],["2.27. box_patterns","language-features/box-patterns",[C[122]]],["2.28. box_syntax","language-features/box-syntax",[C[122]]],["2.29. c_variadic","language-features/c-variadic",[C[122]]],["2.30. capture_disjoint_fields","language-features/capture-disjoint-fields",[C[122]]],["2.31. cfg_panic","language-features/cfg-panic",[C[122]]],["2.32. cfg_sanitize","language-features/cfg-sanitize",[C[122]]],["2.33. cfg_target_has_atomic","language-features/cfg-target-has-atomic",[C[122]]],["2.34. cfg_target_thread_local","language-features/cfg-target-thread-local",[C[122]]],["2.35. cfg_version","language-features/cfg-version",[C[122]]],["2.36. cmpxchg16b_target_feature","language-features/cmpxchg16b-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.37. cmse_nonsecure_entry","language-features/cmse-nonsecure-entry",[C[122]]],["2.38. compiler_builtins","language-features/compiler-builtins",[C[122]]],["2.39. const_eval_limit","language-features/const-eval-limit",[C[122]]],["2.40. const_evaluatable_checked","language-features/const-evaluatable-checked",[C[122]]],["2.41. const_extern_fn","language-features/const-extern-fn",[C[122]]],["2.42. const_fn","language-features/const-fn",[C[122]]],["2.43. const_fn_floating_point_arithmetic","language-features/const-fn-floating-point-arithmetic",[C[122]]],["2.44. const_fn_fn_ptr_basics","language-features/const-fn-fn-ptr-basics",[C[122]]],["2.45. const_fn_transmute","language-features/const-fn-transmute",[C[122]]],["2.46. const_fn_union","language-features/const-fn-union",[C[122]]],["2.47. const_generics","language-features/const-generics",[C[122]]],["2.48. const_generics_defaults","language-features/const-generics-defaults",[C[122]]],["2.49. const_impl_trait","language-features/const-impl-trait",[C[122]]],["2.50. const_mut_refs","language-features/const-mut-refs",[C[122]]],["2.51. const_panic","language-features/const-panic",[C[122]]],["2.52. const_precise_live_drops","language-features/const-precise-live-drops",[C[122]]],["2.53. const_raw_ptr_deref","language-features/const-raw-ptr-deref",[C[122]]],["2.54. const_raw_ptr_to_usize_cast","language-features/const-raw-ptr-to-usize-cast",[C[122]]],["2.55. const_refs_to_cell","language-features/const-refs-to-cell",[C[122]]],["2.56. const_trait_bound_opt_out","language-features/const-trait-bound-opt-out",[C[122]]],["2.57. const_trait_impl","language-features/const-trait-impl",[C[122]]],["2.58. crate_visibility_modifier","language-features/crate-visibility-modifier",[C[122]]],["2.59. custom_inner_attributes","language-features/custom-inner-attributes",[C[122]]],["2.60. custom_test_frameworks","language-features/custom-test-frameworks",[C[122]]],["2.61. decl_macro","language-features/decl-macro",[C[122]]],["2.62. default_alloc_error_handler","language-features/default-alloc-error-handler",[C[122]]],["2.63. default_type_parameter_fallback","language-features/default-type-parameter-fallback",[C[122]]],["2.64. destructuring_assignment","language-features/destructuring-assignment",[C[122]]],["2.65. doc_cfg","language-features/doc-cfg",[C[122]]],["2.66. doc_keyword","language-features/doc-keyword",[C[122]]],["2.67. doc_masked","language-features/doc-masked",[C[122]]],["2.68. doc_spotlight","language-features/doc-spotlight",[C[122]]],["2.69. dropck_eyepatch","language-features/dropck-eyepatch",[C[122]]],["2.70. edition_macro_pats","language-features/edition-macro-pats",[C[122]]],["2.71. ermsb_target_feature","language-features/ermsb-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.72. exclusive_range_pattern","language-features/exclusive-range-pattern",[C[122]]],["2.73. exhaustive_patterns","language-features/exhaustive-patterns",[C[122]]],["2.74. extended_key_value_attributes","language-features/extended-key-value-attributes",[C[122]]],["2.75. extern_types","language-features/extern-types",[C[122]]],["2.76. external_doc","language-features/external-doc",[C[122]]],["2.77. f16c_target_feature","language-features/f16c-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.78. ffi_const","language-features/ffi-const",[C[122]]],["2.79. ffi_pure","language-features/ffi-pure",[C[122]]],["2.80. ffi_returns_twice","language-features/ffi-returns-twice",[C[122]]],["2.81. format_args_capture","language-features/format-args-capture",[C[122]]],["2.82. fundamental","language-features/fundamental",[C[122]]],["2.83. generators","language-features/generators",[C[122]]],["2.84. generic_associated_types","language-features/generic-associated-types",[C[122]]],["2.85. half_open_range_patterns","language-features/half-open-range-patterns",[C[122]]],["2.86. hexagon_target_feature","language-features/hexagon-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.87. if_let_guard","language-features/if-let-guard",[C[122]]],["2.88. impl_trait_in_bindings","language-features/impl-trait-in-bindings",[C[122]]],["2.89. in_band_lifetimes","language-features/in-band-lifetimes",[C[122]]],["2.90. infer_static_outlives_requirements","language-features/infer-static-outlives-requirements",[C[122]]],["2.91. inline_const","language-features/inline-const",[C[122]]],["2.92. intra_doc_pointers","language-features/intra-doc-pointers",[C[122]]],["2.93. intrinsics","language-features/intrinsics",[C[122]]],["2.94. isa_attribute","language-features/isa-attribute",[C[122]]],["2.95. label_break_value","language-features/label-break-value",[C[122]]],["2.96. lang_items","language-features/lang-items",[C[122]]],["2.97. lazy_normalization_consts","language-features/lazy-normalization-consts",[C[122]]],["2.98. let_chains","language-features/let-chains",[C[122]]],["2.99. link_args","language-features/link-args",[C[122]]],["2.100. link_cfg","language-features/link-cfg",[C[122]]],["2.101. link_llvm_intrinsics","language-features/link-llvm-intrinsics",[C[122]]],["2.102. linkage","language-features/linkage",[C[122]]],["2.103. lint_reasons","language-features/lint-reasons",[C[122]]],["2.104. main","language-features/main",[C[122]]],["2.105. marker_trait_attr","language-features/marker-trait-attr",[C[122]]],["2.106. member_constraints","language-features/member-constraints",[C[122]]],["2.107. min_specialization","language-features/min-specialization",[C[122]]],["2.108. mips_target_feature","language-features/mips-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.109. movbe_target_feature","language-features/movbe-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.110. naked_functions","language-features/naked-functions",[C[122]]],["2.111. needs_panic_runtime","language-features/needs-panic-runtime",[C[122]]],["2.112. negative_impls","language-features/negative-impls",[C[122]]],["2.113. never_type","language-features/never-type",[C[122]]],["2.114. never_type_fallback","language-features/never-type-fallback",[C[122]]],["2.115. nll","language-features/nll",[C[122]]],["2.116. no_core","language-features/no-core",[C[122]]],["2.117. no_niche","language-features/no-niche",[C[122]]],["2.118. no_sanitize","language-features/no-sanitize",[C[122]]],["2.119. non_ascii_idents","language-features/non-ascii-idents",[C[122]]],["2.120. object_safe_for_dispatch","language-features/object-safe-for-dispatch",[C[122]]],["2.121. omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section","language-features/omit-gdb-pretty-printer-section",[C[122]]],["2.122. optimize_attribute","language-features/optimize-attribute",[C[122]]],["2.123. or_patterns","language-features/or-patterns",[C[122]]],["2.124. panic_runtime","language-features/panic-runtime",[C[122]]],["2.125. platform_intrinsics","language-features/platform-intrinsics",[C[122]]],["2.126. plugin","language-features/plugin",[C[122]]],["2.127. plugin_registrar","language-features/plugin-registrar",[C[122]]],["2.128. powerpc_target_feature","language-features/powerpc-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.129. precise_pointer_size_matching","language-features/precise-pointer-size-matching",[C[122]]],["2.130. prelude_import","language-features/prelude-import",[C[122]]],["2.131. proc_macro_hygiene","language-features/proc-macro-hygiene",[C[122]]],["2.132. profiler_runtime","language-features/profiler-runtime",[C[122]]],["2.133. raw_dylib","language-features/raw-dylib",[C[122]]],["2.134. raw_ref_op","language-features/raw-ref-op",[C[122]]],["2.135. register_attr","language-features/register-attr",[C[122]]],["2.136. register_tool","language-features/register-tool",[C[122]]],["2.137. relaxed_struct_unsize","language-features/relaxed-struct-unsize",[C[122]]],["2.138. repr_simd","language-features/repr-simd",[C[122]]],["2.139. repr128","language-features/repr128",[C[122]]],["2.140. riscv_target_feature","language-features/riscv-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.141. rtm_target_feature","language-features/rtm-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.142. rustc_allow_const_fn_unstable","language-features/rustc-allow-const-fn-unstable",[C[122]]],["2.143. rustc_attrs","language-features/rustc-attrs",[C[122]]],["2.144. rustc_private","language-features/rustc-private",[C[122]]],["2.145. simd_ffi","language-features/simd-ffi",[C[122]]],["2.146. specialization","language-features/specialization",[C[122]]],["2.147. sse4a_target_feature","language-features/sse4a-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.148. staged_api","language-features/staged-api",[C[122]]],["2.149. start","language-features/start",[C[122]]],["2.150. static_nobundle","language-features/static-nobundle",[C[122]]],["2.151. stmt_expr_attributes","language-features/stmt-expr-attributes",[C[122]]],["2.152. structural_match","language-features/structural-match",[C[122]]],["2.153. target_feature_11","language-features/target-feature-11",[C[122]]],["2.154. tbm_target_feature","language-features/tbm-target-feature",[C[122]]],["2.155. test_2018_feature","language-features/test-2018-feature",[C[122]]],["2.156. thread_local","language-features/thread-local",[C[122]]],["2.157. trait_alias","language-features/trait-alias",[C[122]]],["2.158. transparent_unions","language-features/transparent-unions",[C[122]]],["2.159. trivial_bounds","language-features/trivial-bounds",[C[122]]],["2.160. try_blocks","language-features/try-blocks",[C[122]]],["2.161. type_alias_impl_trait","language-features/type-alias-impl-trait",[C[122]]],["2.162. type_ascription","language-features/type-ascription",[C[122]]],["2.163. unboxed_closures","language-features/unboxed-closures",[C[122]]],["2.164. unsafe_block_in_unsafe_fn","language-features/unsafe-block-in-unsafe-fn",[C[122]]],["2.165. unsized_fn_params","language-features/unsized-fn-params",[C[122]]],["2.166. unsized_locals","language-features/unsized-locals",[C[122]]],["2.167. unsized_tuple_coercion","language-features/unsized-tuple-coercion",[C[122]]],["2.168. untagged_unions","language-features/untagged-unions",[C[122]]],["2.169. unwind_attributes","language-features/unwind-attributes",[C[122]]],["2.170. wasm_target_feature","language-features/wasm-target-feature",[C[122]]],[C[123],"library-features",N],["3.1. alloc_error_hook","library-features/alloc-error-hook",[C[123]]],["3.2. alloc_internals","library-features/alloc-internals",[C[123]]],["3.3. alloc_layout_extra","library-features/alloc-layout-extra",[C[123]]],["3.4. alloc_prelude","library-features/alloc-prelude",[C[123]]],["3.5. allocator_api","library-features/allocator-api",[C[123]]],["3.6. arc_new_cyclic","library-features/arc-new-cyclic",[C[123]]],["3.7. array_chunks","library-features/array-chunks",[C[123]]],["3.8. array_error_internals","library-features/array-error-internals",[C[123]]],["3.9. array_from_ref","library-features/array-from-ref",[C[123]]],["3.10. array_map","library-features/array-map",[C[123]]],["3.11. array_methods","library-features/array-methods",[C[123]]],["3.12. array_windows","library-features/array-windows",[C[123]]],["3.13. array_zip","library-features/array-zip",[C[123]]],["3.14. asm","library-features/asm",[C[123]]],["3.15. assoc_char_consts","library-features/assoc-char-consts",[C[123]]],["3.16. assoc_char_funcs","library-features/assoc-char-funcs",[C[123]]],["3.17. async_stream","library-features/async-stream",[C[123]]],["3.18. atomic_fetch_update","library-features/atomic-fetch-update",[C[123]]],["3.19. atomic_from_mut","library-features/atomic-from-mut",[C[123]]],["3.20. atomic_mut_ptr","library-features/atomic-mut-ptr",[C[123]]],["3.21. available_concurrency","library-features/available-concurrency",[C[123]]],["3.22. backtrace","library-features/backtrace",[C[123]]],["3.23. backtrace_frames","library-features/backtrace-frames",[C[123]]],["3.24. binary_heap_drain_sorted","library-features/binary-heap-drain-sorted",[C[123]]],["3.25. binary_heap_into_iter_sorted","library-features/binary-heap-into-iter-sorted",[C[123]]],["3.26. binary_heap_retain","library-features/binary-heap-retain",[C[123]]],["3.27. bool_to_option","library-features/bool-to-option",[C[123]]],["3.28. bound_as_ref","library-features/bound-as-ref",[C[123]]],["3.29. bound_cloned","library-features/bound-cloned",[C[123]]],["3.30. box_into_boxed_slice","library-features/box-into-boxed-slice",[C[123]]],["3.31. box_into_pin","library-features/box-into-pin",[C[123]]],["3.32. btree_drain_filter","library-features/btree-drain-filter",[C[123]]],["3.33. btree_retain","library-features/btree-retain",[C[123]]],["3.34. bufreader_seek_relative","library-features/bufreader-seek-relative",[C[123]]],["3.35. bufwriter_into_raw_parts","library-features/bufwriter-into-raw-parts",[C[123]]],["3.36. c_void_variant","library-features/c-void-variant",[C[123]]],["3.37. can_vector","library-features/can-vector",[C[123]]],["3.38. cell_filter_map","library-features/cell-filter-map",[C[123]]],["3.39. cell_leak","library-features/cell-leak",[C[123]]],["3.40. cell_update","library-features/cell-update",[C[123]]],["3.41. cfg_accessible","library-features/cfg-accessible",[C[123]]],["3.42. char_error_internals","library-features/char-error-internals",[C[123]]],["3.43. char_internals","library-features/char-internals",[C[123]]],["3.44. cmp_min_max_by","library-features/cmp-min-max-by",[C[123]]],["3.45. coerce_unsized","library-features/coerce-unsized",[C[123]]],["3.46. command_access","library-features/command-access",[C[123]]],["3.47. concat_idents","library-features/concat-idents",[C[123]]],["3.48. const_align_of_val","library-features/const-align-of-val",[C[123]]],["3.49. const_align_of_val_raw","library-features/const-align-of-val-raw",[C[123]]],["3.50. const_alloc_layout","library-features/const-alloc-layout",[C[123]]],["3.51. const_assert_type","library-features/const-assert-type",[C[123]]],["3.52. const_assume","library-features/const-assume",[C[123]]],["3.53. const_btree_new","library-features/const-btree-new",[C[123]]],["3.54. const_caller_location","library-features/const-caller-location",[C[123]]],["3.55. const_cell_into_inner","library-features/const-cell-into-inner",[C[123]]],["3.56. const_checked_int_methods","library-features/const-checked-int-methods",[C[123]]],["3.57. const_cow_is_borrowed","library-features/const-cow-is-borrowed",[C[123]]],["3.58. const_cstr_unchecked","library-features/const-cstr-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.59. const_cttz","library-features/const-cttz",[C[123]]],["3.60. const_discriminant","library-features/const-discriminant",[C[123]]],["3.61. const_euclidean_int_methods","library-features/const-euclidean-int-methods",[C[123]]],["3.62. const_float_bits_conv","library-features/const-float-bits-conv",[C[123]]],["3.63. const_float_classify","library-features/const-float-classify",[C[123]]],["3.64. const_heap","library-features/const-heap",[C[123]]],["3.65. const_int_unchecked_arith","library-features/const-int-unchecked-arith",[C[123]]],["3.66. const_intrinsic_copy","library-features/const-intrinsic-copy",[C[123]]],["3.67. const_io_structs","library-features/const-io-structs",[C[123]]],["3.68. const_ip","library-features/const-ip",[C[123]]],["3.69. const_ipv4","library-features/const-ipv4",[C[123]]],["3.70. const_ipv6","library-features/const-ipv6",[C[123]]],["3.71. const_likely","library-features/const-likely",[C[123]]],["3.72. const_maybe_uninit_as_ptr","library-features/const-maybe-uninit-as-ptr",[C[123]]],["3.73. const_maybe_uninit_assume_init","library-features/const-maybe-uninit-assume-init",[C[123]]],["3.74. const_nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","library-features/const-nonnull-slice-from-raw-parts",[C[123]]],["3.75. const_option","library-features/const-option",[C[123]]],["3.76. const_overflowing_int_methods","library-features/const-overflowing-int-methods",[C[123]]],["3.77. const_pin","library-features/const-pin",[C[123]]],["3.78. const_pref_align_of","library-features/const-pref-align-of",[C[123]]],["3.79. const_ptr_is_null","library-features/const-ptr-is-null",[C[123]]],["3.80. const_ptr_offset","library-features/const-ptr-offset",[C[123]]],["3.81. const_ptr_offset_from","library-features/const-ptr-offset-from",[C[123]]],["3.82. const_ptr_read","library-features/const-ptr-read",[C[123]]],["3.83. const_raw_ptr_comparison","library-features/const-raw-ptr-comparison",[C[123]]],["3.84. const_size_of_val","library-features/const-size-of-val",[C[123]]],["3.85. const_size_of_val_raw","library-features/const-size-of-val-raw",[C[123]]],["3.86. const_slice_from_raw_parts","library-features/const-slice-from-raw-parts",[C[123]]],["3.87. const_slice_ptr_len","library-features/const-slice-ptr-len",[C[123]]],["3.88. const_str_from_utf8_unchecked","library-features/const-str-from-utf8-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.89. const_type_id","library-features/const-type-id",[C[123]]],["3.90. const_type_name","library-features/const-type-name",[C[123]]],["3.91. const_unreachable_unchecked","library-features/const-unreachable-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.92. const_wrapping_int_methods","library-features/const-wrapping-int-methods",[C[123]]],["3.93. container_error_extra","library-features/container-error-extra",[C[123]]],["3.94. control_flow_enum","library-features/control-flow-enum",[C[123]]],["3.95. convert_float_to_int","library-features/convert-float-to-int",[C[123]]],["3.96. core_intrinsics","library-features/core-intrinsics",[C[123]]],["3.97. core_panic","library-features/core-panic",[C[123]]],["3.98. core_private_bignum","library-features/core-private-bignum",[C[123]]],["3.99. core_private_diy_float","library-features/core-private-diy-float",[C[123]]],["3.100. cow_is_borrowed","library-features/cow-is-borrowed",[C[123]]],["3.101. cstring_from_vec_with_nul","library-features/cstring-from-vec-with-nul",[C[123]]],["3.102. deadline_api","library-features/deadline-api",[C[123]]],["3.103. debug_non_exhaustive","library-features/debug-non-exhaustive",[C[123]]],["3.104. dec2flt","library-features/dec2flt",[C[123]]],["3.105. default_free_fn","library-features/default-free-fn",[C[123]]],["3.106. derive_clone_copy","library-features/derive-clone-copy",[C[123]]],["3.107. derive_eq","library-features/derive-eq",[C[123]]],["3.108. discriminant_kind","library-features/discriminant-kind",[C[123]]],["3.109. dispatch_from_dyn","library-features/dispatch-from-dyn",[C[123]]],["3.110. div_duration","library-features/div-duration",[C[123]]],["3.111. drain_filter","library-features/drain-filter",[C[123]]],["3.112. duration_constants","library-features/duration-constants",[C[123]]],["3.113. duration_consts_2","library-features/duration-consts-2",[C[123]]],["3.114. duration_saturating_ops","library-features/duration-saturating-ops",[C[123]]],["3.115. duration_zero","library-features/duration-zero",[C[123]]],["3.116. edition_panic","library-features/edition-panic",[C[123]]],["3.117. entry_insert","library-features/entry-insert",[C[123]]],["3.118. error_iter","library-features/error-iter",[C[123]]],["3.119. error_type_id","library-features/error-type-id",[C[123]]],["3.120. exact_size_is_empty","library-features/exact-size-is-empty",[C[123]]],["3.121. extend_one","library-features/extend-one",[C[123]]],["3.122. fd","library-features/fd",[C[123]]],["3.123. fd_read","library-features/fd-read",[C[123]]],["3.124. fixed_size_array","library-features/fixed-size-array",[C[123]]],["3.125. flt2dec","library-features/flt2dec",[C[123]]],["3.126. fmt_as_str","library-features/fmt-as-str",[C[123]]],["3.127. fmt_internals","library-features/fmt-internals",[C[123]]],["3.128. fn_traits","library-features/fn-traits",[C[123]]],["3.129. foo","library-features/foo",[C[123]]],["3.130. forget_unsized","library-features/forget-unsized",[C[123]]],["3.131. format_args_nl","library-features/format-args-nl",[C[123]]],["3.132. future_poll_fn","library-features/future-poll-fn",[C[123]]],["3.133. gen_future","library-features/gen-future",[C[123]]],["3.134. generator_trait","library-features/generator-trait",[C[123]]],["3.135. get_mut_unchecked","library-features/get-mut-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.136. global_asm","library-features/global-asm",[C[123]]],["3.137. hash_drain_filter","library-features/hash-drain-filter",[C[123]]],["3.138. hash_raw_entry","library-features/hash-raw-entry",[C[123]]],["3.139. hash_set_entry","library-features/hash-set-entry",[C[123]]],["3.140. hashmap_internals","library-features/hashmap-internals",[C[123]]],["3.141. inplace_iteration","library-features/inplace-iteration",[C[123]]],["3.142. int_bits_const","library-features/int-bits-const",[C[123]]],["3.143. int_error_internals","library-features/int-error-internals",[C[123]]],["3.144. int_error_matching","library-features/int-error-matching",[C[123]]],["3.145. integer_atomics","library-features/integer-atomics",[C[123]]],["3.146. internal_output_capture","library-features/internal-output-capture",[C[123]]],["3.147. into_future","library-features/into-future",[C[123]]],["3.148. io_into_inner_error_parts","library-features/io-into-inner-error-parts",[C[123]]],["3.149. io_read_to_string","library-features/io-read-to-string",[C[123]]],["3.150. io_slice_advance","library-features/io-slice-advance",[C[123]]],["3.151. ip","library-features/ip",[C[123]]],["3.152. is_sorted","library-features/is-sorted",[C[123]]],["3.153. is_subnormal","library-features/is-subnormal",[C[123]]],["3.154. iter_advance_by","library-features/iter-advance-by",[C[123]]],["3.155. iter_intersperse","library-features/iter-intersperse",[C[123]]],["3.156. iter_is_partitioned","library-features/iter-is-partitioned",[C[123]]],["3.157. iter_map_while","library-features/iter-map-while",[C[123]]],["3.158. iter_order_by","library-features/iter-order-by",[C[123]]],["3.159. iter_partition_in_place","library-features/iter-partition-in-place",[C[123]]],["3.160. layout_for_ptr","library-features/layout-for-ptr",[C[123]]],["3.161. liballoc_internals","library-features/liballoc-internals",[C[123]]],["3.162. libstd_sys_internals","library-features/libstd-sys-internals",[C[123]]],["3.163. libstd_thread_internals","library-features/libstd-thread-internals",[C[123]]],["3.164. linked_list_cursors","library-features/linked-list-cursors",[C[123]]],["3.165. linked_list_prepend","library-features/linked-list-prepend",[C[123]]],["3.166. linked_list_remove","library-features/linked-list-remove",[C[123]]],["3.167. llvm_asm","library-features/llvm-asm",[C[123]]],["3.168. log_syntax","library-features/log-syntax",[C[123]]],["3.169. map_entry_replace","library-features/map-entry-replace",[C[123]]],["3.170. map_first_last","library-features/map-first-last",[C[123]]],["3.171. map_into_keys_values","library-features/map-into-keys-values",[C[123]]],["3.172. maybe_uninit_array_assume_init","library-features/maybe-uninit-array-assume-init",[C[123]]],["3.173. maybe_uninit_extra","library-features/maybe-uninit-extra",[C[123]]],["3.174. maybe_uninit_ref","library-features/maybe-uninit-ref",[C[123]]],["3.175. maybe_uninit_slice","library-features/maybe-uninit-slice",[C[123]]],["3.176. maybe_uninit_uninit_array","library-features/maybe-uninit-uninit-array",[C[123]]],["3.177. maybe_uninit_write_slice","library-features/maybe-uninit-write-slice",[C[123]]],["3.178. new_uninit","library-features/new-uninit",[C[123]]],["3.179. nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","library-features/nonnull-slice-from-raw-parts",[C[123]]],["3.180. nonzero_is_power_of_two","library-features/nonzero-is-power-of-two",[C[123]]],["3.181. nonzero_leading_trailing_zeros","library-features/nonzero-leading-trailing-zeros",[C[123]]],["3.182. num_as_ne_bytes","library-features/num-as-ne-bytes",[C[123]]],["3.183. once_cell","library-features/once-cell",[C[123]]],["3.184. option_expect_none","library-features/option-expect-none",[C[123]]],["3.185. option_insert","library-features/option-insert",[C[123]]],["3.186. option_result_contains","library-features/option-result-contains",[C[123]]],["3.187. option_result_unwrap_unchecked","library-features/option-result-unwrap-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.188. option_unwrap_none","library-features/option-unwrap-none",[C[123]]],["3.189. option_zip","library-features/option-zip",[C[123]]],["3.190. ordering_helpers","library-features/ordering-helpers",[C[123]]],["3.191. osstring_ascii","library-features/osstring-ascii",[C[123]]],["3.192. panic_abort","library-features/panic-abort",[C[123]]],["3.193. panic_info_message","library-features/panic-info-message",[C[123]]],["3.194. panic_internals","library-features/panic-internals",[C[123]]],["3.195. panic_unwind","library-features/panic-unwind",[C[123]]],["3.196. partition_point","library-features/partition-point",[C[123]]],["3.197. pattern","library-features/pattern",[C[123]]],["3.198. peekable_peek_mut","library-features/peekable-peek-mut",[C[123]]],["3.199. peer_credentials_unix_socket","library-features/peer-credentials-unix-socket",[C[123]]],["3.200. pin_static_ref","library-features/pin-static-ref",[C[123]]],["3.201. print_internals","library-features/print-internals",[C[123]]],["3.202. proc_macro_def_site","library-features/proc-macro-def-site",[C[123]]],["3.203. proc_macro_diagnostic","library-features/proc-macro-diagnostic",[C[123]]],["3.204. proc_macro_internals","library-features/proc-macro-internals",[C[123]]],["3.205. proc_macro_is_available","library-features/proc-macro-is-available",[C[123]]],["3.206. proc_macro_quote","library-features/proc-macro-quote",[C[123]]],["3.207. proc_macro_span","library-features/proc-macro-span",[C[123]]],["3.208. proc_macro_tracked_env","library-features/proc-macro-tracked-env",[C[123]]],["3.209. process_exitcode_placeholder","library-features/process-exitcode-placeholder",[C[123]]],["3.210. process_internals","library-features/process-internals",[C[123]]],["3.211. profiler_runtime_lib","library-features/profiler-runtime-lib",[C[123]]],["3.212. ptr_as_uninit","library-features/ptr-as-uninit",[C[123]]],["3.213. ptr_internals","library-features/ptr-internals",[C[123]]],["3.214. range_bounds_assert_len","library-features/range-bounds-assert-len",[C[123]]],["3.215. raw","library-features/raw",[C[123]]],["3.216. raw_vec_internals","library-features/raw-vec-internals",[C[123]]],["3.217. read_initializer","library-features/read-initializer",[C[123]]],["3.218. ready_macro","library-features/ready-macro",[C[123]]],["3.219. receiver_trait","library-features/receiver-trait",[C[123]]],["3.220. restricted_std","library-features/restricted-std",[C[123]]],["3.221. result_cloned","library-features/result-cloned",[C[123]]],["3.222. result_contains_err","library-features/result-contains-err",[C[123]]],["3.223. result_copied","library-features/result-copied",[C[123]]],["3.224. result_flattening","library-features/result-flattening",[C[123]]],["3.225. rt","library-features/rt",[C[123]]],["3.226. seek_stream_len","library-features/seek-stream-len",[C[123]]],["3.227. set_ptr_value","library-features/set-ptr-value",[C[123]]],["3.228. setgroups","library-features/setgroups",[C[123]]],["3.229. sgx_platform","library-features/sgx-platform",[C[123]]],["3.230. shrink_to","library-features/shrink-to",[C[123]]],["3.231. slice_as_chunks","library-features/slice-as-chunks",[C[123]]],["3.232. slice_concat_ext","library-features/slice-concat-ext",[C[123]]],["3.233. slice_concat_trait","library-features/slice-concat-trait",[C[123]]],["3.234. slice_group_by","library-features/slice-group-by",[C[123]]],["3.235. slice_index_methods","library-features/slice-index-methods",[C[123]]],["3.236. slice_internals","library-features/slice-internals",[C[123]]],["3.237. slice_iter_mut_as_slice","library-features/slice-iter-mut-as-slice",[C[123]]],["3.238. slice_partition_at_index","library-features/slice-partition-at-index",[C[123]]],["3.239. slice_partition_dedup","library-features/slice-partition-dedup",[C[123]]],["3.240. slice_pattern","library-features/slice-pattern",[C[123]]],["3.241. slice_ptr_get","library-features/slice-ptr-get",[C[123]]],["3.242. slice_ptr_len","library-features/slice-ptr-len",[C[123]]],["3.243. slice_split_at_unchecked","library-features/slice-split-at-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.244. sort_internals","library-features/sort-internals",[C[123]]],["3.245. std_internals","library-features/std-internals",[C[123]]],["3.246. stdsimd","library-features/stdsimd",[C[123]]],["3.247. step_trait","library-features/step-trait",[C[123]]],["3.248. step_trait_ext","library-features/step-trait-ext",[C[123]]],["3.249. str_internals","library-features/str-internals",[C[123]]],["3.250. str_split_as_str","library-features/str-split-as-str",[C[123]]],["3.251. str_split_inclusive_as_str","library-features/str-split-inclusive-as-str",[C[123]]],["3.252. str_split_once","library-features/str-split-once",[C[123]]],["3.253. string_drain_as_str","library-features/string-drain-as-str",[C[123]]],["3.254. termination_trait_lib","library-features/termination-trait-lib",[C[123]]],["3.255. test","library-features/test",[C[123]]],["3.256. thread_id_value","library-features/thread-id-value",[C[123]]],["3.257. thread_local_internals","library-features/thread-local-internals",[C[123]]],["3.258. thread_spawn_unchecked","library-features/thread-spawn-unchecked",[C[123]]],["3.259. toowned_clone_into","library-features/toowned-clone-into",[C[123]]],["3.260. total_cmp","library-features/total-cmp",[C[123]]],["3.261. trace_macros","library-features/trace-macros",[C[123]]],["3.262. trusted_len","library-features/trusted-len",[C[123]]],["3.263. trusted_random_access","library-features/trusted-random-access",[C[123]]],["3.264. try_find","library-features/try-find",[C[123]]],["3.265. try_reserve","library-features/try-reserve",[C[123]]],["3.266. try_trait","library-features/try-trait",[C[123]]],["3.267. type_name_of_val","library-features/type-name-of-val",[C[123]]],["3.268. unchecked_math","library-features/unchecked-math",[C[123]]],["3.269. unicode_internals","library-features/unicode-internals",[C[123]]],["3.270. unix_process_wait_more","library-features/unix-process-wait-more",[C[123]]],["3.271. unix_socket_ancillary_data","library-features/unix-socket-ancillary-data",[C[123]]],["3.272. unix_socket_peek","library-features/unix-socket-peek",[C[123]]],["3.273. unsafe_cell_raw_get","library-features/unsafe-cell-raw-get",[C[123]]],["3.274. unsize","library-features/unsize",[C[123]]],["3.275. unwrap_infallible","library-features/unwrap-infallible",[C[123]]],["3.276. update_panic_count","library-features/update-panic-count",[C[123]]],["3.277. variant_count","library-features/variant-count",[C[123]]],["3.278. vec_extend_from_within","library-features/vec-extend-from-within",[C[123]]],["3.279. vec_into_raw_parts","library-features/vec-into-raw-parts",[C[123]]],["3.280. vec_spare_capacity","library-features/vec-spare-capacity",[C[123]]],["3.281. vecdeque_binary_search","library-features/vecdeque-binary-search",[C[123]]],["3.282. wasi_ext","library-features/wasi-ext",[C[123]]],["3.283. windows_by_handle","library-features/windows-by-handle",[C[123]]],["3.284. windows_c","library-features/windows-c",[C[123]]],["3.285. windows_file_type_ext","library-features/windows-file-type-ext",[C[123]]],["3.286. windows_handle","library-features/windows-handle",[C[123]]],["3.287. windows_net","library-features/windows-net",[C[123]]],["3.288. windows_stdio","library-features/windows-stdio",[C[123]]],["3.289. with_options","library-features/with-options",[C[123]]],["3.290. wrapping_int_impl","library-features/wrapping-int-impl",[C[123]]],["3.291. wrapping_next_power_of_two","library-features/wrapping-next-power-of-two",[C[123]]],["3.292. write_all_vectored","library-features/write-all-vectored",[C[123]]]]},{"name":C[124],"url":"","pages":[[C[60],C[125],N],[C[126],C[127],[C[60]]],[C[128],C[129],[C[60]]],[C[130],C[131],[C[60]]],[C[61],C[132],[C[60]]],[C[133],C[134],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[135],C[136],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[137],C[138],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[139],C[140],[C[60],C[61]]],[C[62],C[141],N],[C[142],C[143],[C[62]]],[C[144],C[145],[C[62]]],[C[146],C[147],[C[62]]],[C[148],C[149],[C[62]]],[C[150],C[151],[C[62]]],[C[152],C[153],[C[62]]],[C[154],C[155],[C[62]]],["2.8. IO","start/io",[C[62]]],[C[63],C[156],N],[C[157],C[158],[C[63]]],[C[159],C[160],[C[63]]],[C[161],C[162],[C[63]]],[C[64],C[163],N],[C[164],C[165],[C[64]]],[C[166],C[167],[C[64]]],[C[168],C[169],[C[64]]],[C[170],C[171],[C[64]]],[C[172],C[173],N],[C[174],C[175],N],[C[176],C[177],N],[C[65],C[178],N],[C[66],C[179],[C[65]]],[C[180],C[181],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[182],C[183],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[184],C[185],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[186],C[187],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[188],C[189],[C[65],C[66]]],[C[190],C[191],N],[C[67],C[192],N],[C[193],C[194],[C[67]]],[C[195],C[196],[C[67]]],[C[68],C[197],N],[C[198],C[199],[C[68]]],[C[200],C[69],N]]},{"name":"Guide to Rustc Development","url":"","pages":[[C[221],C[222],N],["Getting Started",C[223],N],[C[201],"building/how-to-build-and-run",N],["1.1. Prerequisites","building/prerequisites",[C[201]]],["1.2. Suggested Workflows","building/suggested",[C[201]]],["1.3. Distribution artifacts","building/build-install-distribution-artifacts",[C[201]]],["1.4. Documenting Compiler","building/compiler-documenting",[C[201]]],["1.5. Rustdoc overview","rustdoc",[C[201]]],["1.6. ctags","building/ctags",[C[201]]],["1.7. Adding a new target","building/new-target",[C[201]]],[C[202],"tests/intro",N],["2.1. Running tests","tests/running",[C[202]]],["2.2. Adding new tests","tests/adding",[C[202]]],["2.3. Using compiletest commands to control test execution","compiletest",[C[202]]],["3. Debugging the Compiler","compiler-debugging",N],[C[203],"profiling",N],["4.1. with the linux perf tool","profiling/with_perf",[C[203]]],["4.2. with Windows Performance Analyzer","profiling/wpa_profiling",[C[203]]],["5. Dependencies","crates-io",N],["6. Introduction","contributing",N],["7. About the compiler team","compiler-team",N],["8. Using Git","git",N],["9. Mastering @rustbot","rustbot",N],["10. Walkthrough: a typical contribution","walkthrough",N],["11. Bug Fix Procedure","bug-fix-procedure",N],["12. Implementing new features","implementing_new_features",N],["13. Stability attributes","stability",N],["14. Stabilizing Features","stabilization_guide",N],["15. Feature Gates","feature-gates",N],["16. Coding conventions","conventions",N],[C[204],"notification-groups/about",N],["17.1. ARM","notification-groups/arm",[C[204]]],["17.2. Cleanup Crew","notification-groups/cleanup-crew",[C[204]]],["17.3. LLVM","notification-groups/llvm",[C[204]]],["17.4. RISC-V","notification-groups/risc-v",[C[204]]],["17.5. Windows","notification-groups/windows",[C[204]]],["18. Licenses","licenses",N],["19. Prologue","part-2-intro",N],["20. Overview of the Compiler","overview",N],["21. The compiler source code","compiler-src",N],["22. Bootstrapping","building/bootstrapping",N],[C[205],"query",N],["23.1. The Query Evaluation Model in Detail","queries/query-evaluation-model-in-detail",[C[205]]],["23.2. Incremental compilation","queries/incremental-compilation",[C[205]]],["23.3. Incremental compilation In Detail","queries/incremental-compilation-in-detail",[C[205]]],["23.4. Debugging and Testing","incrcomp-debugging",[C[205]]],["23.5. Profiling Queries","queries/profiling",[C[205]]],["23.6. Salsa","salsa",[C[205]]],["24. Memory Management in Rustc","memory",N],["25. Serialization in Rustc","serialization",N],["26. Parallel Compilation","parallel-rustc",N],["27. Rustdoc internals","rustdoc-internals",N],["28. Prologue","part-3-intro",N],["29. Command-line arguments","cli",N],[C[206],"rustc-driver",N],["30.1. Ex: Type checking through rustc_interface","rustc-driver-interacting-with-the-ast",[C[206]]],["30.2. Ex: Getting diagnostics through rustc_interface","rustc-driver-getting-diagnostics",[C[206]]],[C[207],"syntax-intro",N],["31.1. Lexing and Parsing","the-parser",[C[207]]],["31.2. Macro expansion","macro-expansion",[C[207]]],["31.3. Name resolution","name-resolution",[C[207]]],["31.4. #[test] Implementation","test-implementation",[C[207]]],["31.5. Panic Implementation","panic-implementation",[C[207]]],["31.6. AST Validation","ast-validation",[C[207]]],["31.7. Feature Gate Checking","feature-gate-ck",[C[207]]],[C[208],"hir",N],["32.1. Lowering AST to HIR","lowering",[C[208]]],["32.2. Debugging","hir-debugging",[C[208]]],["33. The THIR (Typed High-level IR)","thir",N],[C[209],"mir/index",N],["34.1. MIR construction","mir/construction",[C[209]]],["34.2. MIR visitor and traversal","mir/visitor",[C[209]]],["34.3. MIR passes: getting the MIR for a function","mir/passes",[C[209]]],["35. Identifiers in the Compiler",C[210],N],["36. Closure expansion","closure",N],["37. Prologue","part-4-intro",N],[C[211],"ty",N],["38.1. Generics and substitutions","generics",[C[211]]],["38.2. TypeFolder and TypeFoldable","ty-fold",[C[211]]],["38.3. Generic arguments","generic_arguments",[C[211]]],["39. Type inference","type-inference",N],[C[212],"traits/resolution",N],["40.1. Early and Late Bound Parameters","early-late-bound",[C[212]]],["40.2. Higher-ranked trait bounds","traits/hrtb",[C[212]]],["40.3. Caching subtleties","traits/caching",[C[212]]],["40.4. Specialization","traits/specialization",[C[212]]],[C[213],"traits/chalk",[C[212]]],["40.5.1. Lowering to logic","traits/lowering-to-logic",[C[212],C[213]]],["40.5.2. Goals and clauses","traits/goals-and-clauses",[C[212],C[213]]],["40.5.3. Canonical queries","traits/canonical-queries",[C[212],C[213]]],[C[214],"type-checking",N],["41.1. Method Lookup","method-lookup",[C[214]]],["41.2. Variance","variance",[C[214]]],["41.3. Opaque Types","opaque-types-type-alias-impl-trait",[C[214]]],["42. Pattern and Exhaustiveness Checking","pat-exhaustive-checking",N],["43. MIR dataflow","mir/dataflow",N],[C[215],"borrow_check",N],[C[216],"borrow_check/moves_and_initialization",[C[215]]],["44.1.1. Move paths","borrow_check/moves_and_initialization/move_paths",[C[215],C[216]]],["44.2. MIR type checker","borrow_check/type_check",[C[215]]],[C[217],"borrow_check/region_inference",[C[215]]],["44.3.1. Constraint propagation","borrow_check/region_inference/constraint_propagation",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.3.2. Lifetime parameters","borrow_check/region_inference/lifetime_parameters",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.3.3. Member constraints","borrow_check/region_inference/member_constraints",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.3.4. Placeholders and universes","borrow_check/region_inference/placeholders_and_universes",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.3.5. Closure constraints","borrow_check/region_inference/closure_constraints",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.3.6. Error reporting","borrow_check/region_inference/error_reporting",[C[215],C[217]]],["44.4. Two-phase-borrows","borrow_check/two_phase_borrows",[C[215]]],["45. Parameter Environments","param_env",N],[C[218],"diagnostics",N],["46.1. Creating Errors With SessionDiagnostic","diagnostics/sessiondiagnostic",[C[218]]],["46.2. LintStore","diagnostics/lintstore",[C[218]]],["46.3. Diagnostic Codes","diagnostics/diagnostic-codes",[C[218]]],["47. Prologue","part-5-intro",N],["48. MIR optimizations","mir/optimizations",N],["49. Debugging","mir/debugging",N],[C[219],"const-eval",N],["50.1. miri const evaluator","miri",[C[219]]],["51. Monomorphization","backend/monomorph",N],["52. Lowering MIR","backend/lowering-mir",N],[C[220],"backend/codegen",N],["53.1. Updating LLVM","backend/updating-llvm",[C[220]]],["53.2. Debugging LLVM","backend/debugging",[C[220]]],["53.3. Backend Agnostic Codegen","backend/backend-agnostic",[C[220]]],["53.4. Implicit Caller Location","backend/implicit-caller-location",[C[220]]],["54. Libraries and Metadata","backend/libs-and-metadata",N],["55. Profile-guided Optimization","profile-guided-optimization",N],["56. LLVM Source-Based Code Coverage","llvm-coverage-instrumentation",N],["57. Sanitizers Support","sanitizers",N],["58. Debugging Support in the Rust Compiler","debugging-support-in-rustc",N],["Appendix A: Background topics","appendix/background",N],["Appendix B: Glossary",C[69],N],["Appendix C: Code Index","appendix/code-index",N],["Appendix D: Compiler Lecture Series","appendix/compiler-lecture",N],["Appendix E: Bibliography","appendix/bibliography",N],["Appendix Z: HumorRust","appendix/humorust",N]]},{"name":"Standard library developers Guide","url":"","pages":[[C[221],C[222],N],["Getting started",C[223],N],["Reviewer checklist","reviewer-checklist",N],[C[224],"feature-lifecycle/summary",N],["1.1. Landing new features","feature-lifecycle/new-unstable-features",[C[224]]],["1.2. Using tracking issues","feature-lifecycle/tracking-issues",[C[224]]],["1.3. Stabilizing features","feature-lifecycle/stabilization",[C[224]]],["1.4. Deprecating features","feature-lifecycle/deprecation",[C[224]]],[C[225],"code-considerations/summary",N],[C[226],"code-considerations/design/summary",[C[225]]],["2.1.1. Public APIs","code-considerations/design/public-apis",[C[225],C[226]]],["2.1.2. When to add #[must_use]","code-considerations/design/must-use",[C[225],C[226]]],[C[227],"code-considerations/breaking-changes/summary",[C[225]]],["2.2.1. Breakage from changing behavior","code-considerations/breaking-changes/behavior",[C[225],C[227]]],["2.2.2. Breakage from new trait impls","code-considerations/breaking-changes/new-trait-impls",[C[225],C[227]]],["2.2.3. #[fundamental] types","code-considerations/breaking-changes/fundamental",[C[225],C[227]]],[C[228],"code-considerations/safety-and-soundness/summary",[C[225]]],["2.3.1. Generics and unsafe","code-considerations/safety-and-soundness/generics-and-unsafe",[C[225],C[228]]],["2.3.2. Drop and #[may_dangle]","code-considerations/safety-and-soundness/may-dangle",[C[225],C[228]]],["2.3.3. std::mem and exclusive references","code-considerations/safety-and-soundness/mem-and-exclusive-refs",[C[225],C[228]]],[C[229],"code-considerations/using-unstable-lang/summary",[C[225]]],["2.4.1. Const generics","code-considerations/using-unstable-lang/const-generics",[C[225],C[229]]],["2.4.2. Specialization","code-considerations/using-unstable-lang/specialization",[C[225],C[229]]],[C[230],"code-considerations/performance/summary",[C[225]]],["2.5.1. When to #[inline]","code-considerations/performance/inline",[C[225],C[230]]],[C[231],"tools-and-bots/summary",N],["3.1. @bors","tools-and-bots/bors",[C[231]]],["3.2. @rust-timer","tools-and-bots/timer",[C[231]]],["3.3. @craterbot","tools-and-bots/crater",[C[231]]]]}]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/extension/index/caniuse.js b/extension/index/caniuse.js index 47016f5c..ff68d9fa 100644 --- a/extension/index/caniuse.js +++ b/extension/index/caniuse.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var caniuseIndex=[["1.41","maybe_uninit_debug","maybe_uninit_debug","`Debug` implementation for `MaybeUninit`",null],["1.41","cfg_doc","doc_cfg","`#[cfg(doc)]`",null],["1.41","core_panic_info","core_panic_info","the `core::panic` module",null],["1.41","re_rebalance_coherence","re_rebalance_coherence","relaxed coherence rules",null],["1.41","weak_counts","weak_counts","`Weak` count methods",null],["1.41","result_map_or_else","result_map_or_else","`Result::map_or_else`",null],["1.41","result_map_or","result_map_or","`Result::map_or`",null],["1.51","arc_decrement_strong_count","arc_mutate_strong_count","`Arc::decrement_strong_count`",null],["1.51","nonzero_rem","nonzero_div","`Rem` implementation for `u{0}`",null],["1.51","empty_seek","empty_seek","`io::Seek`` implementation for ``io::Empty`",null],["1.51","slice_strip_prefix","slice_strip","`slice::strip_prefix`",null],["1.51","iterator_reduce","iterator_fold_first","`Iterator::reduce`",null],["1.51","slice_strip_suffix","slice_strip","`slice::strip_suffix`",null],["1.51","arc_increment_strong_count","arc_mutate_strong_count","`Arc::increment_strong_count`",null],["1.51","str_as_mut","as_mut_str_for_str","`AsMut` implementation for `str`",null],["1.51","slice_fill_with","slice_fill_with","`slice::fill_with`",null],["1.51","seek_stream_position","seek_convenience","`io::Seek::stream_position`",null],["1.51","array_value_iter","array_value_iter","by-value `[T; N]` iterator `core::array::IntoIter`",null],["1.51","nonzero_div","nonzero_div","`Div` implementation for `u{0}`",null],["1.22","drop_types_in_const","drop_types_in_const","`Drop` types in constants",1440],["1.49","partialeq_slice_for_vec",null,"`impl PartialEq<[B]> for Vec where A: PartialEq`",null],["1.49","const_poll_is_pending","const_poll","`Poll::is_pending` as `const fn`",null],["1.49","manually_drop_in_unions","untagged_unions","`ManuallyDrop` in `union`s",null],["1.49","empty_enum_to_int",null,"uninhabited enum to integer casts",null],["1.49","partialeq_vec_for_slice",null,"`impl PartialEq> for [A] where A: PartialEq`",null],["1.49","const_poll_is_ready","const_poll","`Poll::is_ready` as `const fn`",null],["1.5","fs_canonicalize",null,"`fs::canonicalize`",1044],["1.5","vec_resize",null,"`Vec::resize`",509],["1.16","self_struct_expr_pat",null,"`Self` in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.16","assoc_ty_struct_expr_pat",null,"associated types in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.16","writeln_no_args",null,"`writeln!` without arguments",null],["1.6","no_std","no_std","`#![no_std]`",null],["1.3","duration","duration","`std::time::Duration`",null],["1.3","time","time","`std::time`",null],["1.24","abi_sysv64","abi_sysv64","the sysV64 ABI on any platform",null],["1.24","unsized_ptr_is_null",null,"`is_null` on pointers to unsized types",null],["1.47","const_type_id","const_type_id","`TypeId::of` in `const fn`",null],["1.47","result_deref","inner_deref","`as_deref` and `as_deref_mut` on `Result`",null],["1.47","vec_leak","vec_leak","`Vec::leak`",null],["1.47","range_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `Range`",null],["1.47","tau_constant","tau_constant","the `TAU` constant",null],["1.47","cstr_range_from","cstr_range_from","`Index` implementation for `CStr`",null],["1.47","array_gt_32_impls",null,"`[T; N]` trait implementations with N > 32",null],["1.47","range_full_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `RangeFull`",null],["1.47","proc_macro_raw_ident","proc_macro_raw_ident","`proc_macro::Ident::new_raw`",null],["1.17","static_in_const","static_in_const","elision of `'static` lifetimes in `static`s and `const`s",1623],["1.17","static_recursion","static_recursion","recursive static items",null],["1.17","cell_non_copy","cell_non_copy","`Cell` with non-`Copy` types",1651],["1.17","field_init_shorthand","field_init_shorthand","field init shorthands (`x` for `x: x` in struct initializers)",1682],["1.17","where_clauses_with_self",null,"`Self` in the where clause of trait impl's",1647],["1.50","refcell_take","refcell_take","`RefCell::take`",null],["1.50","unsafe_cell_get_mut","unsafe_cell_get_mut","`UnsafeCell::get_mut`",null],["1.50","assign_manually_drop_in_unions",null,"safe assignment to `ManuallyDrop` in `union`s",null],["1.50","slice_fill","slice_fill","`slice::fill`",null],["1.50","bool_then","lazy_bool_to_option","`bool::then`",null],["1.50","or_insert_with_key","or_insert_with_key","`Entry::or_insert_with_key`",null],["1.50","f64_clamp","clamp","`f64::clamp`",1961],["1.50","ord_clamp","clamp","`Ord::clamp`",1961],["1.50","f32_clamp","clamp","`f32::clamp`",1961],["1.23","unsized_ptr_as_mut",null,"`as_mut` on `*mut T`",null],["1.23","unsized_ptr_as_ref",null,"`as_ref` on pointers to unsized types",null],["1.35","coerce_closure_to_unsafe_fn_ptr",null,"closure to unsafe function pointer coercions",null],["1.35","asraw_stdio_locks","asraw_stdio_locks","`AsRawFd` implementation for `StdinLock`, `StdoutLock` and `StderrLock`",null],["1.35","dbg_no_args",null,"`dbg!` without arguments",null],["1.35","exact_size_case_mapping_iter","exact_size_case_mapping_iter","`ExactSizeIterator` implementation for `ToLowercase` and `ToUppercase`",null],["1.35","boxed_closure_impls","boxed_closure_impls","boxed closure `Fn*` trait implementations",null],["1.35","alloc_system_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `alloc::System`",null],["1.1","split_whitespace",null,"`str::split_whitespace`",1054],["1.10","weak_new","downgraded_weak","`sync::Weak::new`",null],["1.10","cstring_default","cstr_default","`Default` implementation for `CString`",null],["1.10","cstr_default","cstr_default","`Default` implementation for `&CStr`",null],["1.28","sizeof_ident",null,"`sizeof` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","repr_transparent","repr_transparent","`#[repr(transparent)]` on newtype structs",null],["1.28","offsetof_ident",null,"`offsetof` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","global_allocator","global_allocator","`#[global_allocator]`",null],["1.28","pure_ident",null,"`pure` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","alignof_ident",null,"`alignof` as an identifier",2421],["1.0","struct_variant","struct_variant","struct variants in enums",null],["1.0","associated_types","associated_types","associated types in traits",null],["1.0","macro_rules","macro_rules","`macro_rules!`",null],["1.0","if_let","if_let","`if let` expressions",null],["1.0","while_let","while_let","`while let` expressions",null],["1.0","slicing_syntax","slicing_syntax","`&foo[a..b]` as slicing syntax",null],["1.0","tuple_indexing","tuple_indexing","tuple indexing",null],["1.0","default_type_params","default_type_params","type parameter defaults",null],["1.43","string_as_mut","string_as_mut","`AsMut` implementation for `String`",null],["1.43","boxed_slice_try_from","boxed_slice_try_from","`TryFrom` implementations from boxed slices to boxed arrays",null],["1.43","assoc_int_consts","assoc_int_consts","numeric constants as associated constants",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_eq",null,"`Eq` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","cstring_from_vec_of_nonzerou8","cstring_from_vec_of_nonzerou8","`From>` implementation for `CString`",null],["1.43","iter_once_with","iter_once_with","`iter::once_with`",null],["1.43","once_is_completed",null,"`sync::once::Once::is_completed`",null],["1.43","extra_log_consts","extra_log_consts","`{f32, f64}::{LOG2_10, LOG10_2}`",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_partial_eq",null,"`PartialEq` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","const_ascii_methods_on_intrinsics","const_ascii_methods_on_intrinsics","`u8::is_ascii` as `const fn`",null],["1.43","core_primitive","core_primitive","`core::primitive`",null],["1.43","if_attr",null,"attributes on `if` expressions",null],["1.27","target_feature",null,"`#[target_feature(...)]`",null],["1.27","cfg_target_feature","cfg_target_feature","`#[cfg(target_feature = \"...\")]`",null],["1.27","generic_param_attrs","generic_param_attrs","attributes on generic parameters",1327],["1.27","dyn_trait","dyn_trait","`dyn Trait` as a syntax for trait objects",null],["1.27","macro_lifetime_matcher","macro_lifetime_matcher","the `lifetime` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",null],["1.27","termination_trait_test","termination_trait_test","types implementing `Termination` as the return type for `#[test]`s",null],["1.27","fn_must_use","fn_must_use","`#[must_use]` on functions",1940],["1.27","proc_ident",null,"`proc` as an identifier",null],["1.42","slice_patterns","slice_patterns","subslice patterns (`[a, .., b]` and `[a, xs @ .., b]`)",null],["1.42","alloc_layout_const_new","alloc_layout_const_new","`alloc::Layout::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.42","transparent_enums","transparent_enums","`#[repr(transparent)]` on single-variant enums",null],["1.42","attr_on_inline_mod",null,"attribute macros on inline modules",null],["1.42","iter_empty_send_sync","iter_empty_send_sync","unconditional `Send` and `Sync` implementations for `iter::Empty`",null],["1.42","wait_timeout_until","wait_timeout_until","`Condvar::wait_timeout_while`",null],["1.42","matches_macro","matches_macro","`matches!`",null],["1.42","proc_macro_extern_prelude",null,"the `proc_macro` crate without `extern crate` in procedural macro crates",null],["1.42","eq_cursor",null,"`PartialEq` and `Eq` implementations for `io::Cursor`",null],["1.42","manually_drop_take","manually_drop_take","`ManuallyDrop::take`",null],["1.42","slice_from_raw_parts","slice_from_raw_parts","`ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut`",null],["1.42","debug_map_key_value","debug_map_key_value","`DebugMap::value`",null],["1.42","wait_until","wait_until","`Condvar::wait_while`",null],["1.44","osstring_deref_mut","mut_osstr","`DerefMut` implementation for `OsString`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_extend","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::extend`",null],["1.44","from_mut_str_for_string","from_mut_str_for_string","`From<&mut str>` implementation for `String`",null],["1.44","path_buf_with_capacity","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::with_capacity`",null],["1.44","lexerror_display","proc_macro_lexerror_impls","`Display` implementation for `proc_macro::LexError`",null],["1.44","const_int_to_from_bytes",null,"integer ↔ bytes conversion functions as `const fn`",null],["1.44","float_approx_unchecked_to","float_approx_unchecked_to","unchecked float → int conversion",null],["1.44","path_buf_reserve_exact","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::reserve_exact`",null],["1.44","convert_infallible_hash","convert_infallible_hash","`Hash` implementation for `convert::Infallible`",null],["1.44","path_buf_capacity","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::capacity`",null],["1.44","ioslice_copy",null,"`Copy` implementation for `io::IoSlice`",null],["1.44","path_buf_reserve","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::reserve`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_pad_to_align","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::pad_to_align`",null],["1.44","ioslice_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `io::IoSlice`",null],["1.44","no_std_async_await",null,"`async` / `.await` in `#[no_std]` crates",null],["1.44","path_buf_clear","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::clear`",null],["1.44","path_buf_shrink_to_fit","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::shrink_to_fit`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_align_to","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::align_to`",null],["1.44","osstring_indexmut_rangefull","mut_osstr","`IndexMut` implementation for `OsString`",null],["1.44","lexerror_error","proc_macro_lexerror_impls","`Error` implementation for `proc_macro::LexError`",null],["1.44","vec_from_array","vec_from_array","`From<[T; N]>` implementation for `Vec`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_array","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::array`",null],["1.12","nested_macro_rules",null,"`macro_rules!` within `macro_rules!`",null],["1.12","cfg_attr_path",null,"`cfg_attr` on `path` attributes",null],["unstable","link_cfg","link_cfg","`#[link(..., cfg(...))]`",null],["unstable","type_ascription","type_ascription","type ascription",803],["unstable","default_free_fn","default_free_fn","the free `default` function (shorthand for `Default::default`)",null],["unstable","option_contains","option_result_contains","`Option::contains`",null],["unstable","no_core","no_core","`#![no_core]`",null],["unstable","const_fn_transmute","const_fn_transmute","`mem::transmute` in `const fn`",null],["unstable","btreeset_retain","btree_retain","`BTreeSet::retain`",null],["unstable","const_io_sink","const_io_structs","`io::sink` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","`NonNull<[T]>::slice_from_raw_parts`",null],["unstable","thread_local","thread_local","`#[thread_local]` on `static`s",null],["unstable","result_contains","option_result_contains","`Result::contains`",null],["unstable","cfg_version","cfg_version","`#[cfg(version(..))]`",null],["unstable","non_ascii_idents","non_ascii_idents","non-ASCII identifiers",null],["unstable","generic_associated_types","generic_associated_types","generic associated types (GAT)",1598],["unstable","cfg_target_has_atomic","cfg_target_has_atomic","`cfg(target_has_atomic = ...)`",null],["unstable","exhaustive_patterns","exhaustive_patterns","exhaustive pattern matching on types that contain uninhabited types",1872],["unstable","const_io_cursor_new","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::new` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","exclusive_range_pattern","exclusive_range_pattern","exclusive range patterns (`a..b`)",null],["unstable","wake_trait","wake_trait","the `Wake` trait",null],["unstable","cow_is_owned","cow_is_borrowed","`Cow::is_owned` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","const_in_array_repeat_expressions","const_in_array_repeat_expressions","constants in array repeat expressions",2203],["unstable","abi_thiscall","abi_thiscall","`thiscall` calling convention",null],["unstable","cstring_from_vec_with_nul","cstring_from_vec_with_nul","nul-terminated `Vec` to `CString` conversions",null],["unstable","pin_static_mut","pin_static_ref","`Pin::static_mut`",null],["unstable","const_io_cursor_position","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::position` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","const_io_repeat","const_io_structs","`io::repeat` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","btreemap_retain","btree_retain","`BTreeMap::retain`",null],["unstable","const_io_cursor_get_ref","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::get_ref` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","half_open_range_patterns","half_open_range_patterns","half-open range patterns",null],["unstable","cow_is_borrowed","cow_is_borrowed","`Cow::is_borrowed` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","plugin_registrar","plugin_registrar","`#[plugin_registrar]`",null],["unstable","link_args","link_args","`#[link_args]`",null],["unstable","slice_ptr_len","slice_ptr_len","the `len` method on raw slices",null],["unstable","plugin","plugin","`#![plugin(...)]`",null],["unstable","option_zip_with","option_zip","`Option::zip_with`",null],["unstable","associated_type_defaults","associated_type_defaults","default values for associated types",null],["unstable","specialization","specialization","specialization",null],["unstable","box_into_boxed_slice","box_into_boxed_slice","`Box::into_boxed_slice`",null],["unstable","raw_ref_op","raw_ref_op","the raw reference operator (`&raw [mut | const] $place`)",2582],["unstable","naked_functions","naked_functions","`#[naked]` functions",null],["unstable","pin_static_ref","pin_static_ref","`Pin::static_ref`",null],["unstable","const_io_empty","const_io_structs","`io::empty` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","format_args_capture","format_args_capture","implicit named arguments for formatting macros",2795],["unstable","const_generics","const_generics","const generics",2000],["unstable","never_type","never_type","the never type (`!`)",null],["unstable","total_cmp","total_cmp","the `total_cmp` method on float types",null],["1.29","proc_macro","proc_macro","procedural macros",null],["1.9","deprecated","deprecated","`#[deprecated]`",1270],["1.32","must_use_traits",null,"`#[must_use]` on traits",null],["1.32","const_cell_as_ptr",null,"`Cell::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","macro_literal_matcher","macro_literal_matcher","the `literal` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",1576],["1.32","boxed_slice_from_iter","boxed_slice_from_iter","`FromIterator` implementation for `Box<[T]>`",null],["1.32","const_ipv6addr_octets",null,"`Ipv6Addr::octets` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","self_struct_ctor","self_struct_ctor","`Self` as a constructor and pattern for unit and tuple structs",2302],["1.32","const_cstr_as_ptr",null,"`CStr::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_micros",null,"`Duration::subsec_micros` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_range_inclusive_start",null,"`RangeInclusive::start` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_millis",null,"`Duration::subsec_millis` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_slice_as_ptr",null,"`slice::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_ipv6addr_new",null,"`Ipv6Addr::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","self_in_typedefs","self_in_typedefs","`Self` in type definitions",2300],["1.32","int_to_from_bytes","int_to_from_bytes","integer ↔ bytes conversion functions",null],["1.32","const_ipv4addr_is_unspecified",null,"`Ipv4Addr::is_unspecified` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","uniform_paths","uniform_paths","uniform paths (`use x::y;` as `use self::x::y;`) in the 2018 edition",null],["1.32","const_manually_drop_into_inner",null,"`ManuallyDrop::into_inner` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_char_is_ascii",null,"`char::is_ascii` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_unsafe_cell_get",null,"`UnsafeCell::get` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_non_null_as_ptr",null,"`NonNull::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","dbg_macro","dbg_macro","`dbg!`",2361],["1.32","path_from_str","path_from_str","`FromStr` implementation for `PathBuf`",null],["1.32","const_iter_empty",null,"`iter::empty` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_as_secs",null,"`Duration::as_secs` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_manually_drop_new",null,"`ManuallyDrop::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","macro_at_most_once_rep","macro_at_most_once_rep","`?` as the Kleene \"at most one\" operator in `macro_rules!` in the 2018 edition",2298],["1.32","const_str_as_ptr",null,"`str::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_range_inclusive_end",null,"`RangeInclusive::end` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_nanos",null,"`Duration::subsec_nanos` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","array_try_from_vec","array_try_from_vec","`TryFrom>` implementation for `[T; N]`",null],["1.48","slice_ptr_range","slice_ptr_range","slice to pointer range methods",null],["1.48","future_pending","future_readiness_fns","`future::pending`",null],["1.48","const_result_is_err","const_result","`Result::is_err` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_result_is_ok","const_result","`Result::is_ok` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_result_as_ref","const_result","`Result::as_ref` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","write_stderr_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Stderr`",null],["1.48","intra_doc_links",null,"intra-doc links",null],["1.48","write_sink_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Sink`",null],["1.48","future_ready","future_readiness_fns","`future::ready`",null],["1.48","const_ordering_then","const_ordering","`cmp::Ordering::then` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_option_as_ref","const_option","`Option::as_ref` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","write_stdout_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Stdout`",null],["1.48","const_option_is_none","const_option","`Option::is_none` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","deque_make_contiguous","deque_make_contiguous","`VecDeque::make_contiguous`",null],["1.48","doc_alias","doc_alias","`#[doc(alias = \"…\")]`",null],["1.48","const_option_is_some","const_option","`Option::is_some` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_ordering_reverse","const_ordering","`cmp::Ordering::reverse` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","write_child_stdin_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&ChildStdin`",null],["1.40","non_exhaustive","non_exhaustive","`#![non_exhaustive]`",2008],["1.40","const_is_power_of_two",null,"`is_power_of_two` as `const fn`",null],["1.40","mem_take",null,"`mem::take`",null],["1.40","cfg_doctest","cfg_doctest","`#[cfg(doctest)]`",null],["1.40","modern_meta_macro_pattern",null,"the `meta` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!` for modern attribute syntax",null],["1.40","float_to_from_bytes","float_to_from_bytes","float ↔ bytes conversion functions",null],["1.40","proc_macro_generated_macro_rules",null,"proc-macros that generate `macro_rules!` macros",null],["1.40","slice_repeat",null,"`slice::repeat`",null],["1.40","macros_in_extern","macros_in_extern","macro invocations in `extern {}` blocks",null],["1.40","const_constructor","const_constructor","tuple struct and tuple variant constructors in `const fn`",null],["1.40","option_deref","option_deref","`as_deref` and `as_deref_mut` on `Option`",null],["1.40","type_proc_macros",null,"function-like procedural macros in type position",null],["1.40","todo_macro",null,"`todo!`",null],["1.40","udpsocker_peer_addr",null,"`UdpSocket::peer_addr`",null],["1.40","map_get_key_value","map_get_key_value","`get_key_value` on `HashMap` and `BTreeMap`",null],["1.40","option_flattening","option_flattening","`Option::flatten`",null],["1.7","string_as_mut_str","string_as_str","`String::as_mut_str`",null],["1.7","string_as_str","string_as_str","`String::as_str`",null],["1.7","vec_as_slice","vec_as_slice","`Vec::as_slice`",null],["1.7","vec_as_mut_slice","vec_as_slice","`Vec::as_mut_slice`",null],["1.20","compile_error","compile_error","`compile_error!`",1695],["1.20","unimplemented_macro_args",null,"`unimplemented!` with a message",null],["1.20","struct_field_attributes","struct_field_attributes","attributes on struct literal fields",null],["1.20","associated_consts","associated_consts","associated constants in `trait` and `impl` blocks",null],["1.30","tool_attributes","tool_attributes","tool-scoped attributes",null],["1.30","use_extern_macro","use_extern_macro","macro imports and reexports via the module system",null],["1.30","proc_macro_path_invoc","proc_macro_path_invoc","multi-segment paths in attributes and derives",null],["1.30","extern_absolute_paths","extern_absolute_paths","absolute paths as paths from other crates",null],["1.30","raw_identifiers","raw_identifiers","raw identifiers (`r#keyword`)",null],["1.30","infer_outlives_requirements","infer_outlives_requirements","outlives requirement inference",2093],["1.30","used","used","`#[used]`",null],["1.30","crate_in_paths","crate_in_paths","`crate` in paths",null],["1.30","non_modrs_mods","non_modrs_mods","`` as an alternative to `foo/`",null],["1.30","panic_handler","panic_handler","`#[panic_handler]`",null],["1.30","attr_literals","attr_literals","non-string literals in attribute lists and values of key-value pairs",null],["1.30","macro_vis_matcher","macro_vis_matcher","the `vis` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",null],["1.31","pattern_parentheses","pattern_parentheses","parentheses in patterns",null],["1.31","tool_lints","tool_lints","scoped lints",null],["1.31","edition_2018",null,"the 2018 edition",null],["1.31","impl_header_lifetime_elision","impl_header_lifetime_elision","lifetime elision in `impl` headers",null],["1.31","min_const_fn","min_const_fn","`const fn`",911],["1.31","extern_crate_item_prelude","extern_crate_item_prelude","`extern crate foo as bar;`",null],["1.11","nested_cfg_attr",null,"nested `cfg_attr` attributes",null],["1.37","reverse_bits","reverse_bits","`reverse_bits` integer methods",null],["1.37","type_alias_enum_variants",null,"enum variants through a type alias",null],["1.37","kleene_op_2015",null,"the `?` Kleene macro operator in the 2015 edition",null],["1.37","option_xor",null,"`Option::xor`",null],["1.37","generic_param_cfg_attrs",null,"conditional compilation of generic parameters",null],["1.37","repr_align_enum","repr_align_enum","`#[repr(align(N)]` on enums",null],["1.37","copy_within","copy_within","`[T]::copy_within`",null],["1.37","underscore_const_names","underscore_const_names","`_` as an identifier for constants",null],["1.19","untagged_unions","untagged_unions","`union`s",1444],["1.19","loop_break_value","loop_break_value","`break` with a value inside `loop`s",1624],["1.19","relaxed_adts","relaxed_adts","numeric fields in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.19","eprintln",null,"`eprintln!`",1869],["1.19","closure_to_fn_coercion","closure_to_fn_coercion","non-capturing closure to function pointer coercion",1558],["1.19","eprint",null,"`eprint!`",null],["1.25","repr_align","repr_align","`#[repr(align(N))]`",1358],["1.25","use_nested_groups","use_nested_groups","nested groups in imports",2128],["1.25","match_beginning_vert","match_beginning_vert","`|` at the beginning of match arms",1925],["1.45","proc_macro_span_located_at","proc_macro_span_located_at","`proc_macro::Span::located_at`",null],["1.45","rc_from_cow","shared_from_cow","`From>`` implementation for ``Rc`",null],["1.45","unicode_version","unicode_version","`std::char::UNICODE_VERSION`",null],["1.45","arc_from_cow","shared_from_cow","`From>` implementation for `Arc`",null],["1.45","proc_macro_span_resolved_at","proc_macro_span_resolved_at","`proc_macro::Span::resolved_at`",null],["1.45","atomic_fetch_update","no_more_cas","`AtomicN::fetch_update`",null],["1.45","expr_proc_macro","proc_macro_hygiene","function-like procedural macros in expression, pattern and statement position",null],["1.45","btreemap_remove_entry","btreemap_remove_entry","`BTreeMap::remove_entry`",null],["1.45","nonzero_bitor_assign","nonzero_bitor","`BitOrAssign` implementations for `NonZero` integer types",null],["1.45","proc_macro_span_mixed_site","proc_macro_mixed_site","`proc_macro::Span::mixed_site`",null],["1.45","nonzero_bitor","nonzero_bitor","`BitOr` implementations for `NonZero` integer types",null],["1.45","box_from_cow","box_from_cow","`From>` implementations for `Box`ed types",null],["1.45","atomic_min_max","atomic_min_max","`AtomicN::{fetch_min, fetch_max}`",null],["1.14","println_no_args",null,"`println!` without arguments",null],["1.14","fn_ptr_to_unsafe_fn_ptr",null,"`fn` pointer to `unsafe fn` pointer coercion",null],["1.14","dotdot_in_tuple_patterns","dotdot_in_tuple_patterns","`..` in tuple (struct) patterns",1492],["1.38","thread_accesserror_error",null,"`Error` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","any_type_name",null,"`any::type_name`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_partialeq",null,"`PartialEq` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","iter_step_by_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::StepBy`",null],["1.38","ptr_cast",null,"`cast` method on pointers",null],["1.38","iter_peekable_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::Peekable`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_copy",null,"`Copy` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","iter_take_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::Take`",null],["1.38","duration_div_f64",null,"`Duration::div_f64`",null],["1.38","duration_from_secs_f32",null,"`Duration::from_secs_f32`",null],["1.38","str_chars_debug",null,"`Debug` implementation for `std::str::Chars`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_eq",null,"`Eq` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","duration_as_secs_f64",null,"`Duration::as_secs_f64`",null],["1.38","global_allocator_in_submodules",null,"`#[global_allocator]` inside submodules",null],["1.38","duration_as_secs_f32",null,"`Duration::as_secs_f32`",null],["1.38","shared_from_iter","shared_from_iter","`FromIterator` implementation for `Rc` and `Arc`",null],["1.38","euclidean_division","euclidean_division","euclidean division & modulo",null],["1.38","duration_mul_f32",null,"`Duration::mul_f32`",null],["1.38","ascii_escapedefault_display",null,"`Display` implementation for `ascii::EscapeDefault`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","duration_from_secs_f64",null,"`Duration::from_secs_f64`",null],["1.38","deprecated_macros",null,"`#[deprecated]` on macros",null],["1.38","unpin_ptr",null,"`Unpin` implementations for pointers",null],["1.38","duration_mul_f64",null,"`Duration::mul_f64`",null],["1.38","ascii_escapedefault_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `ascii::EscapeDefault`",null],["1.38","duration_div_f32",null,"`Duration::div_f32`",null],["1.13","type_macros","type_macros","`macro_rules!` macros in type position",null],["1.13","assert_ne",null,"`assert_ne!`",1653],["1.13","debug_assert_ne",null,"`debug_assert_ne!`",1653],["1.13","question_mark","question_mark","the `?` operator",243],["1.2","iter_once",null,"`iter::once`",null],["1.2","iter_empty",null,"`iter::empty`",null],["1.2","atomic_ptr_send",null,"`Send` implementation for `AtomicPtr`",null],["1.8","braced_empty_structs","braced_empty_structs","empty structs and enum variants with braces",218],["1.8","augmented_assignments","augmented_assignments","assignment operator overloading",null],["1.39","await","async_await","`.await`",null],["1.39","const_string_new",null,"`String::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","bind_by_move_pattern_guards","bind_by_move_pattern_guards","shared references to bind-by-move patterns in `match` arms' guards",null],["1.39","param_attrs","param_attrs","attributes on function parameters",null],["1.39","const_linkedlist_new",null,"`LinkedList::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","const_vec_new",null,"`Vec::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","const_str_len",null,"`str::len` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","instant_saturating_duration_since",null,"`Instant::saturating_duration_since`",null],["1.39","const_slice_len",null,"`[T]::len` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","async","async_await","`async`",null],["1.39","pin_into_inner",null,"`Pin::into_inner`",null],["1.39","const_str_as_bytes",null,"`str::as_bytes` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","instant_checked_duration_since",null,"`Instant::checked_duration_since`",null],["1.4","use_group_renaming",null,"item renamings in import groups",null],["1.36","const_nonnull_cast",null,"`NonNull::cast` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","maybe_uninit",null,"`mem::MaybeUninit`",1892],["1.36","nll_2015",null,"Non-Lexical Lifetimes (NLL) on the 2015 edition",null],["1.36","const_needs_drop","const_needs_drop","`mem::needs_drop` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","string_from_string_ref",null,"`From<&String>` implementation for `String`",null],["1.36","string_borrow_mut_str",null,"`BorrowMut` implementation for `String`",null],["1.36","dbg_multiple_args",null,"multiple arguments in `dbg!` macro invocations",null],["1.36","const_nonnull_dangling",null,"`NonNull::dangling` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","alloc","alloc","the `alloc` crate",null],["1.36","hashbrown",null,"`hashbrown::HashMap` as the implementation of `HashMap`",null],["1.36","const_layout_from_size_align_unchecked",null,"`alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","io_cursor_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `io::Cursor`",null],["1.34","deprecated_equals_reason",null,"`#[deprecated = \"reason\"]` as a shorthand for `#[deprecated(note = \"reason\")]`",null],["1.34","unrestricted_attribute_tokens","unrestricted_attribute_tokens","arbitrary token streams in procedural attribute macros",null],["1.34","extern_crate_self","extern_crate_self","`extern crate self as foo;`",null],["1.34","const_wrapping_neg",null,"`wrapping_neg` as `const fn`",null],["1.34","alternative_registries",null,"alternative registries to in cargo",null],["1.34","const_overflowing_neg",null,"`overflowing_neg` as `const fn`",null],["1.15","proc_macro_derive","proc_macro","procedural derive macros (macros 1.1)",1681],["1.26","copy_closures","copy_closures","`Copy` implementation for applicable closures",2132],["1.26","conservative_impl_trait","conservative_impl_trait","`impl Trait` in function return types",null],["1.26","match_default_bindings","match_default_bindings","default match binding modes",2005],["1.26","dotdoteq_in_patterns","dotdoteq_in_patterns","inclusive ranges in patterns",1192],["1.26","i128_type","i128_type","128 bit integer types",null],["1.26","underscore_lifetimes","underscore_lifetimes","placeholder lifetimes (`'_`)",2115],["1.26","inclusive_range_syntax","inclusive_range_syntax","inclusive range syntax",1192],["1.26","clone_closures","clone_closures","`Clone` implementation for applicable closures",2132],["1.26","universal_impl_trait","universal_impl_trait","`impl Trait` in function arguments",null],["1.26","termination_trait","termination_trait","types implementing `Termination` as the return type for `fn main()`",null],["1.26","const_indexing","const_indexing","array indexing in constants",null],["1.46","const_forget","const_forget","`mem::forget` as `const fn`",null],["1.46","vec_intoiter_as_ref","vec_intoiter_as_ref","`AsRef<[T]>` implementation for `vec::IntoIter`",null],["1.46","leading_ones","leading_trailing_ones","`leading_ones` integer methods",null],["1.46","const_slice_cast",null,"array to slice casts and coercions in `const fn`",null],["1.46","track_caller","track_caller","the `#[track_caller]` attribute",2091],["1.46","const_if_match","const_if_match","`if` and `match` in constant evaluation",2342],["1.46","from_char_for_string","from_char_for_string","`From` implementation for `String`",null],["1.46","const_loop","const_loop","`loop` and `while` in constant evaluation",2344],["1.46","nested_tuple_indexing",null,"nested tuple indexing without parentheses (`tuple.0.0`)",null],["1.46","partialeq_vec_for_ref_slice","partialeq_vec_for_ref_slice","`PartialEq>` implementations for slices",null],["1.46","option_zip","option_zip","`Option::zip`",null],["1.46","const_transmute","const_transmute","`mem::transmute` in constants",null],["1.46","trailing_ones","leading_trailing_ones","`trailing_ones` integer methods",null],["1.33","cfg_target_vendor","cfg_target_vendor","`cfg(target_vendor)`",null],["1.33","exhaustive_integer_patterns","exhaustive_integer_patterns","integer match exhaustiveness checking",2591],["1.33","irrefutable_let_patterns","irrefutable_let_patterns","irrefutable patterns in `if let` and `while let`",2086],["1.33","cfg_attr_multi","cfg_attr_multi","`#[cfg_attr(cfg, attr1, attr2, attr3)]`",2539],["1.33","const_ip","const_ip","`Ipv4Addr::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.33","unpin","pin","`marker::Unpin`",null],["1.33","min_const_unsafe_fn","min_const_unsafe_fn","`const unsafe fn`s inside `unsafe` blocks in `const fn`",null],["1.33","rc_arc_pin_method_receiver",null,"`Rc`, `Arc` or `Pin` as a method receiver",null],["1.33","pin","pin","`pin::Pin`",null],["1.33","underscore_imports","underscore_imports","underscore imports (impl-only trait imports)",2166],["1.33","if_while_or_patterns","if_while_or_patterns","or-patterns in `if let` and `while let`",2175],["1.33","repr_packed","repr_packed","`#[repr(packed(N))]` on structs",1399],["1.33","phantom_unpinned","pin","`marker::PhantomUnpinned`",null],["1.33","const_let","const_let","let bindings, assignments and destructuring in `const fn`",2341],["1.18","windows_subsystem","windows_subsystem","`#![windows_subsystem]`",null],["1.18","pub_restricted","pub_restricted","`pub(restricted)` visibilities",1422]]; \ No newline at end of file +var caniuseIndex=[["1.0","macro_rules","macro_rules","`macro_rules!`",null],["1.0","associated_types","associated_types","associated types in traits",null],["1.0","tuple_indexing","tuple_indexing","tuple indexing",null],["1.0","struct_variant","struct_variant","struct variants in enums",null],["1.0","slicing_syntax","slicing_syntax","`&foo[a..b]` as slicing syntax",null],["1.0","if_let","if_let","`if let` expressions",null],["1.0","default_type_params","default_type_params","type parameter defaults",null],["1.0","while_let","while_let","`while let` expressions",null],["1.9","deprecated","deprecated","`#[deprecated]`",1270],["1.46","track_caller","track_caller","the `#[track_caller]` attribute",2091],["1.46","vec_drain_as_ref","vec_drain_as_slice","`AsRef<[T]>` implementation for `vec::Drain<'_, T>`",null],["1.46","const_slice_cast",null,"array to slice casts and coercions in `const fn`",null],["1.46","option_zip","option_zip","`Option::zip`",null],["1.46","const_if_match","const_if_match","`if` and `match` in constant evaluation",2342],["1.46","const_forget","const_forget","`mem::forget` as `const fn`",null],["1.46","trailing_ones","leading_trailing_ones","`trailing_ones` integer methods",null],["1.46","const_loop","const_loop","`loop` and `while` in constant evaluation",2344],["1.46","vec_intoiter_as_ref","vec_intoiter_as_ref","`AsRef<[T]>` implementation for `vec::IntoIter`",null],["1.46","nested_tuple_indexing",null,"nested tuple indexing without parentheses (`tuple.0.0`)",null],["1.46","partialeq_vec_for_ref_slice","partialeq_vec_for_ref_slice","`PartialEq>` implementations for slices",null],["1.46","const_transmute","const_transmute","`mem::transmute` in constants",null],["1.46","vec_drain_as_slice","vec_drain_as_slice","`std::vec::Drain::as_slice`",null],["1.46","leading_ones","leading_trailing_ones","`leading_ones` integer methods",null],["1.46","from_char_for_string","from_char_for_string","`From` implementation for `String`",null],["1.39","const_str_as_bytes",null,"`str::as_bytes` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","const_str_len",null,"`str::len` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","bind_by_move_pattern_guards","bind_by_move_pattern_guards","shared references to bind-by-move patterns in `match` arms' guards",null],["1.39","async","async_await","`async`",null],["1.39","const_slice_len",null,"`[T]::len` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","instant_saturating_duration_since",null,"`Instant::saturating_duration_since`",null],["1.39","const_linkedlist_new",null,"`LinkedList::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","const_string_new",null,"`String::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","param_attrs","param_attrs","attributes on function parameters",null],["1.39","const_vec_new",null,"`Vec::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.39","pin_into_inner",null,"`Pin::into_inner`",null],["1.39","await","async_await","`.await`",null],["1.39","instant_checked_duration_since",null,"`Instant::checked_duration_since`",null],["1.8","augmented_assignments","augmented_assignments","assignment operator overloading",null],["1.8","braced_empty_structs","braced_empty_structs","empty structs and enum variants with braces",218],["1.23","unsized_ptr_as_mut",null,"`as_mut` on `*mut T`",null],["1.23","unsized_ptr_as_ref",null,"`as_ref` on pointers to unsized types",null],["1.50","assign_manually_drop_in_unions",null,"safe assignment to `ManuallyDrop` in `union`s",null],["1.50","ord_clamp","clamp","`Ord::clamp`",1961],["1.50","f32_clamp","clamp","`f32::clamp`",1961],["1.50","slice_fill","slice_fill","`slice::fill`",null],["1.50","f64_clamp","clamp","`f64::clamp`",1961],["1.50","or_insert_with_key","or_insert_with_key","`Entry::or_insert_with_key`",null],["1.50","bool_then","lazy_bool_to_option","`bool::then`",null],["1.50","refcell_take","refcell_take","`RefCell::take`",null],["1.50","unsafe_cell_get_mut","unsafe_cell_get_mut","`UnsafeCell::get_mut`",null],["1.33","cfg_target_vendor","cfg_target_vendor","`cfg(target_vendor)`",null],["1.33","pin","pin","`pin::Pin`",null],["1.33","const_let","const_let","let bindings, assignments and destructuring in `const fn`",2341],["1.33","cfg_attr_multi","cfg_attr_multi","`#[cfg_attr(cfg, attr1, attr2, attr3)]`",2539],["1.33","const_ip","const_ip","`Ipv4Addr::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.33","irrefutable_let_patterns","irrefutable_let_patterns","irrefutable patterns in `if let` and `while let`",2086],["1.33","if_while_or_patterns","if_while_or_patterns","or-patterns in `if let` and `while let`",2175],["1.33","exhaustive_integer_patterns","exhaustive_integer_patterns","integer match exhaustiveness checking",2591],["1.33","min_const_unsafe_fn","min_const_unsafe_fn","`const unsafe fn`s inside `unsafe` blocks in `const fn`",null],["1.33","phantom_unpinned","pin","`marker::PhantomUnpinned`",null],["1.33","repr_packed","repr_packed","`#[repr(packed(N))]` on structs",1399],["1.33","underscore_imports","underscore_imports","underscore imports (impl-only trait imports)",2166],["1.33","unpin","pin","`marker::Unpin`",null],["1.33","rc_arc_pin_method_receiver",null,"`Rc`, `Arc` or `Pin` as a method receiver",null],["1.12","cfg_attr_path",null,"`cfg_attr` on `path` attributes",null],["1.12","nested_macro_rules",null,"`macro_rules!` within `macro_rules!`",null],["1.25","use_nested_groups","use_nested_groups","nested groups in imports",2128],["1.25","repr_align","repr_align","`#[repr(align(N))]`",1358],["1.25","match_beginning_vert","match_beginning_vert","`|` at the beginning of match arms",1925],["1.20","compile_error","compile_error","`compile_error!`",1695],["1.20","struct_field_attributes","struct_field_attributes","attributes on struct literal fields",null],["1.20","unimplemented_macro_args",null,"`unimplemented!` with a message",null],["1.20","associated_consts","associated_consts","associated constants in `trait` and `impl` blocks",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_eq",null,"`Eq` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","global_allocator_in_submodules",null,"`#[global_allocator]` inside submodules",null],["1.38","iter_step_by_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::StepBy`",null],["1.38","duration_div_f32",null,"`Duration::div_f32`",null],["1.38","duration_mul_f64",null,"`Duration::mul_f64`",null],["1.38","any_type_name",null,"`any::type_name`",null],["1.38","ptr_cast",null,"`cast` method on pointers",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_copy",null,"`Copy` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","duration_from_secs_f32",null,"`Duration::from_secs_f32`",null],["1.38","duration_as_secs_f32",null,"`Duration::as_secs_f32`",null],["1.38","iter_take_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::Take`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_partialeq",null,"`PartialEq` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","duration_div_f64",null,"`Duration::div_f64`",null],["1.38","iter_peekable_double_ended",null,"`DoubleEndedIterator` implementation for `iter::Peekable`",null],["1.38","duration_as_secs_f64",null,"`Duration::as_secs_f64`",null],["1.38","euclidean_division","euclidean_division","euclidean division & modulo",null],["1.38","unpin_ptr",null,"`Unpin` implementations for pointers",null],["1.38","duration_mul_f32",null,"`Duration::mul_f32`",null],["1.38","shared_from_iter","shared_from_iter","`FromIterator` implementation for `Rc` and `Arc`",null],["1.38","deprecated_macros",null,"`#[deprecated]` on macros",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_error",null,"`Error` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","str_chars_debug",null,"`Debug` implementation for `std::str::Chars`",null],["1.38","ascii_escapedefault_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `ascii::EscapeDefault`",null],["1.38","thread_accesserror_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `thread::AccessError`",null],["1.38","duration_from_secs_f64",null,"`Duration::from_secs_f64`",null],["1.38","ascii_escapedefault_display",null,"`Display` implementation for `ascii::EscapeDefault`",null],["1.34","const_overflowing_neg",null,"`overflowing_neg` as `const fn`",null],["1.34","alternative_registries",null,"alternative registries to in cargo",null],["1.34","extern_crate_self","extern_crate_self","`extern crate self as foo;`",null],["1.34","deprecated_equals_reason",null,"`#[deprecated = \"reason\"]` as a shorthand for `#[deprecated(note = \"reason\")]`",null],["1.34","const_wrapping_neg",null,"`wrapping_neg` as `const fn`",null],["1.34","unrestricted_attribute_tokens","unrestricted_attribute_tokens","arbitrary token streams in procedural attribute macros",null],["1.41","cfg_doc","doc_cfg","`#[cfg(doc)]`",null],["1.41","maybe_uninit_debug","maybe_uninit_debug","`Debug` implementation for `MaybeUninit`",null],["1.41","re_rebalance_coherence","re_rebalance_coherence","relaxed coherence rules",null],["1.41","core_panic_info","core_panic_info","the `core::panic` module",null],["1.41","result_map_or","result_map_or","`Result::map_or`",null],["1.41","result_map_or_else","result_map_or_else","`Result::map_or_else`",null],["1.41","weak_counts","weak_counts","`Weak` count methods",null],["1.44","from_mut_str_for_string","from_mut_str_for_string","`From<&mut str>` implementation for `String`",null],["1.44","path_buf_shrink_to_fit","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::shrink_to_fit`",null],["1.44","osstring_deref_mut","mut_osstr","`DerefMut` implementation for `OsString`",null],["1.44","ioslice_copy",null,"`Copy` implementation for `io::IoSlice`",null],["1.44","ioslice_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `io::IoSlice`",null],["1.44","path_buf_reserve","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::reserve`",null],["1.44","lexerror_display","proc_macro_lexerror_impls","`Display` implementation for `proc_macro::LexError`",null],["1.44","convert_infallible_hash","convert_infallible_hash","`Hash` implementation for `convert::Infallible`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_align_to","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::align_to`",null],["1.44","vec_from_array","vec_from_array","`From<[T; N]>` implementation for `Vec`",null],["1.44","path_buf_clear","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::clear`",null],["1.44","lexerror_error","proc_macro_lexerror_impls","`Error` implementation for `proc_macro::LexError`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_pad_to_align","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::pad_to_align`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_array","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::array`",null],["1.44","alloc_layout_extend","alloc_layout_extras","`alloc::Layout::extend`",null],["1.44","path_buf_with_capacity","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::with_capacity`",null],["1.44","no_std_async_await",null,"`async` / `.await` in `#[no_std]` crates",null],["1.44","path_buf_capacity","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::capacity`",null],["1.44","const_int_to_from_bytes",null,"integer ↔ bytes conversion functions as `const fn`",null],["1.44","osstring_indexmut_rangefull","mut_osstr","`IndexMut` implementation for `OsString`",null],["1.44","path_buf_reserve_exact","path_buf_capacity","`PathBuf::reserve_exact`",null],["1.44","float_approx_unchecked_to","float_approx_unchecked_to","unchecked float → int conversion",null],["1.6","no_std","no_std","`#![no_std]`",null],["1.53","osstr_ascii","osstring_ascii","ASCII methods on `OsStr`",null],["1.53","slice_iter_mut_as_ref","slice_iter_mut_as_slice","`AsRef<[T]>` implementation for `slice::IterMut<'_, T>`",null],["1.53","or_patterns","or_patterns","nested or-patterns",null],["1.53","slice_iter_mut_as_slice","slice_iter_mut_as_slice","`slice::IterMut::as_slice`",null],["1.45","box_from_cow","box_from_cow","`From>` implementations for `Box`ed types",null],["1.45","unicode_version","unicode_version","`std::char::UNICODE_VERSION`",null],["1.45","atomic_min_max","atomic_min_max","`AtomicN::{fetch_min, fetch_max}`",null],["1.45","expr_proc_macro","proc_macro_hygiene","function-like procedural macros in expression, pattern and statement position",null],["1.45","atomic_fetch_update","no_more_cas","`AtomicN::fetch_update`",null],["1.45","nonzero_bitor","nonzero_bitor","`BitOr` implementations for `NonZero` integer types",null],["1.45","proc_macro_span_located_at","proc_macro_span_located_at","`proc_macro::Span::located_at`",null],["1.45","nonzero_bitor_assign","nonzero_bitor","`BitOrAssign` implementations for `NonZero` integer types",null],["1.45","proc_macro_span_resolved_at","proc_macro_span_resolved_at","`proc_macro::Span::resolved_at`",null],["1.45","rc_from_cow","shared_from_cow","`From>`` implementation for ``Rc`",null],["1.45","arc_from_cow","shared_from_cow","`From>` implementation for `Arc`",null],["1.45","btreemap_remove_entry","btreemap_remove_entry","`BTreeMap::remove_entry`",null],["1.45","proc_macro_span_mixed_site","proc_macro_mixed_site","`proc_macro::Span::mixed_site`",null],["1.31","extern_crate_item_prelude","extern_crate_item_prelude","`extern crate foo as bar;`",null],["1.31","impl_header_lifetime_elision","impl_header_lifetime_elision","lifetime elision in `impl` headers",null],["1.31","pattern_parentheses","pattern_parentheses","parentheses in patterns",null],["1.31","edition_2018",null,"the 2018 edition",null],["1.31","min_const_fn","min_const_fn","`const fn`",911],["1.31","tool_lints","tool_lints","scoped lints",null],["1.16","writeln_no_args",null,"`writeln!` without arguments",null],["1.16","assoc_ty_struct_expr_pat",null,"associated types in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.16","self_struct_expr_pat",null,"`Self` in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.52","str_rsplit_once","str_split_once","`str::rsplit_once`",null],["1.52","str_split_once","str_split_once","`str::split_once`",null],["1.30","crate_in_paths","crate_in_paths","`crate` in paths",null],["1.30","macro_vis_matcher","macro_vis_matcher","the `vis` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",null],["1.30","raw_identifiers","raw_identifiers","raw identifiers (`r#keyword`)",null],["1.30","attr_literals","attr_literals","non-string literals in attribute lists and values of key-value pairs",null],["1.30","panic_handler","panic_handler","`#[panic_handler]`",null],["1.30","used","used","`#[used]`",null],["1.30","extern_absolute_paths","extern_absolute_paths","absolute paths as paths from other crates",null],["1.30","non_modrs_mods","non_modrs_mods","`` as an alternative to `foo/`",null],["1.30","infer_outlives_requirements","infer_outlives_requirements","outlives requirement inference",2093],["1.30","tool_attributes","tool_attributes","tool-scoped attributes",null],["1.30","use_extern_macro","use_extern_macro","macro imports and reexports via the module system",null],["1.30","proc_macro_path_invoc","proc_macro_path_invoc","multi-segment paths in attributes and derives",null],["1.47","tau_constant","tau_constant","the `TAU` constant",null],["1.47","array_gt_32_impls",null,"`[T; N]` trait implementations with N > 32",null],["1.47","cstr_range_from","cstr_range_from","`Index` implementation for `CStr`",null],["1.47","range_full_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `RangeFull`",null],["1.47","proc_macro_raw_ident","proc_macro_raw_ident","`proc_macro::Ident::new_raw`",null],["1.47","const_type_id","const_type_id","`TypeId::of` in `const fn`",null],["1.47","range_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `Range`",null],["1.47","vec_leak","vec_leak","`Vec::leak`",null],["1.47","result_deref","inner_deref","`as_deref` and `as_deref_mut` on `Result`",null],["1.2","atomic_ptr_send",null,"`Send` implementation for `AtomicPtr`",null],["1.2","iter_once",null,"`iter::once`",null],["1.2","iter_empty",null,"`iter::empty`",null],["1.5","vec_resize",null,"`Vec::resize`",509],["1.5","fs_canonicalize",null,"`fs::canonicalize`",1044],["1.13","type_macros","type_macros","`macro_rules!` macros in type position",null],["1.13","question_mark","question_mark","the `?` operator",243],["1.13","debug_assert_ne",null,"`debug_assert_ne!`",1653],["1.13","assert_ne",null,"`assert_ne!`",1653],["1.24","unsized_ptr_is_null",null,"`is_null` on pointers to unsized types",null],["1.24","abi_sysv64","abi_sysv64","the sysV64 ABI on any platform",null],["1.4","use_group_renaming",null,"item renamings in import groups",null],["1.7","vec_as_mut_slice","vec_as_slice","`Vec::as_mut_slice`",null],["1.7","string_as_mut_str","string_as_str","`String::as_mut_str`",null],["1.7","string_as_str","string_as_str","`String::as_str`",null],["1.7","vec_as_slice","vec_as_slice","`Vec::as_slice`",null],["1.36","alloc","alloc","the `alloc` crate",null],["1.36","dbg_multiple_args",null,"multiple arguments in `dbg!` macro invocations",null],["1.36","const_nonnull_cast",null,"`NonNull::cast` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","maybe_uninit",null,"`mem::MaybeUninit`",1892],["1.36","const_needs_drop","const_needs_drop","`mem::needs_drop` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","hashbrown",null,"`hashbrown::HashMap` as the implementation of `HashMap`",null],["1.36","const_nonnull_dangling",null,"`NonNull::dangling` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","const_layout_from_size_align_unchecked",null,"`alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked` as `const fn`",null],["1.36","io_cursor_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `io::Cursor`",null],["1.36","string_from_string_ref",null,"`From<&String>` implementation for `String`",null],["1.36","nll_2015",null,"Non-Lexical Lifetimes (NLL) on the 2015 edition",null],["1.36","string_borrow_mut_str",null,"`BorrowMut` implementation for `String`",null],["1.37","option_xor",null,"`Option::xor`",null],["1.37","type_alias_enum_variants",null,"enum variants through a type alias",null],["1.37","repr_align_enum","repr_align_enum","`#[repr(align(N)]` on enums",null],["1.37","generic_param_cfg_attrs",null,"conditional compilation of generic parameters",null],["1.37","underscore_const_names","underscore_const_names","`_` as an identifier for constants",null],["1.37","reverse_bits","reverse_bits","`reverse_bits` integer methods",null],["1.37","copy_within","copy_within","`[T]::copy_within`",null],["1.37","kleene_op_2015",null,"the `?` Kleene macro operator in the 2015 edition",null],["1.17","cell_non_copy","cell_non_copy","`Cell` with non-`Copy` types",1651],["1.17","static_in_const","static_in_const","elision of `'static` lifetimes in `static`s and `const`s",1623],["1.17","field_init_shorthand","field_init_shorthand","field init shorthands (`x` for `x: x` in struct initializers)",1682],["1.17","static_recursion","static_recursion","recursive static items",null],["1.17","where_clauses_with_self",null,"`Self` in the where clause of trait impl's",1647],["1.32","const_non_null_as_ptr",null,"`NonNull::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_cstr_as_ptr",null,"`CStr::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_ipv6addr_new",null,"`Ipv6Addr::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_nanos",null,"`Duration::subsec_nanos` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_ipv4addr_is_unspecified",null,"`Ipv4Addr::is_unspecified` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_slice_as_ptr",null,"`slice::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","path_from_str","path_from_str","`FromStr` implementation for `PathBuf`",null],["1.32","macro_literal_matcher","macro_literal_matcher","the `literal` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",1576],["1.32","self_struct_ctor","self_struct_ctor","`Self` as a constructor and pattern for unit and tuple structs",2302],["1.32","uniform_paths","uniform_paths","uniform paths (`use x::y;` as `use self::x::y;`) in the 2018 edition",null],["1.32","const_ipv6addr_octets",null,"`Ipv6Addr::octets` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","int_to_from_bytes","int_to_from_bytes","integer ↔ bytes conversion functions",null],["1.32","const_unsafe_cell_get",null,"`UnsafeCell::get` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_cell_as_ptr",null,"`Cell::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_str_as_ptr",null,"`str::as_ptr` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_manually_drop_into_inner",null,"`ManuallyDrop::into_inner` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","boxed_slice_from_iter","boxed_slice_from_iter","`FromIterator` implementation for `Box<[T]>`",null],["1.32","const_range_inclusive_end",null,"`RangeInclusive::end` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","macro_at_most_once_rep","macro_at_most_once_rep","`?` as the Kleene \"at most one\" operator in `macro_rules!` in the 2018 edition",2298],["1.32","const_range_inclusive_start",null,"`RangeInclusive::start` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_as_secs",null,"`Duration::as_secs` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_millis",null,"`Duration::subsec_millis` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","self_in_typedefs","self_in_typedefs","`Self` in type definitions",2300],["1.32","const_manually_drop_new",null,"`ManuallyDrop::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_iter_empty",null,"`iter::empty` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","must_use_traits",null,"`#[must_use]` on traits",null],["1.32","dbg_macro","dbg_macro","`dbg!`",2361],["1.32","const_char_is_ascii",null,"`char::is_ascii` as `const fn`",null],["1.32","const_duration_subsec_micros",null,"`Duration::subsec_micros` as `const fn`",null],["1.18","windows_subsystem","windows_subsystem","`#![windows_subsystem]`",null],["1.18","pub_restricted","pub_restricted","`pub(restricted)` visibilities",1422],["1.35","asraw_stdio_locks","asraw_stdio_locks","`AsRawFd` implementation for `StdinLock`, `StdoutLock` and `StderrLock`",null],["1.35","boxed_closure_impls","boxed_closure_impls","boxed closure `Fn*` trait implementations",null],["1.35","coerce_closure_to_unsafe_fn_ptr",null,"closure to unsafe function pointer coercions",null],["1.35","dbg_no_args",null,"`dbg!` without arguments",null],["1.35","exact_size_case_mapping_iter","exact_size_case_mapping_iter","`ExactSizeIterator` implementation for `ToLowercase` and `ToUppercase`",null],["1.35","alloc_system_default",null,"`Default` implementation for `alloc::System`",null],["1.42","alloc_layout_const_new","alloc_layout_const_new","`alloc::Layout::new` as `const fn`",null],["1.42","wait_timeout_until","wait_timeout_until","`Condvar::wait_timeout_while`",null],["1.42","matches_macro","matches_macro","`matches!`",null],["1.42","slice_patterns","slice_patterns","subslice patterns (`[a, .., b]` and `[a, xs @ .., b]`)",null],["1.42","proc_macro_extern_prelude",null,"the `proc_macro` crate without `extern crate` in procedural macro crates",null],["1.42","eq_cursor",null,"`PartialEq` and `Eq` implementations for `io::Cursor`",null],["1.42","transparent_enums","transparent_enums","`#[repr(transparent)]` on single-variant enums",null],["1.42","iter_empty_send_sync","iter_empty_send_sync","unconditional `Send` and `Sync` implementations for `iter::Empty`",null],["1.42","slice_from_raw_parts","slice_from_raw_parts","`ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut`",null],["1.42","debug_map_key_value","debug_map_key_value","`DebugMap::value`",null],["1.42","attr_on_inline_mod",null,"attribute macros on inline modules",null],["1.42","manually_drop_take","manually_drop_take","`ManuallyDrop::take`",null],["1.42","wait_until","wait_until","`Condvar::wait_while`",null],["1.27","target_feature",null,"`#[target_feature(...)]`",null],["1.27","macro_lifetime_matcher","macro_lifetime_matcher","the `lifetime` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!`",null],["1.27","proc_ident",null,"`proc` as an identifier",null],["1.27","dyn_trait","dyn_trait","`dyn Trait` as a syntax for trait objects",null],["1.27","fn_must_use","fn_must_use","`#[must_use]` on functions",1940],["1.27","termination_trait_test","termination_trait_test","types implementing `Termination` as the return type for `#[test]`s",null],["1.27","generic_param_attrs","generic_param_attrs","attributes on generic parameters",1327],["1.27","cfg_target_feature","cfg_target_feature","`#[cfg(target_feature = \"...\")]`",null],["1.14","dotdot_in_tuple_patterns","dotdot_in_tuple_patterns","`..` in tuple (struct) patterns",1492],["1.14","println_no_args",null,"`println!` without arguments",null],["1.14","fn_ptr_to_unsafe_fn_ptr",null,"`fn` pointer to `unsafe fn` pointer coercion",null],["1.22","drop_types_in_const","drop_types_in_const","`Drop` types in constants",1440],["1.3","time","time","`std::time`",null],["1.3","duration","duration","`std::time::Duration`",null],["1.1","split_whitespace",null,"`str::split_whitespace`",1054],["1.28","offsetof_ident",null,"`offsetof` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","alignof_ident",null,"`alignof` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","pure_ident",null,"`pure` as an identifier",2421],["1.28","repr_transparent","repr_transparent","`#[repr(transparent)]` on newtype structs",null],["1.28","global_allocator","global_allocator","`#[global_allocator]`",null],["1.28","sizeof_ident",null,"`sizeof` as an identifier",2421],["1.51","empty_seek","empty_seek","`io::Seek` implementation for `io::Empty`",null],["1.51","slice_strip_suffix","slice_strip","`slice::strip_suffix`",null],["1.51","slice_strip_prefix","slice_strip","`slice::strip_prefix`",null],["1.51","iterator_reduce","iterator_fold_first","`Iterator::reduce`",null],["1.51","nonzero_rem","nonzero_div","`Rem` implementation for `u{0}`",null],["1.51","poll_map_ok","poll_map","`Poll>>::map_ok`",null],["1.51","nonzero_div","nonzero_div","`Div` implementation for `u{0}`",null],["1.51","str_as_mut","as_mut_str_for_str","`AsMut` implementation for `str`",null],["1.51","arc_decrement_strong_count","arc_mutate_strong_count","`Arc::decrement_strong_count`",null],["1.51","arc_increment_strong_count","arc_mutate_strong_count","`Arc::increment_strong_count`",null],["1.51","array_value_iter","array_value_iter","by-value `[T; N]` iterator `core::array::IntoIter`",null],["1.51","slice_fill_with","slice_fill_with","`slice::fill_with`",null],["1.51","seek_stream_position","seek_convenience","`io::Seek::stream_position`",null],["1.51","poll_map_err","poll_map","`Poll>>::map_err`",null],["1.40","const_is_power_of_two",null,"`is_power_of_two` as `const fn`",null],["1.40","cfg_doctest","cfg_doctest","`#[cfg(doctest)]`",null],["1.40","const_constructor","const_constructor","tuple struct and tuple variant constructors in `const fn`",null],["1.40","todo_macro",null,"`todo!`",null],["1.40","slice_repeat",null,"`slice::repeat`",null],["1.40","float_to_from_bytes","float_to_from_bytes","float ↔ bytes conversion functions",null],["1.40","proc_macro_generated_macro_rules",null,"proc-macros that generate `macro_rules!` macros",null],["1.40","map_get_key_value","map_get_key_value","`get_key_value` on `HashMap` and `BTreeMap`",null],["1.40","option_flattening","option_flattening","`Option::flatten`",null],["1.40","type_proc_macros",null,"function-like procedural macros in type position",null],["1.40","option_deref","option_deref","`as_deref` and `as_deref_mut` on `Option`",null],["1.40","modern_meta_macro_pattern",null,"the `meta` fragment specifier in `macro_rules!` for modern attribute syntax",null],["1.40","non_exhaustive","non_exhaustive","`#![non_exhaustive]`",2008],["1.40","mem_take",null,"`mem::take`",null],["1.40","udpsocker_peer_addr",null,"`UdpSocket::peer_addr`",null],["1.40","macros_in_extern","macros_in_extern","macro invocations in `extern {}` blocks",null],["unstable","box_into_boxed_slice","box_into_boxed_slice","`Box::into_boxed_slice`",null],["unstable","link_cfg","link_cfg","`#[link(..., cfg(...))]`",null],["unstable","wake_trait","wake_trait","the `Wake` trait",null],["unstable","pin_static_mut","pin_static_ref","`Pin::static_mut`",null],["unstable","cfg_target_has_atomic","cfg_target_has_atomic","`cfg(target_has_atomic = ...)`",null],["unstable","never_type","never_type","the never type (`!`)",null],["unstable","const_fn_transmute","const_fn_transmute","`mem::transmute` in `const fn`",null],["unstable","abi_thiscall","abi_thiscall","`thiscall` calling convention",null],["unstable","plugin_registrar","plugin_registrar","`#[plugin_registrar]`",null],["unstable","non_ascii_idents","non_ascii_idents","non-ASCII identifiers",null],["unstable","thread_local","thread_local","`#[thread_local]` on `static`s",null],["unstable","btreeset_retain","btree_retain","`BTreeSet::retain`",null],["unstable","exhaustive_patterns","exhaustive_patterns","exhaustive pattern matching on types that contain uninhabited types",1872],["unstable","const_io_cursor_position","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::position` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","specialization","specialization","specialization",null],["unstable","associated_type_defaults","associated_type_defaults","default values for associated types",null],["unstable","cow_is_borrowed","cow_is_borrowed","`Cow::is_borrowed` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","pub_macro_rules","pub_macro_rules","module scoping for `macro_rules!` macros",null],["unstable","slice_ptr_len","slice_ptr_len","the `len` method on raw slices",null],["unstable","const_generics","const_generics","const generics",2000],["unstable","cfg_version","cfg_version","`#[cfg(version(..))]`",null],["unstable","raw_ref_op","raw_ref_op","the raw reference operator (`&raw [mut | const] $place`)",2582],["unstable","result_contains","option_result_contains","`Result::contains`",null],["unstable","link_args","link_args","`#[link_args]`",null],["unstable","exclusive_range_pattern","exclusive_range_pattern","exclusive range patterns (`a..b`)",null],["unstable","cow_is_owned","cow_is_borrowed","`Cow::is_owned` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","no_core","no_core","`#![no_core]`",null],["unstable","total_cmp","total_cmp","the `total_cmp` method on float types",null],["unstable","pin_static_ref","pin_static_ref","`Pin::static_ref`",null],["unstable","half_open_range_patterns","half_open_range_patterns","half-open range patterns",null],["unstable","const_io_empty","const_io_structs","`io::empty` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","const_io_repeat","const_io_structs","`io::repeat` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","cstring_from_vec_with_nul","cstring_from_vec_with_nul","nul-terminated `Vec` to `CString` conversions",null],["unstable","default_free_fn","default_free_fn","the free `default` function (shorthand for `Default::default`)",null],["unstable","const_in_array_repeat_expressions","const_in_array_repeat_expressions","constants in array repeat expressions",2203],["unstable","option_contains","option_result_contains","`Option::contains`",null],["unstable","const_io_cursor_new","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::new` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","plugin","plugin","`#![plugin(...)]`",null],["unstable","format_args_capture","format_args_capture","implicit named arguments for formatting macros",2795],["unstable","type_ascription","type_ascription","type ascription",803],["unstable","const_io_sink","const_io_structs","`io::sink` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","generic_associated_types","generic_associated_types","generic associated types (GAT)",1598],["unstable","nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts","`NonNull<[T]>::slice_from_raw_parts`",null],["unstable","btreemap_retain","btree_retain","`BTreeMap::retain`",null],["unstable","const_io_cursor_get_ref","const_io_structs","`io::Cursor::get_ref` as `const fn`",null],["unstable","naked_functions","naked_functions","`#[naked]` functions",null],["unstable","option_zip_with","option_zip","`Option::zip_with`",null],["1.26","termination_trait","termination_trait","types implementing `Termination` as the return type for `fn main()`",null],["1.26","copy_closures","copy_closures","`Copy` implementation for applicable closures",2132],["1.26","inclusive_range_syntax","inclusive_range_syntax","inclusive range syntax",1192],["1.26","dotdoteq_in_patterns","dotdoteq_in_patterns","inclusive ranges in patterns",1192],["1.26","conservative_impl_trait","conservative_impl_trait","`impl Trait` in function return types",null],["1.26","const_indexing","const_indexing","array indexing in constants",null],["1.26","i128_type","i128_type","128 bit integer types",null],["1.26","universal_impl_trait","universal_impl_trait","`impl Trait` in function arguments",null],["1.26","match_default_bindings","match_default_bindings","default match binding modes",2005],["1.26","underscore_lifetimes","underscore_lifetimes","placeholder lifetimes (`'_`)",2115],["1.26","clone_closures","clone_closures","`Clone` implementation for applicable closures",2132],["1.49","manually_drop_in_unions","untagged_unions","`ManuallyDrop` in `union`s",null],["1.49","const_poll_is_ready","const_poll","`Poll::is_ready` as `const fn`",null],["1.49","partialeq_vec_for_slice",null,"`impl PartialEq> for [A] where A: PartialEq`",null],["1.49","empty_enum_to_int",null,"uninhabited enum to integer casts",null],["1.49","move_ref_pattern","move_ref_pattern","move and reference bindings in the same match pattern",null],["1.49","partialeq_slice_for_vec",null,"`impl PartialEq<[B]> for Vec where A: PartialEq`",null],["1.49","const_poll_is_pending","const_poll","`Poll::is_pending` as `const fn`",null],["1.43","once_is_completed",null,"`sync::once::Once::is_completed`",null],["1.43","string_as_mut","string_as_mut","`AsMut` implementation for `String`",null],["1.43","extra_log_consts","extra_log_consts","`{f32, f64}::{LOG2_10, LOG10_2}`",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_partial_eq",null,"`PartialEq` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_clone",null,"`Clone` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","from_utf8_error_eq",null,"`Eq` implementation for `FromUtf8Error`",null],["1.43","core_primitive","core_primitive","`core::primitive`",null],["1.43","const_ascii_methods_on_intrinsics","const_ascii_methods_on_intrinsics","`u8::is_ascii` as `const fn`",null],["1.43","assoc_int_consts","assoc_int_consts","numeric constants as associated constants",null],["1.43","iter_once_with","iter_once_with","`iter::once_with`",null],["1.43","if_attr",null,"attributes on `if` expressions",null],["1.43","cstring_from_vec_of_nonzerou8","cstring_from_vec_of_nonzerou8","`From>` implementation for `CString`",null],["1.43","boxed_slice_try_from","boxed_slice_try_from","`TryFrom` implementations from boxed slices to boxed arrays",null],["1.15","proc_macro_derive","proc_macro","procedural derive macros (macros 1.1)",1681],["1.11","nested_cfg_attr",null,"nested `cfg_attr` attributes",null],["1.19","loop_break_value","loop_break_value","`break` with a value inside `loop`s",1624],["1.19","relaxed_adts","relaxed_adts","numeric fields in struct expressions and patterns",null],["1.19","untagged_unions","untagged_unions","`union`s",1444],["1.19","eprintln",null,"`eprintln!`",1869],["1.19","closure_to_fn_coercion","closure_to_fn_coercion","non-capturing closure to function pointer coercion",1558],["1.19","eprint",null,"`eprint!`",null],["1.29","proc_macro","proc_macro","procedural macros",null],["1.48","write_stderr_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Stderr`",null],["1.48","const_result_is_ok","const_result","`Result::is_ok` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_result_is_err","const_result","`Result::is_err` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","future_pending","future_readiness_fns","`future::pending`",null],["1.48","slice_ptr_range","slice_ptr_range","slice to pointer range methods",null],["1.48","const_ordering_then","const_ordering","`cmp::Ordering::then` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","array_try_from_vec","array_try_from_vec","`TryFrom>` implementation for `[T; N]`",null],["1.48","const_ordering_reverse","const_ordering","`cmp::Ordering::reverse` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","future_ready","future_readiness_fns","`future::ready`",null],["1.48","intra_doc_links",null,"intra-doc links",null],["1.48","write_sink_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Sink`",null],["1.48","write_child_stdin_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&ChildStdin`",null],["1.48","const_option_is_none","const_option","`Option::is_none` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_option_as_ref","const_option","`Option::as_ref` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","const_result_as_ref","const_result","`Result::as_ref` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","deque_make_contiguous","deque_make_contiguous","`VecDeque::make_contiguous`",null],["1.48","doc_alias","doc_alias","`#[doc(alias = \"…\")]`",null],["1.48","const_option_is_some","const_option","`Option::is_some` as `const fn`",null],["1.48","write_stdout_ref","write_mt","`Write` implementation for `&Stdout`",null],["1.10","cstring_default","cstr_default","`Default` implementation for `CString`",null],["1.10","weak_new","downgraded_weak","`sync::Weak::new`",null],["1.10","cstr_default","cstr_default","`Default` implementation for `&CStr`",null]]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/extension/index/crates.js b/extension/index/crates.js index f0e8b506..ad242152 100644 --- a/extension/index/crates.js +++ b/extension/index/crates.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var mapping={"^k":"tree","$u":"tokio","$8":"function","$C":"around","$K":"configuration","$X":"algorithms","@H":"command","@N":"cargo","$E":"definitions","@B":"Implementation","@b":"interested","@2":"implementation","$a":"used","@n":"interact","$i":"which","^F":"numbers","$V":"operations","^a":"implementing","^N":"program","@Q":"system","&F":"helpers","&q":"over","&l":"processing","^M":"standard","$B":"time","$o":"type","$l":"functionality","@q":"complete","^c":"network","@W":"are","&T":"distributed","@S":"this","^X":"stream","^0":"access","^3":"binding","^R":"reading","@K":"Bindings","$b":"string","$5":"implementations","@7":"with","&V":"compile","&j":"libraries","@Z":"server","@s":"interface","$f":"use","&G":"enum","&3":"subcommand","^e":"distribution","^Y":"web","@O":"you","&0":"api","&a":"deserialization","$s":"programming","^b":"cli","$t":"build","&K":"useful","^u":"graphics","@J":"Simple","^q":"error","@C":"API","&v":"implemented","^J":"SDK","@F":"google","&b":"write","^r":"AWS","$A":"terminal","$P":"abstraction","$Y":"handling","@d":"macros","^Q":"project","&g":"Unicode","$O":"rusoto","&D":"wrappers","&S":"devices","&d":"native","$q":"utility","@A":"data","^y":"JSON","@p":"that","&s":"easy","@v":"future","@8":"crate","&X":"Client","^L":"storage","^I":"hash","@9":"protocol","^8":"compiler","$S":"fast","$p":"your","&J":"inspired","$Z":"crates","^U":"Macros","^S":"efficient","&1":"utils","^H":"module","@j":"parser","&P":"output","&r":"proc","&Y":"postgres","&w":"https","@y":"provides","^h":"working","&t":"Linux","^l":"Utilities","^x":"text","&W":"rendering","$J":"performance","^d":"compatible","^K":"driver","&c":"Asynchronous","^t":"integration","@D":"FFI","&e":"http","&2":"number","@k":"This","^p":"Protocol","@X":"Provides","^5":"Windows","@I":"level","@o":"framework","&8":"dependencies","$y":"strings","$D":"like","@Y":"parsing","^B":"management","^f":"building","@x":"using","@R":"language","$N":"writing","&H":"reader","^o":"HTTP","&o":"dependency","$L":"plugin","@m":"macro","$r":"line","$U":"Procedural","@e":"simple","$W":"safe","&7":"interacting","$e":"information","&B":"Native","^n":"extension","^w":"helper","@G":"generator","@M":"format","@0":"for","&9":"service","$x":"microcontrollers","&z":"logging","@U":"platform","&k":"thread","$n":"serde","&4":"multiple","&u":"collections","&5":"tools","$0":"package","$Q":"binary","@E":"files","^Z":"without","$F":"tool","@T":"core","$6":"async","^7":"test","$R":"common","$3":"code","$h":"written","&Z":"agnostic","^6":"generation","@f":"sys","$7":"algorithm","@l":"types","&p":"pure","$I":"trait","&6":"providing","@i":"client","^m":"generate","@w":"from","$1":"futures","^2":"primitives","^P":"small","^C":"lightweight","@5":"bindings","$m":"collection","@t":"support","^O":"process","@V":"serialization","@4":"the","@z":"functions","@P":"applications","&U":"Language","$M":"structure","@3":"Rust","$g":"traits","@c":"derive","&f":"decoding","^E":"Automatically","$w":"procedural","@g":"rust","^g":"solana","&L":"expression","@1":"library","&M":"repository","&C":"Parser","^9":"creating","^V":"database","&i":"generated","$G":"between","$d":"The","@r":"based","$v":"memory","&N":"manager","$T":"application","$c":"encoding","@6":"and","^W":"internal","&n":"static","$k":"engine","^4":"backend","^G":"values","$z":"asynchronous","&R":"machine","&m":"value","^D":"compression","^T":"codegen","$2":"file","^s":"allocator","&O":"image","^i":"into","@a":"placeholder","@u":"Library","&h":"environment","^v":"embedded","@L":"utilities","&y":"rustc","$H":"generating","^j":"testing","^z":"cryptographic","$4":"runtime","&I":"logger","&x":"random","&Q":"methods","@h":"wrapper","&A":"development","$9":"version","&E":"messages","^1":"WebAssembly","^A":"generic","$j":"structures"};var N=null;var C=["0.2.0","0.3.1","0.5.0","0.3.0","0.0.1","0.6.0","0.1.6","0.2.1","0.4.0","0.1.0","Blockchain, Rebuilt @0 Scale","Some &5 @p @W '^W' @0 now because they @W insufficiently refined @6 unstable, but $i @W $a by other 'public' $Z.","0.10.0","0.46.0","1.0.14+20200708","0.11.0","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud User Accounts (@9 vm_beta)","1.0.14+20160316","Replaced by rug: arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point @6 complex ^F","0.12.0","Harmonious &T @A analysis in @3.","0.10.1","@D @5 @0 libusb.","0.2.0-alpha.6","0.12.1","0.22.0","1.0.14+20200704","Collection of @H-$r @L @6 corresponding @3 &0 @0 producing pwasm-^d executables","^U to auto-^m $5 @0 @4 $n @o","@u @0 @4 imag @T ^e","0.9.0-alpha.2","0.14.0","0.0.1-sol5","$d $z `Sink` $I @0 @4 $1-rs @1.","0.0.52-alpha2","0.17.2","0.17.0","1.0.14+20200629","0.13.0","Flexible $3 @G @0 @3","0.3.0-alpha.19","STM32 peripheral mappings @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.","0.15.0","$U @m @1 $a to $t custom prime field $5","@u @0 performing MPCs @0 ^9 zk-SNARK public parameters","0.3.0-alpha.1","A $s @R @6 model of computation @p matches @4 abstract $7 perfectly.","reserved","1.20141219.5","A @q @1 to @n @7 Firebase Remote Config (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20171129","0.16.0","DEPRECATED: replaced by @4 `cipher` @8","Type-$W, compiled Handlebars","0.19.0","OpenCL @5 @6 interfaces @0 @3.","Generic cache $5 @6 simplified $8 memoization","A @1 @0 devising derives @6 other $w @d.","$d $0 @y @5 to 3D-ICE.","0.26.0","0.1.12","0.22.0-rc.0","Rethinking ^p Generators","0.3.36","0.1.10","0.14.2","A @q @1 to @n @7 iam (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200617","@k is Pre alpha, @6 not &K, no $3 worth looking at.","Common $g @0 @4 Twiggy $3 size profiler.","0.39.1","1.0.14+20200623","1.0.14+20200701","0.0.37","A @q @1 to @n @7 appengine (@9 v1beta4)","1.0.14+20181005","Build a config $M @w &h variables ^Z boilerplate.","1.0.14+20200707","Extra components @0 $f @7 Mio","@3 SGX ^J @y @4 ability to &b Intel SGX @P in @3 Programming &U.","0.13.2","A @q @1 to @n @7 appsactivity (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200628","0.13.1","Common reusable @l @0 ^a @4 @9.","LightSpeed","Create Erlang NIF modules in @3 @x @4 C NIF @C.","IRC log converter/collector/cruncher","0.1.11","1.0.14+20200703","0.6.0-pre.1","TODO(doc): @quake @8 description","@K to LLVM's C @C","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.3)","1.0.6+20160803","A @q @1 to @n @7 fusiontables (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20171117","0.3.1-alpha3","0.27.0","Generate &x ^F quickly.","1.0.14+20200524","@K to @4 gcc quadmath @1","Easy to $f conversion of ethereum contract calls to bytecode.","1.0.14+20200706","^U @0 &s operator overloading.","TLS @C ^Z @2","@B detail of abi_stable.","0.6.0-alpha","@D @5 to FFmpeg","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Machine Learning Engine (@9 v1)","Derive-@r argument @Y optimized @0 $3 size","^y-RPC @8","@3 @h @0 Facebook's RocksDB embeddable ^V","An html @1 @0 ^f @i side webapps","Runtime @1 @t @0 Wasmtime","Fluence FCE @s $o ^w @8","A good friend @0 r2d2","1.0.14+20200331","FTP @i @0 @3","Parse @H $r argument by defining a struct, @c @8.","3.0.0-beta.2","A @q @1 to @n @7 DoubleClick Bid Manager (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200616","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.5)","1.0.6+20170428","Cross-@U @1 to retrieve ^c sockets $e.","1.0.14+20200619","A @m to evaluate, as a boolean, whether an &L matches a pattern.","Elastic vector backed by fixed size array","$1 $i @t ^W references","A @q @1 to @n @7 SQL Admin (@9 v1beta4)","1.0.12+20190607","A ^W @8 $a by numext-fixed-uint.","WebGPU @T logic on gfx-hal","0.21.0-pre.4","Enigma @1 @0 ^9 Secret Contracts","Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow @6 ONNX inference","A @q @1 to @n @7 Logging (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20200624","A @q @1 to @n @7 Firebase Dynamic Links (@9 v1)","Runtime @0 @4 $6/await @d in @4 `$1` @8.","A @1 @0 taking @4 crc32 of a $b or byte literal at &V $B","@k @8 @y @z @0 normalization ofUnicode $y, including Canonical @6 CompatibleDecomposition @6 Recomposition, as described inUnicode Standard Annex #15.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Resource Manager (@9 v1)","Search $k @1","0.0.1-alpha.10","Test @8 @0 @N-crusader","Cross-@U @3 @C @0 $v-mapped $2 IO","0.4.0-beta.2","@k Crate Has Been Retired; And I Have Since Shifted My Focus (Almost Entirely) Towards Game-Development. If Still Interested In @k Or Any Other Crates I've Worked On, You Can Look For $d Rough-Equivalent On My Github &w:// And In $d Coupled Organizations Listed Therein.","999999999.999999999.999999999","0.16.0-threadsafe.4","A @q @1 to @n @7 appengine (@9 v1)","@3 @t @0 @4 ^y-RPC 1.0 @9","A @3 @R ^3 @0 Groonga.","1.16.0-rc-170","I/O $1 @0 Fluvio ^Q","Fast, ergonomic metrics @0 @3!","Transport &Z ^y-RPC 2.0 @i @2.","Fundamental base @l @6 $3 $a by pnet.","WebGPU @l","$n @t @0 exporting Typescript $E","0.1.0-alpha.0","@g port of babel @6 closure ^8.","2.0.0-beta.1","An ^o Signatures @1 @p leaves @4 signing to @O","@C @0 managing &g &U Identifiers","1.0.14+20200630","Stores, rotates, compresses ^O logs.","auto calculation of $9 @r on &e://","An ^o/2.0 @i @6 @Z","Cross-compilation made easier - see main @8 @N-dinghy","pieces of a naive incomplete broken game boy emulator","@C @0 managing &g Locale Identifiers","Soon to be highly flexible Entity-Component-System @o, @T lib.","Backport of libsyntax","@B detail of embed_js @6 embed_js_build, do not $f directly.","Digital signal &l @r on real or complex vectors in $B or frequency domain.","Binary &8 @0 @4 'deno' @8","InfluxDB @3 ^K","&B @5 to librocksdb","Tools @0 &7 @7 @4 services of an ActyxOS node","Fast ^z @1 @0 @3 (@5 to libsodium)","7.0.0-alpha.5","2 @6 3-dimensional collision detection @1 in @3.","0.1.0-rc.1","A fork of Rust’s `^7` @8 @p doesn’t require unstable @R features.","3.0.3+sys2.14.0","A @q @1 to @n @7 ^L (@9 v1)","A special input $o @0 nom to locate tokens","Merkle-Patricia Trie ^A &q key hasher @6 node $c","^E $H infrastructure @0 measuring @4 total $4 size of an object on @4 heap","0.5.0-alpha.0","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.1)","1.0.6+20160323","0.7.0-alpha.1","LMDB &d lib","A @g @8 @0 sending &E to Slack via webhooks.","0.6.0-beta.1","0.21.0-pre.5","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloudbilling (@9 v1)","@J, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @2 @r on @4 Mimblewimble chain @M.","Automatic @G of C++ @1 &D","A @g introspection $w @m.","Really $S, intuitive template $k @0 @3","Binary Object Representation Serializer @0 Hashing","reserved @8","0.17.0-alpha.2","A quasi-quoting @m @Q","Linear algebra $0 @0 @g-ndarray @x LAPACK","Check email address","0.11.0-beta.0","A @e graph search @6 representation @1","Recursive-length prefix $c, &f, @6 ^D","TODO(doc): @keroro520 @8 description","An Aspect Toolkit @0 @3","@3 @5 @0 libclang.","Wasmer $4 @T @1","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.8)","1.0.14+20180830","A @q @1 to @n @7 pagespeedonline (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20191206","Raw @Q calls","$d $0 @y SQLCipher.","Portable Ethereum Virtual Machine @2 $h in &p @3.","0.2.0-beta","0.3.0-alpha.6","A @o @0 making @i-side single-page apps","A @q @1 to @n @7 Android Publisher (@9 v2)","Configure const @6 &n items by &h variables.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Groups Migration (@9 v1)","DEPRECATED: $f ncollide2d or ncollide3d insead.","@3 ^1 Contracts Abi (@c @d)","@K to libopus","1.0.0-alpha.5","@X some &1 to help create mutable statics @7 lazy_static.","@3 @1 @0 $N NEAR smart contracts.","$d mio-@r @o @0 doing I/O in @e @6 composable way","A whitespace-aware quasiquoter @0 beautiful $3 ^6.","Derive @m @0 `std::^q::Error`","@3 @5 @0 @4 GTK+ 3 @1","A @1 @0 loading Zcash Sapling parameters","$d practical ^o @i @p is fun to $f.","$d Elegant &C","Handle errors @6 exit in @H $r programs easily.","A mixin @0 ^9 @H $r @P - gives an &s @s @0 argument specification @6 &l $a by &w://www.megam.io @2 @x rust_cli can be found at &w://","@3 @5 @0 @4 FLTK GUI @1","Libsecret @5 @0 @3","@3 @5 @0 libbfio (&w://","1.0.0-pre.3","^y-RPC &X","Unpack, pack, deflate @6 inflate 1C v8 $2 (*.cf)","@3 $4 @0 ^r Lambda","@3 @5 @0 @4 unicorn emulator","Macro ^T @0 @4 include-flate @8","0.3.0-alpha.5","Rustyline, a readline @2 @r on Antirez's Linenoise","OpenGL ^4 @0 gfx-rs","@K to linenoise @0 @e $r-editing facilities.","0.2.0-alpha.2","Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain @U @0 ^f &T ledger @P @6 networks.","Chain @2 @0 grin, a @e, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @2 @r on @4 Mimblewimble chain @M.","@3 Builder @0 Cargo","A @o @0 online ^N state introspection","A $S $Q @V @o, #[@c(Readable, Writable)] @t","@D @5 to OpenSSL","0.4.0-alpha.2","Common @L @6 ^n $g @0 @4 $1-rs @1.","@3 @h @0 CRoaring","Derive Debug @7 a custom @M per field","Coroutine @u in @3","2-dimensional physics $k in @3.","A `dotenv` @2 @0 @3","706.0.0","0.5.0-alpha.1","A converter $L to @4 bson @M @0 Nushell","Weakly-typed Roblox DOM @2 @0 @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v3.0)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Android Provisioning Partner (@9 v1)","A @1 @0 zero-allocation @Y of $Q formats.","Thread-$W @3 @5 @0 @4 HDF5 @1.","0.2.0-alpha.1","1.0.0-alpha.4","CLI @0 cargonauts ^Y @o","IMAP @i @0 @3","Generic @6 $o-@I $s @0 @3","Mqtt3 is a @8 to read/&b MQTT-packet @w/to a ^X.","A @q @1 to @n @7 analytics (@9 v3)","1.0.14+20190807","An ordered map @6 set @r on a $Q search ^k.","Core definition @0 @4 @3 borrow checker","Some &K @L to transform ^1 binaries, most importantly @0 ^1 $a in a deterministic / blockchain context","Event loop @p drives Tokio I/O resources.","Attribute @h @0 objekt","A github webhook @Z","Physics @1 @0 $f @7 `specs`","A @q @1 to @n @7 cloudlatencytest (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20160309","A @q @1 to @n @7 Vault (@9 v1)","@K to @4 wabt @1","[Deprecated] moved ^i @4 @8 lyon_path.","A @q @1 to @n @7 gan (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20130205","0.0.1-pre","Wasmer $4 single pass ^8 ^4","1.0.0-alpha.6","Procedure @m to run $6 fn as ^7","A @1 @0 calling of genomic variants @x a latent variable model.","@3 @D @5 @6 @h @0 libwebm","Dynamic &z @6 tracing @Q","A @q @1 to @n @7 Logging (@9 v2beta1)","1.0.14+20190325","instant coding answers via @4 @H $r","Pairing cryptography @7 @4 Barreto-Naehrig curve","Helper @8 of sv-@j","@3 &d ffi @5 @0 webview","Cross-@U window creation @1.","Transform $p ascii diagrams ^i happy little SVG","Test $p @3 markdown documentation via Cargo","Common @g commandline @d @6 &1, to &b shell script $D tasks easily","^1 $Q @M @V/&a/interpreter","A @1 @0 assisting developers @x LibIndy @C","Proc-@m @1 $a to map a $u-&Y row to a @3 $o (struct)","A @h @0 @4 Embree ray tracing kernels.","@K to libbzip2 @0 bzip2 ^D @6 decompression exposed asReader/Writer streams.","$d minimal, blazing-$S, @6 infinitely customizable prompt @0 any shell! ☄🌌️","0.1.0-alpha.10","$d low-@I @5 @p is $a by @4 nanomsg @1.","Traits @6 default $5 @0 inspecting ^G @7 imgui.","0.3.0-alpha.7","High-@I @5 to @4 zeromq @1","A @q @1 to @n @7 Monitoring (@9 v3)","De/serialize structs @7 named fields as array of ^G","Cellular Automata-esque simulation $k involving a 2D universe populated by cells @6 entities","Lightweight Ethereum world state ^L.","Placeholder","@3 @2 of Apache Arrow","0.9.0-alpha.4","Yet another ^Y @Z @o @0 @g","netlink packet @l","Log bloom @2 @0 Ethereum.","@3 @5 @0 @4 Assimp @1","Low-@I @5 to V8, @4 Javascript $k","@3 &e @Z @x JSONRPC 2.0.","0.4.0-alpha.1","X11 @1 @5 @0 @3","Core Kubernetes metadata $g","$d $0 @y @5 to TensorFlow.","Python3 fstring interpolation in @3","1.0.14+20160512","0.2.0-alpha.3","A @q @1 to @n @7 Ad Exchange Seller (@9 v2.0)","1.0.14+20171101","An &s-to-$f, 100% @3, extensible 2D GUI @1.","A $S mpmc broadcast queue","Transport &Z @g @2 of ^y-RPC 2.0 Specification.","A @q @1 to @n @7 AdSense (@9 v1.4)","A $w @m @0 conversion $G integer @6 &G @l.","D-Bus & GVariant $c & &f","2.0.0-alpha.1","Tool @0 connecting &j $h in @3 @7 other languages","A @q @1 to @n @7 replicapool (@9 v1beta2)","pest meta @R @j @6 validator","A WebSocket (RFC6455) @1 @0 @3.","1.0.14+20200627","A @q @1 to @n @7 classroom (@9 v1)","Generates serializeable @3 @l @w a json schema","Peripheral ^0 @C @0 nrf52840 $x","A @q @1 to @n @7 playcustomapp (@9 v1)","A @h @0 LLVM, a powerful @1 @6 toolkit @0 compilers","Core block @6 transaction @l @0 Ethereum.","$d liquid templating @R @0 @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 safebrowsing (@9 v4)","1.0.14+20200621","Proc @d @0 PyO3 $0","A light, $S @6 powerful cache proxy $h in @3.","A @q @1 to @n @7 appengine (@9 v1beta5)","0.5.0-rc.1","$n @t @0 self-describing, schema-@r @A formats","CID in @g","Run $p tests in isolation","$P @0 &T tracing choices","@3 @5 to nativefiledialog","WCCG Data","^1 interpreter","&C @0 @3 source $3","1.0.0-rc4","Manage $m of objects","Just-In-Time Compilation in @3 @x LibJIT @5","Common @L @0 $H @6 ^f @3-Qt $Z","Embed @3 in $p Ruby","A @q @1 to @n @7 urlshortener (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20150519","JavaScript transpiler in @3","namedarg main $0","0.1.1474613452","3.0.0-pre-release","Helper @d @0 jsonrpc-@T","^l to handle ASCII characters","High-@I @g @5 @0 @4 Z3 SMT solver @w Microsoft Research","Backport of librustc_errors","Virtual &R @6 JIT ^8 @0 eBPF programs","A µTP (Micro/uTorrent Transport @u) @1 &v in @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 TPU (@9 v1alpha1)","git via &w.","Helpful @d @0 ^h @7 enums @6 $y","Raw @D @5 @0 all of ^5 @C.","A @q @1 to @n @7 BigQuery Data Transfer (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200502","Build script @2 @0 C++ @1 &D","Cross-@U OpenGL context provider.","@1 @0 dealing @7 ipld","A &k-$W lazily initialized cell @x double-checked locking","A @q @1 to @n @7 coordinate (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20150811","@3 @5 @0 webview, a tiny cross-@U @1 to render ^Y-@r GUIs @0 desktop @P","Include a whole directory ^k at &V $B! - Runtime part","A @q @1 to @n @7 licensing (@9 v1)","1.0.13+20190916","0.8.0-alpha.1","Base $g @6 $E $a by ipld codecs.","A super-@e entity-component @Q in @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Functions (@9 v1)","A finite-automata-@r lexing $k.","Fork of @3 @5 @0 Pieter Wuille's `libsecp256k1` @1. Implements ECDSA @0 @4 SECG elliptic curve group secp256k1 @6 related @L.","Simulated higher-kinded @l @0 @3","A ^p Buffers @2 @0 @4 @3 &U.","ipld cbor codec","@J, minimal-&o ^o @i","A @q @1 to @n @7 Partners (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20180925","persistence @0 content addressable ^L @6 entity attribute &m indexes backed by pickledb-rs.","Generate @3 register maps (`struct`s) @w SVD @E","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud OS Login (@9 v1beta)","1.0.14+20200622","1.0.0-alpha","Solana BPF Loader","Extract $3 blocks @w Markdown @6 save them as @E.","Vulkan @C ^4 @0 gfx-rs","@K to ChaN's FatFs.","@J 2D ^u @1","@z @0 determining $A sizes @6 dimensions","Generate Nix expressions @w Cargo.lock @E (in order to $f Nix as a $t @Q @0 $Z).","A @q @1 to @n @7 gmail (@9 v1)","1.0.7+20171128","Wasmer $4 @1","Async ^7 @t @0 @3 through a $w @m. @k @8 defines @4`#[async_test]` attribute to make $N tests @p $f $6/await easier.","Use declarative @d as proc_macro attributes or derives","Lexical, to- @6 @w-$b conversion routines.","@3 @i @0 @4 NSQ realtime message &l @Q","@K to elfutils","0.1.0-alpha.5","3.0.0-beta.3","Rusty WebGPU @C @h","1.0.14+20191204","A @q @1 to @n @7 Blogger (@9 v3)","Static $2 serving @0 Iron.","^w @8 @0 hawktracer profiling @1.","^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(Serialize, Deserialize)]","High $J entity component @Q (ECS) @1","an alternative cpu measurement @0 criterion","Timer facilities @0 Tokio","Implement @4 following non ^M integers: u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u17, u18, u19, u20, u21, u22, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u33, u34, u35, u36, u37, u38, u39, u40, u41, u42, u43, u44, u45, u46, u47, u48, u49, u50, u51, u52, u53, u54, u55, u56, u57, u58, u59, u60, u61, u62, u63, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63","Wasmer $4 Cranelift ^8 ^4","Idiomatic @6 $W LMDB @h.","A localization @Q designed to unleash @4 entire expressive power ofnatural @R translations.","Hyperscan @5 @0 @3 @7 Multiple Pattern @6 Streaming Scan","@D @5 @0 D3D11","A concat_bytes! @m $i concat byte arrays","A ^W @8 $a by numext-fixed-^I.","A @g ^3 @0 @4 GSL (@4 GNU scientific @1)","Community Driven Serde Shims","initialize structs @w &h variable","1.0.14+20200625","Imaging @1 $h in @3. @X basic filters @6 decoders @0 @4 most $R &O formats.","A @1 offering readline-$D $l.","0.8.0-pre0","Translator @w ^1 to Cranelift IR","$d @T $g @6 @l in @0 @4 `$1` @1.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Monitoring (@9 v2beta2)","1.0.14+20170501","@k is a dummy $0 @p will never have any content. I registered it because it seemed plausible @p people might copy-paste stuff ^i their $A @6 accidentally install @S. I don't want them to install malware, therefore I registered it @6 I will never put any content in it. If @O installed @S $0, @O made a mistake.","XDR object @V @0 @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 discovery (@9 v1)","Hardware-accelerated virtualization on OS X","A @q @1 to @n @7 kgsearch (@9 v1)","1.0.4+20151215","0.9.0-alpha.5","A @1 @0 ^f $L-@r @P.","$W @3 @h @0 CUDA's cuDNN","AMQP Worker to listen @6 provide $I to ^O message","Various &F @0 Actix @P to $f during ^j","@B of @4 multiaddr @M","A reference @2 of GraphQL @0 @3 lang.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Tag Manager (@9 v2)","Pairing-friendly elliptic curve @1","A @e object arena","Standard @1 @0 Wasm @r smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains","1.0.14+20200709","Block @6 transaction @l @0 Ethereum.","&m @G @0 ^j @6 fuzzing","0.20.0-alpha.6","Experimental Mustache-$D templating $k.","0.4.0-alpha.0","@3 @5 @0 GMP","0.9.0-alpha.3","1.0.14+20200702","A @q @1 to @n @7 reseller (@9 v1sandbox)","1.0.14+20160329","@u to integrate @7 ledger nano s apps","@K to Core Foundation @0 macOS","^5 Runtime @R projection","^l @0 interoperability @7 C++","Proc @m @0 smol $4.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Shopping Content (@9 v2)","A @q @1 to @n @7 plusDomains (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20190616","Tweak constant variables live @w a ^Y GUI","High-@I @C to expose @4 Wasmtime $4","Flexible ^q ^B @0 @3. An middle-ground $G failure @6 SNAFU","A @q @1 to @n @7 Android Enterprise (@9 v1)","1.0.13+20200325","Binding @0 @4 sentencepiece tokenizer","gfx-hal descriptor ^s","A @q @1 to @n @7 Games Management (@9 v1management)","Shader translation infrastructure","Compile-$B $3 ^6 @0 Elasticsearch $o $5.","Conditional compilation according to &y ^8 $9","Create Swagger OpenApi3 @w $p structs","An ^W @8 to @t auto_enums - do not $f directly","A (mostly) &p-@3 @2 of various $R ^z $X.","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.7)","A middleware @r &e $6 ^Y @Z.","Wrapper $C @4 PSA Cryptography @C","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud OS Login (@9 v1)","$U @m to implement Display @6 FromStr @x $R settings.","A @q @1 to @n @7 resourceviews (@9 v1beta2)","Low-@I @5 to @4 zeromq @1","Serialize / deserialize Blender armatures","0.6.0-alpha.0","Checks to run against a topic in git to enforce coding standards.","convenient LR(1) @j @G","Test CLI Applications.","NNTP @i @0 @3","@J persistent ^A HashMap/Key-&m store","@k $Z @y @D @5 @0 Gluster's @C","Channels @0 $z communication @x $1-rs.","Solana Move Loader","@u @0 ^f @6 interfacing @7 finite fields","1.0.0-rc1","JIT-style execution @0 WebAsssembly $3 in Cranelift","@3 $t &F @6 @5 @0 freetype-gl.","An @2 of $1 @6 streams featuring zero allocations,composability, @6 iterator-$D interfaces.","A ^4-&Z ^n @0 ^o &j @p @y @t @0 POST multipart/form-@A requests on both @i @6 @Z.","Make tiny, secure apps @0 all desktop platforms @7 Tauri","@3 @1 @0 Philips Hue lights","@K to Core MIDI @0 OS X","gfx-hal $v ^s","@X #[test_case(...)] $w @m attribute @0 $H parametrized ^7 cases easily","A @q @1 to @n @7 bigquery (@9 v2)","Rendy's @L","Wrappers @0 WASM","Opaque Debug replacement @7 per-field $K","Tool to find @6 fix @3 formatting issues","@B of @4 Interledger Dynamic Configuration ^p (ILDCP)","A @q @1 to @n @7 books (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200618","A @q @1 to @n @7 drive (@9 v3)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Play Movies (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20170919","Configuration DSL","A @8 to $f HD44780 compliant displays @7 ^v-hal","0.8.0-pre","TLS @t @0 $u-&Y via &d-tls","Externs @1 to @n @7 Ethereum-$D ^c","0.1.0-alpha.2","^l @0 $c @6 &f frames @x `$6/await`","@3 ^K @0 MongoDB","Parse, manipulate @6 serialize docker-compose.yml in a strongly-typed fashion","A very light @6 @e @g GUI @1","Raw @5 @0 libalpm","Solana Network ^l","VST 2.4 @C @2 in @g. Create plugins or hosts.","0.7.0-preview1","A @q @1 to @n @7 Firestore (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20200522","A @3 @2 of an $6 TAR $2 &H @6 writer. @k @1 does notcurrently handle ^D, but it is abstract &q all I/O readers andwriters. Additionally, great lengths @W taken to ensure @p @4 entirecontents @W never required to be entirely resident in $v all at once.","1.0.0-alpha.1","@u @0 ANSI $A colours @6 styles (bold, underline)","0.2.0-alpha","Solana Bitcoin spv @Y ^N","Telegram Bot @C @l","@J, drop-in replacement ^s @0 @3 running on bare metal (no_std)","0.3.0-alpha.2","A work in progress xmpp lib","Newtypes @0 ^x offsets","A @q @1 to @n @7 taskqueue (@9 v1beta2)","1.0.14+20160428","A @3 port of Google's SwissTable ^I map","$U @d @0 @4 salsa @8","Avocado, @4 strongly-typed MongoDB ^K","A @q @1 to @n @7 groupssettings (@9 v1)","@3 OpenAPI 3.0 docs @G","A @q @1 to @n @7 Container (@9 v1)","100.100.100","Build script @2 @0 @3 Qt $Z","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Tasks (@9 v2beta2)","1.0.14+20200615","An @s @0 leveldb","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.6)","A @q @1 to @n @7 proximitybeacon (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20200127","ipld protobuf codec","A @1 @0 diffing virtual dom ^k @6 ^m patches","Write @6 execute SQL queries @7 ease","Reader @6 writer @0 $R word embedding formats","Calms a panicky I/O ^X.","A DNS @1 @0 @3.","@3 @5 @0 Metal","Types @0 interaction @7 a @R @Z, @x VSCode's &U Server ^p","^1 @0 Proxies","@J, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @2 @r on @4 MimbleWimble chain @M.","Publish-Subscribe ^n @0 jsonrpc.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Pubsub (@9 v1beta2)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Abusive Experience Report (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 doubleclicksearch (@9 v2)","SputnikVM - a Portable Blockchain Virtual Machine","Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32F042 $x","Lightweight, ^S, $Q @V @6 &a codec","A @q @1 to @n @7 Identity Toolkit (@9 v3)","1.0.14+20180723","MatchDB is a high-$J datastore built $C pattern-matching.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Debugger (@9 v2)","@3 @5 @0 @4 minimp3 @1.","@k @8 implements @4 specification of @4 @s @p Near blockchain exposes to @4 smart contracts.","Cargo &3 @0 @O to smooth $p release ^O.","AST representation $a by Serde @c @d. Unstable.","Type erasure @0 $6 $I &Q","Efficient ring buffer @0 byte buffers, FIFO queues, @6 SPSC channels","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Trace (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 prediction (@9 v1.6)","1.0.14+20160511","@k is an @2 of @4 Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) $7. COBS is an $7 @0 transforming a message ^i an $c where a specific &m (@4 \"sentinel\" &m) is not $a. @k &m can then be $a to mark frame boundaries in a serial communication channel.","3.0.0-beta.1","Determines @4 MIME $o of a $2 by traversing a filetype ^k.","A @q @1 to @n @7 QPX Express (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20160708","bit @I @V/&a &r-@m @0 structs","Eliminate N+1 query bugs when @x Juniper","@B of @4 multihash @M","A @q @1 to @n @7 Search Console (@9 v1)","A @8 @0 measuring @4 total size of object on @4 stack @6 heap","@3 sending emails via sendmail. Works nicely @7 Iron Framework @x form Posts.","Wrapper @8 @0 SPIRV-Tools","@3 @5 to @4 HarfBuzz ^x shaping $k","A ^A @o @0 on-demand, incrementalized computation (experimental)","Indented document literals","An in-^O scheduler @0 periodic jobs. Schedule lets @O run @3 @z on a cron-$D schedule.","A @3 @1 @0 &7 @7 ^c interfaces","@u @0 functional reactive $s","A @3 ^s backed by jemalloc","Some &K @d @6 definition @0 exercising in leetcode","An ergonomic ^q $Y @1","@3 @5 @0 liblmdb.","A @q @1 to @n @7 reports (@9 reports_v1)","1.0.12+20190521","Small @6 ^C ^o @i","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Source Repositories (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200520","Easy $t a configs @w &h variables @6 $f it in globally.","@k @8 should not be $a directly, it is internaly related to Refinery","@3 @5 to libvpx","A @q @1 to @n @7 Deployment Manager (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20200512","A suite of non-^z ^I @z @0 @3.","Quasi-quoting @m quote!(...)","Easy @9 $E","Monitor synchronization construct","@D @5 to cuBLAS","A @q @1 to @n @7 YouTube Analytics (@9 v1)","1.0.8+20181010","A @1 @0 vector drawing @7 &4 &P @l","1.0.0-rc.2","Load &h variables ^i $p struct members directly.","A pet raytracer to ^7 overall pseudo-$J @6 multi-threading","A @q @1 to @n @7 App State (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20190627","A packet capture @C $C pcap/wpcap","0.3.0-rc1","CLI @0 nushell","Experimental &n site @G","A @q @1 to @n @7 Sheets (@9 v4)","Safe Network Data Types","Attribute @h @0 dyn-clone","A @j @1 @0 @4 Conventional Commit specification.","A @1 @0 @R @6 locale negotiation.","A @q @1 to @n @7 storagetransfer (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 siteVerification (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20191119","Atomically updatable Arc","@J $w @d to $f textwrap @L at &V $B.","A ^A @V/&a @o","@3 ^H @0 $c/&f varints @p doesn't do any IO. Inspired by @4 Node.js varint ^H","A @q @1 to @n @7 plus (@9 v1)","Lexical analysers @G @0 @3, $h in @3 (@8 dedicated to rumblebars, divergences $h by Nicolas Cherel)","LZMA @M $Y.","File transfer @9 (FTP) @1","Epoch-@r garbage $m","0.3.0-beta1","0.5.0-alpha","0.3.0-alpha.8","@K to libdeflate @0 DEFLATE (de)^D exposed as non-streaming bufferoperations. Contains @5 @0 raw deflate, zlib, @6 gzip @A.","Reading @6 $N at an offset","Part of miniquad &W library.Native @5 to a slightly modified $9 of sokol-app.","Code ^6 @0 PyO3 $0","An interner @p deallocates unused ^G","0.4.2-beta.11","A conventional changelog @0 @4 rest of us","@3 @5 to @4 CoinOR CBC MILP Solveur @x @4 C @C.","Convenience @8 @0 ^h @7 JavaScript timers","Emulate @m-rules pattern matching in $w @d","@D @5 to libcgroup","Docker Remote @C in @3","TCP/IP @Z @0 ^y-RPC","ipld cbor codec &r @m","@K to librsync @0 calculating @6 applying networkdeltas exposed as Reader/Writer streams.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud KMS (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20170515","Easy-to-$f @3 @j @0 CSS3 color $y","Subcommand @0 Cargo to easily $t $3 @0 `wasm32-wasi`","A $w @m @2 of quote!.","^b @0 ^x to checkstyle.","Reading bit sequences @w a byte slice","A $W @h &q jemalloc's control @6 introspection APIs","Creates rin projects","A @1 @0 HTML entity $c @6 &f","Angular @l @6 $R ^w &Q.","Main @m of @4 @1 @0 $N NEAR smart contracts.","Part of miniquad &W library.Native @5 to slightly modified sokol-app.","@K to NNG (Nanomsg-Next-Generation) aka Nanomsg2","Static site @G","2.0.0-rc2","@D @5 to libgtk-3","Map characters to @6 @w their name given in @4 &g standard.This goes to great lengths to be as ^S as possible in both timeand space, @7 @4 full bidirectional tables weighing barely 500 KBbut still offering O(1)* look-up in both directions. (*more precisely,O(length of name).)","A batteries-included metrics @1.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Translate (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20170525","0.10.0-alpha","@K to netmap - @4 $S packet I/O @o","A @e to $f, ^S, @6 full-featured Command Line Argument &C","$6 @0 @g ^Z @4 noise","A @q @1 to @n @7 Android Management (@9 v1)","Optimized $Y of `&[u8]` @6 `Vec` @0 Serde","Run NASM during $p Cargo $t.","Machine Learning Framework @0 Hackers","A @q @1 to @n @7 dns (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200515","A @1 @0 @x Google Cast &S","@u @0 developing CasperLabs smart contracts.","Enable deriving FromStr @0 enums","A @q @1 to @n @7 Slides (@9 v1)","1.0.4+20161213","OAuth @i @0 @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 mirror (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20190424","0.22.0-alpha.2","@K @0 @4 libnetfilter_queue @1","Wrap @g executables in OS-specific app bundles @0 Tauri","Embedded @3","A blazing $S, $o-$W template $k @0 @3.","$U Macro Attribute to run all @4 ^7 cases described in ^y-Schema-Test-Suite","A @q @1 to @n @7 Ad Experience Report (@9 v1)","Determine @4 best $c possible @w an Accept-Encoding ^o header.","Lightweight, event-driven WebSockets @0 @3.","Safe @g @C @p @y a way to @n @7 Virtual Reality headsets @6 ^t @7 vendor specific SDKs $D OpenVR @6 Oculus. $d @C is &J on @4 &s to $f WebVR @C but adapted to @3 design patterns","A @q @1 to @n @7 Tag Manager (@9 v1)","Supports defining opaque typedefs","Deprecated in favour of elastic_types_derive","high-$J computation on any hardware","An ODM @0 MongoDB built upon @4 mongo @g ^K.","An ^W perf &5 @0 @g programs.","Converts @N ^7 &P ^i a vec of suites","A @q @1 to @n @7 directory (@9 directory_v1)","1.0.13+20200204","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Resource Manager (@9 v1beta1)","typed ^o headers","zk-SNARK @1","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.4)","A good friend @0 r2d2. Based on @g-&Y.","A @3 XML @V @1","A @m to ^m $j $i behave $D bitflags.","$U @m attribute @0 converting doc comments ^i tracing spans","Non-&k-shareable, @e @6 ^S Circular Buffer @2 @p can store N elements when full (typical circular buffer $5 store N-1) ^Z @x separate flags.","@D @h $C cfitsio","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Machine Learning Engine (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.6+20170515","Primitives @0 Aura consensus","A @q @1 to @n @7 Ad Exchange Buyer (@9 v1.3)","A @h $C @4 Mastodon @C.","@3 Custom Derive Macro $i loads @E ^i @4 @g $Q at &V $B during release @6 loads @4 $2 @w @4 fs during dev","@K to @4 binaryen @1","2.0.0-beta","Testing","@3 @5 @0 Pieter Wuille's `libsecp256k1` @1. Implements ECDSA @0 @4 SECG elliptic curve group secp256k1 @6 related @L.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Iot (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20200519","Demo of &r-@m-hack","A libsyntax ast builder","An ^W @8 $a by foreign-@l","0.18.0-alpha.1","A @q @1 to @n @7 &N (@9 v1beta2)","1.0.14+20140915","A @q @1 to @n @7 Ad Exchange Buyer (@9 v1.4)","Macro @0 dynamically loading windows dll @z","&B @3 @8 @0 managing control groups on &t","@J daemon ^O to execute backup scripts","A low-@I OpenCL @C.","@D ^3 to libsodium","A @q @1 to @n @7 Dataproc (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 genomics (@9 v1)","@3 @5 @0 EGL","Convert a $I definition ^i a jsonrpc &0.","Macro-@r free monads in @3","@3 @2 of JMESPath, a query @R @0 ^y","1.0.0-rc2","Coming soon","$K @1 to @H a sozu instance","@k @8 generates schema @0 @3 structs $i can be $a by TypeScript.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Games (@9 v1)","Ethereum @l","Return @s IP addresses on Posix @6 windows systems","@3 @D @5 to jemalloc","@k @8 @y a very thin $P &q other profiler $Z.","$d $0 @y a statistics toolbox.","0.1.0-alpha.1","Xoshiro, xoroshiro @6 splitmix64 &x &2 generators","Include a whole directory ^k at &V $B! - Compile $B part","Compiler $L @0 'mockers' mocking @1","A @q @1 to @n @7 Dialogflow (@9 v2beta1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 fitness (@9 v1)","0.1.0-alpha0","A @m $i makes ^q @l pleasant to &b.","&C @0 ISO base media $2 @M (mp4)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Pubsub (@9 v1)","A lock-free, eventually consistent, concurrent multi-&m map.","$d $0 @y an @s to SQLite.","Versioning @t @0 Serde","Concatenate identifiers in a @m invocation","Enables apps to report events to Event Tracing @0 ^5 (ETW).","A @1 @0 &l $T $K easily.","Secure Remote Delegation (SRD) Authentication ^p","Run jq programs to extract @A @w json $y.","A @q @1 to @n @7 YouTube (@9 v3)","1.0.13+20200402","Data $j @x entity references as mapping keys","A state &R $w @m @0 enums.","A simulation of lib3h","Official Ceph-@g. A @g-lang specific @s to Ceph librados @6 Admin Sockets. You can create a Ceph &A &h @7 theChef automation &5: &w:// or @7 ceph-ansible. Chef-bcs uses @4 ceph-chef cookbookcreated @6 manage at It will $t out a full Ceph &h $i @O can then usefor &A etc. See @0 details.","Raw @5 to libsodium","I/O @1 @0 @3","@D @5 to gRPC c @T @1","Zero-Copy ^R @6 $N of geospatial @A.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Manufacturer Center (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 People Service (@9 v1)","A $1 @1 adapter @0 merging @4 &P of several streams","A @1 to automatically ^m C header @E @w @3 source @E.","Automatic verification of SemVer adhrence in @g @1 $Z","Easy-to-$f beanstalkd @i @0 @3 (IronMQ ^d)","Synchronization mechanisms @p rely on lock-free @6 other non-(&k)blocking techniques, such as @3 $1, to guarantee mutually exclusive or shared exclusive ^0 to @A.","Experimental ^q $Y $P.","A secured ^L DHT","Drop-in global ^s @x tcmalloc","Command $r $F allow @O to ^0 twitter","User @s @1 oriented @0 games. It includes user @s languages.","^E apply @4 suggestions made by &y","reflects of type's fields' names @6 their $o names in a hierarchical ^k","2.0.0-rc6","Low-@I $3 @G @1","0.3.0-alpha4","@m @p expands to @4 name of @4 annotated $8","pest $3 @G","Cross-@U, datalink layer networking.","TLS @t @0 $u-&Y via openssl","A $m of typings @0 GameMaker Studio 2 YY @6 YYP @E","Send $2 descriptors along @7 @A &q UNIX domain sockets","Utility @8 @0 graphql_client","&B @5 to @4 librdkafka @1","$d $0 @y SQLite.","Automatic bit manipulation @0 $Q @A formats","A @q @1 to @n @7 drive (@9 v2)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Civic Info (@9 v2)","1.0.0+20160823","A @q @1 to @n @7 AdSense Host (@9 v4.1)","A secure JavaScript/TypeScript $4 built @7 V8, @3, @6 Tokio","I/O @0 Substrate runtimes","4.0.0-alpha.3","Automated typeclass derivation.","A $Q @V / &a strategy @p uses Serde @0 transforming structs ^i bytes @6 vice versa!","Fast $r oriented regex searching as a @1.","Elliptic curve group $g @6 @L","An @2 of multipart/form-@A (RFC7578)","Server &1 @0 jsonrpc-@T @8.","Raw @5 to CRoaring","Visitor @G @0 stable &y","Portable Packed SIMD vectors","A @3 ^x diffing @6 assertion @1.","Cross-@U, low @I networking @x @4 @3 $s @R.","Big integer @2 @0 @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 calendar (@9 v3)","1.0.14+20200705","Portably retrieve @4 user name (@6 possibly other $e in @v versions) of @4 user running @4 current &k.","@3 @i to gerrit","$W, ^C userland context switches","$d @g @R @2 of gRPC, base on @4 gRPC c @T @1.","Matrix maths @1","A CLI @0 mobbing @w @4 comfort of $p console","Markup @j","Fake clock @0 deterministic ^j of $3 depending on $B.","^U @p implement modular arithmetic integer @l","A @q @1 to @n @7 Games Configuration (@9 v1configuration)","Error $D @h @0 GetLastError @0 ^5","@D @5 to cuDNN","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Video Intelligence (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20171122","Common @L @0 ^j components built off $1-rs.","BoringSSL @5","SAFE Authenticator","$d $0 @y an @s to 3D-ICE.","3-dimensional physics $k in @3.","A $S $2 deduplicator. Replaces duplicate @E @7 identical content @7 hardlinks.","Create ridiculously $S Lexers","A @q @1 to @n @7 Surveys (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20180508","Big integer (256-bit @6 512-bit) @2 @0 SputnikVM @6 other Ethereum Classic clients.","An ^S @6 robust mqtt @i @0 $p connected &S","A @q @1 to @n @7 Shopping Content (@9 v2sandbox)","1.0.14+20181009","@X a typemap container @7 FxHashMap","`#[@c]`-$D $l @0 @4 `rand::Rand` $I.","Shaders @0 2D ^u in @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 YouTube Reporting (@9 v1)","A @e object pool @2 @p uses $z synchronization ^2 only.","A @h @0 WebRTC's AudioProcessing ^H.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Deployment Manager (@9 v2beta2)","1.0.14+20160201","$U @m portion of &s-jsonrpc. Don't $f @S @8 directly. Use &s-jsonrpc instead.","Stackless monads in @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 replicapoolupdater (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20161003","A @q @1 to @n @7 webmasters (@9 v3)","1.0.14+20190428","Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator","A @q @1 to @n @7 ^j (@9 v1)","Compile-$B HTML templates.","CosmWasm @1 @7 &K &F @0 Storage patterns","0.4.0-alpha.5","Light merkle ^k @2 @7 SPV @t @6 &o &Z.","In-$v patricia trie $V","$U @d @0 @4 $B @8.","0.21.6-dev.36","A @q @1 to @n @7 spectrum (@9 v1explorer)","1.0.14+20170306","$d basic HyperLogLog $7","Cross-@U @1 @0 running @3 tests in sub-processes @x afork-$D @s.","Meta $o $e @6 $o reflection at &V-$B @6 $4.","Minimalist @3 ^o toolkit (@i-only).","A $S $Q @V @o","Hjson @V $2 @M","Redis CLI.","pest's @c @m","Safe generators on stable @3.","^W ^7 @8 @0 wasm-bindgen","Display current ^c utilization by ^O, connection @6 remote IP/hostname","A @q @1 to @n @7 customsearch (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Service Registry (@9 alpha)","1.0.14+20160401","Backport of libsyntax_pos","Read $v @w another ^O.","Unsafe, low-@I @h @0 duktape JavaScript interpreter","A @q @1 to @n @7 autoscaler (@9 v1beta2)","1.0.14+20150629","prune struct","Access to ^c related @Q $8 @6 calls.","A progress bar @6 ^b reporting @1 @0 @3","A cache @p holds a limited &2 of key-&m pairs","A &p-@3 @2 of Bulletproofs @x Ristretto","$d @T $l @0 @4 unity $9 &N commandline @i.","CSS Modules @7 a @m @0 convenience.","Automated tests of @D @5.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Spanner (@9 v1)","1.0.12+20190613","0.6.0-alpha-1","AST representation $a by Serde ^T. Unstable.","Core part of @4 @1 @0 $N NEAR smart contracts.","Encoding @6 &f @t @0 BSON in @3","A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v2.2)","A SOCKS5 connector @0 hyper @1","A @q @1 to @n @7 Tasks (@9 v1)","High-@I @g @5 zo @4 zbar @1","A $m of &K @A $j.","A no_std + $n ^d message @1 @0 @3","Clams help ^f shells","Proc @m @0 deriving custom multihash tables.","A Cassandra CQL ^K, built on top of @4 DataStax C++ ^K @0 $J @6 $l.","A port of HdrHistogram to @3","Syntex ^n @0 RustLex","CBOR @t @0 $n.","Sqlite @t @0 @4 r2d2 connection pool","Ledger Hardware Wallet - Common APDU ^p Types","A @q @1 to @n @7 DLP (@9 v2beta1)","1.0.14+20171205","Cross-@U $2 locks @6 $2 duplication.","A @1 @0 ^9 Telegram bots","Peer-to-peer networking @1 @x QUIC","Executors @0 $z tasks @r on @4 $1-rs @1.","A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud KMS (@9 v1)","A @q @1 to @n @7 Webfonts (@9 v1)","Abstract algebra @0 @3","Cranelift IR builder ^w","Message Passing Interface @5 @0 @3","Lioness wide block cipher","Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom","Future worker boilerplate codgen","A tiny search $k @0 &n websites","@3 @5 @0 openapi schemas","An @2 of double-buffered swap chains @0 surfman","Device @t @8 @0 nRF9160","@3 @1 @0 accessing USB &S.","An RPC @o @0 @3 @7 a focus on ease of $f.","A Kinetic @9 @1 $h in @3","Magnet, a ^y/BSON schema @G","Visitors @0 swc ecmascript nodes $i works on stable &y","@3 ^1 Contracts Abi","0.18.0-pre1","&c TLS/SSL streams @x Rustls.","A cron &L @j @6 schedule explorer.","base58 @0 cryptonote","High-@I &W $k @7 &4 backends"];var crateIndex={"digits_iterator":["Iterate &q @4 digits of ^F in an arbitrary radix",C[9]],"playbook":["YAML driven Docker DevOps","0.4.2"],"mobc":["A ^A connection pool @7 $6/await @t","0.7.0"],"libusb-sys":[C[22],"0.2.3"],"roux":["@J @6 asyncronous Reddit @C @h","1.3.0"],"kicad_parse_gen":["Kicad $2 @M @j @6 @G @1","7.0.2"],"libflycapture2-sys":["@5 to @4 FlyCapture @1","0.1.1"],"reproto-backend-go":[C[62],C[63]],"glyph_brush_draw_cache":["Texture draw cache @0 ab_glyph","0.1.4"],"libsodium-sys-stable":["@D @5 @0 libsodium stable","1.19.14"],"spritesheet-generator":["A spritesheet @G @1 @x @4 piston's texture_packer",C[2]],"mio-uds":["Unix domain socket @5 @0 mio","0.6.8"],"fit":["A ^P @8 $a @0 ^R @6 &f FIT @E &i by sports &S.",C[2]],"time2":["Experimental extensions to @4 std::$B ^H",C[0]],"libavif":["High-@I @C @0 AVIF &O @E",C[2]],"value-bag":["Anonymous structured ^G",C[305]],"lzma-sys":["Raw @5 to liblzma $i contains an @2 of LZMA @6 xz streamencoding/decoding.High @I @3 @5 @W available in @4 `xz2` @8.","0.1.17"],"librespot-playback":["$d audio playback logic @0 librespot","0.1.3"],"sc-rpc-api":["Substrate RPC interfaces.","0.9.0"],"readability-fork":["Temporary fork of 'readability' @8 @7 updated &8","0.2.2"],"iso4217":["ISO 4217 @A.","0.3.2"],"know-thy-shell":["Command $r $F @0",C[60]],"menoh":["Binding @0 Menoh.","0.2.2"],"webview_official":["Official Webview-org @3 @5, a tiny cross-@U @1 to render ^Y-@r GUIs @0 desktop @P",C[0]],"unordered-pair":["A tuple struct representing an unordered pair","0.2.3"],"google-doubleclickbidmanager1":[C[121],C[122]],"yanix":["Yet Another Nix @8: a Unix @C ^w @1",C[25]],"jsonxf":["A $S ^y pretty-printer @6 minimizer.","1.0.2"],"ssb-client":["A @i @1 @0 interfacing @7 ssb.",C[1]],"ruspiro-gpio":["@k $Z @y a GPIO peripheral $P of @4 Raspberry Pi","0.4.1"],"gmp-mpfr":[C[18],"0.5.2"],"chomp":["A $S monadic-style @j combinator designed to work on stable @3.",C[1]],"vecmat":["Low-dimensional vector algebra @7 min_const_generics @t",C[5]],"glutin_cocoa":["$d real @g-cocoa, under a temporary name.",C[6]],"dsprop-sys":["@D @5 to dsprop. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"solana-remote-wallet":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"mediawiki":["A MediaWiki @i @1","0.2.6"],"stderrlog":["Logger @p logs to stderr @r on verbosity specified","0.5.1"],"svd_^T":[C[432],C[8]],"xor_name":["Xor Type","1.1.10"],"quartz-sys":["@D @5 to quartz. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"checked-enum":["@X a $I `CheckedEnum` @6 a $o `UncheckedEnum` $i areuseful when wrapping @D &j @p $f enums $i @O cannot guaranteewill be in range, but @O would $D to allow a ^N to keep runningwhen such an &G &m is encourtered.","0.1.1-alpha1"],"comma":["Shell-style @H @j @7 @t @0 escaping @6 quotations.","0.1.2"],"triable":["Extends @4 `try!` @m to @l other than `std::result::Result` by introducing a `Triable` $I.","0.1.2"],"proximity-sort":["@J @H-$r $q @0 sorting inputs by proximity to a path argument","1.0.7"],"servo-fontconfig":["@3 @5 @0 fontconfig","0.5.1"],"ndk-glue":["Startup $3 @0 android binaries",C[3]],"chisel":[C[291],C[5]],"gmime":["@K @0 gmime-3.0",C[9]],"cryptouri":["URN-$D namespace @0 ^z objects (keys, signatures,etc) @7 Bech32 $c/checksums",C[8]],"reg-index":["@u to manage a registry index.",C[3]],"google-appsactivity1":[C[81],C[82]],"$O_redshift":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Redshift @ 2012-12-01",C[13]],"mpr-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 mpr. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.1"],"embedded-hal-mock":["A $m of mocked &S @p implement @4 ^v-hal $g","0.7.2"],"gluon_@j":["$d @j @0 @4 gluon $s @R",C[35]],"rpcproxy-sys":["@D @5 to rpcproxy. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustc-test":[C[186],C[1]],"tftp_@Z":["A TFTP @Z @2 in @3 @x mio","0.0.3"],"arg-soup":["A super @e @H $r @Y $F","2.0.0"],"extrahop":["&X @1 @0 @4 ExtraHop @U.",C[45]],"wait-timeout":["A @8 to wait on a child ^O @7 a timeout specified across Unix andWindows platforms.",C[0]],"multiboot":["@u to ^0 multiboot $j.",C[5]],"ffsend-api":["A fully featured Firefox Send @C @i.","0.7.2"],"bigwise":["Bitwise $V on fixed-size, arbitrary big buffer of bytes.",C[8]],"xio_webapi":["XIO ^Y @C @A $j",C[54]],"libflate_lz77":["LZ77 encoder @0 libflate @8","1.0.0"],"google-dns1":[C[755],C[756]],"try_or":["Contains ^w @d @0 unwrapping Results @6 Options.",C[0]],"ccsds_primary_header":["@B of @4 CCSDS Primary Header @0 space @P",C[42]],"jmap":["JMAP @j/@G","0.0.5"],"modinverse":["Small @1 @0 finding @4 modular multiplicative inverses.","0.1.1"],"open_read_later":["An @2 of @6 CLI @0 @4 Open Read-Later list specification","1.1.1"],"lunarity-lexer":["A high $J Solidity @R Lexer",C[7]],"alpm-sys-fork":[C[580],"1.1.0"],"cargo-kcov":["Cargo &3 to run kcov to get coverage report on &t","0.5.2"],"norad":["Read @6 &b Unifed Font Object @E.",C[1]],"threed-ice-sys":[C[58],C[3]],"cargo-cache":["Manage @N cache ($CARGO_HOME or ~/.@N/), show sizes @6 remove directories selectively","0.6.2"],"math_$g":["$g to simplify vectorized mathematics",C[7]],"$6":[N,"0.0.2"],"csv-index":["On disk CSV indexing @A $j.",C[6]],"plex":["A syntax ^n @0 $N lexers @6 parsers.","0.2.5"],"xapirpc":["Minimal RPC @i @0 communication @7 xapi","0.9.0"],"nonblock-logger":["A non-blocking &I @0 @3",C[6]],"traitcast":["Cast $G dynamic $I objects.",C[2]],"ordermap":["A ^I table @7 consistent order @6 $S iteration. NOTE: @k @8 was renamed to indexmap. Please $f it under its new name.","0.4.2"],"bardecoder":["Detect @6 decode QR Codes","0.2.2"],"thread-priority":["@u @0 managing threads priority @6 schedule policies",C[7]],"mozjs":["@3 @5 to @4 Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript $k.",C[21]],"devp2p":["Ethereum's devp2p @9 @2 in @3.","0.4.1"],"list_builder":["Python-$D list comprehensions in @3","0.0.2"],"block-cipher":[C[52],"0.99.99"],"v8-ng-sys":[C[342],C[3]],"appmgmts-sys":["@D @5 to appmgmts. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustlearn":["A &R learning $0 @0 @3.",C[2]],"acme-client":["Easy to $f ACME @i @1 to issue, renew @6 revoke TLS certificates","0.5.3"],"bip_dht":["@B of @4 bittorrent mainline DHT",C[5]],"luminance-windowing":["Common windowing $3 @0 luminance","0.9.3"],"metrics-controller":["Metrics Controller is a ^Q to collect metrics @0 Mozilla IOT projects.",C[6]],"waker-fn":["Convert closures ^i wakers","1.1.0"],"proj5":["Pure @3, $o-$W alternative to PROJ.4","0.1.7"],"@g_events":["A flexible event-$Y @1, @r on @4 C# delegate model.","0.9.0"],"enum-kinds-macros":["Deprecated in favor of @4 &G-kinds @8. Generate enums @7 matching variants but ^Z any of @4 associated @A. &G-kinds-$g @8 contains $I $E $a by @S @8.",C[7]],"rclip":["No longer maintained. Use 'clipboard' @8 instead.",C[0]],"sapper_&I":["Basic &I ^H @0 sapper ^Y @o.",C[0]],"nzsc_single_player":["A @q @2 of NZSC $h in @3.","0.5.1"],"ntdsa-sys":["@D @5 to ntdsa. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-6":[C[41],C[38]],"miracl_@T":["@3 $3 @0 64 bit &i @w &w://","2.3.0"],"wasmi-validation":["Wasm $3 validator",C[3]],"signal-backup-decode":["A @e $F to decode signal backups",C[7]],"scan-rules":["@k @8 @y some @d @0 quickly @Y ^G out of ^x. Roughly speaking, it does @4 inverse of @4 print!/@M! @d; or, in other words, a similar job to scanf @w C.",C[0]],"nanocurrency-protocol":["^p $3 @0 @4 Nano cryptocurrency","0.7.0"],"gnutls":["A @h $C gnutls-@f (GnuTLS bindngs @0 @3).","0.1.3"],"http-body":["Trait representing an $z, streaming, ^o request or response body.",C[8]],"rocket-multipart-form-data":["@k @8 @y a multipart @j @0 @4 Rocket @o.","0.9.6"],"walmart_partner_&0":["@3 @i @0 Walmart Partner APIs",C[8]],"jansson-sys":["&B @5 @0 Jansson, @4 C ^y @1.",C[9]],"teloxide-macros":["$d teloxide's $w @d","0.3.2"],"fireplace_lib":["Modular wayland window &N @1","3.0.2"],"ansi":["Easily compose ansi styles ^i fmt::Show objects.",C[9]],"cronparse":["Crontab @E @j","0.5.1"],"wiautil-sys":["@D @5 to wiautil. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rood":["General & configurable &5 @1 @0 Purposed projects","0.3.2"],"multi_log":["Logger $i passes &E on to any &2 of other loggers.","0.1.2"],"css-purify":["css-purify works a little $D [&w://](purifycss) to strip out unused CSS.","0.0.15"],"palette":["Makes linear color calculations @6 conversion &s @6 accessible @0 anyone.",C[2]],"^k":[C[289],"0.4.1"],"zcash_history":["@u @0 Zcash blockchain history &5",C[0]],"dia-range":["Ranges @0 all integers",C[12]],"nano_$B":["Function to get @4 &2 of nanoseconds since an unspecified epoch",C[9]],"piston_window":["$d official Piston window @h @0 @4 Piston game $k","0.117.0"],"ring_buffer":["RingBuffer is a mix of a vector @6 a queue.","0.1.3"],"seax_scheme":["Scheme ^8 @0 @4 Seax VM.",C[3]],"audit":["linux audit via netlink",C[3]],"sqlite3":[C[845],"0.24.0"],"lithium":["something $S @S way comes",C[4]],"notedown_ast":["notedown ast @6 converter","0.9.1"],"line-col":["Convert $b slice indices ^i $r/column ^F",C[7]],"&y_term":["Rust's libtest $A formatting @1",C[4]],"scesrv-sys":["@D @5 to scesrv. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fly":["Convergent Replicated Data Types in @3",C[0]],"elrond-wasm-node":["Elrond ^1 VM @C @h",C[15]],"uncon":["Traits @0 unchecked conversions $G @l.","1.1.0"],"crates-io-cli":["Interact @7 @w @4 @H-$r","4.0.0"],"openvr_@f":["Raw unsafe @Q ^3 @0 openvr","2.0.3"],"alfred-rs":["Write Alfred workflows easily.","0.5.1"],"shellfn-attribute":["Attribute @m @0 `shellfn` @8","0.1.1"],"$W_@T":["SAFE @T","0.43.1"],"hassle-rs":["HLSL ^8 @1, @S @8 @y an @D layer @6 idiomatic @g &D @0 @4 new DXC hlsl ^8 @6 validator.",C[8]],"cereal":["A @e @A serialisation @1",C[1]],"http-service":["Types @6 $g @0 standardizing $6 ^o services",C[2]],"rtfm-core":["Core abstractions of @4 Real Time For @4 Masses @o",C[3]],"vigil":["@X a liveness checking watchdog @0 detecting deadlocks/livelocks/starvation etc.",C[0]],"kiss3d_conrod":["Fork of conrod_core (an &s-to-$f, 100% @3, extensible 2D GUI @1) ^d @7 WASM @6 Kiss3D.","0.64.0"],"index_vec":["Newtype-style &F @0 `Vec` @6 `usize`.","0.1.2"],"rust-lcm-codegen":["Generates @3 de/@V $3 @w LCM $o specification",C[7]],"ffi-convert-derive":["^U $5 of CReprOf, AsRust, CDrop $g @w ffi-convert",C[8]],"text-diff":[C[905],C[8]],"madvise":["Rustic $W @h $C unix madvise",C[9]],"chalk-rust-ir":["A @1 @p defines @4 IR @0 @3 concepts $D $g @6 impls.",C[12]],"juice":[C[754],"0.2.5"],"siphasher":["SipHash-2-4, SipHash-1-3 @6 128-bit variants in &p @3","0.3.3"],"toggle":["Typed feature toggles.",C[0]],"ethereum-bloom":[C[340],C[7]],"failure-tools":["Various &5 to be $a in conjunction @7 @4 'failure' @8.","4.0.5"],"align_&5":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"plotters-backend":["Plotters Backend @C",C[3]],"finalfrontier":["Train/$f word embeddings @7 subword units","0.9.4"],"tokio-executor":["Future execution ^2",C[23]],"imagequant-sys":["Statically linked C part of imagequant @1 powering &5 such as pngquant.This @1 is dual-licensed $D pngquant: either GPL or a commercial license. See website @0 details: &w://",C[187]],"assets":["$z asset ^B",C[3]],"pairing-plus":[C[495],C[54]],"iui":["@J, ^P, &s to distribute GUI @5.",C[3]],"vorbisfile":["@K to libvorbisfile @0 Ogg Vorbis.","0.2.2"],"lalrpop-lambda":["A λ-calculus grammar writting @7 LALRPOP.","0.6.1"],"basic-http-server":["A @e &n ^o $2 @Z, @0 learning @6 local &A","0.8.1"],"png":["PNG &f @6 $c @1 in &p @3","0.16.8"],"gsa-client":[C[250],"1.4.2"],"bevy_ecs":["Bevy Engine's entity component @Q",C[8]],"fcli":["Fluence FCE @H $r $F",C[0]],"falcon_capstone":["Capstone @5 in @g","0.4.1"],"ncollide":["DEPRECATED: $f ncollide2d or ncollide3d instead. 2 @6 3-dimensional collision detection @1 in @3.","0.14.3"],"solana-frozen-abi":["Solana Frozen ABI","1.5.7"],"oxygengine-network-backend-web":["Network Web ^4 ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"winping":["An &s-to-$f ICMP Echo @C @0 ^5 programs ^Z requiring elevated rights",C[21]],"petgraph-evcxr":["Draw petgraph graphs in jupyter notebook @x @4 evcxr $k",C[0]],"autorand":["Automatic &x ^6 @0 any struct or &G. Make $p fuzzing easier!","0.2.3"],"nalgebra-glm":["A computer-^u oriented @C @0 nalgebra, &J by @4 C++ GLM @1.",C[12]],"lpc82x":["DEPRECATED. Use lpc82x-hal or lpc82x-pac instead.",C[5]],"iced_glutin":["A glutin $4 @0 Iced",C[9]],"google-alertcenter1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 AlertCenter (@9 v1beta1)",C[26]],"webservices-sys":["@D @5 to webservices. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"frounding":["@3 @8 to change fpu @6 sse rounding mode.","0.0.4"],"enum-repr":["Derive &G repr conversions ^d @7 $o aliases.","0.2.6"],"rand_seeder":["A universal &x &2 seeder @r on SipHash.","0.2.2"],"@T_extensions":["@k @8 @y many extensions to @T/std @1 @l.","0.1.20"],"sheesy-cli":["$d 'share-secrets-safely' CLI to @n @7 GPG/pass-$D vaults.","4.0.11"],"libftd2xx-ffi":["@3 @D @5 to @4 FTDI D2XX drivers.","0.5.1"],"uhidrs-sys":["@D @5 to &t UHID (user-space HID transport drivers)","1.0.1"],"send_@h":["@k @3 @1 implements a @h $o called SendWrapper $i allows @O to move $C non-Send typesbetween threads, as long as @O ^0 @4 contained &m only @w within @4 original &k. You also have tomake sure @p @4 @h is dropped @w within @4 original &k. If any of these constraints is violated,a panic occurs.",C[2]],"cargo-crusader":["Test @4 downstream impact of @8 changes before publishing","0.1.1"],"sha2-asm":["Assembly @2 of SHA-2 ^D @z",C[5]],"pirate":["A @e arrrguments @j","1.0.0"],"systemd-sys":["Generated libsystemd @D declarations",C[9]],"dbui-client":["WASM ^Y @i sources @0 dbui","0.0.64"],"keybob":["A ^z key $q",C[1]],"shellwords":["Manipulate $y according to @4 word @Y rules of @4 UNIX Bourne shell.","1.1.0"],"hyper-alpn":["An ALPN @2 to be $a @7 Hyper 0.12",C[3]],"solana-local-cluster":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"nrf52833-pac":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 nrf52833 $x","0.9.0"],"relm-derive-common":["Common @c @2 internally $a by relm $Z",C[51]],"lasy":["A ^P @1 dedicated to LASER path optimisation.","0.4.1"],"synchronization-sys":["@D @5 to synchronization. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"merkle":["Merkle ^k @2 @7 @t @0 ^6 of inclusion proofs.","1.11.0"],"napi-sys":["NodeJS N-@C raw ^3","1.0.0"],"dup-crypto":["Manage ^z $V @0 DUniter Protocols @6 @4 Duniter eco-@Q most broadly.","0.41.0"],"ifaces":["@3 @5 to retrieve ^c @s $e",C[9]],"libpijul-compat":["A patch-@r &T $9 control @Q, &s to $f @6 $S.","0.10.2"],"vfio-bindings":["@3 @D @5 to vfio &i @x bindgen.",C[0]],"smallbitvec":["A bit vector optimized @0 size @6 inline ^L","2.5.0"],"demo-hack":[C[806],"0.0.5"],"aktors":["Driver @0 @c-aktor","0.2.7"],"remain":["Compile-$B checks @p an &G, struct, or match is $h in sorted order.","0.2.2"],"@w_map":["A @8 @p exposes @4 `FromMap` $I",C[9]],"exons":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"rosy":["Ruby @5 @0 @3.","0.0.9"],"clfsmgmt-sys":["@D @5 to clfsmgmt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"yew-router":["A router @2 @0 @4 Yew @o",C[31]],"rtlsdr_mt":["High-@I, multithreading @s to RTL-SDR","2.1.0"],"glm_color":["A @e @1 @0 manipulating @6 $H color ^G, @r on @4 `glm-rs` math @1.","0.1.2"],"lf-sll":["A lock-free singly-linked list","0.0.3"],"slog-struct-diff":["Slog adapter @0 diff",C[9]],"point-derive":["Proc @m to help @7 struct to ts point conversion","0.1.4"],"osmgraphing":["Playing $C @7 graphs created via @Y OpenStreetMap @A","1.1.1"],"sp-application-crypto":["@X facilities @0 $H $T specific crypto @h @l.","3.0.0"],"imag-contact":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-contact @H",C[21]],"riker-testkit":["Tools to make ^j Riker @P easier",C[9]],"conjure-http":["^o interfaces @0 &i Conjure services","0.7.4"],"illicit":["An implicit &k-local &h $i is indexed by $o.","1.1.2"],"warp_github_webhook":["GitHub webhook @0 Warp ^Y @o",C[2]],"cuba":["A @3 @h @0 @4 C Cuba ^t @1","0.2.4"],"waveform":["Audio waveform &O renderers","0.3.2"],"iq-cli":["Cargo-$D colored @H-$r interfaces",C[9]],"bare-io":["$d bare essentials of std::io @0 $f in no_std. Alloc @t is optional.",C[7]],"commander-rust":["A better way to develop CLI in @3","1.2.1"],"sysly":["A modern multi-transport syslog appender.","0.2.4"],"base64-url":["Base64 encode, decode, escape @6 unescape @0 URL @P.","1.4.8"],"nstack":["Arity 4 stack @0 @4 kelvin merkle toolkit","0.7.0"],"glutin_wgl_@f":["$d wgl @5 @0 glutin","0.1.5"],"bbqueue":["A SPSC, lockless, no_std, &k $W, queue, @r on BipBuffers","0.4.12"],"gantry-protocol":["^p message ^2 @0 @4 Gantry @9","0.0.8"],"diesel_infer_schema":["@X $l to infer @4 schema of a ^V. Deprecated.","1.4.0"],"$O_cloudsearchdomain":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon CloudSearch Domain @ 2013-01-01",C[13]],"sheets":["An @C @i @0 Google Sheets",C[6]],"$O_budgets":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Budgets @ 2016-10-20",C[13]],"syslog-ng-sys":["Low @I @5 @0 syslog-ng",C[3]],"unicode-case-mapping":["Fast lowercase, uppercase, @6 titlecase mapping @0 characters",C[0]],"wasm-logger":["A &I @p sends a message @7 its @3 source's $r @6 filename to @4 browser console",C[0]],"urlparse":["@k is a URL @Y @1 $D urllib.parse in Python3.x.","0.7.3"],"cgmath-culling":["Small Frustum Culling @8 meant to be $a alongside cgmath",C[0]],"vgtk":["A declarative UI @o @0 GTK",C[3]],"jsonwebkey":["^y Web Key (JWK) (de)@V, ^6, @6 conversion.",C[1]],"iso639-1":["iso639-1 &G @6 &1",C[3]],"cryptohash":["Trait abstracting &q ^z ^I-@z","0.7.0"],"cursive-async-view":["A loading-screen @h @0 gyscos/cursive views",C[8]],"gluon_base":["Basic $o $E @6 @z @0 @4 gluon $s @R",C[35]],"diff":["An LCS @r slice @6 $b diffing @2.",C[60]],"regex-automata":["Automata construction @6 matching @x regular expressions.","0.1.9"],"x509":["X.509 certificate @V",C[0]],"ipext":["ip feature @0 stable @g",C[9]],"frequency":["A $I @0 @l @p keep track of @4 counts of things.","1.0.1"],"pbd":["A software &A kit @0 Privacy by Design (PbD).",C[3]],"actix-tls":["TLS acceptor @6 connector services @0 Actix ecosystem",C[452]],"tendermint-rpc":["tendermint-rpc contains @4 @T @l returned by a Tendermint node's RPC endpoint. All networking related features @W feature guarded to keep @4 &8 ^P in cases where only @4 @T @l @W needed.","0.18.1"],"rlibc":["A bare-metal @1 supplying certain libc @z $D memcpy,memmove, memset @6 memcmp. @k is designed @0 $f in freestandingenvironments where another libc does not exist, since &y mayimplicitly insert calls to such @z.","1.0.0"],"contrail-collections":["Collections built on top of contrail.",C[3]],"cargo-trim":["Binary $T to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache","0.7.0"],"ag":["CLI App to slice @6 dice logfiles",C[51]],"httptin":["httpbin $D $q rewrite in @3","0.2.3"],"actix-mqtt-client":["A MQTT @i @r on @4 actix @o","0.4.4"],"f128":[C[101],"0.2.9"],"yubico_&N":["Yubikey Challenge-Response & Configuration","0.8.1"],"pest_@c":[C[969],"2.1.0"],"lambda_$4_errors_@c":["@3 $4 errors @c @0 ^r Lambda","0.1.1"],"sn_messaging":["Safe Network Messaging","3.0.2"],"origami":["wip @0 origami @s",C[9]],"@T_affinity":["Manages CPU affinities","0.5.10"],"ml":["A $0 @0 M @6 L.","0.0.2"],"analytic":["$d analytic @8 has been renamed to be @4 math @8 &w://$Z/math","0.7.1"],"simple-cgi":["A really @e SCGI @Z @1 @2","0.0.5"],"signalo":["A DSP toolbox @7 focus on ^v environments.",C[2]],"iced_@T":["$d essential concepts of Iced",C[3]],"rhai_^T":["$U @m @t $0 @0 Rhai, a scripting @R @0 @3","0.3.2"],"screeps-api":["Fully typed @6 tested @h &q @4 Screeps Game's ^o @C",C[5]],"wasmer-runtime-c-api":["Wasmer C @C @1","0.17.1"],"vebtrees":["A @3 @2 of Van Emde Boas trees","0.1.4"],"ordsearch":["A @A $M @0 ^S lower-bound lookups","0.2.3"],"fuchsia-zircon":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Zircon kernel","0.3.3"],"curl-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libcurl @1","0.4.40+curl-7.75.0"],"cargo-bitbake":["Generates a BitBake recipe @0 a $0 utilizing meta-rust's classes.","0.3.14"],"google-classroom1-cli":[C[365],C[14]],"ice_@T":["High $J Web $k","0.5.1"],"vobsub":["Decode DVD VobSub-@M subtitles (*.sub/*.idx @E)","0.2.3"],"gitx":["git subcommands","0.0.4"],"libudev":["@3 @h @0 libudev",C[3]],"mop-facades":["Facades @0 MOP",C[2]],"cose-c":["C @C @0 @4 cose @8","0.1.5"],"unbound":["Wraps libunbound; an @2 of a DNS resolver including cache @6 DNSSEC validation.",C[5]],"slog-journald":["Journald drain @0 slog-rs","2.1.1"],"sputnikvm-precompiled-modexp":["modexp precompiled contracts @0 SputnikVM.",C[211]],"extra":["Extra stuff @4 ^M @1 lacks of.",C[9]],"lsm303c":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @7 @4 LSM303C (accelerometer + compass)",C[0]],"html2md":["@u @6 $Q to convert @e html documents ^i markdown","0.2.10"],"icaparse":["A tiny, $W, speedy ICAP/1.0 @j.",C[0]],"win_key_codes":["All windows virtual key codes translated in @3","0.1.2"],"sbrain":["A @1 @0 evaluating Semantic Brain, a minimalistic multiparadigm $s @R optimized @0 genetic $s @P.","0.99.0"],"target_info":["Get ^x $y of attributes concernign @4 $t target.",C[9]],"^Y_&I":["A &I @0 &z in ^Y-browsers",C[0]],"zuse":["$d flexible uptime bot, a descendant of @4 @3 $6 masterrace.","0.4.1"],"$O_resource_groups":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Resource Groups @ 2017-11-27",C[13]],"u2size":["double word integral $o","0.1.4"],"datafusion":["DataFusion is an in-$v query $k @p uses Apache Arrow as @4 $v model","3.0.0"],"rusty-tcl-sys":["@3 @D declarations @0 Tcl","1.1.3"],"rsntp":["An RFC 4330 compliant @J Network Time ^p (SNTP) @i @1 @0 @3","2.0.0"],"erlang_nif-sys":[C[86],"0.6.5"],"llvm-alt":[C[369],C[2]],"wireguard-vanity-address":["Find Wireguard VPN keypairs @7 a specific readable $b",C[8]],"aktoro-raw":["aktoro's raw @C","0.1.0-alpha.4"],"milstian-http":["A $Q ^o @j.","0.1.9"],"ya-client-model":["Yagna REST @C @A model",C[0]],"beginner_&5":["Useful @1 designed @0 new Rustacens, @y good examples @p @W &K in @e projects","1.1.1"],"ethcontract-generate":["Code ^6 @0 $o-$W @5 to Ethereum smart contracts.","0.11.1"],"gate_$t":["Build @L @0 Gate, a specialized 2D game @1","0.6.3"],"ever":["Print @4 $t $e of $p ^N @7 minimal boilerplate",C[0]],"pwasm-utils":[C[27],C[36]],"ng-log":["ngLog &l @L.","0.1.1"],"rad":["A $o-$W, high-@I @s to librados @x @4 low-@I C @5 @w ceph-@g.",C[2]],"ruma-identifiers-validation":["Validation logic @0 ruma-identifiers @6 ruma-identifiers-@d",C[0]],"swf-headers":["A @1 @0 @Y @4 headers of a swf $2.",C[0]],"google-pagespeedonline2":[C[220],C[221]],"graphy_&n_util":[C[235],C[3]],"plain":["A ^P @3 @1 @p allows users to reinterpret @A of certain @l safely.","0.2.3"],"rlimit":["A @e @h @0 getrlimit @6 setrlimit.","0.5.3"],"license-generator":["A Command $r $F @p ^m `LICENSE` $2.","0.7.1"],"indy":[C[321],C[155]],"pin-project":["A @8 @0 $W @6 ergonomic pin-projection.","1.0.5"],"deadqueue":["Dead @e $6 queue",C[0]],"unicorn_hat_hd":["@X an @s to @4 Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD on a Raspberry PI",C[7]],"jane-eyre":["By Currer Bell",C[3]],"typescript-definitions-derive":[C[161],C[64]],"fuse":["@3 @1 @0 filesystems in userspace (FUSE)",C[1]],"wayland-sys":["@D @5 to @4 various libwayland-*.so &j. You should only need @S @8 if @O @W ^h on custom wayland @9 extensions. Look at @4 @8 wayland-@i @0 usable @5.","0.28.3"],"oysterpack":["OysterPack @3 Platform","0.2.2"],"versionize_@c":["Implements @4 Versionize @c &r @m.","0.1.4"],"milstian-internet-framework":["My first experiment @7 a ^C @6 dynamic internet $T @o in @3",C[1]],"bip_lpd":["@B of @4 bittorrent Local Peer/Service Discovery mechanism","0.0.0"],"^V_exporter":["Export any ^V to any @M","0.1.4"],"media-type":["impl @0 Media Types","0.4.1-unstable"],"units":["Units of Measure @0 @3. Easy to $f, $o-$W @6 customizable.",C[9]],"list":["A singly-linked stack $D list @t peek.","0.1.3"],"superlu":["$d $0 @y an @s to SuperLU.","0.3.2"],"dictcc":["@3 @C @0 ^R @6 querying @4 offline translation ^V.","0.1.1"],"nias":["closure @G @1","0.7.0"],"^x_unit":[C[595],C[64]],"dia-kit":["Some kit...","0.29.0"],"google-appengine1_beta4":[C[74],C[75]],"k8055":["@3 @t @0 @4 Vellemann K8055 USB IO Card",C[7]],"ledger-tendermint":["@u to integrate @7 @4 Ledger Tendermint app",C[8]],"openxr-sys":["OpenXR @D @5","0.8.5"],"vulkan-malloc":["A general purpose device $v ^s @0 Vulkan","0.1.5"],"cargo-pack-docker":["pack artifacts ^i a docker &O",C[2]],"$n_yaml":["YAML @t @0 Serde","0.8.17"],"relevant":["A ^P $q $o to emulate must-$f @l","0.4.2"],"color-eyre":["An ^q report handler @0 panics @6 eyre::Reports @0 colorful, consistent, @6 well formatted ^q reports @0 all kinds of errors.","0.5.10"],"libp2p-core":["Core $g @6 structs of libp2p",C[98]],"wkhtmltox-sys":["@D @5 to wkhtmltox","0.1.2"],"yell":["@J UDP messaging","0.4.1"],"$6_zmq":["Async $9 @0 ZeroMQ @5","0.3.2"],"carnix":[C[442],"0.10.4"],"custom_debug":[C[269],C[2]],"shippai":["failure in other languages","0.3.2"],"spatial":["An N-Dimensional R-^k family spatial ^k $5","0.2.0-rc2"],"nspire":["DEPRECATED - $f ndless instead","0.5.2"],"p384":["NIST P-384 (secp384r1) elliptic curve","0.7.0-pre"],"gstreamer-audio-sys":["@D @5 to libgstaudio-1.0","0.9.1"],"$n_dhall":["Dhall @t @0 $n",C[12]],"fselect":["Find @E @7 SQL-$D queries","0.7.2"],"memadvise":["Advises operating @Q about $v usage","0.1.2"],"ess":["An s-&L @j targeted at @R @2.","0.4.2"],"ironrdp":["A @3 @2 of @4 Microsoft Remote Desktop ^p","0.4.2"],"mws":["&X @1 @0 Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS)",C[19]],"rustssl":["A @3 @2 of @4 OpenSSL toolkit/@1",C[4]],"newline-converter":["Newline byte converter @1",C[9]],"prefix-map":["A $m @0 ^9 prefix maps.",C[1]],"tokio-serde-bincode":["Tokio @5 to quickly turn a ^X of bytes to a ^X ofparsed/serialized items @x @4 bincode @M.",C[7]],"google-ml1-cli":[C[109],C[89]],"imgutil-sys":["@D @5 to imgutil. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"lokacore":["Lokathor's @T-only odds @6 ends",C[3]],"syr":[C[914],C[9]],"amadeus-serde":[C[20],"0.4.2"],"nickel_mustache":["Flexible Mustache template &W @0 nickel",C[9]],"varisat-checker":["Proof checker @0 proofs ^m by @4 Varisat SAT solver","0.2.2"],"ssdpapi-sys":["@D @5 to ssdpapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"quickcheck":["Automatic property @r ^j @7 shrinking.","1.0.3"],"iced":["A cross-@U GUI @1 &J by Elm",C[0]],"amethyst_@c":["Amethyst @c","0.15.3"],"rio_&0":["Common @A $j @0 RDF formats parsers @6 serializers","0.5.1"],"bitcoin-consensus":["@3 @5 to libbitcoinconsensus","0.3.0+0.18.0"],"dprint-plugin-typescript":["TypeScript @6 JavaScript $3 formatter.","0.40.1"],"un_algebra":["@J $5 of selected abstract algebraic $j--including groups, rings, @6 fields. Intended @0 self-study of abstract algebra concepts @6 not @0 production $f.","0.9.0"],"duplicate":["$d attribute @m `duplicate` can duplicate an item @7 variable substitution.","0.2.9"],"uring-sys":["liburing @5","1.0.0-beta"],"pwgenr":["A untypable password @G",C[8]],"handlebars_misc_&F":["A $m of &F @0 handlebars (@g) to manage $b, json, yaml, toml, path, $2, &e request.","0.11.2"],"html-entities":["A HTML entities $q @8",C[9]],"minitt":["Mini-TT, a dependently-typed lambda calculus, extended @6 (re)&v in @3","0.4.3"],"metered-macro":[C[157],"0.7.0"],"simple-xml-builder":["@J XML builder/writer","1.0.0"],"cogset":["Generic $5 of clustering $X. Includes k-means, DBSCAN @6 OPTICS.",C[0]],"tcod_window":["A TCOD back-end @0 @4 Piston game $k",C[0]],"tokio-core":["Core I/O @6 event loop ^2 @0 $z I/O in @3. Foundation forthe rest of @4 $u $Z.","0.1.18"],"websocket-vi":["A WebSocket (RFC6455) @1 @0 @3 (fork).","0.18.1"],"stm32f3":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32F3 &S",C[24]],"pyoxidizer":["Package self-contained Python @P","0.10.3"],"blurmac":["Bluetooth @3 lib @x macOS CoreBluetooth",C[4]],"llvm-sys":[C[92],"110.0.0"],"cargo-deps":["Cargo &3 @0 ^f &o graphs of @3 projects.","1.4.1"],"fbx_direct":["Low-@I FBX @1","0.6.4"],"rust-embed":[C[799],"5.9.0"],"cosmwasm-schema":["A dev-&o @0 CosmWasm contracts to ^m ^y Schema @E.",C[80]],"concat-with":["Extend @4 $8 of @4 `concat!` @m in `std`.","0.2.5"],"arboard":["Image @6 ^x $Y @0 @4 OS clipboard.","1.1.0"],"reqchan":["@k is a channel @0 requesting @6 receiving @A. Each channel has only one requesting end, but it can have &4 responding ends. It is &K @0 ^a work sharing. $d two ends of @4 channel @W $z @7 respect to each other, so it is kinda nonblocking. However, if &4 responding ends try to respond to @4 same request, only one will succeed; @4 rest will return errors.","0.5.8"],"ufind":["Finds @O all sort of funky characters",C[1]],"how-do-i-escape":["Prints escape sequences @0 unicode graphemes",C[3]],"webp-dev":["@3 @5 to libwebp (plus related) @6 some other miscellaneous stuff.","0.4.1"],"wdstptc-sys":["@D @5 to wdstptc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"scoped_threadpool":["A @1 @0 scoped @6 cached threadpools.","0.1.9"],"winlog":["A @e @3 log ^4 to send &E to @4 ^5 event log.","0.2.6"],"json-codec":["^y Codec @2",C[2]],"json":["^y @2 in @3","0.12.4"],"socks":["SOCKS proxy clients","0.3.3"],"torut":["torut is reasonable tor controller $h in @g utilizing $u @0 $6 communication","0.1.7"],"google-appstate1":[C[685],C[686]],"ur20-modbus":["Modbus TCP fieldbus coupler (`UR20-FBC-MOD-TCP`) @2",C[8]],"phase21":[C[44],C[15]],"block-cipher-trait":["DEPRECATED: $f block-cipher instead","0.7.0"],"ord_subset":["Tools @0 ^h @7 @4 Ord subset of certain PartialOrd @l, $D floats.","3.1.1"],"enclave-runner":["High-@I abstractions @0 running SGX enclaves.This @8 can be $a to load @6 @s @7 SGX @P compiled forthe `x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx` target.","0.4.1"],"nitrous":["Executable to be called @w a ^x editor, &6 $S snippets.","0.1.15"],"cursive-aligned-view":["A view @h @0 gyscos/cursive views $i aligns child views",C[1]],"chemfiles":["Modern @1 @0 chemistry trajectories ^R @6 $N",C[12]],"fool":["Traits @0 interoperation of Boolean @6 sum @l.","0.0.4"],"ticktock":["Best effort constant framerate clock @6 $S timers","0.8.0"],"^g_rbpf":[C[401],"0.2.4"],"ssmtp":[C[652],"1.0.1"],"ptrace":["@3 @5 @0 @4 POSIX ptrace @C","0.1.2"],"windows-networking-sys":["@D @5 to windows.networking. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"optional_struct":["Crate defining a @m @p will ^m, @w a $M, another $M @7 only Option fields",C[0]],"parity-wasm":["^1 low-@I @M @1","0.42.1"],"amethyst_&5":["Game &A &5 @0 @4 Amethyst $k",C[15]],"vec-2-10-10-10":["A 32-bit vector, where 2 bits @W dedicated @0 alpha, @6 30 bits @W dedicated @0 color. Compatible @7 GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vertex attribute @M.","0.1.2"],"compile-time-lua-bind-hash":["A @8 @0 doing &V-$B hashing of lua constants","1.1.1"],"oxygengine-physics-2d":["2D physics ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"mpid_messaging":["Types $a by SAFE Vaults @6 SAFE Clients to send @6 receive &E.",C[0]],"swc_ecma_transforms_react":[C[163],C[8]],"cex_@c":["^U @0 checked exception simulation",C[2]],"multipart-nickel":["DEPRECATED: Nickel @t is returning to `multipart` itself in 0.14.Support @0 `multipart/form-@A` bodies in Nickel via @4 `multipart` @8.",C[1]],"atomic_ref":["Atomic &'a T @l @7 @t @0 &n allocation",C[0]],"lpc845-pac":["Low-@I register mappings @0 @4 NXP LPC845 series of ARM Cortex-M0+ $x",C[3]],"custom_@c":["(Note: superseded by `@m-attr`) @k @8 @y a @m @p enables @4 $f of custom @c attributes.","0.1.7"],"mio-extras":[C[78],"2.0.6"],"bestbuy":["Bestbuy Marketplace @C @i.","0.1.1"],"args":["An argument @Y @6 validation @1 designed to take some of tediousness out of @4 general 'getopts' @8.","2.2.0"],"webview-official-sys":["Official Webview-org raw ffi @5","0.1.2"],"wasm-snip":["Replace a wasm $8 @7 an `unreachable`.",C[8]],"ssdp":["An $z $P @0 discovering &S @6 services on a ^c.","0.7.0"],"piston2d-drag_controller":["A drag controller","0.30.0"],"acorn":[N,"1.0.0"],"skylane_protocols":["Autogenerated marshalling $3 @0 skylane/wayland","0.1.2"],"smallstring":["'Small $b' optimization: store ^P $y on @4 stack @x smallvec","0.1.2"],"parity-util-mem-derive":["Crate @0 $v reporting",C[9]],"ff_derive-zeroize":[C[43],"0.6.2"],"vox_box":["A $F to ^O speech audio in @3",C[3]],"error-context":["Methods @6 @l @p help @7 adding additional context $e to ^q @l","0.1.2"],"dtolnay":[" as a publishing @U?","0.0.9"],"librealsense-sys":["@D @K to librealsense",C[0]],"object-pool":["A &k-$W object pool @7 automatic return @6 attach/detach semantics","0.5.3"],"multimap":["A multimap @2.","0.8.2"],"rust-netmap":[C[748],"0.0.7"],"rbatis-macro-driver":["rbatis @m ^K 高性能@3 ORM框架 宏系统支持","1.8.68"],"discogs":["A @u to consume Discogs @C",C[1]],"fastobo-validator":["Faultess validation $F @0 OBO products",C[8]],"wonder":["An Erlang/Elixir &J actor @1 @0 @3",C[9]],"const-sha1":["A sha1 @2 @0 $f in const contexts",C[0]],"progress_$b":["Generate a progress bar $b","0.1.1"],"wav":["@k is a @8 @0 ^R in @6 $N out wave @E. It supports bit depths of 8, 16, @6 24 bits, @6 any &2 of channels.",C[2]],"thruster":[C[532],"1.0.3"],"group-by":["A group_by $8","1.0.0"],"awc":["Async ^o @6 WebSocket @i @1 built on @4 Actix ecosystem",C[120]],"slotmap":["Slotmap @A $M","1.0.2"],"tablefy_@c":["A $w @m to help Tablefy any struct!",C[7]],"system-interface":["Extensions to @4 @3 ^M @1","0.6.1"],"ndarray-rblas":["`rblas` @5 @0 `ndarray`.","0.1.1"],"sourceview":["@3 @5 @0 @4 GtkSourceView 3 @1","0.9.0"],"sn_transfers":["@B of Transfers in @4 Safe Network.","0.3.2"],"pinto":["SQL query builder","0.6.1"],"tab-command":["@4 ^b @H ^H @0 @4 tab $A multiplexer","0.5.6"],"capturing-glob":["An ^n @0 unix shell style globs @p allow to capture groups (i.e. remember matching character ranges) while matching.","0.1.1"],"hex-string":["a @A $M @0 managing hex $y in both $b @6 byte vector representation",C[9]],"prosafe_exporter":["Prometheus exporter @0 NETGEAR switches supported by ProSAFE Plus $q","0.2.8"],"google-dfareporting2d8":[C[218],C[219]],"lm4f120":["A set of drivers @0 $N bare-metal $3 @0 @4 Texas Instruments LM4F120.",C[12]],"bufferoverflow-sys":["@D @5 to bufferoverflow. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"herbie-lint":["A &y $L to check @0 numerical instability","1.0.7"],"bfi":["Brainfuck @0 $p &R learning needs","0.2.2"],"core-foundation-sys":[C[510],"0.8.2"],"qip":["A @1 @0 ^S quantum computing simulations.",C[83]],"scout":["Friendly fuzzy finder @0 @4 @H $r","2.2.0"],"rope":["Ropes in @3",C[4]],"article_scraper":["Scrap article contents @w @4 ^Y. Powered by fivefilters full ^x feed configurations.","1.1.7"],"google-adsensehost4d1-cli":[C[892],C[498]],"httpcodec":["Encoders @6 decoders @0 ^o/1.x &E @r on bytecodec @8","0.2.3"],"crossterm":["A crossplatform $A @1 @0 manipulating terminals.",C[54]],"signatory-sodiumoxide":["Signatory Ed25519 provider @0 sodiumoxide",C[25]],"pad":["@u @0 padding $y at $4",C[6]],"arrsac":["From @4 paper \"A Comparative Analysis of RANSAC Techniques Leading to Adaptive Real-Time Random Sample Consensus\"",C[5]],"kernlog":["Kernel &I @2 (@0 low @I &z to `/dev/kmsg`).",C[1]],"quicr-core":["Moved to quinn-proto (was: State &R @0 @4 QUIC transport @9)","0.4.1"],"rustls-pemfile":["Basic .pem $2 @j @0 keys @6 certificates",C[0]],"lazy-bytes-cast":["Lazy casts @w & to byte arrays","6.0.1"],"stperf":["@J profiling $q @0 single-threaded @P","0.1.4"],"json_in_$o":["a @1 @0 $S json @V","1.1.1"],"mdl_monkey":["A @3 @2 of @4 Monkey $s @R @w <&w://>.","1.0.0"],"wasm_svg_^u":["A @3 @1 @0 &W SVG Graphics @7 WASM","1.0.3"],"cell-gc":["A fun garbage collector @0 @p virtual &R you're $N in @3",C[7]],"msdrm-sys":["@D @5 to msdrm. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"zip-extensions":["An ^n create @0 zip.",C[5]],"google-gmail1-cli":[C[443],C[444]],"decimal":["Decimal floating point arithmetic @0 @3","2.0.4"],"google-clouduseraccountsvm_beta":[C[16],C[17]],"dbui-templates":["HTML templates $a by @4 dbui @Z","0.0.64"],"tinyecs":["Tiny entity component @Q","0.0.3"],"tabin-plugins":["Libs @0 ^f nagios-^d check scripts, some scripts, @6 some libs to read @w /&r @6 /@f on &t.",C[1]],"@g_icu_uloc":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w Unicode.uloc.h","0.4.1"],"glossy":["A &V-$B GLSL shader loader @7 `#include` @t.",C[0]],"tokio-shared-udp-socket":["Easily share a UDP socket $G different $1 in $u",C[5]],"lightproc":["Lightweight ^O $P @0 @3","0.3.5"],"sassers":["A Sass ^8 in @3","0.13.5-h28"],"caniuse-serde":["A more modern wrapping @0 @Y @6 querying @4 ^y ^V @x Serde 1.0","0.0.6"],"wren":["@K to @4 Wren scripting @R @C",C[60]],"constdb":["constdb is a @e @6 $S read-only ^v key &m datastore","0.4.1"],"fwpuclnt-sys":["@D @5 to fwpuclnt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"stm32f1":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32F1 &S",C[24]],"main_^q":["Print errors @7 Display instead of Debug when @x ? in main().","0.1.1"],"riffol":["Riffol is a supervising ^O @p can run as a traditional daemon on Unix-$D systems or as an `init` @Q @0 containers",C[3]],"hhsetup-sys":["@D @5 to hhsetup. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"shred-derive":["Custom @c @0 shred","0.6.3"],"record":["Command-$r @L to record @6 replay input sent to a $A session.","0.2.3"],"warp-reverse-proxy":["Warp filter @p acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding @4 request to a proxy address @6 extracting a response.",C[3]],"piston-graphics_&0_$9":["A @1 @0 storing ^u @C versions","1.0.0"],"flatbuffers-verifier":["Support @1 @0 @4 flatbuffers verifier &i by cfbc.",C[7]],"little_boxes":["Adds boxes $C stdin. Optionally adds a title","1.6.0"],"u2f":["@3 FIDO U2F @u",C[0]],"squark-macros":["^U $D JSX to help ^f Squark $T","0.7.0"],"rtnetlink":["manipulate linux networking resources via netlink","0.7.0"],"cargo-tally":["Cargo &3 @0 drawing graphs of @4 &2 of direct &8 on a @8 &q $B","0.2.15"],"nano-work-server":["A dedicated work @Z @0 @4 Nano cryptocurrency","0.1.7"],"fromxml":["Macro to parse XML @A ^i structs.","1.2.0"],"spurs":["^l @0 setting up @6 running experiments remotely","0.9.1"],"pocket":["@J @5 @0 Pocket @C (&w://","0.1.3"],"ao":["@K to's libao","0.6.1"],"ocaml-sys":["Low-@I OCaml @5 @0 @3",C[54]],"oxygengine-script-web":["Web scripting ^H @0 Oxygen Engine","0.12.5"],"command-macros":["^U @0 ^9 std::^O::Command @7 shell-$D syntax","0.2.7"],"z85":["@3 @2 of ZeroMQ's Z85 $c mechanism @7 padding.","3.0.2"],"@g_gpiozero":["A @1 &J by gpiozero $h in @3.",C[0]],"ttk4145_elevator_@Z":["TCP @r @C @0 @4 elevator hardware at NTNU RealTime lab","0.1.3"],"immintrin":["@B of Intel x86 intrinsics (_mm_*).",C[0]],"dd-lib":["@1 @z @0 a clone of @4 unix coreutil dd",C[7]],"gmp-sys":["libgmp low-@I @5",C[9]],"contact":["A highly portable REST @1 @0 Cosmos blockchains","0.3.4"],"enigma":["A (hopefully) growing set of ^z @z. Mostly a learning experiment @0 me @6 obviously not anywhere near useable.","0.0.2"],"futures-sink":[C[33],"0.3.12"],"security-framework-sys":["Apple `Security.framework` low-@I @D @5","2.0.0"],"eventific":["Eventific is a $F @p gives @O @4 needed ^f blocks @0 event sourcing","0.1.18"],"accumulator":["A key-&m store limited by size or $B, allowing accumulation of &4 ^G under a single key.","0.7.0"],"serde-hex":["Hexadecimal $c/&f @7 $n.",C[9]],"lyon_@T":["Common resources to all lyon $Z.","0.8.0"],"gaia_assetgen":["Prepares Gaia assets, @0 $f in $t scripts","0.3.2"],"rayon-cond":["Experimental iterator @h @p is conditionally parallel or serial.",C[9]],"asap":["An @2 of ASAP @0 @g.","0.9.0"],"bitfield-register":["@3 bitfield @1 @0 low-@I registers",C[7]],"directx":["High-@I @3 @h @0 @4 DirectX @C.",C[4]],"tokenizations":["Tokenizations alignments @1",C[8]],"distance-field":["Generate distance fields @w images @0 pseudo-vector &W","0.1.7"],"hash-rs":["Some hashes under one roof","0.0.2"],"sheldon":["Fast, configurable, shell $L &N.","0.6.1"],"schedule":[C[657],C[9]],"embree":[C[323],"0.3.7"],"cargo-hack":["A @N &3 to provide some options &K @0 ^j @6 continuous ^t.","0.5.3"],"cargo-index":["Cargo &3 to manage a registry index.","0.2.2"],"google-cloudbilling1":[C[200],C[71]],"iota-client":["&X to $f Iota APIs","0.5.0-alpha.3"],"mio-anonymous-pipes":["&c @h @0 windows synchronous pipes",C[9]],"terraform-zap":["Script @h to perform finer terraform destroy",C[8]],"clang":["A somewhat idiomatic @3 @h @0 libclang.","1.0.3"],"opengl32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 opengl32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.1"],"midir":["A cross-@U, realtime MIDI &l @1, &J by RtMidi.","0.7.0"],"bdrck_^7":["^l @0 unit tests.","0.1.1"],"elastic_responses":["Parses search results @w Elasticsearch @6 presents results @x convenient iterators.",C[134]],"^O_viewer":["A ^O viewer GUI","0.4.8"],"irc2":["...",C[9]],"infer_schema_@d":["@k @8 is ^W to diesel_infer_schema @6 should not be $a directly","1.4.0"],"chinese-number":["Convert primitive ^F to Chinese ^F, or parse Chinese ^F to primitive ^F.",C[5]],"groonga-sys":[C[154],C[1]],"clam":["@J template $k",C[6]],"diesel_derives_$g":["Traits @0 diesel_derives_extra","0.1.2"],"synchronoise":["Synchronization ^2 @p $t upon @4 ^M @1","1.0.0"],"hamming":["Count ones, $S (aka popcount, hamming weight). @k @y aperformant popcount @6 bitwise hamming distance @0 a slice of bytes.","0.1.3"],"catalyst-protocol-sdk-rust":["^p Specification @0 Catalyst Network","0.1.5"],"^7_bin":["A @8 @0 getting @4 @8 $Q in an ^t ^7.",C[3]],"enum-set":["A $M @0 holding a set of &G variants","0.0.8"],"xmath":["@3 port of Microsoft DirectXMath","0.2.8"],"syscall-alt":["syscall-alt","0.0.14"],"emu-audio":["Standalone audio $0 @0 @4 emu ^Q.","0.1.2"],"dxgi-win":["@D @5 to DXGI",C[7]],"emscripten-sys":["Emscripten @C @5 @0 @3","0.3.2"],"colog":["$d `colog` @1 is a @e formatter ^4 @0 @4 ^M @g &z @Q (in @4 `log` @8).","1.0.0"],"vte":["&C @0 ^a $A emulators",C[12]],"tokio-socketcan-bcm":["&c &t SocketCAN - Broadcast Manager @t (BCM) @7 $u","1.0.0"],"sise":["SISE (@J S-&L) @j, serializer @6 @L @1.",C[5]],"serdeconv":["@k @8 @y convenient $g @6 @z @0 converting $G TOML/^y/MessagePack $y @6 serializable ^G.",C[8]],"tiny-hderive":["Tiny BIP44/BIP32 derivation @0 BIP39 seeds",C[3]],"no-std-net":["Rust's std::net... ^Z @4 'std'.",C[2]],"field_@l":["Some @c @d @0 deriving enums, corresponding to @4 fields of structs.","1.1.0"],"mtl":["Matrix template @1. Dense2D matrix, SparseMatrix.","0.1.5"],"libc-extra":["Additional bits @6 bobs found in libc &j @p either hasn't been submitted to Rust's official libc @8 yet, or has been rejected or requires too much work to integrate","0.3.2"],"bmfont":["bitmap font config @j","0.3.3"],"exitfailure":["A basic newtype &D @0 $f @7 ? in main","0.5.1"],"sentencepiece-sys":[C[522],C[5]],"sozu-command-futures":[C[826],"0.11.52"],"preserves":["@B of @4 Preserves @V @M via $n.",C[15]],"stripper_@s":["@k is @4 @1 $a by rustdoc-stripper @6 gir to ^m comments @E.","0.0.6"],"ddg":["An ORM @0 DuckDuckGo.",C[2]],"libsodium-ffi":["&B @5 (@D) to @4 libsodium @1","0.2.2"],"efm32gg11b820":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 EFM32GG11B820 $x","0.9.0"],"message-io":["Easy $z ^c message @1",C[5]],"rootfind":["Root-finding $X","0.7.0"],"realfft":["Real-to-complex FFT @6 complex-to-real iFFT @0 @3","1.1.0"],"extsort":["External sorting (i.e. on disk sorting) capability on arbitrarily sized iterator","0.4.2"],"base64-lib":["A base64 encoder / decoder","0.2.2"],"little":["Little interpreter designed as $S template ^4.",C[3]],"catmark":["Console printer @0 CommonMark","0.2.2"],"$O_dax":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) @ 2017-04-19",C[13]],"core-graphics":["@K to Core Graphics @0 macOS","0.22.2"],"ignore":["A $S @1 @0 efficiently matching ignore @E such as `.gitignore`against $2 paths.","0.4.17"],"paperclip-core":["Core @l @6 $g @0 paperclip OpenAPI tooling @1",C[3]],"cargo-license":["Cargo &3 to see license of &8",C[8]],"modulo":["@J modulo operation.","0.1.2"],"hactool-sys":["Unsafe @3 @5 @0 hactool, a ^N @6 @1 @0 Nintendo Switch $2 formats. Currently untested.","0.4.4"],"float":["Lightweight &D $C primitive floating point @l.","0.1.2"],"gettext-sys":["Gettext raw @D @5","0.19.9"],"pin-project-internal":["@B detail of @4 `pin-^Q` @8.","1.0.5"],"opengraph":["Parses html @6 extracts Open Graph @9 markup","0.2.4"],"partial-io":["Helpers to ^7 partial, interrupted @6 would-block I/O $V.",C[2]],"packed":["A $W #[repr(packed)] @s","0.4.2"],"imag-diary":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-diary @H",C[21]],"libaster":[C[375],"1.2.1"],"toast":["Containerize $p &A @6 continuous ^t environments.","0.32.0"],"gluon_^T":["Code ^6 @d @0 @4 gluon $s @R",C[35]],"simplemad":["An @s @0 libmad, @4 MPEG audio &f @1","0.9.0"],"parity-codec-derive":["Serialization @6 &a @c @m @0 Parity Codec","3.3.0"],"ringbuffer":["A fixed-size circular buffer","1.0.0"],"wrapped_&G":["Useful @m to wrap existing @l in an &G ($R $f @0 quick ^q $Y)","0.1.3"],"uuid_to_pokemon":["Translates a UUID to a qualified pokemon name.",C[1]],"osc_address":["Typesafe routing of Open Sound Control message @6 $P &q serde_osc","0.2.2"],"covet":["CLI @6 ^Y frontend @0 scanning @7 HP Envy printer / scanners","1.1.0"],"google-customsearch1-cli":[C[973],C[14]],"capstone-sys":["System @5 to @4 capstone disassembly @1",C[15]],"regalloc":["Modular register allocation $X","0.0.31"],"chalk-derive":["A ^w @8 @0 $f by chalk $Z @0 `@c` @d.","0.56.0"],"^T":["@u @0 $H @3 $3","0.1.3"],"cauchy":["Trait @0 real @6 complex ^F",C[3]],"solana-measure":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"redpitaya":["Crate to manipulate redpitaya","0.31.0"],"unic-locale-macros":[C[173],"0.9.0"],"google-clouduseraccountsvm_beta-cli":[C[16],C[17]],"color-backtrace":["Colorful panic backtraces",C[2]],"rustic_hal":["A @g @1 @0 ^9 Hal representations of resources, @r on $n",C[0]],"qt_3d_input":["@K @0 Qt3DInput C++ @1",C[2]],"peano-natural":["Type-@I Peano naturals",C[7]],"rtlsdr_@f":["Low-@I @5 to librtlsdr","1.1.2"],"stats_&1":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"in_definite":["Get @4 indefinite article ('a' or 'an') to match @4 given word. For example: an umbrella, a user.","0.2.4"],"google-datastore1_beta3":["A @q @1 to @n @7 datastore (@9 v1beta3)",C[100]],"spin_on":["A @e, inefficient Future executor","0.1.1"],"darwin-libproc":["Safe @6 idiomatic &D @0 macOS libproc",C[0]],"content-security-policy":["Will parse @6 validate Content-Security-Policy @I 3","0.4.2"],"actix-router":["Resource path matching @1",C[3]],"crossbill":[C[335],"0.1.1"],"enc_$2":["Encrypt / decrypt @E or calculate ^I @w @4 @H $r. Warning: Don't $f @0 anything important, $f VeraCrypt or similar instead.","0.3.17"],"encoding-index-simpchinese":["Index tables @0 simplified Chinese character encodings",C[48]],"diceware-gen":["@k ^N generates &x passphrases @r on EFF's long wordlist.","0.2.2"],"$n_@d":[C[28],"0.8.9"],"join_export":["Exports of @4 `join!`, `join_async!`, `join_spawn!`, `join_async_spawn!`, `async_spawn!` @d $i @W reexported by `join` @8.","0.1.1"],"cbindgen":["A $F @0 $H C @5 to @3 $3.",C[36]],"bitness":["@3 @1 @0 detecting OS bitness independently of @4 executable's bitness. ^5, GNU/&t @6 FreeBSD currently supported.",C[8]],"wireguard-p2p":["A WireGuard peer-to-peer @i","0.2.2"],"lucet-module-data":["DEPRECATED: @k $0 is now available as `lucet-^H`.","0.1.2"],"bevy_sprite":["@X sprite $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"cargo-maj":["$d libmaj CLI companion. Manage packages, keys @6 versions.",C[6]],"rotor":[C[237],"0.6.3"],"durite":["DU graphite probe",C[3]],"htwdresden":["@u @0 accessing organisational @A @w @4 University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW Dresden).","0.3.4"],"^g":[C[10],C[1033]],"quick-xml":["High $J xml &H @6 writer","0.21.0"],"nu-json":["Fork of $n-hjson",C[59]],"vigil-server":["Microservices Status Page. Monitors a &T infrastructure @6 sends alerts (Slack, SMS, etc.).","1.19.0"],"guard":["Macro @2 of RFC 1303: a guard-let-else statement a la Swift",C[2]],"krb5-sys":["@K to @4 krb5 @1, incomplete state",C[3]],"uuid_v1_variant":["A variant of UUID v1 (128bit) @6 64bit nonce.","0.1.4"],"sql-builder":["@J SQL $3 @G.","3.1.1"],"netlink-packet-route":[C[339],"0.7.0"],"svg":["$d $0 @y an SVG composer @6 @j.","0.9.0"],"lever":["Pillars @0 Transactional Systems @6 Data Grids","0.1.1"],"butlerd":["A @8 @0 @x @4 butlerd @C","0.1.2"],"psd":["A @3 @C @0 @Y @6 ^h @7 PSD @E.","0.1.9"],"cuda-config":["Helper @8 @0 finding CUDA &j",C[9]],"usize_conversions":["Conversion $g @0 conversions $G `usize` @6 fixed sized integers.",C[0]],"libflac-sys":["Raw @D @5 to @4 libFLAC @1",C[0]],"juliex":["a very basic @v executor",C[710]],"hierarchical_^I_wheel_timer":["A low-@I timer implementantion @x a hierarchical four-@I ^I wheel @7 overflow.","1.0.0"],"nom-supreme":["A $m of excellent @L @0 nom","0.4.1"],"@g_keylock_shell":["Shell ^0 to @4 @g-keylock. @g-keylock is a password &N @7 goals to be Secure, @J to $f, Portable @6 Extensible.",C[38]],"sc":[C[222],"0.2.3"],"mail-core":["[mail/@T] @y @4 Mail $o @0 @4 mail @8 (inkl. multipart mime bodies, builder @6 resource $o)","0.6.2"],"typeshare":["Generate $3 in different languages @w @3 $o $E @0 @D interop","0.0.11"],"parallel-getter":["Fetch a $2 @7 parallel GET requests",C[0]],"memalloc":["Memory allocation in stable @g.",C[9]],"syn":[C[385],"1.0.60"],"futures-intrusive":["Futures @r on intrusive @A $j - @0 std @6 no-std environments.",C[8]],"network-internet-protocol":["A domain model of internet @9 $9 4 @6 $9 6 host addresses, masks, ^c addresses @6 packets @6 associated @l.",C[64]],"fluvio-future":[C[156],"0.1.15"],"lightbeam":["An optimising one-pass streaming ^8 @0 ^1",C[25]],"lbfgsb-sys":["$d $0 @y an @s to L-BFGS-B fortran routine",C[9]],"pond":["A @1 @0 scoped @6 cached threadpools @p keep a state.",C[1]],"cfb-mode":["Generic Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode @2.",C[5]],"coreaudio-sys":["@K @0 Apple's CoreAudio frameworks &i via @g-bindgen","0.2.8"],"aoc-runner":["A runner @0 @4 Advent of Code",C[3]],"usi-run":["A @H $r $q @0 running games $G USI compliant Shogi engines.","0.8.0"],"mfsrcsnk-sys":["@D @5 to mfsrcsnk. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"alacritty_$A":["@u @0 $N $A emulators",C[19]],"@e_proxy":["@J proxy @7 middlewares, &s to customize, &s to $f.","1.3.1"],"to":["A $I @0 generalized conversion to a target $o.",C[4]],"drtprov-sys":["@D @5 to drtprov. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"numeric-algs":["Crate ^a some numerical $X",C[3]],"wgpu-subscriber":["WebGPU tracing subscribers",C[9]],"website-icon-extract":["extract favicon link paths @w a html page @w different standards","0.4.1"],"tk-easyloop":["A &k local loop @6 other loop &F","0.1.1"],"diesel-derive-enum":["Derive diesel boilerplate @0 @x enums in databases","1.1.0"],"geos":["@3 @5 @0 GEOS C @C","7.0.0"],"reool":["An asynchrounous connection pool @0 Redis @r on $u @6 redis-rs","0.28.0"],"der-parser":["&C/encoder @0 ASN.1 BER/DER @A","5.0.0"],"clippy":["A bunch of helpful lints to avoid $R pitfalls in @3.","0.0.302"],"redox_installer":["A Redox filesystem builder","0.2.7"],"linear":["Use @4 matrix $0 instead.",C[0]],"compu":["@3 Compression @1 @7 ^A @s","0.5.1"],"open_ttt_lib":["@u @p @y $R Tic Tac Toe logic.",C[0]],"bashdoc":["A $F @0 $H documentation/help menu @0 user defined bash @z.","0.5.2"],"intrusive-collections":["Intrusive &u @0 @3 (linked list @6 red-black ^k)","0.9.0"],"signalo_filters":["A $m of filters $a in 'signalo' umbrella @8.","0.5.1"],"voluntary-servitude":["Thread-$W appendable list @7 lock-free iterator","4.0.8"],"tokio-udp":["UDP @5 @0 $u.",C[281]],"gltf_unlit_@G":["Generates an unlit texture @0 each of @4 materials in a .gltf $2.",C[8]],"qr2term":["Stupidly @e @3 @8 to render a QR $3 in @4 $A.","0.2.2"],"envconfig":[C[76],"0.9.1"],"downcast-rs":["Trait object downcasting @t @x only $W @3. It supports typeparameters, associated @l, @6 $o constraints.","1.2.0"],"libp2p-ratelimit":["Transfer rate limiting transport adapter @0 libp2p",C[19]],"restq":["Compacting SQL query ^i a URL suitable @0 rest &0 calls",C[2]],"lsp":["@R @Z @9",C[1]],"pure-rust-locales":["Pure @3 locales imported directly @w @4 GNU C @u. `LC_COLLATE` @6 `LC_CTYPE` @W not yet supported.","0.5.3"],"reql-io":["ReQL IO @2",C[0]],"resol-vbus":["A @3 @1 @0 &l RESOL VBus @A.",C[0]],"srmap":[C[844],"0.1.13"],"linked-list":["An alternative @2 of std::&u::LinkedList","0.0.3"],"shippai_@c":["@d @0 shippai","0.3.2"],"susanoo":["A micro Web @o, @r on $1, $u @6 hyper","0.0.6"],"llvm-ir":["LLVM IR in natural @3 @A $j","0.7.4"],"abnf-core":["A nom-@r @j @0 ABNF @T rules.",C[3]],"winx":["^5 @C ^w @1",C[25]],"funfun":["^U @0 ^h @7 closures.","0.2.4"],"bincode":[C[897],"1.3.1"],"yy-typings":[C[883],"0.4.3"],"irc-proto":["$d IRC @9 distilled.",C[42]],"my_internet_ip":["Retrieve @4 public IP of @4 &R $p app runs on.","0.1.1"],"codicon":["Traits @0 $c @6 &f","3.0.0"],"gluster":["A @1 to @s @7 Gluster's CLI. @k is being leveraged by a Juju charm to manage a Gluster deployment","1.0.8"],"abrute":["AESCrypt Brute force attempter.","0.1.8"],"lz4":["@3 LZ4 @5 @1.","1.23.2"],"rusty-hermit":["A @3-@r @1 operting @Q","0.3.48"],"dia-hammer":["A ^N helping @7 hashing @A via Keccak $X","2.0.1"],"socket2":["^l @0 $Y networking sockets @7 a maximal amount of configurationpossible intended.",C[955]],"translit":["Transliteration @0 cyrillic languages @p uses officially approved rules.",C[2]],"gqlog":["👾 filter $p json logs @7 graphql 👾","1.0.3"],"prototty_elements":["Collection of ui elements @0 $f @7 prototty","0.7.0"],"smart-contract":["Write smart contracts @0 Wavelet in @3.","0.2.2"],"ruspiro-timer":["@k $Z @y @e timing @z to pause @4 current @T @0 a specific amount of $B.","0.4.1"],"glmf32-sys":["@D @5 to glmf32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"google-deploymentmanager2_beta2":[C[943],C[944]],"rusty_tarantool":["Tarantul $6 @i @r on $u @o","0.2.10"],"badlog":["A @e, zero customization, colored &I.","1.1.1"],"hazy_@c":[C[562],"0.1.1"],"claim":["Assertion @d",C[2]],"rugflo":[C[18],"0.4.1"],"pueue":["A ^b $F @0 managing long running shell commands.",C[19]],"igd":["Internet Gateway ^p @i",C[19]],"plumtree":["A @3 @2 of Plumtree $7","0.1.1"],"atsamd21g":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 ATSAMD21G $x (&i @x svd2rust)","0.9.0"],"tree-cursor":["A @e, non-intrusive ^k cursor @p supports node mutation withoutCell/RefCell.",C[3]],"json5":["A @3 JSON5 serializer @6 deserializer $i speaks Serde.",C[3]],"beautician":["Streaming ^y @Y @6 pretty printing.","0.1.1"],"dbghelp-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 dbghelp. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"fastlog":["A high $J $z &I",C[7]],"orion":["Usable, &s @6 $W &p-@3 crypto","0.15.6"],"imgui-wgpu":["A wgpu render ^4 @0 imgui-rs.",C[31]],"http-service-mock":["Creates a HttpService @Z mock to ^7 requests/responses against $p app",C[2]],"swc_ecma_&1":["^l @0 swc ecmascript ast nodes","0.28.0"],"dynamodb_@A":["Serde @r @V @t @6 misc @L @0 ^h @7 Dynamodb via @4 rusoto_dynamodb @8","0.1.8"],"speech-dispatcher":["Rusty @s to @4 speech-dispatcher speech synthesis @1","0.7.0"],"int_$g":["@X a $I @0 extended @z on integers","0.1.1"],"drone":["CLI $q @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[83]],"semantic-rs":["Automatic @8 publishing","1.0.0"],"backtrace-sys":["@K to @4 libbacktrace gcc @1","0.1.37"],"blaze":[C[47],"0.0.0"],"intecture-auth":["Authentication @0 Intecture infrastructure. Intecture is @4 developer friendly, multi-lingual $K ^B $F.","0.1.2"],"mqttrs":["Mqtt @9 $c @6 &f",C[8]],"coreutils_auth":["Authorization @6 Authentication services.","0.5.1"],"pickledb":["A ^C @6 @e key-&m store $h in @3, heavily &J by [Python's PickleDB](&w://","0.4.1"],"simi":["A @o @0 ^f wasm front-end ^Y $T in @3",C[7]],"md5-asm":["Assembly @2 of MD5 ^D $8",C[2]],"tarpc-plugins":["Proc @d @0 tarpc.","0.9.0"],"moving_avg":["Moving average filter",C[0]],"fang_oost_option":["A @1 ^a Fang @6 Oosterlee's $7 @0 option pricing.","0.31.1"],"aktoro-channel":["Channels @0 aktoro's ^W $f.","0.1.0-alpha.8"],"libflo_event":["A @1 @0 declaring events, @6 ^3 @z to them in libflo.","0.1.2"],"korome":["WIP game $k @x glium","0.14.1"],"trek":["Database migration ^B @0 @3 programs",C[1]],"libarchive":["A $W @3 @C @0 authoring @6 extracting archives @7 libarchive","0.1.1"],"dev_menu":["A @e in-$k developer menu @1.","0.35.0"],"tracing-actix-web":["Structured &z middleware @0 actix-^Y.","0.3.0-beta.2"],"xpc-connection":["XPC connection @5 @0 @3","0.2.3"],"solana-noop":["Solana noop ^N",C[15]],"google-photoslibrary1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Photos @u (@9 v1)",C[77]],"uaparser":["A @3 @2 of @4 UA &C",C[8]],"pdf-extract":["A @1 to extract content @w pdfs","0.6.2"],"nom5_locate":[C[189],"0.1.1"],"yobicrypto":["$d Yobicash cryptographyc toolkit","0.2.5"],"blip_buf-sys":["@D @5 to blip_buf.c","0.1.4"],"libp2p-noise":["Cryptographic handshake @9 @x @4 noise @o.","0.29.0"],"sapp-linux":["Part of miniquad &W @1. Orignally @S was a sokol-app C $3 transpiled to @g @7 c2rust @6 partially rewritten to more idiomatic @g.",C[88]],"mio-timerfd":["mio @t @0 linux's timerfd",C[0]],"json-query":[C[851],C[1]],"num-derive":["Numeric syntax extensions","0.3.3"],"display-interface":["Traits @0 interfaces $a to drive displays",C[8]],"readability":["Port of arc90's readability ^Q to @g","0.1.5"],"teraron":["Genrate @3 $3 @w a .tera template @6 a .ron @A",C[9]],"^A_game":["A ^A game $k @1","0.0.12"],"walker":["Recursive directory walk","1.0.1"],"forkjoin":["A work stealing fork-join parallelism @1 @0 @3","2.3.0"],"cart-tmp-wgc":[C[133],C[9]],"algo":["Algorithms & Data Structure $5","0.1.9"],"impl-service":["Proc Macro fo deriving @4 ArcService $I",C[6]],"swc_ecma_^T_@d":["^U @0 swc_ecma_codegen.","0.5.1"],"component_group_@c":["Automatic @c @0 @4 ComponentGroup $I","3.0.0"],"tojson_@d":["A @e syntax ^n generates default ToJson impl","0.3.4"],"join_to_$b":["Join a list of items to $b/buffer.","0.1.3"],"google-cloudresourcemanager1-cli":[C[143],C[37]],"kf-protocol-transport":["Transport frame encoder @6 decoder @0 Kakfa @9","2.0.4"],"xactor":["Xactor is a @g actors @o @r on $6-std","0.7.11"],"rand_chacha":["ChaCha &x &2 @G",C[3]],"spirit-tokio":["Tokio &F @0 Spirit","0.8.1"],"libstripe":["Stripe @1 @0 @g.","0.5.9"],"taskpipe":["A @e, multithreaded pipeline @1","0.1.2"],"enumflags2":["Enum-@r bit flags",C[583]],"wasi-worker-cli":["Tool to create @6 deploy WASM WASI-@r browser &9 workers",C[5]],"xmlwriter":["A @e, streaming XML writer.",C[9]],"rsdb":["a flash-sympathetic persistent lock-free B+ ^k, pagecache, @6 log",C[24]],"mongo_rub":["@3 Builder @0 MongoDB","0.0.2"],"rum":["An @2 of @4 Cloud Foundry lager &z @Q @0 @3.",C[4]],"sit-core":["Core @1 @0 SIT (Serverless Information Tracker)","0.4.1"],"peach":["Sandbox $k @0 @3, &J by Processing",C[3]],"kitchensink":["Puppet @L @0 @3.","0.4.2"],"xsalsa20poly1305":["Pure @3 @2 of @4 XSalsa20Poly1305 (a.k.a. NaCl crypto_secretbox)authenticated encryption $7",C[5]],"cld2":["Detect natural @R $a in ^x @x @4 cld2 @1","1.0.2"],"string-intern":["Another @2 of $b interning. Unique features: allows to define a $o @0 each kind of interned ^G @6 a validator @0 @4 ^G of @p $o.","0.1.7"],"@T_arch":["`@T::arch` - Rust's @T @1 architecture-specific intrinsics.","0.1.5"],"burst-pool":["A SPMC channel optimised @0 bursts of activity","0.5.1"],"rustpython-vm":["@3 Python virtual &R.","0.1.2"],"ravif":["rav1e-@r &p @3 @1 @0 $c images in AVIF @M (powers @4 `cavif` $F)","0.6.4"],"minisign":["A @8 to sign @E @6 verify signatures.","0.6.2"],"&G_index_@c":["^U @0 extracting Enum variant index",C[0]],"debugid":[C[84],"0.7.2"],"lexers":["Tools @0 tokenizing @6 scanning","0.1.3"],"asciimath":["Mathematical &L @j @6 evaluator","0.8.8"],"mapped-guard":["Returnable guards @p represent @0 example a subset of @4 original borrow. Implemented @0 @4 ^M guard @l @6 easily extensible.",C[4]],"ideal":["When @O need some ids.","0.7.4"],"framestream":["Frame Streams @2 in @3","0.2.5"],"nt-sys":["@D @5 to nt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rocs":["@3 OSB @i","1.0.16"],"cargo-make":["@3 task runner @6 $t $F.","0.32.12"],"multiset":["Multisets/bags","0.0.5"],"dockertest":["A @1 to control docker containers when running $p ^t tests.",C[0]],"amadeus-postgres":[C[20],"0.4.2"],"codespan-lsp":["Conversions $G codespan @l @6 &U Server ^p @l",C[15]],"proxyboi":["A super @e reverse proxy @7 TLS @t","0.4.4"],"reactive-streams":["Reactive Streams @C",C[4]],"sawtooth-intkey":["Sawtooth Intkey is a Sawtooth transaction handler @0 executing intkey transactions as part of Hyperledger Sawtooth",C[2]],"raii-change-tracker":["tracks changes to @A @6 notifies listeners","0.1.1"],"meio-protocol":["Basic @9 $g of MEIO @o","0.74.5"],"libalpm":["An aspirationally $W @h $C libalpm (@4 Arch &t Package Manager).","0.1.2"],"bevy_math":["@X math $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"sauron-node-macro":[C[113],"0.34.0"],"pitch_calc":["A @1 @0 musical pitch conversions! @X @z @6 &Q @0 converting $G frequency, midi-step @6 letter-octave.",C[19]],"codepage":["Mapping $G ^5 $3 page ^F @6 encoding_rs character encodings","0.1.1"],"nanny":["Safe &d abstractions @0 Node.","0.0.9"],"fie":["Small @6 cute social media $q.","0.16.3"],"crowbook":["Render a Markdown book in HTML, PDF or Epub","0.15.2"],"timer_heap":["A $Q heap @r timer ^B @Q",C[3]],"opentelemetry-semantic-conventions":["Semantic conventions @0 OpenTelemetry",C[8]],"bsalloc":["A @e general-purpose ^s $a to bootstrap other allocators.",C[9]],"phf_@d":["^U to ^m @l in @4 phf @8","0.8.0"],"libp2p-yamux":["Yamux multiplexing @9 @0 libp2p","0.30.0"],"alt-stm32f30x-hal":["Alternative HAL impl @0 @4 STM32F30x family of $x","0.40.2"],"bi":["@J kit @0 ^R/$N resources.",C[8]],"futures-batch":["An adaptor @p chunks up elements @6 flushes them after a timeout or when @4 buffer is full. (Formerly known as $u-batch.)",C[5]],"backoff-futures":["A retry @6 backoff mechanism @0 `std::@v::Future`.DEPRECATED: see `backoff::@v`.","0.3.2"],"porter-stemmer":["Flexible @6 unicode friendly, Porter stemmer @2","0.1.2"],"rust-kpdb":["@u @0 ^R/$N KeePass 2 @6 KeePassX databases.","0.4.2"],"slag":["@3 ^Z braces or semicolons","0.1.1"],"dpdk-core":["A @h $C DPDK's @T @o","0.1.5"],"field-offset":["Safe pointer-to-member @2","0.3.3"],"mfrc522":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @4 MFRC522 (RFID &H/writer)",C[0]],"Gen_Prime":["A way to transform a ^I to a prime &2","1.1.9"],"joker":["A JavaScript tokenizer.","0.0.5"],"portus":["A Congestion Control Plane","0.5.5"],"wbs-backup":[C[815],"0.1.8"],"ironstorm_lookup":["Lightning $S lookup table @0 auto completion, $o ahead, suggestion engines.","1.0.4"],"work_tock":["A Program to track $p hours across various projects",C[0]],"system-service":["Framework to handle &z, signals, etc. so @O can focus on business logic","0.2.2"],"pls":["&C @6 writer @0 @4 PLS playlist @M","0.2.2"],"gdnative-bindings":["$d Godot game engine's automatcally &i @5 to Godot classes.","0.9.3"],"tolk-sys":["Raw ffi @5 to Tolk.dll","0.2.2"],"ul":["High Level @K to Ultralight ^J","1.1.4"],"nat_traversal":["NAT traversal @L.","0.4.1"],"realia":["Extra conditional compilation @d",C[0]],"linkcheck":["A @1 @0 extracting @6 validating links.",C[1]],"python-packaging":["Python packaging ^2 &v in @3",C[3]],"pact_mock_@Z":["Pact-@3 @t @1 @p implements in ^O mock @Z","0.7.15"],"atom":["A $W $P $C AtomicPtr",C[8]],"rspec":["Write Rspec-$D tests @7 stable @g","1.0.0"],"rust-embed-utils":["^l @0 @g-embed","5.1.0"],"stable-vec":["A Vec-$D $m $i guarantees stable indices @6 features O(1)element deletion (semantically similar to `Vec>`). Useful forallocations in graphs or similar @A $j.",C[8]],"rendy-texture":["Rendy's texture","0.5.1"],"yaserde_@c":["Serialization @6 &a @d",C[5]],"random-number-macro-impl":[C[99],"0.1.3"],"tokio-either":["Either @0 Tokio","0.1.4"],"holochain":["holochain",C[34]],"serv":["oneshot-style ^o @C builder",C[0]],"thruster-context":["$d context portion of @4 thruster ^Y @o",C[30]],"toml-parse":["Set of modules @0 @Y, sorting @6 formating toml.","0.2.11"],"nereon":["Riboseinc $K @1 @0 @3",C[5]],"cargo-bom":["Bill of Materials @0 @3 Crates","0.4.3"],"mathpack":["General Mathematics @u @0 @3","0.1.8"],"ltg_push":["Push log @E updates to Telegram",C[7]],"wcmguid-sys":["@D @5 to wcmguid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"afe4400":["An `^v-hal` ^d ^K @0 @4 TI AFE4400 pulse oximetry analog front-end chip.",C[8]],"bitwrap":["pack/unpack @A ^i byte array","1.0.2"],"d3d9-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 d3d9. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.1"],"imgui-gfx-renderer":["gfx renderer @0 @4 imgui @8","0.7.0"],"nginx-config":["A @j, AST @6 formatter @0 nginx $K @E.",C[80]],"pangocairo-sys":[C[742],C[15]],"&G_^X_^T":["A @j @G. @k $0 handles $3 generationfor @4 `enum_stream` @m.\"",C[9]],"wallpaper":["Gets @6 sets @4 desktop wallpaper/background.","2.0.1"],"rusync":["Minimalist rsync clone in @3","0.7.0"],"classreader":["A @3 @1 @p reads, writes, @6 parses Java Virtula Machine class @E.",C[7]],"ckb-app-config":["TODO(doc): @doitian @8 description",C[70]],"fractal-api":["Fractal Global Credits @C @i @1","0.9.39"],"brotli-decompressor":["A brotli decompressor @p @7 an @s avoiding @4 @g stdlib. @k makes it suitable @0 ^v &S @6 kernels. It is designed @7 a pluggable ^s so @p @4 ^M lib's ^s may be employed. $d default $t also includes a stdlib ^s @6 ^X @s. Disable @S @7 --features=no-stdlib. Alternatively, --features=unsafe turns off array bounds checks @6 $v initialization but @y a $W @s @0 @4 caller. Without adding @4 --features=unsafe argument, all included $3 is $W. For ^D in addition to @S @1, download &w://","2.3.1"],"physics":["2d collision resolution.","0.1.2"],"fontsub-sys":["@D @5 to fontsub. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cocoa":["@K to Cocoa @0 macOS","0.24.0"],"ra_ap_^x_edit":["TBD",C[73]],"mediumvec":["Vector @l optimized @0 space, including a 32-bit Vec","1.1.0"],"f128_^W":["Internal @5 to @4 gcc quadmath @1","0.2.2"],"asprim":["Cast any primitive numeric $o to any other @x `as` @7 @4 AsPrim $I.",C[0]],"^8_builtins":["Compiler intrinsics $a by @4 @3 ^8. Also available @0 other targetsif necessary!","0.1.39"],"sysfs-class":["@3 @1 @0 viewing /@f/class in an object-oriented @M","0.1.3"],"termios":["Safe @5 @0 @4 termios @1.","0.3.3"],"packer_@c":["Derives @0 @4 packer @8","0.5.3"],"bevy_$o_registry":["@X a $o registry @0 Bevy Engine",C[3]],"pod":["Plain Old Data (POD) $c @6 I/O",C[2]],"cluproccmdline":["Fast secure @Y /&r/cmdline.","0.1.5"],"^g_libra_transaction_builder":["Libra transaction_builder",C[32]],"cpython-json":["Converts &d Python objects ^i serde_json Values @6 back again",C[3]],"tbot":["Make cool Telegram bots @7 @3 easily.","0.6.7"],"hyphenation":["Knuth-Liang hyphenation @0 a variety of languages","0.8.0"],"patch-rs":["@3 patch @2","0.6.2"],"azure-functions-codegen":["Azure Functions @0 @3 $3 ^6 @t",C[15]],"warp-json-rpc":["^y RPC @Z ^n @0 warp",C[3]],"snarkos-objects":["Objects @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"futures-lite":["Futures, streams, @6 $6 I/O combinators","1.11.3"],"wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter":["Micro-interpreter optimized @0 wasm-bindgen's $f case","0.2.70"],"rspirv":["@3 @1 APIs @0 SPIR-V ^H manipulation","0.7.0"],"sc-authority-discovery":["Substrate authority discovery.","0.9.0"],"tristate":["A three-valued $o equivalent to Option.","0.1.1"],"blurz":["Bluetooth lib @0 @3 @x blueZ/dbus",C[8]],"lazy-pool":["Experimental lazy object pool","1.0.0"],"fil-ocl":[C[55],"0.19.4"],"rusty_dashed":["A ^Y dashboard @0 telemetry in @g apps","0.2.3"],"blacklog":["Fast attribute-aware $z &I, port @w &w://","0.1.1"],"appendbuf":["A Sync append-only buffer @7 Send views.",C[6]],"cargo-update-installed":["A ^P $F to update $Z installed through `@N install`","0.1.2"],"google-gamesconfiguration1_$K":[C[919],C[72]],"slacker":["Slacker @Z built on top of $u.","0.1.3"],"numext-fixed-hash-hack":[C[469],C[6]],"tokio-trace":["A scoped, structured &z @6 diagnostics @Q.",C[9]],"ckb-dao":[C[214],C[70]],"lipmaa-link":["A $8 to calculate [lipmaa](&w:// sequence ^F.","0.1.1"],"dotty":["@u @0 $H DOT graph @E",C[9]],"mapi32-sys":["@D @5 to mapi32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rng":["Random &2 generators.",C[9]],"trex":["$d @3 Entity Component System",C[0]],"ruspiro-interrupt-core":["Interrupt @T @z to globally enable/disable interrupts on Raspberry Pi",C[1]],"clipboard_wayland":["A @1 to obtain ^0 to @4 clipboard of a Wayland window","0.1.2"],"gfx_device_metal":["Metal ^4 @0 gfx-rs",C[3]],"syntex":["A @1 @p enables &V $B syntax ^n expansion","0.58.1"],"queues":["Efficient FIFO Queue @A $j","1.1.0"],"uenc":["Command $r url encoder/decoder","0.1.2"],"meta_diff":["Autodiff $F @0 developing scalable Machine Learning $X across different platforms @7 a single source $2.",C[4]],"credibility":["A thin @h $C assert to @t table-driven tests","0.1.3"],"pear_^T":["A (^T) pear is a fruit.",C[0]],"oid-registry":["Object Identifier (OID) ^V","0.1.1"],"parity-path":["Path @L","0.1.3"],"mortal":["Cross-@U $A @s","0.2.2"],"slog-json":["^y drain @0 slog-rs","2.3.0"],"gstreamer-editing-services":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Editing Services","0.16.5"],"checked_cast":["A ^P @m to deal @7 @4 libc typedef hell.","0.0.3"],"gdiplus-sys":["@D @5 to gdiplus. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nails":["[Nailgun](&e:// @i @6 @Z protocols @6 a `Nail`$I @p consuming $Z can implement to plug in @4 logic @p they would $D to keep warm ina nailgun @Z.",C[19]],"faster":["Explicit SIMD @0 humans","0.5.1"],"nom":["A byte-oriented, zero-copy, @j combinators @1","6.1.0"],"pwds":["print @4 path of @4 current ^h directory, shortly",C[0]],"github-api":["Github v3 @C @5 @0 @3","0.4.3"],"libimagentrygps":[C[29],C[21]],"a":[N,C[4]],"compile-time-run":["run a @H at &V $B @6 capture @4 &P","0.2.11"],"num-rug-adapter":["An adapter to $f num @8 where rug is needed.","0.1.4"],"meio-connect":["Set of connectors @0 MEIO @o","0.74.5"],"dots":["A ^b @0 managing all $p dot($2)s",C[7]],"emitbrown":["event emitter @r on @F swisstable","0.1.9"],"redshift":["@3 @1 @0 @Y redshift @E &i by @4 UNLOAD @H.","1.0.3"],"gpu-allocator":["Memory ^s @0 GPU $v in Vulkan @6 in @4 @v DirectX 12",C[8]],"rbuster":["Brute force directories @6 @E names on ^Y/$T servers.",C[3]],"tolk":["@5 to tolk.dll, a @1 to talk to screen readers",C[3]],"spc":["A @1 @0 manipulating SPC (Super Nintendo music) @E.","0.1.1"],"rdispatcher":["Dispatcher @0 @3, broadcast @6 subscribe many to many",C[9]],"piston2d-graphics":["A @1 @0 2D ^u @p works @7 &4 back-ends","0.39.0"],"eureka":["CLI $F to input @6 store $p ideas ^Z leaving @4 $A","1.8.1"],"libusb1-sys":[C[22],C[2]],"uefi-macros":["$U @d @0 @4 uefi-rs @8","0.3.3"],"aubio":["@3 @5 @0 aubio",C[9]],"diwata_intel":["Contains algorithmns @6 heuristics to interpret @A","0.1.2"],"magenta":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Magenta kernel",C[0]],"rustler":["Safe @3 &D @0 ^9 Erlang NIF @z",C[61]],"spectacles-model":["Discord @l @6 $j @0",C[0]],"nut":["Bolt DB Port in @3",C[9]],"cargo-inspect":["@k extends Cargo to allow @O to desugar $p @3 $3 @6 see what happens behind @4 curtains.","0.10.3"],"base64-compat":["encodes @6 decodes base64 as bytes or utf8 - ^d @7 older @3 versions","1.0.0"],"hibitset":["Hierarchical bit set $M","0.6.3"],"dag-pb":[C[612],C[9]],"grpcio":[C[913],"0.7.1"],"queue":["@J @h $C Vec to provide a FIFO queue.","0.3.2-final"],"form_urlencoded":["&C @6 serializer @0 @4 $T/x-www-form-urlencoded syntax, as $a by HTML forms.","1.0.0"],"unwind-sys":["@D @5 to libunwind","0.1.2"],"fdringbuf":["Ringbuffer @7 FD signalling - $S IPC ^Z $v copies!","0.0.2"],"rundo":["Rundo is a redo / undo @1 @0 @g $i can auto ^m undo op. Below is an example to $f Rundo.",C[8]],"shm":["SHM Share $v",C[9]],"torrent-name-parser":["Torrent name metadata @j",C[7]],"confsolve":["Command $r $F @0 resolving Dropbox/Wuala conflicts",C[3]],"evm-stateful":["Stateful evm-rs wrapped @7 tries.","0.11.1"],"webm":["@3 idiomatic @h to libwebm","1.0.0"],"async-semaphore":["An $6 semaphore","1.2.0"],"hash-chain":["A tiered hashmap @6 hashset @2 @p allows @0 easily representing lexically scoped variables","0.3.2"],"webdav-handler":["handler @0 @4 ^o @6 Webdav protocols @7 filesystem ^4",C[23]],"quicli":["Quickly $t cool CLI apps in @3.",C[8]],"mtree":["A @8 @0 iterating through @4 entries of an mtree record $2.",C[2]],"ruplicity":["@u to read duplicity backups","0.2.2"],"generalized_suffix_^k":["@B of Generalized Suffix Tree @x Ukkonen's $7 in @3","1.2.1"],"git-anger-management":["Count $p naughty words in git commit &E","0.7.0"],"decorum":["Total ordering, equivalence, hashing, @6 constraints @0 floating-point @l.",C[1]],"css-modules-macros":[C[987],"0.5.2"],"@g_swig":[C[360],"0.5.1"],"isahc":[C[242],"1.1.0"],"async-compat":["Compatibility adapter $G $u @6 $1",C[0]],"ra_&y_lexer":["lexer $a by &y, zero stability gurantees","0.1.0-pre.3"],"rss":["@u @0 serializing @4 RSS ^Y content syndication @M","1.10.0"],"google-proximitybeacon1_beta1":[C[610],C[611]],"lenient_semver_@j":["Lenient @j @0 Semantic Version ^F.",C[3]],"mort":["Next-gen deploy $F",C[4]],"adi_gpu_base":["Trait @0 ^a @4 adi_gpu &0",C[15]],"graphql-parser":["A @j, AST @6 serializer @0 graphql query @R @6 scheme definition @R (sometimes called IDL).",C[3]],"edit":["Open a $2 in @4 default ^x editor","0.1.2"],"zero":["A @3 @1 @0 zero-allocation @Y of $Q @A.","0.1.2"],"impls":["Determine if a $o implements a logical $I &L.","1.0.3"],"cosmos-sdk-proto":["Protobuf stuct defintions @0 &7 Cosmos ^J powered blockchains",C[3]],"strom":["A str-oriented, nom &J zero-copy @j combinators @1","0.1.1"],"lapin-futures-tls-internal":["Integration of tls engines @7 lapin-$1","0.7.1"],"ram":["A @1 @p helps to parse source $3 @7 finite state machines","7.0.3"],"shoggoth":[C[285],"0.0.19"],"cap-std":["Capability-oriented $9 of @4 @3 ^M @1","0.13.3"],"adi_gpu_vulkan":["Vulkan @2 @0 adi_gpu",C[15]],"glx":["GLX 1.4 @5 @0 &t","0.2.6"],"$n_schema_@c":[C[378],C[4]],"virtdisk-sys":["@D @5 to virtdisk. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"google-siteverification1":[C[697],C[698]],"concat":["A &H adaptor @p wraps $C an iterator of readers @6 exposes their contents sequentially, i.e. concatenated.",C[9]],"wikibase":["A @1 to ^0 Wikibase",C[2]],"mimallocator":["A @3 ^s backed by mimalloc","0.1.3"],"serde-lexpr":["Serde @t @0 Lisp S-expressions","0.1.2"],"space":["A @1 &6 abstractions @0 spatial datastructures @6 search","0.10.3"],"peek-nth":["An iterator adapter @p allows @O to efficiently peek @4 nth item of an iterator.",C[0]],"overload-strings":["Haskell OverloadedStrings @0 @3 (@x Into)","0.1.1"],"gluon_repl":["REPL @0 gluon. A &n, $o inferred $s @R @0 $T embedding",C[35]],"recursive_sync":["Recursive-permissive Mutex @2 @0 @3","0.0.2"],"mujs":["@g @5 @0 MuJS javascript @1","0.0.3"],"actix-web-opentelemetry":["OpenTelemetry ^t @0 Actix Web apps",C[12]],"@g_erl_ext":["Erlang external term @M codec.",C[7]],"$n_any":["Dynamic @V @6 &a @7 @4 @M chosen at $4",C[2]],"rrss2imap":["A @e script @p exposes RSS entries as mail &E, pushed directly @x IMAP",C[3]],"cognito-user-reader":["Utility to retrieve all users in a specific ^r user pool",C[15]],"backoff":["Retry $V @7 exponential backoff policy.",C[3]],"matchers":["Regex matching on character @6 byte streams.",C[4]],"holochain_persistence_&0":["persistence &0 @0 content addressable ^L @6 entity attribute &m indexes","0.0.18"],"csv-query":["Make SQL queries on CSV @E",C[2]],"ion-shell":["$d Ion Shell","1.0.5"],"my-pretty-failure":["my-pretty-failure display failure (@6 context) in an elegant way","0.1.2"],"razer-naga-2014-key-remap":["@k ^N remaps razer naga 2014 keys ^i F1..F12 keys in linux operating @Q.","0.1.7"],"evtx":["A Fast (@6 $W) @j @0 @4 ^5 XML Event Log (EVTX) @M","0.6.9"],"BrewStillery":["BrewStillery is a brewer's, vintner's, @6 distiller's calculator. It has a multitude of great @z, such as calculating ABV, determining carbonation, @6 total sparge water needed.","6.2.0"],"alpaga-test":["Crate @0 ^j purposes","0.1.5"],"ratcc":["@3 Automated Test Cases in a Crate. A ^j @o &J by @4 CatchC++ @o. Requires nightly @g.","0.1.3"],"crossterm_input":["A cross-@U @1 @0 ^R userinput.",C[2]],"ash":["Vulkan @5 @0 @3","0.31.0"],"idlset":["Fast u64 set $V @1","0.1.13"],"sc-transaction-graph":["Generic Transaction Pool","3.0.0"],"weather_util_@g":["CLI $F to pull weather @A @w, intended to replace @4 debian $0 weather-util","0.6.1"],"math":["A math @1",C[12]],"kvdb-rocksdb":["kvdb @2 backed by RocksDB",C[15]],"frunk_&r_@d":["Proc @d @0 Frunk","0.0.4"],"sysctl":["Simplified @s to libc::sysctl",C[8]],"solana-sdk":["Solana ^J","1.5.7"],"eappcfg-sys":["@D @5 to eappcfg. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nintendo-lz":["A ^P @1 @0 compressing/decompressing Nintendo's LZ10/LZ11 ^D formats","0.1.3"],"grpc-compiler":["gRPC ^8 @0 @g-grpc","0.8.2"],"hbs-builder":["Heartbeats-@J Build Helper",C[7]],"tink-prf":["PRF $l @0 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1",C[9]],"pythonize":["Serde Serializer & Deserializer @w @3 <--> Python, backed by PyO3.",C[38]],"adi_^L":["Aldaron's Device Interface / Storage is a @1 developed by Plop Grizzly @0 interfacing @7 a persistent ^L device (ie: hard drive, etc.).\"",C[7]],"uiautomationcore-sys":["@D @5 to uiautomationcore. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rash":["@3-@r $2 hashing $F",C[5]],"proc-macro-crate":["Replacement @0 @8 (macro_rules keyword) in &r-@d","0.1.5"],"mouscache":["A @8 to store object either in redis or in $v","0.5.6"],"polonius":[C[290],C[3]],"frustum_query":["A frustum culling @o @w 3D ^u @P.","0.1.2"],"radix-calc":["a CLI programmer's calculator $h in @3, @7 an Alfred workflow","1.0.3"],"swc_ecma_ast":["Ecmascript ast.","0.38.0"],"glib-sys":["@D @5 to libglib-2.0",C[21]],"posixmq":["An idiomatic @1 @0 @x posix message queues, @7 optional mio ^t","1.0.0"],"rust-cgui":["A low-@I cross-@U GUI @1","0.1.22"],"rhusics-ecs":[C[295],"0.7.0"],"lz4_flex":["Fastest LZ4 @2 in @3, no unsafe by default.","0.7.5"],"diesel-chrono-duration":["Adds chrono::Duration @t to @4 diesel","1.0.0"],"@i_side_validation":["&X-side validation @1",C[682]],"yubikey-piv":["Pure @3 host-side ^K @0 @4 YubiKey Personal Identity Verification (PIV)$T &6 general-purpose public-key signing @6 encryptionwith hardware-backed private keys @0 RSA (2048/1024) @6 ECC (P-256/P-384)$X (e.g, PKCS#1v1.5, ECDSA)",C[0]],"oci-distribution":["An OCI @2 in @3",C[2]],"juniper":["GraphQL @Z @1","0.15.3"],"rscam":["Wrapper @0 v4l2.","0.5.5"],"pcm-flow":["Compose many ^P audio Processors to a big audio Processor",C[2]],"abc-parser":["An ABC music notation @j. Turns ABC ^x ^i @3 @A $j @6 back.",C[0]],"asi_opengl":["@3 $W @5 @0 OpenGL / OpenGLES.","0.6.2"],"crisp-status-reporter":["Crisp Status Reporter @0 @3.","1.3.0"],"expect_@m":["$d expect! @m",C[7]],"ds1307":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 DS1307 real-$B clock.",C[3]],"beep":["Beep @4 PC speaker",C[7]],"unic-ucd-block":["UNIC — &g Character Database — &g Blocks","0.9.0"],"fil-blst":["A @1 to accelerate SNARK verification @0 @4 Filecoin ^c @x @4 blst BLS12-381 $J @1.","0.1.2"],"libkatatsuki-sys":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Track @s of katatsuki","1.0.11"],"kailua_syntax":["AST @6 @j @0 Kailua","1.1.0"],"showdown":["Pokemon Showdown &X",C[31]],"simpleflake":["Distributed ID ^6 in @3 @0 @4 lazy.","0.0.4"],"env_$2":["Reading @E @7 name taken @w &h variable","0.1.3"],"aligned":["A newtype @7 alignment of at least `A` bytes","0.3.4"],"solana-stake-api":["Solana Stake ^N @C","0.20.5"],"dubp-common":["Provide $R &5 @6 @l @0 DUBP.","0.41.0"],"diceware":["A @H $r diceware, sans dice.",C[3]],"cached-path":["Download @6 cache ^o resources.",C[2]],"realm":["@3 / Elm base full stack ^Y @o.","0.1.23"],"livesplit-hotkey":["livesplit-hotkey @y cross-@U global hotkey hooks.",C[2]],"g2gen":["A @m to create @l @p implement $S finite field arithmetic.",C[8]],"activeds-sys":["@D @5 to activeds. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"jsonrpc-server-utils":[C[901],"17.0.0"],"gio-sys":["@D @5 to libgio-2.0",C[21]],"cargo-deny":["Cargo $L to help @O manage large &o graphs","0.8.5"],"faker":["A @1 @0 $H fake @A such as names, addresses, @6 phone ^F.","0.0.4"],"google-dialogflow2_beta1":[C[838],C[103]],"yarte_@M":["Proc-@m, compiled Handlebars",C[24]],"find-winsdk":["@X @t @0 detecting ^5 ^J installations.",C[0]],"libatasmart-sys":["@3 @5 @0 @4 libatasmart @1","0.1.2"],"ber":["BER ^R/$N","0.0.6"],"ttl_cache":["A cache @p will expire ^G after a TTL","0.5.1"],"brain-brainfuck":["Brainfuck interpreter companion to @4 brain $s @R","1.3.0"],"cargo-audit":["Audit Cargo.lock @0 $Z @7 security vulnerabilities",C[83]],"fomat-macros":["Alternative syntax @0 print/&b/@M-$D @d @7 a ^P templating @R",C[1]],"huffman-compress":["Huffman ^D given a probability ^e &q arbitrary symbols",C[5]],"to_vec":["convenient to_vec, to_set @6 to_map &Q on iterators",C[9]],"isosurface":["Isosurface extraction $X",C[162]],"dcc-lsystem-derive":["Macro @2 of #[@c(TurtleContainer)]","0.1.2"],"flatten":["Tuple flatteing @0 @g.","0.2.2"],"again":["wasm-^d retry util @0 std @1 $1","0.1.2"],"vscmgr-sys":["@D @5 to vscmgr. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"radiant-rs":["Thread-$W @3 sprite &W $k @7 a friendly @C @6 custom shader @t",C[83]],"bufkit-data":["A @8 to manage an archive of bufkit @E.","0.18.1"],"t4rust-derive":["t4rust is a &V-$B templating-$k $i allows @O to &b plain rustcode in $p template.",C[3]],"certadm-sys":["@D @5 to certadm. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"pkg-version-impl":["@B details of @4 `pkg-$9` @8. Do not $f @S @8, itdoes not provide a stable @C.","0.1.1"],"float_eq":["Compare IEEE floating point ^G @0 equality.",C[2]],"libmimalloc-sys":["Sys @8 wrapping @4 mimalloc ^s","0.1.20"],"lifeguard":["An object pool &N in @3.","0.6.1"],"dasp_rms":["RMS detection @7 configurable window @0 audio PCM DSP.",C[15]],"ama":["Quasi-quotation @Q @0 designing $w @d mixed @7 @3 $3.","0.1.4"],"vkxml":["Parse vulkan's XML @C registry.",C[1]],"interledger-ccp":[C[564],C[3]],"ether":["@u @0 @Y @6 manipulating ^c @A, packet captures.","0.1.4"],"ironbb":[C[206],"0.0.0"],"cached_&r_@m":[C[56],C[5]],"yyid":["Yyid @G (&x tokens $D UUIDv4, but @x all @4 bits)",C[5]],"check-if-email-exists":["Check if an email address exists ^Z sending any email","0.8.19"],"android_log-sys":["@D @5 to Android log @u.",C[0]],"$O_cloudhsm":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon CloudHSM @ 2014-05-30",C[13]],"deltachat-provider-database":["List of providers @6 how well they work @7 Deltachat",C[3]],"ntp-parser":["&C @0 @4 NTP @9",C[2]],"eccoxide":["elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) @o",C[3]],"nss-certdata-parser":["&C @0 @4 certdata.txt $2 @w NSS $i holds @4 Mozilla CA Certificate Store","0.6.2"],"nuklear-backend-glium":["A glium drawing ^4 @0 @3 @h @0 Nuklear 2D GUI @1",C[8]],"geohash":["Geohash @2 @0 @3.",C[15]],"rhizome_proc-macro-definitions":["$U @m $E @0 rhizome.",C[4]],"stm32l4":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32L4 &S",C[24]],"farmhash":["Farmhash is a successor to Cityhash (also @w Google). Farmhash, $D Cityhash before it, $f ideas @w Austin Appleby's MurmurHash.","1.1.5"],"wayland-scanner":["Wayland Scanner @0 $H @g APIs @w XML wayland @9 @E. Intended @0 $f @7 wayland-@f. You should only need @S @8 if @O @W ^h on custom wayland @9 extensions. Look at @4 @8 wayland-@i @0 usable @5.","0.28.3"],"binary-install":["Install a $Q @w a path to a global cache","0.0.3-alpha.1"],"rpcx_@9":["A rpc/microservice @o.","0.2.2"],"mindjuice":["A @e @6 &s-to-$f brainfuck interpreter","0.1.1"],"libblas-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to @4 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.",C[9]],"fluvio-test-derive":[C[306],C[9]],"base58-monero":["@u @7 @t @0 $c/&f Monero base58 $y.",C[0]],"google-calendar3-cli":[C[908],C[909]],"symbolic-unreal":["Parsing @6 &l @L @0 Unreal Engine 4 crash @E.","8.0.3"],"gio":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Gio @1","0.9.1"],"twiggy-traits":[C[69],C[5]],"affinity":["@X a consistent way to set @T affinity @0 currently running threads @6 processes","0.1.1"],"csvlm":["&U ^B through CSV tables","0.1.4"],"accelerometer":["Generic, ^v-friendly accelerometer @t, includingtraits @6 @l @0 taking readings @w 2 or 3-axisaccelerometers @6 tracking device orientations.",C[19]],"glium_^x":["Text drawing @7 glium @6 freetype",C[31]],"mount":["Mounting middleware @0 Iron.",C[8]],"wkhtmltopdf":["High-@I @5 to wkhtmltopdf",C[3]],"ndproxystub-sys":["@D @5 to ndproxystub. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"parse-generics-poc":["A proof-of-concept @2 of @4 proposed RFC #1583; @y @d @0 @Y generics @6 where clauses. Note: requires a ^d nightly ^8. For a stable alternative, see @4 parse-generics-shim @8.",C[9]],"bincode-grpc":["grpc @7 bincode codec instead of protobuf","0.7.2"],"json-gettext":["A @1 @0 getting ^x @w ^y usually @0 internationalization.","3.2.8"],"varianteq":["Derive @4 equality of &G variants ignoring fields",C[2]],"html5ever_^7_util":["High-$J browser-grade HTML5 @j − ^7 util",C[9]],"cite":["$d $0 @y a $F @0 formatting citations.",C[3]],"get_local_ip":["Get $p computer ip address.",C[7]],"signatory-ring":["Signatory ECDSA (NIST P-256) @6 Ed25519 provider @0 *ring*",C[25]],"autotools":["A $t &o to $t &d &j @p $f configure&make-style $t systems","0.2.2"],"perf-event":["A @3 @s to &t $J monitoring","0.4.6"],"conshash":["A @1 to do consistent hashing in @3.","0.1.4"],"ruru":["&B Ruby extensions in @3","0.9.3"],"rkdb":["KDB-@3 embedding @6 IPC",C[8]],"lazy_bencoding":["Lazy BEncoding @j @p gives @O iterators &q byte slices","0.1.1"],"lazy-pregen":["A @3 @H $r Minecraft Server @h $a to pregenerate chunks.","0.1.4"],"cargo-benchcmp":["A $q @0 comparing @3 micro-benchmark &P.","0.4.3"],"io-surface":["@K to IO Surface @0 macOS","0.15.1"],"gfx-backend-empty":["Empty ^4 @0 gfx-rs","0.7.0"],"bastion-utils":["^l @0 Bastion, @4 highly-available, fault-tolerant, $6 communication oriented executor","0.3.2"],"murmur3":["A @g @2 of Murmur3 ^I","0.5.1"],"xor":["CLI app @p implements basic XOR encryption/decryption","1.4.5"],"rtable":["Generic Routing Table @u @7 Radix Tree",C[7]],"bit_&N":["A @8 @0 ^R @6 $N bits @w various streams","0.5.3"],"xxcalc":["Embeddable or standalone robust floating-point polynomial calculator",C[7]],"hexgrid":["A @1 @0 $V on a hexagonal grid.",C[0]],"gstreamer-base-sys":["@D @5 to libgstbase-1.0","0.9.1"],"google-searchconsole1":[C[650],C[26]],"abortable_@j":["A @j combinator @1 @7 an emphasis on ^q $Y","0.2.3"],"elfapi-sys":["@D @5 to elfapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"eggtimer":["Timer @l @0 measuring $B in a ^N in different ways",C[2]],"dasp_window":["Windowing $8 abstractions (e.g. hanning, rectangle) @0 audio PCM DSP.",C[15]],"lm75":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 LM75 temperature sensor @6 thermal watchdog.","0.1.2"],"google-kgsearch1":[C[485],C[486]],"adsiid-sys":["@D @5 to adsiid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"enforce":[N,C[4]],"bvh_anim":["A .bvh $2 @j",C[8]],"$O_kinesisanalytics":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Kinesis Analytics @ 2015-08-14",C[13]],"yottadb":["@3 &D @0 @4 NoSQL ^V YottaDB","1.1.0"],"g2p":["A @8 to create @l @p implement $S finite field arithmetic.",C[8]],"iovec":["Portable buffer $o @0 scatter/gather I/O $V",C[0]],"thin-slice":["An owned slice @p packs @4 slice ^L ^i a single word when possible","0.1.1"],"calamine":["An Excel/OpenDocument Spreadsheets &H @6 deserializer in &p @g",C[36]],"fft":["Use @4 DFT $0 instead.",C[8]],"browser":["...",C[9]],"advtools":["A prelude to reduce boilerplate of 'Advent of Code' $D challenges.",C[2]],"bare-websocket":["@J @i only WebSocket (RFC6455) @2 @7 low @I @9 details exposed (if needed)","0.0.6"],"ping":["ICMP @1",C[0]],"worldgen":["Noisemap @6 world ^6 @1","0.5.3"],"reflect":["$d \"but I thought @3 doesn't have reflection?\" memorial brand new way of defining $w @d.","0.0.8"],"pallet-elections":["FRAME pallet @0 elections","3.0.0"],"filepath":["Get @4 filesystem path of a $2.","0.1.1"],"ucontext":["glibc's ucontext ^3 @0 @g","0.0.5"],"ambassador":["Trait @2 delegation via $w @d",C[7]],"decode":["...",C[9]],"postgres-derive-internals":["Unstable internals @1 $a by &Y-@c @6 &Y-@c-^T","0.2.2"],"owo-colors":["Zero-allocation $A colors that'll make people go owo","1.3.0"],"tc_^b_@i":["An @2 of @4 testcontainers `Docker` $I @p uses @4 Docker CLI to issue @4 necessary commands to @4 docker daemon.",C[7]],"handlers":["A @m @0 $H systems of event handlers",C[12]],"tokio-jsonrpc":["An @2 of ^y RPC 2.0 @0 $u","0.9.1"],"ammonia":["HTML Sanitization","3.1.0"],"demoDisk":[C[149],C[150]],"filesystem":["Real, fake, @6 mock $5 of $2 @Q $V","0.4.4"],"thread-pool":["A &k pool @0 running a &2 of jobs on shared worker threads.","0.1.1"],"ftoa":["@k is a fork of @4 `dtoa` @8 $i writes integer &m floats ^Z trailing `.0`. Fast @z @0 printing floating-point ^2 to an io::Write.","0.1.1"],"pbcodec":["An $z encoder/decoder @0 ^p Buffers","0.0.8"],"node-resolve":["$d Node.js ^H resolution $7","2.2.0"],"automaton":["Parse regular languages",C[4]],"pwasm-utils-cli":[C[27],C[42]],"rust-nntp":[C[543],C[4]],"parse-regex":["A recursive descent @j @0 regular expressions",C[4]],"datatest-derive":["Procmacro @0 @4 datatest @8","0.6.3"],"magic-school-bus":["Cross-@U TUI filesystem browser @7 Vi-$D keybinds","0.7.0"],"restructure":["Match regex expressions ^i struct fields",C[0]],"intrepion_x_fizz_buzz":["Fizz Buzz $h in @3","0.1.1"],"spinning_top":["A @e spinlock @8 @r on @4 abstractions provided by `lock_api`.","0.2.2"],"cocaine":["Cocaine Framework @3","0.9.2"],"timer":["A @e timer. Use it to schedule execution of closures after a delay or at a given timestamp.",C[0]],"tabbycat":["A @g @8 @0 $H graph scripts @7 dot @R","0.1.2"],"schuppe":["create a GUI @r on streams","0.0.2"],"resiter-dpc-tmp":["Helper @8 @0 $Y iterators &q result [dpc's temporary release]",C[3]],"@w_^q_scope":["Enable scoped conversion $G non-local Error @l",C[4]],"termios-sys":["@3 @D layer @0 libc's termios @z","0.0.6"],"subset-map":["A map where @4 keys @W subsets of an initial set of elements","0.3.4"],"almost_ord":["@k @8 was renamed to ord_subset. $d 'almost_ord' @8 will not be updated. If @O wish to take @4 name @0 yourself, please contact me on GitHub.","0.2.2"],"sailfish":[C[204],C[1]],"redarrow":["Execute commands on remote servers.","0.15.2"],"ndk-macro":["Helper @d @0 android ndk",C[0]],"radium":["Portable interfaces @0 maybe-atomic @l","0.6.2"],"hlist":["Heterogeneous list @7 $o-directed search","0.1.2"],"unicode-brackets":["Determine whether characters @W opening or closing brackets @6 change thedirection of these characters.","0.1.1"],"mould-file":["File ^R/$N services @0 Mould @o.","0.0.8"],"can-utils":["Handy modules @6 @L @0 manipulating CAN @A @6 interfaces.","0.1.4"],"l337-redis":["l337 &N @0 redis",C[5]],"market":["Infrastructure @0 producers @6 consumers",C[59]],"jni-bindgen":["Code @G @0 ^3 to JVM APIs @w @3","0.0.10"],"batch_oper":["batch_oper @y some batch operation @m @0 some $V","2.3.1"],"igdb-rs":["IGDB - Video Game Database Api",C[0]],"image-meta":["Image meta $e loader","0.1.1"],"imperative":["Check @0 imperative mood in ^x","1.0.2"],"libloadorder":["A cross-@U @1 @0 manipulating @4 load order @6 active status of plugins @0 @4 Elder Scrolls @6 Fallout games.","11.4.1"],"ed25519":["Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) &q Curve25519 (as specified in RFC 8032)","1.0.3"],"osstrtools":["Additional ^w &Q @0 OsStr","0.2.2"],"aes_frast":["An &s-to-$f lib @0 AES encryption @6 decryption, coded in &p $W @3-lang.","0.1.5"],"lelet":["golang $D task executor","1.2.18"],"$n_^T":[C[28],"0.9.0"],"brainfuck_rs":["Brainfuck @j @6 interpreter @x nom","2.0.0"],"ceviche":["@3 daemon/&9 @h","0.4.5"],"nereon_@c":["Automatic Nereon FromValue $I $5.",C[5]],"rxrust":["A @3 @2 of Reactive Extensions.",C[12]],"vonuvoli-scheme":["vonuvoli-scheme -- a Scheme interpreter focused on systems $s @6 scripting, almost R7RS compliant, featuring a large set of builtin $l, while keeping $J @6 security in mind. (Scheme is one of @4 major Lisp dialects, &6 a powerful functional $s &h.)","0.0.6"],"scan_dir":["A easier read_dir @6 recursive directory walker, &K @0 ^R directory of config @E","0.3.3"],"uds_windows":["Unix Domain Sockets @0 ^5!","1.0.1"],"$O_^T":["Code ^6 @1 @0 Rusoto.","0.8.0"],"libloadorder-ffi":["A @h @1 &6 a C @D @0 libloadorder.","11.4.1"],"libimagentrylist":[C[29],"0.6.4"],"hipchat-client":["An @C @i @1 @0 HipChat",C[2]],"transportation":["A callback @h $C MIO","5.0.0"],"$n_at":["$n serializer/deserializer @0 AT commands","0.7.1"],"unicode_names_@d":["Support @d @0 `unicode_names`.","0.1.5"],"soa_@c":["Automatic Struct of Array ^6",C[12]],"michelangelo":["a work-in-^O @1 @0 procedurally constructing 3D geometries","0.2.5"],"oil_shared":["Support $3 shared by oil &j.",C[9]],"dsn":["DSN (Data Source Name) @j","1.0.2"],"air-interpreter-wasm":["Distribution of AIR interpreter as .wasm","0.4.4"],"hyper_cgi":["Run CGI scripts @7 hyper",C[0]],"tc_dynamodb_local":["Testcontainers &O @0 local dynamodb",C[7]],"persy":["Transactional Persistence Engine","0.11.7"],"signal-hook-registry":["Backend @8 @0 signal-hook","1.3.0"],"mustache":["@3 @2 of Mustache","0.9.0"],"lambda_$4_@T":[C[252],"0.1.2"],"lfs-core":["give $e on mounted disks",C[1]],"mackerel_$L":["Mackerel $L ^w @1","0.2.5"],"binfarce":["Extremely minimal @j @0 ELF, Mach-O, PE @6 ar.","0.1.1"],"web-push":["Web push notification @i @7 @t @0 &e-ece encryption @6 VAPID authentication.","0.7.2"],"&R":["State &R @L",C[3]],"vtkio":["&C @6 writer @0 @4 legacy VTK $2 @M","0.6.2"],"random-names":["@J &x names @p can be $a to name components @0 log @E etc.","0.1.3"],"cxxbridge-macro":["@B detail of @4 `cxx` @8.","1.0.31"],"time-sys":["@K to Linux's time.h @6 time64.h. Some @z have been replicated, but more @W still to come.","0.0.2"],"tldextract":["extract domain info @w a url","0.5.1"],"enocean":["EnOcean serial @9 @2.","0.2.58"],"discord_game_sdk_mock":["Mock @1 of @4 Discord Game ^J","0.2.5"],"mat2":["matrix 2x2",C[7]],"vulkano-glyph":["Text &W @7 vulkano.",C[8]],"blip_buf":["Blip_buf is a ^P waveform synthesis @1 meant @0 $f in classic video game sound chip emulation.Bindings to blip_buf (&w://","0.1.4"],"natural":["Pure @g @1 @0 natural @R &l.",C[2]],"relegram":["@h @0 telegram bot &0","0.1.13"],"melody":["Crossplatform Terminal Music Player",C[3]],"nixpkgs-fmt":["Nix $3 formatter @0 nixpkgs","1.0.0"],"apng":["APNG Encoder. But it is tiny yet.",C[0]],"gnupg":["A @e @h @0 gpgme",C[0]],"noughts_@6_crosses_lib":["Game of tic tac toe","0.0.3"],"bracket-algorithm-traits":["Traits required @0 @4 bracket-* $Z. Adapt $p maps to @4 $g @7 Algorithm2D, Algorithm3D @6 BaseMap.","0.8.2"],"psyche-simulator-cli":["CLI simulator @0 Psyche AI Toolset","0.2.19"],"config_$2_handler":["Create, read @6 &b ^y-encoded config @E.",C[15]],"stl_io":["STL input @6 &P.",C[5]],"memcached-rs":["A MemCached @u in @3","0.4.2"],"thruster-app":["$d App portion of @4 thruster ^Y @o",C[30]],"kramer":["Enumerated @l ^a std::fmt::Display @0 sending RESP &E to redis.","1.0.1"],"convenience":["Useful @L @p @W not part of @4 ^M @1.",C[9]],"abnf":["A nom-@r @j @0 ABNF.","0.9.0"],"cargo-todox":["Ensure source @E in a @N ^Q do not contain TODOX issues.","0.2.2"],"doh-client":["DNS &q HTTPS @i","3.0.1"],"fedora":["base @1 @0 &7 @7 fedora services","1.0.0"],"double-checked-cell":[C[412],"2.1.0"],"aur-depends":["A libary @0 resolving aur &8",C[31]],"enum-kinds-traits":["Deprecated in favor of @4 &G-kinds @8. Traits @0 &G-kinds-@d @8.","0.1.2"],"joinery":["A ^P @8 @0 generically joining iterators @7 a separator","2.0.0"],"stb_&O":["@K to @4 stb &O $c/&f @1","0.2.2"],"arena-tree":["An arena-@r ^k, @7 `RefCell` @0 mutability",C[3]],"calmio_filters":[C[616],C[9]],"physx-sys":["Unsafe @5 @0 NVIDIA PhysX C++ ^J","0.4.11"],"text2checkstyle":["^x to checkstyle.","1.0.2"],"rsnl":["Interface @0 ^h @7 @T libnl",C[0]],"gfx_phase":["Render phase $P @0 gfx-rs",C[5]],"rcudnn":[C[489],"1.7.0"],"mussh":["SSH Multiplexing","3.1.2"],"j4rs":["j4rs stands @0 'Java @0 @3' @6 allows effortless calls to Java $3, @w @3",C[38]],"cp211x_uart":["HID-to-UART ^K @0 CP2110/CP2114 chipset","0.2.2"],"lyon_geom":["2D quadratic @6 cubic bézier arcs @6 $r segment math on top of euclid.",C[36]],"parity-scale-codec-derive":["Serialization @6 &a @c @m @0 Parity SCALE Codec","2.0.0"],"xargo":["$d sysroot &N @p lets @O $t @6 customize `std`","0.3.22"],"system-deps":["Discover @6 configure @Q &8 @w declarative &8 in Cargo.toml","3.0.0"],"sp-offchain":["Substrate offchain workers ^2","3.0.0"],"fpool":["Non-leased object-pooling.",C[2]],"finchers":["A combinator @1 @0 builidng $z ^o services","0.13.5"],"streamson-lib":["@u @0 &l large JSONs","6.3.1"],"binread":["A @3 @8 @0 helping read structs @w $Q @A @x ✨@m magic✨","1.4.1"],"fitsio":["@3 implmentation of astronomy fits $2 $Y",C[51]],"^g_libra_@l":["Libra @l",C[32]],"lorawan":["Crate lorawan @y $j @6 &5 @0 ^R @6 $N LoRaWAN &E @w @6 to a slice of bytes.","0.6.1"],"procedural-masquarade":["Incorrect spelling @0 $w-masquerade",C[0]],"rmessenger":["A @3 Wrapper @0 @4 FaceBook Messenger Bot @C","0.0.4"],"$W_@i":["SAFE &X @C @1",C[7]],"age-core":["[BETA] Common @z $a across @4 age $Z",C[2]],"strict_$c":["Strict $c: deterministic $Q @V @0 networking & @i-side validation","1.1.0"],"stemflow":["Access-control policy $k $a by StemJail","0.5.3"],"kqueue":["kqueue @s @0 BSDs","1.0.3"],"futures-sink-preview":[C[33],C[40]],"maskerad_stack_^s":["Stack-@r allocators, @0 contiguous allocation @6 $v fragmentation prevention.","1.1.2"],"slwga-sys":["@D @5 to slwga. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"async-pipe":["Creates an $z piped &H @6 writer pair @x","0.1.3"],"yellowsun":["CryptoNight ^I @2 @0 Monero @6 related cryptocurrency","0.2.3"],"ico_$v":["Experimental custom $v &N @6 handle-@r resource &N.","0.1.23"],"typenum":["Typenum is a @3 @1 @0 $o-@I ^F evaluated at &V $B. It currently supports bits, unsigned integers, @6 signed integers. It also @y a $o-@I array of $o-@I ^F, but its @2 is incomplete.","1.12.0"],"tokio-macros":["Tokio's &r @d.","1.1.0"],"bit-set":["A set of bits","0.5.2"],"kilac":["Handles Kipa-^d inputs. Prototype of Riipic",C[0]],"oapi_@G":["Code @G @0 OpenAPI specifications","0.0.13"],"sgx_serialize_@c":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"calx-ecs":["Serializable entity component @Q @0 games","0.6.1"],"dw1000":["Driver @0 @4 Decawave DW1000 UWB wireless transceiver chip, &6 radio communication @r on IEEE 802.15.4 @6 distance measurement",C[2]],"zxcvbn":["An entropy-@r password strength estimator, originally @0 Javascript by Dropbox.","2.1.1"],"gstreamer-sdp-sys":["@D @5 to libgstsdp-1.0","0.9.1"],"pointer-width":["@X const @0 pointer size","0.1.1"],"pcd8544":["@B to communicate @6 &b to PCD8544 @x embedded_hal as $P layer. WIP",C[0]],"basic_dsp_interop":[C[177],"0.9.2"],"algos":["A $m of $X in @3",C[8]],"scrutch":["Tiny $q to search @g $Z directly @w @4 @H $r","0.0.6"],"^x_box":["Create &K &E in console @7 ^x boxes @x 'termion'.","0.2.4"],"gloo":["A modular toolkit @0 @3 @6 ^1",C[7]],"uil":[C[873],"0.0.3"],"holochain_dpki":["holochain dpki",C[34]],"ckb-logger":["CKB &z facade.",C[70]],"text-reader":["Text &H.",C[7]],"@e_jwt":["@e JWT encoder/decoder","1.2.1"],"abstract-calculus":[C[46],"0.1.5"],"gluon_doc":["$d documentation @G @0 @4 gluon $s @R",C[35]],"web-console-logger":["A &I @0 @4 wasm32-unknown-unknown target @p prints all &E to @4 ^Y console","0.1.2"],"ref-cast-impl":["Derive @2 @0 ref_cast::RefCast.","1.0.6"],"r2d2-diesel":["r2d2 @t @0 Diesel","1.0.0"],"nifti":["@3 @2 of @4 NIfTI $2 @M",C[24]],"body-image-futio":["Futures @r $z I/O @0 body-&O.","2.2.1"],"thrussh_@Z":["An SSH @Z @1 built on top of Thrussh @6 Mio.",C[5]],"bevy_dylib":["Force @4 Bevy Engine to be dynamically linked @0 faster linking",C[8]],"cdb":["Pure @3 @1 to read @6 &b CDB @E",C[5]],"task_scheduler":["A @1 to easilty schedule an FnOnce to run in @4 @v",C[0]],"serde-hashkey":["Space ^S, in-$v $n @V $i supports hashing.",C[8]],"tracy-client-sys":["Low @I @5 to @4 @i &j @0 @4 Tracy profiler",C[19]],"modtype":[C[918],"0.7.0"],"stable-heap":["Heap allocation @0 stable @3",C[9]],"simd-json-derive-int":["procmacros @0 simd-json-@c","0.1.4"],"legion_^T":["#[@Q] &r @m @0 @4 legion @1",C[3]],"base100":["Encode $p @A ^i emoji","0.4.1"],"expo-server-sdk":["Server side @1 @0 ^h @7 Expo @x @3. Includes a @i to send push notifications to users of $p mobile app @x @4 Expo push notification services.",C[9]],"imag-annotate":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-annotate @H",C[21]],"dwrite-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 dwrite. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"amethyst_^c":["Amethyst networking @8","0.15.3"],"gdl-parser":["A @j @0 GDL (game description @R)","0.0.8"],"piper":["Async pipes, channels, mutexes, @6 more.","0.1.3"],"mix_link":["message oriented noise @r ^z link layer @0 mixnets",C[9]],"rsgenetic":["A @1 &6 genetic $7 execution.","1.8.1"],"metrics-util":["Helper @l/@z $a by @4 metrics ecosystem.","0.6.1"],"energy-monitor":["EnergyMonitor $I",C[7]],"proc-mounts":["Fetch active mounts @6 swaps on a &t @Q","0.2.4"],"htrpc":["^o @r RPC @1","0.0.17"],"@g_sodium_holochain_fork-sys":[C[858],"0.10.4"],"minutiae":[C[333],"0.12.2"],"google-firebaseremoteconfig1":[C[49],C[50]],"flow":["A realtime log analyzer","0.3.5"],"cdshealpix":["@3 @2 of @4 HEALPix tesselation.","0.5.2"],"doc-comment":["Macro to ^m doc comments","0.4.1"],"luminal-handler":["Slightly more convenient @C on top of hyper::@Z::Service","0.0.5"],"wasmtime-environ":["Standalone &h @t @0 WebAsssembly $3 in Cranelift",C[25]],"kai":["My personal prelude @6 @L","0.7.0"],"query-sys":["@D @5 to query. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"futures-stable":[C[129],C[7]],"adler32":["Minimal Adler32 @2 @0 @3.","1.2.0"],"dweet":["Update @A on",C[9]],"uio":["Helper @1 @0 $N linux user-space drivers @7 UIO.",C[0]],"resize":["@J &O resampling @1 in &p @3.","0.6.2"],"mongo-rs":["MongoDB @i @1 @0 @3","0.1.1"],"sudo_plugin-sys":["@K to @4 sudo $L @C","1.2.1"],"archiveis":["Archive websites online @x @4 capturing &9.",C[8]],"transcode":["Command-$r $q @0 converting directories of audio/video @M to run on a raspberry pi.",C[3]],"tentacle-secio":["Secio encryption @9 @0 p2p","0.4.5"],"unicode_&H":["Adaptors $i wrap byte-oriented readers @6 yield @4 UTF-8 @A as &g $3 points or grapheme clusters.","1.0.1"],"wasmer-runtime-core-fl":[C[217],C[36]],"prettify_pinyin":["Turn tone ^F ^i tone marks","1.1.1"],"frust":["Functional Programming in @3","0.0.7"],"imagehlp-sys":["@D @5 to imagehlp. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"yarte_template":[C[53],"0.6.1"],"opus-sys":[C[233],C[7]],"websocket-lite":["A $S, low-overhead WebSocket @i",C[2]],"peroxide":["@3 comprehensive scientific computation @1 contains linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics @6 &R learning &5 @7 farmiliar syntax","0.30.3"],"reproto-semver":["Rethinking ^p GeneratorsSemantic Versioning Parts",C[63]],"tracing-honeycomb":[" tracing layer @0 multiprocess telemetry",C[9]],"google-partners2-cli":[C[429],C[430]],"passwd":["@K @0 libc /etc/passwd password @z",C[4]],"git-delta":["A syntax-highlighting pager @0 git",C[5]],"gimli-permutation":["Gimli: a cross-@U permutation","0.1.7"],"libwebp-sys2":["A handwritten raw @s to libwebp","0.1.2"],"wdspxe-sys":["@D @5 to wdspxe. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"clusapi-sys":["@D @5 to clusapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"sequoia-sqv":["A @e OpenPGP signature verification ^N","1.0.0"],"cloudflare-rs":["@3 @1 @5 @0 Cloudflares v4 @C","0.6.6"],"blinds":["Wrap an $6 $P &q a window",C[0]],"impl-template":["A $w @m @0 $H impl-blocks @r on a @e template.",C[435]],"websocket-codec":["A Tokio codec @0 @4 websocket @9",C[2]],"influx_db_@i":[C[179],C[2]],"input-linux-sys":["@K @0 ",C[5]],"pallet-session":["FRAME sessions pallet","3.0.0"],"aio-bindings":["&B kernel call @5 @0 &t AIO","0.1.2"],"google-cloudfunctions1":[C[422],C[37]],"pcap_on_demand":["A packet capture @C $C pcap/wpcap @p loads pcap/wpcap on demand","0.1.3"],"faunadb":["A &X @0 Fauna Database",C[834]],"bswap":["A @3 @1 @0 byte-swapping integers, pointers, @6 slices.","1.0.0"],"cranelift-module":["Support @0 linking @z @6 @A @7 Cranelift","0.69.0"],"weakjson":["@u @0 @Y bad ^y","0.0.7"],"s3find":["A @H $r $q to walk an Amazon S3 hierarchy.s3find is an analog of find @0 Amazon S3.","0.7.2"],"jubjub":["@B of @4 Jubjub elliptic curve group",C[5]],"seshat":["A matrix message &I @7 full ^x search @t","2.2.3"],"$O_sdb":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon SimpleDB @ 2009-04-15",C[13]],"telemetry":["Telemetry is a mechanism $a to capture metrics in an $T, to later store @4 @A locally or upload it to a @Z @0 statistical analysis.","0.1.1"],"rsmorphy":["Morphological analyzer / inflection $k @0 Russian @6 Ukrainian (soon) languages (WIP)",C[8]],"runt":["A ^C @6 parallel snapshot ^j @o.","0.2.8"],"gfx_draping":["Drape polygons &q terrain @7 gfx",C[3]],"angle":["Angle @h to avoid ambiguous parameters + $R operation &q angles $D wrapping, comparisons, arithmetic $V, trigonometric $V @6 conversions $G rad @6 deg.",C[8]],"pax":["$d fastest JavaScript bundler in @4 galaxy.",C[8]],"integral_square_root":["Square root (returned as f64) @0 integral @l","1.0.1"],"cosmwasm-std":[C[497],C[80]],"git-hive-protocol":["A @e @1 @0 managing a custom Block Exchange ^p (BEP).@k BEP manages git &M @A @6 ensures synchronization across peers.","0.2.3"],"clipboard_x11":["A @1 to obtain ^0 to @4 X11 clipboard",C[0]],"rust2vec":[C[615],"0.5.2"],"membuf":["A $W-ish @h @0 allocating @6 reallocating heap buffers.","0.0.5"],"cpp_synom":["Stripped-down Nom @j $a by cpp_syn",C[19]],"aktrs-macros":["^U @0 $f @7 aktrs",C[575]],"heaptrack":["Easily track heap usage @7 @S ^s @h.",C[8]],"censor":["A @e ^x profanity filter",C[0]],"elsa":["Append-only &u @0 @3 where borrows to entries can outlive insertions","1.3.2"],"colorizex":["A CLI @p colorize","0.1.3"],"mio-named-pipes":["^5 named pipe @5 @0 mio","0.1.7"],"barfly":["WIP. Donut $f. Implement osx dock/windows taskbar apps in @g.","0.1.3"],"tobj":["A ^C OBJ loader in @4 spirit of tinyobjloader","2.0.3"],"proc-maps":["Helper @8 @0 getting virtual $v maps @w processes",C[6]],"fractran_@d":["A ^8 $L @p converts Fractran $3 ^i @3 at compiletime, letting $p Fractran programs be optimised by LLVM to super-fastnative $3.","0.1.5"],"retag":["`A commandline $F @6 shell $L @p watches @0 $2 changes in a directory @6 incrementally rebuilds $p ctags $2 @0 @4 @E $i have changed.","0.0.3"],"fltlib-sys":["@D @5 to fltlib. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"serde-humanize-rs":["A Serde deserializer @0 duration @6 byte-size.","0.1.1"],"sccache":["Sccache is a ccache-$D $F. It is $a as a ^8 @h @6 avoids compilation when possible, storing a cache in a remote ^L @x @4 S3 @C.","0.2.15"],"ivf":["@J ivf muxer","0.1.1"],"warn":["A @1 @0 a warning callback $I","0.2.2"],"strsim":["Implementations of $b similarity metrics. Includes Hamming, Levenshtein,OSA, Damerau-Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, @6 Sørensen-Dice.",C[12]],"mock-it":["Make mocking reliable",C[3]],"cast_$I":["cast $I","0.1.2"],"ekvsb":["Benchmark Tool @0 Embedded Key-Value Stores available in @3","0.0.13"],"i18n-embed":["Traits @6 @d to conveniently embed @4 &P of @N-i18n ^i $p $T $Q in order to localize it at $4.",C[15]],"signed_cookies":["Signed Cookies","0.1.2"],"libvirt":["Libvirt @5 @0 @g",C[9]],"fastchemail":[C[210],"0.9.3"],"lopdf":["A @3 @1 @0 PDF document manipulation.",C[59]],"solana-move-loader-program":[C[547],"0.20.1"],"colorous":["Professional color schemes ported @w d3-scale-chromatic","1.0.3"],"solana-rayon-threadlimit":["^g-rayon-threadlimit","1.5.7"],"ndarray-parallel":["Parallelization @0 ndarray @x rayon.(Deprecated - $f ndarray @7 rayon directly.)","0.9.1"],"luhn":["A Luhn validation @1","1.0.1"],"$O_route53":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Route 53 @ 2013-04-01",C[13]],"mpu9250":["no_std ^K @0 @4 MPU9250 & onboard AK8963 (accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer IMU)","0.24.0"],"glhelper":["Convenience &Q @0 opengl.",C[60]],"node-bindgen":["&s way to &b nodejs ^H @x @g","4.1.0"],"tls":["@K @0 libressl's libtls","0.0.3"],"snarkvm-profiler":["Profiler @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"trench":["A benchmark suite @0 $N threaded benchmarks",C[3]],"float_duration":["Floating-point Duration support.Provides quantification @0 spans of $B. Unlike @4 ^M std::$B or @4 chrono @8, @S @8 aims to provide a fully featured Duration $o $i exposes @6 uses floating-point ^G instead of integer ones.","0.3.3"],"core-graphics-types":["@K @0 some fundamental Core Graphics @l","0.1.1"],"css-in-rust":["CSSinRust is a $0 @0 $f @7 WASM @P &6 a component @I CSS styling experience.",C[2]],"magnet_schema":[C[1030],"0.8.0"],"tower-hyper":["A hyper @r tower transport layer.","0.1.1"],"ddc-hi":["High @I DDC/CI monitor control",C[3]],"ext":["An ^n to @4 @3 ^M @1",C[4]],"syntex_errors":[C[400],"0.59.1"],"nue-macros":["POD @6 $Q @A $c I/O @d",C[3]],"argh_@c":[C[110],"0.1.4"],"mrh":["Crawls filesystem @6 displays pending status of each git repo found","0.10.13"],"shiva-dto":["DTO @0 Shiva","0.7.0"],"stacktrace":["@k ^Q is deprecated. Consider looking at [^q-chain](&w://$Z/^q-chain).",C[7]],"postgres-inet":["CIDR/INET @t @0 @g-&Y",C[36]],"mock_me":["MockMe is a $F $a to mock &8 / $8 calls when running unit (lib) tests in @3.","0.2.3"],"stm32f429i-disc":["Board @t @8 @0 @4 STM32F429I DISCOVERY microcontroller board",C[3]],"wread-data-mongodb":["read @6 &b @A @0 mongodb",C[38]],"entities":["@X @4 raw @A needed to convert to @6 @w HTML entities.","1.0.1"],"rcut":["rcut is a @3 replacement @0 GNU cut @p supports UTF-8.","0.0.48"],"ritual_$R":["Common @L @0 ritual @6 ritual_build",C[8]],"confusion":["Easy-to-$f anonymity-preserving encrypted messaging",C[4]],"crabler":["Web scraper @0 Crabs","0.1.21"],"relm-state":["Non UI part of relm",C[51]],"v_eval":["Expression evaluator @7 context",C[5]],"simd-json":["High $J ^y @j @r on a port of simdjson","0.3.24"],"cosmwasm-storage":[C[954],C[80]],"wap":["Wap @1 allows @O to &b a ^Y page app exclusively in @3","0.1.3"],"fluvio-protocol-derive":["Procedure @m to encode/decode fluvio @9",C[0]],"tesseract-sys":["@3 @K @0 Tesseract OCR","0.5.5"],"plist":["A rusty plist @j. Supports Serde @V.","1.1.0"],"gstreamer-player":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Player @1","0.16.5"],"va_list":["@X a @g @2 of @4 'va_list' $o @0 a ^P set of ABIs. Allowing @g $5 of @z $D vprintf.","0.1.3"],"repng":["$d PNG encoder @p no one asked @0.","0.2.2"],"stm32f40x":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32F40X $x",C[5]],"objc_^7_&1":["^l @0 ^j Objective-C interop.","0.0.2"],"moveslice":["A one-$8 @8 to move chunks in a slice $C.","2.0.1"],"xcore":["A @e epoll @r TCP @Z @o","0.1.3"],"iron-params":["Query/Form params extensions to Iron request.","0.1.3"],"lc3-isa":["Types @6 friends @0 @4 LC-3 ISA.",C[840]],"deno-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu":[C[178],"0.24.0"],"export_cstr":["@X a @m @0 exporting constant, null-terminated, C $y @w dynamic &j","0.0.4"],"l337":["yet another connection pooler","0.4.5"],"bflog-cli":["Command $r $9 of bflog @0 ^y @6 pretty &z.",C[1]],"^g_libra_$t_&F":["Solana Libra build_helpers","0.0.0"],"usb-device":["Experimental device-side USB stack @0 ^v &S.","0.2.7"],"sss-rs":["A secret sharing scheme &v in @3","0.7.2"],"tokio-resource-pool":["A ^A resource pool @0 @4 Tokio ecosystem.",C[274]],"vgtk-macros":["Proc @d @0 vgtk",C[3]],"yada":["Yada is a yet another double-array trie @1 aiming @0 $S search @6 compact @A representation.",C[8]],"netbuf":["$d @e to $f, growable, contiguous buffer object @7 right assumptions @6 @s. Tuned @0 @x it @0 ^c buffers.","0.4.1"],"gpu-alloc-types":["Core @l of gpu-alloc @8",C[0]],"emailaddress":["@J email address $o @6 @j",C[8]],"shellfn":["Attribute-$D &r @m $i reduces @4 amount of $3 required to call shell commands @6 parse @4 results","0.1.1"],"tantivy-query-grammar":[C[144],C[31]],"bitfinex":["@3 @u @0 @4 Bitfinex @C","0.4.2"],"openmpt-sys":["Raw @5 @0 libopenmpt",C[9]],"lamport_signature":["A @3 @2 of @4 Lamport one-$B signature scheme.","0.1.4"],"$O_gamelift":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon GameLift @ 2015-10-01",C[13]],"libsystemd-sys":["@D @5 to libsystemd @6 libelogind","0.8.0"],"snarkvm-derives":["Canonical @V @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"melon":["A @1 @0 ^9 retro computing platforms","0.15.2"],"google-cloudresourcemanager1_beta1":[C[784],C[37]],"enum-tryfrom":["Error @l @6 $g @0 $f @7 &G-tryfrom-@c",C[7]],"ode_solvers":["Numerical &Q to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in @3.",C[3]],"draw_state":["Graphics state blocks @0 gfx-rs","0.8.0"],"codeviz":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"drone-macros":["Drone $w @d.",C[5]],"curb":["Run a ^O on a particular subset of @4 available hardware.",C[6]],"snappy-cpp":["@J Snappy C++ @5 @0 ^j @6 benchmarking.","0.1.1"],"ncollide3d":[C[184],C[98]],"codeviz_js":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"bolero-afl":["afl $L @0 bolero",C[5]],"postcard-cobs":[C[642],"0.1.5-pre"],"orca":["A Reddit @C @i @0 @3","0.7.0"],"resource_proof":["A 'proof' of bandwidth, cpu @6 ^L @0 nodes in a decentralised ^c.","1.0.36"],"Useful_Math":["A @8 @7 a bunch of \"&K\" math features all in one place if @O want specific math @z/structs I reccomend finding those specific $Z NOTE:INCOMPLETE DO NOT USE IT LITERALLY DOES NOTHING also simpler @z such as getting @4 absolute &m of a &2, powers, ect. check out @4 num @8 @0 @p stuff","0.0.8"],"ssd1331":["I2C/SPI ^K @0 @4 SSD1331 OLED display controller","0.2.2"],"gt-graph-path":["discribe a path on a graph",C[0]],"spl-associated-token-account":["Solana Program @u Associated Token Account","1.0.2"],"tokio-proto":["A ^c $T @o @0 rapid &A @6 highly scalableproduction deployments of clients @6 servers.","0.1.1"],"snarkos-dpc":["DPC @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"ghp":["Import a folder to gh-pages branch easily!","0.1.2"],"syncbox":["Concurrency @L @0 @3","0.2.4"],"rsa_public_encrypt_pkcs1":["RSA PKCS#1 encryption @w ASN.1 DER encoded public key in &p @3",C[3]],"blender-armature":[C[538],"0.6.2"],"js_ffi":["A @D @1 @0 calling javascript","0.8.0"],"interpolate":["A @e form of $b interpolation","0.2.3"],"google-authenticator":["@k @3 @8 can be $a to @n @7 @4 Google Authenticator mobile app @0 2-factor-authentication.",C[7]],"binance":["@3 @u @0 @4 Binance @C","0.11.2"],"prosto":["Compress prost! &E @7 zstd, optional $u channels @t",C[2]],"backblaze-b2":["Can send &0 requests to @4 backblaze b2 &0.","0.1.9-2"],"syn-codegen":["Syntax ^k describing Syn's syntax ^k",C[0]],"parity-snappy-sys":["&B @5 to libsnappy","0.1.2"],"micro-kit":["A Microservice lib because I miss DropWizard.","1.3.0"],"lua":["@K to Lua 5.3","0.0.10"],"partial_$8":["A clean way to define $8 as a set of subfunctions where each hasdefined start @6 end bounds.",C[2]],"recycler":["A ^P @3 @1 @0 recycling @l containing owned $v","0.1.4"],"hex-slice":["Extends @4 std::fmt::*Hex $g to slices","0.1.4"],"kmer_lookup":[C[11],"0.1.1"],"diesel-factories-code-gen":["Internals @0 diesel-factories","2.0.0"],"rcmut":["An unchecked shared mutability primitive.","0.0.2"],"sapi-sys":["@D @5 to sapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ecma402_$g":["@3 @2 of $o $g to @t ECMA 402 specification in Rust.Implementors @W welcome to provide their own.",C[0]],"shaderc-sys":["Shaderc @Q @1 @D, ^f, @6 linking","0.7.1"],"wren-sys":["@D @5 to @4 Wren scripting @R @C","0.2.5"],"qmlrs":["qmlrs - QtQuick @5 @0 @3","0.1.1"],"parity-util-mem":["Collection of $v related @L","0.9.0"],"lin-bus":["LIN bus ^K $g @6 @9 @2",C[1]],"cargo-linebreak":["A @N &3 @0 printing linebreaks when @x @N-watch","2.0.0"],"msg":["XSI message queue","0.1.1"],"ruststalk":["A beanstalkd @i @0 @g.",C[4]],"mp4ameta_&r":["$U @d to ^m $R accessors @0 @4 mp4ameta @8.",C[3]],"$O_amplify":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Amplify @ 2017-07-25",C[13]],"elements":["@u @7 @t @0 de/@V, @Y @6 executing on @A $j @6 ^c &E related to Elements",C[42]],"gpsd_proto":["$d gpsd_proto ^H contains @l @6 @z to connect to gpsd to get GPS coordinates @6 satellite $e.","0.7.0"],"lightspeed_$2_store":[C[85],"0.33.4"],"imag-tag":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-tag @H",C[21]],"oxygengine-ignite":["CLI app $a to setup @6 develop Oxygen Engine projects",C[65]],"xxhash":["$d xxHash hashing $7","0.0.8"],"garando_syntax":[C[175],C[9]],"maplit":["Collection “literal” @d @0 HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap, @6 BTreeSet.","1.0.2"],"i2cbus-api":["^o RESTful @C @6 skeleton @Z/@i implement @0 I2C bus control","0.1.9"],"easy-kill-cli":["Easy kill processes ($Q)","0.1.3"],"futures-executor-preview":[C[1014],C[40]],"phf_mut":["Perfectly hashed mutable containers","0.3.3"],"chain-map":["A chain of maps @7 a single view ^i @4 aggregated ^G.",C[9]],"data-url":["Processing of @A: URL according to WHATWG’s Fetch Standard",C[9]],"graphplan":["@B of @4 Graphplan planning $7 @w Avrim L. Blum @6 Merrick L. Furst in @3","0.6.1"],"rltk":["A CP437/ASCII $A @1 @6 &F to make ^9 roguelike games in @3 &s. Similar to libtcod, but aiming to be @3-&d.","0.8.1"],"cupi":["Cuprum Pi is a GPIO ^0 @1 $h on @3 @0 @4 Raspberry Pi board.",C[9]],"sc-consensus-pow":["PoW consensus $7 @0 substrate","0.9.0"],"ezra":["A $m of &5 helpful in developing virtual boardgames. Currently @S $0 only contains &5 relating to dice. Very alpha @0 @4 $B being.","0.1.3"],"twelve_bit":["A @3 @1 @0 representing 12-bit unsigned ^G. @k is primarily &K @0 ^a Chip-8 assemblers @6 interpreters safely. $d $o implements @4 bulk of @4 ^M @3 literal semantics @6 operators, @6 much of @4 documentation is adapted @w @4 u16 intrinsic $o.","0.1.1"],"html5ever_@d":["High-$J browser-grade HTML5 @j − ^8 plugins","0.2.7"],"eventio":["A $m of event I/O processors @0 event-&l @P.","0.5.1"],"vips-sys":["libvips @5 @0 @3","0.1.3-beta.0"],"sonos":["Sonos controller @1 @0.. controlling Sonos","0.1.4"],"magma":["Magma (GOST 28147-89 @6 GOST R 34.12-2015) block cipher",C[5]],"wstr_impl":["Private @m $5 @0 &V-$B UTF-16 (wide) $b literals.",C[0]],"nu_$L_@w_sqlite":[C[275],C[59]],"libpng-sys":["Unreliable @5 @0 libpng 1.6. They're likely to bring sorrow @6 regret. Please $f a &d @3 PNG @1 instead (e.g. LodePNG 2.0)","1.1.8"],"libzfs-sys":["@3 @5 to libzfs","0.5.11"],"buffoon":["@J ^p Buffers @2",C[2]],"openzwave-sys":["@D @u to @4 opensource OpenZwave @1","0.1.1"],"google-content2_sandbox-cli":[C[935],C[936]],"scaleless_music":["A @1 @0 ^f music @7 precise harmonies, ^Z @4 limitations of any musical scale.","0.0.8"],"urbandict":["Urban Dictionary @C @i in @3.",C[0]],"solana-btc-spv-program":[C[590],"1.2.32"],"reproto-derive":["Rethinking ^p GeneratorsDerives a reproto schema @w an existing ^y.",C[63]],"pg_$6":["&c, HA (master-master) PostgreSQL ^K on top of libpq","0.8.6"],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-2":[C[41],C[38]],"gl_@G":["Code generators @0 ^9 @5 to @4 Khronos OpenGL APIs.",C[31]],"rust-bert":["Ready-to-$f NLP pipelines @6 transformer-@r models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)",C[38]],"etherparse":["A @1 @0 @Y & $N a bunch of packet @r protocols (EthernetII, IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP ...).","0.9.0"],"mmarinus":["A $W mmap @2",C[0]],"civil":["a @1 to @t civil engineering @P (WIP)","0.1.7"],"dinzai-datni":["Cryptocurrency ticker @1 @0 @3.","0.1.1"],"rs-release":["os-release @j","0.1.7"],"redis-async":["An $z $1 @r Redis @i @0 @3 @x Tokio","0.8.1"],"rust-rethinkdb":["@3 &d ^K @0 RethinkDB 2.0. WIP.",C[4]],"sexpy_@c":["Derives sexpy $I $E @0 @l","0.5.3"],"carboxyl":[C[659],C[7]],"tptp":["Parse @4 TPTP @M","0.28.0"],"giffy":["A @e GIF decoder $h in @3.",C[0]],"rocksdb":[C[112],C[42]],"type-info-derive":[C[964],C[0]],"elastic-array-plus":[C[128],C[12]],"pg_wire":["Server Side @2 of PostgreSQL Wire ^p",C[2]],"rollsum":["Rolling checksum @2",C[3]],"ff_@c":[C[43],"0.8.0"],"ethereum-tx-sign":["Allows @O to model a raw ethereum transaction @6 sign it @7 $p private key","3.0.4"],"gflags":["Command $r flags @1 @p does not require a central list of all @4 flags.","0.3.7"],"hlua":["Zero-cost high-@I @h @0 Lua","0.4.1"],"avr-mcu":["Pragmatic $j @0 all AVR $x","0.3.5"],"psyche-graphics":["Graphics ^6 ^H @0 Psyche AI Toolset","0.2.19"],"xalloc":["Suballocators @0 external $v (e.g., Vulkan device $v)","0.2.7"],"imgui-dx9-renderer":["DirectX 9 renderer @0 @4 imgui @8",C[5]],"$O_servicediscovery":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Cloud Map @ 2017-03-14",C[13]],"ubyte":["A @e, @q, const-everything, saturating, human-friendly, no_std @1 @0 byte units.",C[21]],"diskus":["A minimal, $S alternative to 'du -sh'.",C[5]],"trackable":["@k @1 @y a way to track objects manually as an alternative to mechanisms $D backtracing","1.0.0"],"libp2p-floodsub":["Floodsub @9 @0 libp2p",C[98]],"pistoncore-window":["A @1 @0 window $P","0.47.0"],"sc-chain-spec":["Substrate chain configurations.","3.0.0"],"rink":["Unit conversion $F, similar to frink","0.5.1"],"frugalos_raft":["An @2 of @4 `raftlog::Io` $I @0 `frugalos`","1.2.0"],"erst-shared":[C[768],C[3]],"mediaproxy-common":["Common @E @0 @4 Media Proxy ^Q.",C[0]],"elrond":["Standard conformant elf @j","1.0.0"],"eml-parser":["A @1 @0 @Y .eml @E.",C[9]],"gc_@c":["Garbage collector @c $L @0 @g-gc","0.3.6"],"tmp-ed25519":["Temp @8 do not $f! @k is a holding @8 waiting on a PR to upstream being merged.",C[249]],"tokio-named-pipes":["^5 named pipe @5 @0 $u.",C[9]],"stm32l432xx-hal":["Hardware $P layer @0 @4 stm32l432xx chips","0.2.7"],"wasm-bindgen-cli-support":["Shared @t @0 @4 wasm-bindgen-^b $0, an ^W &o","0.2.70"],"mayda_@d":["^U to ^m basic $c @6 &f @z $a by mayda","0.1.4"],"pkcs7":["PKCS #7 padding","1.0.0"],"arthroprod":["Clifford Algebra @r computation @0 @4 theory of Absolute Relativity.",C[3]],"procure":["@3 @u @0 interfacing @7 /&r","0.1.2"],"di":["Dependency injection container.","0.1.2"],"pasts":["Minimal @6 simpler alternative to @4 $1 @8.","0.7.4"],"oxygengine-backend-web":["Web ^4 ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"dynamin":["Dynamin is a GUI @1.",C[4]],"javascriptcore-rs":["@3 @5 @0 @4 javacriptcore @1",C[12]],"jockey":["Custom @H-$r parsers @p practically &b themselves",C[3]],"link-ippi":["link ippi @1 (part of ipp-@f Intel IPP @5)","0.1.2"],"gate":["A specialized 2D game @1","0.6.3"],"glib":["@3 @5 @0 @4 GLib @1","0.10.3"],"c3p0_pool_mysql":[C[116],C[15]],"vorbisfile-sys":["@D @0 @4 vorbisfile @1","0.0.8"],"ast_debug":["@3 ^8 $L @p prints out @4 AST of a $8",C[9]],"austenite":["^o endpoint @1 @0 header &l @6 content negotiation",C[4]],"crustacean-executable":["A @3 @5 @G executable.",C[1]],"vec-utils":["vector @L",C[3]],"^g_libra_ir_to_bytecode":["Libra ir to bytecode",C[32]],"linked-hash-map":["A HashMap @h @p holds key-&m pairs in insertion order","0.5.4"],"goldenfile":["@J goldenfile ^j @1","1.1.0"],"async-channel":["Async multi-producer multi-consumer channel","1.5.1"],"ra_ap_base_db":["TBD",C[73]],"qt_widgets":["@K @0 QtWidgets C++ @1",C[2]],"kf-protocol-message":["@3 kafka @9 message definition","2.0.0"],"cargo-chef":["A @N sub-@H to $t ^Q &8 @0 optimal Docker layer caching.","0.1.14"],"dds":["@B of DDS, someday",C[9]],"&k":["...",C[9]],"kailua":["🌴 Type Checker @6 IDE Support @0 Lua","1.1.0"],"plugger-core":["$d Plugger @t @1",C[3]],"hamt-rs":["A Hash Array Mapped Trie @2 @r on @4 *Ideal Hash Trees* paper by Phil Bagwell.",C[3]],"rotor-carbon":["$d carbon @5 @0 rotor","0.7.0"],"seahash":["A blazingly $S, portable ^I $8 @7 proven statistical guarantees.","4.1.0"],"lzma-rs":["A codec @0 LZMA, LZMA2 @6 XZ $h in &p @3","0.1.3"],"tcorp_math_mods":["@k will be a growing $m of helpful math @z @6 algorythems all of $i will be abstracted ^i ^A @l.",C[9]],"tide-rustls":["tide tls listener @r on $6-tls @6 rustls",C[0]],"gudev":["@3 @C @0 gudev, @4 glib @t @1 @0 libudev.","0.9.0"],"persia-rpc":["high $J rpc @o on http2","0.6.1"],"streamlink":["@3 @C (kinda) @0 @4 streamlink $q.",C[1]],"unbounded-spsc":["An unbounded spsc queue built @w `bounded_spsc_queue`s",C[6]],"adhoc_@c":["Derive FromStr impl @r on regex provided via attribute","0.1.2"],"swapi":["A @3 @h @0 @4 Star Wars @C - &w:// Contributors @W welcome - &w://",C[7]],"rustman":["Cross platfrom $0 &N","0.5.3"],"reverse_geocoder":["Offline reverse geocoder @1.","2.0.1"],"flexi_&I":["An &s-to-configure @6 flexible &I @p writes logs to stderr @6/or to @E. It allows custom logline formats, @6 it allows changing @4 log specification at $4. It also allows defining additional log streams, e.g. @0 alert or security &E.","0.17.1"],"gcsf":["Filesystem @r on Google Drive","0.1.28"],"azure_sdk_&9_bus":["@3 &D $C Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Service Bus @8","0.44.2"],"solana-drone":["Solana Drone","0.21.0"],"piston-opengex":["Meta rules @0 @Y @4 OpenGEX @M",C[5]],"grammarly":["@k @8 allows @O to check $p texts @0 grammar @x @4 grammarly &9.","0.2.2"],"glitchcat":["cat-$D ^N @7 glitch animation","0.3.2"],"orbtk":["$d Orbital Widget Toolkit",C[97]],"strmiids-sys":["@D @5 to strmiids. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"devise":[C[57],C[0]],"billecta":["Generated Billecta @C",C[8]],"bluetooth-hci":["@B of @4 Bluetooth HCI",C[9]],"syscalls":["A list of &t @Q calls.","0.3.2"],"d3d12-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 d3d12. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"airspy":["@3 @5 @0 libairspy",C[8]],"libedgegrid":["@k @1 implements an Authentication handler @0 theAkamai OPEN EdgeGrid Authentication scheme in @3","0.1.1"],"google-oslogin1_beta":[C[433],C[26]],"mlzutil":["Various ^P @L $a at MLZ",C[7]],"allegro_font-sys":["Allegro 5 font addon @3 ^3","0.0.41"],"derive-error-chain":["A ^U 1.1 @2 of ^q-chain","0.11.2"],"gstreamer":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer","0.16.7"],"ucg":["A $K ^6 grammar.","0.7.0"],"xgboost":["Machine learning @x XGBoost","0.1.4"],"libcec-sys":["@D @5 to libcec","1.0.7"],"winservice":["Run a ^5 @Q &9 ^Z hassle.","0.1.1"],"rustv":["A minimal, intentionally inaccurate RISC-V ISA simulator","0.5.1"],"phase2":[C[44],"0.2.2"],"eth_checksum":["Ethereum address checksum","0.1.2"],"yt-api":["a work in progress @1 to @n asynchronously @7 @4 youtube &0",C[45]],"tokio-process":["An @2 of an $z ^O ^B backed $1.",C[593]],"swc_ecma_dep_graph":["Dependency graph @0 @4 ecmascript",C[31]],"flagset":["Data @l @6 a @m @0 $H enumeration-@r bit flags",C[3]],"$O_dms":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Database Migration Service @ 2016-01-01",C[13]],"ipp-headers-sys":["@g-bindgen &i @D declarations @0 IPP (part of ipp-@f Intel IPP @5)","0.4.3"],"collada":["A @1 @0 @Y COLLADA documents @0 mesh, skeletal @6 animation @A",C[38]],"hash-roll":["Rolling hashes & Content Defined Chunking (cdc)",C[3]],"screeps-profiler":["WASM profiling ^w libarary @0 Screeps","0.1.8"],"rwcell":["rwcell - &m container $i allow to simultaneously read @6 modify &m @w two separate threads","0.1.2"],"glean-core":["A modern Telemetry @1","34.1.0"],"machinebox":["A @i ^J @0 communicating @7 machinebox boxes",C[2]],"img_^I":["A @e @1 @p @y perceptual hashing @6 difference calculation @0 images.","3.1.0"],"enum-methods":["Generates &Q @0 each &G variant.","0.0.8"],"dockers":["A @g docker @1",C[6]],"cargo-do":["A Cargo $L @p adds @4 'do' &3 to let @O run &4 @N commands by running e.g. `@N do clean, $t`",C[8]],"smtp":["@J SMTP @i",C[3]],"tari_broadcast_channel":["Bounded non-blocking single-producer-multi-consumer broadcast channel",C[0]],"nav-types":["Easily work @7 global positions @6 vectors","0.5.1"],"symmetric-interaction-calculus":[C[46],"0.1.8"],"signal":["$d higher-@I abstractions $C unix signals","0.7.0"],"lcov":["LCOV tracefile @j/merger/filter in &p @3.",C[5]],"^v_@l":["Types &K in ^v, no_std amd hw &A","0.3.2"],"xi-unicode":["&g @L &K @0 ^x editing, including a $r breaking iterator.",C[3]],"google-groupsmigration1":[C[230],C[167]],"priomutex":["A mutex where waiting threads specify a priority",C[1]],"constellation-server":["Pluggable authoritative DNS @Z. Entries can be added & removed @w an ^o REST @C.","1.12.4"],"osmgpsmap-sys":["ffi @5 @0 osmgpsmap","0.2.16"],"libsqlite3-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libsqlite3 @1","0.20.1"],"lci":["A LOLCODE interpreter $h in @3","0.1.8"],"anybar":["A @3 @8 to @n @7 Anybar.","0.1.3"],"libp2p":["Peer-to-peer networking @1","0.34.0"],"freeze":[C[47],"0.0.0"],"auto_enums_@c":[C[529],"0.7.12"],"&p_decimal":["A decimal $o @7 no NaN @6 Infinity","0.0.7"],"wavefront_rs":["Typed Wavefront OBJ @j / writer.","1.0.3"],"@c_is_&G_variant":["^E derives `is_dog` @6 `is_cat` &Q @0 `&G Pet { Dog, Cat }`.","0.1.1"],"google-fusiontables2-cli":[C[95],C[96]],"encoding-index-korean":["Index tables @0 Korean character encodings",C[48]],"lin-bus-driver-serial":["LIN bus ^K @2 &q a serial port",C[3]],"deploy-common":["Common components @0 @4 `deploy` @6 `fabric` $Z.","0.1.3"],"lib":["...","0.0.2"],"serializable_&G":["Two @d @0 ^a @V / &a @0 enums containing no @A variants",C[8]],"deque":["A (mostly) lock-free concurrent work-stealing deque","0.3.2"],"yamlette":["Comprehensive @6 user friendly YAML 1.2 processor","0.0.8"],"json_in_$o_@c":["$w @d @0 json_in_type","0.1.2"],"slauth":["oath HOTP @6 TOTP complient @2",C[2]],"cargo-deadlinks":["Cargo &3 @0 checking $p documentation @0 broken links","0.8.0"],"ns-dns-tokio":["Name &9 @2 @0 abstract-ns @p uses domain name @Q (DNS) run in $u event loop",C[8]],"polyline-ffi":["@D @5 @0 @4 polyline @8",C[1]],"teddy":["A SIMD-accelerated multistring searcher.",C[0]],"pacmanconf":["A pacman-conf @h @1 @0 @Y pacman config @E",C[0]],"iron-send-file":["Serve @E @7 Range header @t @0 Iron @1.","0.1.1"],"minihttpse":["a mini &e response @j lib in @g",C[6]],"detour":["A cross-@U detour @1 $h in @3","0.7.1"],"must_@v":["A @h @v marked must_use - mainly to wrap BoxFutures","0.1.2"],"simple-locale":["An @s to all manner of locale-related $e.",C[0]],"maddr":["An @2 of @4 multiaddr @M $a in IPFS",C[1]],"wkdr":["A ^b $F to ^0 Wikidata",C[0]],"rpi_^v":["Interface @0 @4 Raspberry Pi's GPIO, I2C, PWM, SPI @6 UART peripherals. Forked @w RPPAL",C[9]],"webpacker":["A @3 @h @0 @x Webpacker to manage assets.","0.3.4"],"cryptonote-account":["account @0 cryptonote","0.1.4"],"dynstack":["A stack @0 $I objects @p minimizes allocations",C[8]],"papyrus":["A @g repl @6 script runner",C[35]],"tinybmp":["No-std, low $v footprint BMP &O loader",C[45]],"vks":["Vulkan @D @5 @6 symbol loader. Vulkan 1.0.59 @6 all extensions @W supported.","0.21.0"],"bevy_prototype_lyon":["Draw 2D shapes @6 paths in @4 Bevy game $k.",C[0]],"$n_bser":["Implements @4 Watchman BSER $c @0 $n. &w://",C[0]],"grpc-build":["gPRC compilation made &s",C[9]],"google-firebaseremoteconfig1-cli":[C[49],C[50]],"parking_lot_@T":["An advanced @C @0 ^9 custom synchronization ^2.","0.8.3"],"async-stdio":["Adapter @0 @x $6 read/&b streams in std::io contexts","0.3.0-alpha.4"],"brain":["Compiler @0 @4 brain $s @R. Compiles brain ^i optimized brainfuck $3. Also includes a brainfuck interpreter.","0.1.2"],"advpack-sys":["@D @5 to advpack. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"untrusted":["Safe, $S, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation @Y of untrusted inputs in @3.","0.7.1"],"^I":["Use @4 md5 $0 instead.",C[3]],"rapier2d":[C[271],C[2]],"imgui-rs":["IMGUI-RS @y @3 @5 @0 IMGUI, a bloat-free intermediate mode GUI @1 @0 C/C++.IMGUI outputs vertex buffers @p @O can render in $p 3D-pipeline enabled $T. It is $S, portable, renderer &Z @6 self-contained.IMGUI does away @7 state synchronization by requiring @4 $T to explicitly pass all state required in real-$B. $d user @s only retains @4 minimal amount of state required to facilitate @4 $l required by each $o of widget supported by @4 @Q.","1.47.0"],"volatile_cell":["Cell @h $C volatile $v $V.","1.0.0"],"pallet-transaction-payment-rpc":["RPC @s @0 @4 transaction payment ^H.","3.0.0"],"reference-trie":["@J reference trie @M","0.23.0"],"rustspec":["BDD style ^7 @1","0.1.16"],"coral":["A @1 @p parses &P @w `@N check`, @6 a ^b $F @p uses @4 @1 to print compact ^q &E.","0.9.2"],"httpdate":["^o date @Y @6 formatting","0.3.2"],"cemu-smm":["renamed to smmdb","5.0.1"],"snarkos-derives":["Canonical @V @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"cab":["Read/&b ^5 cabinet (CAB) @E",C[0]],"sgf":["SGF @j","0.1.5"],"holochain_@T_@l":["@T @l needed @0 all holochain &A",C[34]],"cuda-driver-sys":["@3 ^3 to CUDA Driver APIs",C[3]],"opensles-sys":["Raw @5 to Android's OpenSLES sound @C","0.0.6"],"nextcloud_appinfo":["@u to read app info of an Nextcloud app",C[5]],"fnv":["Fowler–Noll–Vo ^I $8","1.0.7"],"obj-pool":[C[496],"0.4.4"],"clucstr":["Safe creation of “CStr” @7 zero cost at @4 compilation stage @7 checking @0 zero bytes @6 @4 ability to transfer &4 ^G.","1.1.91"],"mqtt":["MQTT @9 v3 @2","0.1.4"],"pose":["An XSLT $D templating @Q @0 @3",C[7]],"pentest-toolbox-improved":["Cheers","0.1.37"],"reopen":["File reopening $q","1.0.2"],"ra_ap_completion":["TBD",C[73]],"lcms2-sys":["@K @0 liblcms2 (Little CMS) @7 @t @0 &t, macOS, @6 Windows.See lcms2 @8 @0 a $W @3 @h.","3.1.7"],"test-assembler":["A set of @l @0 ^f complex $Q streams.","0.1.5"],"relm-gen-widget":["Utility @8 @0 relm-attributes @6 relm-@c",C[51]],"$O_discovery":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Application Discovery Service @ 2015-11-01",C[13]],"cargo-wasi-exe-x86_64-apple-darwin":["Precompiled $Q of `@N-wasi` @0 x86_64-apple-darwin","0.1.22"],"message_verifier":["@3 Message Verifier @1 ^d @7 Rails' MessageVerifier @6 MessageEncryptor","1.1.0"],"suricata-ipc":["@u @0 sending packets to suricata @6 receiving &P.","0.18.0"],"hyperdav":["WebDAV @i",C[0]],"pagetable":["@e wait-free two-@I pagetable @7 2mb pages","0.1.5"],"fce-wit-parser":[C[115],C[0]],"wild":["Glob (wildcard) expanded @H-$r arguments on ^5","2.0.4"],"llvm-tools":["@X ^0 to @4 llvm &5 installed through @4 `llvm-&5-preview` rustup component.","0.1.1"],"diesel-sort-struct-fields":["Macro to sort struct fields @6 `table!` columns to avoid subtle bugs","0.1.3"],"err-derive":[C[239],C[3]],"ethsign":["A @1 to read ^y keyfiles @6 sign Ethereum stuff.","0.8.0"],"vtcol":["Set &t console color scheme","0.42.2"],"avm1-parser":["AVM1 @j",C[15]],"susanoo_contrib":["Contributed &j @0 Susanoo","0.0.6"],"lv2rs-atom":["@3 adaptation prototype of @4 atom $o @Q @0 LV2","0.1.2"],"stream-cipher":[C[52],"0.99.99"],"rust-mdbm":["High-@I @5 to @4 MDBM @1",C[4]],"mspatcha-sys":["@D @5 to mspatcha. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"wecapi-sys":["@D @5 to wecapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"mem_cmp":["Memory comparison $G @l.","0.1.4"],"runtimeobject-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 runtimeobject. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"net-literals-impl":["Internal @2 of @4 net-literals @8","0.1.2"],"@c_deref":["Adds `#[@c(Deref)]` @6 `#[@c(DerefMut)]`","1.1.1"],"rustc-ap-rustc_feature":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_feature` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"multibloom":["A $m of &j including a &2 of different @l of bloom filters. Currently a work in progress",C[0]],"notify_send":["@k has been renamed ^i notify-@g. Dev will go on there.","0.0.5"],"qt_3d_@T":["@K @0 Qt3DCore C++ @1",C[2]],"tokio-stdin":["Read @w stdin as a Tokio ^X","0.1.2"],"^g_libra_ir_to_bytecode_syntax":["Libra ir to bytecode syntax",C[32]],"shannon":["Shannon cipher @2",C[0]],"libpulse-binding":["A @3 @R ^3 @0 @4 PulseAudio libpulse @1.","2.23.0"],"^I_ring":["Consistent Hashing @1 @0 @3",C[0]],"npy-derive":["^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(Serializable)] @0 @8 npy",C[8]],"af_packet":["AF_PACKET @5 @0 @3, primarily to be $a @0 high-$J ^c security @P.",C[1]],"freertos_rs":["@3 @s @0 @4 FreeRTOS ^v operating @Q.",C[3]],"grin_wallet_config":["Configuration @0 grin wallet , a @e, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @2 @r on @4 MimbleWimble chain @M.","5.0.1"],"gcemeta":["@k @1 @y ^0 to Google Compute Engine metadata &9.","0.1.4"],"bastion-executor":["Cache affine NUMA-aware executor @0 @3","0.4.1"],"direct2d":["A $W $P @0 drawing @7 Direct2D","0.3.0-alpha1"],"macroquad_@m":["Proc @m @0 macroquad","0.1.2"],"toml":["A &d @3 encoder @6 decoder of TOML-formatted @E @6 streams. Providesimplementations of @4 ^M Serialize/Deserialize $g @0 TOML @A tofacilitate deserializing @6 serializing @3 $j.","0.5.8"],"graph-generators":["Graph @G $X",C[9]],"deno_^Y":["Collection of Web APIs","0.30.0"],"tss-sapi":["@K to @4 TPM 2.0 TSS SAPI","0.0.5"],"daemonize":["@u to enable $p $3 run as a daemon ^O on Unix-$D systems.","0.4.1"],"opentls":["TLS connections @7 OpenSSL.",C[7]],"nitrokey-test":["Supporting ^7 infrastructure @0 @4 nitrokey @8 @6 others @x it.",C[8]],"wasm-nm":["Print @4 symbols @p @W imported in @6 exported @w a wasm $2.",C[7]],"bayespam":["A @e bayesian spam classifier.","1.1.0"],"fast-math":["Fast, approximate versions of mathematical @z.","0.1.1"],"randomkit":["`numpy.random` @0 @3.","0.1.1"],"rusted":["@J $F to highlight &y --explain &P","0.1.3"],"sincere":["^Y @o",C[195]],"unsafe-any":["Traits @6 $5 @0 unchecked downcasting.","0.4.2"],"shelf":["@J key-&m ^L","0.2.2"],"pixset_@c":["^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(PixLike)]","0.0.5"],"yarte":[C[53],"0.14.1"],"coaster":[C[778],"0.1.1"],"hyper-sync-rustls":["Glue $3 @0 Rustls @6 synchronous Hyper.","0.3.0-rc.17"],"msi_klm":["MSI keyboard light &N @1 @6 $q",C[3]],"ocaml-derive":["OCaml $w @d",C[54]],"docopt_@d":["Docopt @m @0 @H $r argument @Y.","0.8.1"],"ucs2":["UCS-2 &f @6 $c @z","0.3.2"],"cubeb-sys":["&B @5 to @4 cubeb @1","0.8.0"],"&x_nice_emoji":["@k is a little bin $i prints a &x nice emoji, $i I $f in my shell prompt",C[8]],"@g_icu_udata":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w Unicode.udata.h","0.4.1"],"oozie":["Oozie is a recommender systems @o $h in @3 @6 &J on Apache Mahout. There will be breaking changes until v1.0.0 (if we get there)","0.1.2"],"ftp":[C[118],"3.0.1"],"kolakoski":["Kolakoski sequence iterator","2.0.0"],"r2d2_redis_cluster":["Redis cluster @t @0 @4 r2d2 connection pool.",C[6]],"ducc":["@3 @5 @0 Duktape, @4 ^v JavaScript $k","0.1.5"],"mongodb-cursor-pagination":["@X cursor @r pagination @0 @4 &d MongoDB ^K in @3.","0.2.9"],"trust-dns-openssl":["Trust-DNS is a $W @6 secure DNS @1. @k is an ^n @0 @4 Trust-DNS @i to $f $u-openssl @0 TLS.","0.20.0"],"maidsafe_vault":[C[68],"0.1.1"],"oxygen_quark":["Oxygen Quark is a maths @1 mainly developed @0 @4 Oxygen Engine.","0.0.11"],"opg_@c":[C[602],"0.0.32"],"ocl":[C[55],"0.19.3"],"olm-sys":["Low @I ^3 @0 libolm","1.0.2"],"ncollide_entities":[C[231],"0.5.1"],"numpy":["@3 ^3 of NumPy C-@C",C[38]],"log4rs-routing-appender":["A routing appender @0 log4rs",C[8]],"probor":["A (prototype of) @V @9 on top of CBOR @p @y protobuf-$D $l",C[1]],"regex_@d":["An @2 of statically compiled regular expressions @0 Rust.Unless @O specifically need &V $B regular expressions or a matchingengine @p is guaranteed not to allocate, @O should temporarily prefer usingthe plain regex @8 (since it is almost always faster).",C[0]],"sigrok-sys":["@K @0 libsigrok",C[0]],"trailing_cell":["@X &D @0 sharing a @A $M where read speed is important @6 strict consistency is not (@A can be stale).",C[3]],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-4":[C[41],C[38]],"robotparser":["robots.txt @j @0 @3","0.10.2"],"tuple_&1":["A set of @L to enable higher @I $V &q tuples.",C[3]],"sha2ni":["SHA-2 ^I @z","0.8.5"],"hmac":["Generic @2 of Hash-@r Message Authentication Code (HMAC)",C[21]],"netopt":["@X options to work @7 tcp or ssl streams @6 has a choice in $G.","0.1.3"],"fixpoint":["Fixpoint @z",C[0]],"ngrams":["Generate n-grams @w sequences","1.0.1"],"sv-parser-parser":[C[314],"0.10.8"],"rpf":["A @o @0 ^9 @3 programs",C[6]],"accel":["GPGPU Framework @0 @3",C[1]],"openblas-blas-provider":["BLAS/LAPACK provider @x @4 OpenBLAS @2","0.0.5"],"gravatar":["A ^P @1 @p generates Gravatar &O URLs.",C[0]],"thrussh-config":["^l to parse .ssh/config @E, including &F to implement ProxyCommand in Thrussh.",C[2]],"rustfft":["High-$J FFT @1 $h in &p @3.","5.0.1"],"sysfs-rs":["@g lib @0 &7 @7 sysfs","0.0.12"],"pallet-nicks":["FRAME pallet @0 nick ^B","3.0.0"],"int-enum":[C[357],C[8]],"exit-future":["Future @p signals exit to many receivers",C[0]],"gds":["An @s to GDS @E","0.1.2"],"oozz":["A CLI ^N @p takes input @6 renders it in an ANSI art font, @6 adds some colored oozz.","0.4.1"],"coreos-installer":["Installer @0 Fedora CoreOS @6 RHEL CoreOS","0.8.0"],"temptree":["Temporary trees of @E","0.0.0"],"novice-tools":["Small @6 &s @z @0 $s beginners",C[9]],"cached":[C[56],"0.23.0"],"hopper":["an unbounded mpsc @7 bounded $v","0.4.2"],"libgssapi":["A $W ^3 to gssapi","0.4.4"],"holochain_conductor_wasm":["holochain wasm",C[34]],"llvm_$t_&1":["Ever wanted to $t “&d” assembly stuff in $p @N $t scripts…something gcc @8 cannot quite handle yet? Welcome to llvm_build_utils $i @y aconvenient @C to pack $p .ll or .bc @E ^i a ready to $f archive full of &R $3! Itdoesn’t even need an installation of LLVM*!",C[3]],"rugcom":[C[18],"0.4.1"],"devise_^T":[C[57],C[0]],"hypospray":["Lightweight &o injection @1","0.1.2"],"i3ipc":["A @1 @0 controlling i3-wm through its IPC @s",C[21]],"@g_basic_matrix":["A @e N*N Matrix @A $M to help @7 constructing graphs","0.0.4"],"storage-map":["Concurrent append-only map ^L",C[3]],"gallop":["General LL(1) &C","1.0.4"],"addr2line":["A cross-@U symbolication @1 $h in @3, @x `gimli`","0.14.1"],"rclist":["`RcList` is read-only, append-only list (log), @p can share $R tail (history) @7 other `RcList`.",C[4]],"hydrogen":["Multithreaded &t TCP socket @Z @x epoll.","0.1.5"],"wasmtime-runtime":[C[114],C[25]],"range":["A @1 @0 range addressing","1.0.0"],"postgis":["An ^n to @g-&Y, adds @t @0 PostGIS.","0.8.0"],"reinterpret":["Low @I $q @z to reinterpret arrays of @A",C[7]],"ttt":["Timeless Time Tracking","1.0.0"],"ssh-keys":["&C of ssh public @6 private keys","0.1.4"],"asn1rs":["ASN.1 to @3, Protobuf @6 SQL ^8/$3 @G. Supports ASN.1 UPER",C[0]],"fiffy":["A @3 @1 intended @0 @e $2 &l",C[64]],"stainless_ffmpeg":["Efficient @3 @h @0 FFmpeg.","0.2.4"],"onefetch":["Git &M summary on $p $A","2.9.1"],"buf":["Read buffer","0.2.2"],"pascal_$b":["Pascal $y in @3.",C[8]],"rusttt":["A CLI game of Tic Tac Toe $h in a week in @3","0.1.1"],"evo":["Evolutionary Algorithm @u @0 @3",C[4]],"$O_elasticache":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon ElastiCache @ 2015-02-02",C[13]],"db":["MatchDB Driver.",C[4]],"tongue":["Yet another shell.","0.1.2"],"pem-parser":["A @e $F to convert RSA keys @w PEM to DER.","0.1.1"],"org-tangle-engine":["A faster way to tangle org-mode.- @4 $k of @4 commend $r $F.","0.1.9"],"mozangle":["Mozilla’s fork of Google ANGLE, repackaged as a @3 @8","0.3.2"],"minidom_ext":["Extension $g @0 minidom::Element","1.1.0"],"colol":["A supersimple $A color @1.","0.3.2"],"cargo-version":["Create @6 tag new versions of a @N $0","0.1.2"],"capnp-futures":["$6 @V @0 Cap'n Proto &E",C[31]],"pairing-heap":["A priority queue @r on a pairing heap.",C[9]],"graphlib":["Graphlib is a @e @6 powerful @g @1 @0 @4 graph @A-$M.","0.6.2"],"libmussh":["SSH Multiplexer","1.1.3"],"binaryen-sys":[C[800],C[19]],"portaudio-rs":["PortAudio @5 @0 @3","0.3.2"],"m4ri-rust":["M4RI-@r boolean linear algebra",C[8]],"chariot_io_&5":["Chariot ^w @8 @0 frequent I/O $V such as ^R a byte","0.1.4"],"kdvtree":["K-dimensional ^k space-partitioning @A $M","0.8.0"],"libinjection":["@3 @5 @0 libinjection","0.2.4"],"pos":["Reads GNSS/IMU position @6 accuracy @E.","0.1.1"],"tracing-appender":["@X @L @0 $2 appenders @6 making non-blocking writers.","0.1.2"],"metrics-recorder-text":["metric recorder @0 hierarchical, ^x-@r &P","0.2.2"],"slog-env-cfg":["Opinionated slog drains builder, configurable via env vars.",C[5]],"rbx_dom_weak":[C[276],"1.10.1"],"@M_xml":["Minimal compiletime templating @0 XML in @3!",C[0]],"nickel-jwt-session":["A nickel middleware @0 jwt-@r user sessions.",C[12]],"display-interface-i2c":["Generic I2C @2 @0 display interfaces",C[8]],"quasi_@d":[C[208],"0.32.0"],"named-binary-tag":["Format is $a by minecraft @0 @4 various @E in $i it saves @A",C[2]],"rust-s3":["@3 @1 @0 ^h @7 Amazon S3 @6 ^d object ^L APIs","0.27.0-beta9"],"exonum-keys":["Exonum node keys ^B.","1.0.0"],"spoolq":["A durable queue backed by filesystem ^L","0.2.3"],"conhash":["Consistent Hashing @1 in @3",C[8]],"num":["A $m of numeric @l @6 $g @0 @3, including bigint,complex, rational, range iterators, ^A integers, @6 more!",C[1]],"ifmt-impl":["@B detail of @4 ifmt @8.","0.3.3"],"lalrpop-snap":[C[541],C[51]],"tokio-async-await":["Experimental $6/await @t @0 Tokio","0.1.7"],"nue":["I/O, POD, @6 misc. $Q @A $c",C[3]],"near-runtime-utils":["@k @8 contains $q @z @0 NEAR $4.","3.0.0"],"feed":["Deprecated. @k ^Q has been merged @7 @4 rss @8.","2.1.0"],"tract-nnef":[C[136],"0.12.5"],"box_^X":["@B of @4 box-^X encryption @9.",C[2]],"unescape":["Unescapes $y @7 escape sequences $h out as literal characters.",C[9]],"sdf":["Read Riegl's .sdf full-waveform LiDAR @A @M","0.1.2"],"solana-budget-api":["Solana Budget ^N @C","0.20.5"],"dining_philosophers":["$d classic concurrency problem, in @3.","0.11.2"],"scrawl":["Opens a user's preferred ^x editor so they can edit @A inline @6 saves @4 result to a String. Useful @0 interactive CLI @P.","1.1.0"],"louds-rs":["High $J LOUDS (Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence) @1",C[8]],"certitude":["Certificate validation logic @0 OS X @6 ^5.","1.1.0"],"ctx":["Context defines a $o, $i carries deadlines, cancelation, @6 other request-scoped ^G across @C boundaries @6 $G processes.",C[0]],"redpitaya-scpi":["Controlling $p redpitaya via SCPI commands","0.27.1"],"sp-npos-elections-compact":["NPoS Compact Solution Type","3.0.0"],"tempfile-fast":["Support @0 &t-specific tempfile extensions","0.3.3"],"pick-one":["Picks one &x element @w an array","1.0.1"],"tiny_ecs":["A tiny ECS @p tries to avoid unnecessary copy/clones","0.19.6"],"econf-derive":[C[683],"0.1.2"],"ssvm-wasi-helper":["A @g @8 to call @4 wasm-wasi initialization ^w $8.","0.1.1"],"osm4routing":["Convert OpenStreetMap @A ^i routing friendly CSV",C[0]],"ice-sys":[C[58],C[4]],"nj-cli":["$t $F @0 node-bindgen",C[8]],"readonly":["Struct fields @p @W made read-only accessible to other modules",C[0]],"ffi-support":["A @8 to help expose @3 @z &q @4 @D.","0.4.2"],"adobe-cmap-parser":["A @1 to parse Adobe CMap @E","0.3.3"],"http-signature-normalization-actix":[C[165],"0.5.0-beta.3"],"com_@d_@t":["Support @1 @0 COM @8 @d",C[8]],"human_name":["A @1 @0 @Y @6 comparing human names","1.0.1"],"differential-dataflow":["An incremental @A-parallel dataflow @U",C[15]],"mrusty":["mruby $W @5 @0 @3. Define @6 run Ruby ^Z &8.","1.0.0"],"google-manager1_beta2-cli":[C[810],C[811]],"gaunt":[C[965],C[9]],"alloc-cortex-m":["A heap ^s @0 Cortex-M processors","0.4.1"],"slice_as_array":["Cast slices to arrays","1.1.0"],"ohnomore":["Transformations @0 TüBa-D/Z lemmas",C[3]],"@w_$2_@c":["Enable #[@c(FromFile)]","0.1.3"],"$n_repr":["Derive Serialize @6 Deserialize @p delegates to @4 underlying repr of a C-$D &G.",C[6]],"uuid-b64":["Base64 $c @0 UUIDs","0.1.1"],"http-signatures":["An @2 of @4 ^o Signatures RFC","0.8.0"],"cryptor":["Cryptor is encryption &R corresponding to @4 diversity of $X.","0.1.3"],"gc":["Tracing garbage collector $L @0 @3. Not ready @0 $f yet, please see README","0.3.6"],"&9_discovery":["Discover other instances of $p $T on @4 local ^c.",C[3]],"rill":[C[309],"0.19.2"],"ckb-logger-config":["CKB &I configurations.",C[70]],"photoacquireuid-sys":["@D @5 to photoacquireuid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"freetype-gl-sys":[C[551],C[0]],"evm-gasometer":[C[224],"0.23.0"],"google-replicapoolupdater1_beta1":[C[947],C[948]],"libretro-backend":["Idiomatic @3 @C @5 to @4 libretro @C",C[7]],"jsonrpc-v1":[C[153],C[9]],"cargo-emit":["Talk to Cargo easily at $t $B.","0.1.1"],"bytebuffer":["A byte buffer @0 networking @6 $Q protocols",C[7]],"v8_rub":["@3 Builder @0 v8","0.0.5"],"bevy_fly_camera":["A basic flying camera in Bevy",C[5]],"chromatica":["$d simplest possible &V-$B color $E.","1.0.1"],"sam":["A &V $B instruction assembler.","1.0.0"],"gfx4games":["Game $k @r on gfx-rs","0.2.2"],"term-basics-linux":["A @e @8 @7 basic $l @0 $A @P.","0.5.5"],"holochain_tracing_@d":[C[381],"0.0.24"],"digest-buffer":["Fixed size buffer @0 $f in ^z ^I @z",C[1]],"yeslogic-unicode-script":["Fast lookup of @4 &g Script property",C[2]],"blake2-rfc":["A &p @3 @2 of BLAKE2 @r on RFC 7693.","0.2.18"],"clang-sys":[C[216],"1.1.0"],"ntex-service":["ntex &9","0.1.5"],"rust-flatten-json":["Tiny @3 @1 @0 flattening ^y @6 ^y $o inference",C[0]],"ansi_rgb":["Colorful console ^x @x ANSI escape sequences",C[0]],"load_$2":["^U to help conveniently load @4 contents of @E during &A.","1.0.0"],"futures-preview":[C[552],C[40]],"jch":["Jump Consistent Hash @0 @3.","1.0.0"],"openal-sys":["@D @5 to OpenAL","1.16.0"],"mock_instant":["a @e way to mock an std::$B::Instant",C[7]],"iptables":["@3 @5 @0 iptables","0.4.1"],"ramhorns-derive":[C[502],"0.10.2"],"wapc-guest":["Guest ^J @0 ^f waPC-compliant ^1 Modules",C[8]],"wasm-bindgen-gc":["Support @0 removing unused items @w a wasm executable","0.2.34"],"mopa":["My Own Personal Any: get $p own Any @7 additional $l","0.2.2"],"libp2p-bitswap":["@B of @4 ipfs bitswap @9.",C[19]],"humantime":["A @j @6 formatter @0 std::$B::{Duration, SystemTime}","2.1.0"],"dataplotlib":["dataplotlib is a(n early stage) hassle-free @1 @0 plotting @A","0.1.3"],"oniguruma":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Oniguruma regular expressions @1.",C[1]],"hls_m3u8":["HLS m3u8 @j/@G",C[8]],"yamakan":["A $m of Black-Box Optimization $X","0.1.1"],"forest_address":["Filecoin addresses @0 $f in Forest",C[1]],"miasht":["Minimum $z ^o @Z/@i @1","0.0.5"],"kcat":["Kind of $D cat, but @7 syntax highlighting @6 keypathing ^i ^y @E.",C[6]],"html-escape":["@k @1 is @0 $c/escaping special characters in HTML @6 &f/unescaping HTML entities as well.","0.2.6"],"zydis":["@K @0 Zydis","3.1.1"],"jsonm":["jsonm @2 port @0 Rust.jsonm is a $S @6 $W way to compress ^y &E @x memoization. jsonm makes &E up to several orders of magnitude smaller by getting rid of repeated names @6 ^G.","0.1.4"],"bool_ext":["A @8 $i defines @6 implements a @q set of `Option`/`Result`-style Boolean functional combinators on Rust's `bool` primitive $o.","0.4.3"],"oaidl":["Crate to manage conversions to/@w SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, @6 BSTR @A $j in COM interop",C[7]],"$O_kinesis":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Kinesis @ 2013-12-02",C[13]],"envelope_detector":["A $m of @l @6 $g &K @0 high $J envelope detection &q a signal.",C[0]],"anduin":["Complex end to end game $k @7 usage of new technologies $D vulkan &0 (vulkano), @6 basic principles: 1) Speed; 2) Memory Safety; 3) Cross-@U; 4) User Friendly","0.0.5"],"mio-child-process":["An ^n to mio to @t child processes",C[7]],"ws_^X_tungstenite":["Provide AsyncRead/AsyncWrite &q Tungstenite WebSockets",C[2]],"bpf":["Attach BPF filters","0.1.3"],"riot-sys":["@3 @D &D @0 @4 RIOT operating @Q","0.3.2"],"matcha":["Useful $b search $X","0.1.1"],"bitarray-set":["A set of bits backed by bit-array","0.4.1"],"rpa_derives":["Derives Module @0 RPA.","0.4.7"],"gfx-backend-dx12":["DirectX-12 @C ^4 @0 gfx-rs","0.7.0"],"palaver":["Cross-@U polyfills.This @1 attempts to provide reliable polyfills @0 $l @p isn't &v on all platforms.","0.3.0-alpha.3"],"tracing-error":["^l @0 enriching errors @7 `tracing`.","0.1.2"],"rustc-serialize":["Generic @V/&a @t corresponding to @4`@c(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)` mode in @4 ^8. Also includessupport @0 hex, base64, @6 json $c @6 &f.","0.3.24"],"beam_$2":["@u @0 &l Erlang BEAM $2","0.2.4"],"psa-crypto":[C[533],"0.7.0"],"poke-a-mango":["What all @4 kool kidz @W playing these days",C[2]],"impersonate":["Become someone else in $p @3 app","0.0.3"],"culqi":["@C @5 @0 @4 Culqi v2 ^o @C",C[7]],"argon2rs":["$d &p @3 password hashing @1 @p runs on Argon2.","0.2.5"],"futures-io-preview":["$d `AsyncRead` @6 `AsyncWrite` $g @0 @4 $1-rs @1.",C[40]],"cargo-fuzz":["A `@N` &3 @0 @x `libFuzzer`! Easy to $f! No need to recompile LLVM!","0.9.0"],"remutex":["Recursive mutex, adapted @w Rust's ^M @1","0.1.1"],"zaif-api":["Zaif @C Wrapper",C[5]],"cognitive-qualia":["Basic $E @6 $g @0 `cognitive`",C[9]],"gremlin-client":["A @3 @i @0 Apache TinkerPop™","0.7.0"],"w32-error":["Encapsulates ^5 @C ^q codes.","1.0.0"],"exonum-cli":["Helper @8 @0 secure @6 convenient $K of @4 Exonum nodes.","1.0.0"],"cargo-testify":["Tool to automatically run tests on $p @3 ^Q @6 notify about @4 result.",C[3]],"nu_$L_post":["An ^o post $L @0 Nushell",C[59]],"ht":["Yet another HTTPie clone","0.6.1"],"gluon_c-api":["C-&0 @0 gluon, a &n, $o inferred $s @R @0 $T embedding",C[35]],"&n_slice":["Macro @0 ^9 &n slices of arbitrary @l.","0.0.3"],"scanner-rust":["@J ^x scanners $i can parse primitive @l @6 $y @x UTF-8 or ASCII.","2.0.13"],"google-androiddeviceprovisioning1-cli":[C[278],C[14]],"lldb":["@3-$D @5 to @4 public LLDB @C. LLDB is @4 debugger @w @4 LLVM ^Q @6 is @4 @Q debugger on Mac OS X.","0.0.8"],"tapi32-sys":["@D @5 to tapi32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"curl":["@3 @5 to libcurl @0 making ^o requests",C[2]],"ovr-mobile-sys":["@3 @5 @0 Oculus VR Mobile ^J",C[8]],"rustscan":["Faster Nmap Scanning @7 @3","2.0.0"],"@g_ci":[C[245],C[0]],"buf_redux":["Drop-in replacements @0 buffered I/O in `std::io` @7 extra features.","0.8.4"],"svgbob_^b":[C[317],"0.5.0-alpha.8"],"pallet-randomness-collective-flip":["FRAME randomness collective flip pallet","3.0.0"],"test-case-derive":[C[558],"0.2.3"],"simplereboot":["@J @Q reboot @2",C[9]],"pest-ast":["Derive to convert @w pest parse ^k to typed syntax ^k","0.3.3"],"mockers_^T":[C[837],"0.9.4"],"ucd-util":["A ^P $q @1 @0 ^h @7 @4 &g character ^V.","0.1.8"],"aklat":["create books @w markdown @E ($D Gitbook)","0.0.20"],"dsuiext-sys":["@D @5 to dsuiext. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"keyutils":["@3 @s to @4 &t keyring.",C[7]],"google-iam1-cli":[C[66],C[67]],"amethyst_^b":["Deprecated, merged ^i amethyst_tools","0.1.5"],"usbd-hid-macros":["Internal @8: contains $w @d @0 HID descriptors. Use @4 `usbd-hid` @8 instead, these @d @W re-exported there.",C[2]],"consistenttime":["Constant $B $V @0 crypto &j.",C[0]],"solana-perf":["Solana Performance APIs","1.5.7"],"reproto-repository":["reproto &M",C[63]],"cratedb":["CrateDB ^K @0 @3.","1.1.0"],"sorty":["A $L to check whether @4 'extern @8', 'mod' @6 '$f' declarations @W in their sorted @M","0.1.2"],"nice":["@K @0 libnice >= v0.1.4","0.1.9"],"modio":["@3 @s @0 integrating &w:// - a modding @C @0 game developers","0.6.1"],"jsonapi":["JSONAPI @2","0.7.0"],"tarrasque-macro":[C[279],C[12]],"imdb-index":["A @1 @0 indexing @6 searching IMDb @x $e retrieval.","0.1.3"],"@9":[C[676],"3.1.7"],"blake2-rfc_bellman_edition":["A &p @3 @2 of BLAKE2 @r on RFC 7693. Forked @0 publishing purposes.",C[4]],"primal-slowsieve":["A @e sieve of Eratosthenes designed @0 ^j faster sieves. Youprobably want `primal-sieve`, or even just `primal` itself.",C[3]],"mm_&O":["Raster &O @1.","0.1.5"],"forest":["Various @2 strategies @0 “DOM-$D” ^k @A $j",C[4]],"collect-mac":["@k @8 @y @4 `collect!` @m, $i can be $a to easily construct arbitrary &u, including `Vec`, `String`, @6 `HashMap`. It also endeavours to construct @4 $m @7 a single allocation, where possible.",C[9]],"ciborium":["CBOR codec @L @7 $n @t",C[9]],"cfg-expr":["A @j @6 evaluator @0 @3 `cfg()` expressions.","0.7.0"],"mozjs_@f":["System @8 @0 @4 Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript $k.","0.67.1"],"jsonschema":["A @8 @0 performing ^y schema validation",C[5]],"fluent-templates":["Templating @0 @4 Fluent localization @o","0.6.1"],"proxer":["Access @4 ProxerMe @C @7 @3","0.3.5"],"wasmer_enumset":["A @1 @0 ^9 compact sets of enums. Wasmer fork to work $C `syn` issue. @k will not be updated once @4 issue is fixed upstream.","1.0.1"],"ncursesw-win":["An ^n @h $C @4 ncursesw TUI @1 (ncurses)",C[8]],"leb128plus":["LEB128+",C[5]],"pnet_base":[C[159],"0.27.2"],"async-graphql":["A GraphQL @Z @1 &v in @3","2.5.3"],"const_@M_&r_@d":["@B detail of @4 `const_format` @8","0.2.8"],"bitcoin_hashes":["Hash @z $a by @g-bitcoin $i @t &y 1.29.0","0.9.4"],"google-dfareporting2d3":[C[93],C[94]],"rustfst":["@u @0 constructing, combining, optimizing, @6 searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs).","0.8.0"],"newtonmath":["Wrapper @0 @4 Newton @C (&w://",C[3]],"stm32f042-hal":[C[627],"0.6.5"],"toml-query":["@u to work @7 toml::Value objects more conveniently",C[12]],"edi":["&C @0 X12 EDI @E",C[0]],"kync":["KyNc – a ^A @C @0 key encapsulation @6 a @3 @s to KyNc-plugins",C[0]],"diet":["A Discrete Interval Encoding Tree @2.",C[9]],"speedy-derive":[C[264],"0.7.1"],"ra_ap_^Q_model":["TBD",C[73]],"google-dfareporting2d5-cli":[C[123],C[124]],"tokio-tungstenite":["Tokio ^3 @0 Tungstenite, @4 Lightweight ^X-@r WebSocket @2",C[38]],"phantom-enum":["A @e @m @1 @0 ^9 phantom enums.","1.0.0"],"sc-finality-grandpa":["Integration of @4 GRANDPA finality gadget ^i substrate.","0.9.0"],"validators-derive":["@k is a @1 @0 validating @6 modeling user input @6 @S @8 @y a $w @m to define validators @7 optional parameters.","0.22.3"],"borrowing_exerci":["how to understand @4 borrowing in @g","0.4.51"],"gcd":["Small @3 @1 (@7 no &8) @0 calculating greatest $R divisor","2.0.1"],"badger":[C[393],C[7]],"unicode-normalization-alignments":[C[142],C[60]],"fileinput":["Read input @w &4 streams.",C[3]],"ilc-format-energymech":[C[87],C[0]],"oqueue":["Non-interleaving multithreaded &P queue","0.1.2"],"gitui":["blazing $S $A-ui @0 git",C[15]],"tsec-sys":["@D @5 to tsec. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"allegro_dialog-sys":["Allegro 5 dialog addon @3 ^3","0.0.41"],"actix-redis":["Redis ^t @0 Actix ^Y","0.9.1"],"forklift":["Forklift loads @3 $Z ^i Python",C[9]],"gg":["A @e Game Programming @1, whose aim is it to get @O going quickly, while then allowing to flesh out.",C[9]],"luminance-derive":["$U @d @0 deriving luminance $g","0.6.3"],"v8unpack4rs":[C[251],C[3]],"abscissa_$u":["Support @0 launching Tokio runtimes within Abscissa @P",C[90]],"apodize":["@e iterators @p yield generalized cosine, hanning, hamming, blackman, nuttall @6 triangular windows","1.0.0"],"misdreavus-test":["demo @8 to ^7 interactions @7","0.7.2"],"cage":["Develop multi-pod docker-compose apps","0.3.4"],"expanduser":["attempts to expand ~ @6 ~user while ^9 a filesystem path","1.2.1"],"bbggez":["Utility @z by @4 Brooks Builds community @0 @4 @3 game $k GGEZ","1.1.0"],"format-sys":["@D @5 to @M. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"librespot-metadata":["$d metadata logic @0 librespot","0.1.3"],"zcfg":["No-frills @1 @6 $Q $K via @H $r or $2.",C[0]],"balena-cdsl":[C[570],"0.10.6"],"wascc-httpsrv":["^o Server capability provider @0 @4 waSCC wasm host $4","0.9.2"],"conduit-mime-types":["MIME $o $E @0 conduit","0.7.3"],"dwrote":["Lightweight ^3 to DirectWrite.",C[15]],"slice-dst":["Slice-@r custom DSTs","1.5.1"],"$t_const":["@1 @0 ^9 importable constants @w or a script",C[7]],"google-logging2":[C[137],C[138]],"specs":["Specs is an Entity-Component-System @1 $h in @3.","0.16.1"],"rudolfs":["A high-$J, caching Git LFS @Z @7 an ^r S3 back-end.",C[1]],"snekdown":["A @j @0 @4 custom snekdown markdown syntax","0.33.3"],"rustler_^T":["Compiler $L @0 Rustler",C[61]],"tarpc-bincode-transport":["A bincode-@r transport @0 tarpc services.","0.7.0"],"unic-ucd-normal":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Normalization Properties","0.9.0"],"self-ref":["Allows @4 creation of self-referencing structs.","0.1.2"],"git-interactive-rebase-tool":["Full feature $A @r sequence editor @0 git interactive rebase.","2.0.0"],"ck3save":["Ergonomically work @7 all CK3 saves (regular @6 ironman)",C[7]],"sknife":["Swiss knife @0 $R @g functional @L","0.2.2"],"utf8-ranges":["DEPRECATED. Use regex-syntax::utf8 submodule instead.","1.0.4"],"tui-logger":["Logger @7 smart widget @0 @4 `tui` @8","0.4.10"],"qp2p":[C[1013],"0.9.16"],"github-templates":["Generate GitHub issue templates",C[0]],"ffmpeg":["Safe FFmpeg @h",C[3]],"pallet-scored-pool":["FRAME pallet @0 scored pools","3.0.0"],"termize":[C[441],"0.1.1"],"vegas-lattice":["CLI @6 @1 to work @7 lattices",C[8]],"swc_@d_$R":["Common @L @0 swc @d.",C[1]],"shader_$9":["A ^w @1 @0 detecting @6 picking ^d shaders","0.7.0"],"cargo-update":["A @N &3 @0 checking @6 applying updates to installed executables","5.0.0"],"loopdev":["Setup @6 control loop &S",C[7]],"conjecture":["Core $k @0 Hypothesis $5","0.7.0"],"moreops":["a set of @e &K additional &Q","0.4.1"],"haru":["A $S, dynamically-typed general purpose scripting @R","0.29.5"],"bolero-generator":[C[500],C[5]],"imag":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag @H",C[21]],"^x_writer":["Depreacted. Use `std::fmt::Write` instead.",C[88]],"mu_@T_@l":["Extension of @3 @T @l @0 MuTechIndustries.","1.0.1"],"atomicwrites":["Atomic $2-writes.","0.2.5"],"fluence-app-service":["Fluence Application Service",C[0]],"scinotation":["A @1 @0 representing ^F in scientific notation","0.0.2"],"cohle":[N,C[4]],"&y_apfloat":["rustc_apfloat ripped out of rustc_private modified to @t compiling on stable.","0.1.3"],"light_arena":["A ^C, placement @r $v arena @0 @l $i @W Sized + Copy. @k @8 requires nightly.","1.0.1"],"geng":["Game Engine","0.8.0-alpha.2"],"wasmer-clif-backend-fl":[C[463],C[36]],"security-framework":["Security.framework @5 @0 macOS @6 iOS","2.0.0"],"solana-noop-program":["Solana Noop ^N","1.5.7"],"fftw3-sys":["Low-@I @5 to @4 FFTW3 @1.","0.0.2"],"$b_cache_shared":["Code share $G string_cache @6 string_cache_codegen.",C[3]],"crusadertest1":[C[146],C[9]],"rle-decode-fast":["THE fastest way to implement any kind of &f @0 Run Length Encoded @A in Rust.Writing a $S decoder @p is also $W can be quite challenging, so @S @8 is here to save @O thehassle of maintaining @6 ^j $p own @2.","1.0.1"],"reactor-cache":["An $6 cache @x $u @6 $1","0.1.1"],"crypto-util":["crypto-bank @L",C[9]],"mt19937":["A translation of @4 MT19937 Mersenne Twister rng $7 to @3","2.0.0"],"prototty_decorator":["Prototty views @0 decorating other views","0.29.0"],"hexf-impl":["Hexadecimal float @t @0 @3 (auxiliary @8; see also hexf)",C[9]],"platform-info":["A @e cross-@U @s to get info about a @Q",C[4]],"utf8-width":["To determine @4 width of a UTF-8 character by &6 its first byte.","0.1.4"],"futures-async-runtime-preview":[C[140],"0.2.3"],"tlnat":["$o @I non-negative integer constants @0 @g","0.1.2"],"lsp-server":["Generic LSP @Z scaffold.",C[2]],"xpring":["@3 @i-side @1 @0 @4 XRP Ledger","0.0.10"],"mp4ameta":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N iTunes style MPEG-4 audio metadata.","0.9.0"],"http-types":["Common @l @0 ^o $V.","2.10.0"],"dlv-list":["Semi-doubly linked list &v @x a vector","0.2.2"],"git2":["@K to libgit2 @0 interoperating @7 git repositories. @k @1 isboth threadsafe @6 $v $W @6 allows both ^R @6 $N gitrepositories.","0.13.17"],"polylabel_cmd":["A @H-$r $q @0 finding optimum polygon label positions","1.4.0"],"starship":[C[325],"0.50.0"],"aead":["Traits @0 Authenticated Encryption @7 Associated Data (AEAD) $X,such as AES-GCM as ChaCha20Poly1305, $i provide a high-@I @C",C[8]],"noc":["Nereon NOC syntax checker @6 playground @Z",C[5]],"google-youtubeanalytics1-cli":[C[679],C[680]],"fluence_sdk":["@3 ^J @0 $N @P @0 Fluence","0.0.6"],"neovim":["Support @0 $N Neovim plugins in @3.",C[9]],"mfplat-sys":["@D @5 to mfplat. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"streaming-iterator":["Streaming iterators","0.1.5"],"reproto-backend-rust":[C[62],C[63]],"flexbuffers":["Official FlexBuffers @3 $4 @1.","0.2.2"],"systemstat":["systemstat","0.1.7"],"toml_edit":["Yet another @M-preserving TOML @j.",C[0]],"schnorrkel":["Schnorr VRF, signatures, etc. @x @4 Ristretto group","0.9.1"],"colored_json":["Colorize ^y, @0 printing it out on @4 @H $r","2.1.0"],"bitmaptrie":["Bitmapped vector trie (mutable, not persistent). Word-size path-cached indexing ^i essentially a sparse vector. Requires @g-nightly.","2.0.0"],"promises":["Effective, @e, ^C Javascript promises in @3",C[0]],"native-dialog":["A @1 to display dialogs. Supports GNU/&t, BSD Unix, macOS @6 ^5.","0.5.4"],"serial-unit-testing":["Serial unit ^j ^N @6 @1","0.2.4"],"ina260":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @7 @4 I2C @r TI INA260 power monitor",C[1]],"zkp":["A toolkit @0 auto-&i $5 of Schnorr proofs","0.8.0"],"fbxcel-dom":["FBX DOM @1","0.0.6"],"fixedbitset":["FixedBitSet is a @e bitset $m","0.3.2"],"cidr-utils":["@k @8 @y @A $j @6 @z to deal @7 IPv4 CIDRs @6 IPv6 CIDRs.",C[2]],"wgpu-native":["WebGPU &d @2 on gfx-hal","0.5.1"],"wasmly":["programatically $t a ^Y assembly ^H",C[0]],"bitio":["Basic bitwise IO @0 @3.","0.0.4"],"chbs":["A @8 &6 secure passphrase ^6 @r on a wordlist",C[9]],"squash-sys":["@f-@I @5 to @4 squash ^D @1","1.0.2"],"gfx-descriptor":[C[523],C[0]],"windows_winmd":["Winmd @j @4 windows @8",C[1]],"operational":["Operational Monad","0.0.5"],"peek":["A query @R @0 serializable @A $j.",C[1]],"embedded-serial":["Some $g to describe @4 features of ^v Serial (UART) &S.",C[2]],"funty":["Trait generalization &q @4 primitive @l","1.2.0"],"cargo-sysroot":["Simply @6 Easily cross-&V @4 @3 sysroot $Z.","0.8.0"],"templatify":["A $S template to $b @m.","0.2.3"],"etcd-client":["An etcd v3 @C @i","0.6.1"],"game-of-life-parsers":["Collection of parsers @0 Conway's game of life.","2.0.1"],"itsybitsy_m0":["Board Support @8 @0 @4 Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0",C[12]],"dolores":["A calendar ^B $T on terminals",C[64]],"magic-sys":["Declarations @0 `libmagic`",C[7]],"gpio-utils":["Command-$r @L @0 &7 @7 GPIOs under LinuxThis wraps @4 `sysfs_gpio` @8 in a form usable by bothRust @P or any other @P.",C[3]],"ffmpeg-sys":[C[108],"4.2.1"],"oxygengine-ignite-types":["Ignite @l ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"devx-cmd":["Convenience @h &q std::^O::Command @0 xtask $Z",C[1]],"maud_htmlescape":["Internal @t $3 $a by Maud.",C[36]],"xpath_&H":["@X a convenient @C to read @w XML @x XPath expressions.","0.5.3"],"gettext":["An @2 of Gettext translation @o @0 @3",C[8]],"riker-default":["Riker's default Model @6 modules &6 @T services","0.2.4"],"capnp-rpc":["@2 of @4 Cap'n Proto remote procedure call @9",C[31]],"webkit2gtk-webextension":[C[240],C[12]],"pqcrypto-ntru":["Post-Quantum Key-Encapsulation Mechanism ntru","0.5.2"],"auto_ops":[C[104],C[3]],"slog-retry":["slog Drain @p reconnects on errors @6 tries again","0.1.1"],"tokio-smtp":["An SMTP @1 @0 Tokio",C[3]],"guid":["A @m @0 $N ^5 GUID ^G as convenient literals.",C[9]],"guillotiere":["A dynamic 2D texture atlas ^s @7 $S deallocation.",C[5]],"google-iam1":[C[66],C[67]],"$W_nfs":[C[68],"0.6.1"],"tracing-futures":["^l @0 instrumenting `$1` @7 `tracing`.","0.2.4"],"twiggy-parser":[C[69],C[5]],"genevo":["genevo @y ^f blocks to run simulations of optimization @6 search problems usinggenetic $X (GA).Execute genetic $7 (GA) simulations in a customizable @6 extensible way.",C[2]],"xxhash2":["@K to libxxhash to provide @4 xxHash $7 in @3. Also contains animplementation of @4 std::^I $g so @S can be $a @7 @4 standardHashMap.",C[9]],"structenv_@c":[C[472],C[4]],"detect-lang":["&U detection given paths @6 extensions","0.1.5"],"roots":["@u of well known $X @0 numerical root finding.","0.0.6"],"kdri":["@u @p lets @O control Kettler &S via bluetooth","0.4.3"],"ckb-async-runtime":["CKB $6 $4 @h.",C[70]],"libudt4-sys":["&B @5 to a C @h $C @4 UDT @1",C[0]],"google-vault1":[C[298],C[71]],"libc-print":["println! @6 eprintln! @d on libc ^Z stdlib","0.1.16"],"gfx_window_glutin":["Glutin window @0 gfx-rs","0.31.0"],"quick-js":["QuickJS Javascript $k @h",C[8]],"jsonc-parser":["JSONC @j.","0.15.1"],"strum_@d":[C[405],"0.20.1"],"google-androidmanagement1":[C[751],C[72]],"wasmer-middlewares":["A $m of various &K middlewares","1.0.2"],"GenGen":["A genetic ^A $7 in @3",C[9]],"petal-neighbors":["Nearest neighbor search $X including a ball ^k @6 a vantage point ^k.","0.5.1"],"wordcrab":["A @H-$r $F @0 counting lines, words @6 characters in documents.",C[19]],"bip_peer":["Communication @7 bittorrent peers via peer wire @9",C[2]],"sonogram":["A spectrograph $q $h in @3","0.4.3"],"portaudio-sys":["@K to PortAudio","0.1.1"],"olepro32-sys":["@D @5 to olepro32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"strfmt":["strfmt: @g @1 @0 formatting dynamic $y",C[6]],"pallet-staking":["FRAME pallet staking","3.0.0"],"conrod_wgpu":["A @8 to assist @7 &W conrod UIs via wgpu.","0.71.0"],"sha-1":["SHA-1 ^I $8","0.9.3"],"display-as-proc-macro":["A ^w @8 @0 display-as-template.","0.4.3"],"rustls":["Rustls is a modern TLS @1 $h in @3.",C[54]],"tlv_@j":["BER-TLV @Y & emitting @1","0.7.0"],"scryfall":["A @h $C @4 scryfall magic @4 gathering &0","0.7.2"],"concat-idents":["Allows concatenating &4 identifiers @6 @x them everywhere","1.1.2"],"tessel":["Runtime @1 @0 @4 Tessel microcontroller.",C[1]],"rusp":["$d @3 USP toolkit",C[19]],"differential-evolution":["@J @6 powerful global optimization @x a self-adapting differential evolution.","0.2.2"],"webidl":["A WebIDL @j","0.9.0"],"dynparser":["Dynamic @j. You can define rules at run $B. It's possible to $f peg @M","0.4.2"],"ctl10n":["Compile-$B localization @1",C[0]],"max7219":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @4 MAX7219 (LED ^K)",C[3]],"reql-derive":["DEPRECATED: $f reql-@d","0.0.10"],"arabic_reshaper":["Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be $a in @P @p doesn't @t Arabic script.",C[0]],"near-sdk":[C[236],C[396]],"rp-sys":["@D @5 to redpitaya @C","0.28.1"],"worley-noise":["Worley noise @2","3.7.0"],"unic-char-property":["UNIC — &g Character Tools — Character Property taxonomy, contracts @6 $t @d","0.9.0"],"fluvio-stream-model":["Fluvio Event Stream Model","0.4.1"],"obj-exporter":["Wavefront obj exporter @0 @3",C[0]],"gettext-utils":["Utility @8 @0 gettext-@d",C[9]],"fluent-locale":[C[695],C[21]],"retro-pixel":["Bitmaps @l @0 getting @p retro visual.","0.3.2"],"echo":["Macro echo! @0 println!(\"{}\"...) shorthand",C[4]],"taskschd-sys":["@D @5 to taskschd. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"bdf":["BDF @M $Y.",C[5]],"safety-guard":["#[safety] attribute to ^m a corresponding doc entry @6 a debug assertion if a constraint is specified.","0.1.9"],"silverknife":["[WIP] All-in-one @1 @0 games @6 game-$D @P",C[4]],"google-games1-cli":[C[828],C[72]],"parsley":["An @2 of Scheme","0.9.0"],"shapir":["Unofficial ShareFile REST @C ^J",C[2]],"fluence-faas":["Fluence FaaS",C[0]],"table-extract":["Utility @0 extracting @A @w HTML tables","0.2.2"],"hbs-acc-pow-sys":["@D @5 to libhbs-acc-pow",C[7]],"binary-reader":["A $Q &H @0 @g-lang. @0 step by step.",C[3]],"glslang-sys":["Low @I @5 @0 @4 GLSL Reference Compiler",C[4]],"trimmer":["A whitespace- @6 $v-friendly template $k","0.3.6"],"c2rust-bitfields-derive":["C-^d struct bitfield @c @2 $a in @4 C2Rust ^Q",C[7]],"ra_ap_stdx":["TBD",C[73]],"hypercore":["Secure, &T, append-only log","0.11.1-beta.10"],"hbs-acc-sys":["@D @5 to libhbs-acc",C[7]],"named-block":["Macro ^a early-exit-@w-any-block",C[1]],"c2rust-ast-exporter":["Clang AST extraction @C @0 $f in @4 C2Rust ^Q",C[42]],"nonblocking_socket":["Non-blocking Read::read() $V on AsRawFd structs (i.e. TcpStream)","0.0.2"],"redlock-rs":["[DEPRECTAED] Use redlock instead",C[7]],"thin_main_loop":["Thin, cross-@U, main event loop. A ^f block @0 &d GUI @P, among other $f cases.",C[0]],"tripcode":["A @1 @0 $H tripcodes on imageboards @6 textboards.",C[7]],"num-rational":["Rational ^F @2 @0 @3","0.3.2"],"chrono-humanize":["Human-friendly $B expressions - similar to Python arrow.humanize","0.1.2"],"lexical-core":[C[448],"0.7.5"],"google-container1-cli":[C[603],C[126]],"google-appengine1_beta4-cli":[C[74],C[75]],"aster":[C[807],"0.41.0"],"tk-listen":["A set of ^w $1 allowing to listen TCP (or unix) socket @7 resource limits @6 proper ^q $Y.",C[7]],"sp-runtime-interface":["Substrate $4 @s","3.0.0"],"ns-std-threaded":["Name &9 @2 @0 abstract-ns @p uses stdlib's @2 run in a &k pool",C[3]],"abort_on_panic":["Intercept panic! @w unsafe locations @6 abort @4 ^O","2.0.0"],"rafy":["@3 @1 to download YouTube content @6 retrieve metadata",C[7]],"npy":["NumPy $2 @M (de-)@V",C[8]],"envconfig_@c":[C[76],"0.9.1"],"transmission":["A $W ergonomic @h @0 @4 Transmission BitTorrent @1.",C[1]],"rados_hi":["Opinionated high-@I @h @0 librados (Ceph).","0.2.4"],"flag-algebra":["An @2 of Razborov's flag algebras",C[88]],"max17048":["A I2C ^K @8 @0 @4 max17048/9 LiPo Fuel gauge IC",C[9]],"introspection-derive":[C[203],C[9]],"spinner":["A @e @1 to add more interactivity to $p $A @P.",C[2]],"google-blogger3":[C[455],C[77]],"tui":["A @1 to $t rich $A user interfaces or dashboards",C[31]],"rsoundio":["libsoundio @5 @0 @3",C[6]],"ccl":["Fast datastructures @0 $f in highly concurrent systems.","5.1.5"],"automata":["An @2 of ^M finite state automata such as DFA, NFA, Regex","0.0.4"],"$O_rds":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Relational Database Service @ 2014-10-31",C[13]],"byte-slice-cast":["Safely cast bytes slices @w/to slices of built-in fundamental numeric @l","1.0.0"],"git-checks":[C[540],"4.1.0"],"redismodule":["Write Redis modules in @3","0.1.2"],"netatmo-rs":["@J @1 to talk to Netatmo's @C",C[2]],"futures-timer":["Timeouts @0 $1.","3.0.2"],"muta-apm-derive":["Muta tracing $w @d.","0.1.0-alpha.12"],"triadic-census":["Calculates @4 triadic census @0 directed graphs",C[0]],"rustful":["A light ^o @o, @7 some REST-$D features @6 @4 ambition of being @e, modular @6 non-intrusive.","0.9.0"],"vapoursynth":["Safe @3 @h @0 VapourSynth @6 VSScript.",C[3]],"steamy-vdf":["VDF $2 @M $Y.",C[0]],"parcel":["Crate renamed to pax.","1.0.0"],"build-env":["Extract $e about @4 $t ^O @w @4 &h",C[3]],"prototty_^x":["Prototty ^x &W","0.29.0"],"zoet":["Adds `#[zoet]` @m to reduce boilerplate when ^a $R $g.",C[6]],"type-operators":["A @m @Q @0 ^9 $o operators in @3 @6 $N $o-@I logic.","0.3.5"],"openhmd-rs-sys":["Unsafe OpenHMD @5",C[6]],"iridium":["A resilient VM @0 @4 Palladium @R","0.0.33"],"shdocvw-sys":["@D @5 to shdocvw. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"thousands":["Adds digit separators to ^F, configurably.",C[0]],"cblas_ffi":["CBLAS @D @5.",C[9]],"ninput-sys":["@D @5 to ninput. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"partial_$T":["partial $8 $T via @4 partial! @m",C[7]],"diesel_^b_ext":["@X different &5 @0 projects @x @4 diesel_cli.","0.3.6"],"clippy_lints":["A bunch of helpful lints to avoid $R pitfalls in @3","0.0.212"],"plaster":["A wasm-bindgen @o @0 making @i-side single-page apps","0.2.5"],"linenoise-sys":[C[258],"1.0.0"],"open":["Open a path or URL @x @4 ^N configured on @4 @Q","1.4.0"],"fdh":["Full Domain Hash (FDH) @0 extending @4 size of a ^I digest to an arbitrary length","0.8.1"],"skulpin-app-winit":["A winit-@r $T layer @0 skulpin","0.5.1"],"dts_viewer":["A ^N to allow easier viewing of device ^k @E.",C[3]],"discard":["Discard $I $i allows @0 intentionally leaking $v","1.0.4"],"random-wheel":["A little @2 of &x wheels ($a in genetic $7 @0 selection)",C[1]],"sanitize_html":["Rule-@r HTML Sanitization @1","0.7.0"],"libimagstore":[C[29],C[21]],"slink":["@J remote dev environments &q SSH","0.2.2"],"pathcch-sys":["@D @5 to pathcch. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"proc-macro-hack":["$U @d in &L position","0.5.19"],"gc_$L":["Garbage collector $L @0 @g-gc","0.1.1"],"ei":["erl_interface @0 @g","0.1.2"],"palladium":["A high @I, dynamic @R $h @0 @4 Iridium VM.","0.0.26"],"let-it-go":["","0.1.2"],"markup5ever":["Common $3 @0 xml5ever @6 html5ever",C[12]],"doccy":["Doccy is a @e brace @r markup @R.","0.3.2"],"acpi":["@u @0 @Y ACPI tables","2.2.0"],"time-parse":["Parse iso8601 periods",C[0]],"google-fitness1-cli":[C[839],C[77]],"xterm":["xterm @1",C[4]],"mio-more":[C[78],C[9]],"insert_many":["insert_many optimization @0 vec-$D $j","0.1.1"],"floating-duration":["Converts durations to fractional ^F andallows automatic formatting of durations.","0.1.2"],"ical":["Ical/Vcard @j @0 @3","0.7.0"],"humanize-rs":["For @Y human-readable $y to some @l.","0.1.5"],"clone":["clone","0.1.2"],"rev_lines":["@3 Iterator @0 ^R @E $r by $r @7 a buffer in reverse",C[7]],"spirit-log":["Spirit &F @6 config fragments @0 &z","0.4.3"],"easybench-wasm":["A ^C benchmarking @1 @0 Wasm target",C[7]],"dargo":["Some &K third-party &5 @0 Cargo","0.0.6"],"piston-timer_controller":["A timer controller","0.21.0"],"nthash":["ntHash is a rolling ^I $8 @0 hashing all possible k-mers in a DNA sequence.","0.4.3"],"validators-options":["@k is a @1 @0 validating @6 modeling user input @6 @S @8 @y options $a @7 @4 `alidators-@c` @8 @6 @4 `validators` @8.",C[25]],"xplm-sys":["Low-@I @5 @0 @4 X-Plane $L ^J",C[8]],"ckb-chain-spec":["$d CKB block chain specification",C[70]],"oas3":["Structures @6 &5 to parse, navigate @6 validate OpenAPI v3 specifications.",C[7]],"glide":["Cross-@U media player @r on GStreamer @6 GTK+","0.5.8"],"t_bang":["@X @d @0 getting @4 $o of a resource, `t!(variable)` will return @4 $o as &str","0.1.4"],"ti154":["@u @0 ^9 @6 @Y TI 15.4 UART packets.","0.3.4"],"oxilangtag":["@J @6 $S @2 of @R tag normalization @6 validation","0.1.1"],"win_etw_metadata":["@X metadata $E @0 @4 win_etw_provider @6 win_etw_macros $Z.","0.1.1"],"sgx_tunittest":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"sid_vec":["Tiny @1 &6 id @l @6 an id-@r vector.",C[7]],"libtls":["@3 @5 @0 LibreSSL's libtls.","1.2.0"],"ipconfig":["Get ^c adapters $e @6 ^c $K @0 windows.","0.2.2"],"arraystring":["Fixed capacity stack @r ^A $b",C[3]],"structured":["Data $j to handle large, structured @A.",C[7]],"ts3plugin-sys":["@D @5 to @4 TeamSpeak3 $L @C",C[8]],"devtimer":["A @e @1 @0 benchmarking $3","4.0.1"],"cloudevents-sdk-rdkafka":["CloudEvents official @3 ^J - Kafka ^t",C[1]],"google-geo":["get geo infomation by latitude @6 longitude, @x @F map &9",C[9]],"sgf-parser":["A @1 @0 @Y SGF @E","2.6.0"],"compressor":["A high $J digital signal compressor, designed @0 compressing @4 amplitude of audio @A.",C[3]],"unic-ucd-ident":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Identifier Properties","0.9.0"],"atat":["AT &C @0 serial @r device $Z","0.7.1"],"tugger":["Package @6 distribute @P",C[0]],"opentelemetry-jaeger":["Jaeger exporter @0 OpenTelemetry",C[15]],"termwiz":["Terminal Wizardry @0 Unix @6 ^5",C[15]],"emoji":["A @1 of emoji","0.1.1"],"cstr_@T":["@B of CStr @6 CString @0 no_std environments.","0.2.2"],"rocket-include-handlebars":["@k is a @8 $i @y @d `handlebars_resources_initialize!` @6 `handlebars_response!` to statically include HBS (Handlebars) @E @w $p @3 ^Q @6 make them be @4 ^o response sources quickly.","0.12.20"],"base64":["encodes @6 decodes base64 as bytes or utf8",C[38]],"ostree":["@3 @5 @0 libostree","0.9.1"],"elf_rs":["A @e no_std ELF $2 &H @0 ELF32 @6 ELF64","0.1.3"],"ckb-traits":[C[91],C[70]],"async-session":["Async session @t @7 pluggable middleware","2.0.1"],"pacman":["@u @0 &7 @7 pacman $0 &N on linux","0.1.3"],"json-color":["Colorize ^y $y","0.7.1"],"appendlist":["An append-only list @p preserves references to its elements","1.4.0"],"pathfinder_canvas":["A GPU-accelerated vector ^u renderer @p works $D HTML canvas",C[2]],"spectral":["Fluent ^7 assertions",C[5]],"shmem":["Shared $v across processes.",C[0]],"target":["Get $e on compilation target","1.0.0"],"nipponium":["Toolkit @0 Japanese ^x.","0.1.1"],"h2":[C[170],C[3]],"wayland-server":["@K to @4 ^M C @2 of @4 wayland @9, @Z side.","0.28.3"],"miniserve":["For when @O really just want to serve some @E &q ^o right now!","0.10.4"],"pact_matching":["Pact-@3 @t @1 @p implements request @6 response matching logic","0.8.11"],"$t_timestamp":["@J &r-@m to ^m a $t timestamp $b as a const",C[9]],"rml_rtmp":["@3 @1 @0 $Y aspects of @4 RTMP @9.","0.3.3"],"join_impl":["@B of @4 `join!` @m.",C[3]],"intrusive":["Proof-of-concept $I @0 intrusive iterators.","0.0.4"],"discid":["@K @0 MusicBrainz libdiscid","0.4.4"],"ordinal":["Formatting of ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)","0.2.3"],"dyn-future":["Convenient @6 $S dynamic Futures @0 @3.","3.0.4"],"rurel":["Flexible, reusable reinforcement learning (Q learning) @2","0.1.2"],"hdbconnect":["A &p @g ^K @0 SAP HANA(TM)","0.23.0"],"solana-transaction-status":["Solana transaction status @l","1.5.7"],"nu-parser":["Nushell @j",C[59]],"cli-setup":["Helper @z @0 installing manpages alongside a @H-$r $F.","0.2.7"],"$O_rekognition":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Rekognition @ 2016-06-27",C[13]],"hunter":["Fast, lag-free $A $2 browser","1.3.5"],"libflo":["@X all of @4 components of libflo.","0.1.2"],"gdk":["@3 @5 @0 @4 GDK 3 @1",C[80]],"muiload-sys":["@D @5 to muiload. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"headers-derive":["@c(Header)","0.1.1"],"bootloader_precompiled":["Precompiled $9 of @4 bootloader @8",C[3]],"arr_@m":["Initialize arrays @7 ease!","0.1.3"],"catfs":["Cache AnyThing filesystem","0.8.0"],"static-http-cache":["A local cache @0 &n ^o resources",C[0]],"comfy-table":["An &s to $f @1 @0 ^f beautiful tables @7 automatic content wrapping","2.1.0"],"smallset":["An unordered set of elements optimized @0 ^P sizes","0.1.1"],"countdown":["A @e countdown timer","0.1.2"],"combinations":["@k @8 give @O all @4 combinations of ^G in a vec",C[9]],"fraktur":["...",C[9]],"gzlib":["Gardenzilla @T @1","0.2.60"],"polly":["A templating @R @0 @3.","0.1.2"],"update_rate":["A ^A, low-overhead rate counter @0 FPS counters @6 @4 $D.","2.0.1"],"winsta-sys":["@D @5 to winsta. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"graphql_@i_^T":[C[885],"0.9.0"],"stm32f1xx-hal":["HAL @0 @4 STM32F1xx family of $x","0.7.0"],"rls-span":["Types @0 identifying $3 spans/ranges","0.5.3"],"zbase32":["@B of zbase32.","0.1.2"],"&s_$y":["Ergonomic, garbage collected $y @0 @3",C[0]],"i3nator":["i3nator is Tmuxinator @0 @4 i3 window &N","1.2.0"],"varsun":["varsun @y shell/@H-prompt $D variable substition @z.","0.1.1"],"arbalest":["Like Arc but where weak references don't forbid mutable ^0",C[7]],"google-tasks1-cli":[C[997],C[26]],"compile-time-crc32":[C[141],"0.1.2"],"step":["A $I @p allows @0 stepping numeric @l.",C[0]],"comrak":["A 100% CommonMark-^d GitHub Flavored Markdown @j @6 formatter","0.9.1"],"magenta-sys":["Low-@I @3 @5 @0 @4 Magenta kernel",C[0]],"sqs-lambda":["SQS Service ^w @1","0.21.1"],"noisy_float":["Contains floating point @l @p panic if they @W set to an illegal &m, such as NaN","0.1.13"],"piston3d-cam":["A @1 @0 3D camera @6 navigation",C[8]],"solana-ed25519-dalek":["Fork of ed25519-dalek @0 `^g`; only $a @0 upstreaming fixes",C[0]],"cv-core":["Contains @T ^2 $a in computer vision @P",C[42]],"google-appengine1-cli":[C[152],C[72]],"servo_arc":["A fork of std::sync::Arc @7 some extra $l @6 ^Z weak references","0.1.1"],"youtube-subscriptions":["$A UI @0 viewing youtube subscriptions","0.2.74"],"fontdue":["A @e no_std font @j @6 rasterizer.",C[8]],"tinystr":["A ^P ASCII-only bounded length $b representation.","0.4.2"],"pc-keyboard":["PS/2 keyboard @s @1.","0.5.1"],"google-appsactivity1-cli":[C[81],C[82]],"rl-sys":["&B @5 to libreadline.","0.5.2"],"fstrings":[C[348],"0.2.3"],"magic":["libmagic @5","0.12.2"],"git-clean":["A $F @0 cleaning old git branches.","0.5.1"],"benchmarking":["@k @8 can be $a to execute something @6 measure @4 execution $B. It does not &P anything to screens @6 filesystems.","0.4.9"],"azure_sdk_^L_table":["@3 &D $C Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Table ^L @8","0.41.3"],"ntex-amqp":["AMQP 1.0 &X/Server @o","0.3.0-b.5"],"ruma-identifiers":["Resource identifiers @0 Matrix.",C[809]],"unhtml":["A magic html @j","0.8.0"],"gstreamer-sys":["@D @5 to libgstreamer-1.0","0.9.1"],"netstat2":[C[125],"0.9.1"],"winstrm-sys":["@D @5 to winstrm. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"askama_@c":["$U @m $0 @0 Askama","0.10.5"],"vault-api":["Vault @C @1","0.7.2"],"ethabi":[C[102],"13.0.0"],"weezl":["Fast LZW ^D @6 decompression.","0.1.4"],"ev3dev-lang-rust":["@3 @R @5 @0 ev3dev",C[12]],"tari_pubsub":["Single publisher @7 &4 subscribers to topic &E",C[7]],"json_&I":["A ^y &z @2.",C[9]],"beerxml":["beerxml/json/yaml/toml @j @G","0.1.8"],"@g_fluent":["fluentd @i @0 @g",C[3]],"sendfile":["Sendfile is a @h $C @4 sendfile(2) @Q call.",C[3]],"stm32-fmc":["Hardware Abstraction Layer @0 STM32 Memory Controllers (FMC/FSMC)",C[7]],"evalexpr":["A powerful arithmetic @6 boolean &L evaluator","5.0.5"],"culper":["A $F to embedd encrypted secrets in yaml @E","0.3.2"],"ndarray-rand":["Constructors @0 randomized arrays. `rand` ^t @0 `ndarray`.",C[38]],"shamirsecretsharing":["Shamir secret sharing @1 @0 @3","0.1.4"],"frugalos":["Frugal Object Storage","1.2.0"],"lights":["A @H $r Hue light controller","0.1.5"],"metrics-runtime":[C[744],C[83]],"zinc64":["Commodore 64 emulator app","0.8.0"],"imdb-rename":["A @H $r $q @0 searching IMDb @6 renaming $p media @E.","0.1.5"],"bolero-honggfuzz":["honggfuzz $L @0 bolero",C[5]],"holochain_&z":["A &I @0 Holochain","0.0.7"],"tinycdb-sys":["@D @5 to @4 TinyCDB C @1 (&e://","0.0.2"],"azure":["@K to Mozilla's Moz2D @1","0.37.0"],"video-metadata":["Video metadata @j","0.1.2"],"libgitbox":["git-box @1",C[9]],"refraction":["A general-purpose lens @1 @0 @3.","0.1.2"],"digits":["Custom “numeric” incrementor ^Z u64 MAX limit in size. Like a score flipper @0 a custom character set.","1.1.0"],"blockchain":["Unopinioned blockchain @o","0.9.2"],"ndarray":["An n-dimensional array @0 general elements @6 @0 numerics. Lightweight array views @6 slicing; views @t chunking @6 splitting.",C[31]],"markup":[C[769],C[15]],"nest":["Use $p filesystem as a nested @A store","1.0.0"],"assign":["@J @m to allow mutating instance @7 declarative flavor","1.1.1"],"gut":["Geometry @L: storing, manipulating @6 &l geometries","0.6.2"],"wireless":["@u @0 dealing @7 wireless (i.e. GSM, UMTS @6 LTE) cell identities.","0.2.2"],"aspect":[C[215],C[7]],"device-types":["shared device @l $a throughout device-scanner @6 IML",C[3]],"grin_&0":["APIs @0 grin, a @e, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @2 @r on @4 Mimblewimble chain @M.","5.0.1"],"bam":["Crate @p allows to read @6 &b BAM, SAM @6 BGZIP @E, $h completely in @3.","0.1.2"],"bitarray":["A const generics driven bit array","0.2.6"],"netlib-src":["$d $0 @y a source of BLAS @6 LAPACK via Netlib.","0.8.0"],"lta":["🚍 Singapore LTA Datamall @3 &X $h in &p @g @7 @t @0 $z requests","0.5.0-beta"],"@v_pubsub":["A $u @r publish-subscibe channel","0.1.3"],"base62":["A Base62 $c/&f @1","1.0.0"],"nus3audio":["A @1 @0 ^h @7 namco nus3audio audio archives.","1.1.0"],"kafka-topic-analyzer":["An analyzer @0 getting metrics about @4 contents of a Apache Kafka topic",C[8]],"authz":["Permission-@r authorization @1","0.1.5"],"parze":["A clean, ^S @j combinator","0.7.3"],"pharos":["Observer pattern $i generates a $1 0.3 ^X of events","0.4.2"],"dinghy-test":[C[171],"0.4.50"],"fixed_width":["A fixed width @A @j.",C[8]],"maybe_utf8":["Byte container optionally encoded as UTF-8","0.2.3"],"raft-consensus":["Raft consensus $7 @2",C[8]],"simplers_optimization":["A @3 @2 of @4 @J(x) black-box optimization $7.","0.4.2"],"ab_glyph":["@C @0 loading, scaling, positioning @6 rasterizing OpenType font glyphs.","0.2.9"],"ergo":[" making rust's ecosystem more ergonomic, therefore more fun.","0.1.2"],"shingles":["Shingles @2 in @g","0.1.1"],"tendril":["Compact buffer/$b $o @0 zero-copy @Y","0.4.2"],"jsl":["^y Schema &U validator @6 @L.",C[1]],"idna":["IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) @6 Punycode.",C[7]],"pgp":["OpenPGP @2 in @3","0.7.1"],"sixel":["A $W @3 @h @0 libsixel","0.3.2"],"solana-fixed-buf":["A fixed-size byte array @p supports bincode $n","0.22.9"],"aesni":["AES (Rijndael) block ciphers @2 @x AES-NI",C[12]],"kickstart":["A @e way to get started @7 a ^Q",C[7]],"casperlabs-contract":[C[758],"0.6.1"],"mqtt4bytes":["MQTT 4 @T @V @6 &a",C[8]],"libimagentrymarkdown":[C[29],C[21]],"tokio-simplified":["A simplified @C to interract @7 $u sinks @6 streams","0.2.2"],"nu_$L_start":["A $L to open @E/URLs directly @w Nushell",C[59]],"minimal-id":["A @1 @p implements $H short, unique ids @7 minimal collisions @6 good locality","0.8.0"],"i3":["i3 Window Manager IPC @u","0.0.17"],"io-providers":["Enables &o injection @0 many I/O $V","0.2.0-beta.3"],"iron-json-response":["Json response middleware @0 Iron ^Y @o",C[5]],"parse_cfg":["Parse Rust's `cfg(not(any(target)))` attribute syntax","2.0.0"],"hg-git-fast-import":["A $q to import single @6 &4 Mercurial repositories to Git.","1.3.7"],"structconf":["Combine clap @6 @g-ini ^i a single $w @m",C[8]],"hematite":["A @e Minecraft @i","0.0.34"],"orderbook":["Orderbook @0 @3","0.1.9"],"libui-sys":["Low-@I @g @5 @0 libui","0.1.9"],"resid-rs":["Port of reSID, a MOS6581 SID emulator $k, to @3","1.0.4"],"topological-sort":["Performs topological sorting.",C[9]],"objc_exception":["@3 @s @0 Objective-C's throw @6 try/catch statements.","0.1.2"],"gen-iter":["temporary util @0 ^9 iterators @x generators",C[0]],"faerie":["ELF @6 Mach-o &d $Q object $2 emitter",C[51]],"video":["...",C[9]],"jsonrpc2":["JsonRPC2 @u","0.1.1"],"&y_lexer":["@3 lexer $a by &y. No stability guarantees @W provided.",C[9]],"stringly_conversions":["A @8 helping to convert to/@w various representations of $y.","0.1.1"],"whisper":["Whisper $B series $2 @t",C[88]],"fscmp":["Utility @0 comparing @E/directories","0.2.16"],"uni-gl":["Unrust &d/wasm openGL compatibility layer","0.1.2"],"viu":["View images right @w @4 $A.","1.3.0"],"protoc-rust":["protoc --rust_out=... available as @C. protoc needs to be in $PATH, protoc-gen-run does not.","2.22.0"],"nbchan":["Highly optimized non-blocking communication channels","0.1.3"],"ptr-union":["Pointer union @l @4 size of a pointer by storing @4 tag in @4 alignment bits.","2.1.0"],"hyperloglogplus":["HyperLogLog $5.",C[3]],"immutable_arena":["An arena @0 immutable-once-built objects @7 possibly cyclic references","0.1.1"],"wincolor":["DEPRECATED. Use winapi-util instead.","1.0.3"],"enclave":["Secure enclave $4 @6 @1","0.1.4"],"snow":["A &p-@g @2 of @4 Noise ^p Framework","0.7.2"],"special":["$d $0 @y special @z.","0.8.1"],"please":["Foundation @0 ^a long-lived ^V locks",C[7]],"wlc":["Safe @K @0 Cloudef's wlc (Wayland Compositor C-@u)","2.0.1"],"qapi-codegen":["QEMU QAPI ^T ^w",C[2]],"conrod_example_shared":["A ^P @8 @0 sharing $R $3 $G conrod examples.","0.71.0"],"$n_bytes":[C[752],"0.11.5"],"approveapi_openapi":["INTERNAL USE ONLY. OpenAPI-&i ApproveAPI @g @i, $a by @4 official @i: &w://$Z/approveapi.","0.1.9"],"$n_rustler":["Serde Serializer @6 Deserializer @0 Rustler NIFs",C[9]],"$O_dynamodbstreams":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon DynamoDB Streams @ 2012-08-10",C[13]],"ecies":["Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme @0 secp256k1 in @3",C[7]],"jamkit":["A ^P game &A @1.",C[1]],"arush":["a set of &1","0.0.5"],"metrix":["metrics @0 $T monitoring","0.13.12"],"fpe":["Format-preserving encryption",C[8]],"xml-rpc":["Pure @3 @2 of XML-RPC","0.0.12"],"webrtc-sdp":["@k create parses $y in @4 @M of @4 Session Description ^p according to RFC4566. It specifically supports @4 subset of features required to @t WebRTC according to @4 JSEP draft.","0.3.8"],"cute_custom_default":["Derive @m @0 `Default` $I @7 customization","2.1.0"],"radix-tree":["A radix ^k @2 @0 router, path search",C[9]],"bisetmap":["BisetMap is a $S @6 &k-$W two-way ^I map of sets. It is best suited where @O need to associate two collumns uniquely. Each key is associated to one or more other unique ^G. $d $M is interior mutable @6 all $V @W &k $W. Each clone @y ^0 to @4 same underlying @A. Serialize @6 Deserialize @w $n @W also &v.",C[6]],"$O_sagemaker_$4":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon SageMaker Runtime @ 2017-05-13",C[13]],"casual":["@J @8 @0 @Y user input.",C[0]],"arrow-flight":["Apache Arrow Flight","3.0.0"],"debug_stub_@c":["A drop-in replacement @0 `#[@c(Debug)]` @p supports replacement ^G @0 members $i do not implement `fmt::Debug.`",C[3]],"va_list-test":["Testing &F @0 @4 va_list @8",C[4]],"sentry-types":[C[84],C[25]],"arduino_mkrzero":["Board Support @8 @0 @4 Arduino MKRZERO",C[12]],"cell":["A replacement of std::cell::RefCell adding advanced @t @0 mapping borrows.","0.1.8"],"yade":["Yet Another Derive Error","0.1.2"],"eudex":["A blazingly $S phonetic reduction/hashing $7.","0.1.1"],"wasmer-compiler-llvm":["LLVM ^8 @0 Wasmer ^1 $4","1.0.2"],"bufrng":["An RNG @p generates '&x' ^F copied @w a given buffer. INTENDED FOR TESTING AND FUZZING ONLY!!","1.0.2"],"system-configuration-sys":["Low @I @5 to SystemConfiguration @o @0 macOS","0.4.1"],"difflib":["Port of Python's difflib @1 to @3.",C[8]],"nss-webpki":["Glue @0 @x webpki @7 NSS","0.3.2"],"ptags":["A parallel universal-ctags @h @0 git &M","0.3.2"],"hashindexed":["A cache. A set $i compares elements in a customisable way ^Z overriding @4 eq() @6 ^I() @z on @4 $o itself.","0.1.1"],"google-pubsub1_beta2":[C[623],C[364]],"redis-protocol":["Structs @6 @z to implement @4 Redis @9.","1.0.0"],"fuchsia-zircon-sys":["Low-@I @3 @5 @0 @4 Zircon kernel","0.3.3"],"theban_db_@s":["a $R @s @0 @4 db-@Z @6 @4 datastructure",C[0]],"xaswitch-sys":["@D @5 to xaswitch. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"counter":["@J $0 to count ^A iterables","0.5.2"],"css-color-parser2":[C[728],"1.0.1"],"gpgme-sys":["Raw @5 @0 gpgme","0.9.1"],"bit-vec":["A vector of bits","0.6.3"],"cargo-insta":["A review $F @0 @4 insta snapshot ^j @1 @0 @3","1.6.0"],"sqlib":["A ^P TS3 Server Query @1 @6 channellist @Z","0.2.6"],"chip8_vm":["Virtual &R @0 @4 CHIP-8 $s @R",C[8]],"salsa20":["Salsa20 Stream Cipher","0.7.2"],"determinator":["Figure out $i packages changed $G two commits to a workspace.",C[7]],"lightspeed_cms":[C[85],"0.33.4"],"gsgdt":["Generic Stringly Typed Graph Datatype","0.1.3"],"tls-api-test":[C[105],C[8]],"defmt-macros":["defmt @d","0.1.1"],"holochain_$R":["holochain @T commons",C[34]],"mouscache_@c":["A $q @8 implement $I to store object either in redis or in $v",C[8]],"stfu8":["Sorta Text Format in UTF-8","0.2.4"],"fountain":["&C @6 formatter @0 @4 Fountain screenplay markup @R",C[60]],"simplisp_extensions":["@X some basic @z @0 simplisp.",C[8]],"sgx_crypto_^w":[C[79],"1.1.0"],"copperline":["Pure-@3 Command Line Editing @u",C[3]],"semververfork":[C[866],"0.1.64"],"unbase":["Unbase intends to be a causal, coordination-free &T @A-persistence @6 $T @o. It is fundamentally reactive, fault tolerant, @6 decentralized.","0.1.1"],"libxm":["A ^3 of libxm @0 @3. A ^P XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player @1. Designed @0 &s ^t in demos @6 such, @6 @y timing @z @0 &s sync against specific instruments, samples or channels.","1.0.0"],"servo-glutin":[C[410],C[42]],"unicode-vo":["&g vertical orientation detection",C[9]],"libostree-sys":["*DEPRECATED* Please $f @4 'ostree-@f' @8 instead",C[0]],"statrs":["Statistical computing @1 @0 @3",C[38]],"argo":[C[631],C[4]],"netsnmp-sys":["@3 @D @5 to Net-SNMP","0.1.1"],"rhododendron":["Asynchronously $W BFT @9, $1-@r @2","0.7.0"],"git-freq":["Gets @4 frequency of commits in a git &M.","0.0.2"],"unic-langid":[C[166],"0.9.0"],"rocket-file-cache":["An in-$v $2 cache @0 @4 Rocket ^Y @o.","1.0.0"],"adamantium":[N,C[4]],"ispc_&V":["A $t-$B &o @0 Cargo $t scripts to help @7 compilingand linking to ISPC $3, @6 $H @3 @5 to @4 resulting library.The &i @5 can be imported by @x ispc_rt, $i will alsosupport linking to pre-built ISPC $3. Using pre-built binaries is usefulfor distributing a @1 or $F @x ISPC, while not requiring end usersto have @4 ISPC ^8.","1.0.9"],"@e_xml_serialize_@m":[C[789],C[7]],"poisson":["Poisson-disk ^e @G.",C[21]],"herald":["Herald is a @1 to help @O to track change of $p @A struct.",C[9]],"cdylib-link-lines":["Collection of link-lines &K to $t correct cdylibs on targets","0.1.2"],"erty":["...","0.0.2"],"qotd":["An @2 of RFC 865",C[9]],"bolt-proto-derive":["$U @d @0 bolt-proto.","0.5.1"],"cargo-frc":["A @N ^n @0 deploying @g $3 to FRC robots.",C[8]],"dataview":["Safe transmute $G @l @6 bit patterns of @4 same length.","0.1.1"],"aom-sys":["@D @5 to aom","0.2.2"],"cranelift-frontend":[C[1018],"0.69.0"],"racer-testutils":["^7 @1 @0 racer, don't $f",C[9]],"libjit-sys":[C[388],C[7]],"solana-vest-program":["Solana Vest ^N","1.5.7"],"wordpieces":["Split tokens ^i word pieces","0.4.1"],"x264":["Encoding H.264 video.",C[3]],"lep":["Mini @R @0 interactive consoles, featuring ^P $3 footprint.","0.4.4"],"protocoll":["clojure &J protocols @0 @g &u.",C[1]],"sfmt":["@3 @2 of SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT)",C[5]],"mhost":["More than host - A modern take on @4 classic host DNS lookup $q including an &s to $f, @6 very $S @3 lookup @1",C[45]],"help":[C[481],"0.0.0"],"datafusion-arrow":[C[336],"0.12.4"],"lmdb":[C[464],"0.8.0"],"clog":[C[717],"0.9.1"],"bv":["Bit-vectors @6 bit-slices","0.11.1"],"stm32f7":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32F7 &S",C[24]],"rustfm":["A @3 @s @0 APIs","0.1.2"],"evercrypt":["Crypto @1 @x formally verified $3 @w HACL/Evercrypt","0.0.6"],"askama":["Type-$W, compiled Jinja-$D templates @0 @3","0.10.5"],"metropolis":["A high @I &s to $f ^u renderer","0.9.1"],"rcublas":["$W @3 @h @0 CUDA's cuBLAS",C[2]],"pkcs8":["Pure @3 @2 of Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #8:Private-Key Information Syntax Specification (RFC 5208)","0.4.1"],"bacteria":["Bacteria: Strobe & Transcript ^p","0.0.8"],"gdk-pixbuf":["@3 @5 @0 @4 GdkPixbuf @1","0.9.0"],"lamport_signatures":["Lamport signatures @2 post quantum cryptography","0.2.4"],"fluvio-protocol-codec":["Frame encoder @6 decoder @0 fluvio @9",C[0]],"juniper_graphql_ws":["GraphQL &q WebSocket @9 @2 @0 Juniper","0.2.3"],"GSL-sys":[C[470],"2.0.1"],"kythe-indexer":["A $L @0 $H knowledge graphs of @3 $3",C[9]],"crates-test":["Testing playground @0 Wouldn't it be nice to have a stagingarea? Bump [ issue #1503](&w:// replacement of @4 #[^7] attribute @p initializes @4 env_loggerbefore running tests.","0.0.4"],"$n_wat":["Scary @d @0 serde_json",C[9]],"channel-async":["Async/Stream Extensions @0 crossbeam-channel","0.3.0-deprecated"],"slurp":["Small @h &Q @0 loading @E","1.0.1"],"vector2math":["Traits @0 doing 2D vector geometry $V @x ^M @l","0.11.1"],"token-generator":["It returns an unsed token",C[9]],"investments":["Helps @O @7 managing $p investments","2.7.0"],"sled":["Lightweight high-$J &p-@g transactional ^v ^V.","0.34.6"],"commands":["A @H @Q @0 @3. @k @y a general @H @Q $i can be $a in a variety of environments, including GUI @P @6 @H $r @L. @k is &J by elements of @4 Lisp Machine, @4 Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM), router @H $r interfaces, @6 @4 TOPS-20 @H $r among other things.","0.0.5"],"ruster_unsafe":[C[86],C[8]],"treebitmap":["Fast IPv4/IPv6 lookup trie.",C[8]],"event-brust":["Excessively @e event @Q.","0.2.3"],"solana-metrics":["Solana Metrics","1.5.7"],"parity-wasm-cp":[C[320],C[6]],"core-futures-tls":["A libcore @h allowing $6/await to be $a @w no_std $Z","0.1.1"],"linux-personality":["Wrapper $C &t personality $8.","1.0.0"],"solana-watchtower":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"rfyl":["A dice roller accepting dice notation.",C[1]],"polytype":["A Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing @Q.","6.1.1"],"estunnel":["Tool @0 downloading @A @w elasticsearch cluster.","1.8.6"],"google-audit1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 audit (@9 v1)","0.1.11+20150419"],"ulid":["a Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier @2","0.4.1"],"libmath":["Mathematical @L",C[7]],"external_mixin":["Use $p favourite interpreted @R to ^m $p @3, rightin $p @3. Supports Python, Ruby @6 shell (`sh`) out of @4 box,@7 an extensible @m to @t any others. (See `rust_mixin` tobe able to $f $p all-$B favourite @R to ^m $p @3.)",C[4]],"queryparse":["A bare bones &e query $b @j.","0.1.1"],"conllu":["Readers/writers @0 @4 CoNLL-U &o @M",C[5]],"plist-sys":["Raw @5 to @4 libplist @1.","0.1.5"],"geo":["Geospatial ^2 @6 $X",C[36]],"nrf52810-hal":["HAL @0 nRF52810 $x",C[19]],"os_socketaddr":["A $o @0 $Y @U-&d socket addresses (struct sockaddr)",C[0]],"nom-varint":["Parse varints ($a by Celeste, Minecraft, @6 ^p buffers) @x nom.",C[1]],"$8_name":[C[879],C[0]],"uritemplate":["@3 @2 of RFC6570 - URI Template @p can processURI Templates up @6 to including ones designated Level 4.","0.1.2"],"concur":["A parallel repeat $8 @0 running shell commands","0.1.4"],"nalgebra":["General-purpose linear algebra @1 @7 transformations @6 statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices.","0.24.1"],"future-bus":["Futures @r SPMC channel (bus)",C[7]],"graph":["Graph @1 @0 @g","0.0.2"],"threatbutt":["@5 to @4 threatbutt &0","0.0.2"],"tokio-batch":["Deprecated. Use $1-batch instead. An adaptor @p chunks up elements @6 flushes them after a timeout or when @4 buffer is full.","0.5.1"],"fluvio-protocol-api":["fluvio @9 @C &F",C[0]],"tts":["High-@I Text-To-Speech (TTS) @s",C[31]],"libxdo-sys":["@D @5 to libxdo",C[15]],"munch":["Blazing $S, zero-copy @j combinator @1 @7 an elegant @C @0 both $y @6 bytes.","0.8.0"],"unix_mode":["Decode Unix $2 mode bits (even on non-Unix platforms)","0.1.1"],"bip_util":["^l @0 @4 Bittorrent Infrastructure Project",C[2]],"grpc":["@3 @2 of gRPC","0.8.2"],"pqcrypto":["Post-Quantum ^z ^2","0.12.2"],"anylog":["A @1 @0 @3 @p attempts to parse single log lines ^i records.","0.6.1"],"ilc-format-weechat":[C[87],C[0]],"rax":["@3 @h @0 @4 ANSI C Radix Tree \"rax\" &w:// @2 $a in Redis","0.1.5"],"paw-attributes":["Proc Macro attributes @0 @4 Paw @8.","1.0.2"],"perfcnt":["@u to configure @6 read hardware $J counters in @g.",C[5]],"rustlex":["Lexical analysers @G @0 @3, $h in @3",C[8]],"obofoundry":["Structures to deserialize OBO Foundry listings ^i.","0.8.0"],"sqlite3_tokenizer":["Tokenizes SQL $y as SQLite would",C[9]],"stdsimd":["SIMD @t in Rust's ^M @1.","0.1.2"],"qml":["Safe QML @5 @0 @3","0.0.9"],"core-midi-sys":[C[556],"0.1.1"],"succinct":["Succinct @A $j @0 @3","0.5.2"],"batch_resolve_^b":["Fast $z batch DNS resolver built on top of Tokio @6 TRust-DNS","0.3.7"],"dinput8-sys":["@D @5 to dinput8. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"opentelemetry-tide":["OpenTelemetry ^t @0 Tide","0.6.1"],"hasher":["Package hasher @y a Hasher $I.","0.1.3"],"winres":["Create @6 set windows icons @6 metadata @0 executables",C[88]],"curses-sys":["@D @5 @0 curses","6.0.0-2"],"light-morse":["A @1 @0 Morse $3 @2 in @3.",C[0]],"futures-await-test-macro":["Helper @8 @0 $1-await-^7.",C[3]],"stm32h743":["A peripheral @C created (@x svd2rust 0.13.0) @0 @4 STM32H743ZI","0.2.2"],"reproto-backend":[C[62],C[63]],"libpasta":["All-inclusive password hashing @1","0.1.1"],"sokoban-rs":["An @2 of Sokoban in @3","1.2.2"],"blockies":["@u @p generates blocky identicons.",C[3]],"d2d1-sys":["@D @5 to d2d1. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fragile":["@X @h @l @0 sending non-send ^G to other threads.","1.0.0"],"wchar":["$U @d @0 &V $B UTF-16 $y","0.6.1"],"google-dataproc1":[C[818],C[89]],"hal-rs":["A &p @g @1 @0 $H Hal responses.",C[4]],"rust-xml":[N,"0.1.1"],"nonempty":["Correct by construction non-empty vector",C[5]],"line-wrap":["Efficiently insert $r separators","0.1.1"],"kube-derive":["Custom derives @0 @4 kube kubernetes $Z","0.50.0"],"tw_pack_lib":["A Total War series pack $2 @1","0.1.21"],"genco":[C[238],"0.15.1"],"email":["@B of RFC 5322 email &E","0.0.21"],"$O_health":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Health APIs @6 Notifications @ 2016-08-04",C[13]],"tomlenv":["Manage $p &h $K @7 TOML","0.4.1"],"carbon":["thin @h of @g-lang/$B. Utility @0 $Y date @6 $B.",C[9]],"libp2p-tcp":["TCP/IP transport @9 @0 libp2p",C[98]],"vswhom":["@D to Jon Blow's VS discovery script",C[9]],"brutils":["Some @L @0 @3","0.1.51"],"gifski":["pngquant-@r GIF maker @0 nice-looking animGIFs","1.3.3"],"po":["A @3 @C @6 @H-$r notification pusher @0 @4 Pushover notification &9","0.1.4"],"pct":["&C Construction Toolkit",C[9]],"mpfr-sys":["libmpfr low-@I @5","0.0.8"],"chacha20":["$d ChaCha20 ^X cipher (RFC 8439) &v in &p @3 @x traitsfrom @4 RustCrypto ^X-cipher @8, @7 optional architecture-specifichardware acceleration (AVX2, SSE2). Additionally @y @4 ChaCha8, ChaCha12,@6 XChaCha20 ^X ciphers, @6 also optional rand_core-^d RNGs basedon those ciphers.",C[5]],"dirs-next":["A tiny low-@I @1 @p @y @U-specific ^M locationsof directories @0 config, cache @6 other @A on &t, ^5, macOSand Redox by leveraging @4 mechanisms defined by @4 XDG base/userdirectory specifications on &t, @4 Known Folder @C on ^5,@6 @4 Standard Directory guidelines on macOS.","2.0.0"],"isomorphism":["2 directional hashmaps","0.1.3"],"apply_pub":["A @3 syntax ^n @0 applying @4 `pub` visibility modifer to many items at once.","0.0.2"],"cts":["Converts CSV @A ^i SQL INSERT statements.",C[2]],"async-ringbuffer":["A nonblocking spsc ring buffer @7 fixed capacity.","0.5.5"],"romulus":["a ^X editor $D sed",C[0]],"$c_index_tests":["Helper @d $a to ^7 index tables @0 character encodings","0.1.4"],"lyon_path_builder":[C[300],"0.9.0"],"wiggle-macro":["Wiggle $3 @G",C[25]],"enimda":["Entropy-@r &O border detection","0.4.1"],"atty":["A @e @s @0 querying atty","0.2.14"],"chess_perft":["@k $0 runs a 'perft' ^7 on a particular chess position. @k makes every move out to a certain depth, @6 counts @4 &2 of leaf-nodes. @k is $a to verify @p move ^6 is correct @6 $S. @k also (optionally) verifies @p @4 hashing $8 produces unique ^G @0 each position.","3.1.1"],"z":["Changed name, email me if @O want @S @8 name",C[0]],"mbedtls-sys-auto":["@3 @5 @0 MbedTLS.This $9 generates @4 correct @5 at &V $B @x bindgen.","2.25.2"],"numanji":["Local-affinity first NUMA-aware ^s @7 optional fallback","0.1.5"],"crc_all":["A Pure @3 @B of Generic CRC Algorithm",C[0]],"w_result":["A result $o @p carries warnings","0.1.2"],"buffer":["Safe, &b-only, generics-free buffer $P","0.1.8"],"ted":["Core ^x editor $l.","0.7.0"],"teardown_^k":["A $Q search ^k @p supports $S clone @6 delete-range $V","0.6.6"],"proc-macro2-next":["A stable @2 of @4 upcoming new `proc_macro` @C. Comes @7 anoption, off by default, to also reimplement itself in terms of @4 upstreamunstable @C.",C[386]],"abi_stable_@c_lib":[C[106],"0.6.2"],"polyfuse":["A FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) @1 @0 @3.","0.4.1"],"microamp":["Asymmetric Multi-Processing on $x",C[451]],"baal":["DEPRECATED","0.7.0"],"aljabar":["A super ^A, super experimental linear algebra @1.","1.0.2"],"smoltcp":["A TCP/IP stack designed @0 bare-metal, real-$B systems ^Z a heap.","0.7.0"],"yatt":["Yet Another Task Tracker","0.9.0"],"abscissa":["Application microframework @7 @t @0 @H-$r option @Y,$K, ^q $Y, &z, @6 $A interactions.This @8 contains a CLI $q @0 $H new @P.",C[90]],"uhttp_media_$o":["Zero-allocation ^o MIME/media $o @j",C[2]],"libsocket":["Light @h $C Unix sockets @6 various socket options.","0.1.1"],"hecate":["OpenStreetMap Inspired Data Storage Backend Focused on Performance @6 GeoJSON Interchange","0.62.0"],"oxcable":["A signal &l @o @0 making music @7 @3.","0.5.1"],"sp-finality-grandpa":["Primitives @0 GRANDPA ^t, suitable @0 WASM compilation.","3.0.0"],"derive-try-from-primitive":["Custom @c a try_from method @0 primitive to &G conversions","1.0.0"],"remote-trait-object-macro":["Macro @p expands a @3 $I to a remote-$I-object &9","0.4.1"],"solana-genesis":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"mockall_double":["Test double adapter @0 Mockall",C[0]],"cortex-m":["Low @I ^0 to Cortex-M processors","0.7.1"],"ckb-pow":[C[91],C[70]],"xhtmlchardet":["Character set detection @0 XML @6 HTML","2.1.0"],"chardetng_c":["C @5 @0 chardetng","0.1.2"],"pentest-toolbox":["@k is a pentest ^7 $0","0.1.14"],"mmslice":["Memory Mapped File Slice (read-only) @0 @3",C[9]],"ordered-float":["Wrappers @0 total ordering on floats","2.1.1"],"seq":["$d ^H 'seq' @y @4 ^C, ^A sequence container 'Seq' @0 unmovable @A @6 is ^v ^i @4 ^N during &V $B.",C[2]],"kg-diag":["Error/diagnostic ^B. I/O routines @0 ^R UTF-8 textual @A @7 position tracking.",C[8]],"littletest":["A little ^j @1.","0.2.2"],"rc-u8-reader":["A tiny implement @0 ^R `u8` @A @w a reference counted instance.","2.0.12"],"dbcc":["Compiles `@A base CAN` (dbc) @E ^i @3 $3.","2.2.1"],"sacn":["@3 sACN @2.","0.4.4"],"curve25519-parser":["Curve25519 &C - DER/PEM @j @0 OpenSSL Ed25519 / X25519 keys",C[0]],"cargo-test-junit":["Converts @N ^7 &P ^i a junit report","0.6.7"],"randomx-rs":["@3 @5 @0 @4 RandomX Proof-of-Work",C[2]],"ckb-hash":["CKB default ^I $8.",C[70]],"unzip-n":["$U @m to ^m `unzip` @0 iterators &q n-sized tuples","0.1.2"],"cmdtree":["(@3) commands ^k",C[21]],"rmp-futures":["Async @3 MessagePack @6 MessagePack-RPC",C[0]],"llvm-alt-sys":[C[92],"0.1.4"],"ioctl-rs":["@3 @5 @0 @Q ioctls.",C[0]],"doubter":["A ^w @8 @0 ^j @3 $3 blocks in Markdown",C[9]],"assert_matches":["Asserts @p a &m matches a pattern","1.5.0"],"wasmtime-wiggle-macro":["Macro @0 integrating Wiggle $3 @G @7 Wasmtime",C[25]],"eng-wasm-derive":[C[135],"0.1.7"],"zero85":["@3 @2 of ZeroMQ's base85 $7.",C[0]],"gladis_&r_@m":["Easily import Glade-&i UI @E ^i @3 $3 (&r @m).","0.4.1"],"ffsvm":["A libSVM ^d @t vector &R, but up to 10x faster, @0 games or VR.","0.8.0"],"libxml":["A @3 @h @0 libxml2 - @4 XML C @j @6 toolkit developed @0 @4 Gnome ^Q","0.2.16"],"vrp-scientific":["An ^n logic @0 solving scientific VRP","1.8.0"],"stringer":["An &s way to turn an Unsafe *const c_char ^i a @3 String $o @6 return a pointer.",C[6]],"$O_emr":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Elastic MapReduce @ 2009-03-31",C[13]],"google-appengine1_beta5":[C[376],C[75]],"coi":["coi is a Dependency Injection @1.",C[12]],"sgxs-loaders":["Platform-specific loaders @0 SGX enclaves.The following loaders @W supported:* SGX device (&t)* Enclave @C (^5)* libsgx_enclave_common (&t & ^5)",C[1]],"commander-macros":["@k @8 is $a by commander-@g only. Please don't $f it!","1.2.0"],"rustcov":["@3 Code Coverage","0.0.0"],"nalgebra-lapack":["Linear algebra @1 @7 transformations @6 satically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices.",C[42]],"wee_alloc":["wee_alloc: $d Wasm-Enabled, Elfin Allocator","0.4.5"],"habitica_@g_@i":["Unnoficial Habitica Api @3 &X","0.1.5"],"librocksdb-sys":[C[180],"6.11.4"],"tokei":["Count $p $3, quickly.","12.1.2"],"cpclib":["Set of &5 @6 &j to ease demomaking on @4 Amstrad CPC @U. WIP","0.4.4"],"ruyi":["An event-driven @o @0 non-blocking, $z I/O in @3",C[6]],"autogui":["GUI Automation toolbox @0 @3",C[8]],"form-checker":["A @1 @0 Web developers to check @4 ^G @w a submitted form ora query $b.","0.2.2"],"^X_multiplexer":["Combines many streams ^i a few.","0.16.1"],"doryen-rs":["Pure @g OpenGL accelerated roguelike console @C @7 &d/wasm @t","1.2.3"],"github_webhook_message_validator":["@X @z @0 validating GitHub webhook payloads.","0.1.5"],"^V":["Database.",C[2]],"riven":["Riot Games @C @u","1.11.1"],"local-ip":["Get $p local IP address.",C[9]],"$n_@7":["Custom de/@V @z @0 Rust's $n","1.6.2"],"synstructure":["Helper &Q @6 @d @0 custom derives","0.12.4"],"c-ares":["A @3 @h @0 @4 c-ares @1, @0 $z DNS requests.","7.3.0"],"ibc-proto":["ibc-proto is a @4 @3 @2 of @4 Cosmos ^J proto structs.","0.7.0"],"pbp":["bridge non-PGP @Q to PGP @A @M",C[8]],"fibers_global":["$d global executor of fibers","0.1.2"],"nibble_vec":["Vector @A-$M @0 half-byte ^G.",C[9]],"growable":["A growable, reusable box @0 @3.",C[5]],"yaiouom":["Extensible, strongly-typed units of measure, @7 a custom $o @Q (@r on F#'s unit of measures) &v as a linter.","0.1.3"],"rurust":["High @I Ruby VM @5",C[88]],"cargo2junit":["Converts cargo's json &P (@w stdin) to JUnit XML (to stdout)",C[6]],"grid":["Dynamic ^A 2D @A $M.","0.2.3"],"ash-molten":["Statically linked MoltenVK @0 Vulkan on Mac @x Ash","0.30.0+38"],"sc-consensus-slots":["Generic slots-@r @L @0 consensus","0.9.0"],"dbcrossbar":["Program @0 copying @A $G databases (pre-release)",C[716]],"coinbase-pro-rs":["Coinbase pro @i @0 @3","0.6.9"],"merkle-cbt":["A @1 @0 $H ^S Merkle ^k @6 combined Merkle proof @r on @q $Q ^k",C[3]],"rblas":["BLAS @5 @6 &D","0.0.13"],"lifx-core":["Low-@I control of LIFX bulbs on $p LAN",C[0]],"graphsearch":[C[212],C[5]],"bevy_gltf":["Bevy Engine GLTF loading",C[8]],"flexi_config":["@X $K @0 flex_config via a $2.",C[9]],"ttdl":["TTDL - Terminal ToDo List &N","2.0.0"],"dasp_peak":["A DSP peak detection @1 ^A &q @4 rectifier.",C[15]],"pallet-vesting":["FRAME pallet @0 manage vesting","3.0.0"],"google-cloudlatencytest2":[C[296],C[297]],"lucet-validate":["Parse @6 validate webassembly @E against witx @s","0.6.1"],"google-dfareporting2d3-cli":[C[93],C[94]],"seda_bus":["A Staged Event-Driven Architectural message bus",C[0]],"actix":["Actor @o @0 @3","0.11.0-beta.2"],"axiom":["Implements a highly-scalable @6 ergonomic actor @Q @0 @3 @r on @4 best of Erlang / Elixir @6 Akka.",C[7]],"http-box":["Fast push/callback oriented ^o @j","0.1.5"],"$O_config":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Config @ 2014-11-12",C[13]],"mc":["MC.",C[4]],"direction":["Representations of directions","0.17.10"],"tokio-sync":["Synchronization @L.",C[23]],"rmp-serde":["Serde @5 @0 RMP","0.15.4"],"$S_brainfuck":["A Brainfuck JIT ^8","0.0.3"],"google-fusiontables2":[C[95],C[96]],"waltz_^b":[C[437],"0.1.4"],"ssb-crypto":["Crypto ^2 $a by Secure Scuttlebutt","0.2.2"],"grin_wallet_libwallet":[C[621],"5.0.1"],"^u_buffer":["A buffer $i can be $a as a render target @0 Piston's ^u @1. @k buffer can be loaded @w @6/or saved to a $2 on disk. @k allows @0 things $D screenshots in games.","0.7.5"],"lz4-compress":["Pure @3 @2 of raw LZ4 ^D/decompression.","0.1.1"],"k8-obj-app":["Kubernetes app objects","2.0.0"],"fastrie":["Sequentialised $v-packed associative tries, buildable at &V $B, &K @0 longest prefix matching","0.0.6"],"trilean":["Kleene's three-valued logic (boolean + unknown).","1.0.1"],"rubbl_casatables_impl":["A bundle of C++ $3 @p can read @4 CASA table @M @0 Rubbl.","0.2.31104"],"ogg_metadata":["Metadata @j @0 various Ogg codecs","0.4.1"],"ioctl-sys":["IO Control @0 POSIX-@6-beyond systems (@T fn & @d, see `ioctls` @0 many ioctl $E)",C[5]],"async-speed-limit":["Asynchronously speed-limiting &4 byte streams",C[1]],"holochain_wasm_&1":["holochain wasm &1",C[34]],"krpc-rs":["$d basic @l @0 communicating @7 @4 Kerbal Space Program Remote Procedure Calls mod, &v in @g",C[1]],"seccomp-sys":["low-@I @5 to libseccomp","0.1.3"],"rvs-parser":["&C @0 Rvs - A @1 @0 defining @6 evaluating &x variables @x a @e DSL",C[2]],"chessground":["A chessboard widget @0 Relm/GTK","0.8.0"],"thunks":["&c composer @0 @3.",C[9]],"sp-inherents":["@X @l @6 $g @0 ^9 @6 checking inherents.","3.0.0"],"deadpool":["Dead @e $6 pool","0.7.0"],"sentry-anyhow":["Sentry ^t @0 anyhow.",C[25]],"rsget":["Tool to get $e about @6 download livestreams","0.1.5"],"linefeed":["Interactive $A input &H",C[5]],"dot_vox":["A @3 @1 @0 loading MagicaVoxel .vox @E.","4.1.0"],"sc-state-db":["State ^V maintenance. Handles canonicalization @6 pruning in @4 ^V.","0.9.0"],"mysql-proxy":["Extensible MySQL Proxy",C[7]],"atsamd21-hal":["HAL @6 Peripheral ^0 @C @0 ATSAMD21 $x",C[1]],"fbleau":["A $F @0 measuring black-box security via Machine Learning",C[1]],"oasis-macros":["^U $a internally by @4 Oasis @o.",C[3]],"raft-proto":["^p $E @0 @4 @g @R @2 of @4 Raft $7.",C[107]],"mould":["@3 ^Y-@o @0 websocket @r ^Y-apps.","0.0.22"],"uvm_@T":[C[986],"0.8.0"],"feed-rs":["A unified feed @j @p handles Atom, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, RSS 0.x @6 ^y Feed","0.5.1"],"yukikaze":["Beautiful @6 elegant ^o @1.","1.0.10"],"c_str_@m":["c_str @m to create C-^d $b literals","1.0.2"],"spherical_voronoi":["Generate Voronoi diagrams on a sphere.","0.5.1"],"mastermind":["Based off of @4 old board game. $d user enters a &2, $i generates a hidden $3 comprised of @p many colors (ROY G BIV + black/white), where duplicates @W allowed. $d user then has 12 attempts to guess what @4 $3 is. See @4 rest on GitHub.","0.1.5"],"hyper-router":["@J routing middleware @0 Hyper &e @1.",C[2]],"pixel_grid":["@u @0 drawing @7 a grid of rectangles",C[2]],"fountaincode":["@B of @4 Luby Transform Code in @3","0.0.8"],"rain_@Z":["Distributed computational @o @0 large-scale task-@r pipelines. Server @6 governor binaries.",C[8]],"gcrypt":["Libgcrypt @5 @0 @3","0.7.0"],"tuntap":["&t TunTap @5 @0 $u",C[0]],"treeflection":["A @1 @p @y reflection @0 ^k $j","0.1.35"],"hifive1":["Board @t @8 @0 HiFive1 @6 LoFive boards","0.9.1"],"orbtk-theming":["Theming $k of OrbTk.",C[97]],"cargo-src":["Semantic $3 navigation @0 @3","0.1.8"],"cosworth":["A $F @0 making ^Y services","0.1.5"],"almanac":["Display calendar .ics in @H $r",C[3]],"secstr":["A @A $o suitable @0 storing sensitive $e such as passwords @6 private keys in $v, featuring constant $B equality, mlock @6 zeroing out.",C[8]],"filecoin-proofs-ffi":["@D Interface to filecoin-proofs","0.7.3"],"prototty_wasm_^L":["@B of prototty_storage::Storage specifically @0 $f @7 wasm.",C[98]],"tshell":["TShell, a @H ^k @o @7 autocompletion @6 contextual help","0.2.2"],"simdop":["SIMD $V @0 @3, @7 $g @6 pixiedust",C[9]],"wgpu-types":[C[160],"0.7.0"],"rocks-sys":["Raw RocksDB @5 @0 @3, $a internally in @g-rocks",C[64]],"dual":["Dual ^F",C[0]],"closed01":["@X checked floating point $V within @4 range [0,1]",C[2]],"pcd-rs":["Working @7 PCD $2 @M in @3","0.7.0"],"fastly-sys":["Fastly Compute@Edge ABI @K","0.3.7"],"rpwg":["Random password @G.",C[8]],"kurobako_@T":["Core @8 @0 `kurobako`",C[64]],"rawr":["@3 @C Wrapper @0 Reddit","0.1.1"],"cute-dnd-dice":["@J @1 to roll dices","4.0.0"],"os-version":["Get @4 operating @Q $9","0.1.1"],"dash2html":["Tool to ^m a HTML page of Dash snippets so they can shared.","1.1.0"],"websocat":["Command-$r @i @0 ^Y sockets, $D netcat/curl/socat @0 ws://.","1.6.0"],"tspubplugincom-sys":["@D @5 to tspubplugincom. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"input-stream":["IO streams similar to C++'s streams",C[8]],"ddp":["A @3 @u to connect to ddp / Meteor servers. Under heavy &A, more features to come soon. See repo @0 more info!","0.0.3"],"funky":["Easily dispatch @z to a &k",C[4]],"sys-info":["Get @Q $e in Rust.For now it supports &t, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, @6 ^5.","0.8.0"],"bracket":["Fast @6 correct handlebars-^d template $k","0.9.32"],"lightspeed":[C[85],"0.33.4"],"lol_html":["Streaming HTML rewriter/@j @7 CSS selector-@r @C",C[0]],"retry":["^l @0 retrying $V @p can fail.","1.2.0"],"ref-map":["Helper $I @0 Option @6 Result to map references","0.1.2"],"ghost":["Define $p own PhantomData","0.1.2"],"miniflux_&0":["@g @2 of @4 Miniflux REST @C","0.3.2"],"borsh-derive-internal":[C[205],"0.8.1"],"random-number":[C[99],"0.1.3"],"imgui-inspect-derive":[C[328],"0.8.0"],"oxygengine-navigation":["Navigation ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"minion":["Crate @0 managing cancellable services","0.1.2"],"way-cooler-ipc":["&X @1 @0 communicating @7 @4 way-cooler IPC","0.0.0"],"argon2":["Pure @3 @2 of @4 Argon2 password hashing $8 @7 supportfor @4 Argon2d, Argon2i, @6 Argon2id algorithmic variants","0.1.3"],"leak":["Safely leak @A @w owned @A $j","0.1.2"],"hdlc":["@3 @2 of HDLC @7 @t of @4 IEEE ^M","0.2.5"],"orbtk-tree":["Tree $M @r on DCES.",C[97]],"objsel-sys":["@D @5 to objsel. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"sqlcipher-provider":[C[223],C[9]],"rebind":["A @1 @0 ^3 input keys to actions, @6 modifying mouse behaviour. Keys can be boundto actions, @6 then translated during $4.",C[7]],"git-journal":["$d Git Commit Message @6 Changelog Generation Framework","1.8.1"],"cortex-m-quickstart":["A template @0 ^f @P @0 ARM Cortex-M $x","0.3.4"],"solana-ledger":["Solana ledger","1.5.7"],"dutree":["Command $r $F to analyze disk usage","0.2.16"],"net":["...",C[9]],"data-encoding":["Efficient @6 customizable @A-$c @z $D base64, base32, @6 hex","2.3.2"],"dssec-sys":["@D @5 to dssec. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"owa4x":["Idiomatic @h $C @4 owa4x-@f @8",C[0]],"boring":[C[925],"1.0.3"],"riker-dispatcher":["A Dispatcher ^H @0 Riker powered by `Futures::execution::ThreadPool`","0.2.4"],"deepspeech-sys":["Bindgen &P @0 @4 DeepSpeech C++ @C","0.9.0"],"ctrlc":["Easy Ctrl-C handler @0 @3 projects","3.1.7"],"gridsim":["A @1 @0 running simulations on grids",C[2]],"structopt-derive":[C[119],"0.4.14"],"waxosuit-guest":["Deprecated in factor of @4 wascc-actor @8","0.3.6"],"lyon_path":["Types @6 @L to store, $t @6 iterate &q 2D paths.","0.17.1"],"url_params_serializer":["Allows @V of @l to URL GET parameters","0.1.1"],"solana-program":["Solana Program","1.5.7"],"tokio-dns-unofficial":["Unofficial ^n to $u to provide $z DNS resolution",C[8]],"rusty-driver":["A high @I $6 @C @0 controlling a ^Y browser @7 webdriver.","0.3.2"],"mail-headers":["[mail/headers] header parts @0 @4 mail @8 (inkl. header map @6 ^M header impl)","0.6.6"],"pest_meta":[C[362],"2.1.3"],"lucet-wasi-sdk":["A @3 @s to @4 wasi-sdk ^8 @6 linker","0.6.1"],"escargot":["Cargo @C $h in Paris","0.5.1"],"futures-error-chain":["A workaround until $1-rs @6 ^q-chain $Z works out-of-box @7 each other.",C[9]],"peruse":["A ^P @j combinator @1",C[3]],"google-datastore1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 datastore (@9 v1)",C[100]],"pwbox":["Modular password-@r encryption",C[8]],"left-pad":["@X left-padding @0 $y.","1.0.1"],"nordselect":["Select @4 ideal NordVPN @Z","1.4.2"],"syn_util":["^w APIs @0 $w @d","0.4.2"],"$W_arch":["Crate @p exposes `@T::arch` safely via `#[cfg()]`.","0.5.2"],"las":["Read @6 &b point clouds stored in @4 ASPRS las $2 @M.","0.7.4"],"groestl":["Grøstl ^I $8","0.9.0"],"tink-daead":["Deterministic AEAD $l @0 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1",C[9]],"alphavantage":["Alpha Vantage @C @i",C[5]],"benzene-2d":["@J 2D ^u ^K @0 Benzene",C[0]],"bita":["Differential $2 synchronization &q &e(s).","0.8.0"],"travis-cargo":["Possible @3 replacement @0 existing Python travis-@N.",C[9]],"rr-mux":["A Request Response Multiplexer @0 ^f @9 handlers etc.",C[21]],"tokio-beanstalkd":["&c @i @1 @0 &7 @7 Beanstalkd work queue.","0.4.2"],"^g_libra_vm_$4_@l":["Libra vm $4 @l",C[32]],"straw":["WIP @3 -> HTML renderer",C[3]],"postgres-service":["Parse Postgres &9 $K @E",C[54]],"hexdump":["Easy hexdump to stdout or as an iterator",C[9]],"libimagnotes":[C[29],C[21]],"nucleo-f401re":["Board Support @8 @0 @4 STM32 NUCLEO-f401RE &A board","0.4.1"],"eligos":["Rusty Services",C[9]],"gccjit_@f":["Raw @5 to libgccjit. Companion to @4 gccjit @8.",C[4]],"f128_input":[C[101],C[7]],"futurize":[C[1022],C[2]],"$O_@T":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Core",C[13]],"web3":["Ethereum ^y-RPC @i.",C[42]],"libfa-sys":["&B @5 to @4 Augeas libfa Finite Automata @1","0.1.3"],"$S_io":["@u @8 to read @6 &b &str @6 @l ^a @4 copy $I ^i @E","1.2.2"],"rmp-serialize":["@3 Serialize @5 @0 RMP","0.8.1"],"ethabi-next":[C[102],"13.0.0"],"stratum-hns-types":["$d Stratum @l specifically &v @0 HNS","0.9.15"],"advapi32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 advapi32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"vstorinterface-sys":["@D @5 to vstorinterface. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"async-injector-derive":["A @c to help construct dependent ^G in $6-injector.",C[36]],"objc":["Objective-C Runtime @5 @6 @h @0 @3.","0.2.7"],"actix-session":["Sessions @0 Actix ^Y",C[8]],"$K":["$d $0 @y a malleable ^k $M.","0.7.2"],"ipfs-api":["@B of an IPFS ^o @C @i",C[12]],"hex-utils":["Xxd &P @w $Q input @7 configurable formatting.",C[60]],"git_hooks":["A @e @N $t script to copy a hooks folder ^i .git/hooks so @p $p developers @W all running @4 same git hooks","0.1.3"],"gregor":["@J @2 of @4 Gregorian calendar.","0.3.3"],"ang":[C[736],C[8]],"efibootnext":["A @1 @0 manipulating @4 BootNext UEFI variable @6 listing possible boot options",C[7]],"libnfd":["High-@I @3 @5 to nativefiledialog","0.2.3"],"google-firebasedynamiclinks1":[C[139],C[103]],"lerp":["Generic linear interpolation @6 extrapolation, automatically &v @0 a variety of numeric @l.",C[8]],"lru_$B_cache":["@B of a Least Recently Used caching $7 in a container $i may be limited by size or $B, ordered by most recently seen.","0.11.7"],"blkid":["Safe blkid-@f @h",C[7]],"loom":["Permutation ^j @0 concurrent $3",C[8]],"snmp-parser":["&C @0 @4 SNMP @9","0.7.0"],"interpolate_name":["@J $w @m attribute @0 repetitive tests","0.2.3"],"mapr":[C[147],"0.8.0"],"rpcexts-sys":["@D @5 to rpcexts. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"argonautica":["Idiomatic Argon2 password hashing @0 @3",C[0]],"imgui-opengl-renderer":["An OpenGL renderer @0 imgui-rs",C[12]],"mcmc":["A @3 @1 ^a various MCMC diagnostics @6 @L, such as Gelman Rubin potential scale reduction factor (R hat), effective sample size (ESS), chain splitting, @6 others.","0.1.3"],"resource":["^U @0 statically including assets in release mode, but dynamically loading them in debug mode.This is primarily intended @0 games, allowing @O to both avoid $2 IO in release builds @6 dynamically reload assets in debug mode.",C[2]],"lazy-queue":["Futures-driven lazy queue &l",C[7]],"aesm-client":["RPC @i @0 Intel SGX AESM (Architectural Enclave Service Manager).With @S @i, @P can obtain launch tokens @0 enclaves @6 turnattestation reports ^i quotes.","0.5.1"],"tokio-ping":["&c ICMP pinging @1",C[3]],"bstr":["A $b $o @p is not required to be valid UTF-8.","0.2.15"],"prime_&5":["Generate primes, get prime factors, check primality, @6 other &K prime-related @L.","0.3.4"],"oplog":["@u @0 iterating &q a MongoDB replica set oplog.",C[3]],"eyre":["Flexible concrete Error Reporting $o built on std::^q::Error @7 customizable Reports","0.6.5"],"croaring-mw":[C[268],"0.4.5"],"polarization":["Simulate @4 polarization of a laser beam",C[0]],"meta":["Reserved @0 @v $f.","0.1.1"],"brotli":["A brotli compressor @6 decompressor @p @7 an @s avoiding @4 @g stdlib. @k makes it suitable @0 ^v &S @6 kernels. It is designed @7 a pluggable ^s so @p @4 ^M lib's ^s may be employed. $d default $t also includes a stdlib ^s @6 ^X @s. Disable @S @7 --features=no-stdlib. All included $3 is $W.","3.3.0"],"mocktopus_@d":["Mocktopus $w @d","0.7.10"],"impl_ops":[C[104],"0.1.1"],"encoding-index-tradchinese":["Index tables @0 traditional Chinese character encodings",C[48]],"custom_codes":["@J uniform response @6 ^q codes backed by enums","2.0.4"],"wayland":["@J @5 @0 Wayland.","0.0.2"],"embedded-crc-macros":["^U ^a portable CRC calculation $X @0 $f in no_std.",C[9]],"libh3-sys":["@K to Uber's Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index - H3","0.1.3"],"gdal-sys":["Low @I GDAL @5 @0 @3",C[1]],"rusty-wam":["$d Warren Abstract Machine in @3.","0.8.1"],"may_waiter":["@J coroutine communication blocker","0.1.2"],"stainless":["Organized, flexible ^j @o.",C[60]],"pleco":["A blazingly-$S chess @1.",C[2]],"jsonrpc-derive":["High @I, typed @h @0 `jsonrpc-@T`","17.0.0"],"levenshtein":["Levenshtein $7","1.0.4"],"exonum-derive":["$U @d @0 Exonum @o.","1.0.0"],"oasis-rpc":["Oasis RPC IR @6 @L",C[8]],"os-sync":["@J synchronization ^2 @r on OS semaphore","0.3.3"],"numeral":["Written english form of a &2","1.0.0"],"rotor-dns":["&c DNS resolver @0 rotor @o",C[8]],"oxcable-basic-devices":["@J &S @0 ^f oxcable pipelines.","0.5.1"],"drossel-journal":["$d journal $a by drossel to &b to disk","0.1.2"],"NULL":["Interpreter @0 @4 NULL @R","1.1.0"],"google-container1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 container (@9 v1beta1)","0.1.11+20151005"],"html5ever_dom_sink":["Basic DOM @2 @0 html5ever",C[0]],"gpio-cdev":["&t GPIO Character Device Support (/dev/gpiochipN)",C[8]],"watchman_@i":["a @i @0 @4 Watchman $2 watching &9","0.6.1"],"worker":["$d worker is a &k @r ^h queue.","1.0.0"],"unic-idna":["UNIC — &g IDNA Compatibility Processing","0.9.0"],"test-project":["Test ^Q to play $C @7 release ^B","2.3.0"],"monstrio":["MonstrIO - set of high @I IO &Q.","0.1.2"],"allan":["allan variance @6 deviation","0.2.4"],"gitweb":["Open @4 current remote &M in $p browser",C[3]],"weak-self":["WeakSelf is @e way to have a Weak pointer to yourself","1.0.2"],"yolol_&2":["A rusty @2 of @4 weird-ass special &2 $o $a in yolol.","0.9.0"],"dropshot":["expose REST APIs @w a @3 ^N",C[8]],"protobuf-codegen":["Code @G @0 @g-protobuf.Includes a @1 @6 `protoc-gen-@g` binary.See `protoc-@g` @6 `protobuf-^T-&p` $Z.","2.22.0"],"pwrsurge":["Dynamic, minimalistic power &N $h in @3",C[1]],"exprtk_rs":["@3 @5 to @4 ExprTk C++ @1 (&e://$s/exprtk)",C[9]],"rvs-c-api":["C-@C @0 Rvs - A @1 @0 defining @6 evaluating &x variables @x a @e DSL",C[2]],"bspc":["Alternative bspc @H","0.4.3"],"menoh-sys":["Low-@I ^3 @0 Menoh.","0.2.2"],"shlwapi-sys":["@D @5 to shlwapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"bcrypt-bsd":["@3 @h $C BCrypt @2 in C, fully ^d @7 OpenBSD bcrypt","0.1.3"],"td_rredis":["redis @h @0 @3, @t cluster","0.1.2"],"trousers-sys":["&B @5 to @4 TrouSerS @1","0.0.0"],"cstr-macro":["^U @0 ^9 CStrings ^Z allocations",C[9]],"bolero-engine":["fuzz @6 property ^j @o",C[5]],"tls-api":[C[105],C[8]],"bzip2-sys":[C[324],"0.1.10+1.0.8"],"ethash":["An Apache-licensed Ethash @2.",C[8]],"wfc_&O":["Create patterns @0 wfc @x &O @E",C[21]],"strophe":["Moved to libstrophe-@f","0.1.1"],"direct3d11":["Safe Direct3D 11 @5. Currently just a minimal @2 mostly foruse @7 direct2d, but I plan to flesh out @4 @C eventually. If you'reexcited by @S ^Q @6 would $D to contribute, pull requests @W alwaysopen.","0.3.0-alpha2"],"bip_metainfo":["Parsing @6 ^f of bittorrent metainfo @E",C[19]],"twitter-api":["Unofficial @3 @1 @0 @4 Twitter @C.",C[8]],"libparted-sys":["libparted @5",C[3]],"ice":[C[927],C[4]],"timekeeper":["A @e @1 to track how much $B is $a in different parts of a ^N","0.3.2"],"buerostatus":["A @3 @8 @p wraps @4 buerostatus @C @w &w://","0.1.1"],"competitive-hpp":["Competitive Programming @u @0 AtCoder @7 @3","0.10.23"],"abi_stable_@c":[C[106],"0.9.2"],"sp-serializer":["Substrate customizable $n serializer.","3.0.0"],"cortex-m-rtic-macros":["$U @d of @4 cortex-m-rtic @8",C[539]],"intel_tex":["@3 @5 @0 Intel's ISPC texture compressor.","0.1.4"],"rustfilt":["Demangle @3 symbol names",C[7]],"wordnet":["Read a wordnet dictionary in @3","0.1.2"],"hue":["$d beginnings of a Philips Hue @i @1",C[4]],"english-numbers":["Convert integers to $h English &2 @M","0.3.3"],"stb_truetype":["A straight translation of @4 font loading $3 in stb_truetype.h @w C to @3.",C[1]],"darling_@T":["Helper @8 @0 &r-@m @1 @0 ^R attributes ^i structs whenimplementing custom derives. Use &w://$Z/darling in $p $3.",C[19]],"webcomponent":["A @1 @0 ^9 ^Y components","0.6.1"],"keychain-services":["@3 ^0 to macOS Keychain Services, including TouchID-guarded ^0 to ^z keys stored in @4 Secure Enclave Processor (SEP).","0.1.1"],"hadean":["@K @0 Hadean. Must be $a @7 Hadean @3.","0.2.4"],"async-codec-util":["^l @0 ^h @7 @4 $6-codec $g.","0.3.3"],"expand":["Macro to expand byte $b @6 $b literals",C[0]],"oorandom":["A tiny, robust PRNG @2.","11.1.3"],"b0x":["A @e CLI $F to display $e about @4 provided input (integers, IP addresses, $y).","1.0.0"],"lending-library":["A key-&m store @p loans full ownership of items.",C[0]],"sp-staking":["A @8 $i contains ^2 @p @W &K @0 @2 @p uses staking approaches in general. Definitions related to sessions, slashing, etc go here.","3.0.0"],"wiggle":["Runtime components of wiggle $3 @G",C[25]],"procedurals":["Collection of &r-@d",C[1]],"balena-temen":["Templating $k @0 (not just) ^y","0.5.7"],"tectonicdb":["tectonicdb @Z","0.5.2"],"tempel":["A CLI app @0","0.1.1"],"&9_world":["Discover services @w Hasicorp's consul",C[0]],"wfst":["An @2 of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (WFSTs) as described in:Mehryar Mohri, Fernando Pereira, @6 Michael Riley. \"$d design principles of a weighted finite-state transducer @1,\" In: Theoretical Computer Science vol. 231 issue 1 (2000): pp. 17-32.",C[5]],"$O_apigatewaymanagementapi":["^r ^J @0 @3 - AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi @ 2018-11-29",C[13]],"inputbot":["Cross-@U (^5 & &t) @1 @0 simulating keyboard/mouse input events @6 registering global input device event handlers.",C[2]],"takes":["Variant of Read::take() @p supports Seek",C[9]],"recurdates":["A @1 @0 calculating dates @0 recurring events.",C[1]],"rustsync":["A &p @3 @2 of rsync","0.2.3"],"roa-tokio":["$u-@r $4 @6 acceptor",C[2]],"raster":["Image &l lib @0 @3",C[0]],"trie-root":[C[957],C[51]],"cursive_calendar_view":["A basic calendar view @2 @0 cursive.","0.7.2"],"se_rs_ial":["^5 serial communications @1 in @3","0.0.3"],"fuzzyhash":["Pure @3 fuzzy ^I @2",C[7]],"jsonrpsee":[C[111],C[9]],"pancurses-result":["pancurses-result is a @h @0 pancurses @p aims to provide asafe @s to curses. @k @1 aims to guarantee &k andmemory safety, whereas pancurses just @y direct C @5.","0.5.1"],"sticker":["Neural sequence labeler","0.11.1"],"hey_listen":["An event-dispatcher-$m offering sync, parallel, @6 prioritised solutions!",C[8]],"bleach":["A ^P ^x pre-&l @1 @0 various nlp tasks.","0.1.2"],"emacs_^H":["Raw @D @0 emacs-^H",C[19]],"raft":["$d @g @R @2 of Raft $7.",C[107]],"poe-superfilter":["Extended syntax ^8 @0 Path of Exile loot filters",C[0]],"wire":["An $P &q TCP @6 struct @V","0.0.12"],"pegasus":["GFX + Specs @o",C[3]],"embedded-time":["Fully defined, inter-operable, ergonomic, @6 $S human-$B units (both duration @6 rate @l) @7 hardware timer $P @6 software timers.",C[21]],"twiddle":["Bit-twiddling $q @z","1.1.0"],"qadapt":["$d Quick And Dirty Allocation Profiling Tool","1.0.4"],"gel":["OpenGL Mathematics @u.",C[9]],"snarkvm-errors":["Errors @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"google-consumersurveys2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Consumer Surveys (@9 v2)","1.0.14+20170407"],"lioness":[C[1020],"0.1.2"],"wasmer-engine-native":["Wasmer &B Engine","1.0.2"],"mongodm":["A thin ODM layer @0 mongodb","0.4.4"],"mcfly":["McFly replaces $p default ctrl-r shell history search @7 an intelligent search $k @p takes ^i account $p ^h directory @6 @4 context of recently executed commands. McFly's suggestions @W prioritized in real $B @7 a ^P neural ^c.","0.5.3"],"prototty_wasm_render":["@B of prototty_render::ViewGrid @0 $f in wasm frontend.",C[98]],"mp3-duration":["A @1 @0 measuring @4 playback duration of mp3 @E",C[64]],"conv":["@k @8 @y a &2 of conversion $g @7 more specific semantics than those provided by 'as' or 'From'/'Into'.","0.3.3"],"im-rc":["Immutable $m datatypes (@4 $S but not &k $W $9)","15.0.0"],"backlight":["@3 @1 @0 controlling backlight on linux systems via @4 `/@f/class/backlight` @s.","0.1.1"],"parity-send-wrapper":["@k @3 @1 implements a @h $o called SendWrapper $i allows @O to move $C non-Send typesbetween threads, as long as @O ^0 @4 contained &m only @w within @4 original &k. You also have tomake sure @p @4 @h is dropped @w within @4 original &k. If any of these constraints is violated,a panic occurs.Forked @w &w:// because it was unmaintained",C[9]],"locale_config":["Maintains locale preferences @0 ^O @6 &k @6 initialises them byinspecting @4 @Q @0 user preference.",C[3]],"slack_&0":["Interface @0 @4 Slack Web @C","0.23.1"],"solana-vote-program":["Solana Vote ^N","1.5.7"],"md-5":["MD5 ^I $8","0.9.1"],"rusqlcipher":["Ergonomic @h @0 SQLCipher","0.14.9"],"cfile-rs":["A @h $C @4 C FILE struct @0 @g","0.3.3"],"levenberg-marquardt":["Levenberg-Marquardt $7 built on top of nalgebra","0.7.0"],"tilejson":["@u @0 serializing @4 TileJSON $2 @M","0.2.2"],"ff-find":["ff is a @e @6 $S $q @0 finding @E on Unix commandline. It also supports complex filters $D GNU find.","0.24.11"],"hdf5-types":["&B @3 equivalents of HDF5 @l.","0.7.1"],"idmap":["Efficient maps of integer id keys to ^G, backed by an underlying `Vec`","0.2.19"],"totp-rs":["RFC-compliant TOTP @2 @7 ease of $f as a goal @6 additionnal QoL features.","0.6.3"],"gobject-sys":["@D @5 to libgobject-2.0",C[12]],"stainless-ffmpeg-sys":[C[108],"4.2.3"],"kailua_env":["Basic environments @0 Kailua","1.0.4"],"pallet-society":["FRAME society pallet","3.0.0"],"rustybuzz":["An incremental harfbuzz port to @3.",C[3]],"solana-cli-config":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"libtelnet-rs":["libtelnet-&J telnet @j @0 @g.","1.1.2"],"luhn2":["Luhn $7 check.","0.1.2"],"markab_@j":["A @e, copy-less @6 rich-^q-message @j combinator @1.","0.7.0"],"google-servicebroker1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Service Broker (@9 v1)","1.0.14+20190624"],"google-ml1":[C[109],C[89]],"trust-dns-proto":["Trust-DNS is a $W @6 secure DNS @1. @k is @4 foundational DNS @9 @1 @0 all Trust-DNS projects.","0.20.0"],"gfx_glyph":["Fast GPU cached ^x &W @x gfx-rs & ab_glyph",C[36]],"enum-primitive-derive":["enum_primitive @2 @x $w @d to have a custom @c",C[7]],"notes":["A @e $F @0 taking notes. Work in progress. See: &w://","0.2.108"],"suffix_cmd":["Command $r $F @0 searching @7 suffix arrays @6 suffix trees.","0.1.33"],"tinfo":["A frontend to manipulating tmux",C[5]],"txfw32-sys":["@D @5 to txfw32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tokio-libtls":["Tokio @5 @0 LibreSSL's libtls.","1.2.0"],"io-kit-sys":["@K to IOKit @0 macOS",C[9]],"@g_c":["Write C $3 inline in $p @g $3 (hacky fork of @g-cpp / cpp @8)","0.1.2"],"secret":[C[247],C[0]],"fddf":["Fast, parallelized duplicate $2 finder.","1.7.0"],"hrtf":["HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function) audio signal processor",C[5]],"leonardo-heap":["Heap $M supporting $S in-place partial sorting",C[3]],"etc":["It's $B to bundle etc @0 $p awesome ^Q!","0.1.16"],"argh_shared":[C[110],"0.1.4"],"heim-cpu":["Cross-@U CPU $e",C[185]],"debug-helper":["@k @8 @y declarative @d to help @O implement @4 `Debug` $I manually.","0.3.10"],"slack-hook":[C[197],"0.8.0"],"asexp":["Advanced S-&L-$D @M suitable @0 $K @6 @V","0.3.2"],"abxml":["&C @0 resources.arsc contained on APKs @6 $Q XML decompresser.","0.8.2"],"luhnmod10":["Fast @6 @e in-place @2 of @4 luhn (mod 10) $7.","1.1.0"],"ra_$R":["Common @1 @0 RA $Z.","0.1.5"],"tokio-thrift":["thrift $4 @1 @r on $u",C[9]],"rustache-lists":["Mustache templating $k @0 @g @7 a bugfix @0 lists","0.1.2"],"evitable":["Custom ^q @l @7 context @6 @c",C[2]],"google-storage1":[C[188],C[71]],"slug":["Convert a unicode $b to a slug","0.1.4"],"jsonrpsee-proc-macros":[C[111],C[9]],"linux_&r":["A @1 to help ^R @4 contents of `/&r` on linux","0.1.1"],"reql-macros":["^U @0 @4 reql @8","0.0.19"],"schemamama_rusqlite":["Rusqlite SQLite3 adapter @0 @4 Schemamama migration @Q","0.8.0"],"dmd_@T":["AT&T / Teletype DMD 5620 Terminal Emulator - Core @u","0.6.3"],"bracket-pathfinding":["Pathfinding @6 field-of view @L. A Star, Dijkstra. Part of @4 bracket-lib family.","0.8.3"],"libfuzzer-sys":["A @h $C LLVM's libFuzzer $4.","0.3.5"],"ffi":["...","0.0.2"],"cpp_to_@g_@G":[C[202],"0.5.3"],"topo":["Tools @0 incrementally computing repeated callgraphs.",C[80]],"coreutils_jwt":["Json Web Token &9.","0.5.1"],"nitpickers":["Work in slow progress! nitpickers is a @g experiment to get public &0 details of an @8 @6 complain about changes, inconsistencies @6 everything. It is &v as a $m of LintPasses @6 ^P $F programs.",C[9]],"git-changelog":["A $F to automate ^Q changelog ^6.",C[1]],"amethyst_tiles":["2D @6 3D Tile Support @u","0.15.3"],"byte_sha":["Performs SHA256 on a Vec @6 returns a Vec as @4 result. Useful @0 cryto curencies @6 purhapse other things.","1.0.1"],"redo":["@X advanced undo-redo $l @7 &n dispatch.","0.41.0"],"libevent-sys":["@3 @D @5 to @4 libevent @1","0.2.4"],"seccomp":["higher-@I @5 to libseccomp","0.1.2"],"webkit2gtk":["@3 @5 @0 webkit-gtk @1",C[15]],"gltf-json":["^y @Y @0 @4 gltf @8","0.15.2"],"python27-sys":["@D Declarations @0 Python 2.7","0.5.2"],"phloem":["CPU/GPU Data Blob @0 Machine Learning",C[1]],"cargo-mod":["A @N sub @H @0 $H modules in $p ^Q. Reducing $B spent $N boilerplate.","0.1.5"],"hauptbuch-parser":["&C @0 journal @M of hauptbuch",C[8]],"zeros":["Keccak @2","10.0.2"],"wabt-sys":[C[299],"0.8.0"],"splitmut":["Safely retrieves &4 mutable ^G @w @4 same $m.",C[7]],"tcp-channel":["SPSC channels, ^h on everything @p implements Read @6 Write","0.3.2"],"bellperson":[C[786],"0.12.3"],"macaroons":["Cookie-$D bearer credentials @7 caveats @0 &T authorization","0.3.3"],"google-oauth2_v2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 oauth2 (@9 v2)","0.1.14+20160330"],"metal":[C[618],"0.21.0"],"mick-jaeger":["@3 @i @0 sending traces to a Jaeger @Z","0.1.4"],"nickel-diesel":["Nickel middleware &6 a diesel ORM @7 r2d2 connection pooling","0.9.0"],"shout-sys":["Low @I @D @5 to libshout","0.1.1"],"rusty-money":["Parse, @M @6 perform calculations @7 money safely.","0.4.1"],"^Y_timer":["Web @z @0 timers","0.2.4"],"sentry-debug-images":["Sentry ^t @p adds @4 list of loaded &j to events.",C[25]],"shift_or_euc":["Detects among @4 Japanese legacy encodings",C[9]],"orbtk-shell":["Window shell @8 $a by OrbTk.",C[97]],"deploy":["$d `deploy` @1 to aide $N @6 debugging of &T programs, as well as tooling to run them across a cluster.","0.1.3"],"websocket-stream":["Non-blocking Websocket (RFC-6455) @h @0 TcpStream","0.0.5"],"chess-move-gen":["Fast chess move ^6 @1. Uses SIMD @0 $S sliding piece move ^6","0.8.2"],"xls_table_@c":["$U @d @0 investments @8","0.3.11"],"cntr-nix":["@3 friendly @5 to *nix APIs (fork @7 features $a in cntr)","0.11.3-pre1"],"rure":["A C @C @0 Rust's regular &L @1.",C[7]],"keygraph-rs":["A @1 to ^m keyboard adjacency graphs @7 petgraph","0.2.5"],"wit-writer":["Binary encoder @0 @4 ^1 Interface Types @M",C[0]],"ocf":["Open Container Specification",C[23]],"@n":[C[263],"0.3.6"],"gif-dispose":["Implements GIF disposal method @0 @4 gif @8. $d gif @8 only exposes raw frame @A @p is not sufficient to render GIFs properly. GIF requires special composing of frames $i, as @S @8 shows, is non-trivial.","3.1.1"],"flutter-download":["Download flutter $k @0 ^f","0.3.5"],"sj":["Some ^y @2","0.18.8"],"mongodb":["$d official MongoDB ^K @0 @3","2.0.0-alpha"],"eliza":["A @g @2 of ELIZA - a natural @R &l ^N developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966.","2.0.0"],"macroquad":["@J @6 &s to $f ^u @1","0.3.0-alpha.14"],"jsonrpc-core-client":[C[158],"17.0.0"],"avocado":[C[600],C[5]],"geojson":["@u @0 serializing @4 GeoJSON vector GIS $2 @M",C[25]],"panic-ramdump":["Keep panic &E in @4 targets' RAM","0.1.1"],"ann":["A $0 @0 A, N, @6 N.","0.0.2"],"raw":["^l @0 unsafely manipulating raw representations in @3","0.0.6"],"bb8-redis":["Full-featured $6 ($u-@r) redis connection pool ($D r2d2)","0.8.1"],"test-ignore-if":["A @g &r @m to conditionnaly ignore tests",C[9]],"raystack":["WIP SkySpark @i","0.8.2"],"solana-jsonrpc-http-server":[C[343],C[8]],"numext-fixed-uint-core":[C[132],C[6]],"bitstream":["Bit @I IO","0.1.1"],"flamegraph":["A @e @N &3 @0 $H flamegraphs, @x inferno under @4 hood",C[8]],"rustfbp":["Rustfbp @y a @e, composable, clearly defined @C, @7 a C ABI @0 every agent within a Fractalide deployment.","0.3.34"],"abomonation":["A high $J @6 very unsafe @V @1","0.7.3"],"bevy_^W":["An ^W Bevy @8 $a to facilitate optional dynamic linking via @4 'dynamic' feature",C[8]],"twilight-cache-inmemory":["In-^O-$v @r cache @0 @4 Twilight ecosystem.",C[1]],"external_sort":["@X @4 ability to perform external sorts on structs, $i allows @0 rapid sorting of large @A streams.","0.1.2"],"zstd":["Binding @0 @4 zstd ^D @1.","0.6.0+zstd.1.4.8"],"mtbl-sys":["@D @K to @4 MTBL C @1 (&w://",C[0]],"sthash":["A very $S ^z ^I $8 @0 large @A.","0.2.9"],"rustdoc-highlight":["A @3 syntax highlighting @1",C[64]],"renderdoc-sys":["Raw @D @5 to @4 RenderDoc @C","0.7.1"],"rerun_except":["Rerun a @N $t except when specified @E @W changed","0.1.2"],"ssap":["A @e structured argument @j",C[4]],"bm-le":["Little endian 256-bit layer @0 $Q merkle trie @7 ssz compatibility @6 extensions",C[15]],"crc16":["A CRC16 @2",C[8]],"wgpu":[C[453],"0.7.0"],"aliasmethod":["@B of Walker's Alias method.",C[8]],"@N_rub":[C[262],"0.0.4"],"tutil":["A toolbox @0 developing @H $r @P.",C[0]],"rlibcex":["A partner to rlibc, @7 extra libc @z @0 freestanding @3 projects","0.1.2"],"sandbox-ipc":["An IPC @2 @7 an eye toward enabling privilege separation.",C[8]],"fractal-dto":["DTO objects to transfer $e in @4 Fractal Global Credits @C.","0.8.3"],"qt_@d":["^U @0 Qt",C[9]],"alloc_@Q":["NO-STD,@0 Cortex-M @r systems,simply retarget alloc_system to malloc/realloc/free","0.1.2"],"sql":["$d $0 @y a constructor of SQL statements.","0.4.3"],"ketree":["A ^k representing a symbolic &L @p can be created @7 Ketos.","0.5.2"],"google-gamesmanagement1_management-cli":[C[524],C[72]],"ckb-rocksdb":[C[112],C[42]],"ryu-js":["Fast floating point to $b conversion, ECMAScript compliant.",C[7]],"conduit-conditional-get":["Middleware to transform GET ^i a conditional response if headers indicate thatthe response is fresh.",C[505]],"avif-serialize":["Minimal writer @0 AVIF header $M (MPEG/HEIF/MIAF/ISO-BMFF)","0.6.5"],"elastic_@d":["Deprecated in favour of elastic_derive",C[7]],"typed-generational-arena":["A $W arena ^s @p supports deletion ^Z suffering @w @4 ABA problem by @x generational indices. Now @7 typed indices @6 custom integer @l @0 generations!","0.2.5"],"sensorsapi-sys":["@D @5 to sensorsapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"blinkstick":["@u to control BlinkStick &S","0.1.2"],"ducc-sys":["Low-@I Duktape @D @0 @4 `ducc` @8","0.1.2"],"ci_info":["@X current CI &h $e.",C[31]],"data-encoding-bin":["Swiss Army knife @0 @A-$c",C[1]],"sauron-core":[C[113],"0.34.0"],"google-replicapool1_beta2":[C[361],C[349]],"cargo-project":["@u to retrieve $e about a Cargo ^Q","0.2.4"],"judy-sys":["Low-@I Judy array @D ^3","0.0.4"],"gfx-auxil":["@B details shared $G gfx-rs backends","0.8.0"],"google-androidpublisher2-cli":[C[228],C[117]],"rsdp":["Zero-allocation @1 @0 locating @6 @Y @4 RSDP, @4 first ACPI table","1.1.0"],"brainfuck_@d":["A ^8 $L @p converts brainfuck $3 ^i @3 at compiletime, letting $p BF programs be optimised by LLVM to super-fastnative $3.","0.1.5"],"ntex-rt":["ntex $4","0.1.2"],"pixiv":["Unofficial @g @1 @0 @4 Pixiv @C.",C[0]],"little-skeptic":[C[318],"0.15.2"],"cargo-manifest":["Helper @8 to parse @6 manipulate manifests - `Cargo.toml` @E.","0.2.3"],"unic-char":["UNIC — &g Character Tools","0.9.0"],"daemonizer":["A @e @1 to privdrop @6 daemonize $p ^N.","0.4.2"],"serial_^7":["Allows @0 @4 creation of serialised @3 tests","0.5.1"],"libmount":["$d $o-$W @h $C mount @Q call","0.1.15"],"gtk-macros":["Few @d to make gtk-rs &A more convenient",C[0]],"flx":["Full-^x searching @6 scoring of $y","0.2.2"],"broccoli":["broadphase collision detection $X","1.2.5"],"sun-times":["Calculate sunset @6 sunrise times at given latitude @6 longitude","0.1.2"],"nullvec":["@3 nullable vector, $i can contain null(missing) ^G as element",C[0]],"android_glue":["Glue @0 @4 Android JNI","0.2.3"],"millefeuille":["Millefeuille $L @0 Flow &l @Q (under construction).","0.0.0"],"uid":["A @8 @0 @4 creation of unique IDs.","0.1.5"],"exonum_rocksdb":[C[112],"0.7.6"],"oslog":["A minimal $W @h $C Apple's unified &z @Q","0.0.3"],"@c_builder":["@3 @m to automatically implement @4 builder pattern @0 arbitrary structs.",C[747]],"vk_&0":["$d Vulkan @C XML exposed as a byte $b constant","1.0.69"],"lucet-module":["A structured @s @0 Lucet modules","0.6.1"],"finql":["A quantitative finance toolbox","0.7.7"],"vpx-encode":["@3 @s to libvpx encoder","0.4.1"],"serial-embedded-hal":["An @2 of ^v-hal @0 non-^v platforms","0.1.2"],"streampager":["streampager is a pager @0 @H &P or large @E","0.9.2"],"secp256k1-test":[C[803],"0.7.2"],"redis_cluster_$6":["Async redis cluster ^K @0 @3.",C[2]],"celly":["Cellular automaton @1.",C[5]],"sys-mount":["High @I @D ^3 $C @4 @f mount & umount2 calls","1.2.1"],"blist":["A deque &v as a hybrid linked-list-of-arrays","0.0.4"],"cranelift-wasm":[C[477],"0.69.0"],"solana-jsonrpc-core":[C[355],C[8]],"technical_indicators":["@u of technical indicators in @3.",C[2]],"sendgrid-api":["An @C @i @0 sending emails @7 SendGrid","0.1.3"],"amq-protocol":["AMQP specifications",C[183]],"yubibomb":["Don't @O love when @O accidentally tap $p Yubikey when @O have $p IRC @i in focus @6 @O send 987947 ^i Freenode? Want to be able to have @p experience ^Z having to reach all @4 way &q to $p laptop's USB port? Now @O can!",C[7]],"ampify":["A decentralised $T @U.",C[4]],"withers_@c":["A @m to implement wither &Q @0 properties of a struct.",C[0]],"tiny-nix-ipc":["Minimal @h @0 @x sockets as IPC @7 $2 descriptor passing","0.1.1"],"as-slice":["`AsSlice` @6 `AsMutSlice` $g",C[0]],"bottymcbottyface":["A $m of IRC bots","0.1.3"],"t2embed-sys":["@D @5 to t2embed. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tinysnark":["Tiny libsnark @5",C[4]],"rayon-hash":["(deprecated) HashMap @6 HashSet @7 @t @0 Rayon parallel iterators",C[2]],"kv":["An ^v key/&m store @0 @3",C[25]],"substrate-wasmtime-profiling":[C[114],C[151]],"julius":["Wrapper @0 Julius","1.0.0"],"ra_ap_rust-analyzer":["TBD",C[73]],"ozone":["Pure-@g key/&m store @r on BoltDB",C[9]],"qecs":[C[174],"0.0.7"],"riiry":["Riiry, a cross @U fuzzy launcher similar to rofi.","0.1.8"],"librespot-audio":["$d audio fetching @6 &l logic @0 librespot","0.1.3"],"structdump":["Dump $M to source $3","0.1.2"],"rustc-hex":["&y-serialize ^d hex conversion $g","2.1.0"],"superslice":["Extensions @0 slices","1.0.0"],"cluuname":["@u @0 displaying $e about @4 @Q","0.1.9"],"fork":["@u @0 ^9 a new ^O detached @w @4 controling $A (daemon)","0.1.18"],"ffizer":["ffizer is a @E @6 folders initializer / generator.It creates or updates any kind (or part) of ^Q @w template(s)","2.2.1"],"gfx_scene":["Space-aware scene &W @6 culling","0.8.0"],"minifb":["Cross-@U window setup @7 optional bitmap &W","0.19.2"],"svd_@d":["SVD embedding @d in $3.","1.0.0"],"mini-internal":["Derive @d @0 miniserde. Use @4 re-exports @w @4 miniserde @8 instead.","0.1.13"],"bitfields":["Helpers @0 storing sub-byte enums in primitive @l.",C[0]],"str_stack":["A $b ^s @0 allocating many &b-once strings.This @1 is primarily &K @0 @Y where @O need to repeatedly buildmany $y, $f them, @6 then throw them away. Instead of allocating many independent $y, @S @1 will put them all in @4 same buffer.",C[9]],"reep":["[deprecated] REsource EndPoint (REEP): Generic Iron Endpoint @0 RESTlike Resource Access",C[0]],"simple-mutex":["A mutex more ^S than std @6 simpler than parking_lot","1.1.5"],"asm6502":["A basic 6502 assembler.","0.1.2"],"scirust":["A scientific computing @1","0.0.5"],"kompact-actor-derive":["A @c @m @0 Kompact Actors.",C[21]],"unrar_@f":["@D @5 to unrar (@7 minimal abstractions)",C[7]],"setenv":["Helpers @0 $N &5 @p will be eval'd by shells","0.1.2"],"smbios":["@X detection @6 ^0 to System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) andDesktop Management Interface (DMI) @A @6 $j.","0.1.7"],"magnet_more":["@k @8 contains additonal @l @6 @z @0 @4 `magnet` @o.",C[4]],"delay":["A $m of $I @6 classes to make $p &k wait (@6 timeout).",C[1]],"bui-backend-codegen":["Buildtime ^T @t @0 bui-^4","0.9.0"],"fce-wit-interfaces":[C[115],"0.1.29"],"@w_variants":["@3 @m to automatically ^m conversions @0 newtype enums.",C[2]],"way-cooler-bg":["Background ^N @0 Way Cooler",C[7]],"vkrs":["Vkontakte @C @3 @i @1","0.7.0"],"crypt32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 crypt32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"pwasm-alloc":["Parity ^1 ^M @1 ^W ^s","0.4.1"],"dasp_interpolate":["An $P @0 audio PCM DSP rate interpolation, including floor, linear @6 sinc.",C[15]],"frame-system-benchmarking":["FRAME System benchmarking","3.0.0"],"freude":["An ODE @1 @0 ndarray &6 some @e, fixed-step integrators","0.7.0"],"websocket-server":["Boilerplate to effortlessly setup an $z websocket @Z","0.2.2"],"env_proxy":["Determination of proxy parameters @0 a URL @w @4 &h","0.4.1"],"glutin_egl_@f":["$d egl @5 @0 glutin","0.1.5"],"x86intrin":["x86intrin @2","0.4.5"],"extfsm":["Extended Finite State Machine @7 ^W event queue @6 entry/exit transitions",C[15]],"muldiv":["@X a $I @0 numeric @l to perform combined multiplication anddivision @7 overflow protection","1.0.0"],"serde-diff-derive":["Derives serde_diff::SerdeDiff",C[8]],"multiinput":["A &p @g gamepad/mouse/keyboard input @1 @r off of rawinput @0 @4 windows @U",C[9]],"fluvio-stream-dispatcher":["Fluvio Event Stream ^0",C[8]],"piston-split_controller":["A Piston @1 @0 $Y split layout state @6 events",C[38]],"vgrs":["Valgrind @i requests",C[9]],"sc-consensus-manual-seal":["Manual sealing $k @0 Substrate","0.9.0"],"web-view_suppress":["@3 @5 @0 webview, a tiny cross-@U @1 to render ^Y-@r GUIs @0 desktop @P - forked @w Boscop",C[3]],"flamescope":["Export flame @A to speedscopes profile @M","0.1.1"],"toml-config":["Loads @6 decodes TOML @E ^i $j",C[8]],"fd-find":["fd is a @e, $S @6 user-friendly alternative to find.","8.2.1"],"$O_codecommit":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CodeCommit @ 2015-04-13",C[13]],"indoc-impl":[C[656],"0.3.6"],"gog-sync":["Synchronizes a GOG @1 @7 a local folder.","0.3.4"],"comp_state":["Component State - a clone of React Hooks use_state","0.2.8"],"slice-deque":["A double-ended queue @p Deref's ^i a slice.",C[3]],"tokio-hotel":["let's bring 2007 back","0.1.3"],"sporder-sys":["@D @5 to sporder. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tilecover":["Generate @4 minimum &2 of tiles to cover a geometry","2.0.0"],"splay":["A &d @2 of a Splay Tree @0 @3. Splay Trees @W self-balancingbinary search trees $i adapt dynamically to lookups &q $B to allow commonaccess patterns to frequently have better than log(n) lookup $B.","0.1.8"],"ffcnt":["Fast $2 counting on HDDs",C[3]],"uncbv":["CBV archive extractor $h in @3.","0.2.4"],"google-drive2":[C[889],C[566]],"structopt-toml":["An default &m loader @w TOML @0 structopt","0.4.5"],"mel":["convert scalars @6 vectors @w hertz to mel scale",C[3]],"binary-space-partition":["Abstract BSP ^k","0.1.2"],"google-sqladmin1_beta4-cli":[C[130],C[131]],"variance":["Helpers @0 establishing @4 variance of lifetimes @6 $o parameters.","0.1.3"],"gfx_^x":["Draw ^x @0 gfx @x freetype.",C[98]],"gptman":["A GPT &N @p allows @O to copy partitions @w one disk to another","0.7.3"],"crev-data":["Scalable, social, Code REView @Q @p we desperately need - @A @l @1","0.18.2"],"inlinable_$b":["$d `inlinable_string` @8 @y @4 `InlinableString` $o -- an owned, grow-able UTF-8 $b @p stores ^P $y inline @6 avoids heap-allocation -- @6 @4 `StringExt` $I $i abstracts $b $V &q both `std::$b::String` @6 `InlinableString` (or even $p own custom $b $o).","0.1.14"],"xsettings":["@3 @5 to @4 XSETTINGS @i @1",C[0]],"podio":["Additional $I @0 Read @6 Write to read @6 &b Plain Old Data",C[0]],"iso_currency":["ISO 4217 currency codes",C[8]],"ergothic":["@3 @1 @0 setting up @6 running &T Monte-Carlo statistical simulations. Designed primarily @0 lattice QCD.","0.1.4"],"background-jobs-actix":["in-^O jobs processor @r on Actix","0.9.1"],"rasen":["Build a SPIR-V ^H @w a @A flow graph",C[19]],"bitreel":["A @1 @0 getting video $e @w YouTube @6 other similar sites.",C[0]],"tinyosc":["OpenSoundControl @2","0.0.3"],"clocksource":["clocksource @y TSC ^0 @7 transparent fallback to clock_gettime()",C[2]],"bitcheck":["A @e script to perform md5 @6 sha1 ^I check on ArchLabs Images.","0.2.8"],"win_etw_@d":[C[848],"0.1.1"],"ndsparse":["Sparse $j @0 N-dimensions","0.7.3"],"unicode-script":["@k @8 exposes @4 &g `Script` @6 `Script_Extension` properties @w [UAX #24](&e://","0.5.2"],"crow_util":["A $q @1 @0 @4 crow_engine.",C[2]],"sti-sys":["@D @5 to sti. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"evcxr":["An Evaluation Context @0 @3","0.8.0"],"argmin_^T":["Pure @3 optimization &5 ($3 ^6)","0.1.8"],"manber-fingerprinting":["Find similarities in @A. An @2 of Udi Manber's 1994 Usenix paper.",C[5]],"bevy_pbr":["Adds PBR &W to Bevy Engine",C[8]],"lindera-fst":["@k is a lindera-specific fork @w @4 fst @8 @w Burntsushi. (Please $f @4 fst @8 instead.)","0.1.1"],"wit-text":["&C @0 @4 ^x @M of ^1 Interface Types","0.8.0"],"mammut":[C[798],C[38]],"linux-stats":["typesafe procfs info",C[1]],"gfx_shader_watch":["GFX Utility @0 watching shaders @6 reloading pipeline state on @4 fly",C[5]],"autoit":["@5 @0 AutoItX","0.1.2"],"mnl-sys":["Low @I @D @5 to libmnl. A minimalistic user-space @1 oriented to Netlink developers",C[0]],"dicom-object":["A high-@I @C @0 ^R @6 manipulating DICOM objects",C[3]],"c3p0_in_$v":[C[116],"0.62.1"],"keepass-diff":["@k CLI-$F reads two Keepass (.kdbx) @E @6 prints their differences.","1.1.0"],"thunk":["Primitives @0 ^A lazy evaluation in @3. @k @8 requires nightly @0 `untagged_unions`.",C[3]],"httpmock-macros":["an ^o mock @Z @1 @0 $p tests",C[8]],"uuid-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 uuid. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.3"],"mayda_codec":["Separate compilation unit @0 @z &i by mayda_macros","0.1.4"],"goertzel":["An @2 of Goertzel's Algoritm",C[0]],"plugger-macros":["Plugger @d",C[0]],"drone-fatfs-raw":[C[439],"0.2.3"],"md":["A &p-@3 Markdown @j @2, CommonMark-^d",C[4]],"http-range":["^o Range header @j","0.1.4"],"google-doubleclicksearch2":[C[625],C[117]],"wayland-cursor":["@K to libwayland-cursor.","0.28.3"],"psyche-utils":["Utils ^H @0 Psyche AI Toolset","0.2.19"],"khronos":["@3 @l @0 Khronos @C","0.1.2"],"rain_@T":["Distributed computational @o @0 large-scale task-@r pipelines. Common @T @1.",C[8]],"glm":["GLSL mathematics @0 @3.","0.2.3"],"cryptosphere":["Encrypted peer-to-peer ^Y $T @6 ^L @U","0.0.0"],"escposify":["A ESC/POS ^K @0 @3## Minimum @3 $9 policy (MSRV)@k crate's minimum supported &y $9 is 1.46.0.","0.4.1"],"objc_id":["@3 smart pointers @0 Objective-C reference counting.","0.1.1"],"pwasm-abi-derive":[C[232],"0.2.3"],"unicode-bidi":["@B of @4 &g Bidirectional Algorithm","0.3.4"],"rusty":["@3 @5 @0 @4 spaCy Python NLP $0.",C[3]],"substrate-subxt":["Submit extrinsics (transactions) to a substrate node via RPC",C[31]],"chalk-macros":["^U @0 Chalk",C[12]],"curiosity":["Curiosity is a monitoring container.",C[4]],"oso":["oso is an open source policy $k @0 authorization that’s ^v in $p $T",C[21]],"accelerate-provider":["$d $0 @y BLAS @6 LAPACK @x Apple’s Accelerate @o.",C[7]],"vmm-sys-util":["A @Q $q set","0.7.0"],"redis-module":["A toolkit @0 ^f Redis modules in @3",C[15]],"specs-blit":["2D sprite &W ^n @0 @4 Specs ECS @Q.","0.5.1"],"nestools":["A set of @3 &5 $a to help make NES games, mostly $a @0 tile compiling","1.3.1"],"cargo-canoe":["All aboard!","6.7.8-putting-the-rust-in-crustacean"],"throttle-server":["Provide semaphores @0 &T systems via an &e @s","0.3.13"],"smtpapi":["@k @8 allows @O to quickly @6 more easily ^m SendGrid X-SMTPAPI headers.","0.1.3"],"wst":["a $F @0 ^h @7 websockets",C[0]],"s3rs":["A s3 ^b @i @7 multi configs @7 diffent provider","0.4.7"],"google-cloudmonitoring2_beta2":[C[479],C[480]],"rox":["Translates Rox source $3 to VHDL",C[6]],"try_or_wrap":["Macro @0 simplified $Y of &4 ^q conditions in a single function.Like try!, but can aggregate more than one &G ^i a @h.","0.0.5"],"tabox":["A sandbox to execute a ^N in an isolated &h @6 measure its resource usage","0.1.15"],"oil_parsers":["Parsers @0 oil.",C[9]],"windowscodecs-sys":["@D @5 to windowscodecs. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"futures-diagnose":["Wraps $C a Spawn @6 @y lots of diagnostics","1.0.1"],"numid":["A @m @0 $H $j $i behave $D numerical id.","0.2.9"],"rtforth":["Forth &v in @3 @0 realtime $T","0.9.0"],"saphir-cookie":["Crate @0 @Y ^o cookie headers @6 managing a cookie jar. Supports signedand private (encrypted + signed) jars.",C[80]],"$O_workspaces":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon WorkSpaces @ 2015-04-08",C[13]],"cortex":["A (very) ^C $M @0 subscribing to events @6 publishing them to all subscribers. Should be evolving.","0.1.5"],"rusthesia":["Reads midi @E @6 create piano notes waterfall.","0.1.21"],"amcl_@h":["Wapper &q Milagro Cryptographic @u ($9 3)",C[8]],"rocket_^T":["$U @d @0 @4 Rocket ^Y @o.","0.4.7"],"barcoders":["A barcode-$c @1","1.0.2"],"hlink-sys":["@D @5 to hlink. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"slog-serde":["Serde @V adapter @0 slog-rs","1.0.0-alpha9"],"cursive-tabs":["Tabs @0 gyscos/cursive views",C[2]],"botan-sys":["@D @h @0 Botan cryptography @1","0.8.0"],"cretonne-frontend":["Cretonne IR builder ^w",C[80]],"byte-unit":["A @1 @0 interaction @7 units of bytes.","4.0.9"],"gulali":["Gulali is renamed to Crabsformer","2019.3.9"],"xor-distance-exercise":["Xor distances exercise including xor @6 bit $V.","0.3.6"],"imgref":["A trivial struct @0 interchange of 2d-dimensional pixel buffers @7 width, height & stride","1.7.1"],"flatdata":["@3 @2 of flatdata","0.5.1"],"postscript":["$d $0 @y a @j @0 PostScript fonts.",C[31]],"picky-asn1-x509":["@X ASN1 @l defined by X.509 related RFCs",C[8]],"crossterm_style":["A cross-@U @1 styling @4 $A &P.","0.5.2"],"parity-hash":["A $m of fixed-size byte array representations","1.2.2"],"libressl-pnacl-sys":["openssl linking provider @0 PNaCl/NaCl targets.","2.1.6"],"rumblebars":["a handlerbars template expansion @1",C[3]],"&s_&H":["Move forward, backward or randomly through @4 lines of huge @E. Easily @6 fastly.",C[2]],"js-source-mapper":["A @g @1 @0 consuming JavaScript source maps @7 a focus on $J. Supports Source Map revision 3.",C[0]],"ffigen":["Code ^6 of @D buildings @0 other languages to call @3",C[4]],"nrf51":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 nRF51 $x","0.9.0"],"heliometer":["A basic Brainfuck interpreter","0.5.10"],"swc_ecma_visit":[C[1031],"0.24.0"],"afl-plugin":["LLVM instrumentation ^8 $L @0","0.1.5"],"hidapi_@g":["In &A hidapi ^3 @0 @g","0.1.3"],"bls-signatures":["Aggregate BLS Signatures","0.7.1"],"grpcio-compiler":["gRPC ^8 @0 grpcio","0.7.0"],"rustgym-util":["handy @d, @A @l @6 $g @0 rustgym","0.2.4"],"wren-rs":["Embed @4 Wren $s @R in $p @3 ^N",C[9]],"tsukuyomi":["&c Web @o @0 @3","0.5.3"],"stm32h7":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32H7 &S",C[24]],"ruma-events-macros":["A $w @m $a by @4 ruma-events @8.",C[765]],"heredoc":["a heredoc @2",C[4]],"cloud-storage":["A @8 @0 uploading @E to Google cloud ^L, @6 @0 $H download urls.","0.7.0"],"reproto-backend-csharp":[C[62],C[63]],"$6_ftp":[C[118],"5.0.0"],"libaio":["Binding to Linux's $6 block IO syscalls @6 libaio",C[4]],"pandoc_ast":["deserializes @6 serializes @4 markdown ast @0 $N pandoc filters","0.8.0"],"odbc-iter":["High @I ^V ^0 @1 @r on 'odbc' @8 @p uses &d ODBC drivers to ^0 variety of databases","0.2.6"],"gpx_&H":["Guitar Pro GPX $2 @M @j","0.0.2"],"rustats":["A statistical @1","0.1.2"],"&k_isolated":["Isolating ^G allowing ^0 via closures run on an owning &k","0.1.1"],"formality":["An ^S $s @R featuring formal proofs.",C[88]],"clap_@c":[C[119],C[120]],"&n_dir":["A @8 @0 embedding &n assets ^i warp webservers.","0.1.3"],"color":[N,C[4]],"lignin-schema":["An HTML schema @s through $i lignin Node trees can be created @7 ^S &V-$B checking.","0.0.4"],"mdbook-presentation-preprocessor":["A preprocessor @0 utilizing an MDBook as slides @0 a presentation.","0.2.2"],"kgb":[C[690],"0.0.10"],"cargo-wasi-exe-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc":["Precompiled $Q of `@N-wasi` @0 x86_64-pc-windows-msvc","0.1.22"],"context":["Cooperative multitasking @0 @3 @x Boost.Context","2.1.0"],"memrange":["A @e @8 @p represents address ranges in $v images","0.1.3"],"async-dnssd":["&c @h @0 DNS-SD C &j",C[377]],"neil":["Basic simulated annealing @1",C[0]],"lazy_@M":["A $q @8 @0 lazily formatting ^G @0 later","1.8.3"],"accelerate-src":["$d $0 @y a source of BLAS @6 LAPACK via @4 Accelerate @o.","0.3.2"],"bevy_scene":["@X scene $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"google-doubleclickbidmanager1-cli":[C[121],C[122]],"route-recognizer":["Recognizes URL patterns @7 @t @0 dynamic @6 wildcard segments",C[3]],"lifeline":["Lifeline is a &o injection @1 @0 $z message-@r @P.","0.6.1"],"$O_codedeploy":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CodeDeploy @ 2014-10-06",C[13]],"&r_vector2d":["$U @d $a internally by vector2d","1.0.2"],"cff":["A zero-allocation CFF @j.",C[2]],"id-arena":["A @e, id-@r arena.","2.2.1"],"delaunator":["A very $S 2D Delaunay triangulation @1.",C[0]],"staticdir":["Providing list of directory entries @0 Iron @o",C[1]],"persistentcache":["^U @0 persistently caching $8 calls @x @E or Redis",C[6]],"allegro_^2":["Allegro 5 ^2 addon @3 @h","0.0.41"],"libpulse-simple-binding":["A @3 @R ^3 @0 @4 PulseAudio libpulse-@e @1.","2.23.0"],"voile-util":["^l extracted @w Voile language's $o-checker","0.2.2"],"shiny":["A @e rspec $D ^7 @o to make ^7 $3 look more nice","0.1.3"],"caldyn":["Dynamic evaluation of mathematical expressions","0.4.3"],"byte_&1":["@S is up @0 grabs","0.1.1"],"sfxr":["Reimplementation of DrPetter's 'sfxr' sound effect @G","0.1.4"],"cplex-sys":["Low @I @5 to @4 Cplex C-@C","0.6.1"],"^L":["$d $0 @y @A ^L schemes.",C[2]],"rustpython-compiler":["Compiler @0 python $3 ^i bytecode @0 @4 rustpython VM.","0.1.2"],"esent-sys":["@D @5 to esent. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"deadwiki":["dead @e personal wiki","0.1.27"],"portmidi":["High-@I PortMidi @5 @0 @3","0.2.5"],"vpncloud":["Peer-to-peer VPN","1.0.0"],"google-dfareporting2d5":[C[123],C[124]],"vrf":["Fast @6 extensible Verifiable Random Function (VRF) @1; currently supporting secp256k1, secp256r1 @6 sect163k1 curves","0.2.2"],"rkm":["A ^A k-means @2","0.8.1"],"librpm-sys":["RPM Package Manager @1 @D @5 (","0.1.1"],"ncmc":["convert encrypted ncm $2 to original music $2.",C[64]],"pallet-contracts-primitives":["A @8 @p hosts a $R $E @p @W relevant @0 @4 pallet-contracts.","2.0.1"],"futures-zipkin":["Futures @t @0 Zipkin tracing",C[8]],"c2rust-macros":["$U @m @t @8 @0 C2Rust",C[42]],"hd44780-hal":[C[571],C[7]],"chrono_&1":["Utils @0 chrono @1. It's may parse w3c date.","0.1.3"],"autollvm":["bindgens $p @Q LLVM, plus some basic &F","0.0.1414213562"],"rabbiteer":["AMQP/RabbitMQ input/&P CLI $F","1.4.1"],"no":["no - &P @4 $b 'n' repeatedly until killed.Source: &w://",C[1]],"str-concat":["Concatenate two adjacent $b slices",C[0]],"tun-tap":["TUN/TAP @s @h","0.1.2"],"proc-macro-faithful-display":["A Display @2 @0 &r-@m @l more faithful to @4 input ^X.",C[9]],"openssl":["OpenSSL @5","0.10.32"],"speedruns":["Unofficial &5 @0 mirroring @C @A",C[959]],"humannum":["A human friendly @M @j @0 numeric @l",C[9]],"zstd-safe":["Safe low-@I @5 @0 @4 zstd ^D @1.","3.0.0+zstd.1.4.8"],"evmasm":["evmasm converts $G evm bytecode @6 ^x","0.1.3"],"webm-native":["Deprecated: $f @4 webm @8 instead","0.4.6"],"vpsearch":["Vantage Point Tree search $7 @0 $S nearest neighbour search in multi-dimensional metric spaces.","2.0.1"],"ferrous_threads":["Task runner, &k pools, multi-producer, multi-consumer queues, oh my! @k is a @8 @7 &F @0 ^f concurrent software easily @6 safely.","0.1.1"],"dahl-partition":["An ^S representation of a set partition.","0.5.1"],"orbtk-widgets":["Base OrbTk widget @1.",C[97]],"$n_json_v8":["A ^y @V $2 @M matching V8 formatting",C[4]],"glutin_@T_foundation":["$d *real* core_foundation @8, under a temporary name.","0.1.2"],"cargo-drone":["A @N &3 @0 Drone.","0.4.3"],"fastping-rs":["ICMP ping @1 @0 quickly sending @6 measuring batches of ICMP ECHO REQUEST packets.",C[0]],"vorbisenc-sys":["@D @0 @4 vorbisenc @1",C[4]],"lazy-regex":["a @m to reduce regex creation boilerplate","0.1.4"],"relational_@l":["Manage relations $G objects","1.0.1"],"tokio-serial":["A serial port @2 @0 $u","4.3.3"],"@7_locals-proc_@d":["TODO!",C[688]],"allegro_primitives-sys":["Allegro 5 ^2 addon @3 ^3","0.0.41"],"^g_libra_prost_ext":["Libra $t &F",C[32]],"quick-protobuf":["A &p @3 protobuf (de)serializer. Quick.","0.8.0"],"bevy_dynamic_$L":["@X dynamic $L loading capabilities @0 non-wasm platforms",C[8]],"msp430-atomic":["Atomic $V @0 MSP430 $x","0.1.2"],"json-decode":["An elm &J $4 ^y decoder @0 @3",C[2]],"rustc-ap-rustc_arena":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_arena` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"pipes":["Stream-@r $s @7 compositional pipelines in @3",C[4]],"lockchain-files":["Filesystem ^L ^4 @0 lockchain vaults","0.9.0"],"gcast-wire":[C[757],"0.1.5"],"netstat":[C[125],"0.7.0"],"io_$V":["@X $R I/O $V",C[0]],"infer_fs":["@J ^H to infer samplerate of a dataset.",C[3]],"ndarray-linalg":[C[209],C[24]],"buildkit-llb":["Idiomatic high-@I @C to create BuildKit LLB graphs",C[0]],"hashids-rs":[N,"0.0.0"],"rocket-mongo-file-center-download-response":["@k @8 @y a response struct $a @0 @i downloading @w @4 File Center on MongoDB.","0.6.3"],"microserver":["@J ad-hoc @Z @7 SPA @t @r on Warp!. Excellent @0 ^j React, Angular, Vue apps @6 @4 $D.",C[0]],"linkme":["Safe cross-@U linker shenanigans","0.2.4"],"ahrs":["A @3 port of Madgwick's AHRS $7",C[3]],"cstr":["Macro @0 ^f &n CStr reference","0.2.8"],"prusst":["A convenient @s to @4 UIO kernel ^H @0 TI Programmable Real-$B Units.","1.0.0"],"tiny_tiff":["tiny_tiff is a @h @0 @4 TinyTIFF C++ @1. It enables &s ^R @6 $N of uncompressed TIFF images @7 uint, int, @6 float @A @l.","0.5.1"],"osmgpsmap":["@3 @1 @0 OsmGpsMap-1.0","0.2.16"],"c_linked_list":["^l @0 $Y NULL-terminated C linked lists","1.1.1"],"trim-in-place":["In-place trimming $y.","0.1.5"],"cl-sys":["OpenCL @D @5.","0.4.2"],"c_$b":["C $b &F @0 @3","0.7.1-obsolete"],"input-event-codes":["&t input event codes form `linux/input_event_codes.h`.",C[7]],"gphoto2-sys":["@D @5 to libgphoto2","0.1.2"],"git-skel":["a git &3 to apply skeleton &M continuously",C[6]],"errno":["Cross-@U @s to @4 `errno` variable.","0.2.7"],"eagre-asn1":["A asn1 @1, currently only supporting DER",C[3]],"xmpp-jid":["DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATEDELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE DELETE THIS CRATE","0.6.1"],"mote":["Mote @1.","0.1.2"],"geoq":["Geospatial $q CLI","0.0.16"],"@g_sodium_holochain_fork":[C[182],"0.10.2"],"^g_libra_nextgen_crypto":["Solana Libra nextgen_crypto","0.0.0"],"exonum_leveldb":[C[608],"0.9.1"],"fsuipc":["FSUIPC @i @0 @3 $s @R",C[2]],"sbr":["Recommender models.",C[8]],"slab_^k":["A vec-backed ^k $M @7 ^k-specific generational indexes.","0.3.2"],"ewasm":["A modular ^1 $4 @0 Ethereum 2.0.","0.2.3"],"query_builder":["Easy to $f @1 @0 ^9 SQL-Statements",C[1]],"hex_grid":["A @1 to easily work @7 2d hex grids of arbitrary shapes",C[7]],"libgcrypt-sys":["Raw @5 @0 libgcrypt","0.7.0"],"async-smtp":["SMTP @i","0.3.4"],"fluvio-helm":["Helm @h","0.4.1"],"polygon2":["polygon 2d @z",C[3]],"sxd-xpath":["A @3 XML XPath @1","0.4.2"],"veml6040":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 VEML6040 RGBW color light sensor.","0.1.1"],"miniquad_^x_rusttype":["glium_text fork, ^x drawing @7 miniquad @6 rusttype","0.1.2"],"rercon":["A @e RCON @1 @7 automatic reconnection @t","1.1.1"],"pcsc":["@K to @4 PC/SC @C @0 smart card communication","2.4.0"],"libdbus-sys":["@D @5 to libdbus.",C[7]],"equihash":["$d Equihash Proof-of-Work $8",C[9]],"tribool":["Tribool - Three-valued logic",C[0]],"olpc-cjson":["serde_json Formatter to serialize as OLPC-style canonical ^y",C[9]],"exonum_profiler":["A profiling / flamegraph @1.","0.1.2"],"dsfmt-rs":["@3 port of @4 dSFMT &x &2 @G.","0.1.1"],"smaz":["Smaz is a @e ^D @1 suitable @0 compressing very short $y.",C[9]],"assert_cmd":[C[542],"1.0.3"],"tokio-socketcan":["&c &t SocketCAN sockets @7 $u",C[3]],"specs-mirror":["A ^L @0 $f @7 specs to help synchronize @7 an external @1.",C[2]],"elastic_@c":[C[526],C[199]],"swc_ecma_@j":["Feature-@q es2019 @j.",C[13]],"sm_@m":["💋 SM – a &n State Machine @m","0.9.0"],"winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu":["Import &j @0 @4 x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't $f @S @8 directly, depend on winapi instead.",C[8]],"libiio-sys":["&B, unsafe, @5 to @4 &t libiio @1. Used by industrial-io.",C[0]],"google-adexchangeseller2-cli":[C[351],C[352]],"rustc-rayon":["@J work-stealing parallelism @0 @3 - fork @0 &y",C[3]],"elrond-wasm-derive":["Elrond ^1 smart contract @C $w @d",C[15]],"robin_@T":["A @e (custom) Lisp to JavaScript source-to-source ^8","0.4.13"],"tbs-sys":["@D @5 to tbs. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"neon-build":["Build logic required @0 Neon projects.","0.7.1"],"sta":["A set of additions I think go well @7 @4 ^M @1.","0.2.5"],"newdev-sys":["@D @5 to newdev. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"pallet-authorship":["Block @6 Uncle Author tracking @0 @4 FRAME","3.0.0"],"sharks":["Fast, ^P @6 secure Shamir's Secret Sharing @1 @8","0.4.3"],"fastar":["Fast tar archive creation @0 HDDs","0.1.4"],"matches":[C[127],"0.1.8"],"hello_exercism":["how to create an own @8","0.5.5"],"ra_ap_toolchain":["TBD",C[73]],"candid_@i":["A @1 to handle @i connections to a CANdid @Z","0.3.2"],"cpp_@T":[C[512],C[5]],"incomplete":["@X incomplete!(), a &V-$B checked $9 of unimplemented!()","0.1.3"],"oxigen":["Fast, parallel, extensible @6 adaptable genetic $7 @1.","2.2.0"],"octavo-digest":["Octavo - Cryptographic Hash Functions. WARNING!!! Not suitable @0 production","0.1.2"],"kaktus":["Parent Pointer Tree","0.1.3"],"cortex-m-semihosting":["Semihosting @0 ARM Cortex-M processors","0.4.1"],"cmd_lib_@T":[C[319],C[9]],"miow":["A zero overhead I/O @1 @0 ^5, focusing on IOCP @6 Async I/Oabstractions.","0.3.6"],"smart-default":["@3 custom-@c @m @0 Default @7 more control on @4 fields",C[5]],"rendy-mesh":["Rendy's mesh","0.5.1"],"sovrin-client":["Sovrin @i @7 c-callable @s","0.1.1-15"],"edid":["Parse EDID @A $j",C[3]],"recap":["Deserialize typed $j @w regex captures","0.1.1"],"bincode_ext":["Types & @z to extend @4 $l of bincode.","0.0.7"],"libremarkable":["$d only publicly available Framework @0 developing @P @0 @4 Remarkable Paper Tablet w/ Low Latency Partial Refresh Support","0.4.3"],"fatfs":["FAT filesystem @1.","0.3.5"],"egui":["@J, portable immediate mode GUI @1 @0 @3","0.9.0"],"voodoo":["An intuitive, idiomatic, unopinionated, zero-overhead Vulkan @C",C[1]],"polyline":["Encoder @6 decoder @0 @4 Google Encoded Polyline @M","0.9.0"],"ipfs-embed":["^P embeddable ipfs @2",C[15]],"cashaccount-sys":["@u @0 ^h @7 Cash Accounts. Cash Accounts is a a naming @Q @0 sharing bitcoin payment $e.","0.1.1"],"cognitive-inputs":["Input related $l @0 `cognitive`",C[9]],"milter-callback":["Attribute @d @0 milter callback ^6","0.2.2"],"quine-mc_cluskey":["@3 @2 of @4 Quine-McCluskey $7 @6 Petrick's method","0.2.4"],"kodama":["Agglomerative hierarchical clustering.","0.2.3"],"tql":["Compile-$B ORM ($4 @1)",C[9]],"typed_index_$m":[C[387],"1.2.1"],"getsb":["Getsb is a @H $r $F @0 sending ^o request.","0.1.2"],"mitochondria":["Mitochondria is @4 powerhouse of @4 `Cell`","1.1.2"],"bcs":["Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS)","0.1.2"],"wirefilter-engine":["An execution $k @0 Wireshark-$D filters","0.6.1"],"dia-go":["A weird log kit","0.3.1+deprecated"],"include-flate-codegen-exports":[C[254],"0.1.3"],"typekit":["$d @1 @y a @i @0 @4 Typekit &9.",C[4]],"vec_box":["A single @m to create a vec of boxed elements, @0 $I objects","1.0.0"],"extreme":["Extremely boring $6 $8 runner. MIT/Apache-2.0 license is available @0 spacejam's github sponsors.","666.666.666666"],"ckb-allocator":["CKB ^s","0.1.1"],"pcap-parser":["&C @0 @4 PCAP/PCAPNG @M",C[21]],"bytemuck_@c":["@c &r-@d @0 `bytemuck`","1.0.1"],"rubbl_casatables":["Interfacing to @4 CASA table @M within @4 Rubbl @o.","0.2.2"],"radical":["radical","0.1.1"],"operator-sugar":["Makes operator overloading in @3 more concise @6 intuitive","0.1.2"],"slr_@j":["A @e $K @M. @k @8 contains @4 @j, see @4 slr_config @8 @0 a more user-friendly @C.","0.0.20"],"tk-opc":["Minimal copy @2 @0 OpenPixelControl @7 $u encoder/decoder","0.1.3"],"libstrophe":["@3 ergonomic @h @0 libstrophe",C[42]],"imgui":["High-@I @3 @5 to dear imgui","0.7.0"],"console-web":["A @8 @0 $N to @4 console in wasm (@x wasm-bindgen)","0.1.2"],"frunk_@T":["Frunk @T @y developers @7 HList, Coproduct, LabelledGeneric @6 Generic",C[1]],"procspawn":["&k::spawn just @7 processes","0.9.0"],"sentry-release-parser":["A @j @0 @4 sentry release name @M",C[5]],"mtbl":["@K to @4 MTBL C @1 (&w://",C[7]],"wasm-bindgen-test-crate-a":[C[971],C[9]],"xdg-rs":["[@k @8 is no longer maintained. Please $f xdg-basedir instead] @u to help @7 @4 XDG basedir spec","0.1.4"],"perlin_noise":["A @e perlin noise @2 in @3","1.0.1"],"c3p0_mysql":[C[116],"0.53.0"],"scopeguard":["A RAII scope guard @p will run a given closure when it goes out of scope,even if @4 $3 $G panics (assuming unwinding panic).Defines @4 @d `defer!`, `defer_on_unwind!`, `defer_on_success!` asshorthands @0 guards @7 one of @4 &v strategies.","1.1.0"],"default-boxed-derive":["Custom @c @0 default-boxed",C[6]],"wasmtime-jit":[C[550],C[25]],"x1b":["State tracker @0 0x1b $A escape codes. Also gives &x characters names.","0.8.0"],"cql":["Apache Cassandra @i @1","0.0.3"],"winutils-rs":["@3 &D of various ^5 @C @6 $E.","0.2.2"],"swdevice-sys":["@D @5 to swdevice. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"debounced-pin":["A @U-&Z debounce library.It also adds a @h @0 an `InputPin` @p debounces it's `is_high()` @6 `is_low()` &Q.",C[3]],"atomic-stamped-ptr":["AtomicStampedPtr @0 x86_64","0.1.1"],"slc-sys":["@D @5 to slc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"microbench":["A micro-benchmarking @1.",C[2]],"dtparse":["A dateutil-^d timestamp @j @0 @3","1.2.0"],"varuint":["Variable length signed @6 unsigned integer @l",C[5]],"swf-parser":["SWF @j",C[19]],"servo-freetype-sys":["FreeType is a freely available software @1 to render fonts.","4.0.5"],"scriptisto":["A @R-&Z \"shebang interpreter\" @p enables @O to &b scripts in compiled languages.","0.6.14"],"fnd":["A @e way to find @E.","0.3.2"],"osmpbf":["A &H @0 @4 OpenStreetMap PBF $2 @M (*.osm.pbf).","0.2.3"],"actyxos_sdk":[C[181],C[2]],"posix-ipc":["An @C to POSIX IPC ^2","0.0.3"],"iconz":["A @e CLI to ^m all @4 necessary Xcode icon sizes @w one single source $2","0.2.2"],"google-webfonts1-cli":[C[1016],C[103]],"ep-miniaudio-sys":["Raw @5 to @4 miniaudio C @1.","2.4.0"],"&z_timer":["@J timers @p log @4 elapsed $B when dropped","1.0.0"],"tvis":["A console/$A UI @1 (very alpha! such WIP!)","0.15.3"],"rin":["A cat(1) replacement @0 humans.",C[3]],"ogg":["Ogg container decoder @6 encoder $h in &p @3","0.8.0"],"@e_ecs":[C[421],"0.3.2"],"hyper_sardine":[C[850],"0.2.3"],"idem":["0 @6 1",C[8]],"authz-sys":["@D @5 to authz. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fstream":["A @e @1 to read/&b @E faster in @3.","0.1.2"],"ntex":["Framework @0 composable ^c services","0.2.0-b.11"],"eval":["Expression evaluator","0.4.3"],"delegate-attr":["Attribute &r-@m to delegate method to a field","0.2.9"],"vect":["A @1 @0 &6 vectors @0 game &A @p $f a Unity-$D @C.","2.0.0"],"fake-simd":["Crate @0 mimicking simd @8 on stable @3","0.1.2"],"sdset":["Set $V @0 sorted @6 deduplicated slices.Much performances! Such Wow!",C[8]],"kwarg_@d":["Keyword argument $L","0.0.6"],"drone-stm32-map-pieces":[C[41],C[38]],"sample":["A @8 &6 @4 fundamentals @0 ^h @7 audio PCM DSP. NOTICE: @k @8 was renamed to `dasp`.",C[15]],"wcwidth":["Fast $5 of wcwidth @6 wcswidth.","1.12.1"],"coreboot-table":["Coreboot Table &C",C[6]],"hoodlum-parser":["&C @0 @4 hoodlum @8.",C[2]],"mini-redis":["An incomplete @2 of a @3 @i @6 @Z. Used as alarger example of an idiomatic Tokio $T.",C[8]],"rpcap":["An all-@3 @1 @0 ^R @6 $N PCAP @E.",C[3]],"network-internet-control-message-protocol":["A domain model of Internet Control Message ^p (ICMP) packets @6 associated @l.","0.1.15"],"cbor_event":["$d CBOR Event @1. There @W no &8, all platforms @W supported @6 it is wasm ^d.","2.1.3"],"@v":["@v @7 continuations @0 @3","0.1.3"],"gstreamer-check-sys":["@D @5 to libgstcheck-1.0","0.9.1"],"google-language1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Natural &U (@9 v1)",C[126]],"sheesy-vault":["Vault $l $a by 'share-secrets-safely' CLI. Use it to @n @7 GPG @r vaults.","4.0.11"],"solana-vote-signer":["Solana Vote Signing Service","1.4.27"],"sdl":["SDL @5","0.3.6"],"seiri":["Support @1 @0 seiri music &N","2.0.12"],"$O_mgh":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Migration Hub @ 2017-05-31",C[13]],"min-max-heap":["An ^S, double-ended priority queue","1.3.0"],"dashmap":["Blazing $S concurrent HashMap @0 @3.","4.0.2"],"opengles_^u":["An OpenGL ES 2D back-end @0 @4 Piston game $k","0.1.1"],"lz4-sys":["@3 LZ4 @f $0.","1.9.2"],"probe-rs-t2rust":["A $m of ARM chips @0 @4 `probe-rs` @8.","0.7.0"],"uniffi_$t":["a multi-@R @5 @G @0 @g ($t script &F)","0.7.0"],"tiled-json-rs":["A @8 to parse @6 @n @7 Tiled editor ^y @E","0.2.6"],"rsrl":["A $S, extensible reinforcement learning @o in @3","0.8.1"],"kv_cab":[C[544],C[5]],"str":["$b ^n","0.1.4"],"atarashii_imap":["IMAP @i $h in @3",C[3]],"hash40":["@u @0 ^h @7 Hash40 @l in Smash Ultimate","0.4.4"],"Inflector":["Adds String @r inflections @0 @3. Snake, kebab, camel, sentence, class, title @6 table cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, foreign key, @6 pluralize/singularize @W supported as both $g @6 &p @z acting on String @l.","0.11.4"],"peg":["A @e Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) @j @G.","0.6.3"],"tomson":["Bidirection convertions $G Toml @6 Json","0.1.1"],"$O_mediastore":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Elemental MediaStore @ 2017-09-01",C[13]],"mocktopus":["Mocking @o @0 @3","0.7.10"],"plugger-types":["Plugger @l","0.1.5"],"ffi_&F":["A @8 to help make ^h @7 @D easier.",C[0]],"eidolon":["@X a single TUI-@r registry @0 drm-free, wine @6 steam games on linux, accessed through a rofi launch menu.","1.4.6"],"cargo-sym":["Prints various $Q symbols in $p @8","0.0.6"],"retry-after":["Retry-After header @0 Hyper's header ^H",C[0]],"iron-error-router":["Map ^o status codes to handlers @6 middlewares.",C[3]],"json-job-dispatch":["Dispatch jobs described by ^y @E @6 sort them according to their status.","2.0.1"],"envvar":["@k tiny @8 @y @4 `var()` $8 $i is @4 same as `std::env::var()` but @4 `NotPresent` variant of `VarError` @y @4 name of @4 missing &h variable","0.1.3"],"endianness":["@3 @1 @0 ^R ^F in big-endian @6 little-endian.",C[0]],"google-accesscontextmanager1_beta":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Access Context Manager (@9 v1beta)",C[126]],"version-sys":["@D @5 to $9. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ab_glyph_rasterizer":["Coverage rasterization @0 lines, quadratic & cubic beziers","0.1.4"],"tofu":["Trust On First Use ^w $3",C[88]],"zeromq":["A &d @3 @2 of ZeroMQ",C[0]],"size":["Units @6 formatting @0 $2 sizes in base2 @6 base10","0.1.2"],"freeimage-sys":["@3 $t &F @0 freeimage. Licensed as GPL3, GPL2 or FreeImage License","3.18.2"],"black-jack":["DataFrame / Series / general @A &l in @3",C[9]],"limonite":["^P blog @G",C[7]],"slog-example-lib":["Example of a @1 utilizing slog-rs",C[3]],"demon":["@u @0 @e ^9 &t demons @6 ^5 services.",C[4]],"easyjack":["Easy, rusty, @5 @0 @4 jack &0","0.1.2"],"ra_ap_&r_@m_srv":["TBD",C[73]],"spade":["Spatial datastructures $D r-trees @6 delaunay triangulations @0 @g.","1.8.2"],"colorsys":["A ^H @0 color conversion @6 mutation. For now works @7 RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too), HSL(a) color models","0.6.3"],"trim":["trim whitespaces @w @E","2.0.1"],"csound":["Raw @5 to CsoundHigh @I @3 @5 @W available in @4 `csound` @8","0.1.8"],"foundationdb":["High @I @i @5 @0 FoundationDB.",C[2]],"run-or-raise":["Utility @0 launching @P or focusing their windows",C[1]],"sqlx-macros":["^U @0 SQLx, @4 @g SQL toolkit. Not intended to be $a directly.","0.5.1"],"matches2":[C[127],"1.2.1"],"encoding8":["various 8-bit encodings","0.3.2"],"fastly-macros":["Fastly Compute@Edge $w @m @2",C[8]],"vulkano-shaders":["Shaders @g $3 ^6 @m","0.20.0"],"gatekeeper":["A SOCKS proxy @2","2.2.0"],"sorted-iter":["Typesafe extensions @0 sorted iterators, including set @6 relational $V","0.1.7"],"match_cast":["Macro to match through Any @l","0.1.2"],"$n_xml":["xml @t @0 @g-$n","0.9.1"],"turbosql":["Easy local @A persistence layer, backed by SQLite","0.1.4"],"eui":["Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)",C[9]],"uhttp_$9":["^o $9 field @j/formatter",C[5]],"erl_parse":["Erlang source $3 @j","0.0.8"],"rusty-release":["Make a release of a @N ^Q","0.7.1"],"case":["A set of letter case $b &F","1.0.0"],"compiletest_rs":["$d compiletest $q @w @4 @3 ^8 as a standalone ^j harness",C[5]],"riker-patterns":["A $m of $R actor patterns @0 Riker","0.4.2"],"nrf-hal-common":["@B details of @4 nRF HAL $Z. Don't $f @S directly, $f one of @4 specific HAL $Z instead (`nrfXYZ-hal`).",C[19]],"thrussh":["A @i @6 @Z SSH @1.","0.32.5"],"hdf5-derive":["Derive @m @0 HDF5 structs @6 enums.","0.7.1"],"include-repo-impl":["@k is @4 ^W impl @8 @0 @4 include-repo; please do not $f @S one directly",C[9]],"pretty-good":["RFC4880 (OpenPGP Message Format) @1","0.2.2"],"cfg-regex":["Conversion @w a regular &L to a context-free grammar.","0.1.1"],"ckb-util":["CKB @L @1.",C[70]],"elastic-array":[C[128],C[15]],"wchar-impl":["Internal @2 of wchar @x &r-@m-hack",C[5]],"dpdk-elastic-flow-distributor":["A @h $C DPDK's elastic flow distributor (EFD) @o.","0.1.7"],"ticketed_lock":["Ticketed lock @Q - allows one to separate lock request @w @4 actual waiting.",C[3]],"frontmatter":["A Fairly Trivial Wrapper @0 yaml-@g to Extract Frontmatter @w a String Slice",C[8]],"calcver":[C[169],C[1]],"card_deck":["A Generic Deck of Cards, @7 a draw @6 discard pile","0.1.9"],"ranagrams":["anagram discovery $F","1.0.0"],"nu-build":["Core $t @Q @0 nushell",C[36]],"trans-derive":["Serialization @9 @0 inter-@R communication (@c @d)",C[192]],"chinese-variant":["An &G to represent @4 variants of @4 Chinese &U.","1.0.7"],"grpc-protobuf":["Protobuf marshaller @0 gRPC","0.8.2"],"linregress":["ordinary least squared linear regression @7 some basic statistics",C[8]],"sparkline":["unicode sparklines in @g ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█","0.1.1"],"hldemo":["A @j @0 Half-Life (Goldsource) demo @E @x nom.",C[3]],"scecli-sys":["@D @5 to scecli. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"@g_icu_ustring":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w Unicode.ustring.h","0.4.1"],"snmpapi-sys":["@D @5 to snmpapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tfrecord":["Serialize @6 deserialize TFRecord @A @M @w TensorFlow",C[2]],"actix-codec":["Codec @L @0 ^h @7 framed protocols","0.4.0-beta.1"],"succinct_rs":["Succinct Data Structures @1 @0 @3.","0.6.1"],"cargo-tomlfmt":["Formatting Cargo.toml","0.1.3"],"$O_cloud9":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Cloud9 @ 2017-09-23",C[13]],"transit_model_builder":["A @8 to easily $t a transit_model::Model",C[3]],"def-mod":["Simplifies ^H @2 routing @6 statically verifies exports.",C[2]],"mio-utun":["Utun @5 @0 mio","0.6.19"],"fwdansi":["Forwards a byte $b @7 ANSI escape $3 to a termcolor $A","1.1.0"],"stockfighter-sdk-rs":[" ^J $h in @3",C[9]],"devboat-docker":["^7",C[9]],"radiotap":["A @j @0 @4 radiotap capture @M.",C[164]],"futures-stable-preview":[C[129],"0.2.3"],"tflite":["@3 @5 @0 TensorFlow Lite","0.9.4"],"sval_json":["^y @t @0 @4 sval @V @o",C[234]],"ipjdb":["In-^O ^y ^V",C[42]],"binascii":["Useful no-std binascii $V including base64, base32 @6 base16 (hex)","0.1.4"],"identicon":["A port of GitHub's identicon $7 to @3.","0.1.1"],"partners":["Switch $G &4 git authors",C[7]],"anomaly":["Error context @1 @7 @t @0 $o-erased sources @6 backtraces",C[0]],"l3gd20":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @4 L3GD20 (gyroscope)",C[3]],"kudubot-bindings":["@3 @K @0 @4 kudubot @o","0.18.2"],"bcfs":["A virtual filesystem @0 Blockchain WASI","0.4.1"],"stun_codec":["Encoders @6 decoders @0 STUN (RFC 5389) @6 its extensions","0.1.13"],"sc-consensus-babe":["BABE consensus $7 @0 substrate","0.9.0"],"rustbus":["An @2 of @4 dbus @9",C[19]],"xhypervisor":[C[484],"0.0.12"],"rust-http-logger":["Logs ^o @C calls to a $2.",C[0]],"google-vision1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Vision (@9 v1)",C[126]],"uhttp_chunked_bytes":["Zero-allocation iterator @0 ^o chunked body bytes",C[2]],"cargo-hublish":["A @N &3 @0 publishing @3 projects to github.",C[0]],"frame_timer":["A @e frame limiter @0 games","0.1.2"],"mozilla-ca-certs":["$d Mozilla CA Certificate Store, pre-parsed @0 embedding ^i @3 programs","0.1.3"],"lp-modeler":["A linear $s modeller $h in @3. @k &0 helps to &b LP model @6 $f solver such as CBC, Gurobi, lp_solve, ...","0.4.3"],"intervallum":["Generic interval @6 interval set @1.","1.3.0"],"protoc-rust-grpc":["protoc --@g-grpc_out=... available as @C. protoc needs to be in $PATH, protoc-gen-@g-grpc does not.","0.8.2"],"sbtsv-sys":["@D @5 to sbtsv. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"conduit-test":["Testing @L @0 conduit-@r stacks",C[337]],"polling":["Portable @s to epoll, kqueue, event ports, @6 wepoll","2.0.2"],"sapper_tmpl":["Template ^H @0 sapper ^Y @o.",C[0]],"djpass":["A @H-$r $F to ^m @6 verify passwords $a in Django ^Q.","1.1.0"],"sane-fmt":["Opinionated $3 formatter @0 TypeScript @6 JavaScript","0.7.5"],"pug":["pug.js reimplemented in @g @0 speed",C[64]],"stdx":["$d missing batteries of @3",C[4]],"oxide-auth":["A OAuth2 @1 @0 $R ^Y servers, featuring a set of configurable @6 pluggable backends.",C[2]],"blobber":["Create an arbitrary length of $b.","0.1.7"],"lzma":[C[705],"0.2.2"],"cryptonote-raw-crypto":["Cryptography Primitives @0 Cryptonote","0.5.7"],"drunken_bishop":["An @2 of OpenSSL's randomart $7","0.1.2"],"filters":["Build filters/predicates @7 @4 builder pattern",C[8]],"quickcheck_$6":["Runtime-&Z attribute @d to $f quickcheck @7 $6 tests.","0.1.1"],"rcap":["A @1 to work @7 &t capabilities","0.1.4"],"wasmtime-cranelift":["Integration $G Cranelift @6 Wasmtime",C[25]],"noise-ring":["Ring &D @0 nosie-@9.",C[9]],"url-match":["URL match patterns @1","0.1.7"],"zathura-plugin":["Idiomatic @h $C Zathura's Plugin @s",C[8]],"ht16k33":["@3 ^K @0 @4 Holtek HT16K33 'RAM Mapping 16*8 LED Controller Driver @7 keyscan'",C[8]],"imm3d":["@J immediate-mode 3D $s.",C[4]],"measure":["Estimate @A transfer speed $G two streams","1.1.3"],"socket_addr":["Serialisable SocketAddr",C[9]],"libimaglog":[C[29],C[21]],"fints-institute-db":["A @1 @6 CLI $F to ^0 FinTS ^0 $e @0 many German banks","1.2.0"],"i2csensors":["Traits @0 I2C sensors.","0.1.3"],"puzzle-solver":["Solve logic puzzles by describing their constraints. Suitable @0 puzzles such as Sudoku @6 Kakuro.","0.4.1"],"startin":["A Delaunay triangulator @0 terrains.","0.4.8"],"crowbook-localize":["@k @8 has been renamed crowbook-intl. Please $f @S one fom now on.",C[9]],"moonlander-gp":["Genetic Programming @o &6 AST $P @6 evolution routines.","0.1.1"],"giphy":["Giphy @C @h @0 @3",C[3]],"alsa-sys":["@D @5 @0 @4 ALSA ^Q (Advanced &t Sound Architecture)",C[1]],"gdnative-sys":["Generated @5 to @4 Godot game engine's gdnative @T @l (See @4 gdnative @8).","0.9.3"],"finalfrontier-utils":["Train @6 $f word embeddings @7 subword representations","0.6.2"],"google-sqladmin1_beta4":[C[130],C[131]],"nazar":["A Tile38 @i in @g!","1.0.7"],"rpmlib-sys":["RENAMED: please visit &w://$Z/librpm-@f","0.99.0"],"os_info":["Detect @4 operating @Q $o @6 $9.","3.0.1"],"actix-web-codegen":["Routing @6 $4 @d @0 Actix Web","0.5.0-beta.1"],"make-cmd":["Enables scripts to invoke gnu_make @U-independently.",C[9]],"ipgen":["A @1 @0 $H unique @6 reproducible IP addresses","0.0.4"],"trapmail":["A @H-$r replacement @0 sendmail @p stores mail. Useful @0 ^t tests.",C[8]],"cpu-affinity":["Cross-Platform CPU affinity","0.4.4"],"linxal":["Linear Algebra $0 @7 @g-ndarray @s",C[5]],"kvdb-web":["A key-&m ^V @0 $f in browsers","0.9.0"],"curve25519-dalek":["A &p-@3 @2 of group $V on ristretto255 @6 Curve25519","3.0.2"],"solana-core":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"pico-args":["An ultra @e CLI arguments @j.",C[8]],"higher-cat":["Functors, Applicatives, Monads @6 other bad ideas","0.1.1"],"sane":["SANE Serialization @6 Deserialization @0 @3",C[7]],"jagged_array":["Owned `[[T]]`-$D 2D array where each row can differ in length.","0.2.4"],"internship":["Interned $b @6 more",C[5]],"$O_sagemaker":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon SageMaker Service @ 2017-07-24",C[13]],"peekable_&H":["Exposes a $q @h $C Readers, allowing @4 clients to peek at @4 coming byte, ^Z consuming it","0.0.2"],"frame-system":["FRAME @Q ^H","3.0.0"],"gifsicle":["@K @0 gifsicle @1. Supports lossy ^D. GPL.","1.92.4"],"oxygengine-utils":["^l ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"text2checkstyle_^b":[C[731],"1.1.1"],"unicase":["A case-insensitive @h $C $y.","2.6.0"],"trackable_@c":["Custom @c @0 `trackable` @8","1.0.0"],"emailmessage":["Email Message @1 @0 @3","0.2.2"],"hexchat-plugin":["Lets @O &b HexChat plugins in @3","0.2.13"],"displaydoc":["A @c @m @0 ^a @4 display Trait via a doc comment @6 $b interpolation","0.1.7"],"ra_ap_syntax":["Comment @6 whitespace preserving @j @0 @4 @3 @R",C[73]],"entropy":["Calculates @4 Shannon entropy of arrays of bytes @6 $y",C[3]],"envoy":["Conveniences @0 manipulating &h variables.","0.1.3"],"ansi_term":[C[588],C[24]],"merlin":["Composable proof transcripts @0 public-coin arguments of knowledge","3.0.0"],"lichen":["Scripting DSL (@0 Dialogue Graphs, et al)","0.3.7"],"rusty-machine":["A &R learning @1.","0.5.4"],"numext-fixed-uint-hack":[C[132],C[6]],"zombie":["A $W way to remove any zombie child processes (unix/linux only)","0.0.4"],"bevy_gilrs":["Gamepad @Q made @x Gilrs @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"actix-web-middleware-opa":["actix-^Y middleware @0 Open Policy Agent (OPA) verification","0.1.1"],"gstreamer-webrtc-sys":["@D @5 to libgstwebrtc-1.0","0.9.1"],"same-file":["A @e @8 @0 determining whether two $2 paths point to @4 same $2.","1.0.6"],"bnf":["A @1 @0 @Y Backus–Naur form context-free grammars","0.3.3"],"deno_@T":[C[893],"0.79.0"],"zipkin-types":["Type $E @0 Zipkin &T trace $e",C[9]],"slab_^s":["Slab ^s @0 no_std systems. Uses &4 slabs @7 blocks of different sizes @6 a linked list @0 blocks larger than 4096 bytes","0.3.5"],"yara-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libyara @1","0.4.2"],"devolutions-crypto":["An $P layer @0 @4 cryptography $a by Devolutions","0.6.1"],"google-dfareporting2d7":[C[531],"1.0.6+20170818"],"bcrypt":["Easily ^I @6 verify passwords @x bcrypt","0.9.0"],"geomorph":["@J conversion $G different coordinate systems","1.1.0"],"incr":["@J, $S @6 self-contained @A $j @0 checking whether a new &m is greater than @4 previous maximum.",C[0]],"treediff":["Find @4 difference $G arbitrary @A $j","4.0.0"],"tokio-memcache":["Tokio memcache @i. WIP","0.0.3"],"news-flash":["Base @1 @0 a modern feed &H","1.1.1"],"json_schema_^7_suite_&r_@m":[C[770],C[3]],"tokio-pg-mapper":[C[322],C[0]],"flutter-engine":["Flutter $k embedder in @g","0.3.5"],"wgpu-core":[C[133],"0.7.0"],"actix-multipart":["Multipart form @t @0 Actix Web",C[148]],"aes-gcm":["Pure @3 @2 of @4 AES-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode)Authenticated Encryption @7 Associated Data (AEAD) Cipherwith optional architecture-specific hardware acceleration","0.8.0"],"dent":["@u @6 $F @0 summarizing @6 comparing ^P @A sets.","0.4.1"],"pcb-llvm":["Pink Compiler Backend: &U &Z ^8 ^4 - LLVM Backend",C[0]],"slcext-sys":["@D @5 to slcext. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"seq_io":["Fast FASTA, FASTQ @6 FASTX @Y",C[503]],"leven":["Make $p own blog!","0.7.0"],"range_check":["@3 @1 @7 bounds-checking @6 range &F.",C[0]],"em":["A $w @m @0 GPU acceleration, GPU $s",C[3]],"dotenv":[C[272],C[42]],"cryptovec":["A vector $i zeroes its $v on clears @6 reallocations.","0.6.1"],"bytefmt":["an $q to parse byte $b ^i bytes count @6 vice versa.","0.1.7"],"mm":["Multimedia @1 intended to fill @4 role of SDL @6 GDK.","0.0.2"],"diesel_findable":["Macro to ^m find_by_{attr} @z","0.1.7"],"arthas_$L":["Compiler $L @0 Arthas.","0.1.1"],"modular-bitfield-impl":["Bitfields @0 structs @p allow @0 modular $f of enums.","0.11.2"],"emerald-cli":["Console $q @0 secure account ^B","0.23.0"],"fs-swap":["Cross-@U @2 of path swap","0.2.5"],"pistoncore-sdl2_window":["A SDL2 back-end @0 @4 Piston game $k","0.67.0"],"block":["@3 @s @0 Apple's C @R ^n of blocks.",C[6]],"dogstatsd":["A DogstatsD @i @0 @3.","0.6.2"],"groupy":[C[899],C[1]],"rosalind":["Crate contains solutions of problems published on",C[12]],"cddl":["&C @0 @4 Concise @A definition @R (CDDL)","0.8.6"],"suffix_array":["Suffix array construction @6 searching $X @0 in-$v $Q @A.",C[2]],"elastic_@l":["A strongly-typed @2 of Elasticsearch @T @l @6 Mapping @C.",C[134]],"eng-wasm":[C[135],"0.1.7"],"inert_@c":["See @4 inert @8","0.1.4"],"escodegen":["AST @6 $3 @G @0 a subset of ES5.","0.4.4"],"fixedpoint":["A @e @1 to compute fixed points of a $8","0.1.2"],"dtoa":["Fast @z @0 printing floating-point ^2 to an io::Write","0.4.7"],"dbus-macros":["Convenient @d to $f @4 dbus @8","0.2.4"],"pentry":["Inspect Process ID @6 Executable File.","0.1.1"],"bevy_@c":["@X @c $5 @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"cpuid":["@3 @5 @0 libpcuid CPU detection @6 feature extraction @1.","0.1.1"],"numtoa":["Convert ^F ^i stack-allocated byte arrays","0.2.3"],"lair_keystore_@i":["@i connector to secret lair private keystore",C[145]],"option_set":["Bitflags on steroids","0.1.3"],"disasm6502":["6502 disassembler, @q @7 a ^h example.",C[7]],"$O_autoscaling":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Auto Scaling @ 2011-01-01",C[13]],"mundane":["Cryptography $i is &s to $f @6 hard to misuse","0.4.3"],"zfp-sys":["Raw @3 @5 to ZFP (&w://","0.1.8"],"spmc_buffer":["An ^n of triple buffering @0 &4-consumer scenarios, &K @0 sharing frequently updated @A $G threads","0.5.1"],"rutie-serde":["rutie $n ^t",C[0]],"specs_transform":["transform 2d @6 3d component @0 specs",C[2]],"env_&I":["A &z @2 @0 `log` $i is configured via an environmentvariable.","0.8.3"],"unleash-api-client":["An &w:// @C @i",C[2]],"conjure-codegen":["@3 $3 ^6 @0 Conjure $E","0.7.4"],"mendes":["@3 ^Y toolkit @0 impatient perfectionists","0.0.53"],"cargo-authors":["A &3 @0 @N @p lists all @4 authors of all @4 dependenciesof @4 @8 in $p current ^h directory.Simply install, then navigate to @4 directory of a @8 @6 run `@N authors`",C[2]],"wdg-base32":["$d Base32 Data Encoding","0.6.1"],"tract-linalg":[C[136],"0.12.5"],"workerpool":["A &k pool @0 running a &2 of jobs on a fixed set of stateful worker threads.","1.2.0"],"google-logging2-cli":[C[137],C[138]],"ohmers":["A @1 @0 retrieving @6 storing objects in a Redis @Z","0.1.1"],"near-vm-errors":["Error @p can occur inside Near Runtime encapsulated in a separate @8. Might merge it later.","3.0.0"],"sloppy-rfc4880":["RFC 4880 @j extract @w @4 openpgp @8",C[0]],"libcdio-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libcdio @1","0.4.2"],"smart-ptr":["Alternative smart pointers @0 @3","0.4.1"],"dungen":["@J &x dungeon @G","0.1.2"],"nv-xml":["A very light weight xml @1","0.1.3"],"spinners":["🛎 60+ Elegant $A spinners @0 @3","1.2.0"],"wyvern":["A @e CLI $F @0 installing @6 maintaining linux GOG games","1.4.1"],"cronjob":["cronjob @1 @0 scheduling $p &Q","0.3.17"],"pre-commit":["Reads hooks metadata @w Cargo.toml @6 executes on commit","0.5.2"],"tokio-mock-task":["Mock a Tokio task","0.1.1"],"tokio-compat-02":["Tokio 0.2 compat @L",C[0]],"libheif-rs":["Safe @h $C @4 libheif-@f @8 @0 @Y heif/heic @E",C[83]],"kiteconnect":["RUST @C @h @0 kiteconnect APIs","0.2.9"],"google-firebasedynamiclinks1-cli":[C[139],C[103]],"log_settings":["a tiny @8 allowing &j to change &I settings","0.1.2"],"$O_dynamodb":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon DynamoDB @ 2012-08-10",C[13]],"wasmtime-interface-types":["Support @0 wasm @s @l @7 wasmtime",C[19]],"hamt-sync":["HAMT @2 whose sub-trees can be shared &q threads","0.2.5"],"crossfont":["Cross @U &d font loading @6 rasterization",C[0]],"crates-io":["Helpers @0 &7 @7","0.32.0"],"nzb":["Get Things Done® @7 nzb, a beautiful $A @s @0 Nozbe. Inspired by Wunderline","0.5.3"],"openssl-errors":["Custom ^q @1 @t @0 @4 openssl @8.",C[9]],"bevy_wgpu":["A wgpu render ^4 @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"mccs-db":["MCCS specification VCP ^V","0.1.2"],"gtfs-structures":["Read GTFS (public transit timetables) @E",C[25]],"parsec":["@B of ^p @0 &c, Reliable, Secure @6 Efficient Consensus","0.7.3"],"rs_osrm":["@g @h @0 osrm","1.0.10"],"futures-async-runtime":[C[140],C[7]],"orbtk-api":["@C @8 @p @y base &0 @6 elements @0 OrbTk $D widgets basis.",C[97]],"plain_hasher":["Hasher @0 32-byte keys.","0.2.3"],"tough":["$d Update Framework (TUF) &M @i",C[12]],"ruspiro-interrupt":["Providing a @e @6 convinient way to implement interrupt handler @0 Raspberry Pi interrupts.","0.4.1"],"$O_neptune":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Neptune @ 2014-10-31",C[13]],"executor-macros":["^U @0 executor","0.1.1"],"glad-sys":["@D @0 Glad @0 @3","0.0.6"],"compile-time-crc32-impl":[C[141],C[9]],"envy":["deserialize env vars ^i typesafe structs","0.4.2"],"tensorflux":["$d $0 @y an @s to TensorFlow.","0.8.2"],"cql_ffi":["A mostly $W @h of @4 DataStax C++ CQL driver.Works @7 both stable @6 nightly",C[7]],"mscms-sys":["@D @5 to mscms. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"$O_codepipeline":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CodePipeline @ 2015-07-09",C[13]],"lde":["Length disassembler @0 x86 @6 x86_64.",C[3]],"superluminal-perf-sys":["Superluminal Performance C @C @5","0.1.2"],"kanshi":["Dynamic display $K",C[7]],"lru-cache-macros":["A $w @m @0 automatically caching @4 &P of @z.",C[1]],"buf-min":["Minimal buffer $g",C[8]],"stm32f4":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32F4 &S",C[24]],"finch":["An @2 of min-wise independent permutation locality sensitive hashing ('MinHashing') @0 genomic @A @6 @H-$r $q @0 manipulation.","0.4.1"],"sasl2-sys":["@K @0 Cyrus SASL.","0.1.14"],"nuid":["A highly performant unique identifier @G.",C[3]],"dinotree":["An aabb space partitioning 2d ^k @A $M","0.5.5"],"self-meter":["A tiny @1 to measure resource usage of @4 ^O it's $a in.",C[5]],"unicode-normalization":[C[142],"0.1.17"],"mn":["$d CLI app @0 remembering those little things @p slip $p mind",C[7]],"dbus-crossroads":["Framework @0 $N D-Bus method handlers",C[3]],"acct":["Crate @0 ^R @A @w acct(5) @E",C[5]],"challenge-bypass-ristretto":["A @g implemention of @4 privacy pass ^z @9 @x @4 Ristretto group (WIP)","1.0.0-pre.0"],"aren_alloc":["@J ^s @0 ^P copyable objects &J by object-pools.",C[3]],"lobby":["TCP @Z @2 suitable @0 chat rooms @6 games.",C[4]],"libimagentryannotation":[C[29],C[21]],"fallible-iterator":["Fallible iterator $g",C[7]],"term_cursor":["A @8 @0 $Y $A cursor movement in a @U independent way.",C[7]],"horrorshow":["a templating @1 $h in @g @d","0.8.3"],"cargo-all-features":["A Cargo &3 to $t @6 ^7 all feature flag combinations","1.5.0"],"cactus":["Immutable parent pointer ^k","1.0.6"],"dw":["An @s to libdw",C[0]],"unwrap":["An unwrap! @6 an unwrap_err! @m","1.2.1"],"fd":["File descriptor @L","0.2.3"],"guid-create":["@3 ^w @0 ^9 GUIDs","0.1.1"],"tempdir":["A @1 @0 managing a temporary directory @6 deleting all contents when it'sdropped.","0.3.7"],"nvapi-sys":["NVIDIA NVAPI @D @5","0.1.3"],"rubygems_&0":["Query @4 @C",C[3]],"branca":["Authenticated encrypted @C tokens @0 @3. A secure alternative to JWT.",C[12]],"ntdll":["@5 to `ntdll.dll`.","0.0.3"],"yew-components":["A $m of community-created Yew components",C[0]],"crypto-mac":["Trait @0 Message Authentication Code (MAC) $X","0.11.0-pre"],"fractal-utils":["^l @0 ^h @7 Fractal Global Credits.","0.3.4"],"actix-web-requestid":["Request ID middleware @0 actix-^Y",C[3]],"rbatis":["@3 ORM Framework High Performance(^y @r)","1.8.69"],"storage-proofs-core":["Core parts @0 proofs of ^L","6.0.0"],"i3wsr":["Change i3-wm workspace names @r on its contents","1.3.1"],"bincode-grpc-macro":["&r @d @0 @4 bincode-grpc @8","0.7.2"],"solana-account-decoder":["Solana account decoder","1.5.7"],"futures-await-test":[C[446],C[3]],"maidsafe_@l":["Types @0 maidsafe clients @6 vaults.","0.2.3"],"^s_&0":["@k is a copy of @4 unstable allocator_api(&w:// @6 of parts of @4 unstablealloc feature.Usable @7 stable @g, but requires 1.33.",C[5]],"puffin-imgui":["ImGui GUI @5 @0 @4 Puffin profiler",C[5]],"portaudio":["PortAudio @5 @0 @3.","0.7.0"],"libresolv-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libresolv @1",C[0]],"symbolic-common":["Common @l @6 @L @0 symbolic, a @1 to symbolicate @6 processstack traces @w &d @P, minidumps, minified JavaScripts orProGuard optimized Android apps.","8.0.3"],"crc32":["A port of @4 CRC-32 $7 to @3","0.0.2"],"google-dfareporting2d1-cli":[C[193],C[194]],"rotor-http":["$d mio-@r &e @Z (+@7 &e @i @6 websockets planned)","0.7.0"],"progress":["@u @0 showing ^x @r progress bar @6 job status",C[0]],"google-adsense1d4":[C[356],C[14]],"treeflection_@c":["#[@c(Node)] @m @0 @4 Treeflection @1",C[8]],"genawaiter-macro":["Convenience @d @0 generators (genawaiter)","0.99.1"],"nc_rustlex_^T":[C[1005],C[1]],"svg_metadata":["Extracts metadata ($D @4 viewBox, width, @6 height) @w SVG ^u","0.4.2"],"spl-token":["Solana Program @u Token","3.1.0"],"bitset":["A @e bitset @1 $D C++ (@s adapted).","0.1.2"],"cargo-pkgbuild":["ArchLinux's PKGBULD @G @w Cargo.toml manifest $2","0.1.1"],"commentective":["CLI $F to locate comments @6 commented out $3 in $p source $3","0.8.1"],"sshkeys":["@3 @1 @0 @Y OpenSSH certificates @6 public keys",C[3]],"dnsrpc-sys":["@D @5 to dnsrpc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tr1pd":["tamper resistant audit log",C[1]],"cute":["A @m @0 Python-esque comprehensions",C[3]],"witchcraft-log":["A structured &z facade @0 Witchcraft servers",C[3]],"tracy-client":["High @I @5 to @4 @i &j @0 @4 Tracy profiler",C[15]],"slog_kmsg":["slog drain to &b records ^i @4 kernel's dmesg ring buffer","0.1.2"],"rust-graph":["A graph @1 @0 @3","0.0.3"],"dhcpcsvc6-sys":["@D @5 to dhcpcsvc6. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustsec":["&X @1 @0 @4 RustSec security advisory ^V","0.23.0"],"log_buffer":["A zero-allocation ring buffer @0 storing ^x logs","1.2.0"],"conjure-runtime":["An ^o @i ^d @7 Conjure-&i services",C[8]],"triple_accel":["@3 edit distance routines accelerated @x SIMD. Supports $S Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations @6 $b search.","0.3.4"],"susu":["Keep It @J @6 Naive $D a child","0.1.20190509190436"],"hlua-badtouch":["badtouch specific fork of hlua","0.4.2"],"mdmregistration-sys":["@D @5 to mdmregistration. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"eui48":["A @1 to ^m @6 parse IEEE EUI-48 @6 EUI-64, also known as MAC-48 media accesscontrol addresses. $d IEEE claims trademarks on @4 names EUI-48 @6 EUI-64, in $i EUI is anabbreviation @0 Extended Unique Identifier.","1.1.0"],"svgparser":["Featureful, pull-@r, zero-allocation SVG @j.","0.8.1"],"pyo3":["@K to Python interpreter",C[80]],"tentacle-ping":["ping @9 @2 @0 tentacle","0.3.9"],"almost":["A @8 @0 comparing floating point ^F",C[0]],"rustc-artifacts":["Access lists of published &y artifacts","0.2.2"],"semval":["Semantic validation","0.1.7"],"codeviz_@g":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"bchannel":["A better channel @C","0.0.10"],"k8-client":[C[346],"5.0.0"],"copy_@w_str":["An ^n $I to copy a $b ^i another $b","1.0.3"],"bevy_property":["Dynamically @n @7 struct fields @x their names",C[3]],"appcore_shared":["Utility @1 @0 @4 appcore ^Q.",C[4]],"muxrpc":["$d muxrpc rpc @9 in @g.",C[3]],"vdot":["Create $p .env @E @x HashiCorp Vault.","0.4.8"],"snarkvm-dpc":["DPC @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"@c_state_&R_@v":["Custom @c @2 @0 @4 `state_machine_future` @8. Use thatcrate instead of @S one directly.",C[0]],"render-tree":["A @1 @0 &W trees of content to @4 $A","0.1.1"],"jmespatch":[C[823],C[3]],"memsocket":["An $z in-$v socket-$D @s.","0.1.3"],"parity-multiaddr":[C[492],C[15]],"bitsparrow-derive":["Derive @d @0 BitSparrow @2 in @3",C[741]],"wascc-codec":["Shared ^2 $a by @4 waSCC host $4 @6 capability providers","0.9.0"],"librespot-core":["$d @T $l provided by librespot","0.1.3"],"$n_osc":["Serialization @6 &a of Open Sound Control (OSC) packets @x $n","0.4.2"],"gfx_app":["GFX example $T @o","0.9.0"],"integer_set":["A @1 &6 a high-$J integer set.","0.0.2"],"compstui-sys":["@D @5 to compstui. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"$O_glacier":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Glacier @ 2012-06-01",C[13]],"exar-net":["Exar DB's TCP @9",C[9]],"gdnative-common":["(DEPRECATED) $d Godot game engine's gdnative $R &i class @5.","0.6.1"],"mccs-caps":["MCCS capability $b @j",C[9]],"ttf-parser":["A high-@I, $W, zero-allocation TrueType font @j.",C[15]],"az":["Casts @6 checked casts","1.1.0"],"relm-derive-state":["Custom @c required by @4 relm-state @8.",C[51]],"unicode_categories":["Query &g category membership @0 chars","0.1.1"],"kbgpg":["GnuPG-compatibility @h @0 Keybase","0.1.2"],"&0_kit":["@3 @1 @0 $t typesafe ^Y &0 @i.",C[0]],"educe":["@k @8 @y $w @d to help @O implement @3-built-in $g quickly.","0.4.13"],"mp3-metadata":["Metadata @j @0 MP3 @E","0.3.3"],"deno":["@X @4 deno executable","1.7.2"],"json_pretty":["@J Json prettifier @0 @3 @R.","0.1.2"],"conduit-log-requests":["Middleware $i logs all incoming requests to a conduit-@r @Z","0.8.0"],"google-androidenterprise1-cli":[C[520],C[521]],"cuda":["CUDA @5.","0.4.0-pre.2"],"spectrogram":["$d start of a spectrogram &W @1",C[9]],"solana-crate-features":["Solana Crate Features","1.5.7"],"rustlex_^T":["Syntax ^n @0 RustLex",C[8]],"tst":["Ternary search trie $m in @g @7 similar @C to std::&u as it possible",C[21]],"ra_ap_ide":["TBD",C[73]],"cargo-sync-readme":["Generate a Markdown section in $p README @r on $p @3 documentation","1.1.0"],"spandoc":[C[791],C[7]],"ape":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N APEv2 tags",C[3]],"vte-rs":["@3 @5 @0 @4 VTE 3 @1",C[8]],"iced_$1":["Commands, subscriptions, @6 runtimes @0 Iced",C[0]],"nettle-sys":["Low-@I @3 @5 @0 @4 Nettle ^z @1","2.0.5"],"show-image":["quickly show images in a window @0 debugging","0.8.1"],"wasm-bindgen-anyref-xform":["Internal anyref transformations @0 wasm-bindgen","0.2.62"],"aerosol":["Dependency injection @7 &V-$B guarantees",C[3]],"openssl2-sys":[N,"1.0.0"],"$m_@d":["Collection of @d @0 &u",C[0]],"sparse-rs":["Sparse linear algebra",C[9]],"libalpm-fork":["An aspirationally $W @h $C libalpm (@4 Arch &t Package Manager).@k fork compiles on stable @g.","0.1.4"],"include_dir_impl":["@B @8 @0 include_dir",C[5]],"simd-json-derive":["derives @0 simd-json","0.1.15"],"raw-string":["RawStr/RawString @W $D str/String, but ^Z any guaranteed $c","0.3.5"],"zeromq-src":["Source $3 @6 logic to $t ZeroMQ @w source","0.1.10+4.3.2"],"image-base64":[C[474],C[9]],"tinystr-raw":["Raw $b-to-integer conversions @0 tinystr.",C[9]],"opcua-types":["OPC UA @l @6 constants","0.8.0"],"windows":[C[511],C[1]],"terminator":["A ^P @1 to have `Display` &P @0 `fn main() -> Result<(), E>`",C[9]],"iced_glow":["A glow renderer @0 iced",C[9]],"google-cloudresourcemanager1":[C[143],C[37]],"fixed_circular_buffer":["A queue (@4 abstract @A $M) &v @x a fixed size circular buffer","0.2.2"],"^L_zip":["Utility @z @1 @0 zipping Options @6 Results ^i tuples.","0.1.1"],"rdkafka":["@3 @h @0 librdkafka","0.25.0"],"checked":["Implements a @h &q @4 primitive @3 @l @p better indicates overflow during arithmetic.",C[2]],"crate-compile-test":["Crate Compilation Test ^w",C[0]],"textsearch":["Full ^x search @0 @g",C[0]],"clap_derive-v3":[C[119],C[643]],"gflags-derive":["Derive gflags invocations @w struct fields",C[9]],"new_$o_@c":["Combat primitive obsession by easily ^9 strongly-typed &D @6 reference @l","0.2.2"],"polylabel":["A @3 @2 of @4 Polylabel $7 @0 finding optimum polygon label positions.","2.4.0"],"anyrange":["Small ^w $I @p helps dealing @7 range arguments",C[9]],"unit_^7_&1":["@3 unilities @0 unit tests","0.1.3"],"typed-headers":["Typed ^o header @V @6 &a.",C[0]],"futures-util":[C[267],"0.3.12"],"actix-protobuf":["Protobuf @t @0 Actix ^Y",C[5]],"podcast":["A @H $r podcast &N","0.17.6"],"kite":[C[144],C[7]],"ptr":["Unique pointer","0.2.2"],"syntex_fmt_@d":["Export of fmt_macros $3 ^6",C[2]],"zinoma":["Žinoma - Make $p $t flow incremental","0.19.3"],"uinput-sys":["&t uinput $E.","0.1.7"],"shadertoy-rs":["A desktop @i @0 Shadertoy $h in @3","0.4.4"],"bmp085":["A @3 ^K @0 @4 Adafruit BMP085/BMP180 thermometer/barometer device.","0.1.2"],"utf8-cstr":["Type &D promising null termination @6 utf-8 validity. $d intersection of `std::ffi::CStr` @6 `str`",C[6]],"lair_keystore":["secret lair private keystore",C[145]],"$O_mock":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Request Mocking Helpers",C[13]],"wbg-rand":["Random ^F @6 @6 RNG @0 wasm32-unknown-unknown @x `#[wasm_bindgen]`","0.4.1"],"openjpeg2-sys":["Statically links against OpenJPEG2, $a by @4 jpeg2000 @8.","0.1.4"],"lux":["A super @e 2d-^u $k @p handles windowing @6 events @0 @O! Right now it's supposed to be a top secret! Shhhhh...","0.1.2"],"emojicode":["Convenience &D @0 emojicode-@f","0.1.4"],"query_@s":["Dynamically query a $o-erased object @0 any $I @2","0.3.5"],"indexed-line-reader":["Allows seeking a $2 to a specific $r",C[7]],"analyticord":["@J @h $C @4 Analyticord @C.","0.1.2"],"map-to-javascript-html":["A @1 @0 serializing a map to JavaScript $3 in HTML usually @0 dynamically $H $y on ^Y pages.","2.0.3"],"actix-utils":["Various ^c related services @6 @L @0 @4 Actix ecosystem",C[120]],"toks":["Efficient tokens @0 `html5ever::rcdom::RcDom` `Handle` parsingaiming @0 O(1) HTML DOM walking & efficiency.","1.0.0"],"fff_@c":[C[43],"0.2.2"],"flann":["@K @0 @4 FLANN @1",C[9]],"build-info-build":["@X @4 @A consumed by @4 $t-info @8. Use as a $t-&o.","0.0.21"],"edge-detection":["$d canny edge detection $7","0.2.5"],"guile-sys":["Low-@I @5 to GNU Guile.","0.1.1"],"julia":["Idiomatic @6 $W Julia @5 @0 @3","0.2.5"],"tempdb_cockroach":["Temporary databases @0 unit ^j","1.0.9"],"skew-heap":["A priority queue @r on a skew heap.",C[0]],"rendy":["Higher-@I ^u abstrations @r on gfx-hal","0.5.1"],"flexpolyline":["Flexible Polyline $c: a lossy compressed representation of a list of coordinate pairs or triples",C[9]],"selenium-rs":["selenium-rs is a @i @0 @4 selenium webdriver spec (&w:// It is aimed to simplify behavior driven ^j in @g, @6 @0 automating browser interaction.","0.1.2"],"ressa":["An ECMAscript @j","0.7.1"],"aseprite":["A @8 to load @E @w @4 aseprite sprite editor.","0.1.3"],"stitch":["A @g @s @0 pushing @A to &w://",C[0]],"gnutls-sys":["GnuTLS bindngs @0 @3!","0.1.2"],"ra_ap_mbe":["TBD",C[73]],"near-runtime-fees":["Fees applied to near $4 encapsulated in a separate @8. Might merge it later.","2.2.0"],"yaz0":["A @1 @0 de/compressing Nintendo Yaz0 @E",C[3]],"gobble":["A Combinator @r @j @0 $y @p gets out of @4 way, @6 leaves $p $3 looking $D a grammer","0.6.3"],"crusadertest2":[C[146],C[0]],"jp":["An attempt at a friendly ^u @C",C[8]],"memmap2":[C[147],C[7]],"canonical_host":["$d plumbing @0 @4 host responsible @0 @4 wasm host calls.",C[2]],"google-compute1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 compute (@9 v1)","1.0.12+20190618"],"ppbert":["@J pretty printer @0 Erlang's External Term Format",C[24]],"rpcperf_@j":["rpc-perf response parsers","1.0.0"],"opaque_typedef_@d":[C[776],"0.0.5"],"argmin_@T":["Mathematical optimization in &p @3 (@T $l)","0.2.5"],"onig_@f":["$d `onig_sys` @8 contains raw @g @5 to theoniguruma @1. @k @8 exposes a set of unsafefunctions $i can then be $a by other $Z tocreate $W &D $C Oniguruma.You probably don't want to link to @S @8 directly;instead check out @4 `onig` @8.","69.6.0"],"fon":["@3 audio @l, resampling, &l @6 mixing @1.",C[2]],"reduce":["Fold an iterator ^Z an initial &m","0.1.4"],"hnsw":["Fast approximate nearest neighbors","0.6.1"],"sdc":["Read @6 &b Riegl's .sdc $2 @M","0.1.1"],"ethcore":["Ethcore @1",C[9]],"hazard":["Hazard pointers.",C[1]],"ratsio":["Ratsio is a @3 @i @1 @0 NATS messaging @Q @6 NATS Event Streaming.",C[226]],"html5ever_ext":["@k is a set of unofficial extensions to @4 html5ever crate's RcDom @6 Node structs, including a ***minifying HTML5 serializer*** @6 @t @0 ***CSS matching***.","0.21.20"],"fileextd-sys":["@D @5 to fileextd. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"dirs-2":["A tiny low-@I @1 @p @y @U-specific ^M locations of directories @0 config, cache @6 other @A on &t, ^5 @6 macOS by leveraging @4 mechanisms defined by @4 XDG base/user directory specifications on &t, @4 Known Folder @C on ^5, @6 @4 Standard Directory guidelines on macOS.","3.0.1"],"uri":["Deprecated, $f url @8 instead",C[8]],"azure-functions-shared":["Implementations shared $G @4 azure-@z-^T @6 azure-@z $Z.",C[15]],"bson-rs":[C[994],C[9]],"join-lazy-fmt":["Lazy `separator.join(iterable)` method @6 `lazy_format!` @0 @3","0.9.2"],"io-enum":["#[@c(Read, Write, Seek, BufRead)] @0 enums.","1.0.0"],"jomini":["Low @I, $J oriented @j @0 save @6 game @E @w EU4, CK3, HOI4, Imperator, @6 other PDS titles","0.9.0"],"numas":["numas @1 is @2 of multidimensional array @0 ^S computing","0.2.7"],"sp-consensus":["Common @L @0 ^f @6 @x consensus engines in substrate.","0.9.0"],"vf-rs":["A set of classes &i @w @4 ValueFlows RDF schema","0.3.16"],"&n_map_@d":["$U @m $a @0 static_map.",C[225]],"dbus-codegen":["Binary @8 to ^m @3 $3 @w XML introspection @A","0.9.1"],"aws-sdk-rust":["Important Enhancements:1) Supports V2 @6 V4 @C Signatures @0 third party S3 compliant products $D Ceph2) Works @w behind proxies3) Returned @A can be in @3 structs, ^y or XMLWorks only @0 S3. Other ^r Storage features @W coming soon!","0.1.42"],"minidl":["Extremely lean cross @U @1 @0 loading symbols","0.1.1"],"@c_arbitrary":["Derives arbitrary $g",C[824]],"cqrs":["An event-sourced @H-query @Q",C[1]],"ifmt":["Inline &L interpolation @0 @3.","0.3.3"],"smafa":["Biological sequence aligner @0 aligned sequences.",C[2]],"tiny_&e":["Low @I ^o @Z @1","0.8.0"],"vmaf-sys":["@3 VMAF @D","0.0.10"],"httpserv":["A tiny, zero-&o fileserver @0 local HTML &A.","1.0.3"],"rustdt_util":["^l @6 $R $3 @0 RustDT @3 projects","0.2.3"],"anitomy-sys":["@K @0 Anitomy, @4 @1 @0 @Y anime video filenames","0.1.2"],"cubeb-core":["Common @l @6 $E @0 cubeb @g @6 C @5. Not intended @0 direct $f.","0.8.0"],"cqrs-postgres":["An @2 of cqrs @0 a PostgreSQL ^4.","0.3.3"],"clanker":["Minimalistic @H prompt @0 fish.","0.7.0"],"malk-lexer":["A @e unicode lexer","0.1.1"],"stm32f429":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32F429 $x","0.6.1"],"ryu_floating_decimal":["Fast floating point to floating decimal conversion. See @4 @8 'ryu' @0 more details",C[9]],"sphinxcrypto":["Sphinx ^z packet @M @1","0.1.1"],"rangemap":["Map @6 set @A $j whose keys @W stored as ranges.Contiguous @6 overlapping ranges @p map to @4 same &m @W coalesced ^i a single range.","0.1.8"],"concurrent-kv":["key-&m @A store @7 limited concurrent updates",C[7]],"elefont":["A @1 @p handles caching rendered glyphs on @4 GPU","0.1.3"],"@g_redlock":["A @3 Redlock @2 @0 &T, highly-available redis locks",C[8]],"codeplatter":["codeplatter is a $F to &V $3 snippets @0 browser @r presentations where @O can make ajax requests",C[9]],"actix_@c":["Derive @d @0 `actix` actors",C[198]],"touch":["A thin @h $C $2 @6 directory $V designed to take remove some of tediousness.",C[4]],"pipe-logger":[C[168],"1.1.12"],"gong":["A ^C, flexible @6 @e-to-$f @H $r argument processor.","1.4.2"],"statechart":["statecharts: hierarchical, reactive state machines","0.0.8"],"asn1_der":["@k @8 @y an ASN.1-DER en-/decoder","0.7.2"],"p12":["&p @g pkcs12 $F",C[0]],"savefile":["@J, convenient, $S, versioned, $Q @V/&a @1. Requires nightly as of 2019-12-15","0.7.4"],"ckb-merkle-mountain-range":["A generalized merkle mountain range @2","0.17.0-pre"],"const-default-derive":["#[@c(ConstDefault)]",C[9]],"tars-stream":["@0 tencent/Tars TARS ^p $c/&f","0.1.1"],"rustc-demangle":["@3 ^8 symbol demangling.","0.1.18"],"map_@0":["A @3 @m @p implements @0 comprehensions similar to Scala's.",C[3]],"dmoguids-sys":["@D @5 to dmoguids. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"railroad":["A @1 to create syntax-diagrams as Scalable Vector Graphics","0.1.1"],"cute-async":["Cute $6 @L",C[8]],"atom_syndication":["@u @0 serializing @4 Atom ^Y content syndication @M","0.9.1"],"impose":["Minimalist audio lib",C[3]],"lttb":["An @2 of @4 Largest Triangle Three Buckets $7",C[0]],"openssl-src":["Source of OpenSSL @6 logic to $t it.","111.13.0+1.1.1i"],"$O_mediaconvert":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Elemental MediaConvert @ 2017-08-29",C[13]],"rs_algo":["Common sorting $X @6 other $R computer science $X.",C[7]],"pnet":[C[906],"0.27.2"],"actix-webfinger":["Types @6 &F to create @6 fetch Webfinger resources",C[148]],"taxonomy":["Routines @0 loading, saving, @6 manipulating taxonomic trees","0.7.0"],"tcod":["$d @3 @5 @0 @4 Doryen @1 (a.k.a. libtcod).",C[42]],"libnetfilter_queue":["@k is a @g ^3 @0 libnetfilter_queue, a &t @1 @p allows userspace to make decisions on @4 destiny of packets.","0.0.3"],"increment":["Increment all @l of integers if it is still possible.",C[3]],"mine":[C[149],C[150]],"cargo-suity":["Utility to automate ^7 runs @6 report results in JUnit @M",C[7]],"multipart":[C[553],"0.17.1"],"vcf":["VCF &C",C[2]],"&G_kind":["Easily manage ^G related to &G.",C[0]],"czmq":["High-@I @5 to @4 CZMQ @1",C[9]],"$b_manipulation":["A @8 @0 $b manipulation. To $f @4 features of @S @8, put \"extern @8 string_manipulation;$f @8::string_manipulation::StringManipulation;\" in $p @3 $2.","0.1.7"],"olesvr32-sys":["@D @5 to olesvr32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tmp1x2":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 TMP102 @6 TMP112 digital temperature sensors.",C[7]],"ckb-channel":["Channel @h.",C[70]],"async-net":["Async networking ^2 @0 TCP/UDP/Unix communication","1.5.0"],"kripher":["File encoder @r on an own $7.","0.8.0"],"twisty":["Example WebSocket Echo @i &v @7 twist",C[1]],"spline":["Splines.",C[0]],"rss-rs":["Deprecated. @k ^Q has been merged @7 @4 `rss` @8.","0.3.2"],"cpp_syn":["Internal @g-cpp nom @j @0 @3 source $3",C[19]],"sha1-asm":["Assembly @2 of SHA-1 ^D $8",C[2]],"comm":["...",C[9]],"rstrtmgr-sys":["@D @5 to rstrtmgr. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"chatbot":["An extensible chatbot","0.2.3"],"backtracking_iterator":["A @e @2 of a ^A iterator @7 an item history, capable of backtracking @6 forgetting.","0.4.4"],"google-freebase1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 freebase (@9 v1)","0.1.14+20150728"],"rustc-ap-rustc_parse":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_parse` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"capnp-nonblock":["[deprecated] A Cap'n Proto message serializer @6 deserializer @p works @7 non-blocking streams.",C[8]],"encrypted-dns":["A modern encrypted DNS @Z (DNSCrypt v2, Anonymized DNSCrypt, DoH)","0.3.23"],"nu-source":["A source $b characterizer @0 Nushell",C[59]],"wasm-core":["Portable ^1 @2","0.2.15"],"static-buffer":["Static ring buffer @7 paddings",C[0]],"@e_^s_$I":["A @J @a @0 chunky @6 compact until they integrate @7 a stable @g ^s @C",C[9]],"kyber":["a CCA-secure ^H-lattice-@r KEM",C[259]],"wasmer_enumset_@c":["An ^W ^w @8 @0 enumset. Not public @C. Wasmer fork to work $C `syn` issue. @k will not be updated once @4 issue is fixed upstream.",C[2]],"servo":["Parked non-servo thing",C[4]],"libbfio-rs":[C[248],"0.2.5"],"oxygengine-script-flow":["Visual graph scripting ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"rstring-builder":["String builder $o","0.1.4"],"fontconfig":["Safe, higher-@I @h $C @4 Fontconfig @1",C[0]],"emseries":["an Embedded Time Series ^V","0.5.1"],"near-vm-runner-standalone":["A @H $r @h $C `near-vm-runner.`All ^q &E @p can be raised during @4 contract execution @W raised by `near-vm-runner`@6 @4 all effects of computing @4 execution result of a smart contract @W encapsulated inside `near-vm-runner`.One can $f `near-vm-runner-standalone` to ^7 @4 smart contracts, e.g. @7 ^t teststo make sure it has expected behavior once deployed to @4 blockchain.","2.2.0"],"syn-mid":["Providing @4 features $G \"full\" @6 \"@c\" of syn.","0.5.3"],"ucd":["Extends @4 char $o to provide ^0 to most fields of @4 UCD, UnicodeCharacter Database, as of $9 9.0.0. It aims to be compact, $S, @6 useminimal &8 (only rust's @T @8). Not all properties @W included,most notably character names.","0.1.1"],"twa_pack_lib":["A Total War: Arena pack $2 @1","0.1.13"],"proctitle":["A $W @s to setting ^O titles","0.1.1"],"cargo-asm":["A @N &3 @p displays @4 &i assembly of @3 source $3.","0.1.16"],"proj-sys":["@3 @5 @0 PROJ v7.1.x",C[54]],"cntr":["A container debugging $F @r on FUSE","1.4.1"],"solana-bpf-loader-api":[C[436],"0.20.5"],"gstreamer-rtsp-server-sys":["@D @5 to libgstrtspserver-1.0","0.9.1"],"shell32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 shell32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.2"],"diener":["&o diener is a $F @0 easily changing [Substrate](&w:// or [Polkadot](&w:// &o versions",C[1]],"time-util":["A @8 &6 miscellaneous $l @0 ^h @7 timestamps.",C[3]],"overloadable":["Overloadable @z done &s in @g.","0.4.1"],"parquet-format":["Apache Parquet Format - thrift definition @6 &i @3 $2","4.0.0"],"substrate-wasmtime-runtime":[C[114],C[151]],"z3_ref":["High @I @s to @4 Z3 SMT solver","0.1.4"],"ipaddress":["an @1 to handle ipv4 @6 ipv6 ^F","0.1.2"],"snake_case":["SnakeCase is a String-$D $o @p can only contain valid non-empty snake_case",C[0]],"imag-wiki":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-wiki @H",C[21]],"libhydrogen":["A modern @6 &s to $f cryptography @1",C[3]],"splines":["Spline interpolation made &s","3.5.3"],"async-weighted-semaphore":["An $6 weighted semaphore.",C[9]],"shticker_book_unwritten":["Minimal CLI launcher @0 @4 Toontown Rewritten MMORPG","1.0.3"],"bracket-lib":["Meta-@8 holding @4 entirety of bracket-lib (@6 exposing it). Use @S @0 @4 full roguelike toolkit experience.","0.8.1"],"google-dlp2_beta1-cli":[C[1009],C[1010]],"zvariant_@c":[C[358],"2.5.0"],"bbox":["Managing axis aligned 3d Bounding Boxes.","0.11.2"],"$n_urlencoded":["`x-www-form-urlencoded` meets Serde","0.7.0"],"document":["Structures @6 ^2 @0 documents.","0.5.1"],"trx":["a modern @2 of @4 `^k` @H","0.2.6"],"grex":["grex generates regular expressions @w user-provided ^7 cases.","1.1.0"],"muta-codec-derive":["Muta fixed codec @c $w @d.","0.2.2"],"sp-block-builder":["$d block builder $4 &0.","3.0.0"],"serde-with-expand-env":["Parse &h variables in $n @8 @x deserialize_with.","1.1.0"],"dl_&0":["$d easiest, simplest @6 safest way to load dynamic (shared object) &j @w @3!",C[8]],"futures-stream-select-all-send":[C[864],"0.1.2"],"rustyard":["A Shunting Yard @2 @6 calculator. @k @8 is able to calculate basic math expressions passed to it as $y @6 return a 64-bit floating point return &m.",C[5]],"geogrid":["Manipulate geographic @A on a grid.",C[1]],"make_pluralrules":["A Rustcode @G @0 CLDR plural rules.",C[2]],"redirect":["A light weight, $o $W @h $C @4 DirectX12 @C",C[3]],"wasmi":[C[384],"0.7.0"],"mousemove":["Send a mouse movement or click event to @4 @Q.","0.0.2"],"cervine":["A slightly more flexible Cow; roughly to T: Borrow as alloc::borrow::Cow is to B: ToOwned","0.0.6"],"google-appengine1":[C[152],C[72]],"notify-rust":["Show desktop notifications (linux, bsd, mac). Pure @3 dbus @i @6 @Z.","4.2.2"],"iron-slog":["Logging Middleware @0 Iron @o, @7 slog-rs","0.0.2"],"dow":["Tomohiko Sakamoto's $7 @0 finding @4 day of @4 week","0.1.3"],"radix_fmt":["Format a &2 in an arbitrary radix","1.0.0"],"nue-io":["Binary @A $c @6 I/O",C[3]],"ratelimit":["a token bucket ratelimiter","0.4.4"],"czmq-sys":["Low-@I @5 to @4 CZMQ @1",C[9]],"msvfw32-sys":["@D @5 to msvfw32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"xml_writer":["writes xml, not pretty, but faaast",C[8]],"amazon_cognito_@g":["amazon cognito @i in @g","0.1.4"],"rute":["UI @1 &v on top of Qt","0.0.6"],"syslog-ng-common":["High @I @5 @0 syslog-ng","0.8.0"],"oxygengine":["Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"gc-arena":["$W garbage collected arenas",C[0]],"objekt-clonable":[C[293],"0.2.2"],"tokio-io":["Core I/O ^2 @0 $z I/O in @3.",C[23]],"section_^j":["A @1 @0 section-style ^j","0.0.4"],"fltk-derive":[C[246],"0.14.8"],"ethereum-block":[C[499],C[8]],"fn_box":["Box up $p FnOnces","1.0.5"],"git-workspace":["Manage @6 update personal @6 work git repos @w &4 providers","0.8.0"],"clingo":["@3 idiomatic @5 to @4 clingo @1",C[5]],"ascon":["A @2 of ASCON authenticated encryption.","0.1.4"],"bitwise":["Portable high-@I bitwise manipulation $X.","0.1.1"],"exonum_jsonrpc":[C[153],"0.5.1"],"divbuf":["Buffer object @p can be recursively divided ^i smaller buffers",C[1]],"ruroonga":[C[154],C[5]],"oysterpack_app_metadata":["OysterPack Application Metadata",C[1]],"ieee802154":["Partial @2 of @4 IEEE 802.15.4 ^M @0 low-rate wireless personal area networks",C[8]],"ra_ap_paths":["TBD",C[73]],"pastebin_@g_&0":["@u @0 posting content to","0.5.13"],"timber":["@J configurable &z",C[9]],"ransid":["@3 ANSI Driver","0.4.8"],"print-flat-tree":["Convert a flat-^k to a $b.","1.1.3"],"embed_js_@c":[C[176],"0.1.2"],"code-sandwich-crates-io-release-test":["outer @8 ^7 releaase","0.1.4"],"sgx_ucrypto":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"opener":["Open a $2 or link @x @4 @Q default ^N.","0.4.1"],"ecla":["Easily $t @H $r apps","1.0.0"],"knox":["structured secret vault encrypted through GPG",C[8]],"rust-puppetdb-cli":["PuppetDB CLI $F in @g.","0.1.2"],"dnsimple":["DNSimple @C v2","0.0.2"],"theban_pass":["@4 @s @p theban passes need to implement",C[0]],"select_color":["A @1 @0 color selection","0.20.0"],"xml-rs":["An XML @1 in &p @3","0.8.3"],"ytop":["A TUI @Q monitor $h in @3","0.6.2"],"chess_pgn_@j":["Chess Portable Game Notation @j","0.1.2"],"zoneinfo_parse":["@u @0 @Y zoneinfo $B zone @E","0.1.4"],"yubihsm":["Pure @3 @i @0 YubiHSM2 &S @7 @t @0 ^o andUSB-@r ^0 to @4 device. Supports most HSM functionalityincluding ECDSA, Ed25519, HMAC, @6 RSA.","0.38.0"],"wad":["A @1 @7 $q binaries @0 ^R WAD @E ^d @7 @4 Doom game $k","0.3.2"],"flexmesh":["Mutable mesh $M @7 persistent adjacency @A @6 n-gon @t","0.1.2"],"amqpr-api":["A $u @v @r amqp &0 @1","0.4.1"],"retrosheet":["A @3 @s @0 ^R Retrosheet @A.","0.2.4"],"arg-derive":["Derive @0 arg @8","0.3.3"],"reproto-backend-reproto":["Rethinking ^p Generatorsreproto ^4 @0 reprotothis @8 writes a schema out as a schema again.",C[63]],"libnghttp2-sys":["@D @5 @0 libnghttp2 (nghttp2)","0.1.6+1.43.0"],"iter-trait":["Iter $I @0 collectons.",C[1]],"imgui-sys":["Raw @D @5 to dear imgui","0.7.0"],"^g_libra_crypto":["Libra crypto",C[32]],"sc-consensus-babe-rpc":["RPC extensions @0 @4 BABE consensus $7","0.9.0"],"nannou_laser":["A cross-@U laser DAC detection @6 streaming @C.",C[42]],"clipboard_macos":["A @1 to obtain ^0 to @4 macOS clipboard",C[9]],"fp-core":["A @1 @0 functional $s in @3","0.1.9"],"tag-helper":["Increments semver-^d git tags",C[1]],"app_dirs":["Put $p app's @A in @4 right place on every @U","1.2.1"],"git2_credentials":["Provide credential $8 to $a @7 git2::RemoteCallbacks.credentials","0.7.1"],"skip_^q":["A @m to help skip an iteration in a loop @w a Result","1.0.1"],"compass-sprite":["Implement sprites @0 CSS usage on a ^Y page","0.0.3"],"lyon_svg":["SVG &F @0 @4 lyon $Z.","0.17.1"],"block-modes":["Block cipher modes of operation","0.7.0"],"curs":["Hyper ^o @i lib, feels more $D curl. Supports $2 Uploads.","0.1.3"],"rcmark":["@K to cmark @0 @Y @6 &W CommonMark.",C[9]],"rsperftools":[C[780],"0.3.3"],"stringprep":["An @2 of @4 stringprep $7","0.1.2"],"oci-spec":["OCI(Open Container Initiative) Runtime-Spec @6 Image-Spec @0 @3","0.2.8"],"derbyjson":["A $0 to serialize to @6 deserialize @w @4 DerbyJSON @M @0 roller derby @A","0.0.3"],"qapi":["QEMU QMP @6 Guest Agent @C","0.7.0"],"indy-sys":["@D @5 to Libindy C @C",C[155]],"mailgun-rs":["An unofficial @i @1 @0 @4 Mailgun @C","0.1.3"],"msoffice_shared":["@u shared by other MS OpenOffice $2 @M &j","0.1.1"],"path-dedot":["A @1 @0 extending `Path` @6 `PathBuf` in order to parse @4 path $i contains dots.","3.0.7"],"clap-test":["@z @6 @d to assist in ^j clap","0.1.1"],"flv-future-aio":[C[156],"2.4.2"],"http-bytes":["Byte buffer to/@w &e::{Request,Response}",C[9]],"urlshortener":["A very @e url shortener @i @1","3.0.0"],"t1ha":["An @2 of @4 T1AH (Fast Positive Hash) ^I $8.",C[9]],"grideye":["@3 ^K @0 Grid-EYE / Panasonic AMG88(33)","0.2.4"],"rust7z":["7-zip @5 @0 @3",C[0]],"howto":[C[312],C[8]],"tauri-web-view":[C[415],"0.6.2"],"os_$o":["Detect @4 operating @Q $o","2.2.0"],"bevy_input":["@X input $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"emoji-commit-type":["$d different commit @l $a in @4 emoji committer","0.1.1"],"hyperdex":["@3 ^3 @0 HyperDex, @4 next-^6 &T key-&m store","1.1.0"],"gmp":[C[504],C[1]],"brotli-sys":["Raw @5 to libbrotli","0.3.2"],"metatype":["Helper &Q to determine whether a $o is `TraitObject`, `Slice` or `Concrete`, @6 work @7 them respectively.",C[0]],"yew-macro":[C[227],C[36]],"slog-gelf":["GELF drain @0 slog","0.1.2"],"metered":[C[157],"0.7.0"],"wasm-bindgen-cli":["Command $r @s of @4 `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute @6 ^Q. For moreinformation see &w://","0.2.70"],"encodings":["A @8 containing $R $c styles",C[9]],"ripfind":["A $S @6 lean replacement @0 @4 find @H.",C[1]],"sc2":["@3 @2 of @4 StarCraft II &X @C",C[266]],"oxiri":["@J @6 $S @2 of IRI validation @6 relative IRI resolution","0.1.1"],"la":["Linear algebra @1 @0 @4 @3 $s @R.",C[0]],"rusti":["A @e go-style $q @0 downloading, installing, @6 running @g programs.","0.1.4"],"ntdsatq-sys":["@D @5 to ntdsatq. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"interpolation":["A @1 @0 interpolation",C[0]],"argonautica-c":["C/C++ @h @0 argonautica",C[0]],"flow_impl":["Definition of an @B $I @0 flow @z, @6 a @c @m","0.21.0"],"ringbuf":["Lock-free SPSC FIFO ring buffer @7 direct ^0 to inner @A","0.2.3"],"uwl":["A ^B ^X @0 bytes @6 characters",C[5]],"man":["Generate structured man pages",C[3]],"sqlx":["🧰 $d @3 SQL Toolkit. An $6, &p @3 SQL @8 featuring &V-$B checked queries ^Z a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, @6 SQLite.","0.5.1"],"pentacle":["Executes programs as sealed anonymous @E on &t","1.0.0"],"epoxy":["@3 @5 @0 libepoxy, an OpenGL $8 pointer &N.",C[9]],"bpfjit":["BPF JIT ^8 @w FreeBSD","0.1.1"],"chimper":["A graphical &O viewer","0.3.2"],"graphql-idl-parser-ffi":["An @D @s @0 @4 GraphQL IDL @M @j.","0.1.3"],"git-who":["List remote branches by author @6 date of last commit","0.1.3"],"minrs":["Visualizations @0 $Q @A in @4 wild","0.4.1"],"urlencode":["A CLI $q @0 URL-$c or -&f $y","0.1.2"],"copy_dir":["Copy directories recursively in a straightforward @6 predictable way.","0.1.2"],"ockta":["A game.",C[9]],"taskpool":[N,C[9]],"heap":["Heap $V on slices",C[9]],"ktmw32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 ktmw32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.1"],"criterion-cycles-per-byte":["measure $B @7 CPU cycles @0 criterion","0.1.2"],"unqlite-sys":["@3 `unqlite` @5.","1.1.0"],"imxrt-ral":["Register ^0 layer @0 all NXP i.MX RT $x","0.4.1"],"opc":["A @g @2 of @4 open pixel control @9",C[3]],"tm4c123x-hal":["HAL @0 @4 TM4C123x family of $x","0.10.2"],"sled-extensions":["Wrappers $C @4 Sled ^v ^V to permit storing structured @A",C[0]],"swc_ecma_^T":["Ecmascript $3 @G @0 @4 swc ^Q.","0.44.0"],"pcf857x":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 PCF8574, PCF8574A @6 PCF8575 I/O expanders.",C[3]],"runng_@c":["^U @0 [runng](&w://$Z/runng)",C[0]],"midly":["Fast MIDI @j @6 writer both @0 @E @6 standalone MIDI events","0.5.1"],"@g_icu_@f":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w &g.","0.4.1"],"skulpin-renderer-winit":["Support @0 winit in skulpin","0.5.1"],"battery-cli":["CLI $F @0 batteries reports",C[6]],"futures-v02x":["A mirror of $1 v0.2.x",C[9]],"statsd":["A basic statsd @i @0 @g.",C[31]],"ledb":["Lightweight ^v ^V built &q LMDB",C[8]],"elmesque":["An attempt at porting Elm's incredibly &K, purely functional std ^u modules.",C[19]],"libretro-sys":["Raw libretro @C @5 @0 @3","0.1.1"],"wiaservc-sys":["@D @5 to wiaservc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustc-ap-rustc_^q_codes":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_error_codes` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 30ca215b4e38b32aa7abdd635c5e2d56f5724494 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","638.0.0"],"webp":["WebP conversion @1. WIP","0.1.1"],"jsonrpc-client-transports":[C[158],"17.0.0"],"paper-terminal":["Writes a $2 to a paper in $p $A. Especially if @p $2 is Markdown.","2.1.1"],"unsegen_$A":["A pluggable `unsegen` ANSI $A","0.2.2"],"functor":["Covariant, contravariant, invariant @6 bivariant functors.","0.1.2"],"arc-io-error":["A $9 of std::io::Error &v on top of Arc instead of Box, making itcloneable.","0.1.1"],"geom":["@J 2D geometry @1.","0.2.3"],"junction":["@1 @0 ^h @7 NTFS junctions",C[0]],"prio":["@B of @4 Prio aggregation @Q @T: &w://",C[0]],"@g_hawktracer_normal_@m":[C[457],"0.4.1"],"lojidoc":["A $F @0 $H documentation @0 java projects.",C[1]],"equiv":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"ordered_iter":["Ordered iterators.","0.1.2"],"termimad":["Markdown Renderer @0 @4 Terminal","0.9.7"],"dxtrans-sys":["@D @5 to dxtrans. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"pnet_base_bandwhich_fork":[C[159],"0.23.0"],"aovec":["Append-only, concurrent vector","1.1.0"],"tink-mac":["MAC $l @0 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1",C[9]],"skeleton-mans-amateur-skater":["Skeleton Man's Amateur Skater","0.0.8"],"amadeus-derive":[C[20],"0.4.2"],"debug-builders":["A copy of libstd's debug builders @0 $f before they stabilize",C[9]],"password-store":["gopass @h @1.",C[8]],"$W_bindgen":["A @1 to automatically ^m C, Java, @6 C# @E @w @3 source @E.","0.13.3"],"amigo":["a scheme &J @R",C[1]],"betabear":["Look @0 words @p can be built @7 a list of given letters.","0.1.1"],"cart-tmp-wgt":[C[160],C[9]],"json_typegen_shared":["Codegen @w ^y samples. Not intended to be $a directly. See &M @0 @4 intended $Z.",C[2]],"&x":["$d $0 @y sources of randomness.","0.12.2"],"ndless-sdl":["SDL @5 @0 Nspire & Ndless",C[0]],"sgp30":["Platform &Z @3 ^K @0 @4 Sensirion SGP30 gas sensor.",C[1]],"security-sys":["@D @5 to security. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"sharexin":["ShareX @0 &t @6 BSD","0.7.2"],"tibrv":["@K to @4 C @1 provided by TIBCO Rendezvous, a \"high performancemessage oriented middleware\" commonly $a in @4 financial industry.",C[5]],"inflect":["inflection @1",C[9]],"avr-device":["Register ^0 @8 @0 AVR $x",C[3]],"isbnid":["@3 ISBN identifier @1","0.1.3"],"gloo-file":["Convenience @8 @0 ^h @7 JavaScript @E @6 blobs",C[9]],"yowsl":["Yet another ^5 Subsystem @0 &t tweaker","0.1.3"],"typescript-definitions-derive-ufo-patch":[C[161],C[88]],"parse_link_header":["A @1 @0 parse &e link header.",C[7]],"cat-rs":["cat @i @7 @g",C[162]],"ensicoin_serializer_@c":["Derive @d @0 ensicoin_serializer","0.2.7"],"multiarray":["Small @3 @1 @0 $Y multi-dimensional @A","0.1.3"],"event-listener":["Notify $6 tasks or threads","2.5.1"],"smlang":["A no-std state &R @R DSL","0.3.5"],"coord_transforms":["A @3 @8 $f @0 performing coordinate transformations.","1.3.0"],"graph_ql":[C[493],"0.1.1"],"$n_scan":["easily deserialize ^G @w ^M input","0.4.1"],"rgs_models":["Tool @0 querying game servers. Models.","0.9.1"],"telegram-bot-fork":[C[1012],"0.7.8"],"throttled-reader":["An io::Read proxy @p limits calls to read()","1.0.1"],"abi_stable_shared":[C[106],"0.9.0"],"qutex":[C[868],"0.2.3"],"user-error":["UserFacingError is an ^q @8 @p allows @O to pretty print $p errors @6 ^q chain @0 consumption by @4 end user. If @O implement @4 UFE $I, @4 default @2 will let $p print $p ^q nicely to @4 TTY. There is also @4 UserFacingError $o @p most std Errors can be converted ^i, or @p @O can $f directly.","1.2.8"],"prost-amino-derive":["A ^p Buffers @2 @0 @4 @3 &U modified to enable amino (de)@V.","0.6.1"],"cart-cache":["CART cache replacement policy",C[6]],"gears":["Gears @T @2","0.1.7"],"floyd-warshall":["Efficient all-pairs-shortest-paths $7 @0 @4 petgraph @1 @x @4 floyd-warshall $7.","0.0.3"],"saturating":["@X Saturating, an intentionally-saturating arithmetic @h.",C[9]],"default-boxed":["Helper $I to help create large struct on heap directly","0.1.9"],"ravenlib":["@u @0 raven theme &N","1.2.4"],"arg_input":["ARGF-style input $Y @0 @3","2.0.1"],"external-ip":["&c @1 to retrieve @4 @Q external IP","4.1.0"],"screen-framing":["Screen capture.",C[3]],"dylib":["Standalone $9 of former dylib ^H","0.0.3"],"lapp":["@e @H-$r argument @j driven by usage ^x",C[8]],"doggo":["Command $r $F to evaluate @4 goodness of a doggo","0.1.16"],"speculate":["An RSpec &J minimal ^j @o @0 @3.","0.1.2"],"glium-glyph":["Glium frontend @0 @4 glyph-brush ^x renderer. gfx-glyph @7 gfx swapped out @0 glium.",C[12]],"cg-sys":["$d $0 @y an @s to CG+ fortran routine",C[9]],"cranelift-codegen":[C[877],"0.69.0"],"rustcord-sys":["Raw @D @5 @0 @4 Discord Rich Presence @C","0.2.4"],"smol-timeout":["A way to poll a @v until it or a timer completes.",C[5]],"unidecode":["@X &p ASCII transliterations of &g $y.",C[3]],"interledger-http":["^o @i @6 @Z services @0",C[8]],"ra_ap_arena":["TBD","0.0.33"],"codeviz_$R":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"lsd":["An ls @H @7 a lot of pretty colors @6 some other stuff.",C[54]],"git-latest-commit":["Add @A about @4 latest git commit @0 a ^Q at $t $B, @0 run-$B reporting.","0.1.3"],"solana-stake-program":["Solana Stake ^N","1.5.7"],"webplatform":["APIs @0 @4 ^Y @U @0 cross-compiled @3 to JS.","0.4.2"],"rect_packer":["A rectangle packing @1. Heavily tested @7 &x @A to ensure @p it always produces correct result.",C[7]],"openmpt":["Safe @5 @0 libopenmpt",C[1]],"cbor-codec":["CBOR Codec @2","0.7.1"],"associative-cache":["A ^A N-way associative cache @7 fixed-size capacity @6 &x or least recently $a (LRU) replacement.","1.0.1"],"swc_ecma_transforms_base":[C[163],C[3]],"fruently":["A yet another Fluentd &I @0 @3.",C[12]],"^g_libra_&I":["Libra &I",C[32]],"actix-testing":[C[491],C[164]],"http-signature-normalization":[C[165],"0.5.3"],"dual_quaternion":["A $o-&Z dual-quaternion math @1",C[9]],"actix-web-sql-identity":["A SQL-^4 identity provider @0 Actix Web's identity @Q","0.4.3"],"tokio-retry":["Extensible, $z retry behaviours @0 $1/$u",C[0]],"mimalloc-sys":["@3 @D @5 to mimalloc",C[6]],"hdf5-rs":[C[280],C[0]],"substrate-wasm-builder":["Utility @0 ^f WASM binaries","4.0.0"],"@g_tcp_ipc":["@J to $f @8 @0 Interprocess Communication via TCP.",C[1]],"unic-langid-macros":[C[166],"0.9.0"],"ntest_&r_@m_^w":["Provide ^w @z @0 @4 $w @d $a in ntest.","0.7.3"],"timely_bytes":["Disjoint mutable byte slices @w a $R allocation",C[15]],"escaper":[C[735],C[9]],"pdf":["PDF &H","0.7.1"],"noir":["@g @r, DSL alike @6 request driven, black box ^j @1 @0 ^o APIs.",C[0]],"ratelimit_meter":["A leaky-bucket-as-a-meter rate-limiting @2 in @3","5.0.0"],"vcard":["A &p @3 @2 of vCard @r on RFC 6350.","0.4.7"],"xmachine":["A $S, cross @U virtual &R &v in @3 ^Z @4 Standard @u",C[7]],"trust-dns-util":["^l @p complement Trust-DNS.","0.20.0"],"paseto":["An alternative token @M to JWT","2.0.0+1.0.3"],"netfuse":["FUSE $P @0 ^f networked filesystems","0.1.1"],"tide-naive-static-files":["A @e &n $2 serving component @0 Rust's Tide ^Y @o.","2.2.0"],"tab-websocket":["@4 websocket $q ^H @0 @4 tab $A multiplexer",C[2]],"amethyst_window":["Windowing @t @0 Amethyst $k.","0.15.3"],"cargonauts-cli":[C[283],"0.2.3"],"abscissa_@c":["Custom @c @t @0 @4 abscissa $T microframework",C[2]],"graphy_$L":[C[488],C[0]],"symbol":["@J globally interned $y.","0.1.7"],"wit-walrus":["Extension @0 @4 `walrus` @8 to work @7 ^1 @s @l.",C[2]],"metrics-exporter-prometheus":["A metrics-^d exporter @p serves a Prometheus scrape endpoint.",C[3]],"mbutiles":["MBUtiles is an $q in @3, to ^m MBTiles @w tiles directories @6 extract tiles @w MBTiles $2","0.1.1"],"unison-fsmonitor":["unison-fsmonitor @2","0.2.7"],"tauri-webview-sys":[C[315],C[2]],"mstask-sys":["@D @5 to mstask. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"zerodmg-utils":[C[172],"0.1.9"],"ethkey":["Ethereum keys ^B supporting keystores, signing @6 verification",C[1]],"async-zmq-derive":["@X derivation @0 Async ZMQ Socket @h @l",C[9]],"tokio-imap":["Tokio-@r IMAP @9 (@i, @0 now) @2",C[2]],"mincore_downlevel-sys":["@D @5 to mincore_downlevel. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cg":["Codegen $q @1.",C[9]],"git_lab_^b":["A custom git @H @0 &7 @7 a GitLab @Z",C[36]],"image-utils":["Image &l @L",C[0]],"include-repo":["@k @8 implements @4 'include_repo!' @m @0 &s AGPL compliance! Include a tarball as a const in $p $3!",C[9]],"mexprp":["A math &L @Y @6 evaluation @1",C[3]],"blob":["Blob @V/&a @L",C[3]],"httpmock":["^o mocking @1 @0 @3","0.5.5"],"bitrate":["Extension $g @p add convenience &Q @0 ^h @7 bitrates @6 frequencies.","0.1.1"],"gfx_window_dxgi":["DXGI window @0 gfx-rs","0.19.1"],"google-sheets4-cli":[C[691],C[167]],"&I":["Logging middleware @0 @4 Iron @o.",C[8]],"libxid":["Package xid is a globally unique id @G @1. It's a @3 port of &w://","0.1.5"],"interledger-service":["$d @T $P @0 @4 @2",C[8]],"uil_shared":["Support $3 shared by uil &j.","0.0.3"],"@e_&I":["A &I @p prints all &E @7 a readable &P @M","1.11.0"],"gleam":["Generated OpenGL @5 @6 @h @0 Servo.",C[83]],"nu_$L_sum":["A @e summation $L @0 Nushell",C[15]],"turtle":["Learn @4 @3 @R by ^9 animated drawings!","1.0.0-rc.3"],"a2":["A &d, $z Apple push notification @i","0.5.3"],"yosys-netlist-json":["A @1 @0 ^h @7 Yosys netlists in ^y @M","0.0.3"],"ruspiro-register":["$d @8 @y @4 $E to conviniently work @7 register field ^G @p @W typically presented by a set of bit fields.",C[2]],"tokio-fs":["Filesystem @C @0 Tokio.",C[23]],"miracl_amcl":["$d Apache Milagro Cryptographic @u ($9 3.2)","3.2.5"],"winconsole":["A @h @0 console-related @z in @4 ^5 @C.","0.11.1"],"holochain_@T":["holochain @T",C[34]],"voracious_radix_sort":["State of @4 art radix sort $X. Single &k @6 multi &k versions.","1.1.0"],"slack-chat-api":["An @C @i @0 Slack","0.1.4"],"os-str-generic":["Add missing ^A $l to OsStr",C[0]],"blake2":["BLAKE2 ^I @z","0.9.1"],"pipe-logger-lib":[C[168],"1.1.12"],"wepoll-sys":["Raw @5 to @4 wepoll @1","3.0.1"],"graphy_event":["A @1 @0 ^3 @z to events @7 json.",C[3]],"racc":["RACC is a port of Berkeley YACC to @3, @6 allows @O to &b grammar $E directly in @3 source $3.","0.0.2"],"radix":["Convert any {u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize} to another radix",C[5]],"rslint_rowan":["A @e threadsafe fork of rowan @0 @4 rslint ^Q",C[12]],"die":[C[244],C[0]],"oath":["An @2 of OATH $X in @3. Includes TOTP, HOTP, @6 OCRA.","0.10.2"],"yht_^7_lib":["first lib upload to @0 ^7",C[0]],"gal":["tensor calculator","0.2.3"],"hreq-h1":["&c ^o/1.1 (@6 1.0) @2","0.3.9"],"shiori_hglobal":["impl str @0 HGLOBAL{...}",C[3]],"sudoku":["A sudoku solver @1","0.7.0"],"debugtrace":["Enables backtraces to be attached to ^G in debug @6 ^7 builds ^Z incurring a cost in release or bench builds",C[9]],"neon":["A $W $P layer @0 Node.js.","0.7.1"],"exonum-time":["$d $B oracle &9 @0 Exonum.","1.0.0"],"libcalcver":[C[169],"0.2.0-beta.5"],"indradb-lib":["A graph ^V @1","2.0.0"],"casperlabs-types":["Types $a to allow creation of Wasm contracts @6 tests @0 $f on @4 CasperLabs ^c.","0.6.1"],"curve":["$d $0 @y curves.","0.6.1"],"mcmf":["@k @8 is @0 solving instances of @4 minimum cost maximum flow problem. It uses @4 ^c simplex $7 @w @4 LEMON graph optimization @1.","2.0.0"],"pallet-assets":["FRAME asset ^B pallet","3.0.0"],"google-chat1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Hangouts Chat (@9 v1)",C[72]],"hreq-h2":[C[170],"0.2.7"],"clockpro-cache":["CLOCK-Pro cache replacement policy",C[64]],"lrlex":["@J lexer @G","0.9.3"],"verilog-filelist-parser":["A @1 to parse a Verilog Filelist @6 return a list of @E, include directories @6 defines","0.1.2"],"pipe":["Synchronous Read/Write $v pipe",C[8]],"ctypes":["C @l ^Z libc",C[4]],"servo-skia":["2D graphic @1 @0 drawing Text, Geometries, @6 Images","0.30000023.1"],"blas":["$d $0 @y &D @0 BLAS (Fortran).","0.21.0"],"cpp_to_@g_$R":["Common @L @0 cpp_to_rust_generator @6 cpp_to_rust_build_tools","0.2.3"],"predicates-core":["An @C @0 boolean-valued predicate @z.","1.0.2"],"tower-make":["Trait aliases @0 Services @p produce specific @l of Responses.",C[3]],"rtic-core":["Core abstractions of @4 Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency @o",C[1]],"hors":["instant coding answers via @4 @H $r(just $D howdoi)","0.7.3"],"nettest":["A @e ^c speed ^7 @7 a self hosted @Z","0.1.1"],"clap-permission-flag":["Drop permissions of a CLI @x structopt",C[0]],"gelf_&I":["Minimal @g &I to send log entries in GELF.","0.1.4"],"token_store":["A token-@r store @0 arbitrary ^G","0.1.2"],"markov":["A ^A markov chain @2 in @3.","1.1.0"],"hyper-unix-connector":["Use hyper @7 unix-domain sockets","0.2.2"],"spotify":["Easy to $f Spotify Local @C abstractions.","0.7.1"],"@e_stats":["Deprecated in favor of @4 statistical @8!","0.1.1"],"gfx_device_vulkan":[C[438],C[9]],"has":["Introducing 'has a' relationship @0 Rust's $g.",C[9]],"onnxruntime-sys":["Unsafe @h $C Microsoft's ONNX Runtime","0.0.10"],"jsc-sys":["WebKit JavaScriptCore bundle","0.1.2+r201969"],"dinghy-lib":[C[171],"0.4.50"],"bitpack":["@3 bitpack @1, @t `no_std` &h.",C[7]],"tss-esapi":["Wrapper $C TSS 2.0 Enhanced System @C","4.0.10-alpha.2"],"ethereum":[C[370],C[5]],"humantime-serde":["Serde @t @0 @4 `humantime` @8","1.0.1"],"tough-ssm":["Implements ^r SSM as a key source @0 TUF signing keys",C[2]],"handy_$6":["A handy @1 @0 describing $z $3 declaratively","0.2.13"],"autocfg":["Automatic cfg @0 @3 ^8 features","1.0.1"],"tac":["Print lines @w $2 in reverse order","0.2.3"],"location_history":["Parse Google LocationHistory.json","0.2.2"],"lber":["An ASN.1/BER @j/encoder @r on nom",C[3]],"unicode-casing":["Titlecase ^w $8 on characters.",C[9]],"defaultmap":["@X a HashMap @7 an automatic default @0 missing keys.",C[2]],"mpvipc":["A ^P @1 $i @y @5 to control existing mpv instances through sockets.","1.1.9"],"proxyconf":["^5 proxy $K @w @4 @H $r.",C[7]],"gramatica":["A ^8 ^8 @0 @3 ^a Earley's @j.","0.1.5"],"ncurses":["A very thin @h $C @4 ncurses TUI @1","5.100.0"],"opengles":["@3 @5 @0 OpenGL ES 2.0","0.1.2"],"av-data":["Multimedia @A $j",C[3]],"gpgrv":["Pure-@3 @2 of gpgv, to verify gpg signatures",C[3]],"rutebot":["Telegram bot &0 @5","0.6.1"],"xch-ceb":["XCH - Chemical Equation Balancer","1.1.5"],"calc-graph":["Efficient calculations on a graph of ^G","0.4.2"],"sp-timestamp":["Substrate @T @l @6 inherents @0 timestamps.","3.0.0"],"immi":["Immediate mode user @s toolkit.","1.0.4"],"yubirs":["A @1 @0 &7 @7 YubiKeys (OTP @6 PIV $l)","0.7.0"],"^X":[N,"0.1.1"],"boxext_@c":["Custom Derive @0 @4 `boxext::Zero` $I","0.1.3"],"sticker-encoders":["Encoders @0 linguistic features","0.5.1"],"zerodmg-codes":[C[172],"0.1.9"],"solana-faucet":["Solana Faucet","1.5.7"],"gbump":["Git tag semantic $9 bumper","1.0.5"],"frozen":["Wrapper $i restricts ^0 to inner $o.","1.0.0"],"gazetta":["A &n site @G framework.If @O want to $f or extend gazetta, see @4 gazetta-bin @8.",C[3]],"sp-allocator":["Collection of ^s $5.","3.0.0"],"serialport":["A cross-@U low-@I serial port @1","4.0.0"],"unic-locale-impl":[C[173],"0.9.0"],"port_check":["Get a free local port or check if a port somewhere is reachable.","0.1.5"],"qecs-core":[C[174],"0.0.17"],"rflex":["Fast lexer $3 @G @0 @3","0.8.0"],"embedded-sdmmc":["A basic SD/MMC ^K @0 Embedded @3.",C[3]],"slice-cast":["Support @0 casting $G slice @l","0.1.2"],"json_@m":["Pure json @m @0 rust_serialize. No need ^8 features.","0.1.1"],"geo-types":["Geospatial primitive @A @l","0.7.1"],"hn":["@3 @h @0 @4 Hacker News (YCombinator) @C",C[8]],"unic-char-basics":["UNIC — &g Character Tools — Basic Stable Character Properties","0.9.0"],"rust-hsluv":["Color converstions. Convert to/@w various color representations: hex, rgb, hsluv, hpluv, lch @6 xyz.","0.1.4"],"wevtapi-sys":["@D @5 to wevtapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"webm-sys":[C[308],"1.0.1"],"smartstring":["Compact inlined $y","0.2.6"],"@c_dumb":["Derive `Dumb` generates a $M in $i all fields @W public. Original $M can be converted @x $8 call `dumb`.","0.1.4"],"geeny-api":["Crate @0 consuming @4 Geeny APIs as a @i",C[3]],"pkg-config":["A @1 to run @4 pkg-config @Q $F at $t $B in order to be $a inCargo $t scripts.","0.3.19"],"mrt-rs":["A @1 @0 @Y Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) formatted streams.","2.0.1"],"twist-lz4":["An lz4 ^D ^n @0 twist",C[1]],"str-buf":["Static $b buffer","1.0.5"],"piet-test":["^l @0 ^j @4 piet 2D ^u $P.","0.0.12"],"$6_once":["$6 once $F @0 lazy_static",C[7]],"transaction":["transaction $P @1 (a.k.a. transaction monad)",C[7]],"dpdk-bus":["A @h $C DPDK's bus @o","0.1.5"],"$O_greengrass":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Greengrass @ 2017-06-07",C[13]],"netsim":["Network simulator","0.2.5"],"extend":["Create extensions @0 @l @O don't own @7 ^n $g but ^Z @4 boilerplate.","1.0.0"],"libstrophe-sys-bindgen":["@3 @5 @0 libstrophe, &i @x bindgen","4.4.0"],"hacl-star":["HACL*, a formally verified ^z @1 @0 @3 (^3 to hacl-c).",C[9]],"oss-rust-sdk":["Aliyun OSS ^J",C[7]],"simple-logging":["A @e &I @0 @4 log facade","2.0.2"],"syntex_syntax":[C[175],"0.59.1"],"acc_&H":["A @h @0 std::io::Read &6 std::io::Seek","2.0.0"],"embed_js_$R":[C[176],C[3]],"vec_mut_scan":["Forward scan &q a vector @7 mutation @6 item removal",C[8]],"sentiment":["Sentiment analysis $F","0.1.1"],"askama_shared":["Shared $3 @0 Askama","0.11.1"],"veryfast":["Fast @3 @6 other &5 @0 game &A.",C[1]],"r2d2":["A ^A connection pool","0.8.9"],"hmac-drbg":["Pure @3 @2 of Hmac DRBG.",C[3]],"webgl_@G":["Code generators @0 ^9 @5 to @4 WebGL APIs.",C[0]],"parameterized-macro":["Attribute @m @8 @0 parameterized tests.",C[1]],"jconfig":["Configuration / settings backed by ^y @E",C[9]],"freeimage":["@3 idiomatic @5 @0 FreeImage","0.2.2"],"vulkano-win":["Link $G vulkano @6 winit","0.20.0"],"allegro_acodec-sys":["Allegro 5 acodec addon @3 ^3","0.0.41"],"reproto-trans":["Rethinking ^p GeneratorsTranspiler @L.",C[63]],"cpp":["Inline C++ $3 closures","0.5.6"],"slippy_map_tilenames":["Converts lon/lat coordinates to slippy map tile @M (OpenStreetMap/Google Map @M).",C[0]],"ncspot":["ncurses Spotify @i $h in @3 @x librespot, &J by ncmpc @6 @4 likes.",C[8]],"uhttp_request":["^o request start-$r @6 header field parsers","0.5.1"],"secbox":["Sensitive @A container.","0.1.1"],"tk-cantal":["A @i @0 cantal monitoring &9. @k is not @0 submitting metrics to @4 cantal. @k @1 is @0 accessing metrics @p cantal tracks.","0.3.2"],"media_filename":["A @1 @0 squeezing $e out of filenames of torrents @6 media @E.","0.1.4"],"slog-extlog-derive":["Custom @c $3 @0 slog-extlog","6.0.1"],"basic_dsp":[C[177],"0.9.2"],"secp256k1-plus":[C[424],"0.5.7"],"^g_libra_nibble":["Libra nibble",C[32]],"external_mixin_umbrella":["Backing @1 @0 `rust_mixin` @6 `external_mixin` to keep themDRY.","0.0.2"],"reset-router":["A RegexSet @r path router @0 Hyper","0.8.3"],"implot":["@3 @5 to &w://",C[8]],"rust-bitbar":["@3 @8 to $t BitBar plugins","0.3.4"],"notcurses":["A $W @6 ergonomic @h @0 @4 notcurses C @1",C[359]],"slack":["slack realtime messaging @i: &w://","0.25.0"],"sconcat":["String concatenation",C[7]],"xss-probe":["Probe @0 XSS vulnerability",C[0]],"lewton":["Pure @3 vorbis decoder","0.10.2"],"relm-attributes":["Attributes to simplify @4 $f of @4 relm @8",C[51]],"jsonwebtokens":["A Json Web Token @2 @0 @3","1.0.0-alpha.13"],"blosc":["@3 @5 to @4 C-BLOSC ^D @1","0.1.3"],"graphy_^q":["A @1 @0 registering errors.",C[0]],"arc-cell":["Helper @0 a @e Cell-$D object containing Arc/Weak","0.1.5"],"gcm":["An @C to talk to GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) in @3",C[0]],"csv2json":["Converts CSVs ^i ^y documents",C[1]],"openssl-sys":[C[265],"0.9.60"],"sliding_windows":["a non-copying @2 of a sliding windows iterator adaptor","3.0.0"],"djb33":["DJB33 ^I $7 &b in @3.",C[3]],"sensors":["A @3-friendly @s to lm-sensors",C[7]],"qapi-qga":["QEMU Guest Agent @9 @l","0.7.0"],"cmp3":["Macro to chain comparisons","1.0.1"],"byte-strings-proc-macro":["&w://$Z/byte-$y backing &r-@d","0.1.1"],"cargo-crev":["Scalable, social, Code REView @Q @p we desperately need - @3/@N frontend","0.18.2"],"toql":["$d toql query @R","0.1.9"],"winpty-sys":["@3 winpty @5",C[2]],"test-logger":["@J ^w to initialize env_logger before unit @6 ^t tests. Works on stable @g.",C[9]],"bmidi":["Midi @Y @6 &l @1","0.0.2"],"findr":["&L-oriented $9 of Unix find @H","0.1.5"],"$O_clouddirectory":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon CloudDirectory @ 2017-01-11",C[13]],"kairosdb":["&X @0 @4 KairosDB REST @C","0.2.20"],"s3handler":["An s3 handler @0 s3rs nu-shell-s3-$L","0.7.1"],"varlink_stdinterfaces":["varlink $R interfaces","11.0.1"],"nrf52":["DEPRECATED: Use `nrf52832-pac` instead","0.4.1"],"futures-zmq":["@X Futures abstractions @0 ZeroMQ on any $1 executor",C[2]],"xz2":["@3 @5 to liblzma &6 Read/Write streams as well as low-levelin-$v $c/&f.",C[6]],"webgl-rs":["Safe @3 @h $C @4 WebGL @C","0.2.2"],"@m_rules_attribute-proc_@m":[C[447],C[4]],"deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc":[C[178],"0.23.0"],"hyperdual":["Fully-featured Dual Number @2 @7 features @0 automatic differentiation of multivariate vectorial @z","0.3.7"],"wintrust-sys":["@D @5 to wintrust. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cbor-diag":["A @8 @0 @Y @A encoded in [Concise Binary Object Representation(CBOR)](&w:// (in any of raw $Q, hex encoded (@7 comments) ordiagnostic notation) then printing it out in either annotated hex form ordiagnostic notation.","0.1.7"],"smith":["Smith is a @e $A-@r ^x editor $h in @3.","2.0.1"],"opentelemetry-stackdriver":["A @3 opentelemetry exporter @p uploads traces to Google Stackdriver trace.","0.8.0"],"unicode-bidi-mirroring":["&g Bidi Mirroring propery detection",C[9]],"motor":["...","0.0.0"],"cow":["A Copy-On-Write Triemap","0.0.8"],"snarkos-errors":["Errors @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"mozdevice":["&X @1 @0 @4 Android Debug Bridge (adb)",C[1]],"coffee":["An opinionated 2D game $k focused on simplicity, explicitness, @6 $o-safety","0.4.1"],"psutil":["Process @6 @Q monitoring @1","3.2.0"],"nu_$L_binaryview":["A $Q viewer $L @0 Nushell",C[59]],"std-logger":["A &z @2 @0 @4 log @8 @p logs &E to standarderror @6 requests to ^M out.","0.3.6"],"morq":["TDD/BDD assertion @s",C[3]],"mf_vista-sys":["@D @5 to mf_vista. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"managed-heap":["An @2 of a virtual heap, &J by VMs $D @4 JVM.Currently supports automatic garbage $m, but no defragmentation.","0.1.5"],"ruma-api":["An $P @0 Matrix @C endpoints.",C[207]],"ucd-trie":["A trie @0 storing &g codepoint sets @6 maps.","0.1.3"],"poolite":["A lite threadpool @1.","0.7.1"],"amethyst_audio":["Audio @t @0 Amethyst","0.15.3"],"dazeus":["Dazeus IRC bot @5 @0 @g",C[8]],"influent":[C[179],"0.5.3"],"hdfs":["libhdfs ^3 @1 @6 $W @3 APIs","0.0.4"],"nice_glfw":["Create a modern GL context @7 glfw","1.0.1"],"currency":["A @1 @0 representing international currencies.",C[8]],"oil-lang":["@B of OIL","2.4.0"],"drumatech":["a @8 @p has a little $q.","0.1.9"],"indradb":["A graph ^V @Z","2.0.0"],"deadpool-lapin":["Dead @e $6 pool @0 lapin","0.7.0"],"com_@d":["COM @8 @d",C[8]],"$u_kcp":["A kcp @2 @0 $u","0.7.1"],"wmdrmsdk-sys":["@D @5 to wmdrmsdk. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rocksdb-sys":["&B @5 to @4 rocksdb @1","0.2.2"],"objc-foundation":["@3 @h @0 Objective-C's Foundation @o.","0.1.1"],"procinfo":["A @1 @0 accessing &t ^O @6 @Q $e","0.4.2"],"transaction-pool":["Generic transaction pool.","2.0.3"],"solana-storage-api":["Solana Storage ^N @C","0.20.5"],"@g_mixin":["Yo dawg, $f @3 to ^m @3, right in $p @3. (See`external_mixin` to $f scripting languages.)",C[4]],"flat_map":["A compact map stored as a vector of key, &m pairs.","0.0.10"],"ipopt-sys":["Raw unsafe @3 @5 to @4 Ipopt non-linear optimization @1.","0.5.5"],"sorted-json":["a @g json serializer @p sorts keys",C[9]],"rugrat":[C[18],"0.4.1"],"@g_hawktracer_@f":["@f @8 @0 @4 rust_hawktracer @1","0.4.2"],"indexed_bitvec":["An indexed bitvector @7 (hopefully) $S rank @6 select $V.","4.0.1"],"sn_routing":[C[870],"0.42.4"],"file-fetcher":["A @1 to fetch @E either locally or &q @4 net (&e).","0.1.4"],"tag_$W":["(DEPRECATED @g-lang/@g#64675) A &y lint $L to allow tagging of &Q @7 arbitary safety flags","0.2.25"],"rand_regex":["Generates &x $y @6 byte $y matching a regex","0.15.1"],"regress":["A regular &L $k targeting EcmaScript syntax",C[0]],"stal":["Set algebra solver @0 Redis","0.1.2"],"zerodrop":["Zero boxed @A when dropped. Nolonger maintained. Use ClearOnDrop at &w:// instead.","0.1.4"],"$O_cloudformation":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CloudFormation @ 2010-05-15",C[13]],"emerald-librocksdb-sys":[C[180],"5.11.3"],"yacrd":["Using all-against-all read mapping, yacrd performs: computation of pile-up coverage @0 each read @6 detection of chimeras","0.6.2"],"cargo-download":["Cargo &3 @0 downloading @8 sources","0.1.2"],"libads":["For &7 @7 @C of @4 Astonomy Data System","0.1.0-beta"],"rmp":["Pure @3 MessagePack @V @2","0.8.10"],"bc":["Use `bc` in @4 @3 Programming &U.",C[64]],"canteen":["A Flask-$D microframework @0 @3","0.5.5"],"textile":["&B @3 @8 @0 @Y @6 &W ^i HTML @4 Textile markup @R",C[7]],"devmgr-sys":["@D @5 to devmgr. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"prolog_@j":["An operator precedence @j @0 rusty-wam, an up @6 coming ISO Prolog @2.","0.8.68"],"actyxos_sdk_@d":[C[181],C[0]],"$c_rs":["A Gecko-oriented @2 of @4 Encoding Standard","0.8.28"],"ascii_table":["Print ASCII tables to @4 $A","3.0.2"],"inth-oauth2":["OAuth2 @i",C[51]],"ddsfile":["DirectDraw Surface $2 @M @j/composer",C[8]],"d3d11-win":[C[467],C[7]],"slog-stream":["`io::Write` streamer @0 slog-rs","1.2.1"],"blas-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to BLAS (Fortran).","0.7.1"],"pathfinder_resources":["Shaders, textures, etc. @0 @4 Pathfinder vector ^u @1",C[2]],"unsafe_ls":["A $F to list unsafe blocks @6 @4 unsafe actions within them, toenable easier auditing of regions @p need extra-carefulexamination.",C[9]],"average":["Calculate statistics iteratively","0.10.6"],"reflection":[C[875],"0.1.3"],"gssapi-sys":["@D @5 to gssapi",C[7]],"@g_sodium":[C[182],"0.10.2"],"features":["A @m to ^m $4 feature toggles.",C[12]],"once-nonstatic":["A clone of `std::sync::Once` @7 relaxed requirements",C[9]],"xkb":["Rusty @h $C libxkbcommon.",C[7]],"nya":["A @e @6 ^P $2 processor.","1.0.0"],"arc-interner":[C[715],C[2]],"ubuntu-version":["Convert Ubuntu versions to codenames, @6 vice versa","0.2.2"],"snarkvm-algorithms":["Algorithms @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"std_prelude":["prelude @p @4 @g stdlib should have always had","0.2.12"],"$O_firehose":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Kinesis Firehose @ 2015-08-04",C[13]],"badge":["@J badge @G",C[3]],"nock":["A stateless virtual &R",C[8]],"socket-priority":["Set a priority on a raw socket","0.1.5"],"opentelemetry-otlp":["Exporter @0 @4 OpenTelemetry Collector",C[2]],"msrating-sys":["@D @5 to msrating. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"httpd-util":["A set of @L @0 ^f ^o microservices",C[6]],"regex-syntax":["A regular &L @j.","0.6.22"],"overflow-error":["Common overflow ^q @l","0.4.1"],"bluetooth":["A ^C @1 @0 Bluetooth",C[4]],"atsamd-hal":["HAL @6 Peripheral ^0 @C @0 ATSAMD11, ATSAMD21, ATSAMD51, ATSAME51, ATSAME53 @6 ATSAME54 $x",C[19]],"mathematica-notebook-filter":["`mathematica-notebook-filter` parses Mathematica notebook @E @6 strips them of superfluousinformation so @p they can be committed ^i $9 control systems moreeasily.","0.2.2"],"oxygengine-procedural":["$U content ^6 ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"swapigen":["&X @1 @G @0 @4 Star Wars @C (&e://",C[4]],"forecast_io":["An unofficial @3 @h @0 @4 @C.",C[8]],"rfnd-hello-world":["@k ^H exports a \"Hello world!\" $b.","1.0.1"],"uabs":["Absolute &m $8 @p returns an unsigned integer","3.0.0"],"id-vec":["Simplify Graphs in @3. Introduces IdVec, $i automatically creates Ids @0 each new object, reusing deleted Ids.","0.5.7"],"xmc4400":["XMC peripheral @1 @0 XMC4400 &i @w SVD",C[8]],"fwdlist":["A simply linked (forward) list",C[3]],"tmp_mio":["Temporary fork of @4 mio @8 @7 windows bug fix","0.5.2"],"ktmpl":["Parameterized templates @0 Kubernetes manifests.","0.9.0"],"amq-protocol-types":["AMQP specifications - @l",C[183]],"graphy_dll_^q":["Allows graphy_dll funcs to return errors.",C[3]],"gfx_@d":["Custom @c @d @0 gfx-rs",C[7]],"ncollide2d":[C[184],C[98]],"stable_bst":["An ordered map @6 set @r on a $Q search ^k. Works @7 stable @3 1.9.0.",C[0]],"crypto_box":["Pure @3 @2 of NaCl's crypto_box public-key authenticatedencryption primitive $i combines @4 X25519 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmanfunction @6 @4 XSalsa20Poly1305 authenticated encryption cipher",C[2]],"marpa":["Safe @5 to @4 libmarpa @Y $k",C[3]],"cf_dist_&1":["A @1 $i has risk @6 ^e @L.","0.9.1"],"rla":["^A, n-dimension linear algebra @1 @0 game &A","0.1.1"],"crunchy":["Crunchy unroller: deterministically unroll constant loops","0.2.2"],"ocaml":["OCaml @5 @0 @3",C[54]],"rquery":["A @e @2 of a HTML/XML DOM ^k $i allows @e $V $D querying by CSS selectors, makes dealing @7 XML @E less painful.","0.4.1"],"websocket":[C[363],"0.26.2"],"loca":["$v allocation","0.7.2"],"pgx-tests":["Test @o @0 'pgx'-@r Postgres extensions","0.1.19"],"heapsize_$L":[C[191],C[6]],"fiat-crypto":["Fiat-crypto &i @3",C[6]],"cargo-print":["A @N &3 to print $e in a shell-convenient @M.","0.1.4"],"committed":["Nitpicking commit history since beabf39","0.1.13"],"psl-codegen":["Generate &d @3 $3 @w Mozilla's Public Suffix List","0.4.2"],"ring-channel":["Bounded MPMC channel $P on top of a ring buffer","0.8.3"],"grin_store":[C[201],"5.0.1"],"ferris":["Hierarchical timer wheel",C[0]],"hexf-parse":["Parses hexadecimal floats (see also hexf)",C[9]],"zia":["Interpreter @u @0 @4 Zia Programming &U",C[2]],"librespot":["An open source @i @1 @0 Spotify, @7 @t @0 Spotify Connect","0.1.3"],"slow_primes":["Deprecated in favour of `primal`.A @1 to ^m, identify @6 handle prime ^F @6 relatedproperties. @k @1 includes slow enumeration of primes up to abound, slow factorisation of arbitrary ^F, $S primality testsand state-of-@4-art estimation of upper @6 lower bounds @0 π(n)(@4 &2 of primes below n) @6 p_k (@4 k-th prime).","0.1.14"],"hime_redist":["Redistributable $4 @1 @0 parsers &i @7 Hime (LR, RNGLR).","3.5.1"],"move-acceptor":[N,C[4]],"no_$3_download_counter":["Does nothing. Contains no $3 whatsoever. Exists only to give a background measurement @0 download statistics so @p one can remove downloads @w crater runs @6 @4 sort.","1.0.0"],"shasum":["Print SHA checksums @w STDIN, input $2 or directory.","0.7.0"],"lib3h_sodium":["lib3h libsodium @h &6 $v secure &0 ^0","0.0.42"],"synapse":["A synapse is a $M @p permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemicalsignal to another cell.",C[4]],"makeppkg":["@h @0 Arch Linux's makepkg, patches source before packages @W built","1.1.1"],"trie-bench":["Standard benchmarking suite @0 tries",C[98]],"conrod_winit":[C[353],"0.71.0"],"hbs-common-sys":["Common @D @5 to heartbeats-@e &j",C[7]],"base2":["Base-2 @z",C[1]],"maybe-async":["A procedure @m to unify SYNC @6 ASYNC @2","0.2.2"],"swayipc":["A @1 @0 controlling sway through its IPC @s","3.0.0-alpha.2"],"humansize":["A configurable @8 to easily represent $2 sizes in a human-readable @M.","1.1.0"],"mpq":["A @1 @0 ^R MPQ archives","0.7.0"],"ruroonga_@H":["A tiny Groonga query builder @6 @G.","0.3.4"],"tap-reader":["Wraps an existing &H @6 copies @4 read bytes ^i it's own buffer","1.0.1"],"gdi32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 gdi32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"gfx_window_sdl2":["Use gfx &W @7 SDL2 windows",C[0]],"triple_buffer":["An @2 of triple buffering, &K @0 sharing frequently updated @A $G threads","5.0.6"],"conjure-error":["Runtime @t @0 &i Conjure errors","0.7.4"],"clap-verbosity-flag":["Easily add a `--verbose` flag to CLIs @x Structopt",C[1]],"rasuser-sys":["@D @5 to rasuser. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ipld_amt":["Sharded IPLD Array @2.",C[7]],"cursive":["A TUI (Text User Interface) @1 focused on ease-of-$f.","0.16.3"],"td_clua_ext":["extend @0 Lua 5.3",C[9]],"grep-matcher":["A $I @0 regular expressions, @7 a focus on $r oriented search.","0.1.4"],"mozprofile":["@u @0 ^h @7 Mozilla profiles.","0.7.1"],"ladspa":["An @s @0 $N LADSPA plugins safely in @3.","0.3.4"],"take":["A cell allowing @4 inner &m to be consumed ^Z amutable reference.",C[9]],"cache_2q":["A 2Q Cache $i maps keys to ^G",C[21]],"bitcoin_rpc_@i":["@3 @i @1 @0 talking to Bitcoin Core nodes @x JsonRPC.","0.6.1"],"shallow-tees":["A TeeReader @2 @p implements Seek by tracking @4 max read offset","0.1.1"],"byte":["A low-@I, zero-copy @6 panic-free serializer @6 deserializer @0 $Q.","0.2.4"],"unic-langid-macros-impl":[C[166],"0.9.0"],"named_$o_@c":["Derive @t @0 named_type","0.2.2"],"avl_^k":["A @e AVL Tree @2",C[0]],"futures-test-preview":[C[924],C[40]],"sequoia-rfc2822":["An RFC 2822 name-addr @j",C[12]],"tame-gcs":["A ^P @1 @7 a limited set of Google Cloud Storage $V","0.9.1"],"hb":["^o Benchmark Tool","0.0.13"],"synthax":["Synthesize syntax @7 quasiquoting plugins.","0.4.1"],"goblin":["An impish, cross-@U, ELF, Mach-o, @6 PE $Q @Y @6 loading @8","0.3.4"],"kts-etl":["Extract, transform @6 load @A @w $p local &h.",C[60]],"page_size":["@X an &s, $S, cross-@U way to retrieve @4 $v page size","0.4.2"],"shared_$v_@c":["Support @8 @p @y @d @0 @4 shared_memory @8.",C[12]],"heim-derive":["Derive @d @0 heim $Z",C[185]],"cargo-edit-locally":["A Cargo &3 to edit &8 locally via `[replace]`","0.1.3"],"tremor":["Utility @1 @0 &7 @7 baserock $E","0.1.2"],"tee":["An adapter @0 readers $i delegate reads to a writer",C[9]],"embedded-dma":["Traits to aid in @4 creation of sound DMA abstractions","0.1.2"],"rustr":["@3 @6 R ^t","0.1.9"],"vulkano_^x":["Render ^x @7 @4 DejaVu font @x @4 Vulkano @1.",C[38]],"wasmer-compiler-singlepass":["Singlepass ^8 @0 Wasmer ^1 $4","1.0.2"],"pprzlink":["@3 @1 @0 pprzlink",C[1]],"jws":["^y Web Signature @0 @3","0.2.4"],"insult":["insult is @4 @H $r \"$q\" to insult @O @7 a \"Oh... Sir! $d Insult Simulator\"-$D fashion!","2.0.3"],"hmac-sha1":["Minimal @2 of HMAC-SHA1 in @3.","0.1.3"],"arraygen":["Derive @m @0 $H arrays @w struct fields.","0.1.14"],"sstable":["Sorted String Tables, an on-disk @M @0 storing immutable maps consisting of $b,$b pairs, @6 retrieving ^G by key efficiently. @k @8 also features bloom filters, checksums @6 skipping bad blocks. It is @r on @4 $3 &v @0 @4 rusty_leveldb @8.","0.8.2"],"bitintr":["Portable Bit Manipulation Intrinsics.",C[3]],"ckb-always-success-script":["CKB always success script",C[4]],"genmesh":["A $0 @0 $H 3D meshes","0.6.2"],"stdweb-derive":["Derive @d @0 @4 `stdweb` @8","0.5.3"],"ceph_usage":["Helper @1 @0 ceph-usage $Q","0.1.9"],"clapme_@c":["Parse @H $r arguments by defining a struct, @c @8.",C[64]],"rlua_$n":["Serde (De)serializer @2 @0 rlua Value",C[8]],"deno-x86_64-apple-darwin":[C[178],"0.24.0"],"enum-iterator-derive":["$U @m to iterate &q @4 variants of a field-less &G",C[5]],"bytevec":["A @3 @V @1 @p uses byte vectors",C[0]],"chip":["RLUtilities @5 @0 @3","0.0.6"],"tikv-jemalloc-ctl":[C[733],"0.4.1"],"interval":["A @1 &6 an integer interval $o.",C[4]],"etcommon-rlp":[C[213],"0.2.5"],"runtime-fmt":["Runtime-@r $b formatting","0.4.1"],"glium_@d":[N,C[4]],"tk-http":["A full-features $z ^o @2 @0 $u-rs stack, including websockets.","0.3.9"],"random-fast-rng":["@3 @1 @0 Blazing $S non ^z &x &2 @G","0.1.1"],"gltf-derive":["Internal @d @0 @4 gltf @8","0.15.2"],"mush":["Visual graph/dialogue editor","0.1.2"],"url_path":["canonicalize, normalize urls","0.1.3"],"futures-await":["Async/await syntax @0 @3 through a $w @m. @k @8 defines @4`#[$6]` @m @0 @z, @4 `await!` @m @0 $8 bodies, andintends to be $a @7 @4 `$1` @8 on as well.",C[589]],"vlq-rust":["Variable-Length Quantity encoder/decoder",C[8]],"$O_glue":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Glue @ 2017-03-31",C[13]],"cgroup":[N,C[4]],"patricia-trie":[C[190],C[3]],"$6_&I":["Asyncronous &I allows $N arbitrary slices to a $v buffer, $i then processed by a writer in it's own &k.","0.3.3"],"certainly":["$d easiest way to create self-signed certificates. Ever.","1.8.0"],"device_^k":["Reads @6 parses &t device ^k images","1.1.0"],"nvml-wrapper-sys":["Generated @5 to @4 NVIDIA Management @u.",C[2]],"faiss-sys":["&B @5 @0 Faiss",C[8]],"log4rs":["A highly configurable multi-&P &z @2 @0 @4 `log` facade","1.0.0"],"promising-future":["@B of Promise/Future pairs.","0.2.4"],"urbandictionary":["Unofficial @3 @h @0 @4 UrbanDictionary @C",C[344]],"ledcat":["Control lots of LED's &q lots of protocols","0.1.5"],"tsukuyomi-server":["An @2 of ^o @Z @0 Tsukuyomi, @r on hyper @6 tower-&9.",C[0]],"dststlog-sys":["@D @5 to dststlog. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"msdasc-sys":["@D @5 to msdasc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"diffus-derive":["Finds @4 difference $G two instances of any @A $M. Supports @c on structs @6 enums.","0.9.1"],"kvm":["@K @0 KVM @s",C[0]],"tmplgen":["Void &t template @G @0 @R-specific $0 managers","1.3.1"],"^g_libra_stdlib":["Libra stdlib",C[32]],"surreal":["A @3 @1 @p implements J. H. Conway's surreal ^F","0.4.1"],"postmill":["@C @0 interfacing @7 Postmill forums","0.2.7"],"webrender":["A GPU accelerated 2D renderer @0 ^Y content","0.61.0"],"ed25519-compact":["A ^P, self-contained, wasm-friendly Ed25519 @2","0.1.9"],"rkv":["A @e, humane, typed key-&m ^L solution",C[36]],"mf-sys":["@D @5 to mf. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tester":[C[186],"0.9.0"],"yubikey":["A @1 to @n @7 YubiKeys, developed at Coturnix.",C[1]],"fst":["Use finite state transducers to compactly represents sets or maps of manystrings (> 1 billion is possible).","0.4.5"],"ad983x":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 AD9833, AD9834, AD9837 @6 AD9838 low-power programmable waveform generators / direct digital synthesizers.",C[0]],"lightspeed_cache":[C[85],"0.33.4"],"composer":["@3 @h $C php's composer to install php &8",C[7]],"keypad":["Platform-&Z ^K @0 keypad matrix circuits","0.1.4"],"ddraw-sys":["@D @5 to ddraw. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"func_wrap":["Helper @8 @0 $w @m authors @p wish to duplicate some received $8 inside its body, so as to be able to wrap @7 some prologue, epilogue, cache-ing, etc.","0.1.3"],"parking_lot_mpsc":["A port of @4 @3 std::sync::mpsc ^H, @x @4 parking_lot concurrency @l rather than those in @4 ^M @1.","0.1.5"],"imagequant":["Convert 24/32-bit images to 8-bit palette @7 alpha channel.Bindings @0 libimagequant @p powers pngquant lossy PNG compressor.Dual-licensed $D pngquant. See &w:// @0 details.",C[187]],"substrate-subxt-proc-macro":["Derive calls, events, ^L @6 tests @0 &7 Substrate modules @7 substrate-subxt",C[31]],"google-storage1-cli":[C[188],C[71]],"liblmdb-sys-m":[C[196],"0.2.3"],"$O_iotanalytics":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r IoT Analytics @ 2017-11-27",C[13]],"jbcrs":["A @u to @t ^R @6 $N of java class @E.","0.1.3"],"slippy-map-tiles":["Work @7 Slippy map tile names, found in OpenStreetMap",C[51]],"rapier3d":[C[928],C[2]],"quant":["(Not ready to $f yet) A @1 @p makes it &s to work w/ Dimensions, Units, @6 Physical Quantities.","0.0.4"],"ackr":["Storm acking $7 in @3","1.1.0"],"solana-bpf-loader-program":["Solana BPF loader","1.5.7"],"lamport":["Lamport clock @2 @0 &T systems",C[0]],"filecoin-proofs-api":["@C to @n @7 @4 proofs @Q in Filecoin","6.0.0"],"rust-tfidf":["@u to calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) @0 ^A documents","1.1.0"],"jq-src":["@C @0 compiling @6 link libjq @w source.","0.4.1"],"postgres-cursor":["Cursor $P @0 PostgreSQL",C[3]],"redbpf-macros":["$U @d @0 redbpf","1.3.0"],"cask":["A $S key-&m store backed by a log-structured ^I table","0.7.1"],"utf8reader":["@X a @h $C Reader @p returns a ^X of UTF-8 characters",C[9]],"tokio-timerfd":["timerfd @t @0 $u",C[9]],"libblockchain":["A Blockchain @2","0.1.2"],"prodash":["A dashboard @0 visualizing progress of $z @6 possibly blocking tasks","12.0.2"],"config":["Layered $K @Q @0 @3 @P.",C[21]],"lyon":["2D Graphics &W on @4 GPU @x tessellation.","0.17.5"],"$O_eks":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service @ 2017-11-01",C[13]],"sg":["@u @0 Linux's SCSI Generic (SG) @s",C[3]],"revord":["Reversed ordering @8 @0 @g","0.0.2"],"ai-graph":["Ai Graph is a new $F @0 ^9 &R learning @p runs blazingly $S when learning has finished.","0.0.18"],"$I_exerci":["how to understand @4 $I @0 @g",C[3]],"tld":["Top Level domain &n ^I map, tld list is obtained @w of","2.20.0"],"r0":["Initialization $3 ('crt0') $h in @3","1.0.0"],"nom_locate":[C[189],"3.0.0"],"drone-stm32":["Drone @0 STM32.","0.8.3"],"tcalc":["A featureful calculator @0 when @O want to do math in a $A.","1.7.16"],"botocore_@j":["Helper @8 @0 @Y ^r ^y &9 $E","0.1.1"],"primapalooza":["prime &2 calculations &v in @g","0.3.4"],"ytdl":["youtube download ^b &b in @g.","0.1.5"],"opusfile-sys":["@K to libopusfile",C[0]],"desktop":["Detects @4 target @U @6 it's architecture, vendor @6 desktop &h","1.0.5"],"clap-cargo":["Re-usable CLI flags @0 `@N` plugins",C[8]],"enumset_@c":["An ^W ^w @8 @0 enumset. Not public @C.","0.5.3"],"trie-db":[C[190],"0.22.3"],"sentry-panic":["Sentry ^t @0 capturing panics.",C[25]],"unindent":["Remove a column of leading whitespace @w a $b","0.1.7"],"ip_^c":["IPv4 @6 IPv6 ^c structs.","0.3.4"],"rocket-simpleauth":["@J username/password authentication @Q @0 Rocket",C[8]],"const-random-macro":["@X @4 $w @m $a by const-&x","0.1.13"],"sm":["💋 SM – a &n State Machine @1","0.9.0"],"heapsize_@c":[C[191],"0.1.4"],"exonum-explorer-service":["Exonum blockchain explorer, packaged as a &9","1.0.0"],"aez":["@3 @h @0 AEZ wide block cipher $h in C.","0.0.7"],"nemo157":["@k is a ^7 &M/$0 @0 me to try out features andintegrations ^Z publishing any of my real $Z.","0.3.1-pre.3"],"sd":["An intuitive find & replace CLI","0.7.6"],"ares":["A lispy @R @7 a focus on great embeddability",C[9]],"tauri-cli":[C[767],"0.1.2"],"foropts":["An argument-@Y iterator","0.3.6"],"elp":["^r ELB Access Log &C","2.0.0"],"nanomsg-sys":[C[327],"0.7.2"],"woothee":["user-agent $y @j",C[15]],"thin-dst":["Thin pointers to inline-slice dynamically sized @l","1.1.0"],"thread-id":["Get a unique &k ID","3.3.0"],"spirv-std-macros":["Usefull @d @0 spirv-std",C[9]],"rtic-syntax":["$d Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC) meta @R",C[192]],"nessus":["Nessus Vulnerability Scanner @C @i","0.5.1"],"gnir":["Automated mirror of ring - Safe, $S, ^P crypto @x @3.","0.16.5"],"binomial-heap":["A priority queue @r on a binomial heap.",C[0]],"persistent":["A set of middleware @0 sharing @Z-global @A in Iron.",C[8]],"nbytes":["@3 &V-$B evaluation of byte unit conversions",C[9]],"async-imap":["Async IMAP @i @0 @3","0.4.1"],"$W_dns":["SAFE DNS @C @1",C[5]],"enumflags_@c":["Bitflags","0.4.1"],"psocket":["@4 socket @0 @3","0.1.5"],"@g_icu_ucal":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w Unicode.ucal.h","0.4.1"],"sgx_backtrace_@f":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"google-dfareporting2d1":[C[193],C[194]],"amethyst_physics":["$d Amethyst Physics $k @s.",C[0]],"crc":["@3 @2 of CRC(16, 32, 64) @7 @t of various standards","2.0.0-rc.2"],"pcarp":["A &p-@3 @1 @0 ^R pcap-ng @E","1.2.0"],"ugli":["Universal OpenGL Interface",C[195]],"liblmdb-sys":[C[196],"0.2.2"],"simple-chart":["@J $r chart in bmp @M.","0.7.9"],"prototty_$R":["Definition of $R ui elements @6 views @0 $f @7 prototty.","0.25.0"],"cargo-results":[C[781],"0.6.2"],"raw-syscall-base":["Low-@I raw @Q call base.","0.8.2"],"tower-grpc":["A @i @6 @Z gRPC @2 @r on Tower.","0.1.1"],"libproc":["A @1 to get $e about running processes - @0 Mac OS X @6 &t","0.9.1"],"elba":["elba is a $0 &N @0 Idris",C[3]],"cloudevents-sdk":["CloudEvents official @3 ^J",C[1]],"tokio-nats":["Async-await ready NATS @1","0.1.1"],"rmf":["visual rm -rf","0.2.5"],"mqoa-sys":["@D @5 to mqoa. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"bear-lib-terminal":["BearLibTerminal @D @0 @3","2.0.0"],"json-pointer":["A @8 @0 @Y @6 @x ^y pointers, as specified in RFC 6901.","0.3.4"],"ena":["Union-find, congruence closure, @6 other unification $3. Based on $3 @w &y.",C[31]],"hyperderive":["Custom derives @0 @4 `hyperdrive` crate.You should never $f @S @8 directly. It does not expose a stable @C andmay break at any $B. Use `hyperdrive` directly instead.",C[9]],"jed":["Produces Json Iterators &q instances of io.Read","0.1.2"],"rustysignal":["A signaling @Z @0 WebRTC","2.0.2"],"tuftool":["Utility @0 ^9 @6 signing $d Update Framework (TUF) repositories",C[5]],"pallet-grandpa":["FRAME pallet @0 GRANDPA finality gadget","3.0.0"],"lv2_raw":["Exposes @4 raw LV2 @s (C) to @3. Also attempts to implement some idiomatic @3 concepts (e.g. iterators).",C[0]],"slack-hook2":[C[197],C[12]],"com-impl":["^E implement Win32 COM interfaces @w @3, along @7 some usefulhelper @l @0 getting it done.","0.1.1"],"criterion-cpu-time":[C[460],C[9]],"easytime":["Providing @h @l @0 safely performing panic-free checked arithmetic on instants @6 durations.",C[0]],"piston-rect":["Helper &Q @0 computing @e rectangle layout",C[3]],"&k_local":["Per-object &k-local ^L","1.1.3"],"actix-form-data":["Multipart Form Data @0 Actix Web",C[198]],"$n_^T_internals":[C[992],C[65]],"pallet-elections-phragmen":["FRAME pallet @r on seq-Phragmén election method.","3.0.0"],"orthanc":["&X @0 Orthanc REST @C","0.7.0"],"xinput-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 xinput. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"libfonthelper":["Reads fonts in passed directories @6 return objects of fonts @0 Figma Font Helper","0.2.9-beta.0"],"sherr":["Error signalling @6 &z &F",C[3]],"ergo_fs":["Types @0 making ^h @7 @4 filesystem ergonomic, therefore fun.",C[0]],"word_replace":["word replacement $F @0 a ^x $2 @7 toml-@r dictionary","0.0.3"],"sidekiq":["@3 Sidekiq &X","0.9.0"],"nu_$L_^k":["Tree viewer $L @0 Nushell",C[59]],"zstd-seekable-s3":["Seekable zstd-compressed S3 objects.",C[8]],"tls-async":["TLS @t @0 AsyncRead/AsyncWrite @x &d-tls",C[329]],"gdnative_geom":["(DEPRECATED) Math ^2 @0 @4 Godot game engine's gdnative @5 (See @4 gdnative @8).","0.6.1"],"elastic":["A modular sync @6 $6 @i @0 @4 Elasticsearch REST @C.",C[199]],"&l":["An @2 of @4 Processing &h @0 @3, @7 influences @w Cinder @6 openFrameworks. It is $h @7 Glium @6 has a Glutin @6 a GLFW ^4. Tested so far on macOS @6 &t. It has been developed by Robert Ennis in @4 lab of Katja Doerschner, a part of @4 Allgemeine Psychologie Department at @4 Justus-Liebig Universitaet of Giessen.","0.3.2"],"hybrid-clocks":["Hybrid Logical Clocks","0.5.3"],"cached_$2_view":["A @e @1 @0 mapping arbitrary parts of huge @E ^i $v","0.1.4"],"google-cloudbilling1-cli":[C[200],C[71]],"sc-basic-authorship":["Basic @2 of block-authoring logic.","0.9.0"],"hid":["Safe hidapi @h","0.4.1"],"snarkvm-parameters":["Parameters @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"ncollide_testbed2d":["2D testbed @0 ncollide.",C[2]],"ethabi-contract":[C[102],"11.0.0"],"grin_servers":[C[201],"5.0.1"],"nn":["A multilayer feedforward backpropagation neural ^c @1",C[6]],"handlebars-markdown-helper":["A ^w @0 handlebars @p adds markdown &W","0.7.0"],"rollbar":["Track @6 report errors, exceptions @6 &E @w $p @3 $T to Rollbar.","0.7.0"],"zeptohttpc":["minimal ^o @i @x &e @6 httparse $Z",C[7]],"nfd-sys":["Low-@I @3 @5 to nativefiledialog","0.1.5"],"spread":["A @3 @i @1 @0 @4 Spread toolkit",C[4]],"kerberos-parser":["&C @0 @4 Kerberos @9",C[5]],"grabbag":["A &x grab-bag of $l.","0.1.2"],"dyn-clonable":[C[693],"0.9.0"],"pallet-identity":["FRAME identity ^B pallet","3.0.0"],"moore-svlog-syntax":["$d SystemVerilog @j @2 of @4 moore ^8 @o.",C[19]],"psyche":["Psyche AI Toolset","0.2.19"],"pixset":["Generates a tileset @w a RustType ^d font","0.0.6"],"ruspiro-uart":["@J @6 convinient ^0 @C to @4 Raspberry Pi 3 UART0 (PL011) @6 UART1 (miniUART)peripherals",C[1]],"sig":["ffi @1 of signal(2) @6 kill(2)","1.0.0"],"sheep":["Modular @6 ^C spritesheet packing @1",C[3]],"silk":["A silky smooth @2 of @4 Loom architecture","0.3.3"],"discord_game_sdk":["Safe @h @0 @4 Discord Game ^J","1.0.1"],"gpt":["A &p-@3 @1 to work @7 GPT partition tables.","2.0.0"],"relational_@l_procmacro":["Procmacro to help create relations $G objects","1.0.0"],"base58":["Tiny @6 $S base58 $c",C[9]],"cervus":["Reserved @0 @4 Cervus subsystem to reach v0.5.0","0.4.99"],"mqttc":["Mqttc is a @i @0 @4 MQTT @9.","0.1.4"],"histogram-sampler":["Sampling @w a ^e given by a histogram",C[8]],"static-server":["@u @0 serve &n @E by ^o","0.0.11"],"slog-try":["Convenience @d @0 &z @7 an optional slog Logger.",C[0]],"arch-audit":["A $q $D pkg-audit @0 Arch &t @r on Arch Security Team @A","0.1.15"],"cpp_to_@g":[C[202],"0.5.3"],"n5":["@3 @2 of @4 N5 tensor $2 @Q @M","0.7.6"],"sort":["...",C[9]],"sesstype":["An @2 of Multiparty Session Types","0.2.4"],"dep-obj":["Dependency object: effective reactive heterogeneous container.","0.8.0"],"ed25519-bip32":["Ed25519 BIP32","0.3.2"],"rson_rs":["@3 Object Notation",C[7]],"simpl":["No &o ^q $Y, @6 own ^q construction @6 conversion lib",C[9]],"libp2p-kad":["Kademlia @9 @0 libp2p","0.28.0"],"directories":["A tiny mid-@I @1 @p @y @U-specific ^M locations of directories @0 config, cache @6 other @A on &t, ^5 @6 macOS by leveraging @4 mechanisms defined by @4 XDG base/user directory specifications on &t, @4 Known Folder @C on ^5, @6 @4 Standard Directory guidelines on macOS.","3.0.1"],"num-integer":["Integer $g @6 @z","0.1.44"],"@w_variants_impl":["Internal ^w @8 @0 from_variants @8.",C[2]],"pathsearch":["Search @0 @E in PATH",C[0]],"thingvellir":["a concurrent, shared-nothing $P @p manages an assembly of things","0.0.3-alpha0"],"piston2d-scroll_controller":["A Piston @1 @0 $Y scroll areas",C[19]],"introspection":[C[203],C[9]],"sailfish-compiler":[C[204],C[1]],"in_addr":["Exposes a $R @s to in_addr $G Unix @6 ^5.","1.0.0"],"conio":["Console input @6 &P","0.1.2"],"d3d10-sys":["@D @5 to d3d10. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"lua-kit":["Toolkit @0 ^h @7 Lua bytecode",C[9]],"helix_$4":[C[390],"0.5.0-alpha-2"],"shadowsocks":["My implemention of shadowsocks","0.6.2"],"kcapi-sys":["@3 @D @5 @0 libkcapi, @4 kernel crypto &0 @1.","0.0.3"],"css":["A @8 @p uses @4 cssparser @6 selectors $Z to provide a domain model @0 CSS Stylesheets. Intended to allow effective minification of CSS @6 CSS transformations such as autoprefixing @6 removal by other $Z","0.0.22"],"micro-timer":["Dumb tiny &z timer",C[8]],"foreign-types-macros":[C[808],C[7]],"oasis-borsh-derive-internal":[C[205],"0.2.14"],"tokio-global":["Global $u $4",C[8]],"rug":["Arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point @6 complex ^F @r on GMP, MPFR @6 MPC","1.11.0"],"mozversion":["Utility @0 accessing Firefox $9 metadata","0.4.1"],"cache_$r_size":["A @8 @p exposes @4 size of a cache $r on @4 current architecture.","1.0.0"],"heim-common":["Common stuff shared across heim ^Q $Z",C[185]],"confy":["Boilerplate-free $K ^B",C[8]],"twre":[C[206],"0.0.0"],"tap":["Generic extensions @0 tapping ^G in @3","1.0.1"],"ruma-api-macros":["A $w @m @0 $H ruma-&0 Endpoints.",C[207]],"cucumber_@g":["Cucumber ^j @o @0 @3, @7 $6 @t. Fully &d, no external ^7 runners or &8.","0.8.3"],"pgs-files":["@3 @u @0 $Y /etc/{passwd,group,shadow} @E","0.0.7"],"atomic-take":["Atomically take a &m out of a container once.","1.0.0"],"buffered-reader":["A super-powered Reader","1.0.0"],"pathdiff":["@u @0 diffing paths to obtain relative paths",C[0]],"scanlex":["a @e lexical scanner @0 @Y ^x ^i tokens","0.1.4"],"libudis86-sys":["Low-@I @5 to libudis86, @4 x86 disassembler",C[7]],"auto-image-cropper":["Removes extra white borders to correctly resize canvas","0.1.5"],"const_env":[C[229],"0.1.2"],"$2_^k":["Creates a directory $M suitable @0 storing large ^F of @E, @6 optionally deletes @4 created directory @6 @E when dropped.","0.1.1"],"cargo-geiger":["Detects usage of unsafe @3 in a @3 @8 @6 its &8.","0.10.2"],"buttplug_@c":["Trait Derive ^U @0 Buttplug Intimate Hardware Control @u","0.6.2"],"immutable-seq":["Immutable sequence @A $M","0.1.2"],"polish":["Test-Driven Development done right","0.9.9"],"cfor":["A @m @p gives @3 a C-style @0 loop, @7 initialisation,condition @6 step. @k correctly handles control-flow $D continueand break.","1.1.0"],"nicehash":["NiceHash @C in @3.",C[0]],"minimad":["light Markdown @j","0.6.9"],"subspedia-rs":["@u @0","0.1.4"],"crates-index-diff":["Learn what's changed in @4 index","7.1.2"],"eu4save":["Ergonomically work @7 all EU4 saves (ironman @6 multiplayer)","0.4.2"],"acto-rs":["Experimental actor @1, under &A. (renamed @w minions_rs).","0.5.2"],"polk":["Dotfile &N @6 symlinker","1.1.3"],"lifx":["@u to control @6 inspect LIFX bulbs",C[303]],"bdk-macros":["Supporting @d @0 `bdk`",C[0]],"geiger":["Some @1 parts of @N-geiger, decoupled @w @N.","0.4.5"],"bdrck_log":["^l @0 &z.",C[1]],"blake2_bin":["a @H $r @2 of BLAKE2b/s/bp/sp @6 all their parameters","0.5.11"],"id-map":["Data $M of ^G indexed by IDs.",C[7]],"machine-id":["@u to get a UUID specific to @4 &R.",C[8]],"oso-derive":["@d @0 oso, an open source policy $k @0 authorization that’s ^v in $p $T",C[21]],"sp-version":["Version ^H @0 @4 Substrate $4; @X a $8 @p returns @4 $4 $9.","3.0.0"],"lsp-types":[C[619],"0.86.0"],"fastobo-derive-internal":["Internal @c @d @0 @4 `fastobo` @8.",C[19]],"dbus-tokio":["Makes it possible to $f Tokio @7 D-Bus, $i is a bus commonly $a on &t @0 inter-^O communication.","0.7.3"],"geozero-core":[C[861],"0.6.1"],"gouth":["@k @1 @y auto-renewed tokens @0 GCP &9 authentication.",C[0]],"short-crypt":["ShortCrypt is a very @e encryption @1, $i aims to encrypt any @A ^i something &x at first glance.","1.1.0"],"clam-client":["A @e @3 @2 @0 talking to ClamD","0.1.1"],"kaos":["Chaotic ^j harness","0.1.1-alpha.2"],"smith_waterman":["$d Smith–Waterman $7 performs local sequence alignment.","0.1.1"],"pallet-scheduler":["FRAME example pallet","3.0.0"],"best":["Utility @0 getting @4 best &m of a sequence @7 an associated &m",C[38]],"get_if_addrs":[C[830],"0.5.3"],"bud":["A DSL @0 &T computing",C[4]],"socksv5_@v":["Socks v5 $1 @0 Server @6 &X","0.2.5"],"libvips":["Safe @5 @0 libvips","8.3.0"],"nu-protocol":["Core ^G @6 protocols @0 Nushell",C[59]],"jit_@d":["JIT ^U","0.0.9"],"gstreamer-net-sys":["@D @5 to libgstnet-1.0","0.9.1"],"alpaca":["ALPACA is a caller @0 genomic variants (single nucleotide @6 ^P indels) @w next-^6 sequencing @A @p uses a novel algebraic approach to incorporate sample @r filtering ^i @4 calling. @k allows to intuitively control @4 FDR @0 arbitrary filtering scenarios.",C[9]],"rweb-macros":[C[338],"0.4.6"],"dl":["A $0 @0 D @6 L.","0.0.2"],"dfw":["Docker firewall @o, in @3","1.2.1"],"purescript-corefn":["A @j @0 PureScript's corefn ^y representation.",C[3]],"rsa":["Pure @3 RSA @2",C[3]],"quasi_^T":[C[208],"0.32.0"],"pallet-membership":["FRAME membership ^B pallet","3.0.0"],"git-version":["Compile @4 git $9 (tag name, or ^I otherwise) @6 dirty state ^i $p ^N.","0.3.4"],"axgeom":["@u @p @y ability to extract 1d ranges out of 2d objects.","1.9.3"],"ndarray-numtest":[C[209],C[0]],"billboard":["Display informational boxes in @4 $A.",C[9]],"wrapped2d":["@3 ^3 @0 Box2D","0.4.1"],"cli-timer":["Program $a to set a timer.","0.3.84"],"allo-isolate":["Run Multithreaded @3 along @7 Dart VM (in isolate).","0.1.8-beta"],"varlink":["&X @6 @Z @t @0 @4 varlink @9.","11.0.0"],"navitia-poi-model":["Navitia's POIs (Point of Interest) model",C[3]],"exonum-cryptocurrency-advanced":["Exonum blockchain example ^a a cryptocurrency.","1.0.0-rc.1"],"http-client":["Types @6 $g @0 &e clients.","6.3.0"],"checkstyle_formatter":["checkstyle formatter.","1.0.2"],"$1_ringbuf":["Mock Type ^a AsyncRead/AsyncWrite @0 ^j @6 examples.",C[3]],"nip_@T":["$d backing @1 @0 @4 nip git-ipfs ^w",C[7]],"nanopow-rs":["Small @3 @1 to ^m proof of work @0 @4 Nano cryptocurrency.","0.3.3"],"http-endpoint":["Declarative specification of ^o endpoints.",C[8]],"exonum-merkledb":["Persistent ^L @2 @r on RocksDB $i @y APIs to work @7 Merkelized @A $j.","1.0.0"],"send":["@k ^N lets @4 user $o in input @6 sends it to either external @H or piped-stdout","0.8.0"],"parmap":[N,C[4]],"gb2260":["$d @3 @2 @0 looking up Chinese administrative divisions","0.1.2"],"bevy_hecs_@d":["Bevy fork of hecs-@d: $w @m $E @0 hecs",C[3]],"tls-sys":["@D @5 @0 libressl's libtls",C[9]],"hematite_@Z":["A Minecraft @Z clone","0.0.4"],"figlet-rs":["@3 @2 of [FIGlet](&e:// to create ascii art","0.1.3"],"coreutils_&I":["Logger $K @r on fern.","0.5.1"],"keystroke":["Send a $b, character, or keystroke event to @4 @Q.","0.0.3"],"struct-diff":["Trait @0 @l @p @W diffable","0.2.3"],"imgui-glfw-rs":["ImGui input $Y @0 GLFW","0.4.1"],"electrs":["An ^S re-@2 of Electrum Server in @3","0.8.7"],"bakeit":["BakeIt is a @H $r $q @0 Pastery, @4 best pastebin in @4 world.","0.1.1"],"yogcrypt":["A high-$J, general purpose crypto @1 in &p @3","0.0.0"],"rui":["reactiv @g ui a ReactJS $D UI @1","0.0.2"],"getrandom_$0":["tmp","0.1.20"],"colors":["A @1 @p helps @O color @6 style $p ^x",C[4]],"$S_chemail":[C[210],"0.9.6"],"anyvec":["Vector-$D $o @0 storing different @l in contagious $v.","0.2.3"],"cuckoofilter":[C[1021],C[2]],"arc-reactor":["Minimal, &c, Web Framework","0.2.4"],"osauth":["&c OpenStack session @6 authentication","0.3.4"],"bubblebabble":["$d Bubble Babble Binary Data Encoding","0.1.2"],"measureme":["Support @8 @0 rustc's self-profiling feature","9.0.0"],"avrd":["Device-specific constants @6 $e @0 all AVR $x","1.0.0"],"rubefunge-93":["A @e toy Befunge interpreter.","0.0.3"],"libsamplerate-sys":["@D @5 @0 libsamplerate",C[64]],"sputnikvm-network-foundation":["Ethereum patches @0 SputnikVM.",C[211]],"iodyn":["An incremental &u @1 making $f of Adapton",C[7]],"bit_field":["@J bit field $I &6 get_bit, get_bits, set_bit, @6 set_bits &Q @0 Rust's integral @l.",C[21]],"todo_lib":["Collection of @L @0 todo.txt @M","2.0.0"],"deviceaccess-sys":["@D @5 to deviceaccess. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"sciter-rs":["@3 @5 @0 Sciter - Embeddable HTML/CSS/script $k (cross-@U desktop GUI toolkit). Also capable @7 DirectX / OpenGL.","0.5.54"],"graph-search":[C[212],C[0]],"current":["A @1 @0 setting current ^G @0 stack scope, such as $T $M","0.1.2"],"ulog":["A ^P &z @1 (not only) @0 hard real-$B &z.",C[3]],"queen-log":["log",C[1]],"interledger-service-util":["Small, commonly $a Interledger services @p don't really fit anywhere else",C[8]],"abseil":["Convenient fallback behavior @0 @3 result @6 option @l",C[9]],"leaky-cow":["Leak @4 contents of a Clone-On-Write pointer","0.1.1"],"core-nightly":["Nightly $t of libcore @w @4 @g repo.","2015.1.7"],"mdbook-graphviz":["mdbook preprocessor to add graphviz @t","0.0.2"],"absal":["Optimal reduction of λ-terms","0.1.4"],"otpcli":["A @e one-$B-password CLI, @7 @t @0 TOTP @6 STOKEN.","1.0.0"],"ordslice":["Extensions @0 ordered slices",C[3]],"ethbloom":["Ethereum bloom filter",C[15]],"zip":["@u to @t @4 ^R @6 $N of zip @E.","0.5.9"],"oasis-test":["A ^j @o @0 Oasis executables.","0.4.1"],"sounding-analysis":["Types @6 @z @0 ^h @7 weather soundings.","0.14.4"],"copyless":["Ways to eliminate memcpy calls when @x @4 ^M @1.","0.1.5"],"caelum-id":["Oficial CaelumLabs Identity @3 @C/Core @2","0.1.9"],"cranelift-faerie":["Emit Cranelift &P to &d object @E @7 Faerie","0.66.0"],"read_input":["A @e CLI $F @p asks @0 user input until @4 @A inputted is valid.","0.8.4"],"vm-superio":["Emulation @0 legacy &S","0.1.1"],"yup-hyper-mock":["A $q @1 @0 ^j clients @x hyper","5.14.0"],"scaly":["@u @0 @4 Scaly $s @R",C[73]],"^X_throttle":["@X a Stream combinator, to limit @4 rate at $i items @W produced.",C[1]],"roulette":["An ^S @2 of roulette wheel selection",C[3]],"cargo-build-deps":["A @N &3 to $t &8, helps speed up docker builds by allowing &8 to be built earlier @6 cached.",C[0]],"deadpool-redis":["Dead @e $6 pool @0 redis","0.7.0"],"iref":["Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) @6 References, borrowed @6 owned.","1.4.3"],"signin":["@3 @1 to validate @F-sign-in tokens","0.1.5"],"cross":["Zero setup cross compilation @6 cross ^j",C[7]],"ckb-db":[C[91],C[70]],"ckb-build-info":["CKB @N $t $e.",C[70]],"rust-extra":["@g-extra","0.0.17"],"multitask":["An executor @0 running $6 tasks",C[0]],"tls-api-stub":["TLS @C @2 @p returns ^q on any operation",C[8]],"fixedvec":["A heapless $9 of @4 @3 vector $o.","0.2.4"],"dbui-core":["Core classes $a by dbui in @4 app @6 WASM","0.0.64"],"vapoursynth-sys":["@3 @5 @0 vapoursynth @6 vsscript.",C[3]],"libtensorflow-sys":["@k @8 has been deprecated in favor of tensorflow-@f. Please $f it instead.","0.0.2"],"luajit-sys":["LuaJIT @5 @0 @3.","0.0.5"],"libfaster-sys":["@K @0 FASTER",C[15]],"elf-utilities":["^l @0 @Y,$H,analyzing ELF","0.2.8"],"cargo-lipo":["@N lipo &3 to automatically create universal &j @0 iOS","3.1.1"],"luminance-gl":["OpenGL backends @0 luminance","0.16.1"],"concat-string":["@X @d @0 concatenating $b slices ^i owned $y.","1.0.1"],"compacts":["compact @A $j","0.9.0"],"$o_^I_@d":["Internal @m $E. They may not work properly if not $a via @4 type_hash @8.","0.2.2"],"piston-button_tracker":["A Piston @1 @0 tracking key/mouse press events @w windows @0 $f in update loops",C[31]],"lis3dh":["An ^v-hal ^K @0 @4 LIS3DH accelerometer @p implements @4 ^A accelerometer $I",C[3]],"cargo-5730":["A workaround @0 @N#5730",C[7]],"maze":["Maze Generator","0.1.2"],"stm32-usbd":["'usb-device' @2 @0 STM32 $x","0.5.1"],"tcp-stream":["std::net::TcpStream on steroids",C[25]],"libeko":["Create a @H $r @s $Q @7 some $R &8 ((clap || docopt) @6 error_chain)","0.1.5"],"cip_@g":["@k is a Cubic Interpolation Pseudo-Particle (CIP) @2 in @3. For more $e, contact mgubolin at protonmail dot com or @4 original article in TAKEWAKI, Hrn; NISHIGUCHI, A.; YABE, T. Cubic interpolated pseudo-particle method (CIP) @0 solving hyperbolic-$o equations. Journal of computational physics, 1985, 61.2: 261-268. or TAKEWAKI, Hideaki; YABE, Takashi. $d cubic-interpolated pseudo particle (CIP) method: $T to nonlinear @6 multi-dimensional hyperbolic equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 1987, 70.2: 355-372.","0.9.8"],"dir-diff":["Do two directories have different contents?","0.3.2"],"font-atlas-freetype":["A freetype-@r loader @0 font-atlas.",C[9]],"mohan":["Shared Types & Utils","0.0.53"],"x11-clipboard":["x11 clipboard @t @0 @3.","0.5.1"],"tab-api":["@4 $R &0 ^H @0 @4 tab $A multiplexer","0.5.6"],"^g_libra_crypto-derive":["Libra custom derives @0 `crypto`",C[32]],"neural":["A neural $0.",C[4]],"quick-csv":["quick csv &H @6 decoder",C[6]],"xinput9_1_0-sys":["@D @5 to xinput9_1_0. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"jockey_@c":["@B of #[@c(Arguments)] @0 @4 jockey @8",C[3]],"ehstorguids-sys":["@D @5 to ehstorguids. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"validators":["@k is a @1 @0 validating @6 modeling user input @6 @S @8 @y models, $8, $g, errors @6 other &8 $a @7 @4 `validators-@c` @8.","0.22.3"],"refstruct":["Generates $3 @0 structs $i can rerefence their own fields. Currently alpha/experimental.","0.1.1"],"bollard":["An $z Docker daemon @C","0.9.1"],"gfx-backend-gl":[C[257],"0.7.0"],"ethereum-rlp":[C[213],"0.2.3"],"jack-client":["Safe @i @0 @4 Jack audio @Z","0.1.2"],"sleef-sys":["@3 @D @5 to @4 SLEEF Vectorized Math @u","0.1.2"],"avr-device-macros":["Attribute @d @0 re-export in `avr-device`",C[3]],"pq-sys":["Auto-&i @g @5 @0 libpq","0.4.6"],"kompact-component-derive":["A @c @m @0 Kompact component $E.",C[21]],"lyon_$X":["2D Path manipulation/transformation $X.","0.17.1"],"ntdsapi-sys":["@D @5 to ntdsapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"xirr":["XIRR @0 @3","0.2.2"],"scratch":["Compile-$B temporary directory shared by &4 $Z @6 erased by `@N clean`","1.0.0"],"spidev":["@X ^0 to @4 &t spidev @s. Thisinterface allows @0 $K of @4 spidev device,half-duplex SPI ^0, @6 full-duplex SPI ^0.",C[8]],"sql_lexer":["@u to lex @6 sanitize SQL","0.9.1"],"resast":["Rusty-ECMAScript Abstract Syntax Tree","0.4.1"],"libgpg-error-sys":["Raw @5 @0 libgpg-^q","0.5.2"],"cpp_to_@g_$t_&5":[C[409],"0.2.3"],"mpris-player":["A @1 @0 ^9 MPRIS2 media players &q D-Bus",C[5]],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-1":[C[241],C[0]],"fasta_&5":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"opcua-server":["OPC UA @Z @C","0.8.0"],"glium-typed-buffer-any":["Type-erased, dynamically checked vertex buffers @0 glium",C[2]],"value-trait":["Traits to deal @7 JSONesque ^G","0.1.23"],"anevicon":["A high-performant UDP-@r load @G, $h in @3","7.0.9"],"sc-chain-spec-derive":["^U to @c chain spec ^n $g @2.","3.0.0"],"picky-asn1":["Provide ASN.1 @e @l",C[1]],"aspotify":["&c @i @0 @4 Spotify @C","0.7.0"],"strong-xml":["Strong typed xml, @r on xmlparser.",C[5]],"image-convert":["A high @I @1 @0 &O identification, conversion, interlacing @6 high quality resizing.","0.10.2"],"cargo-pkg":["A @e &3 @0 @4 Cargo $0 &N @0 ^f GTK packages @w @3 projects.","0.2.84"],"toa-ping":["Utility to perform pings.","0.1.1"],"prctl":["@k $0 @y $W $P to @4 linux prctl() @s. Somefunctions may be architecture-specific.","1.0.0"],"he_di":["Dependency Inversion / Dependency Injection / Inversion of control container @0 @3",C[7]],"feclient-sys":["@D @5 to feclient. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"easy-csv-derive":["$U @m @8 @0 &s-csv.","0.3.2"],"latex_snippet":["Convert even erroneous LaTeX snippets ^i HTML","0.3.3"],"parity-daemonize":["A more advanced daemonizer",C[3]],"compiler-builtins-snapshot":["Snapshot of @4 ^8-builtins @8","0.1.20170127+764557f0b669bb0e28817c5ae70c9d718685e35a"],"clapcomp":["clap completion @G as @H","0.1.5"],"bufstream":["Buffered I/O @0 streams where each read/&b half is separately buffered","0.1.4"],"prelude":["RENAMED TO \"std_prelude\": prelude @p @4 @g stdlib should have always had",C[7]],"rexpect":["Interact @7 unix processes/bash @4 same way as pexpect or Don libes expect does",C[8]],"minify-html":["Extremely $S @6 smart HTML + JS + CSS minifier","0.4.3"],"opencc":["OpenCC ^3 @0 @3",C[3]],"rocket_contrib":["Community contributed &j @0 @4 Rocket ^Y @o.","0.4.7"],"record-query":["A $F @0 doing record analysis @6 transformation","1.0.2"],"knx_ets_rs":["KNX ETS @u","0.0.6"],"oboe":["Safe @s @0 oboe an android @1 @0 low latency audio IO",C[8]],"murmurhash32":["A @e @2 of murmurhash32_2",C[0]],"wasm-pack":["📦✨ $p favorite @g -> wasm workflow $F!","0.9.1"],"enso-automata":[C[423],"0.1.5"],"$O_cognito_identity":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Cognito Identity @ 2014-06-30",C[13]],"$O_snowball":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Import/Export Snowball @ 2016-06-30",C[13]],"namedarg":[C[394],C[395]],"^x_@a":["A flexible ^x template $k",C[8]],"tg_bot_models":["Telegram Bot @C @l (@0 @C 4.3)",C[2]],"google-sourcerepo1-cli":[C[667],C[668]],"bech32":["Encodes @6 decodes @4 Bech32 @M","0.7.3"],"wasi-types":["Rusty @5 @0 WASI libc @l.",C[6]],"solana-failure-program":["Solana failure ^N","1.5.7"],"deoxysii":["Deoxys-II-256-128 MRAE ^2 @0 @3",C[7]],"finn-assembler":["$d Finn IR Assembler","0.2.2"],"$n_plain":["A restricted plain ^x serializer @0 $n",C[3]],"assert2-macros":["$w @d @0 assert2","0.3.4"],"etclient":["A light @i @0 Ethereum Classic built on top of SputnikVM @6 etcommon-worldstate ^L.",C[3]],"grin_pool":[C[261],"5.0.1"],"ckb-occupied-capacity-macros":[C[214],C[70]],"timi":["A visual template instantiation &R interpreter to understand how lazy functional $s languages evaluate",C[7]],"bitmaps":["Fixed size boolean arrays","2.1.0"],"google-cloudtasks2_beta2-cli":[C[606],C[607]],"$O_iam":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Identity @6 Access Management @ 2010-05-08",C[13]],"tynm":["Returns $o names in shorter form.",C[6]],"aspect-weave":[C[215],C[7]],"codespawn":["C++ @6 @3 $3 @G. Supports XML @6 ^y @0 @C $E.","0.3.3"],"$A_^b":["A standalone @1 @7 no-std @t @0 @H $r $A interfaces. With autocomplete @t, &F @0 commands @6 propertiesand a prompt @2.",C[0]],"tang-rs":["A light weight $z connection pool",C[0]],"machina":["Manage @6 execute assembly at $4.","0.6.1"],"mli":["Machine Learning Interface @0 @3",C[15]],"clang-sys-linkage":[C[216],"1.0.0"],"rustacuda":["CUDA Driver @C Wrapper","0.1.2"],"kuchiki":["(朽木) HTML/XML ^k manipulation @1","0.8.1"],"iter-enum":["#[@c(Iterator, DoubleEndedIterator, ExactSizeIterator, Extend)] @0 enums.","1.0.0"],"slog-extlog":["Object-@r &z @6 statistics tracking through logs","6.0.1"],"repay":["CLI @0 calculating repayments",C[7]],"kooka_lib_messenger":["Communication $G services by @x Nats","0.1.2"],"wasmer-runtime-core-near":[C[217],"0.17.1"],"google-dfareporting2d8-cli":[C[218],C[219]],"brainheck":["Brainheck interpreter $h in @3.","0.1.8"],"enum-unitary":["Trait @6 @m @0 unitary enums","0.4.2"],"luminal-router":["Minimalist router @0","0.0.12"],"likely":["likely",C[0]],"google-pagespeedonline2-cli":[C[220],C[221]],"ringtail":[C[638],C[3]],"razberry":["An ^o @i @1 @0 @4 Razberry Z-Wave Hub",C[3]],"http-service-hyper":["HttpService @Z @p uses Hyper as ^4","0.4.1"],"consul":["@3 @i libray @0 Consul ^o @C",C[3]],"identity":["A stable @3 @2 of an identity (a.k.a., “equality witness”) $o.","0.0.6"],"tfs-fuse-sys":["Low-@I, incomplete fuse @5 @0 $f in tfs.","0.1.1"],"ip-combinator":["&C combinator @0 ipv4","0.1.1"],"system-call":[C[222],"0.1.3"],"symspell":["Spelling correction & Fuzzy search","0.4.1"],"cool_faces":["Generates cool faces @0 $p ^Q.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)","0.1.4"],"glitter":["A $W, low-@I, zero-cost OpenGL @h @1.","0.1.2"],"sqlcipher-src":[C[223],"0.1.1"],"tauri-api":[C[554],"0.7.5"],"@g_info":["Extracts @4 current @g ^8 $e.",C[1]],"$n_&Y":["Easily deserialize &Y rows",C[0]],"ledger-transport-hid":["Ledger Hardware Wallet - HID Transport","0.8.0"],"ddc-i2c":["DDC/CI monitor control &q I2C",C[7]],"rocket-raw-response":["@k @8 @y a response struct $a @0 responding raw @A.","0.4.11"],"webfinger":["A @8 to help @O fetch @6 serve WebFinger resources",C[2]],"cynic-codegen":["Codegen @0 cynic - a GraphQL query builder & @A mapper @0 @3",C[24]],"quick-error":[C[841],"2.0.0"],"libyal-rs-common":["Internal @L","0.2.5"],"lazyf":["A @e means @0 grabbing config @w flags @6 config @E @7 a lazy, human readable, $2 @M.","0.1.4"],"persistent_hashmap":["Persistent hashmap is a @1 @0 ^h @7 $v mapped hashmaps",C[8]],"evm-core":[C[224],"0.23.0"],"sawtooth":[C[260],"0.6.5"],"rustpython":["A python interpreter $h in @g.","0.1.2"],"rust-dpdk":["@K to Intel DPDK: Data Plane Development Kit",C[4]],"epd-waveshare":["An ^v-hal @r ^K @0 ePaper displays @w Waveshare formerly published as eink-waveshare-rs",C[8]],"&n_map":["A &n hashmap @2, @r on @4 Round-Robin hashing $7 found in &y.",C[225]],"hermit-abi":["hermit-abi is ^P @s to call @z @w @4 unikernel RustyHermit.It is $a to $t @4 target `x86_64-unknown-hermit`.","0.1.18"],"debug_sat":["A debuggable automatic theorem prover @0 boolean satisfiability problems (SAT).",C[8]],"runtime-tokio":["A Tokio-@r $z $4",C[226]],"$O_mediatailor":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r MediaTailor @ 2018-04-23",C[13]],"$n_syn":["Use $n to parse @3 source $3.",C[9]],"bb":["clean @e $S ^O viewer","0.4.3"],"basehangul":["An @2 of BaseHangul $Q-to-^x @M in @3",C[64]],"cw20":["Definition @6 @l @0 @4 CosmWasm-20 @s",C[2]],"coresimd":["SIMD @t in Rust's @T @1.","0.1.2"],"libtest":["Rust's built in unit-^7 @6 micro-benchmarking @o",C[4]],"plotly":["A plotting @1 powered by Plotly.js",C[5]],"yew":[C[227],"0.17.4"],"io-context":["A context @p carries a deadline, cancelation signals @6 request scoped valuesacross @C boundaries @6 $G processes.",C[0]],"nu-value-ext":["Extension $g @0 ^G in Nushell",C[59]],"aces":["Algebra of Cause-Effect Structures","0.0.13"],"ro":["Helps make stuff read-only","1.0.0"],"vicuna":["^r Lambdas made @e.","0.4.1"],"intervaltree":["A @e @6 ^A @2 of an immutable interval ^k.","0.2.6"],"mfuuid-sys":["@D @5 to mfuuid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"spawner":["Tiny @h @0 `&k::spawn` $i optionally auto-joins threads on drop","0.3.2"],"audiomediatypecrt-sys":["@D @5 to audiomediatypecrt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"$R_failures":["Helpers @0 'failure', including io::Error &D @7 paths, quick_main!, display_causes_and_backtrace.","0.1.1"],"$b_cache_$L":["A $b interning @1 @0 @3, developed as part of @4 Servo ^Q − ^8 $L.",C[64]],"$O_machinelearning":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Machine Learning @ 2014-12-12",C[13]],"latest":["A channel-esque $o @p only stores @4 last &m @p was sent.","0.1.1"],"ascii-canvas":["@e canvas @0 drawing lines @6 styled ^x @6 emitting to @4 $A","2.0.0"],"slog-envlogger":["Port of de facto ^M &I @2 @0 @3, to `slog-rs` @o.","2.2.0"],"grpc_etcd":["etcd @g-grpc &0","0.1.4"],"nfd":[C[382],"0.0.4"],"rust-iteratorcomprehensions":["A comprehension syntax @0 iterators &v as @d.","0.3.4"],"simplet2s":["A @e traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese converter",C[0]],"cicada":["A @e Bash-$D Unix shell.","0.9.17"],"googleprojection":["Project world- or screen-space coordinates @0 $f in Google Maps tiles (WebMercator)","1.2.0"],"radio":["Generic $g @0 ^v packet radio &S","0.8.1"],"googapis":["@k @1 &i @w Google @C @x tonic-$t.","0.4.1"],"panic_search":["^E search @0 panics when they happen","0.1.4"],"contour":["Compute isorings @6 contour polygons (@x marching squares $7).",C[8]],"base64-rs":["Encodes @6 decodes base64","0.1.1"],"buf-read-ext":["Trait extending anything @p implements BufRead @7 stream_until_token()",C[8]],"took":["Easily measure & report elapsed $B","0.1.2"],"git-find":["A $F (^b & lib) to find local git repositories.",C[2]],"newsblur_&0":["@g @2 of @4 NewsBlur-@C","0.1.1"],"cursive-multiplex":["A tmux $D multiplexer @0 gyscos/cursive views",C[8]],"balloon":["Balloon Hash @7 Blake2b","0.0.10"],"iron-hmac":["HMAC middleware @0 @4 Iron ^o @o",C[5]],"stats-cli":["A @H $r statistics $Q @6 $0","1.0.0"],"sv":["A @3 @1 @0 ^h @7 Bitcoin SV",C[7]],"coap":["A CoAP @1","0.9.2"],"spirv-std":["Standard @z @6 @l @0 SPIR-V",C[7]],"arraydeque":["A ring buffer @7 a fixed capacity, $i can be stored on @4 stack.","0.4.5"],"inkling":["Limited @2 of @4 Ink markup @R.","0.12.5"],"ambisonic":["Compose @6 play 3D audio.",C[8]],"stop-words":["Common stop words in several languages","0.3.2"],"diesel_derives_extra":["^E @c some @e CRUD &Q @0 $p Diesel models","0.1.2"],"libicmp":["ICMP @9 @t @6 $5","0.1.2"],"nature_$R":["Common defines $i $a by Nature",C[42]],"libhdf5-sys":["&B @5 to @4 HDF5 @1",C[0]],"actix-server":["General purpose TCP @Z built @0 @4 Actix ecosystem","2.0.0-beta.3"],"hamlrs":["A @3 @1 @0 @Y [Haml](&e:// templates","0.4.3"],"molecule-codegen":["Code @G @0 molecule.","0.7.0"],"cap-time-ext":["Extension $g @0 `SystemClock` @6 `MonotonicClock`",C[80]],"inherent-pub":["Mark &Q in `impl Trait @0 Type` blocks inherent to @4 $o",C[7]],"locate-cargo-manifest":["Retrieves @4 Cargo manifest path by @Y @4 &P of `@N locate-^Q`.","0.2.2"],"simdnoise":["SIMD accelerate noise @1 @7 $4 feature detection","3.1.6"],"git-url-parse":["A @j @0 git repo urls @r on url @8",C[1]],"coverm":["Read coverage calculator @0 metagenomics",C[5]],"derive-into-owned":["Custom derives to help @7 @l containing Cow fields",C[9]],"maybe-owned":["@y a `MaybeOwned` (@6 `MaybeOwnedMut`) $o similar to std's `Cow` but it implements `From` @6 `From<&'a T>` @6 does not require `ToOwned`","0.3.4"],"cec-rs":["Thin but $W @h @0 libcec","2.2.0"],"zbar-rust":["High-@I @6 low-@I ZBar ^3 @0 @4 @3 @R.","0.0.14"],"wasm-bindgen-futures":["Bridging @4 gap $G @3 Futures @6 JavaScript Promises","0.4.20"],"yaml_$2_handler":["A Yaml File Handler @r on yaml-@g","0.1.4"],"graphene":["A general purpose, extensible Graph Theory @A $o @6 $7 @1 @0 @3.","0.1.5"],"rustache":["Mustache templating $k @0 @g",C[9]],"itertools-num":["Numerical iterator &5. Extra iterators @6 iterator &Q @6 @z.","0.1.3"],"parsec-interface":["Parsec @s @1 to communicate @x @4 wire @9","0.23.0"],"conjoiner-engine":["A &p $q @8 @0 on-@4-fly serialisation ^i a standardised @A @M. Part of @4 ecosystem","1.2.3"],"l337-postgres":["l337 &N @0 $u-&Y","0.4.1"],"taken":["^U @0 taking ownership, _staring Liam Neeson_","0.1.1"],"wasm-gc":["A CLI $F to garbage collect webassembly modules",C[6]],"cups-sys":["Low-@I @s to @4 CUPS printing @1.","0.1.4"],"rayon_croissant":[" bikeshedding @4 name: something @p is mapped folded @6 collected, a 🥐",C[0]],"rusty_gl":["Safe thin @h @0 OpenGL @x @4 gl-rs @8","0.1.7"],"js_int":["JavaScript-interoperable integer @l",C[0]],"nphysics_testbed3d":["Testbed @0 @4 3-dimensional physics $k in @3.",C[12]],"$O_appstream":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon AppStream @ 2016-12-01",C[13]],"google-androidpublisher2":[C[228],C[117]],"locale-codes":["locale-related codes/identifiers @6 any standards-@r $e concerning them.",C[3]],"indextree":["Arena @r ^k $M by @x indices instead of reference counted pointers","4.3.1"],"pamsm":["@3 &D $C PAM Service Modules @z","0.4.2"],"drone-cortex-m":["ARM® Cortex®-M @U @8 @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.","0.11.1"],"bip_utracker":["Communication @7 bittorrent UDP trackers",C[8]],"probability":["$d $0 @y a probability-theory toolbox.",C[36]],"stripe":["@5 to @4 stripe &0","0.0.5"],"add6_64":["Toy @8 @p depends on recent $9 of add3 @8.",C[0]],"ticklock":["Duration, Instant, Frequency $P @0 ^v","0.0.8"],"cov":["gcov @M (*.gcda/*.gcno) @j @6 analyzer in &p @3","0.0.5"],"inflections":["High $J inflection transformation @1 @0 changing properties of words $D @4 case.","1.1.1"],"netrc":["Parses @6 encapsulates @4 `netrc` $2 @M","0.4.1"],"npnc":["Lock-free queues.",C[7]],"sabre-sdk":["Sawtooth Sabre is a transaction family $i implements on-chain smart contracts executed in a ^1 virtual &R.","0.7.1"],"deltae":["Calculate Delta E $G two colors in CIE Lab space.",C[7]],"vsock":["Virtio socket @t @0 @3","0.2.3"],"utmp":["utmp(x) $2 @j.","0.0.2"],"$O_s3":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @J Storage Service @ 2006-03-01",C[13]],"deepsize_@c":[C[651],"0.1.1"],"pallet-finality-tracker":["FRAME Pallet @p tracks @4 last finalized block, as perceived by block authors.","2.0.1"],"indexmap":["A ^I table @7 consistent order @6 $S iteration.The indexmap is a ^I table where @4 iteration order of @4 key-valuepairs is independent of @4 ^I ^G of @4 keys. It has @4 usualhash table $l, it preserves insertion order except afterremovals, @6 it allows lookup of its elements by either ^I table keyor numerical index. A corresponding ^I set $o is also provided.This @8 was initially published under @4 name ordermap, but it was renamed toindexmap.","1.6.1"],"libp2p-plaintext":["Plaintext encryption dummy @9 @0 libp2p",C[98]],"typenum_loops":["A @1 @p @y loops $i @W fully or partially unrolled at &V $B.",C[3]],"desync":["A hassle-free @A $o @0 $z $s","0.7.0"],"peeking_take_while":["Like `Iterator::take_while`, but calls @4 predicate on a peeked &m. @k allows @O to $f `Iterator::by_ref` @6 `Iterator::take_while` together, @6 still get @4 first &m @0 $i @4 `take_while` predicate returned false after dropping @4 `by_ref`.","0.1.2"],"diesel_^T":["Custom @c @6 $w @d @0 Diesel","0.16.1"],"kib":["Formatting bytes to KiB, MiB...","4.0.0"],"take_while_@7_failure":["Adds a `take_while_with_failure` iterator @p behaves identically to`take_while`, but also includes @4 first element @p fails.",C[9]],"ufmt":["A (6-40x) smaller, (2-9x) faster @6 panic-free alternative to `@T::fmt`",C[9]],"acid":["A @1 to ^m unique IDs.","0.1.1"],"sl-rs":["Pure @3 port of @4 SL, an old joke command.SL (Steam Locomotive) runs across $p $A when @O $o \"sl\" as @O meant to $o \"ls\".","2.0.0"],"phoenix-channels":["A websocket @i @1 @0 Phoenix channels","0.1.4"],"mutate_once":["Interior mutability, &b-once @6 borrowable as plain &T","0.1.1"],"dia-assert":["Helps @7 confirming user decision on important tasks","3.0.0"],"hello":["hello world","1.0.4"],"eiktyrner":["@J &e @i @r on Hyper. Mainly ment to consume ^y apis.","0.4.1"],"tract-onnx-opl":[C[136],"0.12.5"],"subslice_index":["Get @4 index of a subslice ^i its parent slice",C[2]],"wrangler":["Command-$r @s @0 all things Cloudflare Workers","1.13.0"],"kmod":["@K to libkmod to manage linux kernel modules",C[8]],"obj-rs":["Wavefront obj @j @0 @3. It handles both 'obj' @6 'mtl' formats.","0.6.2"],"luke":["Deep Learning @u","0.1.4"],"primitive-types":["Primitive @l shared by Ethereum @6 Substrate","0.9.0"],"iron-sessionstorage":["Session middleware @0 Iron.","0.6.6"],"tc_elasticmq":["Testcontainers &O @0 ElasticMQ",C[7]],"arc-cache":["An Adaptative Replacement Cache @0 @3.","0.2.4"],"typename_@c":["Derive $L @0 @4 typename @8.","0.1.4"],"ili9341":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @7 @4 ILI9341 (ald ILI9340C) TFT LCD display","0.4.1"],"ei-sys":["Low @I @3 @5 to ei, a @1 to communicate @7 &T Erlang.","0.8.1"],"inotify":["Idiomatic @h @0 inotify","0.9.2"],"font-loader":["A font loading $q $h in @6 @0 @3.",C[15]],"rrt":["Path finding @x dual-RRT connect",C[8]],"notcoal":["Not charcoal filters, but notmuch ones. Filter @1 @0 @4 notmuch email @Q",C[3]],"httpapi-sys":["@D @5 to httpapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"wayland-protocols":["Generated @C @0 @4 officials wayland @9 extensions","0.28.3"],"implicit3d":["3d implicit geometry.",C[65]],"rpgffi":["Toolkit @0 FDW, Logical Decoders @6 extensions @0 postgresql","0.3.3"],"$S_fmt":["@k @8 @y faster, more flexible @6 more correct alternative to @T::fmt","0.1.3"],"markup5ever_rcdom":["Basic, unsupported DOM $M @0 $f by tests in html5ever/xml5ever",C[9]],"credentials_to_env":["Fetch secrets @w Hashicorp's Vault @6 &b to &h or @E, then exec another ^N","0.4.7"],"spirv-tools-sys":[C[653],C[3]],"flac":["An @2 of FLAC (free lossless audio codec)",C[2]],"coaster-nn":["coaster $L &6 Neural Network $V","0.4.2"],"mac":["A $m of great @6 ubiqutitous @d.","0.1.1"],"unzip":["@u to decompress all (or some) @E @w a zipped archive.",C[9]],"sprs":["A sparse matrix @1","0.9.3"],"libimagerror":[C[29],C[21]],"posix":["posix @h. $f @4 repo @0 now","0.0.2"],"zip-extract":["Archive extraction via zip-rs, automated.",C[9]],"amadeus-parquet":["An Apache Parquet @2 in @3.","0.4.2"],"lut":["@y lookup tables @6 helps @7 constructstructing (@6 merging) more of them","0.1.1-unstable"],"ceph-rbd":["Ceph Rados Block Device @K","0.3.2"],"path-clean":["A @3 @2 of cleanname or path.Clean",C[9]],"cpp-typecheck":["Type check a C++ source $2 @7 a clang compilation ^V",C[2]],"bear-lib-terminal-sys":["Pure BearLibTerminal @D @0 @3","1.3.0"],"texture-synthesis-cli":["A CLI @0 texture-synthesis","0.8.1"],"mpeg2ts":["MPEG2-TS &f/$c @1","0.1.1"],"proptest-derive":["Custom-@c @0 @4 Arbitrary $I of proptest.",C[0]],"rendy-init":["Rendy's &s initialization $F","0.5.1"],"transit_model":["Transit @A ^B","0.33.2"],"impl-codec":["Parity Codec @V @t @0 uint @6 fixed ^I.",C[2]],"rustop":["A @e @H $r @j.","1.1.1"],"$r_intersection":["Find @4 intersection $G two 2d lines, rays, or $r segments",C[8]],"tera":["Template $k @r on Jinja2/Django templates","1.6.1"],"trajectory":["Trajectory interpolation",C[4]],"const_env_impl":[C[229],"0.1.2"],"unicode-casefold":["&g-aware case folding.",C[0]],"lxtrace":["linux @Q call tracer, similar to strace",C[9]],"capi":["Helper &Q @0 ^f a C @C in @3: passing ownership of @3 objects to C @6 back.NB: @k will be obsolete once Box::from_raw/into_raw @W stable.","0.0.3"],"ethereum-trie":[C[334],C[2]],"repsheet_etl":["ETL &5 @0 repsheet","0.0.4"],"pircolate":["&C @6 @s @0 IRCv3 &E.",C[7]],"modular-bitfield":["Allows to easily define bitfield @l @7 modular ^f blocks.","0.11.2"],"interledger-api":["@C @0 managing an Interledger node",C[3]],"unroll":["An attribute-$D $w @m @0 unrolling @0 loops","0.1.5"],"imag-bookmark":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-bookmark @H",C[21]],"maildir":["A @e @1 @0 maildir manipulation",C[2]],"hexponent":["Hexadecimal float @Y",C[1]],"frame-support":["Support $3 @0 @4 $4.","3.0.0"],"vergen":["Generate $9 related @z","3.2.0"],"build-helper":["@k @8 contains convenience &Q @0 $t scripts.","0.1.1"],"$8_group":["A @m to hack in $8 overloading to @g","0.2.4"],"fftw":["$W @h of FFTW3","0.6.2"],"error-iter":["Error::chain on stable @3",C[0]],"framp":["Fork of James Miller's Ramp, a high-$J &4-precision arithmetic @1","0.3.7"],"$O_route53domains":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Route 53 Domains @ 2014-05-15",C[13]],"filter-logger":["A @e filtering &I $i will filter @r on ^H-path.",C[3]],"netlib-blas-provider":["BLAS/LAPACK provider @x @4 Netlib @2","0.0.8"],"$O_workdocs":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon WorkDocs @ 2016-05-01",C[13]],"shadertoy":["@3 @1 wrapping @4 Shadertoy REST @C to be able to easily search through @6 download Shadertoy assets.","0.6.1"],"giphy-api":["An @C @i @0 Giphy","0.1.4"],"async-amqp":["lapin ^t @7 $6-std","1.1.0"],"google-groupsmigration1-cli":[C[230],"1.0.13+20181126"],"dhcp_@j":["DHCP @j @x nom",C[9]],"ncollide_transformation":[C[231],"0.9.1"],"orkhon":["Machine Learning Inference Framework @6 Server Runtime","0.2.3"],"owasm-abi-derive":[C[232],C[8]],"dnsperf-sys":["@D @5 to dnsperf. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"spl-token-cli":["SPL-Token Command-$r Utility","2.0.6"],"d3d11-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 d3d11. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"bdrck":["Generic $R foundational @L.","0.18.1"],"simplesched":["A naive coroutine @r scheduler @7 $z I/O @t","0.1.1"],"runwhen":["Runs a @H on user specified triggers.","0.0.3"],"gazetta-core":["A &n site @G @o. Core.",C[1]],"git_httpsable":[C[404],"1.0.1"],"linear-map":["A map &v by searching linearly in a vector.","1.2.0"],"syscallz":["@J seccomp @1 @0 @g",C[42]],"ptrplus":["Additional funtionality @0 pointer @l","1.1.0"],"desed":["Sed script debugger. Debug @6 demystify $p sed scripts @7 TUI debugger.","1.2.0"],"script":["...",C[9]],"vcd":["Read @6 &b VCD (Value Change Dump) @E","0.6.1"],"alloc_hoard":["$f Hoard as rust's ^s",C[3]],"moite_moite":["Split a &m in two owned parts",C[0]],"guppy":["Track @6 query Cargo &o graphs.","0.7.0"],"md6":["@B of @4 MD6 ^I $8 @0 @3 via @D","2.0.3"],"cargo-test":["@N $9 ^7",C[1]],"google-people1":[C[863],C[14]],"opusic-sys":[C[233],"0.3.4"],"iron_compress":["A modifier @0 Iron @p can compress response bodies","0.1.3"],"bugsnag":["$d &0 of Bugsnag in @g.",C[7]],"full_moon_@c":["Internally $a @0 @4 full_moon ^Q. Do not $f.",C[2]],"mut_&n":["@X a struct to help create mutable statics @7 lazy_static.","5.0.0"],"tfs":["Fast, content-addressed, snapshottable filesystem.","0.1.3"],"fish_vars":["Command $r ^N to quickly add a path variable to $p Fish Shell config $2","0.1.3"],"google-redis1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Redis (@9 v1)",C[71]],"cannyls":["Embedded persistent key-&m ^L optimized @0 &x-^0 workload @6 huge-capacity HDD",C[12]],"^g_libra_failure_@d":["Libra failure @d",C[32]],"crev-lib":["Scalable, social, Code REView @Q @p we desperately need - @T @1","0.18.1"],"sval":["A no-std, object-$W @V @o",C[234]],"lebicon":["Implements codicon $g @0 LEB128 $c / &f","4.0.0"],"zcash_script":["ffi @5 to zcashd's zcash_script @1","0.1.5"],"nonzero_ext":["Extensions @6 additional $g @0 non-zero integer @l",C[0]],"accept-encoding-fork":[C[772],C[350]],"fid":["FID (Fully Indexable Dictionary) @2 @0 @3","0.1.7"],"ckb-store":[C[91],C[70]],"adi_screen":["Interface @7 a computer/phone screen screen to render ^u.",C[38]],"cap-rand":["Capability-oriented &x &2 generators",C[80]],"frugalos_segment":["A segment in a bucket in a Frugalos cluster","1.2.0"],"cpubars":["shows cpu utilization by @T in bars",C[2]],"ra_ap_ide_db":["TBD",C[73]],"cryptdll-sys":["@D @5 to cryptdll. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"yara":["@3 @5 @0 VirusTotal/yara","0.4.3"],"$O_sns":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @J Notification Service @ 2010-03-31",C[13]],"fibers":["A @3 @1 to execute a &2 of ^C $z tasks (a.k.a, fibers) @r on $1 @6 mio","0.1.13"],"spark":["▄▆▂█▁ in $p @3!",C[8]],"panic-control":["^l to ^7 $3 @7 intentional panics","0.1.4"],"appscraps_&n_util":[C[235],C[9]],"linearkalman":["Linear Kalman filtering @6 smoothing","0.1.3"],"includedir":[C[416],C[5]],"edn-derive":["Edn (De)Serialization @c @d",C[2]],"skeleton":["Skeleton ^Q &N","0.3.3"],"jrpc":["@l @0 @4 jsonrpc specification, ultra ^C","0.4.1"],"unicorn":[C[253],"0.9.1"],"near-bindgen":[C[236],C[5]],"switchboard":[C[237],C[9]],"two-sided-vec":["Double ended vectors @0 @g, $i can grow in both @4 front @6 back",C[88]],"@g_^L_@s_@1":["A @3 @1 @p @y @3 to ^1 developers @7 syntax @0 load @6 store $l","0.1.30"],"docopt":["Command $r argument @Y.","1.1.0"],"pyo3-pack":["@k ^Q has been renamed to 'maturin'","0.7.0"],"abc":["An @2 of Karaboga's Artificial Bee Colony $7.","0.2.3"],"hub-sdk":["Geeny &t Hub ^J",C[2]],"bytemuck":["A @8 @0 mucking $C @7 piles of bytes.","1.5.0"],"$O_sqs":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @J Queue Service @ 2012-11-05",C[13]],"thruster-async-await":["An $6 await shim @0 @4 thruster ^Y @o",C[30]],"google-gan1_beta1":[C[301],C[302]],"readline":["Wrapper $C readline on &t @6 Mac OS X, a shim on ^5. DO NOT USE: `rustyline` does @4 same job much better","0.0.13"],"gag":["Gag, redirect, or hold stdout/stderr &P. Currently only *nix operating systems @W supported.",C[64]],"vorbis":["High-@I @5 @0 @4 official libvorbis @1.",C[9]],"poglgame":["Piston OpenGL 2D Game Scaffold",C[8]],"acon":["A &d @3 ACON encoder @6 decoder. @X FromStr @6 Display @0 deserializationand @V respectively. Comes @7 some @L to make ^h @7 thedata $M easier.","0.5.1"],"sc-consensus-uncles":["Generic uncle inclusion @L @0 consensus","0.9.0"],"jnix-macros":["Companion @8 to jnix @p @y &r-@d @0 interfacing JNI @7 @3",C[3]],"gloo-events":["Convenience @8 @0 ^h @7 DOM event listeners","0.1.1"],"leaky-bucket":["Futures-aware rate limiter @2.",C[12]],"language-tags":["&U tags @0 @3","0.2.2"],"fastpbkdf2":["A @g ^3 @0 fastpbkdf2. @k is a PBKDF2 @7 HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256 @6 HMAC-SHA512 @6 is faster than other $5.",C[9]],"dkregistry":["A &p-@3 $z @1 @0 Docker Registry @C",C[2]],"svd_board":["Autogenerated structs @6 accessor &Q @0 @4 $v mapped registers of various ARM boards @r on CMSIS SVD @E.",C[3]],"conway":["@1 @0 multi-player game of life Conwayste",C[3]],"sexp":["A ^P, @e, self-contained, s-&L @j @6 pretty-printer.","1.1.4"],"zfs-core-sys":["@K to libzfs_core (lzc)",C[2]],"secp256kfun_parity_^4":["Vendored $9 of paritytech/libsecp256k1 @0 secp256kfun","0.1.3"],"combinadics":["@X &Q to de- @6 encode ^F in @4 combinatorial &2 @Q",C[9]],"sfc-sys":["@D @5 to sfc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"dissimilar":["Diff @1 @7 semantic cleanup, @r on Google's diff-match-patch","1.0.2"],"ece":["Encrypted Content-Encoding @0 ^o @3 @2.","1.3.0"],"avro-rs":["@u @0 ^h @7 Apache Avro in @3",C[38]],"clokwerk":["A @e @3 recurring task scheduler, similar to Python's schedule","0.3.4"],"korat":["Convenience &Q @0 @4 conversion of $O attribute ^G to concrete @l @0 dynamodb",C[0]],"erl_ast":["A @3 representation of Abstract Syntax Trees of Erlang modules","0.0.6"],"approx":["Approximate floating point equality comparisons @6 assertions.",C[8]],"grin_wallet_util":["Util, @0 ^A @L @6 to re-export grin $Z","5.0.1"],"grep":[C[898],"0.2.7"],"solana-streamer":["Solana Streamer","1.5.7"],"avsser":["A $q @0 $H AviSynth scripts","0.8.0"],"common-path":["Finds @4 $R prefix $G a set of paths","1.0.0"],"xlib":["@k @8 has been deprecated. Use &w://$Z/x11 instead.",C[9]],"xdr-rs-serialize":[C[482],"0.2.5"],"pruefung":["Checksums in &p @3, @7 no_std available, ^a @4 Hasher $I.",C[7]],"orbfont":["Orbital font &W","0.1.8"],"result":["Helpers @0 dealing @7 nested Result @6 Option @l","1.0.0"],"libimagentryview":[C[29],C[21]],"imag-habit":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-habit @H",C[21]],"dyon":["A rusty dynamically typed scripting @R","0.45.6"],"tabwriter":["Elastic tabstops.","1.2.1"],"yacli":["@u @0 ^9 CLI &5 @7 a look @6 feel similiar to Cargo","0.6.1"],"shell-words":["Process @H $r according to @Y rules of UNIX shell","1.0.0"],"genco-macros":[C[238],"0.15.1"],"pest_tmp":[C[243],"2.1.1"],"fibers_timeout_queue":["Timeout queue @r on `fibers` @8",C[9]],"rustc-ap-arena":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `arena` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 10c2316a6bf7cf9255f991e06e82ce692e6f84d5 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","662.0.0"],"protobuf-json":["@u @0 serializing Google protobuf objects as ^y @x @3.",C[3]],"elrond-wasm":["Elrond ^1 smart contract @C",C[15]],"cryptui-sys":["@D @5 to cryptui. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"vorbis-encoder":["Interface @0 @4 libvorbis-encoder @1","0.1.4"],"gmath":["math @0 ^u @6 games","0.1.1"],"uvth":["Compact @6 ^S threadpool @2 as an alternative to @4 threadpool @8.","4.0.1"],"quoted_printable":["A @e encoder/decoder @0 quoted-printable @A","0.4.2"],"wana_kana":["Utility @1 @0 checking @6 converting $G Japanese characters - Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana - @6 Romaji","2.0.1"],"orbtk-proc-macros":["$U @d $a by OrbTk.",C[97]],"navigation":["@X basic navigation $G GPS waypoints","0.1.7"],"treeculler":["^l to help @7 frustum culling.",C[9]],"derive-serialize-into":["Derive Serialize @6 Deserialize @0 validating @h @l",C[1]],"libbreakpad-client-sys":["&B @5 to @4 @F-breakpad @1",C[9]],"pollock":["An ergonomic @6 performant &l-$D @1 @0 generative art @6 @e games in @3","0.3.2"],"ff-cl-gen":["OpenCL $3 @G @0 prime-fields",C[0]],"cargo-bump":["Increments @4 $9 &2 of @4 current ^Q.","1.1.0"],"mime_multipart":["MIME multipart @Y, construction, @6 streaming",C[5]],"rexsgdata":["Scatter-Gather Data Descriptors",C[12]],"sp-rpc":["Substrate RPC ^2 @6 @L.","3.0.0"],"serde-json-core":["$n-json @0 no_std programs",C[0]],"mat32":["matrix 3x2",C[7]],"solana-banks-client":["Solana banks @i","1.5.7"],"envsubst":["Variables substitution",C[0]],"nvapi":["NVIDIA NVAPI @5","0.1.3"],"count-min-sketch":["Count-min-sketch @2","0.1.7"],"novault":["vaultless password ^B ^b","0.4.2"],"qcell":["Statically-checked alternatives to RefCell","0.4.1"],"google-cloudprofiler2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Profiler (@9 v2)",C[26]],"elastic_@l_@d":[C[777],"0.6.2"],"xlog":["Xlog can add key/&m pairs to $p log lines.","0.2.2"],"enc28j60":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @4 ENC28J60 (Ethernet controller)",C[7]],"randomorg":["A @i @1. $d randomness comes @w atmospheric noise, $i @0 many purposes is better than @4 pseudo-&x &2 $X typically $a in computer programs.","1.0.4"],"kg-tree":["Generic object ^k @7 Opath query @R, similar to XPath.",C[7]],"factori-impl":["You shouldn't $f @S @8 directly. It's ^W to factori.","1.1.0"],"rustwide":["Execute $p $3 on @4 @3 ecosystem.",C[19]],"s4":["Simpler @J Storage Service: high-@I @C extensions @0 Rusoto's S3Client","0.0.15"],"derive-enum-error":[C[239],C[4]],"$b_to_expr":["Compile-$B &L evaluation @0 $y","0.0.2"],"egaku2d_@T":["@J 2D ^u @1 ^Z context creation $3",C[5]],"mincore-sys":["@D @5 to mincore. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustwlc":["wlc Wayland @1 @5 @0 @3","0.7.0"],"lightspeed_&I":[C[85],"0.33.4"],"swears":["Use swears, not curses","0.1.16"],"coalescing_buffer":["Coalescing Ring Buffer",C[9]],"exact-float":["Do $p calculations @7 exact floating point ^F","0.1.1"],"seed-icons":["Get icons &u @0 Seed","0.4.2"],"systemfd":["A convenient ^w @0 passing sockets ^i another ^O. Best to be combined @7 listenfd @6 @N-watch.",C[3]],"gtk":[C[240],"0.9.2"],"yaml-validator":["A @1 @0 validating YAML against YAML-defined schemas",C[9]],"$n_@c":[C[458],"1.0.123"],"components-arena":["@J @1 @0 ^9 complex domain-specific self-referential @A $j.","1.1.1"],"dloadhelper-sys":["@D @5 to dloadhelper. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tonic-types":["A $m of &K protobuf @l @p can be $a @7 `tonic`.",C[0]],"screenshot":["Get a bitmap &O of any display.","0.0.7"],"tinyprof":["Tiny realtime frame profiler, well $a @7 tinyecs",C[4]],"ticker":["Rate limited Iterators.","0.1.1"],"twapi":["A @e Twitter @1. @k is &s @0 customize.",C[5]],"amqpr-codec":["Defining AMQP codec","0.3.2"],"sn0int-common":["sn0int - $R $3",C[19]],"oasis-client":["Oasis gateway @i","0.1.1"],"lock-free-stack":["Lock-free (atomic-@r) Collection $i internally represent @A as a Stack, @6 exposes an @s allowing to add elements, get size, @6 remove all giving a reverse-iterator.","0.1.1"],"sel4":["High-@I @3 @s to @4 seL4 kernel","0.0.12"],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-3":[C[241],C[0]],"sc-offchain":["Substrate offchain workers","3.0.0"],"riker":["Easily $t $S, highly concurrent @6 resilient @P. An Actor Framework @0 @3.","0.4.2"],"orset":["An Observe Remove Set CRDT @7 delta mutation",C[0]],"oxygengine-input":["Input ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"fmt-extra":["Extra formaters not shipped in @4 ^M @1",C[7]],"megaui-macroquad":["Macroquad renderer @0 megaui","0.1.4"],"nrf52840-pac":[C[367],"0.9.0"],"fe_session":["@X local session ^L @0 Iron.",C[2]],"utf8-chars":["Char-per-char iterator @6 `read_char` method @0 `BufRead`.","1.0.0"],"waybackrust":["A $F to query @4 WaybackMachine (&w://^Y/)...","0.2.10"],"crc64-rs":["DEPRECATED: Use crc64 instead",C[0]],"backup_rat":["A highly configurable backup $F",C[5]],"gltile":["OpenGL-@r tile &W $k","0.0.5"],"cbuf":[C[792],"0.1.1"],"msctfmonitor-sys":["@D @5 to msctfmonitor. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"path":["IP @r connection identification @6 tracing","0.8.2"],"elapsed":["Measure execution $B of a block of $3","0.1.2"],"ustr":["Fast, @D-friendly $b interning.","0.7.0"],"bumpalo":["A $S bump allocation arena @0 @3.","3.6.0"],"git-conventional":[C[694],"0.9.1"],"google-cloudtrace1":[C[639],C[434]],"tinyvec_@d":["Some @d @0 tiny containers",C[9]],"jvm-assembler":["Tools @0 ^h @7 Java Virtual Machine Class @E @w @3.",C[4]],"rz80":["Z80 chip family emulation","0.1.1"],"sputnikvm-network-musicoin":["Musicoin patches @0 SputnikVM.",C[211]],"nvml-wrapper":["A $W @6 ergonomic @3 @h @0 @4 NVIDIA Management @u","0.7.0"],"superluminal-perf":["Superluminal Performance @C @0 adding user events to profiler captures","0.1.1"],"wasmtime-wiggle":["Integrate Wiggle $3 @G @7 Wasmtime",C[25]],"sgx_tservice":[C[79],"1.1.0"],"graphql-introspection-query":["GraphQL introspection query @6 response @l.",C[9]],"cargo-wasi-src":[C[729],"0.1.22"],"lyon_bezier":["[Deprecated] @k @8 was renamed ^i lyon_geom.","0.9.0"],"chttp":[C[242],"0.5.5"],"deterministic":["deterministic ^f blocks @0 testable systems","0.1.2"],"map18xx":["18xx tile @6 map designer","0.0.5"],"embedded-spi":["@3 ^v ^K ^w $0 (new releases at spi-hal)","0.6.2"],"rendy-shader":["Rendy's shader compilation $F","0.5.1"],"dcmimu":["no_std DCM IMU @2","0.2.2"],"wit-printer":["Textual printer @0 @4 ^1 Interface Types $Q @M",C[0]],"forest_message":["Filecoin message @l","0.6.1"],"erased_$n_json":["Type-erased Formatter $I @0 serde_json::ser::Formatter","0.1.3"],"collenchyma-blas":["Collenchyma @1 @0 full BLAS @t",C[0]],"lazy_mut":["@k @8 @y a $M @p can be $a to lazily initialized ^G as well as a @m @0 ^9 lazy variables.",C[9]],"url-crawler":["Configurable parallel ^Y crawler, designed to crawl @0 content",C[3]],"nbssh":["SSH @H @G","3.0.0"],"easy-error":["@J ^q @L",C[1]],"rawbytes":["Transtype any sized &m to a &[u8]","0.1.1"],"cadence":["An extensible Statsd @i @0 @3","0.24.0"],"nanocurrency-types":["A set of @l @0 @4 Nano cryptocurrency",C[8]],"binomial_^k":["A ^A binomial pricing ^k @0 options",C[8]],"iaca-markers":["@k @1 includes @4 IACA assembly commands to profile $p $3 @7 @4 IACA $F.",C[4]],"amxml":["XML processor @7 some features of XPath 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.1","0.5.3"],"by_address":["Wrapper @0 comparing @6 hashing pointers by address","2.0.0"],"digest_auth":["@B of @4 Digest Auth $7 as defined in IETF RFC 2069, 2617, @6 7616, intended @0 ^o clients","0.2.4"],"ascii_&1":[C[398],"0.9.3"],"ethcontract-common":["Common @l @0 ethcontract-rs $4 @6 &r @m.","0.11.1"],"pest":[C[243],"2.1.3"],"ittapi-rs":["@3 @5 @0 ittapi","0.1.5"],"changecase":["A $I @6 @2 @0 changing @4 case of Strings @6 &str.It currently supports uppercase, lowercase, alternating case, @6 invertingcase. Title case is in @4 works.","0.0.7"],"memstream":["Memstream @j",C[4]],"polar-core":["Polar @T @1 @0 oso, an open source policy $k @0 authorization that’s ^v in $p $T",C[21]],"nl-dump":["A netlink (mostly RT_NETLINK) disector.","0.1.3"],"cpu-time":["Small @8 @p @y CPU $B measurement.","1.0.0"],"rtop":["A @Q monitor &v in @3, Monitors both @Q activity @6 GPU activity @0 NVIDIA GPUs","0.1.3"],"motivations":["a $m of motivating &E","1.1.2"],"gethostname":["gethostname @0 all platforms",C[7]],"puffin":["@J instrumentation profiler @0 games",C[1]],"querystring":["@J querystring @1 @0 @g","1.1.0"],"rustc-ap-syntax":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `syntax` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 834bc5650acf7019a53b409db68986857822812c $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","645.0.0"],"hmac-sha256":["A ^P, self-contained SHA256 @6 HMAC-SHA256 @2",C[6]],"rbtag_@c":["A $w @m impl to add git @6 $t datetime info",C[3]],"chickenize":["Chickenize everything","0.3.3"],"tdjson-sys":["TDLIB Json &X @3 @D @K","0.1.5"],"watt":["Runtime @0 executing @3 $w @d compiled as ^1.",C[8]],"charsets":["An &G representing all charset names commonly $a.",C[0]],"vm-info":["Inspect &t virtual $v $M",C[0]],"spinlock":["DEPRECATED!Use @8 `spin` instead.A @e spinlock.It may contain @A,is usable ^Z stdand there is a &n initializer available.","0.1.2"],"termfest":["A &k-$W TUI @1",C[0]],"die-exit":[C[244],"0.3.3"],"meealgi":["A selective @2 of Jean Meeus' astronomical $X.","0.0.6"],"windows_@d":["^U @0 @4 windows @8",C[1]],"imgur_rs":["@B of a few imgur &0 endpoints","0.1.1"],"mcts":["@k is a @1 @0 Monte Carlo ^k search.",C[3]],"css-colors":["A @3 converter to transform CSS colors.","1.0.1"],"iri-string":["IRI as $b @l",C[3]],"json_typegen":["$U @m @p generates @3 @l @w ^y samples",C[2]],"gauss-quad":["@u @0 applying Gaussian quadrature to integrate a $8","0.1.4"],"leftpad":["Pad a $b to @4 left",C[0]],"mildew":["@3 &F","0.1.2"],"&P_vt100":["Utility to activate escape codes in ^5' CMD @6 PowerShell","0.1.2"],"ssb_@j":["&C of ^x in ssb @M.",C[8]],"wifilocation":["Get $p GPS location @x WiFi hotspots",C[3]],"serenity":["A @3 @1 @0 @4 Discord @C.","0.10.2"],"thiserror-impl":["@B detail of @4 `thiserror` @8","1.0.23"],"$Q_vec_io":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"@c_less":["A @m @0 templating item declarations.",C[0]],"size_@M":["Allows @0 easier formatting of sizes.","1.0.2"],"conan":["A @3 @h of @4 conan C/C++ $0 &N ( to simplify usage in $t scripts",C[0]],"csv":["Fast CSV @Y @7 @t @0 $n.","1.1.5"],"lazycell":["A @1 &6 a lazily filled Cell struct","1.3.0"],"trenitalia":["A @8 to get $e about Trenitalia trains @6 stations","0.3.4"],"pub-sub":["A basic publish/subscribe channel.","2.0.0"],"rustpython-bytecode":["RustPython specific bytecode.","0.1.2"],"@g_^b":[C[245],C[9]],"spirit-dipstick":["Automatic $K of dipstick backends",C[3]],"taiga":["TaigaIO @i @1","0.0.2"],"$O_cognito_idp":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Cognito Identity Provider @ 2016-04-18",C[13]],"telecord":["A bot to join Telegram Chats to Discord Channels","0.1.3"],"tree-sitter-highlight":["@u @0 performing syntax highlighting @7 Tree-sitter",C[3]],"tracing-timing":["Inter-event timing metrics on top of tracing.","0.4.3"],"unix_socket2":["Unix domain socket @5, @7 bug fixes @6 enhancements.","0.5.4"],"games-rs":["Pre-&v games $h in @g.",C[3]],"fera-optional":["An optional &m $I @6 some $5.",C[0]],"plaster-router":["A router @0 plaster-@r frontend ^Y @P","0.1.5"],"ganache":["A @e GUI @1","0.1.7"],"sputnikvm-network-ubiq":["Ubiq patches @0 SputnikVM.",C[211]],"graph-io-gml":["GML (Graph Modelling &U) loader",C[3]],"lib_battleship":["A @1 @0 battleship $5.","2.1.0"],"cranelift-simplejit":["A @e JIT @1 backed by Cranelift","0.68.0"],"riquid":["A @g @2 of Liquid",C[4]],"imagepipe":["An &O &l pipeline","0.3.5"],"ptp":["Picture Transfer ^p ^K",C[2]],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-2":[C[241],C[0]],"mqtt3":[C[286],"0.1.4"],"secret_sharing":["Various secret sharing schemes",C[0]],"bit-array":["A &V $B sized array of bits","0.4.4"],"lite-json":["@J ^y @j. Wasm / no_std ready.","0.1.3"],"newtype":["Custom Derive to give tuple structs newtype semantics",C[7]],"aes-ctr":["AES-CTR ^X ciphers",C[5]],"gumdrop":["Option @j @7 custom @c @t","0.8.0"],"async-recursion":["Recursion @0 $6 @z","0.3.2"],"swc_ecma_transforms_typescript":[C[163],C[8]],"scintilla-sys":["Raw @5 to Scintilla Text Editor component","4.0.9"],"$n_prometheus":["$n-@r serializer @0 prometheus' ^x-@r exposition @M","0.1.5"],"mbedtls":["Idiomatic @3 @h @0 MbedTLS, allowing @O to $f MbedTLS @7 only safecode while being able to $f such great @3 features $D ^q $Y andclosures.Building on MbedTLS's focus on ^v $f, @S @8 can be $a in a no_stdenvironment.","0.8.0"],"cloud-storage-rs":["MOVED TO$Z/cloud-^L A @8 @0 uploading @E to Google cloud ^L, @6 @0 $H download urls.","0.4.3"],"afterparty":[C[294],C[0]],"dual_num":["Fully-featured Dual Number @2 @7 features @0 automatic differentiation of multivariate vectorial @z ^i gradients","0.2.7"],"lettre":["Email @i","0.10.0-alpha.5"],"command-macros-plugin":["@B @8 @0 @H-@d","0.2.5"],"cosmogony":["@X geographical zones @7 a structured hierarchy",C[12]],"cycle-sort":["@J ^A Cycle sort @2",C[3]],"sockjs":["SockJS @Z @0 Actix",C[3]],"winbio-sys":["@D @5 to winbio. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"google-surveys2":[C[931],C[932]],"rhttp":["rhttp is @g &e @1",C[4]],"mime":["Strongly Typed Mimes","0.3.16"],"tweetust_@d":["^U $a in tweetust","0.0.2"],"ufmt-macros":["`μfmt` @d","0.1.1"],"openat-ext":["Extension &Q @0 @4 openat @8",C[88]],"fltk":[C[246],"0.14.8"],"pcre":["@3 @h @0 libpcre.","0.2.3"],"druid-shell":["Platform abstracting $T shell $a @0 druid toolkit.","0.7.0"],"imag-todo":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-todo @H",C[21]],"itconfig":[C[669],"1.0.2"],"geometry":["A $M @0 storing @6 look up 3D geometry",C[0]],"swagger":["A set of $R @L @0 @3 $3 &i by swagger-^T","6.0.0-alpha.1"],"input":["libinput @5 @0 @g",C[2]],"cookie_store":["@B of Cookie ^L @6 retrieval",C[19]],"glean":["Glean ^J @3 @R @5","34.1.0"],"sp-consensus-pow":[C[796],"0.9.0"],"bitar":["bita archive @L","0.8.0"],"sgx_serialize":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"lalrproc":["$U @m built on LALRPOP","0.0.7"],"spaces":["Set/space ^2 @0 defining &R learning problems.","5.0.0"],"avm":["Manages node.js installations","1.0.1"],"ovr-sys":["Well documented raw @5 to libOVR v1.15.0, @4 Oculus Rift PC $4 library.Documentation is transformed @w @4 original libOVR doxygen docs.Requires acceptance of @4 Oculus ^J License, included.",C[3]],"concat_bytes":[C[468],C[9]],"ring-algorithm":["$X on ring(Abstruct Algebra)","0.2.3"],"@g_icu_utext":["&B @5 to @4 ICU4C @1 @w Unicode.utext.h","0.4.1"],"blake3":["@4 BLAKE3 ^I $8","0.3.7"],"vm-memory":["Safe abstractions @0 accessing @4 VM physical $v",C[2]],"nrf52840-hal":["HAL @0 nRF52840 $x",C[19]],"cudnn-sys":[C[921],"0.0.3"],"imgur":["Interface to @4 imgur @C.","0.7.0"],"btc-transaction-utils":["A $m of &F @0 signing bitcoin transactions @7 segwit.","0.9.0"],"kissunits":["Different units ($D distances or coordinates), keeping it ^P @6 @e","2.0.0"],"yagii":["Yet Another Github style Identicon @B","0.1.3"],"emoji-commit":["Make $p git logs beautiful @6 readable @7 @4 help of emojis","0.1.5"],"libbeaglebone":["A friendly @3 @s to @4 BeagleBone family of &S.",C[2]],"end":["endian conversion","0.0.5"],"cmdr":["Cmdr is a @1 @0 ^f $r-oriented ^x-@r user interfaces","0.3.12"],"rustup_prompt_^w":["A ^P @H $r $q @p prints @4 active rustuptoolchain @0 @4 current ^h directory","1.1.0"],"gron":["Gron transforms ^y ^i discrete assignments to make it easier to grep",C[8]],"mbnapi_uuid-sys":["@D @5 to mbnapi_uuid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"mtcnn":["@k $T is designed to be $a as a @H @w a ^1 $8 running inside @4 SSVM to perform &d tensorflow $V. Please see documentation @0 more details.",C[9]],"@e_ml":["Functions required @0 @A analysis @6 &R learning tasks","0.3.2"],"amethyst":["Data-oriented game $k $h in @3","0.15.3"],"vst2":[C[582],C[4]],"aurum-numeric":["Numeric $g",C[0]],"docker":[C[722],"0.0.41"],"voca_rs":["Voca_rs is a @3 @1 @0 manipulating $y. Inspired by Voca.js @6","1.13.0"],"predicates":["An @2 of boolean-valued predicate @z.","1.0.7"],"patience-diff":["A @1 @0 computing patience diffs",C[9]],"av-metrics":["A $m of $X @0 measuring audio/video metrics","0.6.2"],"$O_elbv2":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Elastic Load Balancing @ 2015-12-01",C[13]],"str_overlap":["Methods @0 finding @4 overlap $G two $b slices.","0.4.3"],"nanoid":["A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique $b ID @G @0 @3.",C[3]],"cryptoxide":["&p @2 of various $R modern ^z $X, WASM ^d","0.3.2"],"secret-sys":[C[247],C[0]],"liar":["Flexible, stand-alone benchmarking.",C[2]],"rchat":["An IRC @i $h in @3",C[4]],"centerdevice":["@3 @C &X @0 CenterDevice","0.5.1"],"esbuild-rs":["@3 @h @0 esbuild, an extremely $S JS minifier $h in Go","0.8.30"],"c2rust-asm-casts":["Type cast &F @0 $f @7 C2Rust's inline assembly @2",C[0]],"serial-line-ip":["Serial Line Internet ^p (SLIP) @C.",C[8]],"async-timer":["Timers @0 @3 $6 story","1.0.0-beta.7"],"simple-jsonrpc-client":["A @e jsonrpc @i @h",C[9]],"namable_closures":["@X @l @6 @d to create namable closure @l","0.2.4"],"google-dfareporting3":[C[277],C[219]],"diceware-rs":["Diceware passphrase @G","0.1.1"],"i-o":["Input @6 &P","0.4.7"],"match_cfg":["A convenience @m to ergonomically define an item depending on a large numberof `#[cfg]` parameters. Structured $D match statement, @4 first matchingbranch is @4 item @p gets emitted.",C[9]],"acyclic-network":["Acyclic ^c representation @6 construction",C[0]],"libvirt-rpc":["libvirt @9 @2 @6 @i",C[60]],"myelin-engine":["@k @8 contains @4 physical $k ofthe simulation, as well as @4 objects @p residewithin it","0.14.1"],"frame-support-procedural-tools":["Proc @m &F @0 $w @d","3.0.0"],"opensimplex":["Wrappers @0 @x OpenSimplex @w @3",C[0]],"iron_valid":["Request validation @1 @0 iron, @r on Laravel's validation",C[2]],"crossterm_$A":["A cross-@U @1 @0 doing $A related actions.","0.3.2"],"mio-pool":["A worker pool collectively $Y a set of connections","0.5.7"],"rustyline-with-hint-fix":[C[256],"7.1.0"],"basic_dsp_vector":[C[177],"0.9.2"],"scarddlg-sys":["@D @5 to scarddlg. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"addr":["A @1 @0 @Y domain names @6 email addresses",C[0]],"uefi-run":["Run UEFI @P","0.3.3"],"rusty-blockparser":["Blockchain &C @0 most $R Cryptocurrencies @r on Bitcoin","0.8.1"],"cht":["Lockfree resizeable concurrent ^I table.","0.4.1"],"keyvi":["Keyvi - @4 key &m index. It is an in-$v FST-@r @A $M highly optimized @0 size @6 lookup $J.",C[2]],"heapsize":["Infrastructure @0 measuring @4 total $4 size of an object on @4 heap","0.4.2"],"gaffer_udp":["A @9 on top of udp &6 some reliability. Not ready @0 public consumption.","0.1.4"],"mdbook-latex":["An mdbook ^4 @0 $H LaTeX @6 PDF documents.","0.1.24"],"timeago":["Given a Duration, lossily @M it $D in 'N days ago'. Parsing it back to Duration is not supported yet.",C[7]],"recipe-reader":["A &H @0 recipe @E of @4 C2 @R. See @0 $e about C2 lang @6 specification of @4 @M.","0.9.11"],"libbfio-sys":[C[248],"0.2.5"],"bb8-postgres":["Full-featured $6 ($u-@r) &Y connection pool ($D r2d2)","0.7.0"],"syslog3":["Shim @1 re-exporting syslog::* @w syslog $9 3.0","3.0.0"],"cargo-info":["Extends @N to query registry @0 $Z details","0.5.14"],"iban_validate":["A ^P @8 to verify IBAN account ^F.","4.0.0"],"deploy-temp-fringe":[C[912],"1.2.4"],"pam":["Safe @3 &D @0 PAM authentification","0.7.0"],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-4":[C[241],C[0]],"sqa-engine":["High-$J realtime audio @1",C[8]],"frame-executive":["FRAME executives $k","3.0.0"],"neptune":["Poseidon hashing &q BLS12-381 @0 Filecoin.","2.6.0"],"signature_@c":["Custom @c @t @0 @4 'signature' @8",C[249]],"q":["Soon to come - Playground.","0.0.2"],"scopetime":["log $4 of arbitrary scope","0.1.1"],"borsholder":["Dashboard of @g-lang/rust's bors queue.","0.9.3"],"owned_ttf_@j":["ttf-@j plus @t @0 owned @A",C[15]],"patricia_^k":["Memory-^S @A $j @r on patricia ^k",C[3]],"gfx_window_vulkan":["Vulkan window @0 gfx-rs",C[9]],"yup-oauth2":["An oauth2 @2, &6 @4 'device', '&9 account' @6 'installed' authorization flows","5.0.3"],"sliceslice":["A $S @2 of single-pattern substring search @x SIMD acceleration",C[7]],"main_loop":["main loop @0 real $B @P","0.3.3"],"libp2p-uds":["Unix domain sockets transport @0 libp2p",C[98]],"signatory-dalek":["signatory-dalek is deprecated! Use ed25519-dalek directly instead.ed25519-dalek natively supports @4 $g $a in Signatory. See: @0 more $e.","0.99.0"],"enapi-client":[C[250],"1.2.2"],"$O_storagegateway":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Storage Gateway @ 2013-06-30",C[13]],"bvh":["A $S BVH @x SAH","0.3.2"],"caper":["Minimalist game @o",C[38]],"amiquip":["Pure @3 RabbitMQ @i",C[8]],"ffi_&1":["@D @L",C[36]],"random-pick":["Pick an element @w a slice randomly by given weights.","1.2.13"],"webauthn-rs":["Webauthn Framework @0 @3 Web Servers",C[255]],"password-hash":["Traits $i describe @4 $l of password hashing $X,as well as a `no_std`-friendly @2 of @4 PHC $b @M(a well-defined subset of @4 Modular Crypt Format a.k.a. MCF)","0.1.1"],"rust-birkana":["Creates Birkana rune symbols SVG representation of given hexadecimal &2.","1.1.2"],"rbspy":["Sampling CPU profiler @0 Ruby",C[7]],"calc":["CLI calculator app",C[7]],"jpeg2000":["@3 @5 to OpenJPEG",C[3]],"test-generator":["@3 Test @G: enumerating entries according to $2-@Q pattern @6 $H a ^7 $8 @0 each entry.",C[3]],"^b":["One @3 @8 @0 ^9 beautiful @H $r @P.",C[4]],"bresenham":["A $S, iterator-@r integer-only @2 of Bresenham's $r $7.","0.1.1"],"e164-phones-countries":["A ^P $q $i maps E.164 international phone ^F to ISO 3166 country codes as well as @4 ISO 3166 country codes to country phone codes.","0.1.2"],"figment":["A $K @1 so con-free, it's unreal.","0.10.2"],"yarte_^T":["Code @G @0 yarte","0.14.1"],"v8unpack":[C[251],C[3]],"content-blocker":["A @1 @0 @Y Safari-style content blocking lists @6 dynamically evaluating @4 rules against against requests.","0.2.3"],"gearley":["An Earley @j $k.","0.0.4"],"multi_&H":["MultiReader - a composite &H @2.",C[9]],"$O_alexaforbusiness":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Alexa For Business @ 2017-11-09",C[13]],"qt_ritual_$R":[C[389],C[8]],"wccg-models":[C[383],"0.10.7"],"wrap-debug":["Implements debug by printing its $o name instead","0.1.1"],"xi-core-lib":["@u ^H @0 xi-@T",C[3]],"chinese-num":["Convert a decimal &2 to its Chinese form","0.1.2"],"mpmc-scheduler":["multi-mpmc, cancellable, scheduler @7 rate limiting",C[1]],"graviton_ast":["@k is @4 abstract syntax ^k @0 Graviton $i is passed $G @4 frontend @6 ^4",C[5]],"diesel-adapter":["Diesel adapter @0 casbin-rs","0.9.0"],"chunked-transfer-coding":["Encoder @6 decoder @0 ^o chunked transfer coding (RFC 2616 § 3.6.1)",C[9]],"dotext":["@J @3 @1 to extract readable ^x @w specific document @M $D Word Document (docx). Currently only @t several @M, other @M coming soon.","0.1.1"],"juniper_^T":["Internal custom @c $I @0 Juniper GraphQL","0.15.3"],"unic-ucd-name_aliases":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Name Aliases","0.9.0"],"xio_base_datatypes":["XIO base @A $j","0.8.0"],"labelgraph":["A @e to $f graph @2, allowing &x ^0 to nodes via labels.","2.2.3"],"nodejs-sys":["&B @5 to @4 nodejs' n-&0",C[15]],"rsfs":["A ^A filesystem @7 disk @6 in-$v $5.","0.4.1"],"notmuch-sys":["@D @5 @0 notmuch","4.4.2"],"rustamodb":["A @g @1 @0 ^r DynamoDB.","0.0.6"],"dtl":["Django Template &U @0 @3","0.0.2"],"ra_ap_tt":["TBD",C[73]],"spotify-tui":["A $A user @s @0 Spotify","0.23.0"],"bit_&1":["Bit @L (@6 eventually Nibble @t) @0 @3","0.1.1"],"vodk_@A":["Tiny RTTI @1.","0.0.2"],"lambda_$4":[C[252],C[7]],"dcpu":["An assembler, debugger @6 emulator @0 @4 DCPU-16",C[2]],"na":["na is a @h $C nalgebra to make it easier @6 mostly less verbose to work @7 @4 most $a @l in vector math @0 ^u.","0.24.0"],"lcms2":["ICC color profile $Y. Rusty @h @0 Little CMS","5.4.1"],"ns-router":["A configurable name resolver @0 abstract-ns",C[6]],"adler":["A @e clean-room @2 of @4 Adler-32 checksum","1.0.1"],"libxm-sys":["Raw libxm @5 @0 @3","0.0.2"],"nummap":["Defines a @h $C a `HashMap` of &2 ^G $i behaves as if **ALL** keys @W mapped but `0` ^G @W not stored.","0.5.1"],"nrf51-hal":["HAL @0 nRF51 $x",C[19]],"json-tools":["A zero-copy json-lexer, filters @6 serializer.","1.1.2"],"geml":["A @e Generator-orientated ML @j.","1.1.26"],"caves":["A $m of ^v, &k-$W key-&m stores in @3.",C[9]],"libavif-image":["Load AVIF @E ^i @4 `&O` @8",C[2]],"det":["Calculate @4 determinant @x a @m",C[9]],"rustc-ap-rustc_attr":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_attr` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"lucet-runtime-macros":["^U @0 @4 Lucet ^1 $4","0.6.1"],"freefare-sys":["@D @5 @0 @4 libfreefare @1",C[0]],"dot":["A @1 @0 $H Graphviz DOT @R @E @0 graphs.","0.1.4"],"v8":["High-@I @5 to V8, @4 Javascript $k",C[12]],"libunicorn-sys":[C[253],"0.9.1"],"dbgen":["Generate &x ^7 cases @0 databases","0.7.0"],"lindenmayer-system":["Parametric Lindenmayer-Systems",C[1]],"icmui-sys":["@D @5 to icmui. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"itoap":["Even faster @z @0 printing integers @7 decimal @M","0.1.5"],"cargo-thanks":["a @N &3 @0 giving thanks","0.1.3"],"concurrent-hashmap":["A concurrent hashmap @1.","0.2.2"],"finder":["Recursive find @E in folders @7 filtering",C[6]],"pixel":["Prototype! Pixel manipulation @1 (blend @6 convert colors)","0.1.3"],"encode_unicode":["UTF-8 @6 UTF-16 character @l, iterators @6 related &Q @0 char, u8 @6 u16.","0.3.6"],"$n_fmt":["Write any $n::Serialize @x @4 ^M formatting APIs","1.0.1"],"velcro_@T":["Core &8 $a by @4 `velcro` @8. See `velcro` @0 documentation.It is not advised to depend on @S @8 directly; it is an ^W &o of `velcro` @6 may be subject to breaking changes.","0.5.2"],"sparseset":["A Sparse Set","1.0.0"],"futures-mio":["@K @w @4 `$1` @8 to @4 `mio` @8 to get I/O in @4 form offutures @6 streams.",C[9]],"vec3":["vec3",C[7]],"ami":["Useful @A $j @p @W not in @4 ^M @1.",C[38]],"efswrt-sys":["@D @5 to efswrt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"jomini_@c":["Serde @d @2 of `#[@c(JominiDeserialize)]`",C[7]],"bitstream_&H":[C[732],"0.7.1"],"hashbag":["An unordered multiset @2 @x a ^I bag","0.1.3"],"poison-pool":["A ^A object pool @p supports poisioning items before they @W released back ^i @4 pool.",C[9]],"libipld-macro":["ipld @m",C[12]],"srv-shim":["Drop-in SRV record @t @0 legacy systems.","0.1.2"],"consecutive-vecmap":["$D VecMap, but @4 keys just need to be clustered together, not necessarily close to 0.","0.1.1"],"celery-codegen":["^U @0 rusty-celery","0.4.0-rc6"],"crux":["A state container",C[3]],"mongo-file-center":["To store perennial @E @6 temporary @E in MongoDB.","0.4.2"],"rustracing":["OpenTracing @C @0 @3","0.5.1"],"neuroflow":["$d neural ^c @1 &v in @3","0.1.3"],"bao":["a general-purpose ^z ^k ^I",C[21]],"totems":["A $m of assertion @d @0 unit ^j or otherwise.","0.2.7"],"tree-sitter":["@3 @5 to @4 Tree-sitter @Y @1","0.17.1"],"pwm-pca9685":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 PCA9685 I2C 16-channel, 12-bit PWM/Servo/LED controller.",C[3]],"cranelift":["Umbrella @0 commonly-$a cranelift $Z","0.69.0"],"rustc-ap-rustc_graphviz":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_graphviz` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"google-script1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 script (@9 v1)","0.1.9+20150922"],"playlist-decoder":["a @e playlist decoder $i supports: m3u, pls, asx @6 xspf","0.8.1"],"c3":["Complete C AST. Enables analysis @6 ^6 of $3 derived @w C.Built @x LLVM 4/Clang @x some fragile C++ APIs to work $C missing @A @6 ambiguities in libclang.",C[15]],"codespan-reporting":["Beautiful diagnostic reporting @0 ^x-@r $s languages",C[15]],"dbus":["@K to D-Bus, $i is a bus commonly $a on &t @0 inter-^O communication.","0.9.1"],"witchcraft-metrics":["A general-purpose metrics @1",C[0]],"hamt":["Purely functional ^I array mapped tries.",C[0]],"lapack-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to LAPACK (Fortran).",C[24]],"ra_ap_hir_expand":["TBD",C[73]],"neural_^c":["Modular neural ^c @7 an @2 of back propagation learning $7.","0.1.3"],"everust":["Evaluates @g $3.",C[3]],"dft":["$d $0 @y an $7 to compute @4 discrete Fourier transform.","0.5.5"],"gdk-sys":["@D @5 to libgdk-3",C[12]],"mockito":["^o mocking @0 @3.","0.29.0"],"bpfjit-sys":["@3 @5 to NetBSD's cBPF JIT $k","2.0.0"],"rusty-leveldb":["A ^d re-@2 of LevelDB in @3","0.3.5"],"emu":["A set of &j @0 $N emulators in @3.","0.1.3"],"jlens":["^y query combinator @1",C[4]],"merkletree":[C[956],"0.21.0"],"claude":["A little @1 to represent money.",C[3]],"tables":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"memory-module-sys":["@K to @4 MemoryModule @1 @0 loading &j @w $v on ^5",C[3]],"mangadex-scraper":["scrapes manga off of","0.5.2"],"sampler":["A polyphonic audio sampler instrument @p supports unique sample mappings across both frequency @6 velocity ranges.",C[0]],"mockiato-codegen":["Internally $a by mockiato @0 $3 ^6. @k @8 should never be $a directly","0.9.5"],"sufdb":["Command $r $F @0 searching documents @7 suffix arrays.","0.1.7"],"zookeeper_@c":["Derive $5 $a to $t @4 ZooKeeper @1","0.4.1"],"stretch":["High $J & cross-@U Flexbox @2","0.3.2"],"rpmalloc-sys":["Unsafe @D @5 to rpmalloc C @1","0.2.1+1.4.1"],"dlopen_@c":["Derive @d @0 @4 dlopen @8.","0.1.4"],"unsafe_unwrap":["Unsafely unwrap Result @6 Option @l ^Z checking.",C[9]],"filetime_win":["^5 FILETIME @6 SYSTEMTIME $b @6 $Q @V",C[0]],"heck":["heck is a case conversion @1.","0.3.2"],"nickel_cors":["CORS Middleware @0","0.3.3"],"imag-gps":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-gps @H",C[21]],"fossil-delta":["@X @z @0 calculating differences $G $y @6 applying calculated deltas",C[6]],"fox-and-hounds":["@B of Fox & Hounds in &p @3",C[5]],"heed-traits":["$d $g $a inside of @4 fully typed LMDB @h, heed","0.8.0"],"assimp":[C[341],C[1]],"svc-error":["An @2 of RFC7807: Problem Details @0 ^o APIs.",C[88]],"rusticata-macros":["Helper @d @0 Rusticata","3.0.1"],"include-flate-codegen":[C[254],"0.1.3"],"vswhom-sys":["Pure @D to Jon Blow's VS discovery script",C[9]],"fwatcher":["Auto run @H when some @E changed.","0.4.2"],"please-clap":["Pattern-match against Clap subcommands @6 arguments.",C[9]],"rust-base58":["@J @1 @0 converting to @6 @w base-58 $y.","0.0.4"],"dbus-serialize":["Encoder / Decoder @0 D-Bus Types","0.1.2"],"twiggy-analyze":["Analyses @0 @4 Twiggy $3 size profiler.",C[5]],"runtime-raw":["Traits to implement custom Runtimes.",C[255]],"truthtable":[N,C[4]],"web-dom":["Web @z @0 DOM manipulation","0.3.5"],"physics2d":["Yet another 2D physics $k, but @7 Iron power.",C[5]],"prgl":["Small ^u @1 to ^0 OpenGL @6/or Vulkan in a low @I but more comfortable way.","0.0.4"],"ddc-winapi":["DDC/CI monitor control on ^5",C[0]],"libpcre-sys":["&B @5 to libpcre","0.2.2"],"reep-id-string":["[deprecated] plain $b impl. of reep::@l::Id @7 optional serialisation @t",C[0]],"rustyline":[C[256],"7.1.0"],"cretonne-module":["Support @0 linking @z @6 @A @7 Cretonne",C[80]],"intervalier":["Interval events @7 $Y notifications",C[8]],"gfx_device_gl":[C[257],"0.16.2"],"google-monitoring3":[C[331],C[14]],"kf-protocol-derive":["Procedure @m to encode/decode @g $M/&G @x kafka @9",C[0]],"mumble-protocol":["@3 @2 of @4 Mumble @9","0.4.1"],"nu":["A new $o of shell",C[59]],"openxr":["High-@I, mostly-$W OpenXR @5",C[31]],"jobserver":["An @2 of @4 GNU make jobserver @0 @3","0.1.21"],"bimap":["Bijective maps",C[5]],"scrypt":["Scrypt password-@r key derivation $8","0.6.2"],"two-rusty-forks-macro":["Proc-@m @1 @0 rusty-fork.",C[8]],"opentracingrust_zipkin":["Zipkin tracer @0 OpenTracingRust",C[1]],"once":["@k @8 @y an assert_has_not_been_called! @m @p panics if @4 surrounding $8 is called twice. Useful @0 initialization @z.","0.3.4"],"rocks":["RocksDB @5 @0 @3.",C[64]],"google-tpu1_alpha1-cli":[C[403],C[77]],"libdrm-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libdrm @1",C[7]],"tls-api-native-tls":["TLS @C @2 &q &d-tls @8",C[8]],"leptonica-sys":["@D @5 @0 Leptonica","0.3.4"],"minor":["Minecraft","0.1.2"],"glib-2-0-sys":["Import @8 @0 GLib","0.46.4"],"$W_crypto":["A convenience @1 &6 abstractions @0 ^z @z.","0.8.0"],"runes":["No-std NES emulator @1 @6 minimal emulator $h purely in @3.","0.2.4"],"druid-derive":["@c impls @0 druid, a @3 UI toolkit.",C[8]],"sgx_tdh":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"watchdog":["Watch filesystem @0 changes @6 then run a @H","0.2.6"],"mpeg_encoder":["A @e ffmpeg video encoder.",C[7]],"windres":["Compiles ^5 resource @E (.rc) ^i a @3 ^N.",C[7]],"crast":["CRAST, Context RNA Alignment Search Tool","1.0.4"],"ppp":["A Proxy ^p &C $h in @3. See HAProxy @0 @4 @9 specification.","1.2.0"],"jh-x86_64":["Portable JH @7 optimizations @0 x86-64 cpus","0.2.2"],"blit":["Blit sprites on a buffer @7 a mask","0.5.12"],"cargo-lock":["Self-contained Cargo.lock @j @7 optional &o graph analysis","6.0.1"],"wasm-bindgen-externref-xform":["Internal externref transformations @0 wasm-bindgen","0.2.70"],"linenoise":[C[258],"0.0.3"],"IOKit-sys":["@D @5 @0 IOKit","0.1.5"],"erupt":["Vulkan @C @5","0.17.1+169"],"g2poly":["Primitive @2 of polynomials &q @4 field GF(2)",C[8]],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-12":[C[41],C[38]],"slate":["Manage $p snippets @w $p @H $r.","1.4.0"],"nitrocli":["A @H $r $F @0 &7 @7 Nitrokey &S.","0.3.5"],"uninitialized":["Opt-in unsafe uninitialized $v","0.0.2"],"jemalloc-sys":[C[831],"0.3.2"],"monto":["A @8 @0 @4 Monto @9. @k @8 implements $9 3.0.0-draft03 of @4 @9.",C[60]],"rnr":["RnR is a @H-$r $F to rename &4 @E @6 directories thatsupports regular expressions",C[3]],"constellation-internal":["Common components @0 @4 `constellation` @o.",C[259]],"futuristic":["Extensions to @4 $1 @8",C[3]],"crossref":["@B of @4 Crossref @C","0.2.2"],"trait-async":[C[637],"0.1.24"],"solana-exchange-program":["Solana Exchange ^N","1.5.7"],"headers-core":["typed ^o headers @T $I",C[0]],"drossel":["A queuing @Z modeled after Kestrel",C[9]],"primal":["`primal` puts raw power ^i prime ^F. @k $Z includes:optimised prime sieves, checking @0 primality, enumerating primes,factorising ^F, @6 state-of-@4-art estimation of upper andlower bounds @0 π(n) (@4 &2 of primes below n) @6 p_k (@4 k-thprime).",C[3]],"robust":["Robust adaptive floating-point predicates @0 computational geometry","0.2.3"],"typedef":["Identify, compare @l or print $o names.","0.3.2"],"pid":["A PID controller.","3.0.0"],"petname":["Generate human readable &x names. Usable as a @1 @6 @w @4 @H-$r.","1.1.0"],"reproto-backend-python":[C[62],C[63]],"blkar":["Multithreaded archiver offering bit rot protection @6 sector @I recoverability","7.2.7"],"selecta":["@k is not Selecta in @3. Please see &w://","0.0.2-nopenopenope"],"color-thief":["Grabs @4 dominant color or a representative color palette @w an &O.",C[7]],"sapper_body":["Body @Y ^H @0 sapper ^Y @o.",C[0]],"actix-connector":["Actix Connector - tcp connector &9",C[3]],"sawtooth-sdk":[C[260],C[2]],"actix-test-server":["Actix ^7 @Z","0.2.2"],"rmemo":["Tools @0 taking notes $S on @4 CLI","0.3.2"],"bottom":["A cross-@U graphical ^O/@Q monitor @7 a customizable @s @6 a multitude of features. Supports &t, macOS, @6 ^5.","0.5.7"],"owned-singleton":["Owned singletons",C[9]],"geomprim2d":["2D geometric primitive @l","0.1.1"],"filedescriptor":["More ergonomic &D $C RawFd @6 RawHandle","0.7.3"],"cargo-play":["Run $p @3 $3 ^Z setting up Cargo","0.4.2"],"amd64_timer":["Get CPU ticks.","1.3.0"],"woodchipper":["An interactive @H-$r log processor","1.1.0"],"tracing":["Application-@I tracing @0 @3.","0.1.23"],"unic-ucd-name":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Name","0.9.0"],"dependy":["Dependency resolution @7 variable &o @l","0.4.1"],"simplist":["plain @6 @e &e, @0 when @O just want to make a darn request!supports $u-@r $6, traditional sync @6 $6-await models.","0.0.5"],"cargo-ndk":["Makes ^f @3 &j @0 Android simpler","2.2.0"],"hmac-sha512":["A ^P, self-contained SHA512, HMAC-SHA512, SHA384 @6 HMAC-SHA384 @2","0.1.8"],"reactor":["A @h $C mio $i allows easily composable, but still $S, evented components","0.1.4"],"texture-synthesis":["Multiresolution Stochastic Texture Synthesis, a non-parametric example-@r $7 @0 &O ^6","0.8.0"],"parameterized":["$U @m $i brings a compact parameterized ^j @2 to @3 (&J by JUnit @ParameterizedTest)",C[1]],"stop-handle":["Convinient $M to terminate @v execution",C[9]],"grin_chain":[C[261],"5.0.1"],"ra_ap_flycheck":["TBD",C[73]],"imxrt-boot-gen":["Generate @A $j @0 booting iMXRT processors.",C[0]],"borsh-derive":[C[205],"0.8.1"],"stack":["DSTs @6 arrays on @4 stack!",C[8]],"node_rub":[C[262],"0.0.3"],"wasmtime-wast":["wast ^j @t @0 wasmtime",C[25]],"dlc-decrypter":["A decoder @1 @0 dlc @E",C[7]],"termbg":["Terminal background color detection",C[0]],"boxcars":["Rocket league replay @j","0.8.10"],"pemmican":["Pemmican Web Framework",C[8]],"postgres-native-tls":[C[573],C[2]],"qapi-parser":["QEMU QAPI ^y specification @j",C[2]],"byteordered":["Abstraction @0 ^R @6 $N @A @7 implicit byte order awareness",C[2]],"fake_clock":[C[917],C[1]],"leechbar":["A @1 @0 ^f $p own bar on top of XCB","0.5.4"],"python-packed-resources":["Manage @A $j containing Python resources",C[8]],"dsp":["Digital Signal Processing","0.8.1"],"region_buffer":["A growable array allowing @0 &4 mutable non overlapping regions","0.1.5"],"futures-select-macro-preview":["$d `select!` @m @0 waiting on &4 different `Future`s at once @6 $Y @4 first one to @q.",C[40]],"oauthcli":["@B of OAuth 1.0 (@6 Twitter's f*ckin' OAuth) &X","2.0.0-beta-2"],"actix-web-middleware-redirect-https":["A middleware @0 actix-^Y $i forwards all `&e` requests to `&w` @7 optional url $b replacement.","1.0.0"],"sendgrid-async":["An $6-std @r @i @0 sending emails @7 SendGrid",C[9]],"tower":["Tower is a @1 of modular @6 reusable components @0 ^f robustclients @6 servers.","0.4.5"],"khronos_&0":["$d Khronos XML @C Registry, exposed as byte $b constants.","3.1.0"],"@n_@c":[C[263],"0.3.6"],"rat":["REST @C $F - query various REST APIs comfortably","0.4.12"],"dmenv":["@J @6 practical virtualenv &N @0 Python","0.20.0"],"blossom":["@B of @4 Blossom $7 to get a maximum matching in an undirected graph",C[8]],"google-bigquery2-cli":[C[559],C[473]],"enso-lazy-reader":["An ^S buffered &H.","0.1.2"],"hegemon":["A modular @Q monitor",C[9]],"dinotree_alg":["Dinotree $X","0.9.0"],"vecmath":["A @e @6 $o &Z @1 @0 vector math designed @0 reexporting","1.0.0"],"machine-uid":["Get os &d &R id ^Z root permission.",C[0]],"naja_$6_$4":["A ^C universal $4 @0 $1.","0.5.0-deprecated.1"],"rocket_oauth2":["OAuth2 @0 Rocket @P","0.4.1"],"roa-core":["@T components of roa ^Y @o",C[2]],"amethyst_config":["Loading @w .ron @E ^i @3 $j @7 defaults to prevent hard errors.","0.15.3"],"terminus-store":["a triple store @1","0.16.1"],"persia-speedy-derive":[C[264],"0.7.3"],"wit-schema-version":["Definition of @4 schema $9 @0 @4 wasm @s @l $Q format.Meant @0 ^W usage only.",C[9]],"nu-macros":["Core @d @0 ^f Nushell",C[19]],"carboxyl_$B":["FRP timing @L","0.0.3"],"smelling_salts":["Start a &k to wake an $6 executor when @4 OS's I/O event notifierdiscovers @p @4 hardware is ready.","0.2.3"],"rosc":["An OSC @1 @0 @3","0.4.2"],"infocardapi-sys":["@D @5 to infocardapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"wstcp":["WebSocket to TCP proxy @Z",C[0]],"devise_@T":[C[57],C[0]],"azure-functions-shared-codegen":["Azure Functions @0 @3 shared $3 ^6 @t.",C[15]],"khronos-egl":[C[820],"3.0.0"],"sotassl-sys":[C[265],"0.7.1400"],"async-sse":["Async Server Sent Event @j @6 encoder","5.0.0"],"envfile":["Buffer an &h $2 ^i an in-$v map, update @4 map, @6 &b back to @4 $2",C[7]],"broker":["Real-$B BaaS (Backend as a Service)","5.0.0"],"sp-api":["Substrate $4 &0 ^2","3.0.0"],"node2object":["Convert $G XML nodes @6 ^y objects.","0.1.2"],"bip":["bip (`Box` in place) @y a fully ^A in-place `map` forthe `Box` $o, taking care to be panic-$W @6 not leak $v.",C[9]],"sdio-host":["SD host @9 @1",C[2]],"miniz_oxide":["DEFLATE ^D @6 decompression @1 rewritten in @3 @r on miniz","0.4.3"],"pem-iterator":["Iterate &q PEM-encoded @A",C[0]],"pseudotcp":["pseudo-TCP @5 @0 libnice",C[0]],"odbccp32-sys":["@D @5 to odbccp32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"jupyter-kernel":["Kernel to allow @3 to run in Jupyter (&e:// notebooks",C[9]],"mscorsn-sys":["@D @5 to mscorsn. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"scraper":["HTML @Y @6 querying @7 CSS selectors",C[19]],"core-error":["std::^q::Error @0 libcore","0.0.1-rc4"],"jsonrpc-client-http":["A transport @2 @0 jsonrpc-@i-@T @r on Hyper @6 $1",C[2]],"mod_path":["A work-$C @0 @3 bug #18810.",C[6]],"jail":["FreeBSD jail @1","0.1.1"],"bifrost":["Real-$B media @6 @A communication @0 @3.",C[266]],"sh-inline":["^U to run inline shell (bash) script",C[9]],"touchpage":["control panel @Z @7 shared-state ^Y controls","0.2.2"],"libflate":["A @3 @2 of DEFLATE $7 @6 related formats (ZLIB, GZIP)","1.0.3"],"specialize":["Type specialization @d @6 &F.","0.0.3"],"tui-react":["TUI widgets @x a react-$D paradigm, allowing mutable component state @6 render properties.",C[31]],"errer_@c":[C[519],C[83]],"libnotify-sys":["@D @5 to libnotify","1.0.2"],"estree":["A deserializer @0 @4 ESTree @M.","0.0.5"],"sauron_vdom":[C[613],C[59]],"natsio":["Deprecated in favor of @4 nats @8","0.4.1"],"find-places-db":["Quick @6 dirty @8 @0 finding a user's local places databases",C[0]],"lejit":["A JIT @1 $h solely in @3.",C[4]],"touptek":["@K @0 Touptek ToupLite &O acquisition @1","1.1.0"],"jh-ffi":["@3 JH ^I $8 (via ffi ^3)",C[2]],"&n_merkle_^k":["Static Merkle Tree is dedicated @0 $H Merkle Root @6 Merkle Proof @0 a &n list of items.","1.1.0"],"nom-tracable-macros":["Helper @8 of nom-tracable","0.7.0"],"strip-ansi-escapes":["Strip ANSI escape sequences @w byte streams.",C[9]],"vorbis-sys":["@D @0 @4 libvorbis @1","0.1.1"],"bounded-spsc-queue":["A bounded SPSC queue",C[8]],"$n_ini":["^5 INI $2 {de,}@V",C[0]],"uap-rust":["User agent @j @1 @0 @3 @r on @4 ua-@j ^Q","0.0.4"],"is_prime":["Fast arbitrary length prime &2 checker @x @4 Miller-Rabin primality ^7 $7","1.0.5"],"ethcontract-derive":["Proc @m @0 $H $o-$W @5 to Ethereum smart contracts.","0.11.1"],"ommui_$2_loading":["Filesystem loading &F @0 ommui","0.7.1"],"uncover":["A @1 to verify @p a ^7 covers specific $3.","0.1.1"],"dmsort":["Fast adaptive sorting @0 when most of $p @A is already in order.dmsort can be 2-5 times faster than Rust's default sort when more than 80% of @4 elements @W already in order.","1.0.1"],"spinning":["Mutexes @6 SIX locks &v by spinning",C[9]],"display_@c":["Derive Display","0.0.0"],"futures-util-preview":[C[267],C[40]],"yarte_@j":["Ast, lexer @6 @j @0 yarte","0.14.1"],"levenshtein_automata":["Creates Levenshtein Automata in an ^S manner.",C[0]],"cluFlock":["Installation @6 subsequent $W removal of `flock` locks @0 @A streams.","1.2.5"],"croaring":[C[268],"0.4.6"],"options":["$d $0 @y a @A $M @0 managing named parameters.","0.5.1"],"$n_url_params":["URL parameters @V",C[7]],"domafic":["A @1 @0 ^f $W, high-$J, universal ^Y @P",C[0]],"dwarf-term":["A window @p lets @O have Dwarf Fortress style ^u.",C[0]],"rio":["GPL-3.0 nice @5 @0 io_uring. MIT/Apache-2.0 license is available @0 spacejam's github sponsors.","0.9.4"],"rand_isaac":["ISAAC &x &2 @G",C[3]],"mpd":["A @i @1 @0 MPD (music player daemon), $D libmpdclient but in @3","0.0.12"],"rumq-core":["Serializes @6 deserializes mqtt byte ^X",C[326]],"radio-sx127x":["@3 ^K @0 @4 Semtec SX127x Sub GHZ LoRa Radio ICs",C[21]],"variable_size_byte_writer":["A @1 @0 $N variable-size bytes ^i io::Write traited targets.","0.1.5"],"data-pile":["A @e @6 $S append-only @A store",C[5]],"c3p0_pool_pg":[C[116],C[15]],"oxigraph":["a SPARQL ^V @6 RDF toolkit",C[7]],"async-priority-queue":["An $6-aware priority queue","0.1.1"],"thiserror":["@c(Error)","1.0.23"],"petgraph":["Graph @A $M @1. @X graph @l @6 graph $X.","0.5.1"],"meshopt":["@3 ffi @5 @6 idiomatic @h @0 mesh optimizer","0.1.9"],"memorydb":["in-$v @2 of hashdb",C[3]],"xdg-basedir":["@u to help @7 @4 XDG basedir spec","1.0.0"],"aud":["A minimal @2 of Sagas","0.1.3"],"capabilities":["@3 @5 to libcap. Allows @O work @7 &t Capabilities @w @3.",C[3]],"diesel_^T_shared":["Shared $3 $G `diesel_codegen` @6 `diesel_codegen_syntex`",C[12]],"lyon_tesselation":["Do not $f @S @8, $f lyon_tessellation instead! (wrong spelling).","0.1.1"],"shell":["Generic shell @t. Also incudes @t @0 colors @6 ^q printing.","0.3.2"],"custom_debug_@c":[C[269],C[2]],"envoption":["Functions @0 @Y &h variables @7 @t @0 required, optional, @6 default ^G",C[7]],"solana-stake-o-matic":["I will find @O @6 I will stake @O","1.5.7"],"woke":["A minimalistic waker @2 @0 executors","0.0.2"],"ole32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 ole32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"chemfiles-sys":["@3 @D declaration @0 @4 chemfiles @1",C[12]],"&Y_@d":["A set of @t @d @0 @g-&Y","0.1.13"],"coroutine":[C[270],"0.8.0"],"tor-stream":["@3 @s @0 proxying ^c streams &q @4 Tor ^c",C[0]],"coroutine-rs":[C[270],C[4]],"shadowsocks-rust":["shadowsocks is a $S tunnel proxy @p helps @O bypass firewalls.","1.8.23"],"y4m":["YUV4MPEG2 (.y4m) Encoder/Decoder.","0.7.0"],"transformation-pipeline":["Middleware-esque @C @0 transforming @A.",C[9]],"interledger-btp":["Bilateral Transfer ^p (BTP) @i @6 @Z services @0",C[8]],"escapade":["`escapade` @y String concatenation @6 $N, but automatically escapes any HTML in @4 @A in @4 ^O. @k prevents accidental unescaped writes to @4 &P.","0.0.3"],"ilc-base":[C[87],C[0]],"sublock":["Variants of RwLock/RefCell @p @t sublocks, opened @0 ^R if @4 main `RwLock` is opened @0 ^R, opened @0 $N if @4 main `RwLock` is opened @0 $N.",C[0]],"canarywatcher":["Lock $p @Q when canary directory is touched",C[7]],"bitcoin-bech32":["Encodes @6 decodes Bitcoin Segregated Witness addresses in Bech32",C[15]],"owned-read":["Wraps $p `Deref` ^i a `io::Read`.","0.4.1"],"direct-gui":["@J direct &W of GUI controls on a buffer","0.1.26"],"$O_$T_autoscaling":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Application Auto Scaling @ 2016-02-06",C[13]],"sp-consensus-slots":["Primitives @0 slots-@r consensus","0.9.0"],"^O_path":["Gets @4 path of @4 currently executing ^O or dynamic @1.","0.1.3"],"mmap-storage":["Memory map backed ^L",C[12]],"ggrep":["GGREP @0 grouping","1.0.0"],"oxygengine-audio-backend-web":["Audio Web ^4 ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"sentry-contexts":["Sentry ^t @0 os, device, @6 @g contexts.",C[25]],"kelvin-hamt":["HAMT Data $M",C[38]],"rustc-hash":["speed, non-^z ^I $a in &y","1.1.0"],"gst-plugin-version-helper":[" ^w $8 @0 GStreamer $L metadata",C[0]],"k8-obj-storage":["Kubernetes ^L objects","2.0.0"],"^k_magic_fork":[C[644],"0.2.2"],"this-should-be-deleted":[N,C[4]],"cuckoo":["Cuckoo search $7","0.8.0"],"telos":["@3 @5 @0 libressl's libtls",C[7]],"judy":["@3 @5 @0 Judy &e://","0.0.2"],"nphysics2d":[C[271],C[54]],"shh":["Silence stderr @6 stdout, optionally rerouting it.","1.0.1"],"bip_disk":["Bittorrent Infrastructure Project Disk Module",C[5]],"date_$B":["Date_Time is a high-@I @g @1 @0 $f in situations where precision beyond seconds is not necessary.","2.1.0"],"unicycle":["A scheduler @0 driving a large &2 of $1.","0.7.1"],"readkey":["A very ^P @1 @0 finding out if a key is currently pressed on macOS.",C[7]],"solana-archiver-lib":["Solana Archiver @u","1.1.13"],"dotenv_^T":[C[272],C[42]],"hlvm_$4":["$d Runtime @0 @4 HLVM @u","0.7.0"],"metrics":["A ^C metrics facade.",C[65]],"cubeb-backend":["@K to libcubeb internals to facilitate ^a cubeb backends in @g.","0.8.0"],"squish":["A &p @3 BC1/2/3 compressor @6 decompressor @r on Simon Brown's libsquish","1.0.0"],"mysqlbinlog":["mysqlbinlog-rs is @0 @Y MySQL binlog $2 (row @M)","0.1.5"],"guzuta":["Custom &M &N @0 ArchLinux pacman",C[8]],"eclectic":["Experimental $m $g.",C[19]],"drone-core-macros":["$U @d @0 drone-@T.",C[38]],"update-ssh-keys":["A $F @0 managing authorized SSH keys","0.7.0"],"msdelta-sys":["@D @5 to msdelta. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"gloo-console-timer":[C[719],C[9]],"exr":["Read @6 &b OpenEXR @E ^Z any unsafe $3","1.1.0"],"aes-stream":["Read/Write Wrapper @0 AES Encryption @6 Decryption during I/O Operations",C[7]],"numeric":["N-dimensional matrix class @0 @3","0.1.4"],"rustc-ap-rustc_serialize":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_serialize` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"simple-process-stats":["Get $v usage @6 CPU $B on &t @6 ^5","1.0.0"],"hivm2":["A new kind of virtual &R.","0.0.2"],"standalone-quote":["Fork of quote @p allows disabling @4 &r-@m feature in &r-macro2 so as to remove @4 &y dylib &o",C[2]],"pipeline":["A @m $m to pipe |> $p @z calls, $D in F# or Elixir.",C[2]],"galvanic-assert":["A comprehensive set of matcher-@r assertions @6 expectations @0 easier testing.Supports checking properties of ^F, objects, &G variants, &u, panics, @6 more.Stuctural matching enables @O to integrate matchers ^i struct decompositions @0 less $3 repetition.It's &s to &b $p own matchers @0 assertions too.This @8 will be part of @4 galvanic ^7 @o (in &A).You can also $f @4 assertions in another ^7 @o of $p choice.Works on: stable, beta, @6 nightly","0.8.7"],"wasm-bindgen-test-macro":["Internal ^j @m @0 wasm-bindgen","0.3.20"],"harsh":["Hashids @2 @0 @3",C[7]],"ripb":["A @g @8 &6 an @2 of a lock-free $o-$W in-^O bus.",C[1]],"physical_constants":["CODATA recommended ^G of physical constants",C[3]],"ruma-client":["A Matrix @i @1.",C[274]],"thread-control":["@3 @1 to control threads' execution/status.","0.1.2"],"bare":["a bare ^Y @o",C[4]],"ripin":["A @1 @p handle Reverse Polish notated expressions, compiles,@6 evaluate them.","0.1.2"],"drone-stm32f1":["Drone @2 @0 STM32F1 microcontroller series.","0.1.2"],"c-ares-resolver":["An $z DNS resolver, backed by c-ares.","7.2.1"],"$n_db":["Deserialization of ^V resultsets, @6 @V of ^V parameters","0.9.2"],"diffbot":["A @i @1 @0 @4 Diffbot @C","1.0.0"],"hwclock":["Manages @4 &t hardware clock through ioctls",C[0]],"sitemap":["Sitemap @j (&H) @6 writer","0.4.1"],"llvm":["A $W @h @0 LLVM @5",C[4]],"chunked_transfer":["Encoder @6 decoder @0 ^o chunked transfer coding (RFC 7230 § 4.1)","1.4.0"],"build-version":["Git $9 info","0.1.1"],"jsonpath":["JSONPath @0 @3","0.1.1"],"pumpkin":["A cryptographically secure prime &2 @G","2.0.1"],"yeslogic-fontconfig":["RENAMED: $f @4 fontconfig @8 instead.","0.1.1"],"coveralls-api":["@C @K @0 Deals @7 report creation @6 submission.",C[2]],"rtdlib":["TDLib @0 @g",C[604]],"rusty-s3":["@J &p @3 ^r S3 &X following a Sans-IO approach","0.1.1"],"c_str":["$d old c_str @z","1.0.8"],"askama-filters":["Extra template filters @0 Askama","0.1.3"],"byond":["A @8 @0 interfacing @7 @4 BYOND game $k.",C[8]],"emacs":["@3 @1 @0 ^9 Emacs's dynamic modules",C[51]],"rcalc_lib":["Mathematical &L calculation @1","0.9.3"],"nautilus-extension-sys":["@D @5 to libnautilus-^n",C[2]],"openapi":[C[1024],"0.1.5"],"eventfd":["Binding to Linux's eventfd syscall",C[9]],"unic-char-range":["UNIC — &g Character Tools — Character Range @6 Iteration","0.9.0"],"entity_@g":["Event driven CES @o @0 @3 @7 a @m DSL","0.0.8"],"google-discovery1":[C[483],C[72]],"regex_dfa":["A @8 @0 turning regexes ^i DFAs.",C[2]],"starts-ends-with-caseless":["@k @8 @y @4 `StartsWithCaseless` $I @6 @4 `EndsWithCaseless` $I to extend @l $i implement `AsRef` in order to do `starts_with` @6 `ends_with` case-insensitively.","0.6.4"],"json_str":["Write json literals ^Z ugly $y.","0.5.2"],"futures01":["An @2 of $1 @6 streams featuring zero allocations,composability, @6 iterator-$D interfaces.Note @p @S @8 tracks permanently to @4 0.1 branch ofthe `$1` @8.","0.1.30"],"permute":["Generate permutations of vectors @6 slices in a $v-^S @6 deterministic manner, @x Heap's $7.",C[9]],"&G_extract":["Helper @d @0 extracting single &G variants of an &G","0.1.1"],"oxygengine-composite-renderer-backend-web":["Composite renderer Web ^4 ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"assert-json-diff":["Easily compare two ^y ^G @6 get great &P","2.0.0"],"iis":["Set of ^w @z @0 smooth running ^Y @Z $h in @3 on Internet Information Services (IIS)",C[9]],"minilzo-sys":["@D @5 to minilzo",C[9]],"fractalide":["Fractalide, a Flow-@r $s &h in @3",C[7]],"mop-structs":["Low-@I $j @0 MOP","0.0.10"],"fluvio-sc-schema":["Fluvio @C @0 SC",C[2]],"pretty_assertions":["Overwrite `assert_eq!` @6 `assert_ne!` @7 drop-in replacements, adding colorful diffs.","0.6.1"],"global_counter":["Global, &k-$W counters",C[7]],"carboxyl_window":["Functional reactive window @C","0.0.3"],"mtproxy":["MTProto Proxy Server","0.0.2"],"algebloat":["@3 linear algebra @1","0.0.13"],"libimagcounter":[C[29],C[8]],"rustc-ap-rustc_errors":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_errors` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"unqlite":["@3 `unqlite` @1 @h.","1.5.0"],"capstone_@g":["A Capstone $k ^3 @0 @3","0.2.3"],"nu_$L_@w_bson":[C[275],C[59]],"get_if_addrs-sys":["get_if_addrs @f @8","0.1.1"],"redox_users":["A @3 @1 to ^0 Redox users @6 groups $l",C[8]],"bitpacking":["Fast integer ^D/decompression via SIMD bit-packing. Port of simdcomp to @g.","0.8.2"],"rusty-hash":["@J ^b $q to calculate $2 checksums","1.1.0"],"sleepfast":["Sleep @0 very ^P amounts of $B quickly","1.3.0"],"rust-turbo":["Use @S @1 to $t a @N $D @H $r @x @4 @H pattern.An @2 @x @g-turbo can be found at &w://",C[0]],"json_io":["A $F @0 simplifying saving @6 loading serializable @l to @6 @w json @E.",C[3]],"amadeus-core":[C[20],"0.4.2"],"egg":["An @2 of egraphs",C[5]],"dirs-sys":["System-@I ^w @z @0 @4 dirs @6 directories $Z.","0.3.5"],"base64-serde":["Integration $G @g-base64 @6 $n","0.6.1"],"^g_libra_grpcio-client":["Solana Libra grpcio-@i","0.0.0"],"imag-grep":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-grep @H",C[21]],"block-array-cow":["In $v array de-duplication, &K @0 ^S storing of a history of @A versions.","0.1.4"],"r-efi":["UEFI Reference Specification ^p Constants @6 Definitions","3.2.0"],"voiceit2":["A @3 @h @0 VoiceIt's @C 2.0 featuring Voice + Face Verification @6 Identification.",C[8]],"relm":["&c, GTK+-@r, GUI @1, &J by Elm, $h in @3","0.20.0"],"parallel-gnuplot":["Parallel calls to GNUPlot. Calls @4 same GNUPlot script once @0 each @A $2 block.","0.2.2"],"tectonic_xdv":["A decoder @0 @4 XDV @6 SPX $2 formats $a by XeTeX @6 Tectonic.",C[88]],"data-encoding-macro-internal":["Internal @1 @0 @A-$c-@m","0.1.9"],"dasp_sample":["An $P @0 audio PCM DSP samples, along @7 &K conversions @6 $V.",C[15]],"paillier":["A &p-@3 @2 of @4 Paillier encryption scheme",C[0]],"rocket":["Web @o @0 nightly @7 a focus on ease-of-$f, expressibility, @6 speed.","0.4.7"],"snowchains_@T":["Crate @0 accessing competitive $s websites @6 ^j $p $3.","0.8.1"],"hex2d-dpcext":["dpc's hacky extensions to hex2d-rs @1",C[9]],"bijection":["A @1 @0 producing bijective @z in @3.","0.1.2"],"dudect-bencher":["An @2 of @4 DudeCT constant-$B $8 tester","0.4.1"],"rbx_xml":[C[276],"0.11.4"],"substrate-frame-rpc-system":["FRAME's @Q exposed &q Substrate RPC","3.0.0"],"maman":["@3 Web Crawler",C[83]],"ca-rules":["Parsing rule $y of life-$D cellular automata.","0.3.2"],"pcap-sys":["Low-@I @5 to libpcap","0.1.3"],"collectd-plugin":["@X ergonomic @C ontop of collectd's C @s @6 @m @0 defining plugins easier",C[38]],"esplugin-ffi":["A @h @1 &6 a C @D @0 esplugin.","2.1.2"],"orr":[C[149],C[150]],"interledger-settlement":["Settlement-related components @0",C[3]],"raftlog_protobuf":["Encoders @6 decoders of @4 ^p-Buffers &E @0 @4 constituents defined in `raftlog` @8",C[3]],"packet-builder":["High-@I @1 @0 &7 @7 low-@I ^c @A.",C[2]],"gpg-error":["Libgpg-^q @5 @0 @3","0.5.2"],"pinentry":["@C @0 &7 @7 pinentry binaries",C[3]],"mind":["A productive mind has an empty stack","0.7.2"],"gotham":["A flexible ^Y @o @p promotes stability, safety, security @6 speed.",C[2]],"usi":["A @1 to handle $o-$W communication @7 USI-^d shogi engines.",C[8]],"treap":["Randomized treap @2","0.0.3"],"sts_profile_auth":["Authenticate @x a profile in $p aws credential $2 when @x $O",C[5]],"async-await":["Just some @d to emulate @4 Async @6 Await :)",C[7]],"icasadi_^7":["@3 @s to CasADi @z (@0 ^j purposes only)","0.0.2"],"lucet-runtime-tests":["Pure @3 $4 @0 Lucet ^1 toolchain (tests)","0.6.1"],"mktemp":["mktemp @E @6 directories","0.4.1"],"iced_^u":["A bunch of ^4-&Z @l @p can be leveraged to $t a renderer @0 Iced",C[9]],"rms":["A @e $o @0 calculating @6 storing @4 RMS given some buffer of interleaved audio samples.","0.4.2"],"toml-query_@c":["Proc-@m @0 toml-query",C[12]],"cargo-makedocs":["A @N doc @h @p only builds @4 documentation @O care about","1.2.0"],"embedded-hal":["A Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) @0 ^v systems",C[282]],"sphinxad-sys":["Sphinxad low-@I @h, @p allows to read @A @w microphone","0.1.3"],"routeros_@g":["Mikrotik @C @0 @3","0.0.21"],"mqtt-async-client":["An MQTT 3.1.1 @i $h in @3, @x $6 @z @6 $u.","0.1.7"],"wuguid-sys":["@D @5 to wuguid. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"libswe-sys":["Astrology lib connected to @4 C lib Swiss ephemeris (just @4 c lib)","0.2.2"],"sg3":["A @1 @0 getting $e @w &t SCSI Generic (sg3)","0.1.5"],"grass":["A near-feature-@q Sass ^8 $h purely in @3","0.10.4"],"pathfinder_color":["A minimal SIMD-accelerated color $Y @1",C[2]],"cretonne-reader":["Cretonne textual IR &H",C[80]],"libzmq-sys":["Raw CFFI @5 @0 libzmq","0.1.8+4.3.2"],"silkbag":["[WIP] Asset preprocessor @0 silverknife",C[4]],"entity_store_$3_gen":["Code @G @0 game @A store",C[36]],"msoffice_pptx":["pptx $2 @M deserializer",C[7]],"tower-service":["Trait representing an $z, request / response @r, @i or @Z.",C[1]],"gulkana":["A @e ^V","1.3.3"],"qt_3d_render":["@K @0 Qt3DRender C++ @1",C[2]],"boolean_&L":["A @1 @0 manipulating @6 evaluating Boolean expressions @6 BDDs","0.4.3"],"rocket-etagged-file-response":["@k @8 @y a response struct $a @0 offering &n @E @7 **Etag** cache.",C[2]],"tsukuyomi-macros":["Procerual @d @0 Tsukuyomi","0.5.2"],"protobuf_codec":["Encoders @6 decoders @0 ^p Buffers @r on bytecodec @8","0.2.8"],"hyper10":["Enables depending on hyper 0.10 @6 other hyper versions in @4 same @8.",C[9]],"dsound-sys":["@D @5 to dsound. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"google-dfareporting3-cli":[C[277],C[219]],"softprimes":["A little prime ^F @1 implements in @3.",C[9]],"cfg-match":["Compile-$B conditionals",C[7]],"eccles":["An Entity Component System in @3 focusing on speed @6 user-friendliness","0.2.3"],"pomelo":["@B of @4 Lemon @j @G as a @3 $w @m","0.1.5"],"async-bincode":["&c ^0 to a bincode-encoded item ^X.",C[5]],"buildable":["Buildable $I definition @6 @L helpful in $t lifecycles","0.0.5"],"conduit-json-parser":["Middleware to parse incoming ^y requests @0 conduit","0.8.0"],"opaque-debug":["Macro @0 opaque Debug $I @2",C[3]],"geojson_d3":["Process GeoJSON (Multi)Polygons @0 $f @7 D3","0.2.3"],"zoxide":["A faster way to navigate $p filesystem",C[2]],"reproto-backend-json":[C[62],C[63]],"google-logging2_beta1-cli":[C[310],C[311]],"snarkvm-models":["Models @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"log4rs-syslog":["Syslog appender @0 log4rs @r on libc's syslog() $8 (*nix only)","3.0.3"],"normaliz-sys":["@D @5 to normaliz. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nuklear-backend-gfx":["A gfx-rs drawing ^4 @0 @3 @h @0 Nuklear 2D GUI @1","0.9.0"],"pango":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Pango @1","0.9.1"],"nametable_^T":["Code ^6 @0 $H @6 managing lots of $b literals. Use @S together @7 nametable.","0.1.3"],"to_$I":["A $I @7 &Q similar to .^i() @6 .try_into(), except they take $o arguments.","0.1.1"],"async-graphql-value":["GraphQL &m @0 $6-graphql","2.0.5"],"eappprxy-sys":["@D @5 to eappprxy. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"crushtool":["A @1 to encode @6 decode Ceph's crushmap","0.3.10"],"futures-await-synom":["Temporary fork of `synom` @0 @4 $1-await @8",C[19]],"hc256":["A @2 of HC-256 ^X cipher. @t `no_std` &h.",C[6]],"ckb-occupied-capacity":[C[214],C[70]],"stripe-rust":["@C @5 @0 @4 Stripe ^o @C","0.12.3"],"winrt_gen_@d":["Macro &F @0 @4 winrt_gen @8","0.7.2"],"evercrypt-sys":["@D ^3 to HACL/Evercrypt","0.0.6"],"combine-language":["Extra @j combinators, &K @0 @Y $s languages.","4.0.0"],"vfs":["A virtual filesystem @0 @3",C[2]],"libhydrogen-sys":["Low-@I @5 @0 @4 Hydrogen cryptography @1","0.9.0"],"racer":["Code completion @0 @3","2.1.44"],"nom-sql":["A SQL @j $h @x nom.","0.0.11"],"decibel":["Quick conversion @L @0 decibel ^G","0.1.2"],"exprtk_@f":["Low @I @g @5 to @4 ExprTk C++ @1 (&e://$s/exprtk)",C[9]],"google-androiddeviceprovisioning1":[C[278],C[14]],"avro":["A @3 @2 of Apache Avro",C[7]],"notifier-rs":["Easy slack notifications.","0.1.3"],"studyhall":[C[149],C[150]],"aligner":["^E corrects subtitle timings given a second correct subtitle",C[6]],"ripping":["Ripping is @4 ping toolbox",C[6]],"cryptnet-sys":["@D @5 to cryptnet. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"org-tangle":["A faster way to tangle org-mode.","0.1.5"],"rcon":["An rcon @9 @2",C[8]],"mikktspace":["Mikkelsen tangent space $7",C[0]],"yapb":["Lightweight, &p, @6 unopinionated &g progress visualization","0.3.2"],"@w_variant":["^E @c From impls @0 enums","0.1.2"],"interactor":["A @1 @0 @e (usually @H-$r) user interaction.","0.1.1"],"sentry-error-chain":["Sentry ^t @p allows capturing ^q-chain errors.","0.21.0"],"boolinator":["@X @4 Boolinator $I, $i lets @O $f Option @6 Result-style combinators @7 bools.","2.4.0"],"bluenoisers":["@B of blue noise in @3 @x Fast Poisson Disk Sampling.","1.1.1"],"flarelog":["flarelog is an ergonomic &z @1 @0 @3 @7 a focus on simplicity @6 speed.",C[2]],"intertwine":[N,C[4]],"actix-server-config":["Actix @Z config &1",C[45]],"sw-composite":["a $m of software compositing routines","0.7.14"],"abstract-ns":["Abstract name &9 $g @0 $f @7 $1 (@6 $u)","0.4.3"],"hadean-std":["Hadean stdlib. Requires Hadean @3.",C[0]],"oysterpack_built":["OysterPack Built","0.3.2"],"dxplr":["@3 @h $C D3D11, D3D12, DXGI, D2D @6 DWrite","0.0.25"],"$O_iot1click_projects":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r IoT 1-Click Projects Service @ 2018-05-14",C[13]],"screenruster-saver-hacks":["XScreenSaver @6 XLock hacks.",C[7]],"yadict":["@u to work @7 Yandex.Dictionary","0.1.1"],"actix-rt":["Tokio-@r single-threaded $6 $4 @0 @4 Actix ecosystem","2.0.2"],"screenruster-saver-laughing_man":["Ghost in @4 Shell &J screen saver @0 ScreenRuster.",C[7]],"parity-codec":[C[628],"4.1.4"],"bip_handshake":["Common handshaking @s as well as a default handshake @2","0.7.1"],"reproto-repository-http":["^o @t @0 reproto &M @i",C[63]],"tarrasque":[C[279],C[12]],"add-remote":["An interactive CLI $F to add a remote fork to a local Git &M.","3.0.1"],"tau":["$d important mathematical constant tau","1.0.4"],"toolbox":["@J &5 @0 daily $f","0.2.8"],"$S_inv_sqrt":["Fast inverse square root $7 @2.","1.0.1"],"cidr":["IP ^c @6 IP host within ^c @l","0.1.1"],"inner":["$d inner! @m descends ^i an &G variant. It's more flexible than try!() @6 unwrap(), @6 it works @7 $p &G, too!","0.1.1"],"coinbaser":["Coinbase Exchange @C @0 @3.",C[9]],"validator":["Common validation @z (email, url, length, ...) @6 $I - to be $a @7 `validator_derive`",C[19]],"sp-api-proc-macro":["^U @0 declaring @6 ^a $4 apis.","3.0.0"],"rustfmt":[C[563],C[12]],"litime":["A @H $r $F to display @4 current $B ish @7 a literature quote",C[8]],"derivative":["A set of alternative `@c` attributes @0 @3","2.2.0"],"trust-dns-https":["Trust-DNS is a $W @6 secure DNS @1. @k is an ^n @0 @4 Trust-DNS @i to $f DNS &q HTTPS.","0.20.0"],"dummy-rustwlc":["A dummy $9 of @4 @z defined in @g-wlc, to be $a in ^j @6 @0 travis builds","0.7.1"],"yogurt-yaml":["Get ^v yaml @w yogurt @E",C[0]],"kiss3d":["3D ^u $k @0 @3.","0.29.0"],"zs-filecrawler":["crawles @E, resumable","0.1.1"],"tauri_includedir_^T":[C[836],"0.6.2"],"tensorflux-sys":[C[347],C[3]],"bandit":["Bandit Algorithms in @3","0.12.2"],"polars":["DataFrame @1",C[24]],"cbloom":["Concurrent @2 of Bloom filters.","0.1.3"],"unic-normal":["UNIC — &g Normalization Forms","0.9.0"],"fernet":["An @2 of fernet in @3.","0.1.3"],"tracing-distributed":["Tracing layer @0 multiprocess telemetry",C[0]],"batbox":["Batteries &K @0 projects","0.7.0-alpha.2"],"ntru":["@B of @4 NTRUEncrypt $7. Interface to libntru.","0.5.6"],"gorrosion-gtp":["A best-effort strongly typed @s $G @3 @6 GTP, @4 Go Text Protocoll","0.4.1"],"bbt":["A skill-rating @Q similar to Elo, Glicko or TrueSkill",C[0]],"clacks_tl_^T":["^T @0 clacks","0.0.5"],"abci":["Tendermint ABCI @Z @0 @3","0.7.1"],"atomic-write":["Efficient atomic writes @7 replacement",C[0]],"sqlx-rt":["Runtime $P $a by SQLx, @4 @3 SQL toolkit. Not intended to be $a directly.",C[3]],"rawpointer":["Extra &Q @0 raw pointers @6 `NonNull`.For example `.post_inc()` @6 `.pre_dec()` (c.f. `ptr++` @6 `--ptr`),`offset` @6 `add` @0 `NonNull`, @6 @4 $8 `ptrdistance`.",C[7]],"posix_mq":["(Higher-@I) @3 @5 to POSIX message queues","0.9.0"],"spake2":["$d SPAKE2 password-authenticated key-exchange $7.",C[0]],"samd21_mini":["Board Support @8 @0 @4 Sparkfun SAMD21 Mini Breakout","0.8.0"],"multiqueue2":[C[354],"0.1.7"],"census-proteomics":["@3 @1 @0 ^h @7 proteomics @A quantified by @4 Census $7","0.3.3"],"picotcp-sys":["@3 ^3 of picoTCP",C[7]],"bitvector":["BitVector @2 in @3","0.1.5"],"phi":["*Reserved @8 name, WIP.*Light-weight physisics simulation @1.","0.0.0-WIP"],"fs_extra":["Expanding opportunities ^M @1 std::fs @6 std::io. Recursively copy folders @7 recept $e about ^O @6 much more.","1.2.0"],"num-decimal":["Infinite precision decimals @7 fair rounding @6 other gimmicks basedon num-rational.","0.2.2"],"rustproof-libsmt":["@3 @5 @0 z3 as utilized by RustProof.",C[9]],"free_@d":[C[822],C[4]],"metrics-exporter-http":["A metrics-@T ^d exporter @0 serving metrics &q ^o.",C[3]],"zoneinfo_compiled":["@u @0 @Y compiled zoneinfo @E",C[2]],"varlink_@j":["A @8 @0 @Y varlink @s definition @E.","4.0.4"],"moz_cbor":["@u to $f CBOR (&w:// in @3","0.1.2"],"bcrypt-sys":["@D @5 to bcrypt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"sbitty":["@1 defining bitwise $V on ^M integers $o","1.1.1"],"lxd":["A @3 @1 @0 controlling LXD","0.1.8"],"prost":[C[426],"0.7.0"],"piston2d-opengl_^u":["An OpenGL 2D back-end @0 @4 Piston game $k","0.77.0"],"shadow-rs":["A $t script &b by @3","0.5.24"],"quicksort":["A quicksort @2 @0 in-place sorting.","1.1.0"],"riker-log":["A Log ^H @0 Riker.","0.2.4"],"winutil":["@J @1 &6 &D $C a handful of &K winapi calls.","0.1.1"],"drs-0x01":["Easily communicate @7 Dongbu Robot servomotors Herkulex DRS 0101 @6 DRS 0201",C[3]],"oxidize":["Awesome matchers/asserts",C[7]],"c-ffi":["My @D related @L.","0.4.2"],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-5":[C[241],C[0]],"libcgroup":["libcgroup @5",C[3]],"renv":["Environment variable loader","0.2.3"],"mcai_worker_sdk":[C[490],C[549]],"implot-sys":["Raw @D @5 to implot",C[8]],"vgmdb":["Retag mp3s @x vgmdb",C[1]],"fluent-fallback":["High-@I $P model @0 managing localization resourcesand $4 localization lifecycle.",C[8]],"&m_@w_$o_@d":["Implement &G (@6 cast &Q) @0 a set of struct @l","1.0.6"],"expand_str":["ExpandEnvironmentStrings-$D $8 @6 $b formatting $q","0.1.1"],"glr-parser":["An @2 of GLR @j @G @0 @3.",C[4]],"tick":["An event loop @x mio @6 eventual",C[4]],"special-fun":["Special @z @0 @3 by ^3 to @4 Cephes @1.",C[0]],"c":["A shortcut @0 libc.","1.0.0"],"cargo-toml2":["`Cargo.toml` @6 `.@N/config` @Y stuff","1.3.2"],"error-rules":["Archived! Error $Y ^Z pain","1.0.1"],"xaudio2-sys":["@D @5 to xaudio2. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"str-utils":["@k @8 @y some $g to extend @l $i implement `AsRef<[u8]>` or `AsRef`.","0.1.3"],"ynab-api":["OpenAPI-&i @C @5 @0 @4 YNAB @C","3.0.0"],"tsc-timer":["Time stamp counter (TSC) @r timer","0.1.5"],"legion":[C[459],C[1]],"reqwest_resume":["Wrapper @p uses @4 `Range` ^o header to resume get requests.It's a thin @h $C `reqwest`. It's a work in progress – wrapping $l is copied across on an as-needed basis. Feel free to open a PR/issue if @O need something.","0.3.2"],"encode":["...",C[9]],"stemmer":["Stemming @1 @0 @3, @x @5 to Snowball C @2","0.3.2"],"rttp_@i":["@3 &e @i lib",C[9]],"rusty_sword_arena":["@u/&M @0 @4 half-day @3 tutorial teaching @O how to make a game @i in @3.","2.0.0"],"yansi":["A dead @e ANSI $A color painting @1.",C[2]],"edcert-letter":["@k @8 @y an $P &q Edcert. You can $f @4 Letter $o to sign @6 verify content @x Edcert Certificates.","2.0.0"],"finality-grandpa":["PBFT-@r finality gadget @0 blockchains",C[31]],"fiveo":["An approximate $b matching @1 built @7 @4 ^Y in mind","0.3.2"],"^g_libra_failure_ext":["Libra failure ext",C[32]],"sensehat":["Interface @7 @4 Raspberry Pi Foundation's official Sense HAT sensor board.","1.1.0"],"nyar-number":["Number lib @0 Nyar","0.2.4"],"system-configuration":["@K to SystemConfiguration @o @0 macOS",C[8]],"multizip":["Zip 3, 4, 5 or more @3 iterators",C[9]],"newtype_@c":["@k @8 @y @d @0 deriving $R $g @0 newtype $j.",C[6]],"swc_atoms":["Atoms @0 @4 swc ^Q.","0.2.5"],"probe-rs":["A $m of on chip debugging &5 to communicate @7 microchips.",C[21]],"ether-dream":["A full @2 of @4 Ether Dream Laster DAC @9.","0.2.5"],"gfx_window_metal":["Metal window @0 gfx-rs",C[5]],"snappy_framed":["Read @6 Write $5 @0 streaming, framed Snappy ^D @M.",C[9]],"splits-io-api":["@K to @4 @C @0 @3.",C[0]],"rpmlib":["RENAMED: please visit &w://$Z/librpm","0.99.0"],"st7735-lcd":["ST7735 TFT LCD ^K @7 ^v-^u @t",C[419]],"cargo-find":["Find $Z @w @H $r",C[6]],"i2cdev":["@X @C @0 $W ^0 to &t i2c device interface.","0.4.4"],"lines":["Utililities @0 iterating readers efficiently $r-by-$r.","0.0.6"],"wundergraph":["A GraphQL ORM $t on top of diesel","0.1.2"],"dupchecker":["@u, $i helps to check @E @0 duplicates","0.4.1"],"secp256k1-sys":["@D @0 Pieter Wuille's `libsecp256k1` @1.",C[8]],"cynic":["A GraphQL query builder & @A mapper @0 @3",C[24]],"rdxl":["^U @6 Component System @0 HTML Templating","0.5.26"],"forest_vm":["Forest VM @l",C[1]],"assembly":["@u @0 @E/resources @0 LU related software","0.7.0-beta.0"],"gdk-pixbuf-sys":["@D @5 to libgdk_pixbuf-2.0",C[12]],"cobalt-bin":["Static site @G $h in @3","0.16.4"],"flatzinc":["A FlatZinc @j","0.3.15"],"creep":["context",C[3]],"$m_$g":["Collection $g & @L; work in progress","0.0.2"],"ssz-derive":["Derive $8 @0 @e @V",C[0]],"imap":[C[284],"2.4.1"],"bitstring":["Bitstring $g @6 $5","0.1.1"],"uhttp_sse":["Zero-copy, zero-allocation ^o Server-Sent Events @9","0.5.1"],"range-alloc":["Generic range ^s $a by gfx-rs backends","0.1.2"],"boiler-generated":["Generated @E @0 @4 boiler steam connection @1.",C[9]],"computer":["LCARS chat bot",C[4]],"syn-rsx":["syn-powered @j @0 JSX-$D TokenStreams","0.8.0-beta.2"],"qdowncast":["An alternative to chris-morgan's mopa (My-Own-Personal-Any).",C[9]],"wasmtime-rust-macro":["Macro @t @8 @0 wasmtime-@g",C[25]],"strong-xml-derive":["Derive marco of strong-xml.",C[5]],"m3u8":["m3u8 @Y @1",C[9]],"gfx-backend-metal":["Metal @C ^4 @0 gfx-rs","0.7.0"],"hdf5":[C[280],"0.7.1"],"overflower":["A ^8 $L to easily select overflow behavior @0 all integer $V of an item","0.4.6"],"kafka":["@3 @i @0 Apache Kafka","0.8.0"],"varnishslog":["Reads Varnish Cache VSL ($Q) log ^X @6 produces structured log records in ^y @M","0.7.1"],"oauth2-lib":["OAuth 2.0 @1 @0 supporting clients @6 servers",C[8]],"lolcat":["$d good ol' lolcat, now @7 fearless concurrency.","1.2.0"],"tokio-reactor":[C[292],C[281]],"bevy_diagnostic":["@X diagnostic $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"prefixtree":["Hash-table-@r prefix ^k @1","0.1.3"],"stm32l4x6":["Memory map @0 STM32L4x6 $x",C[5]],"ethcontract":["Runtime @1 @6 &r @m @0 &7 @6 $H $o-$W bindingsto Ethereum smart contracts.","0.11.1"],"actix-telegram-derive":["@c @0 actix-telegram","0.2.2"],"^g_libra_vm_$4":["Libra vm $4",C[32]],"couchbase-sys":["@3 @5 to @4 libcouchbase C Couchbase ^J.",C[282]],"$A_thrift":["Thrift $4 @1 @0 @g.","0.3.2"],"emit_seq":["A Seq collector @0 @4 emit structured &I.",C[3]],"google-analytics3-cli":[C[287],C[288]],"resutils-sys":["@D @5 to resutils. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"dusk-plonk":["A &p-@3 @2 of @4 PLONK ZK-Proof $7","0.5.1"],"tide-tracing":["A @e middleware @0 [`tide`](&w:// @x @4 [`tracing`](&w://$u-rs/tracing) @8 @0 &z.","0.0.8"],"libarchive-sys":["@K to @Q @1 libarchive","0.0.2"],"bet":["Helps @Y @6 evaluating $Q &L trees",C[8]],"pledge":["@3 ^3 to OpenBSD's pledge(2) @s","0.4.1"],"init_@7":["Helper $I to initilize an array @7 a $8","1.1.0"],"objpool":["Thread-$W ^A object pool",C[0]],"spdx":["Helper @8 @0 SDPX expressions","0.3.6"],"focaccia":["no_std @2 of &g case folding comparisons","1.0.1"],"appinsights":["Application Insights ^J @0 @3","0.1.5"],"shotgun":["Minimal X screenshot $q","2.2.0"],"soft-ascii-string":["char/str/$b &D $i add a \"is-ascii\" soft constraint","1.1.0"],"zlib":["An (incomplete) port of zlib to @3. $d decompressor works, but @4 compressor has not yet been ported.",C[4]],"alloc_buddy_simple2":[C[592],"0.1.2"],"unveil":["@3 ^3 @0 OpenBSD's unveil(2)",C[3]],"steamworks-sys":["@X raw @5 to @4 steamworks sdk","0.6.1"],"clerk":["A fully featured hardware &Z HD44780 LCD controlling @1.",C[8]],"i2p_snow":["A &p-@g @2 of @4 Noise ^p Framework, @7 I2P Noise extensions","0.5.1"],"azul":["Azul GUI is a free, functional, MVVM-oriented GUI @o @0 rapid &A of desktop @P $h in @3, supported by @4 Mozilla WebRender &W $k",C[9]],"retworkx":["A python graph @1 &v in @3",C[5]],"esprit":["An ECMAScript @j @1.","0.0.5"],"redox_dmi":["DMI table @j","0.1.5"],"shfolder-sys":["@D @5 to shfolder. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"mbedtls-sys":["A @g @D @h $C mbedtls $i @y TLS, DTLS @6 ^A crypto @6 ^I @z","0.0.2"],"gstreamer-app-sys":["@D @5 to libgstapp-1.0","0.9.1"],"hyperbuild":["Fast allocation-less HTML minifier @7 smart whitespace $Y","0.2.4"],"solana-ownable":["ownable ^N","1.5.7"],"ckb-resource":["Bundled resources @0 @4 CKB $Q.",C[70]],"streaming_$X":["SIMD-accelerated $5 of various streaming $X, including Count–min sketch, Top k, HyperLogLog, Reservoir sampling.",C[3]],"soa":["Struct-of-Array vector @l","0.9.2"],"slugify":["Macro @0 flexible slug ^6",C[9]],"shutdown_hooks":["Shutdown hooks @0 @3. Currently a friendly @h $C atexit, will eventually allow @O to remove hooks",C[9]],"postcard":[C[1000],"0.5.2"],"stdinout":["@J @h @0 @E or stdin/stdout.","0.4.1"],"coord":["A @e, ergonomic vector mathematics @8","0.11.1"],"thirtyfour":["Thirtyfour is a Selenium / WebDriver @1 @0 @3, @0 automated website UI testing.It supports @4 full W3C WebDriver spec.","0.22.2"],"advent-of-code":["Solutions to Advent of Code","2019.12.269"],"endian_$I_@c":["A custom @c @0 @4 Endian $I",C[5]],"$O_apigateway":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @C Gateway @ 2015-07-09",C[13]],"snappy-sys":["Raw @5 to @4 Google ^D @1 'snappy'",C[9]],"lz_diet":["An AVL balanced Discrete Interval Encoding Tree",C[6]],"bufsize":["bytes::BufMut @2 to count buffer size","1.0.0"],"orbutils":["$d Orbital ^l",C[64]],"counted-array":["Macro @0 declaring fixed-size arrays ^Z counting elements by hand. Supports lazy_static.","0.1.2"],"tower-lsp-macros":["Internal $w @d @0 tower-lsp",C[3]],"observability":["Experimental tracing ideas","0.1.3"],"requests":["@3 ^o @i @C styled after awesome Python requests - [WORK IN PROGRESS]","0.0.30"],"pin-project-lite":["A ^C $9 of pin-^Q $h @7 declarative @d.","0.2.4"],"piet-cairo":["Cairo ^4 @0 piet 2D ^u $P.",C[3]],"bitcoincore-rpc":["RPC @i @1 @0 @4 Bitcoin Core ^y-RPC @C.",C[38]],"$O_cloudtrail":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CloudTrail @ 2013-11-01",C[13]],"inet2_addr":["Internet2 addresses @7 @t @0 Tor v2, v3",C[8]],"virt":["@3 @5 to @4 libvirt C @1","0.2.11"],"boolector-sys":["Low-@I @5 @0 @4 Boolector SMT solver","0.6.3"],"cargo-mpirun":["`@N mpirun` allows @O to easily $t @6 run $p MPI @P in a single @H. It emulates `@N run`, allowing @O to specify a target to be built @6 run, @6 @N takes care of @4 rest.","0.1.8"],"sorted-list":["@J SortedList @A $M $i allows mapping an Ord key to &4 distinct PartialEq ^G",C[0]],"proxy-enum":["Emulate dynamic dispatch @6 sealed classes @x a proxy &G, $i defers all method calls to its variants.",C[1]],"os_str_bytes":["Traits @0 converting $G byte sequences @6 @U-&d $y","2.4.0"],"sentry-log":["Sentry ^t @0 log @6 env_logger $Z.",C[25]],"webrtc-vad":["@3 @s @0 @4 WebRTC Voice-Activity-Detction Module",C[8]],"coarsetime":["Time @6 duration @8 optimized @0 speed","0.1.18"],"telebot-derive":["Getters @6 setters @0 @4 telebot @1","0.0.14"],"mac_utun":["Create utun device @0 macos",C[5]],"spaceapi-server":["A @1 @p allows @O to easily implement a SpaceAPI @Z.",C[2]],"silicon":["Create beautiful &O of $p $3",C[8]],"alcibiades":["A @o @0 $N chess engines in @3",C[3]],"cargonauts":[C[283],C[0]],"msgp-abi":["ABI of msgp(Byte message @9).","0.1.1"],"smpte2022-1-packet":["&C @0 SMPTE 2022-1 packet header @M",C[2]],"multisplice":["easily splice a $b &4 times, @x offsets ^i @4 original $b",C[3]],"async-mutex":["Async mutex","1.4.0"],"erl_pp":["Erlang source $3 preprocessor","0.1.4"],"redis-client":["Redis @i in @3",C[2]],"uil_parsers":["Parsers @0 uil.","0.0.3"],"ugli-derive":["Universal OpenGL Interface (@c @d)","0.7.0-alpha.0"],"from-ascii":["Traits $i creates instances @w ascii $b.",C[4]],"blc":["An @2 of @4 $Q lambda calculus.",C[5]],"rvs":["A @1 @0 defining @6 evaluating &x variables @x a @e DSL",C[2]],"srmw":["&c single-&H, multi-writer","0.1.1"],"dxgi-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 dxgi. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"metrohash":["@3 @2 of MetroHash, a high quality, high $J ^I $7","1.0.6"],"google-abusiveexperiencereport1":[C[624],C[103]],"datetime":["@u @0 date @6 $B formatting @6 arithmetic","0.5.1"],"safe-transmute":["A safeguarded transmute() @0 @3","0.11.1"],"stable-eyre":["A custom context @0 eyre @p supports capturing Backtraces on stable","0.2.2"],"jumphash":["A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm",C[6]],"^Y_@Z":["Small @6 &o-less @8 @0 ^9 ^o servers","0.4.2"],"ntex-amqp-codec":["AMQP 1.0 ^p Codec","0.4.0-b.1"],"deckofcards":["An @C to implement a deck of cards",C[8]],"rstats":["Statistical Measures, Vector Algebra, Geometric Median, Data Analysis @6 Machine Learning","0.5.9"],"cansi":["Catergorise ANSI - ANSI escape $3 @j @6 categoriser","2.1.1"],"pallet-proxy":["FRAME proxying pallet","3.0.0"],"nell":["&t netlink @s",C[3]],"embedded-graphics-core":["Core $g @6 $l @0 ^v-^u",C[0]],"k9":["@g ^j @1","0.10.3"],"yarte_config":["Config $2 @j of yarte","0.6.1"],"tendermint":["Tendermint is a high-$J blockchain consensus $k @p powers Byzantine fault tolerant @P $h in any $s @R. @k @8 @y @T @l @0 representing $e about Tendermint blockchain networks, including chain $e @l, secret connections, @6 remote procedure calls (^y-RPC).","0.18.1"],"envmnt":["Environment variables $q @z.","0.8.4"],"redfa":["Regular &L derivatives @0 ^9 DFAs.","0.0.2"],"utf":["UTF-8",C[6]],"number-as":["Extend primitive &2 @l to make them have a `number_as` method.","1.0.7"],"samsrv-sys":["@D @5 to samsrv. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rsign2":["A @H-$r $F to sign @E @6 verify signatures.","0.5.7"],"teleborg":["A Telegram bot @C.","0.1.32"],"libreauth":["Collection of &5 @0 user authentication.",C[31]],"embed":["embed is a @3 ^8 $L @p lets @O embed directory trees ^i compiled binaries. @k is &K in order to ship a single self-contained $Q.","0.1.1"],"freedesktop-desktop-entry":["Freedesktop Desktop Entry Specification","0.1.1"],"bitflags":[C[790],"1.2.1"],"shared-expiry-get":["@J concurrent $6 get @7 expiration @0 @3",C[0]],"c3p0_pool_sqlite":[C[116],C[15]],"ros-nalgebra":["ROS message converter @0 rosrust @6 nalgebra","0.0.4"],"aes-gcm-siv":["Pure @3 @2 of @4 AES-GCM-SIV Misuse-Resistant AuthenticatedEncryption Cipher (RFC 8452) @7 optional architecture-specifichardware acceleration","0.9.0"],"$r_plot":["2d $r plot","0.1.7"],"atomic-option":["An atomic, nullable, owned pointer.","0.1.2"],"synattra":["A Syn Attribute &C Toolkit",C[7]],"socketstat":["Get socket $e @6 statistics.",C[9]],"cfg":["@u @0 manipulating context-free grammars.",C[2]],"telegram_@l":["Types in @4 Telegram Bot @C @6 their deserializers",C[2]],"iron_inspect":["Inspect @4 result of Iron",C[7]],"tokio-service":["$d @T `Service` $I @0 Tokio.",C[9]],"passablewords":["A @1 to check @4 strength of a password in a sane way","1.0.1"],"souper-ir":["A @1 @0 manipulating Souper IR","2.1.0"],"trace-macro":["@J trace @d","1.1.1"],"&e_stub":["Actual ^Y servers, ^j @4 full stack. Assert on @4 request, @6 send a response back.","0.1.3"],"x86_64":["Support @0 x86_64 specific instructions, registers, @6 $j.",C[80]],"stm32ral":["Register ^0 layer @0 all STM32 $x",C[2]],"urdict":["Urban dictionary commandline $F @6 dict @Z","0.3.4"],"ophelia-hasher":["ophelia hasher $I",C[0]],"rsbot":["Simulate keypresses @7 @3!","0.2.3"],"sugars":["An &K $m of @d to make tasks easier.","3.0.0"],"tensor-macros":["A &V $B optimised tensor @1",C[0]],"xolehlp-sys":["@D @5 to xolehlp. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nddeapi-sys":["@D @5 to nddeapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"base_url":["A @h $C @4 Url $o @0 ^Y urls","1.1.0"],"medal":["A @e online contest @U","1.8.0"],"ghlabel":["^E creates @6 deletes labels on GitHub Issues to match a template.",C[9]],"net-parser-rs":["Basic ^c @j leveraging @3 @6 nom @0 $W @6 ^S packet @Y. Design influenced by pktparse-rs.",C[3]],"piston2d-sprite":["A @1 @0 sprite hierarchy @6 scene ^B","0.63.0"],"ipld-block-builder":[C[411],"0.4.1"],"iota-editor":["A @e ^x editor",C[9]],"arguments":["$d $0 @y a @j @0 @H-$r arguments.","0.6.2"],"reductive":["Optimized vector quantization @0 dense vectors","0.5.1"],"svgdom":["[DEPRECATED] @u to represent an SVG as a DOM.","0.18.0"],"shuteye":["shuteye @y @0 high-resolution sleep in @g. Let $p $3 catch some shuteye","0.3.3"],"amq-proto":["AMQP/RabbitMQ @9 @2",C[9]],"blissb":["Post-quantum signature schemes - BLISS-B.","0.2.3"],"xio_job_to_blockdiag":["XIO job to blockdiag conversion $F","0.8.0"],"unic-ucd-utils":["UNIC - ^l @0 ^h @7 &g Code Points",C[8]],"pidfile":[N,C[9]],"ommui_relm_widgets":["OMMUI relm widgets - deprecated",C[59]],"qik":["@3 @1 @0 @4 Pololu qik dual serial motor controllers","1.2.3"],"parse":["Basic @Y @w str/bytes. Conversion back to bytes.","0.1.2"],"ckb-occupied-capacity-core":[C[214],C[70]],"timmy":["A $B tracker mainly @0 $s tasks",C[3]],"sise-atom":["Auxiliary @z $a to encode @6 decode SISE atom ^G.","0.3.4"],"winit":[C[316],"0.24.0"],"volition":["Minimalist input lib","0.1.4"],"polyval":["POLYVAL is a GHASH-$D universal ^I &q GF(2^128) &K @0 constructinga Message Authentication Code (MAC)","0.4.5"],"zstd-seekable":["@K to @4 seekable $9 of ZStandard.","0.1.7"],"gettext-rs":["GNU Gettext @D ^3 @0 @3",C[2]],"tokio-pty-process":["Interact @7 a child ^O through a pseudo-TTY, asynchronously @x Tokio",C[8]],"ruspiro-console":["Lightweight console $P @0 bare metal $5 to print $y to an &P channel @p could be easely configured/attached.","0.5.3"],"cb-stm-temp":["Software Transactional Memory @Q built on top of crossbeam-epoch",C[3]],"fa":["Foreign-$8 @s @h of @4 Augeas libfa Finite Automata @1","0.1.4"],"rocket_cors":["Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) @0 @P","0.5.2"],"vulkano-shader-derive":["Deprecated",C[15]],"@g_inbox":[C[284],"0.0.5"],"blz-nx":["@8 $Y BLZ ^D @0 @4 Nintendo Switch","1.0.1"],"nature":["It's a low $3 @U, it's a $F of @A orchestration. But @4 most important is it goes right to @4 heart of @4 business, standardize @6 simplify @4 @2 of complex businesses in a @e way. As long as you're willing, Nature can help @O extract @4 business control logic @6 centrally manage it so @p @4 @Q has @4 brain @6 says goodbye to @4 brainless era of traditional systems.","0.22.2"],"tmdb":["$d Movie Database (TMDb) @C @0 @3","3.0.0"],"audit-filter":["Filters npm audit &P @0 $f in CI",C[2]],"libcantal":["A @g @1 to submit statistics to cantal monitoring @Z","0.3.2"],"xmlparser":["Pull-@r, zero-allocation XML @j.","0.13.3"],"polynomial":["Manipulations @6 @A @l @p represent polynomial.",C[9]],"tokio-tar":[C[586],C[0]],"finite-fields":["Traits @6 @l @0 computations on finite fields.","0.10.3"],"capstone3":["High @I @5 to capstone disassembly $k (&e://",C[9]],"nu-stream":["Nushell ^X",C[59]],"wasmer-singlepass-backend":[C[304],"0.17.1"],"peerdist-sys":["@D @5 to peerdist. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"vesema":["Map/Set &u optimized @0 very ^P problem sizes","0.0.2"],"rundo_@l":["base undo redo @l @0 Rundo",C[8]],"hodl-ticker":["@3 cryptocurrency prices on CLI","2.0.0"],"sc-light":["components @0 a light @i","3.0.0"],"skein-ffi":["@3 Skein ^I $8 (via ffi ^3)",C[2]],"nanomsg":["A high-@I, @3 idiomatic @h $C nanomsg.","0.7.2"],"rustdoc-stripper":["A $F to manipulate rustdoc comments","0.1.17"],"rust-dense-bitset":["Efficient @6 compact bitsets @0 @3.","0.1.1"],"seer-z3":[C[399],"0.1.2"],"priority-queue":["A Priority Queue &v as a heap @7 a $8 to efficiently change @4 priority of an item.","1.0.5"],"kernel32-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 kernel32. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.2.2"],"ckb-vm-definitions":["Common definition @E @0 CKB VM","0.19.3"],"oracle":["Oracle ^3","0.3.3"],"keepass":["KeePass .kdbx ^V $2 @j","0.4.7"],"spirit-reqwest":["Reqwest &F @0 Spirit",C[2]],"saltlick":["A @1 @0 encrypting @6 decrypting $2 streams @x libsodium","0.4.1"],"shoggoth_@d":[C[285],"0.0.19"],"what-bump":["Detect required $9 bump @r on conventional commit &E","1.2.0"],"rtti-derive":["[very early WIP] $U @m to @c RTTI $I. See @8 rtti.",C[8]],"corguids-sys":["@D @5 to corguids. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"keccakrs":["A verbose, readable @2 of Keccak in @3",C[6]],"textwrap":["Powerful @1 @0 word wrapping, indenting, @6 dedenting $y",C[80]],"ledger-cosmos":[C[509],C[7]],"txs":["a blockchain","0.7.0"],"windebug_&I":["A &I @p redirects all &E to OutputDebugStringW (Win32 @C $8).","0.1.4"],"term-handler":["A @1 to wait @0 TERM signals (Ctrl-C) @7 a loop.",C[9]],"word2vec":["@3 @s to word2vec.","0.3.3"],"skulpin":["@k @8 @y an &s option @0 drawing hardware-accelerated 2D by combining Vulkan @6 Skia.","0.11.2"],"tinysearch-shared":["Shared &j @0 tinysearch - a tiny search $k @0 &n websites",C[7]],"iching":["A @1 @0 divination @7 @4 I-Ching",C[8]],"yaml-rust":["$d missing YAML 1.2 @j @0 @g","0.4.5"],"mqtt311":[C[286],C[0]],"td_rlua":["Zero-cost high-@I lua 5.3 @h @0 @3",C[0]],"vatfluid":["UTF-8 slice validation, @7 incomplete results to @t byte streams.",C[3]],"raventhemer":["A theme &N @6 switcher @0 desktop linux","1.5.3"],"wagyu-zcash-parameters-6":[C[241],C[0]],"regex_^m":["Use regular expressions to ^m ^x.",C[7]],"svc-agent":["An agent @1.","0.14.13"],"memsec":["@3 @2 `libsodium/&1`.",C[5]],"google-analytics3":[C[287],C[288]],"imghdr":["@u @p determines @4 $o of &O contained in a $2 or byte ^X.","0.7.0"],"treeify":["treeify converts @4 &P of a @H @p lists @E ^i a ^k representation similar to @4 &P of @4 @H ^k.","0.1.4"],"iso8601":["Parsing ISO8601 dates @x nom",C[8]],"nite2-sys":["@3 @5 @0 NiTE2",C[0]],"thin-vec":["a vec @p takes up less space on @4 stack",C[7]],"nss-sys":["Low-@I/unsafe @5 @0 @4 NSS cryptography @1","0.1.9"],"prometheus-parser":["a @3 @1 @0 @Y @6 validating Prometheus query expressions",C[8]],"telium":["Eventually a suite a &j @0 medical science","0.1.2"],"fortanix-sgx-abi":["An @s @0 Intel SGX enclaves. @k is @4 @s @0 @4`x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx` target.This is a ^P yet functional @s suitable @0 $N larger enclaves. In contrast to other enclave interfaces, @S @s is primarly designed @0 running entire @P in an enclave.This @8 fully describes @4 $o-@I @s @q @7 documentation. For implementors, @S @8 contains all @4 $o definitionsand a @m @7 @4 $8 $E.","0.3.3"],"amy":["Polling @6 Registration abstractions $C kqueue @6 epoll @0 multithreaded $6 ^c $s",C[12]],"msgpack":["MessagePack @V @2 @0 @3",C[9]],"prototty_grid":["@B of prototty_render::ViewGrid @0 $f in renderers.",C[98]],"xtensa-lx":["Low @I ^0 @0 xtensa lx processors @6 peripherals",C[3]],"leg":["🔈 Elegant print @0 lazy devs ($6-std)","1.0.0"],"google-analyticsreporting4":["A @q @1 to @n @7 AnalyticsReporting (@9 v4)",C[77]],"bgzip":["@3 implentation of bgzip",C[9]],"piston-gfx_texture":["A Gfx texture representation @p works nicely @7 Piston &j","0.41.0"],"sinit":["A @e init @Q @0 $f in containers.","0.1.2"],"primesieve-sys":["Raw @5 to @4 [primesieve](&e:// C @1","0.2.3"],"tess2-sys":["@D $E @6 $t script @0 libtess2",C[4]],"cognitive-graphics":["@J &5 related to hardware ^u",C[9]],"$2":["For @3 1.25 @6 older. 1-liner convenience @z @0 ^R @6 $N @E","1.1.2"],"uwp":["@D @5 @6 &5 @0 Universal ^5 Platform. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 please feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://","0.0.0"],"expect":["A flexible @1 @0 adding assertions to @l.",C[4]],"linux_raw_input_rs":["@J @1 to grab raw input @w keyboard in linux systems",C[6]],"gltf-importer":["Reference importer @0 @4 gltf @8",C[21]],"lsystems":["A @e @1 @0 ^h @7 Lindenmayer systems.",C[7]],"sketchy":["A set of probabilistic sketch @A $j.",C[4]],"mucell":["A cell @7 @4 ability to mutate @4 &m through an immutable reference when $W","0.3.5"],"srp":["Secure Remote Password (SRP) @9 @2",C[2]],"draw":["A ^P 2D drawing @1",C[3]],"pipe-channel":["Channel @2 @r on pipes","1.3.0"],"lm3s6965":["Interrupt @5 @0 @4 LM3S6965 microcontroller","0.1.3"],"winapi":[C[406],"0.3.9"],"bst":[C[289],C[4]],"im":["Immutable $m datatypes","15.0.0"],"compacts-prim":["^W $I @0 compacts",C[7]],"libprosic":[C[307],"0.7.3"],"rbxpacker":["Generates installation scripts @0 Roblox &j","1.2.2"],"stm32f0x0-hal":["HAL @0 @4 STM32F0x0 family of $x","0.1.8"],"condvar":["Condition variables (condvars) @0 boolean predicate. Based on condition_variable @8 by Manuel Schölling.","0.1.1"],"audioeng-sys":["@D @5 to audioeng. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"prometheus-static-metric":["Static metric ^w @L @0 @g-prometheus.","0.5.1"],"oauth-client":[C[762],C[8]],"$O_translate":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Translate @ 2017-07-01",C[13]],"crypt":["...",C[9]],"relative":["A $o to wrap vtable references such @p they can be safely sent $G other processes running @4 same $Q.","0.2.2"],"out123-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to out123.",C[2]],"runtime-fmt-derive":["Runtime-@r $b formatting, custom @c $L",C[0]],"hidapi":["@3-y @h $C hidapi","1.2.5"],"warp10":["Warp10 @i @0 @g",C[38]],"pencil":["A micro ^Y @o @0 @3.",C[3]],"without-alloc":["Replacements @0 `Box`, `Rc`, `Vec`, .. ^Z `alloc`",C[7]],"polonius-engine":[C[290],C[24]],"sqlparser":["Extensible SQL Lexer @6 &C @7 @t @0 ANSI SQL:2011","0.8.0"],"rorschach":["Binary @A definition @6 formatter.","0.1.3"],"stash":["An amortized `O(1)` table @0 cases where @O don't need to choose @4 keys @6 want something faster than a HashTable.","0.1.4"],"byteio":["I/O abstractions @0 bytes","0.2.3"],"wagyu-monero":["A @1 @0 $H Monero wallets","0.6.3"],"xml-attributes-derive":["Proc @m to help @7 xml to ts point conversion","0.1.1"],"progress-streams":["Progress callbacks @0 @l $i implement Read/Write","1.1.0"],"deqp-runner":["A VK-GL-CTS/dEQP @h ^N to parallelize it across CPUs @6 report results against a baseline.","0.5.1"],"octocrab":["A modern, extensible GitHub @C @i.","0.8.11"],"loan_ec":["A @1 @0 &6 loan @I EC measures.",C[7]],"stirling_^F":["A few @z relating to Stirling ^F of @4 second kind.","0.1.2"],"recur-fn":["A @1 @p @y @O a more flexible way to construct @6 extend @4 recursive $8.","2.2.0"],"c-ares-sys":["Low-@I @5 to @4 c-ares @1","5.1.0"],"aesti":["Constant/fixed/invariant $B aes implimentation (originally @w &t)",C[3]],"aio-limited":["Rate-limited $6 I/O.","0.1.1"],"pact_mock_@Z_^b":["Standalone pact mock @Z @0 consumer pact tests","0.7.3"],"solsa":["Static analysis $F aggregator @6 reporter @0 Ethereum smart contracts","0.1.7"],"zbuf":["“Zero-copy” $b @6 bytes buffers","0.1.2"],"tuikit":["Toolkit @0 $N TUI @P","0.4.3"],"azul-simplecss":["A very @e CSS 2.1 tokenizer.","0.1.1"],"mdbm-sys":[C[537],C[4]],"initial_conditions":["A helpful physics lib: mechanics, &K constants, @6 more.",C[8]],"dirs-sys-next":["@Q-@I ^w @z @0 @4 dirs @6 directories $Z","0.1.2"],"promise":["A @e @v/promise @1 @0 @g","0.0.4"],"blas-src":["$d $0 @y a BLAS source of choice.","0.7.0"],"executor":["A minimalistic $6/await executor","0.7.0"],"snarkos-storage":["Storage @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"lv2":["A $W, $S, @6 ergonomic @o to create LV2 plugins",C[5]],"afterburn":["A @e cloud provider agent","4.6.0"],"bittorrent":["Bittorrent &X And @u Written In @3, Using bip-rs",C[0]],"bit_reverse":["Computes @4 bit reversal of primitive integers.","0.1.8"],"color_scaling":["Functions to scale colors: get a weighted color $G 2 colors","0.0.4"],"evcxr_jupyter":["An Jupyter Kernel @0 @3","0.8.0"],"philipshue":[C[555],"0.3.2"],"pocketsphinx-sys":["@D @5 to libpocketsphinx",C[2]],"wlc-sys":["Bindgen &i low-@I wlc @h","0.0.8"],"webicon":["Favicon @6 apple-touch-icon scraper @0 @3","0.3.4"],"$b_telephone":["@J networking abstractions, desgined @0 games","0.0.3"],"dgraph":["A @g @i @0 Dgraph ^V",C[8]],"commoncrypto":["Idiomatic @3 &D @0 Mac OS X's CommonCrypto @1",C[0]],"emuman":["Utility @0 managing emulator ROM @E.","1.12.0"],"async-io":["Async I/O @6 timers","1.3.1"],"serial-windows":["Serial port @2 @0 ^5.",C[8]],"ndarray-csv":["Easily read @6 &b homogeneous CSV @A to @6 @w 2D ndarrays",C[2]],"libchisel":[C[291],C[5]],"puts":["Typing `println!('{:?} {:?} {:?}', o1, o2, o3)` is too hard. `puts!(o1, o2, o3)`","0.1.2"],"libipld-base":[C[420],C[9]],"xmc4100":["XMC4100 Cortex-M peripheral ^0 @1",C[8]],"nson":["NSON is a ^C @A-interchange @M $D ^y or BSON",C[15]],"transmission-sys":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Transmission bittorrent @i.","0.3.2"],"nom-packrat":["Extension of nom to apply Packrat Parsing",C[2]],"wdg-uri":["URI","0.3.7"],"async-diesel":["Integrate Diesel ^i $6-std cleanly @6 efficiently.",C[9]],"nrf52810-pac":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 nRF52810 microcontroller","0.9.0"],"libimagtodo":[C[29],C[21]],"auto-args":["Parse @H $r arguments by defining a struct.","0.2.7"],"cargo-bloat":["Find out what takes most of @4 space in $p executable.",C[12]],"braintree":["An unofficial Braintree @i @0 @3.","0.0.6"],"cargo-nuget":["Bundle @3 &j as Nuget packages",C[9]],"ascii":["ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` @6 `String`.","1.0.0"],"nom_pem":["PEM @j (rfc1421) @r of nom","4.0.0"],"imag-store":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-store @H",C[21]],"ppv-lite86":["@B of @4 crypto-simd @C @0 x86","0.2.10"],"guessing_game":["Finished $9 of Guessing Game","0.1.2"],"rsvg":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Rsvg @1",C[8]],"openvino":["High-@I @5 @0 OpenVINO.","0.1.8"],"runny":["Run a ^N inside its own ^O group","1.2.5"],"tapi32l-sys":["@D @5 to tapi32l. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"slog-config":["Builds slog `Drain` @w ^x config (eg. $2)",C[8]],"imm32-sys":["@D @5 to imm32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"object":["A unified @s @0 ^R @6 $N object $2 formats.","0.23.0"],"paste-impl":["@B detail of @4 `paste` @8","0.1.18"],"rjson":["A minimal json @j",C[1]],"gost94":["GOST R 34.11-94 ^I $8","0.9.1"],"classifier-measures":["Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) @6 Precision-Recall curve (PR) computation","0.4.3"],"kg-diag-derive":["Macro @2 @0 #[@c(Detail)].",C[8]],"vulkano-framing":["Uploading images to @6 downloading frames @w @4 GPU.",C[3]],"katwebx":["A $S &n ^Y @Z @6 reverse proxy @0 @4 modern ^Y. More $e is available in @4 project's GitHub &M.","1.0.0-eval2"],"ascii_set":["Fast membership of ASCII character classes.",C[9]],"html-diff":["@u detect HTML diffs","0.0.6"],"redro":[C[149],C[150]],"buddy-alloc":["Buddy-alloc is a $v ^s @0 no-std @3, $a @0 ^v environments.","0.4.1"],"wsbonline-sys":["@D @5 to wsbonline. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"aluminum":[C[740],C[3]],"wdg-converter":["converter",C[8]],"pokerhandrange":["Texas Hold'em hand ranges. Tells @O if two cards @W in them @6 can be $a to ^m card combinations.","0.1.1"],"gip":["A @1 @6 @H-$r frontend to check global IP address","0.7.0"],"cgi":["Create CGI programmes",C[5]],"kic":["Delete uselss @E automatically","0.1.1"],"substrate-bip39":["Converting BIP39 entropy to valid Substrate (sr25519) SecretKeys","0.4.2"],"pyro":["Entity component @Q","0.2.5"],"comedy":["^5 ^q $Y, COM, @6 handles",C[0]],"riscv-target":["RISC-V target $b manipulation @L","0.1.2"],"td-client":["@3 &X @u @0 Treasure Data","0.9.0"],"guid_win":["^5 GUID/CLSID/IID $b @6 $Q @V",C[0]],"hdrsample":[C[1004],"6.0.4"],"pallet-balances":["FRAME pallet to manage balances","3.0.0"],"^j_&I":["Supports $N tests to verify `log` @8 calls","0.1.1"],"fever_&0":["@g @2 of @4 FEVER-@C","0.2.11"],"bankholidays":["Bank Holidays @0 England & Wales in @3","1.1.2"],"tokio-net":[C[292],C[23]],"oxygengine-animation":["Animation ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"solana-storage-proto":["Solana Storage Protobuf Definitions","1.5.7"],"steamid-ng":["An &s-to-$f steamid $o @7 @z to parse @6 render steam2 @6 steam3 IDs","1.0.0"],"address-formatter":["Universal international address formatter",C[7]],"arcmutex":["A convenience @1 @0 ^h @7 `Arc>`s",C[0]],"kvlite":["key &m store backed by local @E","0.1.3"],"duckduckgeo":["2d geom @1","0.4.2"],"git-version-macro":["Internal @m @8 @0 git-$9.","0.3.4"],"peroxide-ad":["Proc @m @0 automatic differenitation of Peroxide",C[3]],"ghakuf":["A @3 @1 @0 @Y/^f SMF (Standard MIDI File).","0.5.6"],"tari_comms":["A peer-to-peer messaging @Q","0.8.1"],"esp8266":["A minimal peripheral ^0 @8 @4 ESP8266",C[0]],"liquid-value":[C[371],C[501]],"ultrastar-txt":["A @1 @0 @Y @6 $H Ultrastar TXT @E","0.1.3"],"rustbreak":["A modular @6 configurable ^V","2.0.0"],"libpulse-glib-binding":["A @3 @R ^3 @0 @4 PulseAudio libpulse-mainloop-glib @1.","2.23.0"],"callgrind":["callgrind","1.1.0"],"execute-command-macro":["Create `Command` instances @x @4 `@H!` @m or @4 `command_args!` marco.","0.1.5"],"slog-extra":["Standard slog-rs extensions","0.1.2"],"moore-vhdl-syntax":["$d VHDL @j @2 of @4 moore ^8 @o.",C[19]],"cc":["A $t-$B &o @0 Cargo $t scripts to assist in invoking @4 nativeC ^8 to &V &d C $3 ^i a &n archive to be linked ^i Rustcode.","1.0.66"],"recoreco":["Fast item-to-item recommendations on @4 @H $r.","0.1.9"],"netstring":["@u @0 $c @6 &f netstrings","0.4.1"],"zkutil":["@u @0 ^h @7 circom circuits","0.3.2"],"git-state":["Probe git &M state",C[9]],"copypasta-ext":["A clipboard @1 &6 &K extensions @0 copypasta.","0.3.2"],"thunderdome":["Fast arena ^s @7 compact generational indices",C[8]],"any-cache":["Cache @7 freely typed keys @6 any associated &m","0.2.3"],"pulldown-cmark-to-cmark":["Convert pulldown-cmark Events back to @4 $b they were parsed @w","6.0.0"],"objekt-clonable-impl":[C[293],"0.2.2"],"afterparty-ng":[C[294],"0.4.2"],"reapfrog":["Readahead @6 dropbehind &q &4 @E",C[0]],"&R_int":["std::num::Wrapping on steroids","0.1.4"],"rental-impl":["An @2 detail of rental. Should not be $a directly.","0.5.5"],"diesel-derive-more":["Additional derives to $f @7 diesel to remove some boilerplate $3","1.1.3"],"vec1":["a std Vec @h assuring @p it has at least 1 element","1.6.0"],"conllx":["Readers/writers @0 @4 CoNLL-X &o @M",C[24]],"async-ssh":["High-@I @1 @0 $z SSH connections","0.1.2"],"more-asserts":["Small @1 &6 additional assert_* @6 debug_assert_* @d.",C[7]],"muta-apm":["Muta $T $J monitor.","0.1.0-alpha.15"],"si5351":["A @U &Z ^K @0 @4 Si5351 clock @G",C[0]],"$A_^u":["A basic ^u &0 @0 @4 $A @7 an example $T.","0.1.5"],"glob":["Support @0 matching $2 paths against Unix shell style patterns.",C[3]],"http2parse":["An HTTP2 frame @j.","0.2.2"],"ffmpeg-screen-recorder":["@k ^N is a gadget $i helps @O $f FFmpeg to record $p screen on &t. $d video record can be saved as a $2, or be streamed via RTMP @9.","1.0.13"],"rdrand":["An @2 of &x &2 @G @r on rdrand @6 rdseed instructions","0.7.0"],"ddcutil-sys":["libddcutil @D @5","0.0.3"],"witnet-bn":[C[313],"0.4.5"],"metrics-recorder-prometheus":["metric recorder @0 Prometheus exposition &P","0.2.3"],"rhusics-transform":[C[295],C[8]],"keccak-hash":["`keccak-^I` is a set of $q @z to facilitate ^h @7 Keccak hashes (256/512 bits long).","0.7.0"],"gstreamer-app":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer App @1","0.16.5"],"seckey":["Use `memsec` protected secret $v.","0.11.2"],"remote-hal":["a ^y RPC @r remote ^v-hal @2 including a daemon, ^b, @6 @1","0.5.4"],"$O_appconfig":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon AppConfig @ 2019-10-09",C[13]],"pathfinder_renderer":["A GPU-accelerated vector ^u @6 font renderer",C[2]],"chat":["...",C[9]],"tomlq":["A $F @0 obtaining $e @w a TOML $2 on @4 @H $r",C[9]],"rs-libc":["A subset of libc @p can be $a @7 @3 in freestanding environments.",C[7]],"lib-ruby-parser":["Ruby @j","3.0.0"],"buzz":["A @e @Q tray $T @0 notifying about unseen e-mail","1.5.0"],"matrixgraph":["A graph @2 @r on dense adjacency matrices",C[9]],"mimir":["@3 @5 &q @4 Oracle Database Programming Interface @0 Drivers @6 Applications","0.3.5"],"thunder":["Create @e commandline apps @7 *zero* boilerplate!",C[1]],"serializers":["Easily create &4 serializers @0 @4 same $o","0.2.3"],"phonenumber":["@u @0 @Y, formatting @6 validating international phone ^F.","0.3.1+8.12.9"],"imperator-save":["Ergonomically work @7 Imperator Rome saves (debug @6 ironman)",C[7]],"auto-check-rs":["automatically $t, check @6 ^7 $3 when it changes","0.3.2"],"quantized-density-fields":["@3 @2 of Quantized Density Fields @A $M.","0.2.3"],"rv":["Random variables","0.11.1"],"ethereum-trie-memory":["Rocksdb adaptor @0 trie.",C[2]],"sp-sandbox":["@k @8 @y means to instantiate @6 execute wasm modules.","0.9.0"],"binary-ff1":["Optimized @3 @2 of FF1 encryption @7 radix 2",C[9]],"osptk-sys":["@D @5 to osptk. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"osproto":["^p $j @0 OpenStack @C (Obsolete)","0.2.2"],"squark-stdweb":["Squark $4 implemiontion @0 ^Y browser @7 @x stdweb",C[2]],"x509-parser":["&C @0 @4 X.509 v3 @M (RFC 5280 certificates)","0.9.1"],"jsonschema-transpiler":["A $F to transpile ^y Schema ^i schemas @0 @A &l","1.8.1"],"mango_smoothie":["A @i side @1 @0 CouchDB Mango/Cloudant Query",C[0]],"color-spantrace":["A pretty printer @0 tracing_error::SpanTrace @r on color-backtrace",C[6]],"ntrumls-plus":["@3 @5 @0 Jeffrey Hoffstein's `NTRUMLS` @1.","0.0.6"],"rsyntax":["A custom @3 @j cloned @w @3 libsyntax.It is only $a @0 rfmt, another @3 source $3 formatter.","1.10.0"],"lib-cargo-apk":["Cargo &3 @p allows @O to $t Android packages","0.5.1"],"c-path":["a @8 @0 exposing @g Path &Q to C","0.1.1"],"cargo-open":["A third-party @N ^n to allow @O to open a dependent @8 in $p $EDITOR",C[8]],"datafusion-rustyline":["Unofficial nightly releases of Rustyline","2.0.0-alpha-20180628"],"stdext":["Extensions @0 @4 @3 ^M @1 $j.",C[7]],"tablegen":["@K to LLVM's TableGen via @4 ctablegen @1","0.1.2"],"pswrd":["Stateless password vault","1.0.0"],"infinitable":["Infinity @0 @l ^Z infinite ^G","1.3.0"],"radix-heap":["Fast monotone priority queues","0.3.8"],"chalk-recursive":["Recursive solver @0 @4 Chalk ^Q","0.56.0"],"nom-recursive-macros":["Helper @8 of nom-recursive",C[3]],"lindera-cli":["A @H-$r @s @0 Lindera.","0.7.1"],"google-cloudlatencytest2-cli":[C[296],C[297]],"google-vault1-cli":[C[298],C[71]],"bigml_@c":["Internal `@c` @t @0 unofficial BigML @i @5",C[8]],"supercow":["A ^A way to accept general reference-$D ^G ^Z proliferatinggenerics.",C[9]],"xz-decom":["XZ decompression @x xz-^v",C[0]],"cargo-bullet":["@k is a configurable ^Q @G","0.2.6"],"bus_writer":["Single-&H, multi-writer & single-&H, multi-verifier; broadcasts reads to &4 writeable destinations in parallel","0.1.2"],"gdnative-impl-proc-macros":["Internal &o of @4 gdnative @5.","0.9.3"],"fend-core":[C[951],"0.1.13"],"human-sort":["Human sort (natural sort) @2","0.2.2"],"tozny_auth":["@3 @s to @4 Tozny authentication &9","1.1.0"],"thrussh-libsodium":["Straightforward @5 to libsodium",C[7]],"smart_open":["opens @E @0 ^R.","0.1.3"],"nasbench":["A @3 port of NASBench: &w://","0.1.2"],"pallet-collective":["Collective @Q: Members of a set of account IDs can make their collective feelings known through dispatched calls @w one of two specialized origins.","3.0.0"],"eva":["Calculator REPL similar to bc(1)","0.2.7"],"flo_curves":["@u @0 manipulating Bezier curves","0.4.1"],"bb8":["Full-featured $6 ($u-@r) connection pool ($D r2d2)","0.7.0"],"fluvio-service":["Provide TCP &9 @h &q fluvio @9",C[8]],"google-cloudshell1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Shell (@9 v1)",C[26]],"wabt":[C[299],C[12]],"harfbuzz-sys":[C[654],C[2]],"lyon_path_iterator":[C[300],"0.9.0"],"google-gan1_beta1-cli":[C[301],C[302]],"abox":["A $W @h $C AtomicPtr","0.4.1"],"guile":["Safe @5 to GNU Guile.","0.0.2"],"quale":["A @3 port of @4 `$i` $q. Locates an executable in @4 user’s path.","1.0.0"],"cexpr":["A C &L @j @6 evaluator",C[8]],"pallet-authority-discovery":["FRAME pallet @0 authority discovery","3.0.0"],"cgroups-rs":[C[814],"0.2.3"],"hypr":["Wrappers @0 hypervisors in @g",C[4]],"result-like":["Option/Result-$D monad @s @0 $p own &G",C[3]],"tvis_util":["Cross-@U $q @z @0 $A interfaces.","0.5.2"],"unicode_graph":["&g glyph graphs @7 @3","0.9.11"],"fallible-streaming-iterator":["Fallible streaming iteration","0.1.9"],"connection-string":["Connection $b @Y in @3 (@6 ^1)","0.1.13"],"htmlhelp-sys":["@D @5 to htmlhelp. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"jade":["A @g port of jade-lang",C[303]],"hex-buffer-serde":["Helper @0 serializing byte buffers as hex $y in `$n`","0.2.2"],"solana-keygen":["Solana key ^6 $q","1.5.7"],"data-encoding-macro":["^U @0 @A-$c",C[64]],"uhttp_content_$c":["Iterator/slice-@r @j @0 ^o Content-Encoding header","0.5.1"],"libimagentryutil":[C[29],C[21]],"tc_^A":["Testcontainers ^A &O",C[7]],"libh3":["Safe @3 @K to Uber's Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index - H3","0.1.8"],"rblog":["Blog app","0.53.0"],"sophia_iri":["A @3 toolkit @0 RDF @6 Linked Data - IRI ^B","0.6.2"],"mkstemp":["A quick mkstemp/mkdtemp @2 @0 @g. @X temp @E @6 dirs.",C[0]],"pinger":["A ^P cross-@U @1 to execute @4 ping @H @6 parse @4 &P",C[1]],"async-http-client":["&c ^o @i",C[0]],"card_catalog":["Assists in collecting $2 metadata @0 later organization.","1.1.1"],"stick":["Platform-&Z $z gamepad @1 @0 @3","0.11.1"],"opensource":["@C Wrapper @0 @4 Open Source License @C.",C[0]],"stlog":["Ultra ^C &z @o @0 resource constrained &S","0.3.3"],"hmap":["Adds hmap! @m @0 easily ^m HashMap",C[9]],"tablefy":["An &s way to display any struct as a table!","0.1.3"],"torchbear":["Lua $s &h in @3","0.11.5"],"jsonrpc-sdk-macros":["A ^W @8 $a by jsonrpc-sdk-prelude.","0.1.4"],"factorial":["Convenient &Q to compute @4 factorial, optionally checked.",C[7]],"synac":["Synac @i @1 @0 @3","0.6.2"],"piet-coregraphics":["CoreGraphics ^4 @0 piet 2D ^u $P.",C[3]],"magnet_@T":["@k @8 contains @4 @T @l @6 @z @0 @4 `magnet` @o.",C[4]],"inert":["Inert lets @O $f non-Sync ^G in a Sync way",C[3]],"luthor":["A $m of lexers @0 various languages/formats, @6 @4 &5 required to $t them.",C[0]],"cargo-snippet":["A snippet extractor @0 competitive programmers","0.6.5"],"unic-ucd":["UNIC — &g Character Database","0.9.0"],"wasmer-singlepass-backend-near":[C[304],"0.17.1"],"orbtk-utils":["Helper &1 @6 $g @0 OrbTk.",C[97]],"metrics-observer-yaml":["A metrics-@T ^d observer @p outputs YAML.","0.1.1"],"license-exprs":["Validate SPDX 2.1 license expressions @x SPDX License List 3.6 identifiers.","1.5.0"],"fixed-vec-deque":["A fixed-size, zero-allocation circular buffer @0 @3","0.1.9"],"commandlines":["A @H $r argument @Y @1 @0 @3","0.8.0"],"tcalc-rustyline":["A fork of Rustyline @0 $f specifically @7 tcalc","1.0.2"],"standalone-syn":["Fork of syn @p turns of @4 &r-@m feature in &r-macro2 @6 standalone-quote so as to remove @4 &y dylib &o",C[38]],"glsl-include":["A @1 @0 expanding #include directives in GLSL source $y",C[1]],"racer-interner":["&k-local $b interner @0 racer-@g",C[9]],"simple-server":["a @e webserver.",C[8]],"$L":["Lazily evaluated, order-independent plugins @0 extensible @l.","0.2.6"],"vte-sys":["@D @5 @0 vte3","0.2.2"],"raw_$n":["A @V @1","0.1.4"],"$u_$W_block_on":["@X @4 ability to execute $6 $3 @w a sync context, ^Z blocking a $u @T &k or busy looping @4 cpu.",C[0]],"google-oslogin1-cli":[C[534],C[26]],"arg_&G_&r_@m":["A $w @m ^d @7 clap arg_enum",C[1]],"par-map":["Parallel map @6 flat_map.","0.1.4"],"gauc":["Couchbase @3 Adapter / CLI","0.8.1"],"du-dust":["A more intuitive $9 of du","0.5.4"],"noise-sodiumoxide":["Sodiumoxide &D @0 noise-@9.","0.1.1"],"lib3h":["$d lib3h p2p communication @g @1.","0.0.42"],"ckb-vm":["CKB's Virtual &R","0.19.3"],"tiny-keccak":["An @2 of Keccak derived @z.","2.0.2"],"fantoccini":["High-@I @C @0 programmatically &7 @7 ^Y pages through WebDriver.",C[35]],"backtrace":["A @1 to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at $4 in a @3 ^N.","0.3.56"],"cjson":["Canonical ^y serializer","0.1.1"],"lsio":["lsio is @4 @1 @0 lsio @H $r $q @6 s3lsio. $d @1 applies a @e $P on a &2 ofgood &j plus adds a &2 of it's own. Heavy dev beware!","0.1.18"],"ansi-escapes":["Ansi escape codes @0 manipulating @4 $A",C[9]],"icon_baker":["A @e solution @0 $c $R icon $2 formats.","3.2.0"],"bismuth":["A 3D game world represented as cubes in an oct-^k @p can be manipulated in real $B.","0.0.4"],"crossbeam-epoch":[C[707],"0.9.1"],"wasmtime-wasi":["WASI @C @t @0 Wasmtime",C[25]],"roblox_install":["Get @4 install directory of Roblox in $3",C[3]],"rage":["[BETA] A @e, secure, @6 modern encryption $F.",C[2]],"svgbobdoc":["Renders ASCII diagrams in doc comments as SVG images.","0.2.3"],"sqlx-core":["Core of SQLx, @4 @g SQL toolkit. Not intended to be $a directly.","0.5.1"],"$O_es":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Elasticsearch Service @ 2015-01-01",C[13]],"cluatoi":["Parsing @4 byte sequence of @4 ascii characters @6 safely converting them to integers.",C[7]],"holochain_wasmer_$R":["commons @0 both host @6 guest","0.0.66"],"crypto":["Resources @0 ^f cryptosystems in @3.","0.1.2"],"forest_json_&1":["^y @L $a to interoperate @7 default golang ^y defaults","0.1.1"],"boxfnonce":["$W FnOnce boxing @0 @g stable","0.1.1"],"parse-hosts":["&C @0 an /etc/hosts $2.",C[2]],"symbolics_calculus":["Calculus ^H @0 @4 symbolics computer algebra @1","0.1.5"],"buldak":["It is a @1 @p @y various sorting @z.","0.27.1"],"actix-web-async-await":["@X a preview of Actix @7 $6/await @t.",C[0]],"timezynk-bridge-models":["@C @0 synchronizing @6 mapping @A @w @6 to Timezynk. Oauth2 authentication, require permission @I &N or &0-@i @7 scope write:company. Info about authentication [&w://](&w://","0.1.4"],"cargo-prefetch":["Cargo &3 to download popular $Z.",C[9]],"cuda-sys":["@3 ^3 to CUDA Driver/Runtime APIs",C[0]],"hyper-reverse-proxy":["A @e reverse proxy, to be $a @7 Hyper @6 Tokio.",C[8]],"hc128":["A @2 of HC-128 ^X cipher. @t `no_std` &h.",C[6]],"rs_tracing":["trace events in @4 trace event @M","1.0.1"],"bakervm":["A virtual &R @0 ^f @6 running retro games","0.9.0"],"gauss":["Sono bello.",C[2]],"nbconf":["@J $K $2 &H/writer","1.0.0"],"mgmtapi-sys":["@D @5 to mgmtapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"diffr-lib":["An @2 of Myers diff $7.","0.1.3"],"heim-process":["Cross-@U processes $e","0.1.1-rc.1"],"temp_testdir":["Little @8 to $f temp directory in @8. You can choseif delete it after $f or not to debugging purpose.","0.2.3"],"void":["$d uninhabited void $o @0 $f in statically impossible cases.","1.0.2"],"natord":["Natural ordering @0 @3","1.0.9"],"menu":["A @e #[no_std] @H $r @s.","0.3.2"],"non-empty-vec":["`NonEmpty` vector @2, ensure non-emptiness by construction.","0.1.2"],"alt_$n":[C[701],"1.0.119"],"openvpn-management":["a @h to @4 openvpn ^B @s",C[3]],"codespan":["Data $j @0 tracking locations in source $3",C[15]],"evcxr_repl":["A REPL @0 @3","0.8.0"],"schema_registry_converter":["Encode/decode @A @w/to kafka @x @4 Confluent Schema Registry","2.0.1"],"twapi-reqwest":["Twitter OAuth @1 $a by reqwest.","0.1.3"],"shared_slice":["Thread-local @6 &k-$W shared slice @l, $D `&[T]` butwithout lifetimes. @k @1 depends only on `alloc` @6 `@T`, socan be $a in environments ^Z `std`.","0.0.4"],"zdd":["A Zero-suppressed BDD @1.",C[3]],"sequence_trie":["Trie-$D @A-$M @0 storing sequences of ^G.","0.3.6"],"bevy_mod_picking":["A 3D mouse picking $L @0 Bevy.","0.3.7"],"MBrane":["MBrane $5 in @3","1.0.10"],"djangohashers":["A @3 port of @4 password ^2 $a in Django ^Q.","1.4.0"],"embedded-can":["An ^v Controller Area Network (CAN) $P layer",C[3]],"asn1_der_@c":["@k @8 contains a $w @m to implement `@c` @0 my `asn1_der` @8","0.1.2"],"rhai":["Embedded scripting @0 @3","0.19.11"],"selene-lib":["A @1 @0 linting Lua $3. You probably want selene instead.",C[15]],"WebFoolKit":["CGI @6 Cookies in @3","0.1.1"],"asuran":["Deduplicating, encrypting, $S, @6 tamper evident archive @M",C[6]],"combup":["dwote @r ComPtr wapper.","0.1.5"],"font-rs":["A font renderer $h (mostly) in &p, $W @3","0.1.3"],"@A_$M_$g":["@A $M $m $g",C[60]],"trans":["Serialization @9 @0 inter-@R communication",C[192]],"readline_rs_compat":["A minimal readline @1 @h @0 @4 @3 $s @R.","0.1.9"],"zoom-api":["An @C @i @0 Zoom","0.1.4"],"iota-lib-rs-preview":["A @g @2 of @4 IOTA @C",C[6]],"ipsec-parser":["&C @0 @4 IKEv2 @9",C[5]],"tectonic":["A modernized, @q, embeddable TeX/LaTeX $k. Tectonic is forked @w @4 XeTeXextension to @4 classic “Web2C” @2 of TeX @6 uses @4 TeXLive distributionof @t @E.","0.4.1"],"ffxiv_@l":["Useful @l @0 FFXIV-related projects","1.4.0"],"taplo":["A TOML @j, analyzer @6 formatter @1",C[305]],"magic-crypt":["MagicCrypt is a Java/PHP/NodeJS/@3 @1 to encrypt/decrpyt $y, @E, or @A, @x Data Encryption Standard(DES) or Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) $X. It supports CBC block cipher mode, PKCS5 padding @6 64, 128, 192 or 256-bits key length.","3.1.6"],"lindera-ipadic":["A Japanese morphological dictionary loader @0 IPADIC.","0.7.1"],"async-test-derive":[C[306],"1.0.0"],"uvc-sys":["Raw @h of libuvc",C[0]],"lms":["A $S @6 reliable alternative to rsync @0 synchronizing local @E",C[8]],"futex":["&t futex-@r lock $5.","0.1.3"],"hertz":["&K @z @0 ^h @7 frame-rates, sample-rates other rates, $B durations, frequencies, etc @6 @0 keeping a constant framerate",C[3]],"proc-macro-error-attr":["Attribute @m @0 &r-@m-^q @8","1.0.4"],"astar":["A ^A @2 of @4 A* pathfinding $7.","4.0.0"],"wasmer-runtime-core":[C[217],"0.18.0"],"vasp-poscar":["read @6 &b VASP POSCAR @E","0.3.2"],"slip21":["SLIP-21 @2 in @3",C[0]],"failure":[C[869],"0.1.8"],"if_chain":["Macro @0 $N nested `if let` expressions.","1.0.1"],"rustorm_^T":["$3 gen @y @m @0 $H $3 on @A ^0 objects on table metadata","0.18.0"],"validator_@c":["^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(Validate)]",C[19]],"quickercheck":["Automatic property-@r ^j.",C[0]],"typescriptify-derive":["Typescriptify-Derive Macro @2 @0 ^9 Typescript Interfaces @w Structs via Custom-Derive (only real structs so far)","0.1.5"],"signify":["Create ^z signatures @0 @E @6 verify them","0.4.1"],"varlociraptor":[C[307],"2.6.1"],"google-ml1_beta1":[C[794],C[795]],"webm-sys-native":[C[308],"0.3.6"],"collisions":["2d collision detection.","0.1.3"],"prototty_^L":["Interface to persistent ^L","0.29.0"],"gridsim-ui":["Visualizing gridsim grids","0.4.1"],"xlsxwriter":["Write xlsx $2 @7 &2, formula, $b, formatting, autofilter, merged cells, @A validation @6 more.","0.3.2"],"croaring-sys-mw":[C[902],"0.4.5"],"melvin":["A @1 @0 configuring LVM",C[9]],"blockchain-traits":["A minimal description of a programmable blockchain.","0.4.1"],"emit":["A structured &I in @4 style of Serilog.",C[12]],"bracket-color":["RGB @6 HSV color $Y @6 @L, including lerp @6 W3C named colors. Part of @4 bracket-lib family.","0.8.2"],"wasm-debug":["Generic Wasm DWARF transformation @8",C[0]],"spreadsheet":["Agnostic spreadsheet &H @6 writer (reserved namespace).","0.0.2"],"dhcp4r":["IPv4 DHCP @1 @7 ^h @Z example.","0.2.2"],"stockfighter":["Complete @C @0 StockFighter",C[7]],"fwupd-dbus":["fwupd dbus @i @5","0.1.1"],"type-level":["Type-@I $s in @3",C[4]],"compile-time-run-macro":["@2 @8 @0 &V-$B-run","0.2.8"],"retro-rs":["A @3 front-end @0 libretro cores.","0.3.2"],"kerbcli-sys":["@D @5 to kerbcli. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"glutin_emscripten_@f":["$d emscripten @5 @0 glutin","0.1.1"],"dotcopter":["A ^P $F to manage dotfile installation",C[2]],"frame-benchmarking-cli":["CLI @0 benchmarking FRAME","3.0.0"],"nj-sys":["low @I ^3 to Node N-@C","3.0.0"],"gobject-subclass":["Infrastructure @0 GObject subclassing in @3",C[7]],"needletail":["FASTX @Y @6 k-mer &Q",C[8]],"google-somethin":["A @e @1 @p grabs Google search results...","0.1.4"],"gexiv2-sys":["@k @1 @y @3 @D declarations @0 @4 gexiv2 @1, whichis a GObject-@r @h $C @4 Exiv2 @1, $i @y readand &b ^0 to @4 Exif, XMP, @6 IPTC metadata in media @E. OnlyFFI declarations @W provided here; @0 a usable @3 @1, considerthe `rexiv2` @8.","1.1.2"],"sidekiq-rs":["Sidekiq ^d @Z in @3","0.7.0"],"pathfinder_^x":["Text layout @0 @4 Pathfinder vector ^u renderer",C[2]],"wascap":["Wascap - ^1 Standard Capabilities. @u @0 extracting, embedding, @6 validating claims",C[5]],"tiberius":["A TDS (MSSQL) ^K","0.5.8"],"sgx_demangle":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"umask":["$q to deal @7 unix ^0 mode","1.0.0"],"rill-protocol":[C[309],"0.19.2"],"$2_&I":["A @e &I ^4 @p outputs to a $2. @k is alpha state.",C[9]],"wide":["A @8 to help @O go wide.","0.6.4"],"$O_ses":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @J Email Service @ 2010-12-01",C[13]],"solana-stake-tests":["Solana stake &0 tests","0.20.5"],"clap_^m":["A @G @1 $a @7 clap @0 shell completion scripts, manpage, etc.",C[120]],"run-info":["Monitor CPU @6 $v usage via $A (&t only)","0.5.1"],"cxxbridge-flags":["Compiler $K of @4 `cxx` @8 (@2 detail)","1.0.31"],"cmdex":["Search @0 those commands @O don't remember!","0.2.7"],"add_getters_setters":["Makes it much easier to add getters @6 setters @0 fields of structures.Done by simply just adding some attributes to @4 struct @6 fields","1.1.2"],"ntex-router":["Path router","0.3.8"],"pagecache":["lock-free pagecache @6 log @0 high-$J databases","0.19.4"],"pty-shell":["Spawn a shell @6 control it through pty",C[0]],"msql-srv":["@K @0 emulating a MySQL/MariaDB @Z","0.9.2"],"bank":["Various bank related $g @6 implementation.An abstract bank-transaction @j;easily add $p own bank.SEPA RF @2 @0 &s formatting @6 checking of RF fields.",C[8]],"memzero":["A @h @0 zero-ing out $v when dropped",C[9]],"opencv-ros-camera":["Geometric models of OpenCV/ROS cameras @0 photogrammetry","0.5.2"],"reproto-naming":["Rethinking ^p GeneratorsNaming ^l.",C[63]],"futures-micro":["Zero &o, no_std ^d $6 prelude.",C[8]],"thank":["Shows info about $Z $a in $p projects so @O know who to thank @0 them @6 where to do @4 thanking.",C[8]],"ipopt":["@3 @R @5 @0 @4 Ipopt non-linear constrained optimization @1.","0.5.4"],"aabb2":["aabb2",C[7]],"cpuid-bool":["A ^C @6 ^S no-std ^d alternative to @4 is_x86_feature_detected @m",C[0]],"collider":["A @1 @0 continuous 2D collision detection @0 game developement",C[1]],"genpass":["A @e yet robust commandline &x password @G.","0.4.11"],"itm":["Tool to parse @6 dump ITM packets",C[1]],"magick_@g":["Selection of @3 @5 @0 @4 ImageMagick @1.",C[31]],"ecvrf":["A curve25519+SHA3 verifiable &x $8","0.4.3"],"wasm_val":["@u @p @y a typesafe @C to call javascript @w a wasm ^N","0.3.5"],"protoc-grpcio":["@C @0 programatically invoking @4 grpcio (grpc-rs) gRPC ^8","3.0.0"],"tzdata":["see hourglass","0.4.1"],"nom-trace":["A tracer @0 nom parsers",C[7]],"vdso":["Resolve &t vDSO symbols",C[9]],"bytestring":["An immutable UTF-8 encoded $b @x Bytes as ^L","1.0.0"],"peel":["Dynamic packet @Y within trees","0.8.0"],"symbolic-minidump":["A @1 to ^O @6 inspect Minidump crash reports","8.0.3"],"c2rust-bitfields":["C-^d struct bitfield @2 $a in @4 C2Rust ^Q",C[3]],"$O_shield":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Shield @ 2016-06-02",C[13]],"relay":["A ^C oneshot Future channel.","0.1.1"],"beef":["More compact Cow",C[2]],"@e_csv":["A @e CSV @Y @2","0.0.15"],"font-atlas":["A @8 @0 $H font atlases @0 games or guis","0.1.4"],"sendmmsg":["Transmit &4 &E @x one @Q call in @3","0.3.6"],"hado":["Monadic do notation @x a @m","0.1.1"],"google-logging2_beta1":[C[310],C[311]],"msvc-demangler":["A @g @1 @p demangles / undecorates C++ symbols mangled by MSVC","0.8.0"],"statistics":[C[833],"0.4.1"],"squote":["A clone of @4 quote @8 @p uses a String as its backing store","0.1.2"],"redjubjub":["A standalone @2 of @4 RedJubjub signature scheme.","0.2.2"],"mnt":["Parse mount points",C[1]],"actiondb":["A $W @6 ^S unstructured ^x (log) @Y @1.","0.7.0"],"tus":["@g @2 of TUS","1.0.0"],"kelvin-radix":["Radix Tree @A $M",C[15]],"n_array":["Arbitrarily dimensioned arrays","0.1.3"],"deb-version":["Compare (Debian-style) $9 ^F","0.1.1"],"monger":["MongoDB $9 &N",C[31]],"howto-cli":[C[312],C[8]],"typedopts":["Type aware @H $r @j","1.1.2"],"minitt-util":["CLI ^l extracted @w Mini-TT language's $o-checker","0.2.4"],"logfmt":["logfmt @j @0 @3","0.0.2"],"edn":["An EDN (Extensible Data Notation) @j.",C[3]],"wkt":["@3 read/&b @t @0 well-known ^x (WKT)","0.9.0"],"http-sig":["@B of @4 IETF draft 'Signing ^o Messages'",C[1]],"unquote":["A reverse quote @m... @p is: A @m to parse input @w a ParseStream according to a given pattern.","0.0.6"],"qr-encode":["A @e CLI QR Code @G","0.1.9"],"cargo-travis":["Run coverage, upload docs, @6 more on travis.","0.0.11"],"heck-but-macros":["A &r @m @h $C @4 heck @8, so @p its casing @z can be applied to identifiers. Also contains a workaround @0 (limited) stringification.",C[4]],"amplify_@c_&F":["Amplifying @3 @R capabilities: ^w @z @0 ^9 &r @m &j","0.0.4"],"kafka-proxy":["Takes in ^o Posts, @6 sends them to a Kafka Server.","1.0.0"],"reservoir":["Reservoir sampling of iterators",C[0]],"ripgrep":["ripgrep is a $r-oriented search $F @p recursively searches $p currentdirectory @0 a regex pattern while respecting $p gitignore rules. ripgrephas first class @t on ^5, macOS @6 &t.","12.1.1"],"libpart":["@u @0 manipulating partition tables","0.1.4"],"ptb-reader":["@J @Y of @4 merged Penn Treebank @M.","0.9.1"],"metacpan_&0":["Query @4 @C",C[2]],"cursive_buffered_^4":["$d buffering ^4 @0 any Cursive ^4","0.4.1"],"to_default":["@k @1 @y a convenient way to replace a typical usuage of `mem::replace`","0.1.2"],"bn-plus":[C[313],"0.4.4"],"rsync":["@K to librsync","0.1.2"],"naive-timer":["A minimal naive timer @0 ^v (no_std) platforms.",C[9]],"cargo-with":["A third-party @N ^n to run @4 $t artifacts through &5 $D `gdb`.","0.3.2"],"lame-sys":["@D @5 to libmp3lame","0.1.2"],"os_units":["A @1 $i @y unit @l @0 $N OS.","0.2.7"],"pallet-transaction-payment-rpc-runtime-api":["RPC $4 @C @0 transaction payment FRAME pallet","3.0.0"],"k256":["secp256k1 elliptic curve @1 $h in &p @3 @7 @t @0 ECDSAsigning/verification (including Ethereum-style signatures @7 public-keyrecovery), Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), @6 general purpose secp256k1curve arithmetic &K @0 ^a arbitrary group-@r protocols.",C[572]],"async-std-resolver":["Trust-DNS is a $W @6 secure DNS @1, @0 $6-std. @k Resolver @1 uses @4 trust-dns-proto @1 to perform all DNS queries. $d Resolver is intended to be a high-@I @1 @0 any DNS record resolution see Resolver @6 AsyncResolver @0 supported resolution @l. $d &X can be $a @0 other queries.","0.20.0"],"intoif":["A ^P @1 @0 construction of an Option @6 Result @w any $o @r on some user-specified condition.","1.0.0"],"sse-client":["&X @0 streams of Server-Sent Events","1.1.1"],"futures-channel-preview":[C[546],C[40]],"optional":["@k @8 supplies a &2 of Option-$D primitive @l",C[2]],"sic":["Accessible &O &l @6 conversion @w @4 $A (@6 a front-end @0 @4 '&O' @8).",C[42]],"endian-types":["Byte order‐limited integer @l","0.0.0"],"xmc4200":["Peripheral ^0 @1 @0 XCM4200 ARM Cortex-M",C[8]],"timed_cache":["An @2 of a cache @p will regenerate a &m if accessed after a certain amount of $B.","0.1.1"],"libenclave-tools":["Tools @0 ^f @6 linking enclaves @x libenclave","0.1.4"],"ra_ap_hir_ty":["TBD",C[73]],"dummy":["^U @2 of #[@c(Dummy)]",C[8]],"cargo-local-registry":["A Cargo &3 @0 managing local registries.",C[7]],"stijl":["Cross-@U @e styled ^x streams","0.5.2"],"hdf5-src":["Build script @0 compiling HDF5 C @1 @w source.","0.7.1"],"clock_ticks":["Contains precise_time_s() @6 precise_time_ns() ^Z any C $3","0.1.1"],"sv-parser-pp":[C[314],"0.10.8"],"core-utils":["A reimplementation of @4 GNU @T &1 in @4 @3 $s @R","0.1.2"],"testdrop":["A $q to help ^7 drop $5","0.1.2"],"hmc5883l":["@3 @1 @0 interfacing @7 HMC5883L magnetometer @x I2C on &t","1.0.2"],"seed":["A @3 @o @0 ^9 ^Y apps, @x ^1","0.8.0"],"plumcast":["A message broadcasting @1 @r on @4 Plumtree/HyParView $X","0.1.5"],"underscore":["$q @1 @0 @g. Inspired by underscore.js.","0.0.2"],"trompt":["A @e prompting @1 @0 @g","0.0.4"],"ssh-jail-dto":["DTO @0 ssh-jail","0.4.1"],"xmodem":["An @2 of @4 XMODEM $2-transfer @9.","0.1.3"],"sgx_@l":[C[79],"1.1.2"],"ffmpeg4-ffi":["Dynamic-linked @g @5 to ffmpeg.","0.3.8"],"mio-aio":["POSIX AIO @5 @0 mio","0.4.1"],"tcmalloc-sys":[C[871],C[3]],"cdchunking":["Content-defined chunking","1.0.1"],"lab":["Tools @0 converting RGB colors to @4 CIE-L*a*b* color space, andcomparing differences in color.","0.8.2"],"hm11":["HM-11 Bluetooth AT ^K @8",C[7]],"filenamegen":["Shell-style filename ^6 aka globbing","0.2.4"],"c3p0":[C[788],"0.62.1"],"tenshi":["Unbound local-zone @G @0 curated hosts @E","0.2.2"],"rasapi32-sys":["@D @5 to rasapi32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"type-uuid-derive":["Custom @c @0 @4 $o-uuid @8","0.1.2"],"heaparray":["Flexible @t @0 dynamically-sized @l, @x heap-allocated array of structs","0.5.1"],"webview-sys":[C[315],"0.6.1"],"microbmp":["Tiny @6 probably imperfect self-contained bitmap &O ^R @1.",C[7]],"flexlint":["A flexible linter @7 rules defined by regular &L","0.2.6"],"rome":["An RDF @1 in &p @3","0.1.3"],"bitbuf":["An @2 of a bit buffer.","1.0.0"],"logq":["A ^Y-@Z log $2 @H $r toolkit @7 SQL @s","0.1.18"],"rustc-ap-rustc_ast_pretty":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_ast_pretty` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"fermium":["An opinionated @8 of SDL2 @5.","20014.0.0"],"half":["Half-precision floating point f16 @6 bf16 @l @0 @3 ^a @4 IEEE 754-2008 ^M binary16 @6 bfloat16 @l.","1.7.1"],"libdwelf":[C[450],"0.0.6"],"wayland-client":["@K to @4 ^M C @2 of @4 wayland @9, @i side.","0.28.3"],"sealrs":["Set of classic $z ^2 (Actors, Executors, Futures / Promises)",C[80]],"&G_meta":["Add metadata to Enum Variants",C[5]],"triggered":["Triggers @0 one $B events $G tasks @6 threads","0.1.1"],"tree-buf-macros":["Proc @d @0 @4 ^k-buf @8",C[12]],"httimple":["@J HTTP2 $0 😃","0.1.7"],"commitlog":["Sequential, disk-backed commit log @1.","0.1.2"],"hdk_&r_@d":["holochain hdk v2 (@7 &r @d)",C[34]],"duniter-rs-wotb":["Crate making Web of Trust computations @0 @4 Duniter ^Q.",C[8]],"rc-borrow":["Borrowed forms of Rc @6 Arc.","1.4.0"],"cart-tmp-winit":[C[316],"0.22.2"],"phf_mac":["Compiler $L @0 perfect ^I $8 @A $j",C[2]],"appcore_$L":["(Placeholder) Compiler $L @0 appcore.",C[4]],"lambda":["^l @6 @d @0 functional $s @7 closures",C[4]],"solana-validator":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"flurry":["@3 port of Java's ConcurrentHashMap",C[1]],"ezing":["Easing @z",C[7]],"url-scraper":["@J HTML URL scraper","0.1.2"],"ex":["A libstd @h @7 more detailed errors","0.1.3"],"num256":["@B of 256 bit integers",C[3]],"alga":[C[1017],"0.9.3"],"asciii":["$d advanced but @e commandline @s @0 invoice invocation.This is an ^W $F of @4 Studentencafe ascii in Dresden @6 therefore specialized @0 our $f cases.","3.10.0"],"ssd1351":["Driver @8 @0 @4 SSD1351 16bit colour OLED display ^K.","0.2.2"],"mlnx-ofed-libmlx5-sys":["Low-@I @D @5 to @4 C-@1 Mellanox OFED libmlx5","0.0.7"],"static-compress":["Create a compressed copy of @E matching a glob to serve statically compressed @E @7 a ^Y @Z","0.3.2"],"pcap-file":["A @8 to read @6 &b Pcap @6 read PcapNg","1.1.1"],"svgbob":[C[317],"0.5.0-alpha.11"],"picky-asn1-der":["An ASN.1-DER subset @0 $n","0.2.4"],"daggy":["A directed acyclic graph @A $M @1. It is Implemented on top of petgraph's Graph @A $M @6 attempts to follow similar conventions where suitable.","0.7.0"],"urlqstring":["A URL query $b @0 @g","0.3.5"],"juniper_rocket":["Juniper GraphQL ^t @7 Rocket","0.6.2"],"wasmprinter":["@3 converter @w @4 ^1 $Q @M to @4 ^x @M.","0.2.22"],"fleet":["A @i @1 @0 CoreOS's fleet.",C[0]],"accessors":["(WIP) Getters @6 setters @0 @3 @x @d 1.1","0.0.3"],"lightning-wire-msgs-derive":["@c @d @0 defining @V @6 &a of lightning wire &E","0.2.6"],"va_list-rs":["@u to handle va_list","0.0.4"],"cachedir":["A @1 to help &7 @7 cache directories @6 CACHEDIR.TAG @E.",C[3]],"async-global-executor":["A global executor built on top of $6-executor @6 $6-io","2.0.2"],"plague":["Parametrized tests &5","0.6.3"],"evalrs":["@3 $3 snippet evaluator","0.0.12"],"viewimg":["OpenEXR @6 HDR &O viewer","0.8.0"],"engine-io":["An @1 @0 Iron.","0.1.4"],"fractal":["$d $0 @y a multiscale modeling @o @0 @4 analysis andsynthesis of positive-valued, long-range-dependent processes.","0.7.1"],"pfctl":["@u @0 interfacing @7 @4 Packet Filter (PF) firewall on macOS",C[8]],"http-status-print":["Utility to print explanatory $e @0 &e status codes","0.1.5"],"glit":["A $q @0 pretty-printing git stats",C[3]],"rudy":["Judy array @2 in &p @3",C[9]],"postgres-binary-copy":["Support @0 $Q-@M COPY query execution @7 &Y",C[2]],"google-urlshortener1-cli":[C[391],C[392]],"http-file-headers":["A @o-&Z ^w @1 @0 serving &n @E. It makes very &s to &b full-featured &n $2 @Z (incl. conditional headers, encodings, range requests, etc)","0.1.8"],"zlib-sys":["@D ^3 to zlib.","0.0.2"],"ethereum-forkid":["Ethereum fork identifier @0 chain compatibility checks",C[8]],"rust-analyzer":["TBD",C[4]],"google-playcustomapp1-cli":[C[368],"1.0.13+20170622"],"google-cloudbuild1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud Build (@9 v1)",C[26]],"daummap":["Kakao Map @C @h",C[1]],"tokio-lock":["Access an object @w a single Tokio task","1.1.0"],"scoped-tls":["@u @2 of @4 ^M library's old `scoped_thread_local!`@m @0 &6 scoped ^0 to &k local ^L (TLS) so any $o canbe stored ^i TLS.","1.0.0"],"td_revent":["Event @1 @0 @3, Async IO similar to libevent","0.2.2"],"bdrck_params":["Command-$r argument @Y.","0.3.2"],"custom_^q":["Define custom errors ^Z boilerplate @x @4 custom_error! @m.","1.8.0"],"redisearch_&0":["@3 RediSearch @C ^3",C[2]],"atmega32u4-hal":["Hardware Abstraction Layer @0 ATmega32U4","0.1.4"],"spoolss-sys":["@D @5 to spoolss. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"zamm_yang":["A basic, experimental $3 @G",C[0]],"tangle":["Future @2 @0 @3",C[8]],"dubp-wallet":["Provide wallet definition @0 DUBP @9","0.41.0"],"rust-bison-skeleton":["Bison skeleton @0 @3",C[42]],"ct-codecs":["Constant-$B hex @6 base64 codecs @w libsodium reimplemented in @3","0.1.1"],"geoutils":["A $m of geo computation @L",C[8]],"window_clipboard":["A @1 to obtain clipboard ^0 @w a `raw-window-handle`","0.1.4"],"wasm-gc-api":["A @1 to garbage collect webassembly modules",C[88]],"google-books1-cli":[C[565],C[77]],"alexa":["A @1 @0 ^f Alexa (Amazon Echo) skills","0.1.2"],"twist-jwt":["An @2 of RFC7519 ^y Web Token (JWT)",C[1]],"skeptic":[C[318],"0.13.5"],"saphir":["Fully $6-await &e @Z @o","2.8.1"],"array_$F":["Helper &Q @0 &l &u","1.0.3"],"blocking-permit":["Permits @6 a &k pool @0 blocking $V","1.3.2"],"bdk-testutils-macros":["Supporting ^j @d @0 `bdk`",C[0]],"flow_impl_@c":["Definition of a @c @m @0 FlowImpl","0.21.0"],"protobuf-build":["Utility @z @0 $H @3 $3 @w protobufs (@x protobuf-@g or Prost)","0.11.4"],"p-macro":["p!() is a @m $a @0 printing ^G while debugging",C[0]],"blacken":["turn off $p displays. now.",C[4]],"okofdb":["One Key One File Database","0.1.3"],"heliotrope":["SOLR @i @0 @3 $s @R",C[9]],"rustc-ap-rustc_cratesio_shim":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_cratesio_shim` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 4393768faa104b9879c601feee71eb0207dc4fe1 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","520.0.0"],"artifact_$n":["A ^P @1 $a to deserializing @6 serializing @4 Artifact Deck Codes @w Valve's DotA Card Game Artifact",C[1]],"mockall_@c":["$U @d @0 Mockall","0.9.0"],"varisat-formula":["Basic formula @A @l $a by @4 Varisat SAT solver","0.2.2"],"unwind":["An @s to libunwind",C[8]],"windows-error":["@u to provide @h &q ^5 errors","1.1.0"],"imagefile":["Imagefile is a @e &O $c @M.",C[9]],"ttf-firacode":["Fira Code TrueType fonts @0 @3.",C[9]],"hashbrown":[C[598],C[12]],"csfml-audio-sys":["@K to csfml-audio",C[2]],"ncursesw":["A fat @h $C @4 NCurses TUI @1","0.5.1"],"ref_filter_map":["Like `std::cell::{Ref,RefMut}::map`, but @0 optional components.","1.0.1"],"cmd_lib":[C[319],"0.8.5"],"termbook":["$d @1 behind @4 `termbook-^b`.","1.4.2"],"sn0int-registry":["sn0int registry",C[2]],"wterm":["Serial port to WebSocket bridge @7 ^v ^Y $A",C[7]],"wrapping_@d":["A @m @0 wrapping arithmetic.","0.4.13"],"solana-install":["$d ^g cluster software installer","1.5.7"],"tentacle-discovery":["p2p discovery @9 main reference bitcoin","0.2.9"],"xxhash-rust":["@B of xxhash","0.8.1"],"algebloat_@d":["RustAlgebloat $q @d","0.0.13"],"median":["An @2 of an ^S O(n) median filter.",C[1]],"pyo3-file":["A ^P ^w @1 @0 ^h @7 python $2-$D objects @7 @g","0.3.3"],"sha1-hasher-faster":["Minimal @2 of SHA1 @0 @3 (@7 fixes @6 Hasher $I @2). It was further optimized to produce 280MB/s, as opposed to 180MB/s.","0.0.2"],"sophon-wasm":[C[320],C[54]],"trace":["A $w @m @0 tracing @4 execution of @z",C[6]],"fscommon":["Filesystem $R @L.","0.1.1"],"sqlformat":["Formats whitespace in a SQL $b to make it easier to read","0.1.5"],"link-ipps":["link ipps @1 (part of ipp-@f Intel IPP @5)","0.1.2"],"@e_excel_writer":["@J Excel Writer","0.1.7"],"ryu":["Fast floating point to $b conversion","1.0.5"],"bitflags_$n_shim":[C[471],"0.2.2"],"sc-client-db":["&X ^4 @p uses RocksDB ^V as ^L.","0.9.0"],"edn-rs":["Crate to parse @6 emit EDN","0.16.12"],"mini_gl_fb":["Quick @6 &s window creation, input, @6 high speed bitmap &W","0.7.0"],"$Z_io_^7_@8":[C[802],C[9]],"rust-libindy-wrapper":[C[321],"0.2.13"],"rbatis-core":["Core of rbatis, @4 @g SQL toolkit. Not intended to be $a directly.","1.8.68"],"tokio-pg-mapper-derive":[C[322],C[0]],"extprim_literals_@d":["Internal @8 to @t `extprim_literals`. You typically don't need @S @8 directly.","2.0.3"],"xron":["XLSX to RON CLI","0.3.3"],"blake-hash":["BLAKE ^I @z",C[8]],"barc":["Body Archive (BARC) $2 &H @6 writer, @0 ^o dialogs","2.2.1"],"embree-rs":[C[323],"0.3.6"],"lib_blaster":["$d ^4 of blaster (a SYN flood $F)",C[1]],"minifier":["Minifier $F/lib @0 JS/CSS/^y @E","0.0.36"],"esplugin":["A free software @1 @0 ^R Elder Scrolls $L (.esp/.esm/.esl) @E.","3.2.0"],"tabular":["Plain ^x tables, aligned automatically","0.1.4"],"tokio-curl":["An @2 of an $z ^o @i @x $1 backed bylibcurl.",C[88]],"mobi":["A @1 @0 $Y .mobi @M @E","0.5.1"],"sc-cli":["Substrate CLI @s.","0.9.0"],"romio":["Event loop @6 I/O resources @0 $z ^c services @x $1","0.3.0-alpha.10"],"gherkin_@g":["A &p @3 @2 of @4 Gherkin (`.feature` $2) @R @0 @4 Cucumber ^j @o","0.9.0"],"tokio-postgres-openssl":[C[882],C[185]],"alloc-no-stdlib":["A dynamic ^s @p may be $a @7 or ^Z @4 stdlib. @k allows a $0 @7 nostd to allocate $v dynamically @6 be $a either @7 a custom ^s, items on @4 stack, or by a $0 @p wishes to simply $f Box<>. It also @y options to $f calloc or a mutable global variable @0 pre-zeroed $v","2.0.1"],"quixutils":["Common &F @6 &1",C[80]],"resiter":["Helper @8 @0 $Y iterators &q result",C[8]],"$O_cloudfront":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon CloudFront @ 2020-05-31",C[13]],"deribit":["@3 @i @0 deribit. Please look at tests/examples @0 detail usage at current stage.",C[3]],"pallet-indices":["FRAME indices ^B pallet","3.0.0"],"show":["A `show!` debugging @m to print expressions @7 @4 Show formatting $I, ^Z $N out `\"{}\", ` in @4 `println!` @m.","0.1.1"],"refinery":["Powerful SQL migration toolkit @0 @3",C[2]],"sozu-lib":["sozu @1 to $t hot reconfigurable ^o reverse proxies","0.11.52"],"amadeus-types":[C[20],"0.4.2"],"gw2":["A @1 @0 interfacing @7 @4 Guild Wars 2 official @C","0.1.1"],"histogram":["histogram ^L @6 percentile metrics @7 precision guarentees","0.6.9"],"bzip2":[C[324],"0.4.1"],"lapacke-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to LAPACKE (C).","0.1.4"],"fenestroj":["Easier &D @0 Win32 @C stuff, $W when possible","0.0.11"],"bits-sys":["@D @5 to bits. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"stringreader":["@X a @h @0 $y so @p they can be consumed via @4 std::io::Read $I.","0.1.1"],"seq-macro":["Macro to repeat sequentially indexed copies of a fragment of $3.",C[7]],"nanovg":["Idiomatic @5 to @4 NanoVG @1","1.0.2"],"starship_^H_config_@c":[C[325],"0.1.2"],"xcb-util":["@3 @5 @6 &D @0 XCB $q @z.",C[3]],"reroute":["A router @p can $f regular expressions @0 @4 hyper $0","0.4.1"],"arya":["@e json validation. @e json repair. lightning $S.","0.0.3"],"inline-python-macros":["^U @0 @4 inline-python @8","0.5.3"],"basic-pathfinding":["Tile-@r A* pathfinding in @3","0.2.8"],"crossbeam-queue":["Concurrent queues",C[1]],"rnix":["A Nix @j $h in @3","0.8.0"],"couchdb":["$d couchdb @1 @y @l @0 ^h @7 CouchDB.",C[5]],"rumq-client":["An efficeint @6 robust mqtt @i @0 $p connected &S",C[326]],"docx":["A @3 @1 @0 @Y @6 $H docx @E.","1.1.2"],"dir-signature":["@k @8 allows to create a signature (index) of a directory @7 @E.","0.2.9"],"dvk":["Dynamically loaded Vulkan",C[6]],"table":["A specialized map @0 storing ^G of varying @l.",C[8]],"pyflow":["A modern Python installation @6 &o &N","0.2.9"],"sha1":["Minimal @2 of SHA1 @0 @3.",C[5]],"rocket-lenient-json":["A `rocket_contrib::Json` copy $i removes @4 `Content-Type` check",C[1]],"moore-common":["$d $R @T of @4 moore ^8 @o.",C[19]],"fountain_codes":["Fountain codes &v in @3",C[7]],"delta_e":["DeltaE is a &p-@3 @2 of @4 CIEDE2000 $7",C[7]],"etcd-rs":["etcd @i @0 @g",C[8]],"honeybadger":["A Honeybadger @i @0 @g",C[7]],"benfred-read-process-memory":[C[977],C[0]],"crisp-status-local":["Crisp Status local probe relay.","1.3.0"],"mli_mep":["Multi Expression Program @2 @0 mli","0.10.3"],"tokio-qapi":["QEMU QMP @6 Guest Agent @C $u adapter",C[8]],"orichalcum":["...","0.0.0"],"procontest":["Test $q @0 competitive $s",C[88]],"$O_pricing":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Price List Service @ 2017-10-15",C[13]],"binjs_meta":["Part of binjs-ref. Tools @0 manipulating grammars. You probably do not want to $f @S @8 directly unless you're $N an encoder, decoder or @j @G @0 binjs.","0.5.4"],"qcollect-traits":["Traits @0 being ^A &q $m-@l.","0.7.4"],"rio_turtle":["RDF Turtle, Trig, N-Triples @6 N-Quads parsers @6 serializers","0.5.1"],"celes":["@3 @8 @0 $Y ISO 3166-1.Each country has a three digit $3, two letter $3, three letter $3,full state name, @6 short english aliases.","1.0.6"],"migrations_internals":["Internal @2 of diesels migration mechanism","1.4.1"],"rbtag":["A $w @m to add $t DateTime @6 git commit $e at &V $B",C[3]],"gd32vf103-pac":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 GD32VF103 chips",C[8]],"ydcv-rs":["A @g $9 of YouDao Console Version","0.4.7"],"twitter_^x_@j":["&C @0 twitter-^x in @3.",C[0]],"alexa_sdk":["Implements Request/Response @0 Amazon Alexa skills","0.1.5"],"ipc-channel":["A multiprocess drop-in replacement @0 @3 channels","0.14.1"],"lair_keystore_&0":["secret lair private keystore @l",C[145]],"rustc-rayon-core":["Core APIs @0 Rayon - fork @0 &y",C[3]],"google-tagmanager1":[C[775],C[14]],"cretonne-wasm":["Translator @w ^1 to Cretonne IR",C[80]],"stm32l151-hal":["HAL @0 STM32L151 $x",C[2]],"humpty_dumpty":["A $L to prevent certain @l @w being dropped, thus making them linear",C[4]],"imxrt-iomuxc-build":["Build @t @0 @4 imxrt-iomuxc @8. Not @0 general use.Part of @4 imxrt-rs ^Q.",C[9]],"flame":["a profiling / flamegraph @1","0.2.2"],"ecdh":["For OpenSSL's ECDH","0.0.12"],"stdweb-internal-test-macro":["Internal @8 of @4 `stdweb` @8","0.1.1"],"java-properties":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N Java properties @E in @3.","1.3.0"],"s_app_dir":["A @1 @0 getting $K directory @6 temporary directory path @7 app name.","0.0.0"],"minimp3":[C[633],"0.5.1"],"deque_cell":["@X an ^S @h $C VecDeque, enabling $W ^W mutability ^Z @4 overhead of RefCell's $4 checks.",C[9]],"reexport-proc-macro":["Re-export a $w @m","1.0.6"],"mmal-sys":["@3 $E @0 mmal","0.1.0-3"],"rustygit":["A @e @s @0 runnig Git commands","0.4.2"],"twang":["@u @0 &p @3 advanced audio synthesis.","0.7.0"],"serial":["@3 @1 @0 accessing serial ports.",C[8]],"libssh2-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libssh2 @1","0.2.21"],"ternary":["Kleene Logic within Rust's $o @Q","0.1.3"],"correngine-sys":["@D @5 to correngine. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fastdivide":["Fastdivide is a partial port of libdivide. It makes it possible to reduce @4 cost of divisions.",C[0]],"maidsafe_@L":["@3 $q @z provided by MaidSafe.",C[54]],"$n_tuple_@d":[C[332],C[2]],"tv-renamer":["TV renaming $T @7 TVDB titles @6 templating @t","0.3.3"],"paho-mqtt-sys":["@3 @h @0 @4 Paho MQTT C &X Library.This is part of @4 official Eclipse Paho @3 &X @u.",C[2]],"tink-signature":["Signature $l @0 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1",C[9]],"piston-float":["Traits @0 ^A floats in game &A","1.0.0"],"reproto-ast":["$j @0 @4 reproto AST",C[63]],"lcd":["Hitachi HD44780-^d LCD screen @t @0 ^v &A",C[3]],"kube":["Kubernetes @i @6 $1 controller $4","0.50.0"],"&e":["A set of @l @0 representing ^o requests @6 responses.","0.2.3"],"mockers_@c":["Macro 1.1 @2 @0 'mockers' mocking @1","0.21.0"],"openblas-provider":["$d $0 @y BLAS @6 LAPACK @x @4 OpenBLAS @2.","0.4.1"],"tinyfiledialogs":["High-@I @3 ^3 @0 @4 tinyfiledialogs C @1.","3.3.10"],"artillery-core":["Fire-forged cluster ^B & Distributed @A @9","0.1.2-alpha.3"],"swc_bundler":["Very $S ecmascript bundler","0.21.0"],"hourglass":["Timezone-aware datetime @1 @6 $B-related subtleties","0.8.0"],"linux_tuples_@i":["&X @1 @0 LinuxTuples tuple-space @2. Requires 64-bit @t. Get it here: &w://","0.1.1"],"metagener":["@a",C[9]],"imag-edit":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-edit @H",C[21]],"sapling":["Mini-$9 of @4 unix ^k @H","0.1.1"],"rudano":["A @A @V @M as similar as possible to Rust's own syntax",C[9]],"xorshift128plus-rs":["A @e @2 of @4 XorShift128+ pseudorandom &2 @G in @3.",C[6]],"rusting":["weird alternative to unwrap/expect",C[0]],"mg-settings":["Parse config @E.","0.4.3"],"checksum":["Calculates crc32/crc64 $2 checksums $h in @3",C[7]],"rshark":["Rusty Shark is a $F @0 deep inspection of malicious packets.",C[4]],"sp-consensus-babe":["Primitives @0 BABE consensus","0.9.0"],"pangocairo":["@3 @5 @0 @4 PangoCairo @1",C[12]],"moore-vhdl":["$d VHDL @2 of @4 moore ^8 @o.",C[19]],"strand":["A datatype @p evolves","0.1.2"],"pgx-pg-sys":["Generated @3 @5 @0 Postgres internals, @0 $f @7 'pgx'","0.1.19"],"dynasmrt":["A @e $4 @0 assembling $3 at $4. Combined @7 @4 $L @8 dynasm it can be $a to &b JIT compilers easily.","1.0.1"],"private-box":["A direct port of &w://",C[5]],"tokio-watchdog":["Watchdog timer @0 Tokio.",C[9]],"rgmk":["@u @0 manipulating Game Maker Studio's \"\" (GEN8) @A @E.",C[3]],"serde-big-array":["Big array ^w @0 $n.",C[1]],"$O_acm_pca":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority @ 2017-08-22",C[13]],"google-texttospeech1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Texttospeech (@9 v1)",C[89]],"rpcperf_request":["rpc-perf request builder","1.1.0"],"enter":["$d only thing @4 @8 doing is to privide constant CR, LF, CRLF @6 ENTER.","1.0.0"],"half_edge_mesh":["A basic @2 of @4 half-edge mesh @A $M. It has a bunch of @4 @z @O probably want in a half-edge mesh, but probably not all of them. I'm intending to add more &Q @6 mutation techniques, as I need them @0 other projects or as I think of them. Pull requests welcome!","1.1.8"],"maybe-uninit":["MaybeUninit @0 friends of backwards compatibility","2.0.0"],"rust-scrypt":["@K ^i C @0 Tarsnap's `Scrypt` $7","1.3.0"],"domain_patterns":["Domain patterns holds patterns @w @4 world of Domain Driven Design.","0.2.141"],"circular":["A ^X $P designed @0 $f @7 nom",C[3]],"spirq":["Light weight SPIR-V query $q @0 ^u.","0.4.11"],"yamaha_avr":["A @u @6 CLI Tool @0 interaction @7 Yamaha AVRs",C[0]],"codegame":["CodeGame @o","0.8.0-alpha"],"grid_search_cardinal_$R":["Reusable components @0 $f ^a uniform-cost cardinal grid-searching $X",C[0]],"ndarray-stats":["Statistical routines @0 ArrayBase, @4 n-dimensional array @A $M provided by ndarray.",C[8]],"largo":["Rails-$D MVC @o [Now in &A]","0.0.2"],"risq":["Re-@2 of Bisq (&w://^c/bisq) in @g","0.4.1"],"sdwd":["SystemD WatchDog $q @8","1.0.0"],"urldecode":["URL &f made &s","0.1.1"],"futures-enum":["#[@c(Future, Stream, Sink, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncSeek, AsyncBufRead)] @0 enums.","0.1.17"],"corsware":["CORS @0 Iron According to @4 Spec",C[0]],"wasmer-compiler":["Base ^8 $P @0 Wasmer ^1 $4","1.0.2"],"sha1collisiondetection":["SHA-1 ^I $8 @7 collision detection @6 mitigation","0.2.3"],"rasdlg-sys":["@D @5 to rasdlg. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"parallel-iterator":["Parallelize any iterator @7 ease!",C[6]],"grr":["Bare metal OpenGL 4.5+ @h","0.8.0"],"$n_mtproto":["MTProto [de]@V @0 @3",C[1]],"ucd-parse":["A @1 @0 @Y @A @E in @4 &g character ^V.","0.1.8"],"nano-vanity":["Generate NANO cryptocurrency addresses @7 a given prefix","0.4.10"],"headless_chrome":["Control Chrome programatically","0.9.0"],"sushi":["@u @0 $N ^x-@r user interfaces.","2.0.0"],"coinaddress":["@u @0 validating @4 base58 ^I checksums, including specificallythe bitcoin @6 litecoin addresses.","1.1.3"],"roboime-next-protocol":["Internal &o @0 roboime-next.",C[9]],"slog-scope":["Logging scopes @0 slog-rs","4.4.0"],"sentry-actix":["Sentry @i ^n @0 actix-^Y 3.",C[25]],"hocon":["Reads HOCON $K @E","0.3.7"],"lonlat_bng":["Convert longitude @6 latitude coordinates to BNG coordinates, @6 vice versa","0.3.8"],"glu32-sys":["@D @5 to glu32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"vccomsup-sys":["@D @5 to vccomsup. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fragment":["@J fragment/substring matching @1",C[1]],"reddit":["claim","0.0.0"],"nonogrid":["Efficient nonogram solver","0.7.1"],"libxdo":["@K to libxdo",C[5]],"schemafy":[C[366],"0.5.1"],"zmq-pw":[C[330],"0.9.8"],"unreachable":["An unreachable $3 optimization hint in stable @g.","1.0.0"],"tokio01-test":["Testing @L @0 Tokio @6 $1-@r $3","0.1.1"],"frunk":["Frunk @y developers @7 a &2 of functional $s &5 $D HList, Coproduct, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid, Semigroup @6 friends.",C[1]],"audrey":["A @8 to simplify ^R, $N @6 converting $G a range of audio formats.",C[3]],"debugserver-types":["Type $E @0 Visual Code's debug @Z.",C[2]],"wfbuf":["Naive wait free buffer @0 $S interprocess @A streaming on linux.","0.1.1"],"ever-macro":["Helper @m @0 `ever`, $i prints @4 $t $e @7 minimal boilerplate.",C[0]],"gift":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N GIF images",C[12]],"lz-fear":["A $S &p-@g no-unsafe @2 of LZ4 ^D @6 decompression","0.1.1"],"hyper-proxy":["A proxy connector @0 Hyper-@r @P","0.8.0"],"google-groupssettings1":[C[601],C[506]],"reproto-backend-java":[C[62],C[63]],"hidapi-sys":["@D @5 to hidapi","0.1.4"],"solana-jsonrpc-macros":[C[397],C[8]],"proxy-wasm":[C[620],"0.1.3"],"wikidot-normalize":["@J @1 to provide Wikidot-^d $b normalization","0.7.1"],"ipp":["&c IPP print @9 @2","2.0.0"],"amcl":["$d Apache Milagro Cryptographic @u ($9 3)",C[0]],"skylane_scanner":["Marshalling $3 @G @0 skylane/wayland","0.1.1"],"nb-connect":["Non-blocking TCP or Unix connect","1.0.2"],"trigger":["Yet another GitHub/GitLab Webhook listener","1.1.2"],"yew_form":["Bringing MVC to Yew! A set mildly opinionated Yew component to map @6 validate a model to a HTML form","0.1.7"],"libimagentryedit":[C[29],C[21]],"nix-test-runner":["Cli @0 running nix &L tests","0.4.3"],"wfc":["Generate images @x Wave Function Collapse","0.9.2"],"select-rustc":[C[527],"0.1.2"],"xkpwgen":["Generate XKCD 936 passwords","0.8.1"],"neuron":["A neuron is an electrically excitable cell @p processes @6 transmitsinformation through electrical @6 chemical signals.",C[4]],"ckb-metrics-config":["CKB metrics configurations.",C[70]],"ref_eq":["Determine if two borrowed pointers point to @4 same thing.","1.0.0"],"mount_status_monitor":["Paranoid filesystem monitor $i reports malfunctioning mountpoints","2.1.5"],"sctp-sys":["Binding to libsctp @0 linux, @6 SctpDrv @0 windows. SctpDrv ^3 is experimental","0.0.7"],"nullable":["A @h $C raw pointers @7 lifetime tracking.",C[4]],"hexpm":["A @3 @i @0 @4 Hex $0 &N","1.2.0"],"cogent":["Basic neural ^c @1 @0 classification.","0.6.1"],"sdl2":["SDL2 @5 @0 @3","0.34.3"],"simi-macros":["^U @t @0 @4 Simi @o",C[7]],"$2_scanner":["Advanced ^x input handler patterned after java.util.Scanner",C[0]],"ckb-fixed-hash":["Provide several @e fixed-sized ^I @A $o @6 their &n constructors.",C[70]],"wat-ast":["^1 ^x @M (.wat) style-preserving syntax ^k @0 $H human readable $3.","0.20.3"],"hiirc":["High-@I @6 featureful IRC @i @1 @7 ease of $f in mind.",C[2]],"simplecc":["A @e Chinese Convert @1 (partially) ^d @7 OpenCC's dictionaries.","0.2.2"],"yasna":["ASN.1 @1 @0 @3","0.3.2"],"google-safebrowsing4":[C[372],C[373]],"openstack":["OpenStack ^J @0 @3",C[8]],"glitch-in-the-matrix":["A set of @5 @0 @3.",C[31]],"reproto-path-parser":["reproto path @j",C[63]],"llvm-wrap":["A safer @h @0 @4 LLVM C @C @5 in @3, @r on llvm-@f","0.2.5"],"^O_control":["Methods @0 ergonomically running processes @7 timeouts","3.0.1"],"red_asn1_@c":["@d @0 red_asn1",C[7]],"wsnmp32-sys":["@D @5 to wsnmp32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cttw":["Compile $B twittering","0.0.10"],"probe-run":["Runs ^v programs just $D &d ones","0.1.9"],"bracket-noise":["@3 port of Auburn's amazing FastNoise @1. Part of @4 bracket-lib family.","0.8.2"],"fixed":["Fixed-point ^F","1.6.0"],"cxx-build":["C++ $3 @G @0 integrating `cxx` @8 ^i a Cargo $t.","1.0.31"],"recap-derive":["Derives FromStr impl @0 @l $i @W then deserialized @x recap","0.1.1"],"lense":["High $J by-ref, transmute backed &H.","0.1.2"],"tarpit":[C[149],C[150]],"typed-index-collections":["Typed index $9 of @3 slice @6 Vec containers","3.0.2"],"defrag":["$W @6 low overhead defragmenting $v &N @0 $x","0.1.4"],"libnanomsg":[C[327],C[9]],"knrs":["^l @0 ^h @7 @4 Kilts Nielsen retail scanner (KNRS) @A",C[7]],"llamadb":["A @e SQL ^V $h in @3. There's nothing here - @k @8 currently serves as a @a until there's a real @1 to speak of.",C[4]],"minihttp":["minihttp is a @e @6 ^C &e @i lib @0 @g.","0.1.9"],"path-router":["Routing @0 paths delimited by a forward slash, @7 @4 ability to capture specified path segments.",C[7]],"@A_chain":["Method of recording @A securely on decentralised networks","0.1.1"],"refinery_^b":["@X @4 CLI @0 @4 Refinery @8",C[2]],"unbounded-interval-tree":["An interval ^k ^h @7 inclusive/exclusive bounds, as well as unbounded intervals. @X &F to fetch overlapping intervals, @6 difference of intervals.","0.2.3"],"steam-audio":["@3 @5 @0 Valve Software's binaural audio &W @1.","0.2.3"],"imgui-inspect":[C[328],"0.8.0"],"unicode-segmentation":["@k @8 @y Grapheme Cluster, Word @6 Sentence boundariesaccording to &g Standard Annex #29 rules.","1.7.1"],"stator":["Clearly manage state transitions @x closures in @3.","0.1.1"],"lapjv":["Linear Assignmment Problem solve @x Jonker-Volgenant $7",C[0]],"sphinxad":["Sphinxad hight-@I @h, @p allows to record voice @w microphone @6 later recognize @4 speech by pocketsphinx","0.1.2"],"mdl":["Data model @1 to share app state $G threads @6 ^O @6 persist @4 @A in @4 filesystem. Implements a @e way to store structs instances in a LMDB ^V @6 other &Q $D BTreeMap","1.0.5"],"probe":["Static instrumentation probes",C[7]],"conduit-hyper":["Host a conduit @r ^Y $T on a hyper @Z",C[329]],"redis_cluster_rs":["Redis cluster ^K @0 @3.",C[64]],"$r_2d":["Bresenham's $r $7 as a @g iterator","0.4.2"],"filers":["Collection of $2 &5","0.1.9"],"no_proto":["Flexible, Fast & Compact Serialization @7 RPC","0.9.51"],"$O_cognito_sync":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Cognito Sync @ 2014-06-30",C[13]],"mio-udev":["Non-blocking/&c Mio @t @0 udev device events.",C[2]],"rsjni":["@3 @5 to @4 Java &B Interface",C[8]],"$n_&1":["Utility @d @6 @l @0 Serde.","0.6.2"],"atsamd51j":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 ATSAMD51J $x (&i @x svd2rust)","0.9.0"],"bow":["Boxed $9 of Cow $o.","2.0.1"],"toml-loader":["Load @6 parse toml @E easily","0.1.1"],"ots":["Please do not $f @S. Use opentimestamps instead.","0.1.3"],"eventbus":["Safe, $S @6 concurrent event @Q, &J by @4 MinecraftForge event bus.","0.5.1"],"google-datastore1_beta2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 datastore (@9 v1beta2)","0.1.13+20160314"],"rusty-peg":["A @m @0 defining PEG parsers",C[8]],"vk-parse":["Vulkan specification @j",C[2]],"rand_@T":["Core &x &2 @G $g @6 &5 @0 @2.","0.6.1"],"diesel-factories":["Test factories @0 Diesel","2.0.0"],"gui-derive":["Custom @c @d @0 @4 gui @8.",C[5]],"png_pong":["A &p @3 PNG/APNG encoder & decoder","0.7.0"],"ec2_instance_metadata":["A @8 @0 fetching ^r EC2 instance metadata.",C[3]],"caniuse":["caniuse-db @0 @g.","1.0.30000471"],"metfor":["Meteorological formulas @6 constants.","0.7.6"],"phf_builder":["DEPRECATED: removed in 0.8.0. Runtime creation of perfect ^I $8 @A $j","0.7.25"],"phant":["A @1 @0 manipulating @A on a &e:// @Z.","0.1.5"],"zmq":[C[330],"0.9.2"],"codeviz_python":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"i2c":["Generic I2C $g",C[9]],"netlink-rs":["@3 netlink @1","0.0.3"],"mrogalski-looper":["Clean $P @0 a single-threaded event loop. Built as a ^C @h $C @4 std::sync::mpsc $0.","1.0.3"],"checksums":["Tool @0 making/verifying checksums of directory trees","0.7.1"],"p0f_&0":["Interface @0 querying p0f unix socket @C.","0.1.1"],"oysterpack_uid":["OysterPack UID is $a to ^m unique identifiers",C[0]],"der-oid-macro":["Macro to encode DER oids at &V $B",C[3]],"actix-service":["Service $I @6 combinators @0 representing $z request/response $V.","2.0.0-beta.4"],"mines":["Unchecked assertions of unreachability $i panics on debug builds.",C[7]],"bus_queue":["Lock-free Bounded non-Blocking Pub-Sub Queue","0.5.3"],"etch":["Not just a ^x formatter, don't mark it down, etch it.","0.4.2"],"chunky":["Abstract ^L of heterogeneously-sized entity-&u","0.3.7"],"twilight-model":["Discord @C models @0 @4 Twilight ecosystem.","0.3.2"],"base32":["Base32 encoder/decoder @0 @3",C[8]],"quote-impersonated":[C[675],C[9]],"reproto-core":[C[62],C[63]],"udp_sas":["Source address selection @0 UDP sockets","0.1.3"],"tempus_fugit":["A tiny @1 to measure @4 execution $B of @3 expressions, @7 nanosecond precision.",C[15]],"wayland-kbd":["Keyboard mapping $q @0 wayland-@i @x libxkbcommon.",C[83]],"union-find":["Struct @6 &Q @0 union-find operation.","0.3.2"],"yew-stdweb":[C[227],"0.17.4"],"juniper_iron":["Iron ^t @0 juniper","0.7.2"],"lambda_$4_errors":["@3 $4 errors @0 ^r Lambda","0.1.1"],"physx-macros":["Utility @d $a internally by @4 physx @8","0.1.1"],"mecab":["Safe @3 @h @0 mecab a japanese @R part-of-speech @6 morphological analyzer @1","0.1.4"],"k8-config":["Read Kubernetes config","1.3.0"],"favicon-generator":["It helps @O ^m favicons @7 different formats @6 sizes.","0.3.12"],"elfx86exts":["Decode x86 binaries (ELF or MachO) @6 print out $i instruction set extensions they $f.","0.4.3"],"steel":[N,C[4]],"nsqueue":[C[449],"0.1.5"],"sorts":["A $m of sorting $X","0.6.1"],"trees":["General purpose ^k @A $j","0.4.1"],"ketos":["Lisp dialect scripting @6 ^n @R",C[19]],"ws":[C[773],"0.9.1"],"adxl343":["Platform-&Z ADXL343 accelerometer ^K $i uses I2C via ^v-hal","0.8.0"],"gcode":["A gcode @j @0 no-std @P.","0.6.1"],"kite_rocksdb":["RocksDB ^L @0 Kite search $k",C[7]],"r2pipe":["@u to @n @7 radare2 @x r2pipes.",C[2]],"d3d12":["Low @I D3D12 @C @h","0.3.2"],"ra_ap_vfs-notify":["TBD",C[73]],"fctool":["Tool @0 Creating Files",C[2]],"solicit":["A @1 @2 of ^o/2","0.4.4"],"juniper-from-schema-code-gen":["Internal $3 ^6 @8 @0 juniper-@w-schema","0.5.2"],"propsys-sys":["@D @5 to propsys. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"siren":["Your friendly neighborhood monitoring CLI $F.","1.3.1"],"ruwren":["Rusty @5 to Wren $s @R","0.3.3"],"rsevents":["Manual @6 auto reset events @0 signaling remote threads @6 ^f synchronization ^2",C[7]],"rumblr":["Tumblr APIs &X","2.0.2"],"toornament":["@u @0 @4 eSports @U","2.1.0"],"file-per-thread-logger":["A &z @2 @p writes logs in one $2 per &k","0.1.4"],"vkgen":["Generates @3 source $3 @w @4 Vulkan/OpenXR registry","2.0.3"],"symbolic-demangle":["A @1 to demangle symbols @w various languages @6 compilers.","8.0.3"],"paperclip-macros":["^U @0 paperclip OpenAPI tooling @1",C[8]],"getopt":["A minimal, (essentially) POSIX-compliant option @j","1.1.0"],"netlify_lambda":["^r Lambda Runtime",C[0]],"nj-build":["$t $K @0 node-bindgen",C[7]],"lll":["@J $A $2 &N","0.1.1"],"telegram-bot-client":["Async Telegram Bot @C @i",C[7]],"exonum-system-api":["System @C $L @0 @4 Exonum @o","1.0.0"],"vid-sys":["@3 unsafe @5 @0 Vid @C (Hyper-V)",C[3]],"repl":["Generic REPL $I","0.7.1"],"os_bootinfo":["Boot $e @p can be passed @w a bootloader to an OS kernel.",C[3]],"avm1-tree":["Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) @0 AVM1","0.8.0"],"buddy_@Q_^s":["A bare metal ^s @p uses buddy @Q.","0.7.0"],"jni-sys":["@3 $E corresponding to jni.h",C[3]],"acteur":["A $W actor-$D @o @p just works. @J, robust, $S, documented.","0.12.2"],"staticsort":["Implements a @m &6 a &V-$B quicksort $8 @0 arrays of any length, containing any primitive Copy $o @7 a PartialOrd @2.",C[8]],"failsafe":["A circuit breaker @2","1.0.0"],"mles-client":["Mles-@i, a &T @A @9 example (chat) @i/ws-proxy","1.1.5"],"epimetheus":["An &s-to-$f prometheus-^d metrics @o","0.7.0"],"radio-sx128x":["Driver @0 @4 Semtec sx1280 2.4GHz RF IC",C[42]],"coremidi":["CoreMIDI @1 @0 @3",C[2]],"density":["Find @4 average size of @E in a directory","0.5.1"],"convert_case":["Convert $y ^i any case",C[8]],"holochain_persistence_pickle":[C[431],"0.0.18"],"cargo-skyline":["A @N &3 @0 ^h @7 Skyline plugins $h in @3","1.16.0"],"mlua_@c":["$U @d @0 @4 mlua @8.",C[2]],"anevicon_@T":["$d most powerful UDP-@r load @G, $h in @3","0.5.3"],"pmap":["parallel map @0 @g","0.0.5"],"x3":["A CPU ^S audio encoder/decoder @x @4 X3 codec.",C[3]],"algorithmica":["@3 Algorithms","0.1.8"],"textwrap-macros-impl":[C[700],"0.2.4"],"cargo-fetcher":["🎁 Experimental alternative to @N fetch",C[12]],"atomic_immut":["Atomic immutable &m","0.1.4"],"prefix_num_ops":["$d num_traits @C, but in prefix notation.","0.1.3"],"http-test-server":["Programatically create resources @6 pre-defined responses @0 tests","2.1.0"],"normalize-line-endings":["Takes an iterator &q chars @6 returns a new iterator @7 all $r endings (\\r, \\n, or \\r\\n) as \\n",C[3]],"mdbook-epub":["An EPUB renderer @0 mdbook.",C[3]],"hyparview":["A @3 @2 of HyParView $7","0.1.3"],"malk-core":["Partial @2 of dependent @l","0.1.1"],"async-task":["Task $P @0 ^f executors","4.0.3"],"nature-demo":["Demo to show how to $f Nature","0.22.2"],"thunk32-sys":["@D @5 to thunk32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"async-tls":[C[1034],C[15]],"nom-hpgl":["@3 HP-GL @j (@x nom)",C[0]],"unicode-truncate":["&g-aware $7 to pad or truncate `str` in terms of displayed width.",C[0]],"async-native-tls":["&B TLS @x $1","0.3.3"],"flv-tls-proxy":["@J Local TLS Proxy",C[3]],"monteflake":["Use &w://$Z/flaken instead","0.1.3"],"winapi-build":["Common $3 @0 in WinAPI -@f $Z.","0.1.1"],"const-oid":["Const-friendly @2 of @4 ISO/IEC Object Identifier (OID) standardas defined in ITU X.660, @7 @t @0 BER/DER $c/&f as well asheapless no_std (i.e. ^v) @t","0.4.1"],"ip":["@X @4 IpAddr &G, $i can represent either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.Do not $f @S @8! As of @3 1.7.0, @4 `std::net::IpAddr` is stabilized - @6 should be preferred.","1.1.1"],"google-monitoring3-cli":[C[331],C[14]],"nucleo-f042k6":["Board @t @8 @0 @4 STM32 Nucleo-F042K6 microcontroller board","0.8.0"],"try_or_wrap_s":["`?` or `try!` @m, @7 an additional wrapping of @4 ^q in something else",C[0]],"fdp-sys":["@3 @D @5 @0 libFDP","0.1.1"],"mpg123-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to mpg123.",C[5]],"sauron":[C[113],"0.34.0"],"google-dns1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 dns (@9 v1beta1)","0.1.5+20150114"],"aml":["@u @0 @Y AML",C[12]],"format-buf":["Drop-in replacement @0 @M! @m, $i can &b to existing buffer","1.0.0"],"discotech":["$d best way to meet $p &9","0.0.3"],"$O_mobile":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Mobile @ 2017-07-01",C[13]],"tsm-sys":["@D @5 to libtsm",C[9]],"$n_tuple":[C[332],C[2]],"minutae":[C[333],"0.2.2"],"lazy-panic":["Lazy &1 to customize panic &E","1.0.0"],"riscv-rt-macros":["Attributes re-exported in `riscv-rt`",C[6]],"snarkos-gadgets":["Gadgets @0 a decentralized operating @Q","1.1.4"],"libsamplerate":["A &p C2Rust transpiled $9 of libsamplerate.",C[9]],"Xorfilter":["@3 xor filter @2","0.0.10"],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-11":[C[41],C[38]],"narvie-processor":["Run a simulation of @4 narvie processor","0.3.3"],"stomp":["A full STOMP 1.2 @i @2. Allows programs to @n @7 message queueing services $D ActiveMQ @6 RabbitMQ.",C[15]],"deepwell-core":["Database ^B @6 migrations &9","0.0.8"],"iter-merge-sort":["イテレーターをマージソート","0.1.2"],"azure_sdk_@0_@g":["@3 &D $C Microsoft Azure REST APIs",C[19]],"juniper-eager-loading-code-gen":[C[648],"0.5.1"],"juniper_subscriptions":["Juniper SubscriptionCoordinator @6 SubscriptionConnection $5","0.15.3"],"adivon":["Data Structures of daily $f: Graph, HashTable, PriorityQueue, Trie, SuffixTree, Rope, SplayTree, SkipList, RedBlackTree.","0.2.6"],"kurobako_problems":["A $m of black-box optimization problems",C[60]],"libudev-sys":["@D @5 to libudev","0.1.4"],"mkstemp-rs":["Safe @h &q mkstemp $8 @w libc","1.0.0"],"wowcpe":["Command-$r $F @0 @4 classical radio station WCPE","0.2.2"],"iron-login":["Basic session ^B in Iron.","0.5.1"],"$O_medialive":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Elemental MediaLive @ 2017-10-14",C[13]],"sgx-quote":["Zero-copy Intel SGX quote @j @x nom.",C[9]],"casey":["Case transforming @d @0 ident tokens","0.3.3"],"fasthash-sys":[C[674],"0.3.2"],"rometadata-sys":["@D @5 to rometadata. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fluence":["Fluence ^4 ^J @0 developing ^4 @P @0 @4 Fluence ^c","0.2.18"],"wf2_@T":["$d $k @0 WF2","0.31.0"],"olm-rs":["A @3 @h @0 libolm.","1.0.1"],"lxc-sys":["@D @5 to lxc @C",C[3]],"$O_iot_@A":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r IoT Data Plane @ 2015-05-28",C[13]],"rust-enum-derive":["A @e @1 (@6 ^N) @0 $H @g enums @6 associated $g @w ^x @E.",C[8]],"ckb-testtool":["CKB contract ^j &5","0.2.2"],"fce-wit-generator":[C[115],C[0]],"fs-err":["A drop-in replacement @0 std::fs @7 more helpful ^q &E.","2.5.0"],"rotor-tools":["Various $q things @0 comfortable $N of $T @6 protocols @x rotor @1","0.3.2"],"unsegen_pager":["An unsegen widget @0 viewing @E @7 additional features",C[0]],"tab-daemon":["@4 daemon ^H @0 @4 tab $A multiplexer","0.5.4"],"kt":["A key ^B $F @0 PKI @6 similar things.","0.0.7"],"indexed_bitvec_@T":["Core $V on indexed bitvectors including (hopefully) $S rank @6 select $V.","4.0.0"],"updns":["DNS proxy $F","0.1.3"],"gameboy_opengl":["&B Gameboy emulator $h in @3!","0.2.8"],"overIDE":[C[149],C[150]],"etcommon-trie-test":[C[334],"0.3.12"],"valgrind":["Small @1 of @A $j @0 representing Valgrind suppressions","0.1.2"],"merkle-generator":["^m a merkle ^k @r on incoming @A",C[0]],"ncollide_$w":[C[231],"0.9.1"],"cppn":["Compositional Pattern Producing Networks",C[3]],"dsdl_@j":["A nom @j @0 @4 DSDL (Data $M description @R) $a when transmiting &q uavcan","0.1.3"],"alumina":["An Experimental Deep Learning @u",C[3]],"mail-internals":["[mail-&0] _internal_ parts @0 @4 mail-&0 $Z","0.2.3"],"rawsql":["A @g @1 @0 reusing SQL",C[9]],"irongate":[C[335],C[4]],"bytepack":["bytepack offers a Read @6 Write $I ^n generalized @0 any packed @A $o.","0.4.1"],"libunftp":["Extensible, $6, cloud orientated FTP(S) @Z @1.","0.16.1"],"multi-consumer-stream":["@X a handle to streams, allowing &4 different tasks to read @w @4 same underlying ^X.",C[8]],"arrow":[C[336],"3.0.0"],"obfstr-impl":["$U @m @2 @0 obfstr","0.1.1"],"battop":["Interactive batteries viewer","0.2.4"],"video-timecode":["@u @0 SMPTE timecode manipulation","0.6.1"],"yeslogic-fontconfig-sys":["Raw @5 to Fontconfig ^Z a vendored C @1","2.11.1"],"marksman_escape":["HTML escape @6 HTML unescape $y","0.1.2"],"crev-common":["Scalable, social, Code REView @Q @p we desperately need - $R $3","0.18.1"],"better_range":["An alternative to @4 std::iter::range* iterators supporting floats @6 chars, @6 a fluent @s to construct ranges.",C[4]],"to_absolute":["@J @g @1 to get absolute path @0 a existing path.",C[9]],"postal":["@D @5 @6 $W @s to libpostal","0.2.4"],"inflate":["DEFLATE &f","0.4.5"],"ksuser-sys":["@D @5 to ksuser. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"@g_cascade":["A @e mmh3 @r bloom filter cascade @2 in @3.",C[5]],"pbf-reader":["Fast openstreetmap PBF $2 @M &H. Reads Nodes, Ways, Relations. It uses mpsc::channell @6 &4 threads to do job as $S as possible.","0.1.9"],"Lattice":["A @J Window Manager @0 Functional Reactive Programming in @3","0.4.5"],"newtype_array":["A @m to help ^a @4 ^M derived $g on newtype arrays",C[6]],"path_abs":["Ergonomic paths @6 @E in @g.",C[2]],"rumble":["A @3 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) central modulelibrary, currently supporting &t/Bluez",C[3]],"tri-mesh":["A triangle mesh @A $M including basic $V.",C[2]],"riot":["RIOT OS @5 @0 @3","0.1.1"],"fixed-size-vector":["Fixed size vector @r on arrays","0.2.2"],"pdqsort":["Pattern-defeating quicksort","1.0.3"],"stop-token":["Experimental cooperative cancellation @0 $6-std",C[0]],"conduit-cookie":["Cookie @6 session middleware @0 conduit-@r stacks",C[337]],"mindtree_&1":["Miscellaneous @L @w @4 sleeve of mindtree.",C[8]],"metrics_distributor":["Ingest logs @6 forward aggregated @A to APIs/services.","0.5.3"],"stream-dct":["Discrete Cosine Transform computation @7 controlled allocations.",C[9]],"imgui-ext":["A @8 to $t debug UIs on structs @x a @c @m (@r on @4 imgui @8)",C[3]],"cron-parser":["@u @0 @Y cron expressions @7 timezone @t.","0.7.9"],"rshyeong":["Hyeong-lang interpreter",C[7]],"r18n":["Internationalisation @1 @0 @3","0.0.2"],"$B_calc":["A @1 @0 music/DSP $B conversions! @X @z @6 &Q @0 converting $G ticks, ms, samples, bars, beats @6 measures.",C[38]],"critcmp":["A @H $r $q @0 comparing benchmark @A &i by Criterion.","0.1.4"],"argmin_testfunctions":["Test @z @0 optimization $X","0.1.1"],"bidir-map":["Bidirectional map @2 @0 @3","1.0.0"],"fce":["Fluence Compute Engine",C[0]],"KLPhash":["^P hashing fn @1 - str -> u32","0.1.4"],"bitmask":["A bitmask @G @0 &G scoped bit flags.",C[2]],"mvt":["A @1 @0 $c mapbox vector tiles","0.7.0"],"canonical-path":["Path @6 PathBuf-$D @l @0 representing canonical filesystem paths","2.0.2"],"rweb":[C[338],"0.5.5"],"mspatchc-sys":["@D @5 to mspatchc. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"dumb-crypto":["Dumb, but easily verifiable $5 of crypto $X","3.1.0"],"paired":["Fork of @4 'paired: Pairing-friendly elliptic curve @1'","0.21.0"],"match_all":["@k @8 @y a match_all! @m @0 matching &4 patterns","0.2.5"],"linapi":["High @I @5 to various &t APIs @6 interfaces","0.5.1"],"proj":["High-@I @3 @5 @0 @4 latest stable $9 of PROJ",C[25]],"juniper_actix":["Juniper GraphQL ^t @7 Actix","0.2.3"],"shift_or_euc_c":["C @C @0 shift_or_euc",C[9]],"libgit2-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libgit2 @1","0.12.18+1.1.0"],"const_fn_assert":["Assertions @0 const @z.","0.1.2"],"ommui_broadcast":["Broadcasting $l @x crossbeam-channels",C[8]],"cql-rust":["Driver @0 @4 Cassandra CQL Binary ^p v2","0.0.3"],"entity_store_^w":["@u to simplify @x $3 &i by entity_store_code_gen",C[36]],"google-youtube3":[C[852],C[853]],"timetrack":["^E track how @O @W spending $p $B by watching @4 $2 @Q","0.3.2"],"holochain_locksmith":["&F @0 mutex deadlock diagnosis",C[34]],"tailrec":["Trait-@r stack-$W recursion in @3","0.0.4"],"kademlia_routing_table":["Kademlia Routing Table @2",C[5]],"netlink-packet-audit":[C[339],C[7]],"hematite-client":["DEPRECATED. Use `hematite`.","0.0.3"],"etcommon-bloom":[C[340],C[7]],"scryer-prolog":["A modern Prolog @2 $h mostly in @3.","0.8.127"],"sendfd":[C[884],"0.3.3"],"kqueue-sys":["Low-@I kqueue @s @0 BSDs","1.0.2"],"tokio-timer-plus":[C[461],"0.1.3"],"rusterizer":["A 3D ^u @1 $h in @3.",C[6]],"webthing":["@B of an ^o Web Thing.",C[31]],"ur20":["@3 @1 @0 @4 Weidmüller u-remote IP20 @Q","0.5.1"],"dbc":["@J design by contract assertions","0.3.3"],"pbuf":["Read/Write to/@w anything @p implements Read/Write to/@w protobuf.","0.3.31"],"judy-wrap":["Judy arrays @D mid-@I ^3","0.0.7"],"apriltag-sys":["@3 @5 @0 AprilTag @1","0.1.5"],"oftlisp":["A ^8 @6 interpreter @0 OftLisp, in @3.","0.1.3"],"json_errors":["Transforms popular $Z' errors ^i ^y errors. Aimed to be $a @7 Rocket.","0.5.4"],"pqcrypto-sphincsplus":["Post-Quantum Signature Scheme sphincsplus","0.5.2"],"flowrlib":["$d run-$B @1 @0 executing 'flow' programs compiled @7 @4 'flowc' ^8","0.8.8"],"varnishslog-types":["Serde @l @0 varnishslog &P","0.5.2"],"splinter":["Splinter is a privacy-focused @U @0 &T @P @p @y a blockchain-&J networking &h @0 communication @6 transactions $G organizations.","0.4.1"],"amethyst_renderer":[C[1037],"0.10.4"],"opentype":["$d $0 @y a @j @0 OpenType fonts.",C[54]],"rand_@d":[C[938],C[64]],"drone-stm32-map-periph-dma":[C[41],C[38]],"gleam_finder":["A very ^P @8 @O can $f to get links.","0.5.3"],"vk-bot":["Build chat bots @0 VK (VKontakte) communities easily.","3.0.0"],"sgx_unwind":[C[79],"0.1.1"],"gladis":["Easily import Glade-&i UI @E ^i @3 $3.","0.4.1"],"$n_rusqlite":["Serialize/deserialize rusqlite rows",C[59]],"fst-levenshtein":["DEPRECATED. Use 'fst' @8 @7 'levenshtein' feature instead.",C[3]],"twapi-ureq":["Twitter OAuth @1 $a by ureq.",C[0]],"mysteriouspants-throttle":["@J throttle @2 to make rate-limiting &s.","0.2.5"],"hyperscan":[C[466],C[0]],"orbtk-theme":["Default theme of OrbTk.",C[97]],"kf-protocol-api":["@3 kafka @9 @C $E","2.0.0"],"pretty-hex":["Pretty hex dump of bytes slice in @4 $R style.",C[7]],"fsm":["A @e Finite State Machine @1, provide State @6 Event @l, then create a &R @7 an initial state, give it some transition behaviours @6 @O have $p state &R!","0.2.2"],"enum-map":["A map @7 C-$D &G keys represented internally as an array","0.6.4"],"liquidfun":["@3 @5 @0 LiquidFun.","0.8.0"],"whereami":["whereami @0 @3","1.1.1"],"temp_utp":[C[402],"0.8.1"],"assimp-rs":[C[341],C[4]],"google-logging1_beta3":["A @q @1 to @n @7 &z (@9 v1beta3)","0.1.11+20151007"],"x11-dl":[C[345],"2.18.5"],"$O_ec2":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud @ 2016-11-15",C[13]],"v8-sys":[C[342],C[42]],"console_log":["A &z facility @p routes @3 log &E to @4 browser's console.",C[0]],"reproto-semck":["Rethinking ^p GeneratorsChecks @p changes to a manifest does not violate semantic versioning.",C[63]],"jsonrpc-test":["@J ^7 @o @0 ^y-RPC.","17.0.0"],"wasm-rpc-macros":["Expose @g @z as WASM RPC interfaces","0.2.18"],"piston-shaders":["Shaders @0 game &A in @3",C[8]],"hashmap2":["Fork of @3 Nightly's HashMap",C[0]],"mode":["A behavioral state &R @1 $h in @3",C[8]],"duckscript_^b":["$d duckscript @H $r executable.","0.7.2"],"ossuary":["@u @0 establishing secure communication channels $G two hosts.","0.5.1"],"bindgen_$L":["A ^3 @G @0 @3 - ^8 $L",C[51]],"jsonrpc-http-server":[C[343],"17.0.0"],"chess":["@k is a $S chess move @G. It has a very good set of documentation, so @O should take advantage of @p. It (now) generates all lookup tabels @7 a $2, $i means @p very little pseudo-legal move ^6 requires branching. There @W some convenience @z @p @W exposed to, @0 example, find all @4 squares $G two squares. @k uses a copy-on-make style $M, @6 @4 Board $M is as slimmed down as possible to reduce @4 cost of copying @4 board. There @W places to improve perft-^7 $J further, but I instead opt to be more feature-@q to make it &K in real @P. For example, I ^m both a ^I of @4 board @6 a pawn-^I of @4 board @0 $f in evaluation lookup tables (@x Zobrist hashing). There @W two ways to ^m moves, one is faster, @4 other has more features @p will be &K if making a chess $k. See @4 documentation @0 more details.","3.1.1"],"dwt":["$d $0 @y an $7 to compute @4 discrete wavelet transform.","0.5.2"],"ccm":["Generic @2 of @4 Counter @7 CBC-MAC (CCM) mode",C[3]],"bitwrap_@c":["@m @0 bitwrap","1.0.1"],"@T_rustc-serialize":["Generic @V/&a @t corresponding to @4`@c(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)` mode in @4 ^8. Also includessupport @0 hex, base64, @6 json $c @6 decoding.This $9 does not depend on std, only on @T+&u","0.3.20-v0.3.19patch1"],"job_scheduler":["A @e cron-$D job scheduling @1 @0 @3.","1.2.1"],"crc24":["CRC-24 @2 (IETF RFC2440-^d)",C[6]],"rwlock2":["A temporary fork of std::sync::RwLock @7 new APIs.","0.2.5"],"pxl":["🕹 A @e @o @0 making games","0.0.9"],"rusterpassword":["An @2 of @4 Master Password $7.","0.2.2"],"procedural-masquerade":["macro_rules @0 making proc_macro_derive pretending to be proc_macro","0.1.7"],"generic-bytes-derive":["A @m @0 derivation of SizedBytes, a $I @0 conversion to @6 @w an array of bytes @7 a $o-@I size",C[9]],"logram":["Utility @p takes logs @w anywhere @6 sends them to Telegram","2.0.0"],"veriform":["Cryptographically verifiable @A @V @M &J by ^p Buffers",C[0]],"ruster":["Create Erlang NIF modules in @3 @x a high @I Rustic @C.",C[4]],"rustin":["An OpenChatOps compliant chat bot.",C[9]],"rubble":["An ^v BLE stack","0.0.3"],"failure_@c":["derives @0 @4 failure @8","0.1.8"],"spmc":["@J SPMC channel",C[3]],"skia-bindings":["Skia @K @0 @3","0.37.0"],"lets-encrypt-warp":["@J $f of @7 warp",C[0]],"io-synesthesist":["ffi @1 of &b(2) @6 lseek(2)/read(2)","0.1.1"],"ludomath":["A math @1 @0 2D games @6 ^u","1.1.1"],"async-scoped":["Spawn scoped (non '&n) $z $1 @0 async_std @6 $u runtimes",C[5]],"monotonic_solver":["A monotonic solver designed to be &s to $f @7 @3 &G expressions",C[2]],"k210-pac":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 K210 SoC",C[0]],"wasm-game-lib":["A &s-to-$f @6 $S game @1 @0 Wasm.","0.5.1"],"psl-lexer":["A lexer @0 Mozilla's Public Suffix List",C[0]],"clipboard-master":["@J $q @8 to monitor clipboard changes","3.0.0"],"i2cdev-lsm9ds0":["I2C ^K @0 @4 LSM9DS0 gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer.","0.1.3"],"lithos":["A containerization @o @0 linux","0.18.4"],"async-process":["Async @s @0 ^h @7 processes","1.0.2"],"lightning_$c_@c":["Derive @d @0 lightning ^c peer @9 encodings",C[344]],"$O_comprehend":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Comprehend @ 2017-11-27",C[13]],"lazy_$6_pool":["An asyncronous object pool @p generates objects on @4 fly.","0.3.3"],"x11":[C[345],"2.18.2"],"cloudflare-zlib-sys":["Cloudflare fork of zlib @7 massive $J improvements","0.2.3-beta.1"],"egg-mode":["@u to @n @7 @4 Twitter @C",C[42]],"wmidi":["Midi @Y @1.","4.0.2"],"boyer-moore-magiclen":["Boyer-Moore-MagicLen, a $S $b search $7 &v in @3.","0.2.11"],"urlshortener-cli":["A ^N $i makes $p url shorten.","1.0.1"],"rugint":[C[18],"0.4.1"],"uci":["A @1 to programmatically communicate @7 UCI ^d chess engines","0.1.2"],"find_git":["A cross-@U @1 $i returns @4 full path to @4 Git $Q if it can be found.","1.2.0"],"apply":["A tiny @1 @0 chaining free @z ^i method call chains.",C[3]],"cpp_@d":["$U @m @2 @0 @4 `cpp` @8","0.5.6"],"plaster-forms":["A form handler @0 front-end ^Y @P.","0.1.16"],"epaste":["Tool to easily encrypt & encode encrypted @A as base64.","2.0.0"],"nearly_eq":["Nearly(Approximately) equal $g @6 assertion","0.2.4"],"partial_ref_@c":["Derives @0 partial_ref","0.3.2"],"posish":["Safe @3 @5 to POSIX-ish libc APIs @6 syscalls","0.5.10"],"wrapping_coords2d":["Translate $G 1D indices @6 2D coordinates @7 wrapping","0.1.9"],"google-reseller1_sandbox":[C[507],C[508]],"colorify":["Convenience @d @0 printing to @4 $A in color on non-^5 platforms.","0.2.3"],"analytics":["Segment analytics @i @0 @3 &w://",C[0]],"google-prediction1d6-cli":[C[640],C[641]],"claymore":[C[149],"999999999.999999999.9999999991"],"tari_crypto":["Tari Cryptography @1","0.8.2"],"dasp_ring_buffer":["@J fixed @6 bounded ring buffers @0 audio PCM DSP.",C[15]],"snarkvm-curves":["Curves @0 a decentralized virtual &R","0.0.4"],"rendy-memory":["Rendy's $v &N","0.5.2"],"rusty_secrets":["@B of threshold Shamir's secret sharing in @4 @3 $s @R.","0.2.2"],"google-tagmanager2":[C[494],C[14]],"futures-option":["Extension $g @0 dealing @7 optional $1 @6 streams",C[0]],"ssh-agent":["@u @0 ^a an SSH agent","0.2.2"],"amq-protocol-tcp":["AMQP URI TCP connection $Y",C[183]],"native-tls":["A @h &q a platform's &d TLS @2","0.2.7"],"rowcol":["@J fixed-size vectors/matrices, allocated on @4 stack","0.3.3"],"hkt":[C[425],"0.0.3"],"walkdir":["Recursively walk a directory.","2.3.1"],"k8-obj-metadata":[C[346],"2.0.2"],"rust-mpfr":["@J MPFR @5 @0 @3 @r on @g-gmp","0.1.7"],"telegram-bot-raw":[C[591],"0.8.0"],"av-format":["Multimedia @M demuxing @6 muxing",C[1]],"codeowners":["@3 @5 @0 Github CODEOWNERS @E","0.1.3"],"movingai":["MovingAI Benchmark Map/Scen File &C","1.1.1"],"soketto":["A websocket @9 @2.","0.4.2"],"proconio-derive":["$U @d @0 proconio",C[7]],"draw_queue":["Basic draw queue @7 sorting by minimal updates","0.1.1"],"$Q_rw":["A $Q &H/writer @1 @0 @g","1.0.0"],"blend2d":["@3 @5 @0 blend2d",C[3]],"pcap":[C[687],"0.8.1"],"sc-client":["Substrate &X @6 associated logic.","0.8.0-alpha.6"],"pyo3cls":[C[374],"0.12.5"],"tensorflow-sys":[C[347],"0.19.1"],"gfx_debug_draw":["Debug &W @1 @0 gfx-rs",C[98]],"vault":["A @j @0 Company of Heroes 2 replay @E. Valid @0 replays &i since UKF release ($9 19545).","1.0.0"],"git-features":["A @8 to integrate various capabilities @x &V-$B feature flags",C[15]],"wasm-timer":["Abstraction &q std::$B::Instant @6 $1-timer @p works on WASM","0.2.5"],"yaque":["Yaque is yet another disk-backed persistent queue @0 @3","0.5.0-pre3"],"extensible":["A $L to prevent exhaustive matches @w being $a on enums marked as 'extensible'",C[4]],"next-gen":[C[970],"0.0.10"],"handoff_counter":["Handoff Counters","0.8.5"],"hungarian":["A @e, $S @2 of @4 Hungarian (Kuhn-Munkres) $7.","1.1.1"],"loggest":["A high $J &z facility @0 Rust's log @8","0.2.2"],"gpgme":["GPGme @5 @0 @3","0.9.2"],"grin_wallet_&0":["Grin Wallet @C","5.0.1"],"og_fmt":["$d original `@M!`","1.0.4"],"todotxt":["Todo.txt $2 @M @j",C[3]],"poly1305":["$d Poly1305 universal ^I $8 @6 message authentication $3","0.6.2"],"gstreamer-video":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Video @1","0.16.7"],"rocket_contrib_^T":["$U @d @0 @4 Rocket contrib &j.","0.4.7"],"unic-langid-impl":[C[166],"0.9.0"],"antidote":["Poison-free versions of @4 ^M @1 Mutex @6 RwLock @l","1.0.0"],"uncased":["Case-preserving, ASCII case-insensitive, no_std $b @l.","0.9.3"],"sgx_rand":[C[79],"1.1.1"],"todo_r":["@J @g @H $r $q @p keeps track of $p todo comments in $3","0.7.2"],"google-spanner1-cli":[C[989],C[990]],"serde-diff":["A ^P ^w to serialize @4 diff of two structs of @4 same $o @6 apply those differences to other structs.","0.4.1"],"jack":["Real $B audio @6 midi @x $W JACK @5.","0.6.5"],"cld2-sys":["Unsafe, low-@I @h @0 cld2 @R detection @1","1.0.2"],"psyche-host":["Host ^H @0 Psyche AI Toolset","0.2.19"],"metaflac":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N FLAC metadata.","0.2.4"],"hetseq":["Defines $g @6 @l to work @7 heterogenous sequences",C[0]],"symbolic_expressions":["A symbolic-&L @j/writer","5.0.3"],"termstyle":["create @6 ^7 @4 style @6 formatting of ^x in $p $A @P","0.1.2"],"edcert-compressor":["A @8 to compress/decompress Edcert certificates.","1.1.6"],"&G_@w_str_@c":[C[759],C[9]],"$b_cache_^T":["A ^T @1 @0 $b-cache, developed as part of @4 Servo ^Q.","0.5.1"],"file-utils":["Convenience &D @0 $2 I/O, mostly $C $Q $V.","0.1.5"],"cairo":["Cairo @5","0.0.4"],"mat3":["matrix 3x3",C[7]],"appscraps_event":["A @1 @0 ^3 @z to events in appscraps.",C[9]],"stunclient":["@J STUN @i @0 resolving external IP address @6 port of a UDP socket","0.1.2"],"drone-macros-core":["$U @d base @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[38]],"proc-macro2":["A substitute @2 of @4 compiler's `proc_macro` @C to decoupletoken-@r &j @w @4 $w @m $f case.","1.0.24"],"audio":["...",C[9]],"ubuntu-ami":["Scrape @0 AMI ids.",C[0]],"unix-daemonize":["Easy unix daemons @t @0 @3 projects","0.1.2"],"iron":["Extensible, Concurrency Focused Web Development in @3.","0.6.1"],"chrome_&d_messaging":["@B of Chrome's &B Messaging @9",C[0]],"ar":["A @1 @0 $c/&f Unix archive @E.","0.8.0"],"alsa":["Thin but $W &D @0 ALSA (&t sound @C)","0.4.3"],"frame-support-procedural":["Proc @m of Support $3 @0 @4 $4.","3.0.0"],"jsonrpc-pubsub":[C[622],"17.0.0"],"gazetta-bin":["A &n site @G.",C[3]],"qbsdiff":["Fast @6 $v saving bsdiff 4.x ^d delta compressor @6 patcher.","1.3.1"],"sloth":["@X a ^A @h struct @0 lazy initialization.",C[0]],"eaglesong":["A @3 @u of Eaglesong Hash Function",C[9]],"sum":["General-purpose sum @l.","0.1.7"],"xi-rpc":["^l @0 ^f peers (both @i @6 @Z side) @0 xi's ^y RPC variant.",C[3]],"xfs":["A &C @0 XFS $J @A",C[0]],"rusty_pool":["Self growing / shrinking `ThreadPool` @2 @r on crossbeam's multi-producer multi-consumer channels @p enables awaiting @4 result of a task @6 offers $6 @t",C[2]],"temporary":["$d $0 @y means of managing temporary @E @6 directories.","0.6.3"],"fstrings-proc-macro":[C[348],"0.2.3"],"google-spectrum1_explorer":[C[960],C[961]],"json_@d":["Convenience @d @0 constructing ^y objects @w literals.","0.3.2"],"json-api":["Idiomatic @l @0 ^f a robust ^y @C","0.4.1"],"hbs-sys":["@D @5 to libhbs",C[7]],"elastic_query":["convert bool &L to elasticsearch DSL","0.4.4"],"scalar":["A $I @0 scalars (integers @6 floats)","0.1.8"],"boxxy":["Linkable sandbox explorer",C[15]],"indexing":["Sound unchecked indexing @x “generativity”; a $o @Q approach to indices, pointers @6 ranges @p @W trusted to be in bounds.","0.4.1"],"lava":["@3 @h to manipulate Vulkan more conveniently than @7 @5.","0.4.9"],"getopts":["getopts-$D option @Y.","0.2.21"],"tokio-timer-patched":["Timer facilities @0 Tokio, patched @0 $Y issue #36, @6 pushed to so @p it can be $a in other open source $Z.","0.1.3"],"ophelia-bls-amcl":["ophelia bls",C[3]],"tuf":["@u @0 $d Update Framework (TUF)","0.3.0-alpha3"],"tarpc-lib":[C[1028],"0.7.0"],"libftd2xx":["@3 $W @h $C @4 libftd2xx-ffi @8.","0.24.1"],"oxygengine-integration-vn-cr":["Integration ^H of visual novel @6 composite &W @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"immutable-map":["An immutable ordered map @6 set @r on weight-balanced ^k.","0.1.2"],"signrel":["Trait expressing relationship $G integers of different signedness","2.0.0"],"solana-stake-monitor":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"tracing-opentelemetry":["OpenTelemetry ^t @0 tracing",C[15]],"dart-bindgen":["A $F @0 $H Dart @D @5 to C Header $2.","0.1.8"],"rustc-ap-rustc_expand":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_expand` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"google-dfareporting3d2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 dfareporting (@9 v3.2)","1.0.14+20190531"],"rabble":["A @1 @0 ^9 location transparent actor @r systems","0.4.1"],"winsatapi-sys":["@D @5 to winsatapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"textnonce":["Text @r &x nonce @G","1.0.0"],"libv4l-sys":["A @D to libv4l","0.2.2"],"allocators":["composable $v allocators @6 @L @0 ^9 more.","0.1.9"],"urlocator":["Locate URLs in character streams","0.1.4"],"actix-files":["Static $2 serving @0 Actix Web","0.6.0-beta.2"],"google-resourceviews1_beta2-cli":[C[536],C[349]],"pathfinding":["Pathfinding, flow, @6 graph $X","2.1.1"],"penny":["ISO-4217–compliant currency @1",C[0]],"framedyd-sys":["@D @5 to framedyd. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"shade_runner":["Allows $4 hot loading of shaders @0 vulkano",C[3]],"pocket_prover":["A $S, brute force, automatic theorem prover @0 first order logic","0.11.1"],"bitfield":["@k @8 @y @d to ^m bitfield-$D struct.",C[80]],"cereal_@d":["Syntax ^n @0 @4 cereal @1","0.3.5"],"rustc-semver":["Crate @0 @Y versions of @3 releases","1.1.0"],"evr_vista-sys":["@D @5 to evr_vista. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"hotspot":["$d $0 @y an @s to HotSpot.",C[5]],"pool":["A pool of reusable ^G","0.1.4"],"drone-stm32-map-pieces-8":[C[41],C[38]],"rendarray":["An N-dimensional array. NOTE: CRATE NAME CHANGED TO `ndarray`. Having $0 name non equal to @8 name ran ^i many quirks of various &5. Changing @4 $0 name is easier @0 everyone involved! New name is `ndarray`.","0.2.0-alpha.8"],"allenap-libtftp":["allenap's TFTP @1",C[7]],"s3-ext":["@J Storage Service Extensions @0 @3",C[7]],"cargo-embed":["A $q to develop software @0 ^v ARM @6 RISC-V cores.",C[21]],"syndication":["@u @0 serializing Atom @6 RSS ^Y feeds",C[2]],"futures-core-preview":[C[478],C[40]],"wasmtime-obj":["&B object $2 &P @0 WebAsssembly $3 in Wasmtime",C[25]],"rodio":["Audio playback @1",C[38]],"uart_16550":["Minimal @t @0 uart_16550 serial &P.","0.2.12"],"simple-html-template":["Html Template","0.2.4"],"mynumber":["My Number validator",C[0]],"atomic_@L":["Basic @L @0 $S atomics on &4 platforms",C[2]],"bt":["@J $F to $f in $t script.",C[9]],"tsunami":["Toolkit @0 running short-lived jobs on cloud VMs",C[15]],"tc_parity_parity":["Testcontainers &O @0 @4 parity/parity docker &O.","0.5.1"],"sub-strs":["For finding sub $y...","0.23.1"],"enum-map-derive":["^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(Enum)]","0.4.6"],"unique-type-id":["A unique id &r-@m @G @0 @l.","1.0.0"],"hamlrs-cli":["A CLI @0 convert [Haml](&e:// templates ^i HTML","0.4.2"],"calculate":["@3 @1 @0 @Y @6 &l arithmetic expressions","0.5.1"],"perf_stats":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"msports-sys":["@D @5 to msports. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rainbow":["Types, conversions, @6 conveniences @0 linear @6 sRGB colors! 🌈",C[9]],"zipkin":["A @1 @0 collecting timing $e about &T computations","0.4.2"],"send-cell":["Immutable $v region @7 $4 Send checking","0.1.4"],"task-hookrs":["Crate to work @7 taskwarrior exported ^y","0.7.0"],"matrixmultiply":["General matrix multiplication @0 f32 @6 f64 matrices. Operates on matrices @7 general layout (they can $f arbitrary row @6 column stride). Detects @6 uses AVX or SSE2 on x86 platforms transparently @0 higher $J. Uses a microkernel strategy, so @p @4 @2 is &s to parallelize @6 optimize.Supports multithreading.",C[3]],"CoreFoundation-sys":["@D @5 @0 CoreFoundation","0.1.4"],"tokio-amqp":["lapin ^t @7 $u","1.0.0"],"tantivy-fst":["@k is a tantivy-specific fork @w @4 fst @8 @w Burntsushi. (Please $f @4 fst @8 instead.)",C[3]],"wasi-common":["WASI @2 in @3",C[25]],"raii-counter-futures":["RAII Counter @p allows @O to wait @0 a count of zero asynchronously",C[9]],"crc32c-hw":["Hardware-accelerated (SSE 4.2) @2 of CRC32C @7 software fallback","0.1.3"],"p2p-sys":["@D @5 to p2p. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"dxva2-sys":["@D @5 to dxva2. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"userstyles":["@C @5 @0","0.1.4"],"collections-rs":["Generic $m @l @0 @g.",C[1]],"mlzlog":["A $m of log4rs &5 to log $D @4 mlzlog Python $0","0.7.0"],"amethyst_animation":["Animation @t @0 Amethyst","0.15.3"],"atat_@c":["Derive @m @0 atat","0.7.1"],"slackbot":["Slack bots made &s",C[0]],"szip":["A $S @H $r $F @0 snappy ^D @6 decompression.","1.0.0"],"redox_uefi_alloc":["UEFI allocation @t",C[9]],"dilithium":["Digital Signatures @w Module Lattices",C[350]],"tiny-multihash-derive":[C[1002],C[2]],"latin":["A ^M @1 @7 a focus on $R $V.","0.1.7"],"wascc-actor":["^J @0 developing ^1 Actor modules @0 hosting in waSCC","0.7.4"],"candid":["Candid is an @s description @R (IDL) @0 &7 @7 canisters running on @4 Internet Computer.","0.6.16"],"sp-tracing":["Instrumentation ^2 @6 @d @0 Substrate.","3.0.0"],"nu_$L_fetch":["A URL fetch $L @0 Nushell",C[59]],"serde-wasm-bindgen":["&B Serde adapter @0 wasm-bindgen","0.1.3"],"cards":["Reusable playing cards @1 @0 @3.","1.1.2"],"assert_approx_eq":["assert approximately equal","1.1.0"],"nude":["High $J nudity detection",C[3]],"mml":["A @1 to $H UML @R @w Rust's ^Q ^i graphiz/dot $2.","0.1.41"],"google-adexchangeseller2":[C[351],C[352]],"$n_indextree":["Serializing indextree $M.",C[0]],"bytestool":["Compiler plugins: &V $B byte_size_of!(..) @6 concat_bytes!(..)",C[3]],"rwc":["A wc clone.",C[0]],"cpuio":["Bare metal (no_std) inb, outb, inw, outw, inl, outw instructions @7 @3-$D @C",C[3]],"&y_$9_$4":["A @1 @0 querying @4 $9 of @4 &y ^8 $a in $4",C[0]],"source-span":["Source $3 mapping @6 display @L.","2.2.0"],"obfstr":["Compiletime $b constant obfuscation @0 @3","0.2.4"],"phf_^T":["Codegen @1 @0 PHF @l","0.8.0"],"rdkafka-sys":[C[886],"3.0.0+1.6.0"],"dacite-winit":["Interoperability @1 @0 dacite @6 winit @0 &s Vulkan surface creation","0.7.0"],"ichwh":["An $6 @2 of `$i`","0.3.4"],"opencc-rust":["Open Chinese Convert(OpenCC, 開放中文轉換) ^3 @0 @4 @3 @R @0 conversion $G Traditional Chinese @6 Simplified Chinese.","1.1.5"],"themis":["High-@I ^z services @0 ^L @6 messaging",C[38]],"tiny_ram_db":["A Tiny RAM Database @0 $S ^0","0.1.14"],"typed_index_@c":["Custom @c to easily create newtype index @l.","0.1.4"],"conrod_piston":[C[353],"0.71.0"],"exonum_sodiumoxide":[C[182],"0.0.23"],"noise-rust-crypto":["Wrappers of dalek @6 RustCrypto $Z @0 noise-@9","0.4.1"],"eventsourcing":["Event Sourcing @0 @3","0.1.5"],"cons-list":["An immutable singly-linked list, as seen in basically every functional @R","0.0.3"],"async-change-tracker":["reactive change notifications @x $1",C[1]],"weld":["Weld is a @R @6 $4 @0 improving @4 $J of @A-intensive @P.",C[8]],"nue-codegen":["Stable POD @6 $Q @A $c I/O @d",C[3]],"stellaris-launchpad":["A bare-metal @8 supporting @4 Texas Instruments Stellaris LM4F120 Launchpad (@6 most likely @4 Tiva-C TM4C120 Launchpad too)","0.11.2"],"airkorea":["Airkorea mobile page crawler","0.4.3"],"sourcemap":["Basic sourcemap $Y @0 @3","6.0.1"],"rocket-accept-language":["@k @8 @y a request guard $a @0 getting `accept-@R` header.","0.7.2"],"byte-io":["Read/Write ^F @w/to u8 slices.","0.1.1"],"nats":["A @3 NATS @i","0.9.4"],"cssparser":["@3 @2 of CSS Syntax Level 3","0.28.1"],"windows-acl":["@3 @8 to simplify ^5 ACL $V",C[3]],"hid-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 hid. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"http-connection":["Trait representing ^o connections.",C[9]],"libtool":["$t script ^w to automatically ^m libtool convenience @1 (.la) @E.","0.1.1"],"link-ippvm":["link ippvm @1 (part of ipp-@f Intel IPP @5)",C[9]],"pcre2":["High @I @h @1 @0 PCRE2.","0.2.3"],"ovpnfile":["A @8 @0 @Y openvpn config @E","0.1.2"],"zx-bip44":["BIP44 HD derivation",C[9]],"@N_gn":["Cargo ^t @7 @4 GN $t @Q","0.0.15"],"easy-jsonrpc-proc-macro-mw":[C[945],"0.5.1"],"minreq":[C[428],"2.3.1"],"yaml":["LibYAML ^3 @0 @3",C[3]],"gspell":["@3 @5 @0 gspell",C[2]],"quiche":["🥧 Savoury @2 of @4 QUIC transport @9 @6 ^o/3","0.7.0"],"util":["^l","0.1.2"],"rg3d-core":["Shared @T @0 rg3d $k @6 its external $Z.",C[15]],"drop_struct_@m_@c":["A @c @m to free (drop) $v @0 structs @p @W $a in @4 @D.",C[8]],"sv-parser-macros":[C[314],"0.10.8"],"txtdist":["A @1 @0 mesuring @4 distance $G texts.",C[7]],"hyperap":["Hyperap - Hyper @h. A very minimal @h @0 to create a ^h webserver.",C[8]],"multiqueue":[C[354],"0.3.2"],"google-dialogflow2":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Dialogflow (@9 v2)",C[103]],"actix-net":["Actix net - @o @0 @4 compisible ^c services @0 @3 (experimental)",C[3]],"$O_stepfunctions":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Step Functions @ 2016-11-23",C[13]],"@g_rub":["@3 Builder @0 @3","0.0.5"],"confluence":["Access @6 modify Atlassian Confluence pages @w @3","0.4.1"],"patch":["Parse patches in @4 unified diff @M",C[2]],"syslog_loose":["A loose @j @0 syslog &E.",C[12]],"fluent-impl":["A $w @m @p generates chaining &Q @w non-chaining ones in an impl block",C[0]],"jsonrpc-core":[C[355],"17.0.0"],"alice-open-data":["Tools to download @6 manage @4 publicly released ALICE open @A",C[2]],"actl":["A @H $r $F @0 @Q maintenance @6 @4 $D @0 Archlinux.","1.0.1"],"tensorflow":["@3 @R @5 @0 TensorFlow.","0.16.1"],"ucl":["@3 @5 to libucl","0.1.4"],"waitgroup":["Async waitgroup @0 a $m of task to finish","0.1.2"],"mailchecker":["Cross-@R temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection @1. Covers 2740 fake email providers.","4.0.3"],"basesrv-sys":["@D @5 to basesrv. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"symbolic-debuginfo":["A @1 to inspect @6 load DWARF debugging $e @w binaries, suchas Mach-O or ELF.","8.0.3"],"rusty_ulid":["@3 ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) ^6 @6 &l",C[21]],"v_escape_@c":["$U @m $0 @0 v_escape","0.8.4"],"rouille":["High-@I idiomatic ^Y @o.","3.0.0"],"^g_libra_proto_conv_@c":["Solana Libra proto_conv_derive","0.0.0"],"polylog":["@3 @2 of polylogarithms.","1.5.0"],"emils-cargo-release":[C[635],"0.13.2-alpha.3"],"google-adsense1d4-cli":[C[356],C[14]],"ffmpeg-dev":["Self contained (no net/@f deps) &n @g @5 to ffmpeg.","0.3.8"],"soundchange-english":["Reimplementation of Mark Rosenfelder's pronunciation $7 @0 English","0.0.8"],"chinese-lunisolar-calendar":["$d traditional Chinese Calendar, called 農曆 or 陰曆 in Chinese, is @r on @4 moon, so it's also known as Lunar Calendar.","0.1.15"],"libvex-sys":["Basic @h $C libVEX @w Valgrind - source included in @4 @8, @r on trailofbits' &n analysis fork","0.1.1"],"oping":["@3 @5 @0 liboping, a @e ICMP ping @1",C[8]],"blarf":["&n site @G","1.0.8"],"shared_arena":["A &k-$W & ^S $v pool","0.8.4"],"lucet-runtime-internals":["Pure @3 $4 @0 Lucet ^1 toolchain (internals)","0.6.1"],"kvdb":["Generic key-&m $I","0.9.0"],"ilog2":["Integer logarithm @1 including some bit $V.","0.2.2"],"maybe":[C[206],"0.0.0"],"sun":["calculate @4 position of @4 sun",C[0]],"scte35-reader":["Reader @0 @A formatted according to SCTE-35",C[15]],"index_multi":[C[206],"0.0.0"],"msimg32-sys":["@D @5 to msimg32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tk-pool":["Generic connection pool @0 $u","0.5.3"],"elfkit":["an elf @j @6 manipulation @1 in &p @g","0.0.7"],"ilc-cli":[C[87],"0.1.2"],"cargo-outdated":["Cargo &3 @0 displaying when &8 @W out of date","0.9.14"],"int-enum-impl":[C[357],C[8]],"jql":["A ^y query @R CLI $F","2.9.3"],"$o_val":["Type-@I ^G.","0.3.3"],"rzbackup":["RZBackup","3.4.0-alpha0"],"twoway":["Fast substring search @0 $y @6 byte $y. Optional SSE4.2 acceleration (if detected at $4) @x pcmpestri. Memchr is @4 only mandatory &o. $d two way $7 is also $a by rust's libstd itself, but here it is exposed both @0 byte $y, @x memchr, @6 optionally @x a SSE4.2 accelerated $9.",C[7]],"rustup-mirror":["Setup a local rustup mirror.","0.4.3"],"zvariant":[C[358],"2.5.0"],"rtps":["OMG RTPS 2.2","0.2.3"],"byte_units":["A @8 @p @y @l @0 byte units (such as KiB, MiB etc.)","0.1.3"],"rs621":["@3 @8 @0 @4 E621 @C (a large online archive of furry art).",C[5]],"solana-runtime":["Solana $4","1.5.7"],"nrf52832-hal":["HAL @0 nRF52832 $x",C[19]],"enumiter":["An iterator through @4 variants in an &G.",C[9]],"va_list-helper":["Test ^w @0 @4 `va_list` @8. Not @0 user consumption.","0.0.2"],"reducer":["A predictable reactive @o @0 @3 apps","2.1.1"],"pihex":["Arbitrary place hexadecimal digits viewer of pi $h in @3","0.1.5"],"chars_input":["chars input","0.2.2"],"new-tokio-smtp":["extendible smtp @2 @0 $u","0.9.1"],"linq-rust":["Linq query in @g",C[4]],"mysql_$R":["MySql @9 ^2",C[59]],"task-compat":["Utility @8 to compat $1 0.1 @6 $1 0.3 tasks.",C[9]],"signpost":["@3 @s to @4 OS &d signpost debug facilities",C[9]],"esparse":["A $S JavaScript @j. Currently only a lexical analyzer.",C[9]],"gumdrop_@c":["custom @c @t @0 gumdrop","0.8.0"],"amf":["A @3 @B of AMF (Action Media Format)",C[1]],"hew":["Command $r $F @0 converting $Q @A to @6 @w hexadecimal","0.2.4"],"^x_io":["really @e to $f panicking input @z","0.1.8"],"risky":["RISC-V instruction $c @1",C[3]],"kurobako":["A black-box optimization benchmarking @o","0.2.8"],"legacy-serde":["Re-export of $n::*","0.9.0"],"heartbeat":["A high-$J heartbeat @i.",C[4]],"gnunet":["@K @0 GNUnet: GNU's @o @0 secure peer-to-peer networking","0.0.15"],"cid":[C[379],C[5]],"cstr-argument":["A $I @0 converting $8 arguments to null terminated $y","0.1.1"],"noob":["A WIP $1-@r Discord bot @1",C[359]],"k8-obj-core":["Core Kubernetes @C Objects","2.2.0"],"sixel-sys":["@D @5 to libsixel",C[1]],"flapigen":[C[360],"0.6.0-pre7"],"google-cloudkms1_beta1":[C[726],C[727]],"segment_analytics":["Segment Analytics ( @i @0 @g ;)","0.1.3"],"solana-clap-utils":["Solana @L @0 @4 clap","1.5.7"],"chrono_locale":["Localised date @6 $B formatting @1 @0 @3, @r on chrono","0.1.1"],"google-translate2":[C[745],C[746]],"cargo-pgx":["@N &3 @0 'pgx' to make Postgres ^n &A &s","0.1.19"],"reki3":["A modern bittorrent tracker, @x a Redis ^V","0.0.2"],"maybe-serde":["maybe impl @0 $n",C[7]],"drone-config":["Configuration @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[83]],"tract-core":[C[136],"0.12.5"],"sn0int":["Semi-automatic OSINT @o @6 $0 &N","0.20.0"],"literally":["Macro literals @0 members of std::&u","0.1.3"],"finchers-juniper":["A set of extensions @0 supporting Juniper ^t.",C[7]],"alewife":["An $6 publish-subscribe message bus.","0.0.2"],"cargo-sweep":["A $F @0 cleaning unused $t @E created by Cargo",C[2]],"scheduled-executor":["Single @6 multi-threaded task scheduler",C[8]],"pokerlookup":["Contains @4 means to ^m a large lookup table, $i can be subsequently $a to evaluate large amounts of 5, 6 @6 7 card poker hands really $S.","0.1.2"],"tower-test":["^l @0 $N @i @6 @Z `Service` tests.",C[8]],"minidom_writer":["Helper to &b ^i a std::io::Write a minidom::Element","1.0.0"],"ramp":["A high-$J &4-precision arithmetic @1","0.5.9"],"steel-cent":["currency @6 money &m @l","0.2.3"],"mdo":["Monadic do notation @0 @g @x @m @6 duck typing",C[3]],"gstreamer-audio":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Audio @1","0.16.7"],"skia-safe":["Safe Skia @K @0 @3","0.37.0"],"google-content2":[C[514],C[67]],"minify":["Crate @0 ^x minification. Currently supported: html, json","1.2.0"],"$b_&G":["String @r &G.",C[3]],"sha":["@3 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) @u.","1.0.3"],"gsuite-api":["An @C @i @0 GSuite APIs: directory, resources, groups",C[88]],"$O_waf":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r WAF @ 2015-08-24",C[13]],"xtensa-lx-rt":["Low @I ^0 @0 xtensa lx processors",C[2]],"rdp":["An @D @h @0 @4 Ramer–Douglas–Peucker @6 Visvalingam-Whyatt $X","0.8.3"],"tracetree":["Trace @4 execution of an entire ^O ^k.","0.1.5"],"cargo-ctags":["analyze &8 @6 ^m single TAGS @0 @N projects","0.2.5"],"ttrpc-compiler":["ttRPC ^8 @0 ttrpc","0.3.2"],"netlink-packet-core":[C[339],"0.2.4"],"numtraits":["Useful $I(s) @0 &2 @l.",C[4]],"fixedstep":["@J @m to create a fixed timestep loop @0 a game",C[3]],"pallet-contracts":["FRAME pallet @0 WASM contracts","2.0.1"],"libflo_func":["A @1 @0 loading modules ^i libflo.","0.1.2"],"sfnt":["A zero-allocation SFNT @j.",C[19]],"checked_int_cast":["Conversions $G primitive integers @7 overflow @6 underflow checking","1.0.0"],"stochastic":["$d $0 @y means of simulating stochastic processes.","0.5.2"],"alcro":["A @1 to create desktop apps @x @g @6 modern ^Y technologies",C[2]],"kg-utils":["Various &u @6 @L.",C[8]],"rustc-ap-syntax_pos":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `syntax_pos` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 625375400cdd172877e81c3ce44ce68f2011af2d $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","634.0.0"],"MacTypes-sys":["@K @0 MacTypes.h","2.1.0"],"google-replicapool1_beta2-cli":[C[361],C[349]],"@N_crates-io_docs-rs_^7":["@K to nng (Nanomsg-Next-Generation) aka Nanomsg2",C[2]],"register":["Common @s @0 MMIO @6 CPU registers","1.0.2"],"ring":["Safe, $S, ^P crypto @x @3.","0.17.0-alpha.8"],"lalr":["a @1 @0 ^9 LALR(1) parsers @w context-free grammars","0.0.2"],"pathmatch":["A better $9 of `fnmatch()`, supporting `**` $D `.gitignore`","0.1.2"],"^Y_token":["Easy to $f Web Token @0 @3",C[3]],"metrics-observer-prometheus":["A metrics-@T ^d observer @p outputs @4 Prometheus exposition &P.","0.1.4"],"gstreamer-rtsp":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Rtsp @1","0.16.5"],"i18n-config":["@k @1 contains @4 $K stucts (along @7 their @Y @z) @0 @4 @N-i18n $F/@Q.","0.4.1"],"fxsm":[C[855],C[0]],"approvals":["A @e @1 allowing to compare $y in unit-tests. Currently in &A stage @6 not usable.","0.0.7"],"erl_tokenize":["Erlang source $3 tokenizer","0.3.9"],"azure_sdk_cosmos":["@3 &D $C Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure Cosmos DB @8","0.100.3"],"vector2d":["$d spoon of 2D vector &j, intended @0 @e game &A","2.2.0"],"int_^I":["Very $S, very @e ^I $7 designed @0 $f in integer ^I maps & sets.",C[7]],"mop-solvers":["Solvers @0 MOP",C[2]],"webdriver_@i":["WebDriver @i @1","0.2.5"],"workspace":["a @H-$r ^Q &N","0.4.2"],"slurm-sys":["Low-@I @D @5 to @4 libslurm @6 libslurmdb &j.","0.1.3"],"clarity":["Lightweight Ethereum @i","0.4.2"],"grin_keychain":[C[261],"5.0.1"],"cargo-sphinx":["Cargo &3 @0 ^f @6 publishing Sphinx documentation to GitHub Pages.","1.3.1"],"shellexpand":["Shell-$D expansions in $y","2.1.0"],"ssri":["Various @L @0 $Y Subresource Integrity.","6.0.0"],"lindera-dictionary":["A morphological dictionary loader.","0.7.1"],"tonic-build":["Codegen ^H of `tonic` gRPC @2.",C[8]],"ejdb":["@K @0 EJDB, @6 ^v ^y ^V","0.4.1"],"pijul-macros":["^U $a to &b libpijul.",C[3]],"pest_meta_tmp":[C[362],"2.1.1"],"var":["A @m @p allows declaring @6 initialising &4 mutablevariables in a single statement.",C[4]],"v4l2-sys-mit":["Raw v4l2 @5 (MIT licensed)",C[0]],"tonic-health":["Health Checking ^H of `tonic` gRPC @2.",C[3]],"ethabi-derive":[C[102],"13.0.0"],"ssd1306":["I2C/SPI ^K @0 @4 SSD1306 OLED display controller","0.5.1"],"iana-time-zone":["get @4 IANA $B zone @0 @4 current @Q","0.1.2"],"cargo-dephell":["Analyzes a project's third-party &8.",C[2]],"bourbaki":["Algebra in @3","0.0.0"],"ketos_@c":["Derive $g @0 Ketos scripting @R",C[19]],"zamm_yin":["A basic, experimental knowledge-base",C[7]],"servo-websocket":[C[363],"0.21.1"],"google-pubsub1":[C[843],C[364]],"rls-analysis":["@u @0 &l rustc's save-analysis @A @0 @4 RLS","0.18.1"],"char_set":["A @1 &6 a high-$J char set.",C[4]],"hedera":["Hedera ^J @0 @3","0.4.1"],"mcp3425":["Platform &Z @3 ^K @0 @4 Microchip MCP3425 ADC.",C[3]],"wcmapi-sys":["@D @5 to wcmapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ckb-fixed-hash-macros":["Provide several &r-@d to construct const fixed-sized hashes.",C[70]],"maud":[C[953],"0.22.2"],"dgraph-rs":["@X a @i @0 @4 DGraph graph ^V","0.2.8"],"flux":["Flux is a @i @1 to query InfluxDB","3.0.1"],"sysfs-pwm":["@X ^0 to @4 &t sysfs interfaces to PWMs.Via @S @8 @O can export, unexport, @6 control PWM pins forwhich there is an appropriate ^K loaded in @4 kernel.See &w://",C[9]],"input-sys":["Bindgen &i unsafe libinput @h","1.15.0"],"softposit":["@B of Posit ^F","0.3.9"],"tirse":["$n frontent @0 $Q @M",C[5]],"festive-macros":[C[380],"0.2.2"],"ash-window":["Interop @1 $G ash @6 raw-window-handle",C[2]],"graphy_&h":["@X @A about graphy to its various modules.",C[3]],"clap-nested":["Convenient `clap` @0 CLI apps @7 multi-@I subcommands.",C[8]],"qrcodegen":["High-quality QR Code @G @1","1.6.0"],"libmaj":["A @1 to create installers @6 updaters.",C[6]],"descriptor-wallet":["@u @0 ^f descriptor-@r bitcoin wallets",C[344]],"gm-types":["Types @0 @4 glitch-in-@4-matrix @8.","0.4.0-pre"],"bencoders":["A $S @j @0 bencode.",C[9]],"dark":["Practical BWT-@r compressor",C[9]],"fux_kdtree":["K-dimensional ^k &v in @3 @0 $S NN querying.",C[0]],"zkp-stark":["@B of @4 STARK ZK-proof @Q",C[7]],"unixcli":["Helper @1 @0 $N unix @H $r @L in @3","0.1.3"],"atk":["@3 @5 @0 @4 ATK @1","0.9.0"],"r2d2_&Y":["Postgres @t @0 @4 r2d2 connection pool","0.18.0"],"bitalloc":["Allocation managing @1 @r on bitmap.This @1 does not include bitmap @1.",C[4]],"nom-test-helpers":["^U to help @7 ^j nom parsers","6.1.2"],"rsplit":["Resource Split @0 BIN/IVF/WEBM/PSNR/YUV/...","0.1.2"],"counting-networks":["Lock-free @A $j @0 concurrent counting","0.1.3"],"fcp_cryptoauth":["@B of @4 Futuristic Connectivity Protocol's CryptoAuth layer (^z authentication @6 encryption &q unreliable channels).",C[3]],"executors":["A $m of high-$J task executors.","0.8.0"],"shared_$v":["A user friendly @8 @p allows @O to share $v $G processes","0.11.4"],"reef":["a $0 to execute @6 log @Q commands","0.0.79"],"sgxs-tools":["^l @0 ^h @7 @4 SGX ^X @M.","0.8.3"],"stm32g4":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32G4 &S",C[24]],"svc-authz":["An authorization @1.","0.10.7"],"&e_router":["A @e yet expressive router @0 &e requests, abstract enough to be $a @7 any &e @1 on stable @3",C[9]],"thorium":["Lokathor does stuff, ium",C[8]],"rsk":["@k @8 has been abandoned, open an issue at @4 link belowif @O would $D to $f @4 name or maintain @S package$Z/abandoned/issues/new","0.1.5"],"async-h1":["&c ^o 1.1 @j.","2.3.1"],"cached_&r_@m_@l":[C[56],C[9]],"twitchchat":["@s to @4 irc-side of twitch's chat @Q","0.14.8"],"google-classroom1":[C[365],C[14]],"clocked-dispatch":["@X a clocked message dispatch &9","4.0.2"],"trawler":["A workload @G @p emulates @4 traffic to","0.11.0-alpha.5"],"nu_$L_match":["A regex match $L @0 Nushell",C[59]],"openal":["OpenAL @h","0.2.2"],"zipwhip-rs":["A $S, $z, @6 $W @h $C @4 Zipwhip @C","0.5.4"],"searchspot":["$d &9 responsible @0 Honeypot's ElasticSearch @A",C[51]],"bspl":["bspl is a REPL @0 practising bitwise $V","1.0.0"],"nu-table":["Nushell table printing",C[59]],"lib3h_mdns":["lib3h mdns LAN discovery ^H","0.0.42"],"hifitime":["Precise date @6 $B $Y in @3 built on top of std::f64 @7 leap second @t","2.2.3"],"aspen":["A behavior ^k @2 in @3",C[3]],"polonius-parser":["&C @0 @4 Polonius ^Q",C[0]],"arccstr":["Thread-$W, reference-counted null-terminated immutable $y.","1.3.0"],"openidconnect":["OpenID Connect @1","2.0.0-alpha.2"],"durt":["Command $r $F @0 calculating @4 size of @E @6 directories","1.0.0"],"is-root":["A @e @1 to detect whether @O @W root/admin or not","0.1.2"],"topo-macro":["$w @d @0 @4 topo @8",C[12]],"bearer":["Command $r $q to ^m ^o Authorization header @7 bearer tokens. @k is achieved @7 OAuth2 authorization $3 @6 refresh token workflow.","0.2.3"],"google-clouderrorreporting1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Clouderrorreporting (@9 v1beta1)","1.0.14+20200610"],"variation":["A $w @m to ^m &G variant &Q","0.1.1"],"wstr":["^U @0 &V-$B UTF-16 (wide) $b literals.",C[0]],"futures-fs":["A Futures @2 @0 File System $V","0.0.5"],"holochain_conductor_lib":["holochain conductor @1",C[34]],"cmake":["A $t &o @0 running `cmake` to $t a &d @1","0.1.45"],"vulkano":["Safe @h @0 @4 Vulkan ^u @C","0.20.0"],"foundationdb-sys":["@K to @4 C &0 @0 FoundationDB",C[2]],"lorikeet":["a parallel ^7 runner @0 devops",C[19]],"rcu_cell":["a lockless rcu cell @2","0.1.8"],"schemafy_@T":[C[366],"0.5.1"],"hx":["Futuristic take on hexdump, made in @3.",C[8]],"mime-sniffer":["Detecting mime @l base on content sniffer.","0.1.2"],"twitter-stream-message":["Types @0 Twitter Streaming API's &E.",C[3]],"std-semaphore":["A counting, blocking sempahore extracted @w @g 1.7.0.",C[9]],"sourceview4-sys":["@D @5 @0 GtkSourceView 4",C[0]],"stellar_vanity":["A @e CLI @0 $H Stellar vanity addresses","0.8.0"],"dynamic-arena":["Dynamically typed arenas, supporting any `Sized` $o.","0.1.4"],"rustc-std-workspace-std":["Workaround @0 rustbuild","1.0.1"],"google-admin1_reports":[C[664],C[665]],"xplm":["High-@I interfaces to @4 X-Plane $L ^J",C[1]],"git-brws":["Command $r $F to open a &M, $2, commit, diff, tag, pull request, issue or project's website in $p ^Y browser @w @H $r","0.11.12"],"img_diff":["Command $r $F to diff images in 2 structurally similar folders @6 &P diff images.","5.0.0"],"combid":["Generate numeric identifiers","0.6.1"],"groove":["Safe @5 to libgroove - streaming audio &l @1",C[4]],"mfreadwrite-sys":["@D @5 to mfreadwrite. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nrf52840":[C[367],C[0]],"bbcode":["bbcode is a $I @6 impl @0 &str @p compiles BBCode ^i HTML","1.0.2"],"cargo-freeze":["Edit Cargo.toml @w Cargo.lock to freeze &8","0.0.3"],"nlp-io":["Supports ^R @6 $N $R NLP formats.","0.1.2"],"commandext":["A Command ^n suitable @0 $f in @3 Builders",C[9]],"kademlia":["A &T key-&m store @r on @4 Kademlia DHT",C[9]],"dces":["DCES entity component @Q",C[3]],"async-log":["Async tracing capabilities @0 @4 log @8.","2.0.0"],"esp8266-hal":["An experimental hardware $P layer @0 @4 esp8266",C[8]],"gjio":["&c input @6 &P.","0.1.3"],"ed25519-dalek":["Fast @6 ^S ed25519 EdDSA key generations, signing, @6 verification in &p @3.","1.0.1"],"empty":["$d empty list @6 iterator","0.0.4"],"dbui":["A work in progress","0.0.64"],"$9":["A very @e @1 who's job is to return @4 $9 of $p @8 if you're ^f @7 Cargo.","3.0.0"],"fluvio-spu-schema":["Fluvio @C @0 SPU",C[3]],"diesel_errors":["Diesel ^q ^B @0 rocket apps","0.1.4"],"clicolors-control":["A $R $q @1 to control CLI colorization","1.0.1"],"stdweb":["A ^M @1 @0 @4 @i-side Web","0.4.20"],"osmpbfreader":["Read OpenStreetMap PBF @E in @g.",C[31]],"option-filter":["Option::filter polyfill @0 @3 1.26 @6 older","1.0.2"],"downcast":["Trait @0 downcasting $I objects back to their original @l.",C[12]],"future-utils":["Extensions to Rust's Future @6 Stream $g",C[24]],"thread-local-object":["Per-object &k local ^L",C[9]],"$M":["Use @M $y to create strongly-typed @A pack/unpack interfaces.","0.1.2"],"stm32l1":["Device @t $Z @0 STM32L1 &S",C[24]],"dubp-documents":["Handles DUBP documents (DUBP: DUniter Blockhain ^p)","0.41.0"],"google-playcustomapp1":[C[368],C[77]],"defmt-decoder":["Decodes defmt log frames","0.1.4"],"codifyle":["A set of @L @0 $2-@r unit ^j",C[4]],"rosrust":["Pure @3 @2 of a ROS @i @1","0.9.5"],"smart-leds-trait":["A $I @0 ^a effects, modifiers @6 drivers @0 programmable leds",C[7]],"black_scholes":["A Black Scholes option pricing @1.",C[2]],"piston_window_game":["2D game scaffold @0 `piston-window`",C[9]],"geo-offset":["Add margin @6 padding to geometric shapes",C[9]],"solana-stake-accounts":[C[10],"1.5.7"],"random-trait":["@3 @1 @0 a &x $I meant to produce &x ^A @l","0.1.1"],"samotop":["SMTP @Z @6 @1 built on $6-std",C[19]],"m3u":["A @8 @0 ^R @6 $N `.m3u` @E - @4 de facto ^M @0 multimedia playlists.","1.0.0"],"nanny-sys":["Exposes Node @6 V8 C++ API's @0 $f by nanny.","0.0.6"],"llvm-rs":[C[369],C[7]],"cfile":["@3 @5 to C *FILE ^X","0.5.1"],"kbs2":["A secret &N backed by age","0.2.5"],"mux":["mux codecs @0 @g","0.1.1"],"olecli32-sys":["@D @5 to olecli32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"event":["A mulit-threaded event loop @0 @3",C[7]],"wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions":["^l @0 ^h @7 Wasm ^T conventions (usually established by LLVM/lld)","0.2.70"],"ethereum-block-core":[C[370],C[0]],"sea-canal":["Identifies patterns in sequences of integers.",C[3]],"pulldown-cmark":["A pull @j @0 CommonMark","0.8.0"],"appro-eq":["Approximately equal $g @6 assertion",C[1]],"descartes":["Imprecision-tolerant computational geometry @0 @3","0.1.20"],"snmp":["SNMP @i @1","0.2.2"],"zoom":["A particle physics @1 @7 extensive generics","1.5.0"],"odbc-sys":["ODBC ffi @5","0.17.1"],"$1_retrying":["Runtime &Z retry @0 $1.","0.1.1"],"$o_of":["Exports a set of @d $i can be &K @0 inspecting @4 $o of various expressions in $p $3 at $4.","0.1.1"],"d3dcompiler-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 d3dcompiler. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.",C[0]],"svgtypes":["SVG @l @j @6 writer.",C[2]],"rust-sqlite":["Rustic @5 @0 sqlite3",C[3]],"ndk-build":["^l @0 ^f Android binaries","0.1.4"],"vtparse":["Low @I escape sequence @j",C[8]],"ergo_std":["items @p could be in @4 ^M @1, part of @4 ergo ecosystem","0.0.3"],"locationapi-sys":["@D @5 to locationapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"const-cstr-fork":["Create &n C-^d $y @w @3 $b literals. Fork of &w://","0.2.2"],"liquid-lib":[C[371],"0.21.2"],"tracing-gelf":["A Graylog tracing @1.",C[2]],"imgui-miniquad-render":["miniquad @r minimal imgui $T @h","0.1.8"],"conjure-object":["Runtime @t @0 &i Conjure objects","0.7.4"],"ndfapi-sys":["@D @5 to ndfapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"google-safebrowsing4-cli":[C[372],C[373]],"cowrc":["A set of copy-on-&b smart pointers.","0.0.4"],"pwasm-std":["Parity ^1 ^M @1 @0 contract &A",C[83]],"zdaemon":["Boilerplate @0 ^9 daemons in @3 @6 exposing services via ZeroMQ sockets.","0.0.2"],"^D":["Compression &j &v by &p @3.","0.1.5"],"generic-dns-update":["A cross-@U $F to update DNS zonefiles (such as when @O have a dynamic public IP address.","1.1.4"],"parity-multihash":[C[649],"0.2.3"],"opencv-binding-generator":["Binding @G @0 opencv @8","0.23.0"],"halfbrown":["Multi ^4 HashMap @0 higher $J on different key space sizes",C[88]],"activitypub":["ActivityPub in @3",C[8]],"api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0-sys":["@D @5 to &0-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tlbref-sys":["@D @5 to tlbref. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"oauth1":["Basic OAuth1 @1 @0 @3.","1.0.0"],"kvm-ioctls":["Safe &D &q KVM ioctls",C[5]],"select":["A @1 to extract &K @A @w HTML documents, suitable @0 ^Y scraping.","0.6.0-alpha.1"],"blkid-sys":["libblkid raw @f @5","0.1.5"],"interledger":["Interledger @i @1",C[5]],"bearssl-sys":["bearssl-@f","0.0.4"],"cpt":["A filesystem $F @p will copy a folder structureand if there is provided templating datawhen it encounders any `.tpl` @E, it tries tofill it @x Handlebar syntax @6 prints outthe transformed $9.","0.4.1"],"code-generation-example":["@J lib @7 $3 ^6 example",C[0]],"oasis-std":["@u @0 developing on @4 Oasis @U","0.4.1"],"logging-toolkit":["Logging @L",C[2]],"timecode":["@1 to manipulate timecode","0.2.3"],"sequoia-openpgp":["OpenPGP @A @l @6 associated machinery","1.0.0"],"heatseeker":["A $S, robust, @6 portable fuzzy finder.","1.7.1"],"auto-enum":["@X attribute @d @0 ^f enums $i @W convenientfor $f @7 @D, along @7 \"&G\" flags.","0.2.0-alpha1"],"reset-recognizer":["A RegexSet @r route recognizer","0.8.0"],"af_unix":["Use AF_UNIX local sockets",C[9]],"model":["model-@r ^j @0 @A $j, @7 linearizability checking","0.1.2"],"fdpass":["File descriptor passing through UNIX socket",C[9]],"utf-8":["Incremental, zero-copy UTF-8 &f @7 ^q $Y","0.7.5"],"rangetree":["Range-^k @0 storing non-overlapping scalar ranges.","0.1.2"],"libxlsxwriter-sys":["@3 ^3 of libxlsxwriter","1.0.0"],"rustyknife":["Fast, robust @6 $W email @Y @1","0.2.11"],"delay-queue":["A concurrent unbounded blocking queue where each element can only be removed when its delay expires.",C[0]],"jsonrpc-stdio-server":["STDIN/STDOUT @Z @0 ^y-RPC","17.0.0"],"expat-sys":["XML @j @1 $h in C","2.1.6"],"vt100":["@u @0 @Y $A @A","0.8.1"],"syncat-stylesheet":["&C @0 Syncat Stylesheets.","2.2.0"],"google-drive3-fork":["A fork of Sebastian Thiel's @q @1 to @n @7 drive (@9 v3)","1.0.10"],"actix-web-actors":["Actix actors @t @0 Actix Web","4.0.0-beta.2"],"path-tree":["path-^k is a ^C high $J ^o request router @0 @3",C[60]],"twiggy-opt":["Options @0 @4 Twiggy $3 size profiler.",C[5]],"lrpar":["Yacc-^d @j @G","0.9.3"],"parity-rocksdb":["A @3 @h @0 Facebook's RocksDB embeddable ^V.","0.5.1"],"monoid":["A $0 &6 some $R monoids @0 $f in @3","0.0.5"],"tracing-tree":["A Tracing Layer $i prints a ^k of spans @6 events.","0.1.7"],"dpdk-sys":["dpdk-@f","0.1.5"],"skulpin-renderer":["A vulkan renderer @0 skia, a component of skulpin","0.5.1"],"cargo-shim":["A ^w @1 @0 &7 @7 Cargo",C[0]],"ncount":["A word count $F intended to @c &K stats @w markdown.",C[1]],"otpauth":["Two-step verification of HOTP/TOTP @0 @3","0.4.1"],"pyo3-macros":[C[374],C[80]],"awesome-bot":["An awesome @o to $t Telegram bots up to telegram-bot @1.",C[0]],"enum-utils":["A set of &K &r @d @0 enums","0.1.2"],"uniffi_bindgen":["a multi-@R @5 @G @0 @g (^T @6 ^b tooling)","0.7.0"],"gstreamer-check":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer Check @1","0.16.5"],"metafactory":["@3 @1 to chain together object factories.","0.4.4"],"conrod_gfx":[C[353],"0.71.0"],"bcc-sys":["@3 ^3 to BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)",C[36]],"flaken":["Configurable bitwidth snowflake id @G, encoder, decoder","0.2.2"],"cue":["High-@I @5 @0 @4 libcue @1","1.0.0"],"schnorr":["Schnorr Signatures","0.0.20"],"twilight-gateway":["Discord Gateway @2 @0 @4 Twilight ecosystem.","0.3.2"],"dtool":["A @H-$r $F $m to assist &A",C[21]],"mqttbytes":["MQTT 4/5 @V @6 &a",C[7]],"aster-proxy":[C[375],"1.3.3"],"sas-sys":["@D @5 to sas. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"viuer":["Display images in @4 $A",C[1]],"openexchangerates":["@u @0 communicate @7 OpenExchangeRates @C.","0.1.7"],"google-appengine1_beta5-cli":[C[376],C[75]],"selectors":["CSS Selectors matching @0 @3",C[25]],"pistoncore-event":["A @1 @0 flexible ^A event threading",C[8]],"adapton":["$s abstractions @0 general-purpose incremental computations","0.3.31"],"bollard-stubs":["Stubs $a @0 @4 Bollard @g $6 Docker @i @C","1.40.6"],"cargo-xbuild":["^E cross-compiles @4 sysroot $Z @T, compiler_builtins, @6 alloc.","0.6.5"],"tini":["A tiny ini @Y @1","1.0.0"],"union":["Macro $i @y &K shortcut combinators, combines sync/$6 chains, transforms tuple of results in result of tuple, supports single @6 multi &k (sync/$6) step by step execution of branches.","0.1.7"],"aws-creds":["Tiny @3 @1 @0 ^h @7 Amazon IAM credential,s, supports `s3` @8",C[59]],"xtra":["A tiny actor @o",C[377]],"rabbit":["An @2 of @4 Rabbit Stream Cipher Algorithm",C[0]],"$n_schema":[C[378],C[4]],"dirmod":["Automatic mod declarations",C[281]],"nbd":["@3 @1 @0 NBD (^c block device) servers @6 clients.","0.2.3"],"nomi":["😴 Summarize repetitive input","0.0.2"],"dflayout-sys":["@D @5 to dflayout. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"tiny-cid":[C[379],C[3]],"festive":[C[380],"0.2.2"],"ndarray-odeint":["solve ODE @x @g-ndarray","0.7.0"],"flywheel":["A Game Engine @0 Piston","0.1.1"],"^I_combine":["Hash @1 @7 @e combine method.","0.3.7"],"dinghy-build":["Cross-compilation made easier - &F @0 scripts","0.4.50"],"protobuf-convert":["^U @0 convenient @V of @3 @A $j ^i/@w ^p Buffers",C[8]],"multipart-rfc7578":[C[900],"0.7.0"],"unic-ucd-hangul":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Hangul Syllable Composition & Decomposition","0.9.0"],"windows-dll-codegen":[C[813],C[3]],"cap-primitives":["Capability-oriented ^2","0.13.3"],"pete":["A friendly @h $C ptrace(2)",C[8]],"ntree":["A quadtree-$D $M of arbitrary arity",C[9]],"colornamer":["give me a color @6 I will name it","1.0.1"],"lamport_sigs":["@B of @4 Lamport one-$B signature scheme.","0.7.0"],"osc_address_@c":["^U 1.1 @2 of #[@c(OscAddress)] @w @4 osc_address @8","0.2.2"],"brainfuck":["Brainfuck interpreter @6 modules.",C[7]],"dcpu16":["DCPU-16 assembler, disassembler @6 emulator",C[8]],"tempan":["$d @1 @y an exponential-integrator-@r solver @0 systems ofdifferential-algebraic equations modeling temperature of electronic systems.","0.0.7"],"contrail-derive":["Custom @c @0 contrail.",C[0]],"mailchimp":["[Unofficial] @u @0 @4 &A of @P @p require @4 $f of @4 [Mailchimp](&w:// @C, @x @4 @3 $s @R","0.1.15"],"alloc-wg":["Attempt of $m several proposals of @4 allocators-wg","0.9.0"],"intel-mkl-src":["Redistribution of Intel(R) MKL as a @8","0.6.0+mkl2020.1"],"futures-backoff":["&c retry strategies @0 $1",C[9]],"tls-api-openssl":["TLS @C @2 &q openssl @8",C[8]],"faster-hex":["Fast hex $c.",C[2]],"lua-src":["Sources of Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4 @6 logic to $t them.","542.0.0"],"varlink_@G":["@3 $3 @G @0 @4 varlink @9.","9.0.0"],"index-pool":["A pool $i manages allocation of unique indices. Acts $D a psuedo-$v ^s.","1.0.11"],"climer":["CLI timer app",C[5]],"ommui_frontend_gtk":["OMMUI frontend $h in GTK","0.3.19"],"parity-dapps-glue":["Base Package @0 all Parity built-in dapps","1.9.1"],"json_typegen_^b":["Command $r $q @0 $H @3 @l @w ^y samples",C[2]],"diesel_^T_syntex":["Allows $f of `diesel_codegen` @7 `syntex`","0.9.0"],"libyubihsm":["@D @5 to",C[7]],"xoshiro":[C[835],"0.0.5"],"intern":["@u @0 interning $y @6 other kinds of @A. (WIP)",C[0]],"agnostik":["Executor Agnostic Runtime @p can run $p $1 @7 $p favourite Executor.","0.2.3"],"monadic":["@d to define Haskell style monadic action blocks @0 IntoIterators, Reader, Writer, State, @6 @d @0 @4 transformers ReaderT @6 WriterT &q Vec, LinkedList @6 VecDeque","0.5.5"],"reqwest":["higher @I ^o @i @1",C[15]],"ngram":["Iterator adaptors @0 n-grams @6 k-skip-n-grams.","0.1.13"],"session_@l":["An @2 of session @l in @3",C[1]],"rust-apex":["@3 @t @0 apex","0.3.3"],"pop3":["POP3 @i @0 @3","1.0.6"],"egui_glium":["@K @0 @x egui natively @x @4 glium @1","0.9.0"],"hwt":["Hamming Weight Tree @0 finding neighbors in Hamming space","0.4.2"],"pathos":["A natural @C @0 $Y OS-specific user or @Q directories, including iOS @6 Android.","0.3.0-pre.2"],"blot-lib":["Blot @1 implements Objecthash mixed @7 Multihash","0.1.2"],"mysql":["Mysql @i @1 &v in @g","20.1.0"],"sentry-contrib-native-sys":["Unofficial @D @5 to @4 Sentry &B ^J @0 @3.",C[3]],"liberty":["...","0.0.2"],"tracing-bunyan-formatter":["A Bunyan formatter @0 @4 tracing @8","0.1.7"],"stm32l0x1-hal":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32L0x1 $x","0.9.0"],"ripgrep_all":["rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.","0.9.6"],"solana-token-program":["Solana token ^N","0.19.1"],"holochain_tracing":[C[381],"0.0.24"],"test-ignore-if-utils":["Build &1 @0 @4 `^7-ignore-if` @8",C[9]],"curie":["CURIE or Compact URIs as $a in ^y-LD, RDF, SPARQL, XML @6 other @P. @k manages mapping prefixes to URIs or IRIs as well as expanding CURIEs to @4 @q URI form.","0.1.1"],"xyz":["&C @0 @4 RPG Maker XYZ &O @M",C[7]],"oscpad":["OSC 'control panel' @Z @7 shared-state ^Y controls","0.2.3"],"typeable":["Exposes Typeable, @0 getting TypeIds at $4.","0.1.2"],"weather_icons":["An @C to organize icons @w &w://",C[8]],"ordinalizer":["Derive an ordinal $8 @0 enums $i returns @4 index of a variant in @4 &G definition.",C[9]],"finally":["Formally std::finally",C[4]],"rules":["An @2 of Perl 6 regex rules","0.0.2"],"cal":["A drop-in @3 replacement @0 `cal`.",C[4]],"execute-command-macro-impl":["Create `Command` instances @x @4 `@H!` @m.","0.1.5"],"enum-ordinalize":["@k $Z @y a $w @m to let enums not only get its variants' ordinal but also be constructed @w an ordinal.","3.1.8"],"$O_elastictranscoder":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Elastic Transcoder @ 2012-09-25",C[13]],"peel-ip":["Packet @Y @0 @4 Internet ^p Suite",C[0]],"dpdk-virtual-devices":["A @h $C DPDK's virtual &S @o","0.1.5"],"gstreamer-gl":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer GL @1","0.16.5"],"beach_map":["@B of a slotmap",C[7]],"game2048":["2048 game in @3","0.0.5"],"sse-actix-web":["SSE @0 actix-^Y","0.8.1"],"prototty_unix":["Prototty context @0 unix terminals.",C[98]],"build-deps":["@3 $t-script &8 @G @0 @A/IDL @E","0.1.4"],"marsoc":[C[11],"0.1.2"],"pistoncore-current":["DEPRECATED. Use `current`.","0.0.3"],"sdl2_mixer":["SDL2_mixer @5 @0 @3","0.25.0"],"ndk-sys":["@D @5 @0 @4 Android NDK",C[7]],"pipeliner":["@X a nice @s @0 parallel $s @7 iterators.","1.0.1"],"netcdf-src":["Build scripts @0 ^f `netCDF` @w source","0.1.3"],"ynab-export":["ynab-export is a $F to help export a YNAB budget to a ^V","0.0.4"],"ocl-extras":["Types $a in examples @6 tests within @4 ocl @1 but @p may be usefulfor others to $f within their own projects.","0.1.1"],"extended-rational":["@X $5 of high-accuracy projectively-extended rational ^F @6 @d @0 ^9 them.","1.3.3"],"append-only":["Append only versions of std @A $j",C[4]],"nfd2":[C[382],"0.2.3"],"lodepng":["Reading @6 $N PNG @E ^Z @Q &8. Pure @3 port of LodePNG.","3.4.4"],"sentry-failure":["Sentry ^t @0 failure @8.","0.21.0"],"sha256":["sha256 digest","1.0.0"],"iocp":["A ^5 IOCP @1 @0 @3","0.0.6"],"ra_ap_hir":["TBD",C[73]],"ruplacer":["Find @6 replace ^x in source @E","0.4.3"],"authorize":["@u @7 ^A authorization routines.","0.1.4"],"rust-freqdist":["An @2 of a Frequency Distribution in @3","0.1.5"],"bytesize":["an $q @0 human-readable bytes representations","1.0.1"],"&e_req":["@e @6 ^C ^o @i @7 built-in HTTPS @t","0.7.2"],"@e_json":["A @e $4 ^y @j.","0.2.3"],"mudpie":["Dynamic ^o Server. Pure $W @3, no &8.","0.2.6"],"old-http":["Obsolete ^o @1","0.1.1-pre"],"rmenu":["A rofi @6 dmenu &J menu","0.1.4"],"leetcode-cli":["Leet $p $3 in @H-$r.","0.3.2"],"get-port":["Get an available port","3.0.0"],"write-json":["@J {&o,$I,@m}-less ^y @V","0.1.2"],"riker-macros":["Macro @8 @0 Riker actor @o",C[0]],"hyper-socks":["SOCKS proxy @t @0 Hyper clients",C[8]],"sgxs":["@u @0 ^h @7 @4 SGX ^X @M.","0.7.2"],"hue_persistence":["Hue persistence @0 Philips Hue lights","0.2.5"],"cgroups-fs":["@3 @5 to &t Control Groups (cgroups).","1.1.2"],"@g_asio":["&c I/O @1",C[5]],"$O_marketplace_entitlement":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Marketplace Entitlement Service @ 2017-01-11",C[13]],"image2emblem":["Converts an &O ^i an F-Zero GX emblem","1.0.0"],"awi":["Create a window @6 handle it's input.","0.8.0"],"yarte_html":[C[916],"0.14.1"],"mozsvc-common":["Common @L @0 Mozilla @Z side apps","0.1.1"],"lucet-runtime":["Pure @3 $4 @0 Lucet ^1 toolchain","0.6.1"],"forest_$c":["Filecoin $c @6 &f @L @0 $f in Forest",C[7]],"wccg-data":[C[383],"0.11.1"],"malloc_buf":["Structs @0 $Y malloc'd $v passed to @3.","1.0.0"],"toxcore-sys":["...",C[9]],"tlv":["@3 @1 @0 $c $o, &m, length - a $R networking $c",C[0]],"push-trait":["Push $I @0 collectons.",C[5]],"readings-probe":["Probe @0 vital metrics ^O &z","0.1.2"],"bstring":["Byte $b formatting @6 manipulation",C[9]],"vob":["Vector of Bits @7 Vec-$D @C @6 usize backing ^L","2.0.6"],"tokio-compat":["Compatibility $G `$u` 0.2 @6 legacy versions.",C[6]],"read_exact":["read_exact",C[4]],"lnpbp_services":["LNP/BP @t @8 @0 devloping microservices",C[45]],"es":["Es.","0.1.1"],"td_rthreadpool":["&k @h @0 @3","0.1.2"],"ophelia-secp256k1":["ophelia secp256k1","0.3.2"],"tin":["tin: a statically structurally typed embeddable $s @R",C[3]],"ux":[C[462],"0.1.3"],"xmllite-sys":["@D @5 to xmllite. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"self_encryption":["Self encrypting @E (convergent encryption plus obfuscation)","0.19.10"],"libp2p-wasm-ext":["Allows passing in an external transport in a WASM &h",C[98]],"cxx-gen":["C++ $3 @G @0 integrating `cxx` @8 ^i higher @I &5.","0.7.31"],"readwrite":["Combine Read @6 Write ^i a single Read+Write object","0.1.2"],"mock_@c":["An &s to setup, rich mocking @1 @0 @4 @3 $s @R.","0.8.0"],"ckb-standalone-types":["A standalone $9 of ckb-@l","0.0.1-pre.1"],"@g_util":["Hatter's @3 Util","0.6.29"],"mazth":["Matrix @L.",C[5]],"dijo":["Scriptable, curses-@r, digital habit tracker","0.2.5"],"unstringify":["$U @m implemention of @4 reverse operation of `stringify!`","0.1.1"],"quake3-qvm":["@u to handle Quake 3 virtual machines",C[5]],"ndless-sys":["@3 @5 @0 Ndless @0 TI Nspire",C[0]],"generic-arrayvec":["Interop $G @4 arrayvec @6 generic_array $Z",C[3]],"qmetaobject":["Expose @g object to Qt @6 QML.","0.1.4"],"remotery":["Realtime CPU Profiler @7 ^Y browser viewer","0.1.2"],"mkv":["[incomplete yet] Matroska (mkv,webm) @E @j @6 @G &v in @3","0.0.7"],"qstring":["Query $b @j","0.7.2"],"faux":["A @1 to mock structs","0.0.7"],"gridly":["A @1 @0 managing fixed-size 2D spaces","0.9.0"],"susywasmi":[C[384],"0.4.5"],"aw-fel":["@u @0 dealing @7 Allwinner &S in FEL mode, in &p @3.","0.5.2"],"basic-hll":[C[962],"0.0.6"],"floating_bar":["Representing rational ^F @x @4 floating-bar &2 $o.","0.2.4"],"atomic_&G":["An attribute to create an atomic @h $C a C-style &G","0.1.1"],"world-file":["@3 read/&b @t @0 world @E",C[9]],"cntr-fuse":["@3 @1 @0 filesystems in userspace (FUSE) (fork @7 $l needed @0 @4 cntr ^Q)",C[8]],"log-fastly":["@B of @4 `log` façade @0 Fastly Compute@Edge","0.1.4"],"oxygengine-ignite-derive":["Ignite @c ^H @0 Oxygen Engine",C[65]],"wig":["^1 Interface Generator","0.21.0"],"libm":["libm in &p @3",C[7]],"tailscale-api":["An @C @i @0 Tailscale",C[9]],"obstack":["A $S, stack-@r ^s, usable @0 any object","0.1.4"],"resvg":["An SVG &W @1.",C[83]],"utf16string":["String @l to work directly @7 UTF-16 encoded $y",C[0]],"timely_communication":["Communication layer @0 timely dataflow","0.11.1"],"jemallocator-global":["Sets `jemalloc` as @4 `#[global_allocator]`","0.3.2"],"&Y":["A &d, synchronous PostgreSQL @i",C[54]],"mpfr":["High-@I @5 to MPFR @1","0.0.8"],"btoi":["Parse integers directly @w ASCII byte slices","0.4.2"],"syn-next":[C[385],C[386]],"nats-types":["Enumerations @6 @l @0 representing NATS @9 &E","0.1.8"],"mlua":["High @I @5 to Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT)@7 $6/await features @6 @t of $N &d lua modules in @3.","0.5.1"],"r2d2-memcache":["Memcached @t @0 @4 r2d2 connection pool",C[5]],"cargo-yaml":["Drop-in Cargo &3 to ^m a Cargo.toml manifest @w an YAML template.","3.0.0"],"byte-strings":["@3 byte $y manipulation, @0 a better @6 safer C @D","0.1.3"],"bmp":["Small @1 @0 ^R @6 $N BMP images in @3.",C[2]],"dasp":["A @8 &6 @4 fundamentals @0 ^h @7 audio PCM DSP.",C[15]],"pallet-offences-benchmarking":["FRAME offences pallet benchmarking","3.0.0"],"xswag-base":["Basic $l of xswag @Q",C[1]],"libimagtimeui":[C[29],C[21]],"publicsuffix":["Robust domain name @Y @6 RFC compliant email address validation","1.5.4"],"partial-min-max":["`min` @6 `max` @z @p work @7 `PartialOrd`.",C[8]],"dummyhttp":["Super @e ^o @Z @p replies @7 a fixed body @6 a fixed response $3","0.4.3"],"ao-sys":["$d $0 @y @5 to ao.","0.1.2"],"cargo-screeps":["Build $F @0 deploying @3 WASM $3 to Screeps game servers","0.3.3"],"ed448-goldilocks":["A &p-@3 @2 of Ed448 @6 Curve448 @6 Decaf","0.8.2"],"frostflake":["Customizable @6 &k-$W &T id @G",C[7]],"ucd-raw":["Uninterpreted ^0 to @4 unicode UCD",C[2]],"safe-graph":["Graph @2 (refactored $9 of GraphMap @w popular @8 petgraph).",C[6]],"utf16_lit":["macro_rules to make utf-16 literals.","2.0.1"],"gtld-data":["gTLD @A retrieved via @4 IANA, updated daily.","0.4.1"],"android_injected_glue":["Injected glue @0 @4 Android JNI","0.2.3"],"phf_@G":["PHF ^6 logic","0.8.0"],"scm":["Common SCM $V @0 $f @7 @3 Builders","0.0.3"],"transit_model_$m":[C[387],C[0]],"sudo_pair":["sudo IO-$L to require a live human pair","1.0.0"],"voxel_worldgen":["^l @0 voxel world ^6",C[9]],"c2rust-transpile":["C2Rust transpiler @2","0.15.1"],"char-iter":["A performant iterator &q a linear range of characters (`char`s),correctly $Y @4 surrogate range.",C[9]],"faux_@d":["Implementations @0 #[create], #[&Q], when!","0.0.7"],"cita-vm":["CITA VM",C[6]],"mfplay-sys":["@D @5 to mfplay. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"comp":["Pure-@m Do notation @6 List-comprehension @0 Option, Result @6 Iterator.",C[7]],"@c_@h":["@3 custom @c @m @0 wrapping @l","0.1.7"],"plotters":["A @3 drawing @1 focus on @A plotting @0 both WASM @6 &d @P",C[3]],"velcro_@d":["$U @d $a by @4 `velcro` @8. See `velcro` @0 documentation.It is not advised to depend on @S @8 directly; it is an ^W &o of `velcro` @6 may be subject to breaking changes.","0.5.2"],"surfman-chains":[C[1025],"0.5.1"],"termplay":["Play images/videos in $p $A","2.0.6"],"shaku":["Compile Time Dependency Injection @0 @3","0.6.1"],"bendy":["A @g @1 @0 $c @6 &f bencode @7 enforced canonicalization rules.","0.3.3"],"$O_devicefarm":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Device Farm @ 2015-06-23",C[13]],"xdg-utils":["Query @Q @0 default apps @x XDG MIME databases. @3 $5 of some $R @z in @4 freedesktop ^Q `xdg-&1`.",C[8]],"vec2":["vec2",C[7]],"userfaultfd":["@3 @5 @0 @4 &t userfaultfd $l",C[3]],"commoncrypto-sys":["@D @5 to Mac OS X's CommonCrypto @1",C[0]],"emacs-macros":["Proc @d @0 emacs modules","0.15.1"],"ytesrev":["A presentation $F $h in @g, @r on sdl2","0.2.7"],"plist-rs":["A property list @j",C[9]],"hexagon-e":["$d HexagonE virtual &R","0.1.5"],"small-logger":["a ^P &I @0 programs who do not know how to log correctly",C[7]],"pmem":["@3 abstractions &q @4 NVM @u &e://",C[9]],"plexus":["2D @6 3D mesh &l.","0.0.11"],"nettle":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Nettle ^z @1","7.0.1"],"typeracer":["A $A typing game. Race to see @4 fastest $B @O can get!","2.0.4"],"snatch":["A @e @6 $S download accelerator","0.1.3"],"zub":["A $S, stack-@r virtual &R @0 dynamic languages, @7 an intuitive IR-builder, garbage $m @6 NaN-tagging.","0.3.14"],"rsmath":["An uncomplicated @1 @0 Mathematics $h in @3",C[6]],"m_lexer":["A @e extensible regular expressions @r lexer","0.0.4"],"sqs-service-helper":["A @1 to facilitate SQS @r consumer services","0.1.5"],"readelf":["A &p-@g @2 of @4 binutils $q readelf","0.0.2"],"colour":["^U @0 ^9 coloured console &P.",C[2]],"null-terminated":["@u of null-terminated slices @6 UTF-8-encoded $y @7 thin references","0.3.14"],"gba-proc-macro":["&r @d @0 @4 gba @8",C[5]],"ron":["Rusty Object Notation","0.6.4"],"biscuit":["A @1 to work @7 Javascript Object Signing @6 Encryption(JOSE),including ^y Web Tokens (JWT), ^y Web Signature (JWS) @6 ^y Web Encryption (JWE).",C[2]],"fil-sapling-crypto":["Cryptographic @1 @0 Zcash Sapling","0.7.0"],"filetime":["Platform-&Z accessors of timestamps in File metadata","0.2.14"],"tether":["^5 @p @W ^Y views.","0.3.5"],"&w":["Host These Things Please - a basic &e @Z @0 hosting a folder $S @6 simply","1.11.1"],"pkgsrc":["@u @0 &7 @7 a pkgsrc installation","0.1.15"],"rutie":["$d tie $G Ruby @6 @3.","0.8.2"],"shrev":["Event channel, meant to be $a @7 `specs`.","1.1.1"],"chalk-solve":["Combines @4 chalk-$k @7 chalk-ir","0.56.0"],"gantryclient":["Gantry (waSCC actor registry) @i",C[9]],"crc-catalog":["Catalog of CRC $X (&i @w &e:// expressed as @e @3 structs.","1.1.1"],"out":["@X $S min @6 max $l @0 &u.","6.0.0"],"orgize":["A @3 @1 @0 @Y orgmode @E.","0.8.4"],"queen":["message queue","0.25.2"],"mask":["A CLI task runner defined by a @e markdown $2",C[12]],"faster-rs":["@3 @h @0 FASTER by Microsoft Research",C[15]],"mime_guess":["A @e @8 @0 detection of a file's MIME $o by its ^n.","2.0.3"],"cuticula":["Data Preprocessing @1 @0 Machine Learning",C[0]],"lignin-html":["HTML renderer @0 lignin VDOM Nodes. @k @8 is primarily @0 &n @6 @Z-side &W. For @i-side $f, see lignin-dom.","0.0.5"],"shareable":["Thread shareable objects @x @4 minimal amount of synchronization.","0.1.1"],"actix-macros":["^U @0 Actix @Q @6 $4",C[0]],"sdoc":["Framework @0 ^f custom CLIs $C shell, scripts, @6 executables","0.8.3"],"try-block":["@m @p makes $p ^q-catching blocks (appear) labmdaless",C[9]],"gstreamer-webrtc":["@3 @5 @0 GStreamer WebRTC @1","0.16.5"],"preferences":["Read @6 &b user-specific $T @A (in stable @3)","1.1.0"],"maturin":["Build @6 publish $Z @7 pyo3, @g-cpython @6 cffi @5 as well as @g binaries as python packages","0.9.0"],"ctap_hmac":["A @3 @2 of @4 FIDO2 CTAP @9, including @4 HMAC ^n","0.4.4"],"battery":["Cross-@U $e about @4 notebook batteries","0.7.8"],"term_grid":["@u @0 formatting $y ^i a grid layout",C[0]],"simulacrum_shared":["Types $a when both ^9 @6 @x mock objects @7 Simulacrum.",C[9]],"bevy_render":["@X &W $l @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"$O_events":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon EventBridge @ 2015-10-07",C[13]],"edit_^k":["Edit trees in @g.",C[0]],"futures-cache":["Futures-aware cache backed by sled.",C[12]],"ip_^c_table-deps-treebitmap":["Forked $9 of $S IPv4/IPv6 lookup trie.",C[2]],"google-licensing1-cli":[C[417],C[418]],"mailbox":["MBOX &H.",C[0]],"iso3166-3":["ISO 3166-3 @A.",C[3]],"strscan":["@J @g @1 @0 matching ^x against regular expressions @0 $f in lexers or other software.","0.1.1"],"sacapart":["Partitioned suffix arrays, @0 $f @7 `sacabase`","2.0.0"],"haveibeenpwnd":["@X a @i @0 @4 Have I Been Pwnd @C",C[7]],"libimagentrycategory":[C[29],C[21]],"bitsy-parser":["A @j @6 @L @0 ^h @7 Bitsy game @A","0.72.5"],"happiness_^b":["Tool to easily track $p perceived happiness","0.1.31"],"syntex_syntax2":[C[175],"0.0.2"],"jwks-client":["@u to validate JWT tokens @x ^y Web Key Set (JWKS)",C[0]],"endianrw":["Reading @6 $N ^F @7 specific endianness","0.2.2"],"pkcs11":["@3 PKCS#11 @u",C[2]],"mongodb-helper":["A mongodb ^w",C[6]],"tower-grpc-build":["Code ^6 @0 tower-grpc",C[9]],"varinteger":[C[702],"1.0.6"],"multibase":["multibase in @g","0.9.1"],"td_proto_@g":["bin @9 @0 @3","0.1.4"],"qemu-exit":["Exit QEMU @7 user-defined $3","1.0.2"],"drone-core":["$d @T @8 @0 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[38]],"rdf":["rdf is a @1 @0 @4 Resource Description Framework (RDF) @6 SPARQL &v in @3.","0.1.4"],"sc-telemetry":["Telemetry &1","3.0.0"],"accountable-refcell":["A RefCell @h @p @y actionable $e @0 dynamic borrow failures.",C[7]],"crude-profiler":["@e @1 @0 crude manual profiling","0.1.7"],"jit":[C[388],"0.9.1"],"uds":["A unix domain socket @8 @p supports abstract addresses, fd-passing @6 seqpacket sockets.","0.2.2"],"cosmo":["Concurrency &1",C[9]],"^7_yank_rc_dep":["dummy @8 @0 ^j -rc deps vs. old @N","0.1.3"],"rocket_failure":["Failure $D ^q $Y @0 rocket",C[0]],"term_input":["Input $Y @0 xterm-^d terminals","0.1.5"],"fern":["@J, ^S &z",C[5]],"qt_@G_$R":[C[389],"0.2.3"],"handlebars":["Handlebars templating &v in @3.","3.5.2"],"cargo-expand":["Wrapper $C &y --pretty=expanded. Shows @4 result of @m expansion @6 #[@c] expansion.","1.0.4"],"&G_index":["Trait @6 @d @0 extracting Enum variant index",C[0]],"msp430-rt":["Minimal $4 / startup @0 MSP430 $x","0.2.4"],"gh-emoji":["Convert `:emoji:` to &g @x GitHub's emoji names","1.0.3"],"volume":["A @e dsp-chain node @0 multiplying @4 amplitude of @4 &P buffer by some volume.",C[8]],"paw":["CLI argument @j.","1.0.0"],"helix":[C[390],"0.7.5"],"font-kit":["A cross-@U font loading @1",C[12]],"streaming":["Placeholder waiting on HKT @0 &w://","0.0.0"],"gapbuffer":["A gap buffer in @3.","0.1.1"],"jlink_rtt":["Implements @4 JLINK RTT @9",C[0]],"wild_&k_pool":["wild &k pool",C[8]],"exonum-build":["Helper @z @0 $N @0 exonum services.","1.0.1"],"rush":["Placeholder right now, sorry. If @O need @S before I get to &b @S, please contact me.",C[4]],"tmdb_@i":["@3 @i @0 $d Movie Database (TMDB) @C.","1.6.0"],"lgl":["Small directed graph @1 &w://","0.1.1"],"recloser":["A concurrent circuit breaker &v @7 ring buffers",C[3]],"gotham_@c":["^U 1.1 $5 @0 Gotham $g",C[2]],"nitrokey-sys":["Low-@I @5 to libnitrokey @0 communication @7 Nitrokey &S","3.6.0"],"dbf":["Read (@6 &b) DBF @E","0.1.1"],"tokio-tls-api":["An @2 of TLS/SSL streams @0 Tokio giving an @2 of TLSfor nonblocking I/O streams.",C[7]],"simon":["@u @0 declaratively specifying @6 @Y @H $r arguments",C[8]],"google-serviceregistryalpha":[C[974],C[975]],"gtrie":["Generic trie @2 @7 a @t of different key @6 &m @l",C[8]],"universal-hash":["Trait @0 universal ^I @z",C[8]],"nerd_fonts":["Nerd Fonts in @g.","0.1.9"],"guppy-summaries":["Build summaries @0 Cargo, created by guppy.","0.3.2"],"replace_@7":["Temporarily take ownership of a &m at a mutable location, @6 replace it @7 a new &m @r on @4 old one.","0.1.7"],"dprint-core":["Core @g @1 @0 dprint.","0.35.1"],"discord_game_sdk_@f":["Low-@I @5 @0 @4 Discord Game ^J","1.0.0"],"fuzzy":["Fast fuzzy $b matching.",C[4]],"elastic_hyper":["Deprecated in favour of elastic_reqwest",C[2]],"rubato":["&c resampling @1 intended @0 audio @A","0.7.0"],"allehanda":["Miscellaneous @A $j @6 $X","0.1.4"],"col_@d":["A $m of general purporse @d @0 construct distinct @l of &u.","0.2.2"],"cl-traits":["@X $g @p describe &u","5.0.0"],"siphash":["A $S @2 of @4 SipHash hashing $7 @7 no &o on libstd.","0.0.5"],"@e_bencode":["@J bencode encoder @6 decoder, @p uses neither &y-serialize or Serde. Instead, it serializes @w / deserializes to a ^k @x a 4-branch &G.","0.1.4"],"rustc-ap-graphviz":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `graphviz` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 10c2316a6bf7cf9255f991e06e82ce692e6f84d5 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://","662.0.0"],"index-fixed":["convert slices ^i arrays @x indexes ([T] -> [T;N])",C[1]],"zabbix":["zabbix",C[3]],"google-urlshortener1":[C[391],C[392]],"http2hpack":["Project was renamed to $u-http2. Do not $f @4 ^Q","0.1.3"],"libinput-sys":["@D @5 to libinput",C[0]],"ethereum-types-serialize":[C[829],"0.2.2"],"mailin-embedded":["An SMTP @Z @p can be ^v in other programs",C[2]],"rapt_@c":["Rapt derivation @d","0.1.4"],"shout":["Higher @I libshout @5 in @3",C[7]],"codeviz_java":[C[39],"0.2.2"],"base-62":["encode to/@w bytes to base62 $b","0.1.1"],"inherent":["Make $I &Q callable ^Z @4 $I in scope",C[6]],"bitrange":["@J $L to map bits in integer ^G to fields",C[0]],"cargo-vcpkg":["A @N &3 to $t a vcpkg ^k @w metadata entries in Cargo.toml fora top @I @8 @6 @4 $Z @p it depends on.","0.1.5"],"graphannis-malloc_size_of":["@k is a fork of @4 `malloc_size_of` @8, $i is part of @4 Servo codebase, to make it available to @4 graphANNIS corpus search @1 as &o.","1.1.0"],"rocket_&e":["Types, $g, @6 parsers @0 ^o requests, responses, @6 headers.","0.4.7"],"rocket-etagged-raw-response":["@k @8 @y a response struct $a @0 responding raw @A @7 **Etag** cache.","0.9.12"],"simulacrum_mock":["Core $l @0 ^9 mock objects @7 Simulacrum.",C[9]],"ymlctx":["YAML $K overlaying @Q @p natively integrates ^i operationalized tasks","0.1.8"],"memory-db":["In-$v @2 of ^I-db, &K @0 tests",C[59]],"mp4parse_capi":[C[842],"0.11.5"],"dotr":["Very @e dotfile &N",C[8]],"twine":["@u @0 internationalization @x @4 Twine $2 @M",C[1]],"runestick":["Runescript, a ^A stack-@r virtual &R @0 @3.","0.8.0"],"prefixopt":["See Read Me. ^E @c options @w structs @6 enums to $f @7 clap.",C[8]],"suppositions":["Property ^j @7 automagic shrinking.","0.1.4"],"cap-tempfile":["Capability-oriented temporary directories","0.13.3"],"abackus":["&C builder @x EBNF","0.2.2"],"cassandra":["A usable Cassandra CQL ^K (@S replaces @4 previous cql-ffi $0).Wraps @4 DataStax c++ &d ^K @6 uses cql-bindgen via @g-bindgen.Works @7 nightly","0.8.1"],"pmdk":["@3 @h @0 pmdk","0.9.4"],"solana-program-test":["Solana Program Test Framework","1.5.7"],"lpc82x-pac":["Low-@I register mappings @0 @4 NXP LPC82x series of ARM Cortex-M0+ $x","0.7.0"],"simple-stopwatch":["Minimal stopwatch @0 @g, returns float ^G","0.1.4"],"illicit-macro":["$w @d @0 @4 illicit @8","1.0.0"],"permutate":["Generic permutator @p permutates singular @6 &4 lists","0.3.2"],"av-bitstream":["@J bit writer/&H","0.1.2"],"messagepack-rs":["messagepack-rs is &p @3 MessagePack @2","0.8.0"],"dwm1001":["Board Support Crate @0 @4 Decawave DWM1001 ^H @6 &A board",C[2]],"bufferoverflowu-sys":["@D @5 to bufferoverflowu. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"crowbook-intl":["An internationalization @1 to localize $y, translating them according to $4 option, @x @d.",C[7]],"lars":["A @1 @0 basic linear algebra.","0.2.4"],"vec_shift":["A util $8 @0 doing @4 opposite $l of `Vec::pop`",C[9]],"try_@v":["Convenient short-hand @0 returning early @w `$1`-@r @z","0.1.3"],"tape":["$d @1 @y basic $V @7 tape archives (tar).","0.5.1"],"basic_stochastics":["A ^P $m of @L to make performing basic stochastic calculations more convenient","0.1.3"],"ssb-rpc":["$d remote procedure calls $a by ssb.",C[1]],"directories-next":["A tiny mid-@I @1 @p @y @U-specific ^M locations ofdirectories @0 config, cache @6 other @A on &t, ^5 @6 macOS byleveraging @4 mechanisms defined by @4 XDG base/user directory specificationson &t, @4 Known Folder @C on ^5, @6 @4 Standard Directory guidelineson macOS.","2.0.0"],"path-absolutize":["A @1 @0 extending `Path` @6 `PathBuf` in order to get an absolute path @6 remove @4 containing dots.","3.0.6"],"lininterp":["^A linear interpolation; should @t dimension checking @l etc by virtue of @x fully ^A intermediate ^G.","0.1.3"],"rovr":["A VR headset @1 @0 @3 programs targeting @4 Oculus Rift.","0.0.2"],"parallel-event-emitter":["Parallel Event Emitter @0 concurrent listener invocation @r on $1-rs @6 $1-cpupool","0.2.4"],"iq-bech32":["DISCONTINUED: Use subtle-encoding's bech32 feature: &w://$Z/subtle-$c","0.99.99"],"tin-summer":["Command-$r $F to find $t artifacts @6 thing occupying space on $p computer. Shatters records not glass.","1.21.13"],"@M_num":["Format ^F ^i various representations of $y @r on a @M specifier mini-@R.",C[9]],"vibrant":["Extract vibrant colors @w an &O $2. Can be $a as a @1, but also contains a @e executable.",C[9]],"termbook-cli":["`termbook` is a @H-$r $F to $t `mdbook`'s while executing `bash` codeblocks @6 collecting their &P to become part of @4 `mdbook`.","1.4.6"],"glfw":["GLFW3 @5 @6 idiomatic @h @0 @3.","0.41.0"],"threshold":["Threshold @A $j","0.8.15"],"x11-input-supercharger":["Adds @Q-wide ^5-$D scrolling mode @6 conditional clicking @x keyboard",C[709]],"^g_libra_proptest_&F":["Libra proptest &F",C[32]],"ws2812-timer-delay":["Timer-@r ^K @0 ws2812 leds",C[3]],"rs_ws281x":["Wrapper @0 ws281x @1 @x bindgen to track upstream","0.4.2"],"byte_conv":["@J conversion $g to bytes","0.1.1"],"gilrs":["Game Input @u @0 @3","0.8.0"],"sync_splitter":["Safely split a mutable slice in &4 threads at @4 same $B.","0.4.1"],"sfz":["A @e &n $2 serving @H-$r $F.",C[3]],"ratel":[C[393],"0.7.0"],"source-map-mappings-wasm-api":["Exported ^1 @C @0 @4 `source-map-mappings` @8.",C[2]],"did_url":["A no_std @j @0 Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)",C[9]],"noptim":["Numerical ptimization @1.",C[9]],"webbrowser":["Open URLs in ^Y browsers available on a @U","0.5.5"],"ggbasm":["Generating Gameboy Assembler",C[3]],"cordic":["Special @z @0 fixed-point ^F @x @4 CORDIC method.","0.1.4"],"ta":["Technical analysis @1. Implements &2 of indicators: EMA, SMA, RSI, MACD, Stochastic, etc.",C[8]],"phf":["Runtime @t @0 perfect ^I $8 @A $j","0.8.0"],"mach_o_@f":["@K to @4 OSX mach-o @Q @1","0.1.1"],"conch-runtime":["A @1 @0 evaluating/executing programs $h in @4 shell $s @R.",C[6]],"decentralized-internet":["A @1 to create decentralized @6 grid computing @P via @3","0.2.2"],"voile":["Voile, a dependently-typed row-polymorphic $s @R","0.2.6"],"kvm-bindings":["@3 @D @5 to KVM &i @x bindgen.",C[3]],"scale-info":["Info about SCALE encodable @3 @l",C[5]],"gpu-descriptor":["@B &Z descriptor ^s @0 Vulkan $D APIs","0.1.1"],"shared_child":["a @1 @0 @x child processes @w &4 threads","0.3.4"],"nlopt":["Wrapper @0 @4 nlopt @1","0.5.3"],"roa-diesel":["diesel ^t @7 roa @o",C[2]],"bandwidth-rust":["Reserved name @0 @v $f.","0.0.0"],"sc-executor-wasmtime":["Defines a `WasmRuntime` @p uses @4 Wasmtime JIT to execute.","0.9.0"],"jenga":["A stack @r ^s",C[64]],"lw":["Log-Watcher $q - replacement @0: `tail -F /some/path/*` - @p uses Kqueue to watch also new @E…","0.4.4"],"atsamd21g18a":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 ATSAMD21G18A $x (&i @x svd2rust)","0.7.1"],"amethyst-editor-sync":["Allows an Amethyst game to connect to an editor.",C[8]],"bio":["A bioinformatics @1 @0 @3. @k @1 @y $5 of many $X @6 @A $j @p @W &K @0 bioinformatics, but also in other fields.","0.32.0"],"tibrv-sys":["&B @5 to @4 TIBCO Rendezvous C @1.",C[5]],"aes-siv":["Pure @3 @2 of @4 AES-SIV Misuse-Resistant AuthenticatedEncryption Cipher (RFC 5297) @7 optional architecture-specifichardware acceleration",C[2]],"raw_$n_@c":["^E derives @4 RawSerialize @6 RawDeserialize $g @0 raw_serde","0.1.2"],"shellharden":["$d corrective bash syntax highlighter","4.1.2"],"wdsbp-sys":["@D @5 to wdsbp. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"single_source":["Generate $3 @E @w snippets in md tutorial @E","0.1.5"],"dispatch":["@3 @h @0 Apple's Grand Central Dispatch.",C[0]],"valid_toml":["@X @4 ability to load a TOML $2 @7 validation.","0.0.2"],"acacia":["A spatial partitioning @6 ^k @1.",C[0]],"rusty-tags":["Create ctags/etags @0 a @N ^Q @6 all of its &8","3.9.0"],"kahan":["@X @l to perform Kahan summation","0.1.4"],"flatc-rust":["FlatBuffers flatc @H as @C","0.1.3"],"pdqselect":["Selects @4 kth smallest element of a slice, @r on Orson Peters's pdqsort",C[9]],"bitter":["Swiftly extracts unaligned bit-@I @A @w a byte slice",C[2]],"murmurhash3":["MurmurHash3 @2","0.0.5"],"heatmap":["$B-series of histograms @7 precision guarantees","0.6.6"],"rlbot":["RLBot @5 @0 @3",C[2]],"$n_ignored":["Find out about keys @p @W ignored when deserializing @A","0.1.2"],"fail":["Fail points @0 @g.",C[8]],"rustc-ap-rustc_@A_$j":["^E published $9 of @4 $0 `rustc_data_structures` in @4 @g-lang/@g &M @w commit 36931ce3d90e1927e8589d973cc8d18103ede460 $d publishing script @0 @S @8 lives at: &w://",C[273]],"solana-sdk-macro-frozen-abi":["Solana ^J Macro frozen abi","1.4.1"],"dsl_@d":["Convenience @d @p rewrites method calls inside a builder closure.","0.1.2"],"rust-sctp":["High @I SCTP networking @1","0.0.5"],"zg-co2":["ZyAura CO₂ sensor @9 @2","2.0.1"],"@g_hawktracer":["@3 @5 @0 hawktracer profiling @1.","0.7.0"],"openssh-keys":["read @6 &b OpenSSH public keys","0.4.2"],"arrayfire":["ArrayFire is a high $J software @1 @0 parallel computing @7 an &s-to-$f @C. Its array @r $8 set makes parallel $s @e. ArrayFire's &4 backends (CUDA, OpenCL @6 &d CPU) make it @U independent @6 highly portable. A few lines of $3 in ArrayFire can replace dozens of lines of parallel computing $3, saving @O valuable $B @6 lowering &A costs. @k @8 @y @3 @5 @0 ArrayFire @1.","3.8.0"],"conjure-serde":["Serde Serializer @6 Deserializer &D @0 Conjure","0.7.4"],"enr":["@3 @2 of Ethereum Node Record (ENR) EIP778",C[2]],"iryna":["A ^C ^c @1 @r on mio(work-in-progress)","0.1.4"],"termage":["Display images in @4 $A!","1.1.1"],"tree-sitter-cli":["CLI $F @0 developing, ^j, @6 @x Tree-sitter parsers","0.14.5"],"civet-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libcivetweb @1",C[3]],"simple-bind":["One-$r non-exhaustive binds",C[6]],"rand_hc":["HC128 &x &2 @G",C[3]],"kes":["Korean Era Script",C[51]],"blockchain_contracts":["Blockchain contracts $a by COMIT-^c daemons to execute ^z protocols.","0.4.1"],"pretty":["Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in @3",C[12]],"neon-sys":["Exposes @4 low-@I V8/NAN C/C++ APIs. Will be superseded by N-@C.","0.7.1"],"fmt2io":["A bridge $G std::io::Write @6 std::fmt::Write.",C[9]],"memmem":["Substring searching","0.1.1"],"vecarray":["Generic array backed by a vector.","0.1.3"],"pmdk-sys":["@D @5 to pmdk","0.9.4"],"metagoblin":["Generates metadata @0 a $Q @M @x goblin",C[8]],"glenum":["GL Enum ^G in an organized $j as described in @w &w://","0.1.1"],"scad":["A @8 @0 $H OpenSCAD models @x @g","1.2.2"],"odbc-safe":["Deprecated. Try odbc-&0 instead.","0.5.1"],"salsa-macros":[C[599],C[51]],"namedarg_hack":[C[394],C[395]],"ptree":["Pretty-print ^k-$D $j",C[1]],"ra_ap_cfg":["TBD",C[73]],"rc2":["RC2 block cipher",C[5]],"huffman-coding":["Crate @0 doing &p huffman coding","0.1.2"],"erasable":["Type-erased thin pointers.","1.2.1"],"near-sdk-macros":[C[737],C[396]],"jazz":["Jazz Virtual Machine","0.2.2"],"smithy":["Smithy, a @o @0 ^Y &A","0.0.7"],"globals":["Painless global variables in @3","1.0.2"],"self-meter-http":["A &e renderer @0 self-meter @8, easily pluggable ^i $u-@r, or tk-&e-@r. May be plugged in any other $T @x separate &k.","0.4.1"],"term":["A $A formatting @1","0.7.0"],"kay":["Experimental high-$J actor @Q @o @0 @3","0.5.1"],"rlog":["Minimal $2-@r &z @1.","1.0.0"],"bin":["Bits","0.1.4"],"concourse-resource-derive":["Helper create @0 a derivation @0 concourse-resource",C[9]],"rliron":["a roguelike $7 @1","0.0.6"],"octavo":["Highly modular crypto & ^I @1 $h in &p @3. WARNING!!! Not suitable @0 production.","0.1.1"],"linux":["todo",C[4]],"watch":["TBD",C[9]],"imag-mv":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-mv @H",C[21]],"proxy_cfg":["A @1 to get proxy $K @w @4 OS.","0.3.6"],"duma":["A minimal $2 downloader",C[0]],"specs_$k":["A @e Application $k @r $C specs-rs","0.0.3"],"recital":["Create, parse, edit, @6 compare semantic $9 ^F.",C[3]],"fastcgi-client":["Fastcgi @i &v @0 @3.",C[2]],"openpgp":["Read @6 &b OpenPGP (RFC4880) @E",C[0]],"atomic64":["Atomic 64-bits @l","0.1.1"],"wasmer-runtime":[C[445],"0.18.0"],"tokio-coap":["Low-@I @9 implementaion of @4 Constrained Application Prorocol (CoAP)built on top of $u-@T.",C[0]],"lambda_$4_@i":["&X ^J @0 ^r Lambda's $4 APIs","0.2.2"],"total-order-multi-map":["A multimap @7 at @4 same $B keeps @4 total insertion ordering of all elements","0.4.6"],"qwk":["Duck Duck Go @i $h in @3","0.1.3"],"objekt":["Renamed to dyn-clone: &w://$Z/dyn-clone",C[0]],"lpr":["@e LPR @i @x @4 classic Line Printer Daemon ^p - TCP only","0.1.5"],"colonnade":["@M tabular @A @0 display","1.3.1"],"dbui-service":["Application logic $a by @4 dbui @Z","0.0.64"],"hilbert-c2rust":["A quick-@6-dirty port of Hilbert Curve $3 @w Wikipedia, transpiled by c2rust.","0.1.5"],"cargo-check":["@h $C @N &y -- -Zno-trans","0.2.2"],"libsystemd":["A &p-@3 @i @1 to @n @7 systemd",C[7]],"abscissa_@T":["Application microframework @7 @t @0 @H-$r option @Y,$K, ^q $Y, &z, @6 $A interactions.This @8 contains @4 framework's @T $l.",C[90]],"socketcan-alt":["@3 ^3 @0 SocketCAN","0.2.2"],"physx":["High-@I @3 @s @0 Nvidia PhysX",C[12]],"libmarpa-sys":["Low-@I @5 to @4 libmarpa @Y $k",C[0]],"jsonrpc-macros":[C[397],"10.1.0"],"sp-authorship":["Authorship ^2","3.0.0"],"rev_slice":["A newtype @0 operating on a reversed view of a slice.","0.1.5"],"bip_bencode":["Efficient &f @6 $c @0 bencode","0.4.4"],"noria":["&X @5 @0 Noria","0.6.1"],"ole":["@J @j @6 &H @0 Microsoft Compound Document File.","0.1.15"],"pcap-async":["Async/Stream Extensions @0 libpcap","0.4.1"],"bit_$m_@c":["Derive $l @0 @4 `BitCollection` $I.","0.2.2"],"cabocha":["Safe @3 @h @0 cabocha a japanese @R &o $M analyzer @1",C[0]],"cranelift-codegen-shared":["For $3 shared $G cranelift-^T-meta @6 cranelift-^T","0.69.0"],"leetcode_^7":[C[661],"0.1.2"],"probabilistic-collections":["Various $5 of &u @p $f approximations to improve on running $B or $v,but introduce a certain amount of ^q.","0.7.0"],"crust":["Peer-to-peer networking @1. ^E reconnect @6 manage connections.","0.32.1"],"jexl-parser":["A JEXL @j $h in @3","0.1.7"],"fenwick":["Fenwick ^k: @A $M @p efficiently calculates prefix sums in a changing array of ^F.","1.0.0"],"libnotify":["@3 @5 to libnotify","1.0.3"],"zmanim":["Hebrew Zmanim @1","0.0.7"],"evdev-sys":["Raw @5 to libevdevHigh @I @3 @5 @W available in @4 `evdev` @8",C[7]],"google-bigquerydatatransfer1-cli":[C[407],C[408]],"highlightrs":["A @H $r $q to turn @g $3 ^i syntax highlighted html",C[4]],"tobytcp":["A little @1 @0 sending &E &q a tcp ^X",C[38]],"cstr-macros":["$U @d @0 cstr",C[6]],"cannyls_rpc":["RPC @1 @0 operating cannyls's &S @w remote nodes",C[1]],"wheel_timer":["A @e hashed wheel timer.",C[1]],"range-collections":["Sets @6 maps of ranges, backed by smallvec","0.1.1"],"sbz-switch":["Utility @0 changing Sound Blaster parameters on ^5","4.0.0"],"numerals":["@u @0 numeric systems, both ancient @6 modern","0.1.4"],"eventual":["Future & Stream $P","0.1.7"],"rs6502":["A 6502 Microprocessor $F suite. Includes a Disassembler, Assembler @6 Emulator.","0.3.4"],"ntest":["Testing @o @0 @g $i enhances @4 built-in @1 @7 some &K features.","0.7.3"],"celery":["@3 @2 of Celery","0.4.0-rc5"],"rc-writer":["A tiny implement @0 $N @A to a reference counted instance.","1.1.8"],"sc-executor-wasmi":["@k @8 @y an @2 of `WasmRuntime` @p is baked by wasmi.","0.9.0"],"udp_netmsg":["A low cost $P @0 sending @6 receiving udp datagrams. Gives ability to send @6 receive datagrams defined by custom structs in a @e way",C[0]],"ckb-rational":["Rational ^F.",C[70]],"linereader":["An ^S buffered $r &H.",C[8]],"pluto":["Server software @0 Pluto, @4 @3 gamedev competition","0.0.2"],"imagefmt":["Image decoders: PNG, TGA, BMP, JPEG. Encoders: PNG, TGA, BMP.","4.0.0"],"error-type":["@X a @m @0 constructing unifying ^q @l.","0.1.2"],"asciiutils":[C[398],"0.8.1"],"vhdl_@j":["VHDL &C",C[38]],"lrpc":["local rpc","1.1.0"],"dpdk-ethernet":["A @h $C DPDK's ethernet device ^K $l.",C[64]],"jservice":["A jService @C @h.","0.1.4"],"packed_struct_^T":["@k @8 implements @4 $3 ^6 @0 @4 packed_struct @1.",C[2]],"matrix":["$d $0 @y a matrix laboratory.",C[25]],"libimagentrylink":[C[29],C[21]],"futures-shuttle":["Futures-aware shuttle synchronization object",C[7]],"myerror":["^q $Y utiliy","0.1.1"],"slowloris":["$d slow loris attack, now &v in @3!","1.2.0"],"$n_asn1_der":["A basic ASN.1-DER @2 @0 `$n` @r upon `asn1_der`","0.7.3"],"z3":[C[399],"0.9.0"],"actix-web":["Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, @6 extremely $S ^Y @o @0 @3","4.0.0-beta.3"],"cassowary":["A @3 @2 of @4 Cassowary linear constraint solving algorithm.The Cassowary $7 is designed @0 naturally laying out user interfaces @x linear constraints,$D '@S button must $r up @7 @S ^x box'.",C[3]],"tokio-irc-client":["IRCv3 ^d @i @1 @x $u @6 $1.",C[7]],"cryptsetup":["Full @5 to libcryptsetup.",C[0]],"garando_errors":[C[400],C[9]],"map_split":["A @1 &6 simultaneous mutable ^0 to disjoint portions ^G stored in a ^I map.",C[7]],"linear_assignment":["An @2 of @4 Kuhn–Munkres $7 to solve linear assignment problems.",C[4]],"cabinet-sys":["@D @5 to cabinet. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cryptonote-varint":["varint @0 cryptonote","0.1.3"],"bounded-integer":["Bounded integers",C[3]],"orbimage":["Orbital &O features","0.1.17"],"gpio":["Fast GPIO interfaces @0 &t","0.4.1"],"stm32l4xx-hal":["Hardware $P layer @0 @4 stm32l4xx chips",C[5]],"gist":["A @e Github Gist @i","0.7.0"],"cargo-pack":["an infrastructure @1 @0 '@N-pack'ers",C[5]],"$c_c":["C @C @0 encoding_rs","0.9.8"],"plotters-canvas":["Plotters HTML5 Canvas Backend",C[3]],"indenter":["A formatter @h @p indents @4 ^x, designed @0 ^q display impls","0.3.2"],"vndb":["Kawaii VNDB @C",C[15]],"snmalloc-sys":["@g raw @5 of snmalloc.","0.2.24"],"bn":[C[313],"0.4.3"],"x86":["@u to ^N x86 (amd64) hardware. Contains x86 specific @A $M descriptions, @A-tables, as well as convenience $8 to call assembly instructions typically not exposed in higher @I languages.","0.36.0"],"igc":["A $S, minimal @j @0 IGC flight recorder @E","0.2.2"],"array-init":["Safe @h @0 initializing fixed-size arrays","1.0.0"],"rbpf":[C[401],C[9]],"rando":["A @1 @0 iteration in &x order.",C[0]],"sticker-transformers":["Transformer architectures, such as BERT","0.9.0"],"galvanic-mock":["A behaviour-driven mocking @o @0 ^A traits.Create mocks @0 (&4) $g in a behaviour-driven &A mocking framework.Define @4 behaviour of mocks @6 expected method calls @x argument patterns.Supports mocking of ^A $g @6 ^A methods.Requires: nightly","0.1.3"],"hashdb":["$I @0 ^I-keyed databases.",C[3]],"$O_cloudhsmv2":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r CloudHSM V2 @ 2017-04-28",C[13]],"cargo-up":["Upgrade $p &8 by automatically fixing $p $3",C[9]],"ckb-fixed-hash-core":["Provide several fixed-length $Q @A, aka fixed-sized hashes.",C[70]],"^S_&G":["Space-^S &G ^G",C[1]],"ckb-types":["@X @4 essential @l @0 CKB.",C[70]],"fisher":["Webhooks catcher $h in @3","1.0.0"],"vobsub2png":["Tool to convert DVD VobSub-@M subtitles (*.sub/*.idx @E) to PNGs","0.1.4"],"float-ord":["A total ordering @0 floating-point ^F",C[0]],"frappe":["Functional Reactive Programming @1 @0 @3","0.4.7"],"numext-fixed-hash":["Fixed-size ^I @l.",C[6]],"futures-promises":["Promises @6 Watched Variables @0 Futures",C[88]],"winpty":["Safe @g @5 @0 winpty",C[0]],"mongors":[C[577],C[45]],"utp":[C[402],"0.7.0"],"ntp":["@u @0 @Y @6 communicating &q Network Time ^p.",C[2]],"inspector":["General purpose inspection @0 popular @A $j",C[9]],"bolero":["fuzz @6 property ^j front-end",C[5]],"jsonpath_lib":["It is JsonPath $k $h in @3. it provide a similar @C @s in Webassembly @6 Javascript too. - Webassembly Demo: &w://","0.2.6"],"mbox":["malloc-@r box.Supports wrapping pointers or null-terminated $y returned @w malloc as a @3 $o, whichwill be free'd on drop.",C[2]],"stream-vbyte":["Encode @6 decode ^F in @4 Stream VByte @M","0.3.2"],"cmark2jira":["Translate good CommonMark ^i bad JIRA markup.",C[8]],"wasmblock":["Helper @1 @0 wasmblock","0.0.15"],"scotext":["CLI app to score input according to how likely it is it contains english ^x",C[2]],"bytecodec":["A tiny @o @0 ^a encoders/decoders of byte-oriented protocols","0.4.13"],"tramp":["Trampoline @0 recursive @z, @7 @t @0 mutual recursion",C[3]],"google-tpu1_alpha1":[C[403],C[77]],"chirpstack_&0":["ChirpStack Protobuf / gRPC @C $E.","3.9.3"],"elf2tab":["Compiles @w ELF to TAB (a Tock Application Bundle @x @4 Tock Binary Format)",C[5]],"metrics_cloudwatch":["CloudWatch emitter @0 @4 metrics @8","0.12.2"],"enso-logger":["An ^S &I @0 $N @P in @3.","0.2.2"],"complex":["$d $0 is deprecated in favor of num.","0.8.0"],"kg-symbol":["Atomic $y in @3.",C[0]],"crossgen":["Cross compilation template @G",C[5]],"jaylink":["@u to communicate @7 J-Link USB &S","0.1.5"],"nix-test":["Testing &F @0 Nix",C[4]],"google-servicecontrol1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Service Control (@9 v1)","1.0.13+20200407"],"ip_&0":["@u to get $e about IP addresses or domains @x","0.1.3"],"nsi":["Nodal Scene Interface @0 (offline) 3D renderers – ɴsɪ.",C[5]],"elmdoc":["A $F @0 searching Elm docs offline","0.1.3"],"tweetust":["$d Twitter @C @h",C[12]],"bls_signature_aggregator":["A ^A BLS Signature Aggregator","0.2.2"],"svc-authn":["An authentication @1.","0.6.3"],"barnacl":[C[182],"0.1.1"],"toolchain_find":["A ^P @1 to help find installed @3 components",C[0]],"libp2p-deflate":["Deflate encryption @9 @0 libp2p","0.27.1"],"rg3d-sound":["Sound @1 @0 games.","0.18.0"],"duniter-wotb":["Deprecated @8. Use runiter-wot.","0.8.0-a0.7-deprecated"],"gdbm-sys":["gdbm (berkeley ^V) @D @5",C[3]],"jokeyrhyme-dotfiles":["read my dotfiles &M @6 do stuff","0.40.0"],"google-coordinate1-cli":[C[413],C[414]],"nom-derive":["Custom @c nom parsers @w struct","0.7.1"],"wast":["Customizable @3 parsers @0 @4 ^1 Text formats WAT @6 WAST","33.0.0"],"nested_intervals":["nested & overlapping interval set @z, overlap, union, etc","0.2.2"],"charset":["Thunderbird-^d character $c &f @0 email","0.1.2"],"mesos":["Mesos @1 @x @4 new ^o @C","0.2.10"],"new_debug_unreachable":["panic in debug, intrinsics::unreachable() in release (fork of debug_unreachable)","1.0.4"],"user_agent":["@X @4 concept of a user agent session, storing @6 retrieving cookies &q &4 ^o requests (a `Session`).",C[15]],"servo-fontconfig-sys":["Font $K @6 customization @1","5.1.0"],"yamux":["Multiplexer &q reliable, ordered connections","0.8.0"],"eetf":["@u @0 $c/&f Erlang External Term Format",C[8]],"panic-probe":["Panic handler @p exits `probe-run` @7 an ^q $3",C[9]],"loaded_dice":["A @e sampler @0 loaded dices, ^a @4 alias method",C[7]],"interledger-packet":["Interledger packet @V/&a",C[8]],"num-format":["A @3 @8 @0 producing $b-representations of ^F, formatted according to international standards",C[8]],"lignin":["A virtual DOM $M, primarily @0 ^Y $f.","0.0.5"],"parity-wordlist":["Word list $a to ^m brain wallets @0 Parity.","1.3.1"],"git_httpsable_^b":[C[404],C[3]],"interfaces":[C[658],"0.0.6"],"nom-bibtex":["BibTeX @j @x nom",C[3]],"shamir":["Shamir is a &p @3 @2 of Shamir's secret sharing","2.0.0"],"strum":[C[405],"0.20.0"],"async-socks5":["An $6/.await SOCKS5 @2",C[2]],"screenshot-rs":["@J @1 @p allows @0 @e method of asking @0 screenshots @w various &t/BSD desktops","0.1.5"],"shadowsocks-rs":["personal port of shadowsocks in @g.","0.7.0"],"google-mirror1-cli":[C[763],C[764]],"heim-memory":["Cross-@U $v $e",C[185]],"python-parser":["A @q Python @j @r on nom.",C[0]],"audact":["Minimalist synth @6 sequencing lib","0.5.1"],"libz-sys":["Low-@I @5 to @4 @Q libz @1 (also known as zlib).","1.1.2"],"hina":[":].","0.1.3"],"linkle":["Nintendo $2 @M manipulation @1 @6 &5.","0.2.10"],"swc_ecma_transforms_proposal":[C[163],C[8]],"lrpc-macros":["lrpc's &r @d","1.0.0"],"unic-ucd-bidi":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Bidi Properties","0.9.0"],"winapi_forked_icmpapi":[C[406],"0.3.7"],"amaurymartiny-async-smtp":["SMTP @i",C[9]],"define_^q":["A @1 @0 easily defining an ^q $o.","4.0.1"],"bk-tree":["A @3 BK-^k @2",C[3]],"addchain":["Generate addition chains",C[0]],"peggler":["&C ^6 @x a PEG-$D syntax via @d",C[9]],"google-bigquerydatatransfer1":[C[407],C[408]],"chalk":["Terminal styling @1 @0 @g",C[9]],"tba":["A @3 @h @0 $d Blue Alliance.","0.0.0"],"cargo-mutagen":["Mutation ^j @0 @3 – Runner","0.1.2"],"lrtable":["LR grammar table ^6","0.9.3"],"opter":["Turn a series of $y ^i options exposed as an iterator.",C[0]],"autojump":["A @3 port @6 drop-in replacement of autojump",C[8]],"parity-rocksdb-sys":[C[180],"0.5.6"],"exonum-configuration":["An Exonum &9 @p @y $l of modifying @4 global $K.",C[19]],"from-pest":["Convert @w a pest grammar to a typed AST",C[1]],"ntmarta-sys":["@D @5 to ntmarta. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"french-numbers":["Represent ^F in French @R","1.1.1"],"parking":["Thread parking @6 unparking","2.0.0"],"remove_dir_all":["A $W, reliable @2 of remove_dir_all @0 ^5","0.6.1"],"cranelift-codegen-meta":["Metaprogram @0 cranelift-^T $3 @G @1","0.69.0"],"nodrop-union":["A @h $o to inhibit drop (destructor). @B @8 @0 nodrop, @4 untagged unions @2 ($i is unstable / requires nightly) as of @S $N.***Deprecated: Use ManuallyDrop or MaybeUninit instead!***",C[88]],"play":["$d $0 @y a means of playing audio @E.","0.5.3"],"fastmod":["Fast, partial replacement @0 codemod (find/replace $F @0 programmers)","0.4.1"],"volatile":["A @e volatile @h $o","0.4.3"],"libyobicash":["$d Yobicash cryptocurrency @1","0.3.3"],"simple-hex":["A @e ASCII hex-to-bytes-@6-back @1",C[9]],"oauth-api":["@K @0 exchanging OAuth 2 tokens @7 updated &8","0.2.2"],"coreutils_^H":["Small ^f blocks @0 modularized @P.","0.5.1"],"unicows-sys":["@D @5 to unicows. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"unic-bidi":["UNIC — &g Bidirectional Algorithm","0.9.0"],"opcua-client":["OPC UA @i @C","0.8.0"],"yubico":["Yubikey @i @C @1",C[12]],"pocket-resources":["Include resources in $p @P.","0.3.2"],"opal":["hi","0.1.2"],"$O_opsworkscm":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r OpsWorks CM @ 2016-11-01",C[13]],"smol-potat":[C[513],"1.1.2"],"r2d2_cypher":["Cypher @t @0 @4 r2d2 connection pool",C[8]],"spectra":["Demoscene @o",C[38]],"uname":["Name @6 $e about current kernel","0.1.1"],"libstorage":["Storage ^w @z","0.4.5"],"atoms":["S-&L @j @6 pretty-printer.","2.2.3"],"microbit":["Board @t @8 @0 @4 BBC Micro:bit","0.8.0"],"c2-chacha":["$d ChaCha family of ^X ciphers",C[3]],"fcgi":["@3 @5 @0 $S-cgi","0.0.2"],"spine-data":["Loads Spine exported ^y @6 texture atlas @E","0.2.2"],"bootsector":["Read partitions @w block &S or @E","0.1.5"],"wigner-symbols":["Exact Clebsch–Gordan coefficients @6 Wigner 3-jm, 6-j, @6 9-j symbols @0 coupling @6 recoupling angular momenta in quantum mechanics",C[8]],"xpsprint-sys":["@D @5 to xpsprint. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nbdkit":["@3 @5 to @4 NBDKit @o @0 ^9 Network Block Device servers",C[9]],"crypto-tests":["Test &F @0 ^z $X","0.5.5"],"rayon-futures":["(deprecated) Futures ^t ^i Rayon","0.1.1"],"threshold-secret-sharing":["A &p-@3 @2 of various threshold secret sharing schemes","0.2.2"],"specialized-div-rem":["specialized division $X @0 integer ^2","1.0.0"],"gir-format-check":["File @M checker","0.1.1"],"refinery-migrations":[C[670],"0.2.3"],"libosu":["General-purpose osu! @1.","0.0.23"],"openvpn-plugin":["A @8 allowing &s creation of OpenVPN plugins in @3","0.4.1"],"pwat":["$d bank asks @O @0 @4 Lth, Mth @6 Nth letters of $p password? Use pwat.","0.1.1"],"@c":["A @1 &6 a minimal example of a derivable $I (via companion @8 @c-@c) @0 ^j @6 illustration","1.0.0"],"human-size":["Sizes @0 humans.","0.4.1"],"organelle":["@o @0 ^9 emergent AI systems","0.7.4"],"water":["@X &k-$W &T message sending facility supporting synchronous @6 $z I/O across ^O @6 &R boundaries. It also uses nets $i allow message broadcasts to all, groups, or specific endpoints $i eliminates @4 need @0 tons of individual channels to interconnect threads. It also @y inter-^O communication @x a more restricted raw message $o. It is hoped @p @S @1 can replace @4 current channel $l. Also supports waiting on &4 endpoints (receivers) $i makes segmentation @6 bridging easier to implement if needed.","0.16.45-alpha"],"narcissus":["A Vector Similarity @1",C[3]],"qutil-sys":["@D @5 to qutil. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rdma-core-sys":["rdma-@T-@f @D @5",C[64]],"np":["@k @8 is renamed to Gulali","2019.3.13"],"ritual_$t":[C[409],C[8]],"pinboard":["A lock-free, threadsafe way to publish @A, just stick it on @4 pinboard","2.1.0"],"mtxdm-sys":["@D @5 to mtxdm. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"oemlicense-sys":["@D @5 to oemlicense. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"deno_fetch":["@y fetch Web @C to deno_core",C[25]],"msgpacknet":["A networking layer @r on MessagePack &E.","0.1.1"],"darling":["A &r-@m @1 @0 ^R attributes ^i structs whenimplementing custom derives.",C[19]],"$O":["^r ^J @0 @3","0.24.2"],"google-taskqueue1_beta2":[C[596],C[597]],"conduit":["Common ^o @Z @s",C[487]],"cql-ffi-safe":["A $W @h of @4 cql-ffi @8","0.0.7"],"body-image":["Adaptive RAM/$2-backed ^o bodies.","2.2.2"],"dag-cbor":[C[427],C[9]],"transitfeed":["GTFS public transit decoder/encoder @6 @L",C[3]],"yj":["Command $r $F @p converts YAML to ^y","1.1.25"],"rcat":["Concatenate @6 print @E in a @3 byte slice ^d @M.","2.0.4"],"http-stream":["Http json streaming @1",C[65]],"target-lexicon":["Targeting @L @0 compilers @6 related &5","0.11.1"],"quickcheck_@d":["A @m attribute @0 quickcheck.","1.0.0"],"ricom":["DICOM Toolkit","0.1.2"],"miniquad":["Cross-@U window context @6 &W @1.","0.3.0-alpha.26"],"ondemandconnroutehelper-sys":["@D @5 to ondemandconnroutehelper. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"byte-tools":["Bytes related $q @z",C[1]],"okapi":["Structs @0 OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) documents","0.5.0-alpha-1"],"cedarwood":["efficiently-updatable double-array trie in @3 (ported @w cedar)","0.4.4"],"rtt-target":["Target side @2 of @4 RTT (Real-Time Transfer) I/O @9",C[3]],"mpeg2ts-reader":["&C @0 MPEG Transport Stream @A",C[38]],"comppkgsup-sys":["@D @5 to comppkgsup. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"@8":["...","0.0.2"],"iso_country":["ISO3166-1 countries","0.1.4"],"gitter":["A @1 @p @y Gitter @C",C[8]],"eight_ball":["Mimics @4 original magic eight ball game.","0.2.6"],"procs":["A modern replacement @0 ps","0.11.3"],"svgcleaner":["svgcleaner could help @O to clean up $p SVG @E @w @4 unnecessary @A.","0.9.5"],"bugsalot":["Debugging @d @6 APIs @0 shipping stable codebases.",C[7]],"tracing-wasm":["tracing subscriber @0 browser WASM",C[9]],"fancy-regex":["An @2 of regexes, supporting a relatively rich set of features, including backreferences @6 look-$C.","0.4.1"],"jsonnet-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libjsonnet @1",C[36]],"mish":["A proof of concept @3 libm $D @2 @7 almost full coverage of libm",C[7]],"nio":["Just a stub @0 upcoming @1",C[4]],"cedict":["&C @0 @4 CC-CEDICT Chinese-English Dictionary","0.2.3"],"docx-codegen":["Code ^6 @0 docx-rs.",C[7]],"tokenlock":["Cell $o whose contents can be accessed only @x an unforgeable token.","0.3.4"],"ppapi-tester":["Compiler $L to run ^t tests in Google Chrome, where Pepper is available.",C[4]],"fitrs":["Parse FITS $2 in &p @g",C[2]],"$u":["An event-driven, non-blocking I/O @U @0 $N $z I/Obacked @P.","1.2.0"],"lame":["@3 @5 @0 libmp3lame","0.1.3"],"caesar":["A drop-in replacement @0 @4 @3 ^M @1 TCP listener @7 TLSv1.2 enabled.",C[0]],"mouse_automation":["A winapi @h @p @y &s mouse automation.","0.1.3"],"tower-retry":["Retry failed requests.",C[3]],"m3u8-rs":["A @1 @0 @Y m3u8 @E (Apple's ^o Live Streaming (HLS) @9).","1.0.7"],"holochain_json_@c":["@X @c @d @0 holochain persistence.","0.0.48"],"min_max_@d":["^U @0 nicer min()/max()","0.1.1"],"rx":["Reactive $s @0 @3",C[4]],"leet-converter":[N,C[4]],"@c_pod":["Implement @4 Pod $I safely @7 a @c @m.",C[9]],"ether-converter":["Ether unit converter","0.1.3"],"octoon-math":["Graphics @L @0 @3.","0.1.7"],"iphlpapi-sys":["@D @5 to iphlpapi. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"h2n5":["^o 2 N5: Serve N5 datasets &q ^o as tiled &O stacks","0.1.7"],"ebay":["eBay @C @i @0 @3.",C[0]],"editdistancewf":["Compute @4 edit-distance $G vectors @x @4 Wagner-Fischer $7",C[0]],"raylib":["Safe @3 @5 @0 Raylib.","3.5.0"],"goose":["A load ^j $F &J by Locust.","0.10.8"],"domain_@c":["domain_derive holds @c @d @0 @4 domain_patterns @8.","0.2.137"],"cargo-valgrind":["A @N &3 @0 running valgrind","1.3.0"],"network-collections":["Collections suitable @0 $f @7 networking, particularly when a fixed $v usage is required to prevent out-of-$v crashes. Includes two kinds of least recently $a caches, a bounded ^I map, a magic ring buffer (virtual ring buffer) @6 an arena ^s.","0.1.9"],"dnslib-sys":["@D @5 to dnslib. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"simd_&F":["Helpers to &b more compact simd $3",C[9]],"ursa":["@k is @4 shared crypto @1 @0 Hyperledger components.","0.3.5"],"libp2p-pnet":["Private swarm @t @0 libp2p","0.20.0"],"glutin":[C[410],C[59]],"megam_rustyprint":["A pretty printer table make @0 ^b. Takes a matrix of [x,y] rows @7 a header [x] cols @6 prints it in a neat way.",C[7]],"hc":["Handy calculator @0 haxor calculations","0.1.2"],"auto":["Cross-@U UI/input event automation facilities.","0.0.8"],"rustyham":["A Hamming $3 @G in @3.",C[4]],"base-x":["Encode/decode any base","0.2.8"],"grafen":["Create graphene @6 other substrates @0 $f in molecular dynamics simulations.","0.9.1"],"egaku2d":[C[440],"0.5.4"],"stm32f100xx":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32F100XX $x",C[8]],"reader-writer":["Bare-bones $Q @V","0.0.2"],"walrus-macro":["Internal @d $a by @4 `walrus` @8, not @0 public consumption.","0.18.0"],"probes":["@u to read out @Q stats @w a &R running Unix","0.4.1"],"log4rs-rolling-file":["A rolling $2 appender @0 log4rs",C[0]],"noframe":["Game &A @o @x @8 ggez.","0.0.8"],"sigar":["@3 @5 @0 libsigar @0 gathering @Q $e.","0.0.2"],"pic8259_@e":["Kernel-space @s to @4 8259 @6 8259A interrupt controllers",C[0]],"oven":["@J cookie ^B @0 Iron",C[8]],"cat_$k":["A 2D ^u $k @7 audio &P @t","0.6.5"],"graviton_^4":["$d Graviton ^4 $i includes a stack @r virtual &R $i is now depreciated @6 a &d ^4 @x Cranelift",C[5]],"last-git-commit":["@J @h arround git2-rs to get info about @4 last commit. Useful @0 when @O want to show @4 git ^I in a ^N.",C[0]],"panic-abort":["Set panicking behavior to abort","0.3.2"],"rectangle-pack":["A general purpose, deterministic bin packer designed to conform to any two or three dimensional $f case.",C[0]],"deno_typescript":["To &V TypeScript to a snapshot during","0.49.0"],"mailmodel":["A proof-of-concept mail viewer writting @7 Qt @x QML","0.1.5"],"vigenere":["@J Vigenère cipher ^N, on @4 extended ASCII table","0.0.3"],"timestamp":["A ^N @p appends a timestamp to stdin","0.1.1"],"tile_net":["Continuous tile-@r collision detection @6 resolution.","2.0.4"],"dtoa-short":["Serialize float &2 @6 truncate to certain precision","0.3.3"],"exonum-testkit":["Testkit @0 Exonum blockchain @o, allowing to ^7 &9 APIssynchronously.","1.0.0"],"gstreamer-gl-sys":["@D @5 to libgstgl-1.0","0.9.1"],"$n_bare":["An @2 of @4 BARE (&w:// $c @M.",C[3]],"drive":[C[68],C[4]],"session":["iron session @2 @r on redis","0.1.8"],"vlog":["^U to do stdout / stderr logs @r on verbosity @I.","0.1.4"],"libipld":[C[411],C[12]],"tower-layer":["Decorates a `Service` to allow &s composition $G `Service`s.",C[1]],"rapt":["Runtime $T instrumentation toolkit","0.1.4"],"exif-sys":["@D @5 to libexif",C[9]],"capgun":["fire when ready $2 watcher","0.1.1"],"uhttp_uri":["Zero-allocation @j @0 ^o URIs","0.5.1"],"gitconfig2json":["Parse `git config --list --null` @x gitconfig::Value @0 &0",C[8]],"double-checked-cell-async":[C[412],"2.0.2"],"stree_cmd":["Command $r $F @0 ^9 @6 visualizing suffix trees.",C[7]],"specs_scene_graph":["scene graph @0 specs",C[3]],"veml6075":["Platform-&Z @3 ^K @0 @4 VEML6075 UVA @6 UVB light sensor.",C[0]],"rlp":[C[213],C[2]],"plumber":["plumber is a shim @p adds pluggable &9 discovery to legacy systems ^Z modifying their $3.","0.0.7"],"dbus-rs":["DO NOT USE - renamed to dbus!","0.0.5"],"pretty_dtoa":["Configurable floating point &2 to $b conversions, @7 many options @0 controlling various aspects of displaying floats.",C[9]],"discrimination":["Generic worst-case-linear-$B sorting @6 partitioning $X @r on discriminators","0.0.2"],"async-wakers":["A container to register @6 notify task wakers.","0.1.0-alpha.22"],"globset":["Cross @U single glob @6 glob set matching. Glob set matching is theprocess of matching one or more glob patterns against a single candidate pathsimultaneously, @6 returning all of @4 globs @p matched.","0.4.6"],"secret-tree":["Hierarchical secret derivation @7 Blake2b",C[3]],"procfs":["Interface to @4 linux procfs pseudo-filesystem","0.9.1"],"google-coordinate1":[C[413],C[414]],"edf-reader":["A @1 @0 ^R metadata @6 @A @w an EDF (European Data Format) $2.",C[5]],"$n_pipe":["Turn $n+bincode ^i a pipe: push `T`s @6 pull `u8`s, or vice versa.This @1 gives @O a `Serializer` pipe, ^i $i @O can push `T`s @6 pull `u8`s; @6 a `Deserializer` pipe, ^i $i @O can push `u8`s @6 pull `T`s.","0.1.3"],"exec":["Use @4 POSIX exec $8 to replace @4 running ^N @7 another",C[1]],"window_events":["Events @p window creation backends can $f.",C[6]],"coin_cbc_@f":[C[718],C[9]],"daemonize-simple":["A @e @8 to run an app as a Unix daemon","0.1.4"],"rustup-version-name":["rustup toolchain override in $p prompt",C[7]],"cognitive-device-manager":["Device ^B @0 `cognitive`",C[9]],"^s":["Allocator $I","0.0.2"],"tracing-json":["Tracing Structured Json Logging Adapter",C[9]],"dewey":["$9 @j @6 comparator @p works @7 non-semantic versions",C[0]],"serde-protobuf":["Support @0 Google ^p Buffers in combination @7 $n","0.8.1"],"blingfire":["Wrapper @0 @4 BlingFire tokenization @1","1.0.0"],"spirit":["Helper to create well behaved daemons @7 $4-reconfiguration @t","0.4.16"],"diwata_^b":["Command $r @0 diwata",C[6]],"jlib":["A ^C blockchain lib.","0.3.7"],"cpp_$t":["Cargo $t script @0 @4 `cpp` @8","0.5.6"],"tracing-tracy":["Inspect tracing-enabled @3 @P @7 Tracy",C[2]],"web-view":[C[415],"0.7.2"],"appnotify-sys":["@D @5 to appnotify. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"pix-image-viewer":["Desktop &O viewer. Arranges images in a zoomable, pannable grid.","0.2.7"],"micro-timer-macros":["^U @0 @4 micro-timer @8",C[8]],"nix-base32":["@X a nix (as in NixOS) ^d base32 $c.","0.1.2-alpha.0"],"bencher":["A port of @4 libtest (unstable @3) benchmark runner to @3 stable releases. Supports running benchmarks @6 filtering @r on @4 name. Benchmark execution works exactly @4 same way @6 no more (caveat: black_box is still missing!).","0.1.5"],"clipboard-win":["@X @e way to @n @7 ^5 clipboard.","4.0.3"],"tauri_includedir":[C[416],C[5]],"reclaim":["$I-@r abstract @s @0 $v reclamation","0.2.2"],"gtmpl_&m":["Internal Value Format @0 gtmpl-@g",C[8]],"google-licensing1":[C[417],C[418]],"gst":["Generalised Search Tree","0.1.3"],"ao_rs":["libao @5 @0 @3","0.1.5"],"industrial-io":["&t Industrial I/O (IIO) Support",C[0]],"optimization":["Collection of optimization $X",C[0]],"warc_@j":["Web ARChive @Y @1 @x nom lib","2.0.0"],"parking_lot":["More compact @6 ^S $5 of @4 ^M synchronization ^2.","0.11.1"],"iata":["Some $5 of IATA resolutions",C[419]],"rcalc":["Glorified calculator @7 a lexer, @j, @6 interpreter $h in @3.","0.1.2"],"tauri-inliner":["A @1 to inline HTML assets.",C[4]],"specs_$B":["$B resource @0 specs","0.6.1"],"odbcbcp-sys":["@D @5 to odbcbcp. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"mpc":["WIP @5 @0 orangeduck's mpc (Micro &C Combinators) @1",C[64]],"amqpr":["A $u @r amqp &0 @1 mainly $a by amqpr.","0.2.2"],"binn-ir":["An @2 of Binn - &w://","0.14.3"],"mark":["HTML @G @0 Markdown",C[4]],"indented":["Format @A @7 indentation",C[9]],"tokio-zmq":["@X Futures abstractions @0 ZeroMQ on @4 Tokio event-loop",C[21]],"libipld-core":[C[420],C[12]],"libffi-sys":["Raw @3 @5 @0 libffi","1.1.0"],"vcpkg":["A @1 to find &d &8 in a vcpkg ^k at buildtime in order to be $a in Cargo $t scripts.","0.2.11"],"irust":["Cross Platform @3 Repl","1.2.3"],"ucd-generate":["A ^N @0 $H packed representations of @4 &g characterdatabase @p can be efficiently searched.","0.2.9"],"sigil":["@J @6 bad @1 @0 fetching unicode character names @6 some other stuff.",C[0]],"appscraps_&h":["@X @A $i may be shared $G appscraps modules.",C[9]],"trello":["A Trello @i @0 @3. @k is a work in progress!","0.1.7"],"cssparser-macros":["$U @d @0 cssparser",C[5]],"etcommon-bigint":[C[933],"0.2.10"],"oxidation_bencode":["A bencoding @1, made @0 Oxidation.",C[0]],"ecs-rs":[C[421],"0.1.2"],"moore-svlog":["$d SystemVerilog @2 of @4 moore ^8 @o.",C[19]],"flaker":["A flake @2 @0 @3. Flaker generates 128-bit ordered IDs @p can be &i across &4 machines/processes but can be counted on to be lexically sortable.","0.1.3"],"ckb-fee-estimator":["CKB builtin fee estimator.",C[70]],"layout_id":["Layout id is $a to ^m a unique id @0 a $o @p changes if it's $v layout changes",C[3]],"mach":["A @3 @s to @4 user-space @C of @4 Mach 3.0 kernel @p underlies OSX.","0.3.2"],"easy-plugin":["A ^8 $L @p makes it easier to &b ^8 plugins.","0.11.8"],"battery-ffi":["@D @5 @0 battery @8","0.7.5"],"google-cloudfunctions1-cli":[C[422],C[37]],"ophelia-derive":["ophelia @c @d",C[3]],"ctr":["CTR block mode of operation","0.7.0-pre.3"],"num_cpus":["Get @4 &2 of CPUs on a &R.","1.13.0"],"ref_&k_local":["A @m @0 declaring &k-local `&n`s $D @x both of `lazy_static!` @6 `RefCell`",C[9]],"rusty-cute-macros":["Bunch of lazy @d $i i $a @w $B to $B","0.3.2"],"lockchain-core":["@X $R abstractions @0 @4 lockchain @8 ecoystem","0.9.0"],"futures-join-macro-preview":["Definition of @4 `join!` @m @6 @4 `try_join!` @m.",C[40]],"promptly":["@J, opinionated CLI prompting ^w",C[3]],"kairos":["A @1 on top of chrono to calculate times @6 dates ergonomically",C[3]],"autodiff":["An automatic differentiation @1",C[3]],"gfx_@T":["Core @1 of Gfx-rs","0.9.2"],"mkisofs-rs":["A partial reimplementation of mkisofs to create hybrid ISO-9660 filesystem-&O","0.1.1"],"bitcoincash-addr":["A @e @1 &6 @4 $c/&f of Bitcoin Cash addresses.","0.5.2"],"pnet_@d_$L":[C[888],C[9]],"throttled_bitcoin_rpc":["Throttled Bitcoin RPC @C @i @0 @3.","0.2.3"],"buttercup-crypto":["&B encryption &5 @0 Buttercup products","0.4.2"],"&G_vec":["Efficiently store a vector of &G variants as a packed n-bit vec.",C[1]],"secure_serialisation":["Functions to encode/decode @6 encrypt/decrypt @A @x public-key, authenticated encryption.",C[2]],"cargo-ensure-prefix":["Cargo &3 to check @p all target @E have a fixed prefix.",C[6]],"scaproust":["Nanomsg scalability protocols @2 in @g. Various messaging patterns &q pluggable transports","0.3.2"],"pew":["A benchmarking @1 @0 @3 @r on @F/benchmark","0.2.3"],"erguotou":["High-@I hyper @i @L","0.0.3"],"qadapt-spin":["Synchronization ^2 @r on spinning.They may contain @A, @W usable ^Z `std`,@6 &n initializers @W available.","1.0.1"],"csv-guillotine":["CSV's often have metadata at top before @A headers. @k removes it.","0.3.5"],"cargo-raze":["A Cargo &3 to ^m Bazel BUILD @E","0.9.2"],"burgundy":["@u @0 ^f @C &9 @5","0.3.3"],"tcp_typed":["A @h $C @U TCP socket APIs @p leverages @4 $o @Q to ensure correct usage.It's quite &s to accidentally misuse @4 Berkeley sockets or similar APIs, resulting in ECONNRESET/EPIPE/etc, @A being lost on close, @6 potential hangs @w non-exhaustive $m of edge-triggered events.This @1 aims to make it impossible to misuse in non-unsafe $3.","0.1.4"],"mswsock-sys":["@D @5 to mswsock. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"lolog":["Logging @1","0.1.2"],"libp2p-gossipsub":["Gossipsub @9 @0 libp2p",C[98]],"luajit-src":["Sources of LuaJIT 2.1 (OpenResty's branch) @6 logic to $t it.","210.1.2+resty29a66f7"],"rumqtt":["Mqtt @i @0 $p IOT needs","0.31.0"],"subcmd":["Cargo $D &3 @j",C[9]],"cdg":["CD+G @j",C[9]],"hashicorp_vault":["HashiCorp Vault @C @i @0 @3","2.0.1"],"err":["A few @d & misc @p make @x rust's Error infrastructure more convenient","0.0.8"],"criterion":["Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking @1","0.3.4"],"lib_composite":["@3 compatibility @1 @0 @4 composite operating @Q","0.7.0"],"linecount":["Quickly count lines in a $2",C[9]],"fast-logger":["Fast &I @0 @3",C[5]],"segmenttree":["interval update @6 query in O(lg n) $B",C[4]],"webview2":["@3 @5 @0 WebView2","0.1.0-beta.1"],"lapack":["$d $0 @y &D @0 LAPACK (Fortran).",C[36]],"libipld-cbor-derive":[C[724],C[12]],"configure_@c":["Derives @0 @4 configure @8.","0.1.1"],"shell2batch":["Coverts @e basic shell scripts to windows batch scripts.","0.4.2"],"simplesvg":["Very @e drawing/diagramming @1 @7 svg &P.",C[8]],"hansard":["Gets @4 last 20 Hansard Bound Volumes @0 @4 UK Parliament","0.1.3"],"serde-scale":["Serde serializer @6 deserializer @0 @4 SCALE $c","0.2.2"],"historian":["a high $J zero-config histogram @2","4.0.3"],"serde-mappable-seq":["Unnoficial third-party $n (de)serializers @0 mappable sequences",C[9]],"interledger-spsp":["&X @6 @Z $5 of @4 @J Payment Setup ^p (SPSP)",C[8]],"dav1d":["libdav1d @5",C[5]],"libtls-sys":["@D @5 @0 LibreSSL's libtls.","1.2.0"],"async-tftp":["Executor &Z $6 TFTP @2","0.3.5"],"gimli":["A @1 @0 ^R @6 $N @4 DWARF debugging @M.","0.23.0"],"futures-state-stream":["A $9 of @4 $1 crate's Stream $i returns state on completion",C[0]],"shawshank":["An ^S, ^A internment $M.","0.2.3"],"natural_sort":["A @1 @0 natural sorting (aka human sorting)",C[4]],"ra_ap_profile":["TBD",C[73]],"libobliv-sys":["Raw @5 @0 Obliv-C",C[6]],"enso-flexer":[C[423],"0.1.3"],"rendy-chain":["Rendy's node synchronization $F","0.5.1"],"sandstorm":["Sandstorm Cap'n Proto interfaces","0.0.15"],"sqlite3-src":[C[887],"0.2.12"],"unic-ucd-core":["UNIC - &g Character Database - Version",C[5]],"casperlabs-engine-grpc-server":["Wasm execution $k @0 CasperLabs smart contracts.","0.20.1"],"atomic-traits":["$d $g @0 ^A atomic $V",C[0]],"specs_guided_join":["specs guided join @0 ordered join iter",C[7]],"spl-memo":["Solana Program @u Memo","3.0.0"],"restson":["Easy-to-$f REST @i @7 automatic @V @6 &a.","0.7.0"],"glpk-sys":["GLPK @5 @0 @3.",C[0]],"charmhelpers":["charmhelpers @y an opinionated set of &5 @0 ^f Juju charms","0.1.3"],"libimagref":[C[29],C[3]],"ws-actix-web":["Web sockets @0 actix-^Y",C[0]],"slice-group-by":["Iterators &q groups in a slice","0.2.6"],"ruma-serde":["De-/@V &F @0 other ruma $Z",C[3]],"pwasm-ethereum":[C[574],"0.8.0"],"pathbuftools":["Additional ^w &Q @0 PathBuf","0.1.2"],"item":["Nom @j @0 @3 items","0.3.2"],"parity-secp256k1":[C[424],"0.7.0"],"hkt_@d":[C[425],"0.0.3"],"t":["Helpful $B @z @0 @3.",C[4]],"fluminurs":["A @i in @3 to ^0 @4 reverse-engineered LumiNUS @C","1.1.8"],"syntex_bitflags":["Internal @1 to help &V syntex_syntax",C[9]],"doubter-macros":["$U @d @0 doubter",C[9]],"crfsuite":["Safe @h of crfsuite",C[1]],"pulse":["A @1 @0 $6 wake signals","0.5.3"],"tc_@T":["Core @8 of testcontainers, a @1 @0 ^t-^j against docker containers @w within @3.",C[1]],"proclist":["Cross-@U @1 to retrieve OS processes $e.","0.9.2"],"diesel-geography":["Diesel @t @0 PostGIS geography @l @6 @z",C[0]],"nvml-sys":["A low-@I @D @h $C @4 Persistent Memory Development Kit, PMDK (formerly NVML) @6 its &j, including libpmem, libpmemobj @6 others. Currently tracks master after $9 1.3.1.","0.0.6"],"brids":["Parse @6 ^m &x CPF/ICN @6 CNPJ, Brazil's ID ^F.",C[8]],"rust-bmfont":["Bitmap font @j (.fnt)","0.1.4"],"mag3110":["A @U &Z ^K to @s @7 @4 I2C @r NXP MAG3110 magnetometer","0.1.4"],"getset":["Getset, we're ready to go!A $w @m @0 $H @4 most basic getters @6 setters on fields.","0.1.1"],"grunt":[C[149],C[150]],"lut_@j":["&C @0 LUT @E","2.1.1"],"fence":["A rate limiter @0 threaded programs.","0.0.2"],"shannon-entropy":["A @e @1 to calculate @4 Shannon entropy of a $b","1.0.0"],"prost-types":[C[426],"0.7.0"],"forest_bigint":["BigInt @L @0 $f in Forest","0.1.3"],"matrix_bot_&0":["@C @0 $N a bot @0 @4 Matrix messaging @9","0.5.2"],"gspell-sys":["Raw C-@D @5 @0 @4 gspell @1",C[2]],"rargs":["xargs + awk @7 pattern matching @t.",C[3]],"getrandom":["A ^P cross-@U @1 @0 retrieving &x @A @w @Q source","0.2.2"],"cfgmgr32-sys":["@D @5 to cfgmgr32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"fae":["A @e @6 $S 2D &W @8 @7 optional window creation @6 ^x &W $l.",C[5]],"clickhouse-rs-cityhash-sys":["@3 CityHash @f $0 @0 clickhouse-rs.","0.1.2"],"afl-sys":["Wrapper $C AFL source","0.1.5"],"itoa":["Fast @z @0 printing integer ^2 to an io::Write","0.4.7"],"deuterium_orm":["@J ORM @0 @3",C[2]],"cargo-erlangapp":["Build @3 $Z ^v in an Erlang $T","0.1.4"],"nextcloud_appstore":["@3 @1 @0 @4 Nextcloud app store","0.7.0"],"jsondata":["^y &l $0 @0 document databases","0.6.2"],"undo":["Low-@I undo-redo $l.","0.42.3"],"hijri_date":["@y $l @0 conversion $G hijri @6 gregorian calander","0.3.2"],"rget":["A download accelerator partially &J by &w://",C[1]],"unic-segment":["UNIC — &g Text Segmentation Algorithms","0.9.0"],"mozrunner":["Reliable Firefox ^O ^B.",C[24]],"intel-pstate":["Fetch @6 modify Intel pstate kernel parameters",C[7]],"parse-ansi":["Parse ANSI escape codes (colors, underlines, etc.)",C[6]],"pretty-bytes":["Convert bytes to a human readable $b","0.2.2"],"kailua_langsvr":["&U @Z @2 @0 Kailua","1.1.0"],"tinyppm":["simpliest .ppm &O @M loader",C[0]],"monotone-cli":["Monotonic counter ^b &v on top of ^r DynamoDB.",C[8]],"easy-shortcuts":["&s ^w @L @0 short @H-$r programs",C[3]],"libipld-cbor":[C[427],C[21]],"rstatic":["Static $2 serve by @3","0.1.3"],"mrq":[C[428],C[9]],"&G_primitive":["Macro to ^m num::FromPrimitive instances @0 &G @p works in @3 1.0","0.1.1"],"compose_yml":[C[578],"0.0.59"],"panoradix":["A ^A map @6 a set, both backed by a Radix ^k.","0.6.8"],"imag-notes":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-notes @H",C[21]],"abi_stable":["For doing @3-to-@3 ffi,$N &j loaded at ^N startup.","0.9.3"],"enamel":["A @e OpenGL @s overlay @0 $f @7 Glium.",C[3]],"tokio-byteorder":["&c @1 @0 ^R/$N ^F in big-endian @6 little-endian.",C[3]],"soup-sys":["Soup @D @8 @0 @3",C[12]],"ntest_^7_cases":["Test cases @0 ntest @o.","0.7.3"],"ckb-verification":["$d CKB verification",C[70]],"many2many":["Many-to-many channels &v on top of regular boring channels.","0.0.2"],"terminal-menu":["Display @e menus on @4 $A","1.9.7"],"rustie":["Cross Platform Shell","0.1.18"],"typemap_rev":["A hashmap, but stores @l as keys","0.1.4"],"ffcli":["A ffmpeg ^b args builder",C[6]],"$b_morph":["string_morph is a @1 of $b case transformations @7 an emphasis on accuracy @6 $J. $d case conversions @W available as @z as well as $g on String @l.",C[9]],"lmdb-sys":[C[663],"0.8.0"],"arraymap":["Adds a $I to map @z &q arrays","0.1.1"],"buffered_offset_&H":["Buffered $2 read_at (pread)",C[5]],"old_school_gfx_glutin_ext":["Extensions @0 glutin to initialize & update old school gfx",C[59]],"libheif-sys":["libheif @5","1.11.0"],"datadog-apm-sync":["Datadog APM-^d tracer @6 &I @0 @3","0.4.3"],"harmony":["A @u @0 simulating games of Harmony",C[7]],"magna":[C[149],C[150]],"terminal-linked-hash-map":["A fork of linked-^I-map @p builds on stable in exchange @0 not allowing custom hashers.",C[9]],"redis-ac":["Asynchronuos commands ^w @0 redis-rs",C[7]],"core-video-sys":["@K to CoreVideo.framework @0 macOS @6 iOS","0.1.4"],"mach_o":["A nicer @C @0 ^h @7 OSX's mach-o @Q @1 (built on top of mach_o_sys)","0.1.2"],"sfunc":["$d @1 @y special @z.","0.0.4"],"html2text":["Render HTML as plain ^x.",C[7]],"notify":["Cross-@U filesystem notification @1","5.0.0-pre.5"],"staticfile":[C[456],C[2]],"raw_tty":["@k @8 can be $a @0 generally &7 @7 a tty's mode safely, but was created originally to solve @4 problem of @x raw mode @7 /dev/tty while ^R stdin @0 @A.",C[9]],"build-probe-mpi":["Probes @4 @Q @0 an installation of an MPI @1","0.1.1"],"timeout_io":["@k @1 @y a @e timeout-@r @C @0 IO-$V",C[5]],"trust-dns-server":["Trust-DNS is a $W @6 secure DNS @Z @7 DNSSec @t. Eventually @S could be a replacement @0 BIND9. $d DNSSec @t allows @0 live signing of all records, in it does not currently @t records signed offline. $d @Z supports dynamic DNS @7 SIG0 authenticated requests. Trust-DNS is @r on @4 Tokio @6 Futures &j, $i means it should be easily integrated ^i other software @p also $f those &j.","0.20.0"],"graphql_@i":["Typed GraphQL requests @6 responses","0.9.0"],"google-partners2":[C[429],C[430]],"kailua_diag":["Diagnostics @6 rudimentary localization @t @0 Kailua","1.0.4"],"rand-distributions":["Random &2 distributions @0 $f @7 `rand`.","0.1.2"],"aws_lambda_events":["^r Lambda event $E",C[8]],"mobc-redis":["Redis @t @0 @4 mobc connection pool","0.7.0"],"specs_bundler":["specs component @6 @Q bundler",C[5]],"libdc1394-sys":["@D @5 @0 libdc1394","0.2.2"],"spirv-reflect":["Reflection @C in @g @0 SPIR-V shader byte $3, intended @0 Vulkan @P.","0.2.3"],"conniecs":["A @e ECS @Q @r off of @4 `ecs` @8, but @7 some minor APIadjustments @6 @c @d @0 ^a most of @4 boilerplate.Make sure to include @4 `conniecs-@c` @8 as well.",C[0]],"rooster":["A @e password &N @0 geeks","2.9.0"],"block-padding":["Padding @6 unpadding of &E divided ^i blocks.","0.3.0-pre"],"crockford":["@X Crockford Base32 $c @0 identifiers (e.g. u64 ^G).","1.1.0"],"time-macros":[C[958],"0.1.1"],"parasail-sys":["&B @5 to @4 parasail pairwise genetic sequence alignment @1.","0.2.5"],"signalbool":["A @e @8 to catch signals @6 set a boolean flag @0 later $f.","0.2.4"],"softether_exporter":["Prometheus expoter @0 SoftEther VPN @Z",C[0]],"srclient-sys":["@D @5 to srclient. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"cita_trie":["Modified Patricia Tree (aka Trie).","2.0.0"],"google-drive":["An @C @i @0 Google Drive",C[60]],"yarte_@c":["$U @m $0 @0 yarte","0.14.1"],"lyon_tess2":["An additional path tessellator @0 lyon @x libtess2.","0.17.1"],"post-expansion":["Strip attributes after #[@c(...)] expansion",C[0]],"jsonrpc-ws-server":["WebSockets @Z @0 ^y-RPC","17.0.0"],"$O_datapipeline":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Data Pipeline @ 2012-10-29",C[13]],"pyltime":["Reimplementation of (a subset of) @4 Python $B ^H",C[4]],"holochain_persistence_lmdb":[C[431],"0.0.18"],"i3ipc-types":["@u containing all @4 @l needed to communicate @7 i3, along @7 their $n $5 @6 $5 of many std $g",C[19]],"allegro_image-sys":["Allegro 5 &O addon @3 ^3","0.0.41"],"cryptonote-base58":[C[1036],"0.1.2"],"liquid-derive":[C[371],"0.21.1"],"surf":["Surf @4 ^Y - ^o @i @o","2.1.0"],"mpmc":["copy-pasted @w old @g stdlib","0.1.5"],"color_quant":["Color quantization @1 to reduce n colors to 256 colors.","1.1.0"],"sc-peerset":["Connectivity &N @r on reputation","3.0.0"],"redox_termios":["A @3 @1 to ^0 Redox termios @z","0.1.2"],"runtime-native":["A cross-@U $z $4",C[226]],"trash":["A @1 @0 moving @E @6 folders to @4 Recycle Bin","1.3.0"],"linux-api-exit":["@K to kernel/exit.c","0.1.1"],"target_$t_&1":["DEPRECATED: Use Cargo &h variables `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_*`",C[1]],"^M_paths":["A port of QStandardPaths class $i @y &Q @0 accessing ^M paths on @4 local filesystem (config, cache, user directories @6 etc.).","0.4.6"],"whatlang":["Natural @R detection @1. Identifies @R of a given ^x.","0.11.1"],"left-right":["A concurrency primitive @0 high concurrency reads &q a single-writer @A $M.",C[15]],"adi_clock":["Aldaron's Device Interface / Clock is a @1 developed by Plop Grizzly @0 measuring / getting $B, sleeping @7 precision, @6 smooth animation.",C[3]],"audiopus":["High-@I ^3 of @4 Opus Codec @1.",C[0]],"svd":["SVD structs in $3.","1.0.0"],"nom-psl":["Fast public suffix list domain @Y, $h in nom","1.2.0"],"svd2rust":[C[432],C[36]],"slog-bunyan":["Bunyan formatter @0 slog-rs","2.3.0"],"pallet-generic-asset":["FRAME pallet @0 ^A asset ^B",C[876]],"google-oslogin1_beta-cli":[C[433],C[26]],"pushover":["A @h @0 @4 Pushover @C.",C[3]],"twitter_^x_config":["Configuration @0 twitter-^x in @3.",C[0]],"odbc-api":["Write ODBC Applications in (mostly) $W @3.",C[42]],"hexplay":["Format u8 slices $D an hex editor",C[7]],"etcommon-block-core":[C[370],C[1]],"lit":["Integrated ^j $F, &J by LLVM's 'lit' ^j script","1.0.3"],"log-ndc":["log ^n @7 NDC-$D $l",C[0]],"geng-derive":["Game Engine (@c @d)","0.8.0-alpha.0"],"riscan-pro":["Crack open RiSCAN PRO xml ^Q @E.",C[7]],"back-to-the-future":["Conversions $G std::@v::Future @6 $1::Future.","0.1.7"],"piston-button_controller":["A Piston @1 @0 $Y button state @6 events",C[38]],"griddle":["A HashMap variant @p spreads resize load across inserts","0.4.1"],"sc-service":["Substrate &9. Starts a &k @p spins up @4 ^c, @i, @6 extrinsic pool. Manages communication $G them.","0.9.0"],"vektor":["Strongly typed explici SIMD",C[7]],"parse_qapi":["A @1 to @j qemu's json $D QAPI. @k uses a nom @j to parse @4 json @6 @4 descriptions. @k @1 is $a by @4 qemu-@g-@G ^Q to $t @4 @1","0.1.2"],"libp2p-observed-address":["Observed addresses @9 @0 libp2p",C[19]],"backr":["A ^N @p backs up user @A @p matches a regular &L",C[2]],"testanything":["Generate results in @4 Test Anything ^p (TAP)",C[7]],"packed_simd_2":[C[904],"0.3.4"],"$W_^c_$R":["Common $3 @0 safe_vault @6 safe_core","0.7.0"],"skribo":["A @3 @1 @0 low-@I ^x layout.",C[9]],"firestarter":["A ^O @6 shared socket &N","0.3.2"],"rust-sort":["@B of $R sorting $X, purely @0 learning.","0.1.4"],"$O_marketplacecommerceanalytics":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Marketplace Commerce Analytics @ 2015-07-01",C[13]],"env_perm":["Sets &h variables in $p profile","0.1.3"],"cargo-flutter":["Tool @0 ^f flutter-rs projects.",C[60]],"gazetta-model-ext":["A &n site @G @o. Extra models.",C[3]],"rustcastai":["Wrapper $C @4 Recast.AI @C","0.2.2"],"librados-sys":["@3 @5 @0 @4 Ceph Rados @C",C[9]],"all_variants":["@X an EveryVariant $I @p @y @4 every_variant method on types.Allows @O to easily ^m every combination of variants in $j @p contains Enums,or in nested &G trees. @k to allow @0 additional ^j of codepaths","0.2.8"],"ethcore-bytes":["Byte @L @0 Parity","0.1.1"],"^j":["Testing @L @0 @4 swc ^Q.","0.10.2"],"lenient_bool":["A bool @j @p is more accepting of various $b bool representations.","0.1.1"],"kvdb-memorydb":["A key-&m in-$v ^V @p implements @4 `KeyValueDB` $I","0.9.0"],"rust-lzma":["@J @s @0 LZMA ^D @6 decompression.","0.5.1"],"artifact":["A &z @1 $i allows settings to be specified through @N features.","0.2.4"],"nitro":["A game $k built in @3. @k @8 is no longer maintained.","0.9.1"],"sounding-base":["Data formats @6 $X @0 atmospheric soundings. $d base @8 is meant to be a $R base @0 other $Z to $t on. These $Z may be @0 managing a @A-store, displaying @A, or saving @6 loading @E.","0.11.1"],"dbui-controllers":["^o controllers @0 @4 dbui @Z","0.0.64"],"google-runtimeconfig1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Cloud RuntimeConfig (@9 v1beta1)",C[434]],"multicache":["An LRU cache where each object has a given weight","0.6.1"],"sc-informant":["Substrate informant.","0.9.0"],"basic_dsp_matrix":[C[177],"0.9.2"],"alert-after":["Get a desktop notification after a @H finishes executing","1.5.1"],"codenano":["A @1 @0 editing DNA molecular designs","0.5.1"],"rsfuzzy":["Basic @3 fuzzy logic @1","0.1.3"],"wasmtime-rust":["@3 ^n @0 Wasmtime",C[25]],"epsilonz_algebra":["Abstract Algebra in @3. (NOTE: @S @8 is merging @7 &w://",C[4]],"primal-estimate":["State-of-@4-art estimation of upper @6 lower bounds @0 π(n)(@4 &2 of primes below n) @6 p_k (@4 k-th prime).",C[1]],"calloop":["A callback-@r event loop","0.7.2"],"gfcgi":["&B @3 @1 @0 FastCGI @7 multithreading @6 multiplexing @t","0.4.3"],"amqp":["AMQP/RabbitMQ @9 @i","0.1.3"],"predicates-tree":["Render boolean-valued predicate @z results as a ^k.","1.0.2"],"file-rotate":["Log rotation @0 @E",C[8]],"runtime-macros":["Simulate expansion of $w @d at run $B",C[3]],"tectonic_cfg_@t":["A @t @8 @p helps deal @7 CARGO_CFG_TARGET_* variables.When cross-compiling, these variables must be $a instead of constructs suchas `cfg!(target_arch = ...)` because @4 script is compiled totarget @4 $t host &h, not @4 true target &h.","0.1.2"],"drttransport-sys":["@D @5 to drttransport. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"xmc4500":["XMC peripheral @1 @0 XMC4500 &i @w SVD",C[8]],"nvptx":["@3 to PTX ^8 @x LLVM/NVPTX target","0.2.3"],"sedregex":["Sed-$D regex @1","0.2.4"],"ceramic":["Synchronous channels $G proccesses",C[3]],"&Y_large_object":["Large object @t @0 @g-&Y","0.7.1"],"maskerad_object_pool":["A $m of object pools, @0 more ^S dynamic $v allocation",C[3]],"ndarray_einsum_beta":["@B of @4 einsum $8 @0 @4 @3 ndarray @8. As popularized in numpy, einsum (Einstein summation) implements general multidimensional tensor contraction. Many linear algebra $V @6 generalizations of those $V can be expressed as special cases of tensor contraction.",C[2]],"transaction-diesel":["transaction $P of diesel","0.2.2"],"libhandy":["@3 @5 @0 libhandy",C[435]],"qt_gui":["@K @0 QtGui C++ @1",C[2]],"yaksay":["Cowsay enhanced","1.5.8"],"netlink-proto":["$6 netlink @9",C[5]],"libtest-mimic":["Write $p own ^7 harness @p looks @6 behaves $D @4 built-in ^7 harness $a by `&y --^7`",C[3]],"holochain_metrics":["Holochain analytics @w logs @6 other metrics",C[34]],"$I_tests":["A ^8 $L to allow tests to be defined agaist $g.","0.3.3"],"usbd-hid":["A HID class @0 $f @7 usb-device.",C[2]],"@c_setters":["@3 @m to automatically generates setter &Q @0 a struct's fields.","0.1.5"],"$W_launcher":["SAFE Launcher @1",C[0]],"google-adexchangebuyer1d3":[C[797],C[454]],"input-linux":["evdev @6 uinput",C[8]],"davclnt-sys":["@D @5 to davclnt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"deku":[C[647],C[12]],"reminisce":["A joystick detection @6 event-$Y @1","0.9.1"],"monome-rs":["Talk to monome &S","1.1.2"],"pcp":["A brute-force pcp solution searcher",C[0]],"lich":["Minimal password ^B.",C[0]],"dunce":["Normalize ^5 paths to @4 most ^d @M, avoiding UNC where possible","1.0.1"],"bdflib":["A @1 to parse bdf @E.","0.4.4"],"pyo3-built":["Expose $t variables obtained @7 built as a PyDict","0.4.4"],"accel-core":["Support @8 @0 $N GPGPU kernels @x accel",C[3]],"project-cleanup":["CLI $F to clean up @6 remove old &i $3 in $p @3, Javascript @6 Java projects","1.0.0"],"odbc-ffi":["renamed to odbc-@f","0.2.4"],"grin_p2p":[C[261],"5.0.1"],"whoami":["Retrieve @4 current user @6 &h.","1.1.0"],"frunk-enum-derive":["Derive @d to implement @4 frunk::LabelledGeneric $I on enums",C[0]],"passert_@d":["Pretty/Power assertion @d @0 @g (@m @8)",C[0]],"mir":["Tool to mirror a user's entire accessible GitLab group hierarchy locally @6 optionally clone all projects.","0.2.4"],"isbn":["A @1 @0 $Y ISBNs.",C[0]],"crfsuite-sys":["@3 ^3 to crfsuite",C[1]],"flowers":["$d Perfect Program","0.0.5"],"git-heckout":["Check out $p favorite branches ^Z typing them correctly.","0.5.1"],"$y":["String @L, including an unbalanced Rope","0.1.1"],"voidmap":["$A mind-map + task tracker + tsdb","1.1.5"],"$O_lex_$4":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon Lex Runtime Service @ 2016-11-28",C[13]],"swc-hosts":["Safely parse /etc/hosts @w Someone Who Cares.",C[7]],"iprop-sys":["@D @5 to iprop. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"rustdoc-katex-demo":["@k ^Q demonstrates an approach to including KaTeX in @3 docs","0.1.5"],"gperftools":["@K to google's gperftools",C[0]],"dicom-core":["Efficient @6 practical @T @1 @0 DICOM compliant systems",C[3]],"javelin":["@J streaming @Z","0.3.7"],"noop_&r_@m":["No-op proc_macro, literally does nothing",C[3]],"float_next_after":["A $I @0 &d @g f64/f32 nextafter","0.1.5"],"simdty":["Definitions of many SIMD @l.","0.0.6"],"winproc":["Small @h &q some ^O-related ^5 APIs.","0.6.4"],"pinky-swear":["Futures @6 $6/await-ready Promises","5.1.0"],"ironcore-search-helpers":["Search &F @0 ^h @7 encrypted ^G, particularly on @4 IronCore @U.","0.1.2"],"dirty2":["Fork of @4 Dirty @8, @7 a few more features. Holds a &m @7 a dirty flag $i is set on writes @6 cleared on clear()",C[9]],"k8-metadata-client":["Trait @0 interfacing kubernetes metadata &9","3.0.0"],"afi":["Audio & video $j, plus encoder & decoder $g.",C[476]],"redis":["Redis ^K @0 @3.",C[54]],"cargo-testjs":["Cargo ^n to run tests by nodejs","0.1.2"],"array_iterator":["Owning iterators @r on arrays.","1.3.0"],"etcommon-util":["Utils @0 dealing @7 Ethereum structs.",C[9]],"matrix_display":["A @1 to display a matrix in @H $r @7 pretty unicode separators","1.0.0"],"tide-server-timing":["Server-Timing @t @0 Tide + Tracing",C[51]],"grep-pcre2":["Use PCRE2 @7 @4 'grep' @8.","0.1.4"],"validations":["Validations @0 arbitrary @l.","0.1.1"],"actix-web-middleware-redirect-scheme":["A middleware @0 actix-^Y $i forwards all `&e` requests to `&w` @6 vice versa. Based on actix-^Y-middleware-redirect-&w.","3.0.0"],"warc":["A @3 @1 @0 ^R @6 $N WARC @E.",C[7]],"$n_jsonrc":["A lenient ^y @V $2 @M",C[9]],"spork":["A Rusty key-object store @0 ^v @P","0.0.5"],"kugel":["@3-oriented OpenGL @h.","0.0.2"],"log4rs-gelf":["TCP Handler @6 GELF Encoder to $f @7 @4 log4rs &z @o.","0.1.4"],"crc8":["A CRC8 @2","0.1.1"],"eco":["A $F @0 reasoning about breaking changes in @3 ecosystems","0.21.0"],"cargo-config":["@N-config allows @O get to read $e @w a project's Cargo.toml $2 on @4 @H $r. Similar in spirit to git config.","0.1.1"],"solana-bpfloader":[C[436],"0.15.3"],"sp-panic-handler":["Custom panic hook @7 bug report link","3.0.0"],"rust-assimp":["A @g @h @0 assimp @4 open asset import @1","0.0.23"],"incrust":["Template $k &J by Jinja2","0.2.15"],"quackngo":["Duck Duck Go InstantAnswer @1 $h in @3","0.1.4"],"endian_$I":["A $I @0 Endianness conversions @p can be &v on most @l",C[5]],"lockchain-crypto":["Small shim layer @8 @0 ^z $V on lockchain @A records","0.8.0"],"deno_crypto":["Collection of WebCrypto APIs",C[38]],"easy-jsonrpc":[C[821],"0.5.3"],"line-span":["Find $r ranges @6 jump $G next @6 previous lines","0.1.2"],"exonum-crypto":["Cryptography related @l, constants, $g @6 @z.","1.0.0"],"gpx":["@3 read/&b @t @0 GPS Exchange Format (GPX)","0.8.1"],"waltz":[C[437],"0.4.1"],"uchardet-sys":["Low-@I, unsafe @s to uchardet $c detector","2.0.3"],"log-mdc":["A mapped diagnostic context (MDC) @0 $f @7 @4 `log` @8",C[9]],"ripjson":["A $S @6 lean way to grep in ^y @E.","0.9.6"],"yaml-merge-keys":["@B of @4 YAML merge key extension.$o/merge.html","0.4.1"],"wysgy_@T":["Core libs @0 wysgy, a @H $r graph DB","0.1.5"],"gstreamer-video-sys":["@D @5 to libgstvideo-1.0","0.9.1"],"readmouse":["A very ^P @1 @0 ^R @4 mouse location @6 mouse button presses on macOS.",C[7]],"skulpin-plugin-imgui":["A $L @0 skulpin @p implements imgui &W","0.7.1"],"dotenv_^T_@2":[C[272],C[42]],"ddcutil":["DDC/CI monitor ^0 via libddcutil","0.0.3"],"saphir_@m":["Macro ^6 @0 &e @Z @o","2.1.2"],"lyon_tessellation":["A low @I path tessellation @1.","0.17.5"],"json-request":["Make ^y ^o requests @7 automatic de/@V",C[0]],"libpijul":["Core @1 of Pijul, a &T $9 control @Q @r on a sound theory of collaborative work.","1.0.0-alpha.34"],"clone_all":["clone_all!(my,variables,@7,long,names);","0.1.1"],"libparted":["@3 &D @0 libparted","0.1.4"],"riscv-rt":["Minimal $4 / startup @0 RISC-V CPU's","0.8.0"],"enum-tryfrom-derive":["A @8 to @c TryFrom @0 enums",C[7]],"unsegen":["Another tui @1","0.2.5"],"rculock":["A synchronization primitive @0 unlimited lock-free reads @7 one concurrent writer.","0.1.2"],"holochain_wasmer_host":["wasm host $3","0.0.66"],"hdd":["hdd: instruments @0 querying ATA @6 SCSI disks","0.10.3"],"intel-seapi":["Mid-@I @h @0 Intel Single Event @C (SEAPI) @6 ittnotify, as $a by Intel VTune",C[1]],"netcdf":["High-@I NetCDF @5 @0 @3",C[5]],"mccs":["VESA Monitor Control Command Set",C[9]],"wasi":["Experimental WASI @C @5 @0 @3","0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1"],"apa102-spi":["SPI-@r Driver @0 apa102 leds","0.3.2"],"mscorlib-sys":["Raw @D @5 @0 mscorlib",C[88]],"lnd-rust":["@3 ^3 to @4 Lightning Network Daemon",C[2]],"lv2rs-urid":["@3 adaptation prototype of @4 LV2 urid @1","0.2.2"],"dinghy":["Painless tests on mobile &S","0.2.16"],"chlorine":["Just @4 C @l @0 `no_std`, but builds faster.","1.0.7"],"mrsc":["mpsc @7 requests",C[1]],"solana-vote-api":["Solana Vote ^N @C","0.20.5"],"gfx-backend-vulkan":[C[438],"0.7.0"],"$O_swf":["^r ^J @0 @3 - Amazon @J Workflow Service @ 2012-01-25",C[13]],"local_ipaddress":["Get $p local IP address ^Z panic","0.1.3"],"swf-tree":["Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) @0 SWF @E","0.9.0"],"actix-slog":["structured ^0-&z @0 actix-^Y utilizing slog, thus enabling ^y-&z",C[7]],"binomial-iter":["@X &5 to iteratively compute @4 binomial coefficient",C[9]],"rpcperf_workload":["rpc-perf workload ^6","2.0.0"],"sapper_session":["Session $L @0 sapper @o.",C[0]],"allegro_acodec":["Allegro 5 acodec addon @3 @h","0.0.41"],"furnace":["A @1 @0 ^f GUI $T, heavily &J @w React, Redux, @6 Relm.",C[3]],"concread":["Concurrently Readable Data-Structures @0 @3","0.2.7"],"peek-poke-derive":["Derive @m @0 peek-poke.",C[7]],"vtd_xml":["VTD-XML, $S XML @j","0.3.4"],"kdbx4":["KeePass KDBX4 $2 &H","0.4.2"],"csv-core":["Bare bones CSV @Y @7 no_std @t.",C[64]],"proc-macro2-impersonated":["A substitute @2 of @4 compiler's `proc_macro` @C","0.1.1"],"scroll_phat_hd":["Scroll Phat HD @1.","0.3.2"],"ident_case":["Utility @0 applying case rules to @3 identifiers.","1.0.1"],"i2cdev-l3gd20":["I2C ^K @0 @4 L3GD20 gyroscope.","0.1.3"],"futures-black-hole":["Black hole @2 @0 $1","0.2.2"],"join":["^U $i provide &K shortcut combinators, combine sync/$6 chains, @t single @6 multi &k (sync/$6) step by step execution of branches, transform tuple of results in result of tuple.",C[3]],"synopsys-usb-otg":["'usb-device' @2 @0 Synopsys USB OTG IP cores","0.2.4"],"drone-fatfs":[C[439],"0.2.3"],"hummingbird":["An unofficial @3 @h @0 @4 @C.","0.1.3"],"serenity-voice-model":["A @3 @1 @0 (de)serializing Discord Voice @C gateway &E.",C[9]],"nu_$L_to_bson":[C[275],C[59]],"very_@e_2d":[C[440],"1.0.0"],"netlink-packet-utils":["@d @6 &F @0 @Y netlink &E",C[8]],"airtable-api":["An @C @i @0 Airtable","0.1.20"],"term_size":[C[441],"1.0.0-beta1"],"dipstick":["A $S, all-purpose metrics @1 decoupling instrumentation @w reporting backends. Similar to popular &z frameworks, but @7 counters, timers @6 gauges. Can combine outputs (e.g. log + graphite), do sampling, aggregation, periodical publication, etc.","0.9.0"],"xio_$R":["XIO commonly $a $l",C[19]],"tock-registers":["Memory-Mapped I/O @6 register @s developed @0 Tock.",C[5]],"aterm":["@B of @4 Annotated Terms @A $M","0.20.0"],"markdown2html-converter":["A $F @0 converting a Markdown $2 to a single HTML $2 @7 built-in CSS @6 JS.","1.1.2"],"iomrascalai":["An AI @0 @4 game of Go","0.1.7"],"aux_ulib-sys":["@D @5 to aux_ulib. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"libvirt-sys":["&B @5 to libvirt @1","1.2.18"],"generate-nix-pkg":[C[442],C[3]],"cargo-husky":["husky @0 @N","1.5.0"],"alfred":["A @1 @0 $N Alfred workflows.","4.0.2"],"smtp2go":["SMTP2GO &0 @s @0 email sending","0.1.4"],"stm32f4xx-hal":["Peripheral ^0 @C @0 STM32F4 series $x","0.8.3"],"$O_iot":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r IoT @ 2015-05-28",C[13]],"challonge":["&X @1 @0 @4 Challonge REST @C",C[8]],"mesalink":["MesaLink is a $v-$W @6 OpenSSL-^d TLS @1 @r on Rustls @6 Ring.","1.1.0-cratesio"],"bluez":["Control Bluetooth on &t.",C[3]],"catalog":["A $2-@r map to store key/&m pairs in a $2 @6 get them @x $Q search","0.1.2"],"qt_3d_extras":["@K @0 Qt3DExtras C++ @1",C[2]],"canparse":["A CAN signal @6 definition @j","0.1.4"],"gurobi-sys":["Low-@I @D @5 of Gurobi C @C @0 @3 (unofficial)",C[3]],"conrod_@T":[C[353],"0.71.0"],"hash256-std-hasher":["Standard @1 hasher @0 256-bit prehashed keys.","0.15.2"],"git-build-version":["Allows &s inclusion of @4 git &M $9 in $p ^Q","0.1.2"],"e310x":["With svd2rust &i peripherals @0 Freedom E310 MCU's.","0.9.0"],"dssim":["Tool @p measures structural similarity $G images @x a multi-scale variant of @4 SSIM $7.","3.0.0"],"compt":["A @q $Q ^k visitor @1","1.10.1"],"google-gmail1":[C[443],C[444]],"mop-adapters":["Solver adapters @0 MOP","0.0.10"],"dbi-macros":["Database @s @d",C[3]],"gerrit-rust":[C[911],"0.1.24"],"alcs":["All Longest Common Subsequences @6 String Fuzzy Search","0.1.3"],"imag-link":["Part of @4 imag @T ^e: imag-link @H",C[21]],"uhyve":["A hypervisor @0 RustyHermit","0.0.27"],"couchbase":["$d official Couchbase @3 ^J.",C[282]],"pkgar":["Redox Package Archive",C[6]],"mockstream":["Stream (Read+Write $g) $5 to be $a to mock real streams in tests.","0.0.3"],"tenrus":["Travis Encryption in @3","0.1.1"],"drop_bomb":["A $4 guard @0 ^a linear @l.","0.1.5"],"tokio-socks5":["$6 socks5 @9","0.1.4"],"bevy_ui":["A custom ECS-driven UI @o built specifically @0 Bevy Engine",C[8]],"gl_$R":["Common glue @0 &j @x gl-rs",C[9]],"dharma":["High-@I @o @0 multi-&k @P",C[9]],"cuneiform-fields":["Field @I [no_std] cache optimizations @0 @3.","0.1.1"],"askama_actix":["Actix-Web ^t @0 Askama templates","0.11.1"],"graphy_dll":["A @1 @0 loading dlls.",C[3]],"crc-any":["To compute CRC ^G by &6 @4 length of bits, &L, reflection, an initial &m @6 a final xor &m. It has many built-in CRC @z.","2.3.5"],"freetype-sys":["Low @I ^3 @0 FreeType font @1",C[31]],"multitooth":["A ^b $F @0 poking &4 uberteeth",C[4]],"virtdisk-rs":["@3 abstractions @0 VirtDisk APIs.","2.0.0"],"serde-name":["Extract @4 Serde name of structs @6 enums","0.1.1"],"quinn":["QUIC transport @9 @2 @0 Tokio","0.6.1"],"tls-api-rustls":["TLS @C @2 &q rustls @8",C[8]],"accord":["@u @0 validating @A according to rules $D \"contains\", \"length\", \"either\", \"range\".","0.2.2"],"mailstrom":["Email sender","0.7.0"],"just-argon2":["@K to @4 argon2 C @1.","1.2.0"],"prefetch":["prefetch @y a $o-$W @h $C LLVM's prefetch intrinsic",C[0]],"rctree":["A 'DOM-$D' ^k &v @x reference counting","0.3.3"],"boldline":["Small $q to ^m a bold $r in a repeated $r of ^x","0.1.1"],"sorted-collections":["A @1 &6 &K ^n $g @6 convenience &Q @0 ordered &u in @3. NOTE: @k @1 is not currently in active &A, @6 much of @4 $l has been either obsoleted by or superseded by similar or identical $l of @4 ^M @1, or soon will be. Please $f @p instead, at least until I find a better direction to take @S.","0.0.8"],"rusty-hook":["git hook $q","0.11.2"],"cbitset":["A bit set, being able to hold a fixed amount of booleans in an array of integers",C[0]],"gear":["Collision avoidance path planning @0 robotics","0.7.0"],"html_@j":["A @e @6 general purpose html/xhtml @j","0.6.2"],"openid":["OpenID Connect & Discovery @i @1 @x $6 / await.","0.8.0"],"twofish":["Twofish block cipher",C[2]],"mosh-server-upnp":["mosh-@Z @h @0 NATs",C[9]],"pest_@G_tmp":[C[880],"2.1.0"],"url":["URL @1 @0 @3, @r on @4 WHATWG URL Standard","2.2.0"],"urbit":["Urbit @L",C[9]],"wordsworth":["A $m of natural @R analysis @z","0.1.1"],"arff":["ARFF $2 @M serializer @6 deserializer",C[3]],"libhdf5-lib":["Build script @t @0 @4 HDF5 @1",C[0]],"aws-arn":["@X @l, builders, @6 other &F to manipulate ^r Amazon Resource Name (ARN) $y","0.1.1"],"xmltree":["Parse an XML $2 ^i a @e ^k-$D $M","0.10.2"],"allsorts":["Font @j, shaping $k, @6 subsetter @0 OpenType, WOFF, @6 WOFF2","0.5.1"],"tango":["Markdown-@r Literate $s in @3, integrated @7 Cargo.","0.8.2"],"poppler":["Wrapper @0 @4 GPL-licensed Poppler PDF &W @1.",C[3]],"chiter":["Memory editing @1 aimed at game hacking.","0.4.3"],"configure_me_^T":[C[849],C[8]],"wtsapi32-sys":["@D @5 to wtsapi32. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ctor":["__attribute__((constructor)) @0 @3","0.1.19"],"cumath":["Cuda-@r matrix/vector computations","0.2.7"],"computus":["Computus Easter calculation in @3","1.0.0"],"asn1":["ASN.1 (DER) serializer @0 @3.",C[9]],"cpu-monitor":["A @1 to get cpu usage &q a given duration","0.1.1"],"apple-crash-report-parser":["Parses apple crash report ^x @E.","0.4.2"],"wasmer-runtime-fl":[C[445],C[36]],"zerocopy":["^l @0 zero-copy @Y @6 @V",C[3]],"reqwest_mock":["@X a mockable reqwest-$D ^o @i.","0.7.0"],"slice_queue":["@k @1 @y an VecQueue @0 ^S ^h @7 (byte-)slices","0.3.2"],"argonaut":["A @e argument @j",C[19]],"ffmpeg4-sys":[C[108],"4.3.0-pre.1"],"svls":["SystemVerilog @R @Z","0.1.25"],"reparse":["AST coercion @d described in $d Little Book Of @3 ^U","0.1.1"],"drux":["Debian @3-$0 updater @0 inhouse","0.7.8"],"agnes":["A @A wrangling @1 @0 @3","0.3.2"],"peakbag":["Full waveform LiDAR &l, including peak detection",C[9]],"buildchain":["Software @0 ^9 @6 managing a &T @6 reproducible chain of builds","0.4.11"],"libimaghabit":[C[29],C[21]],"math-text-transform":["Transform greek letters, latin letters, or decimal digits intocertain variants @w @4 mathematical alphanumeric symbolsUnicode block (U+1D400–U+1D7FF). For example to bold, italic,script or double-struck.","0.1.1"],"libp2p-mdns":["@B of @4 libp2p mDNS discovery method","0.28.0"],"minisign-verify":["A ^P @8 to verify Minisign signatures.","0.1.8"],"conquer-util":["@L @0 concurrent @6 lock-free $s",C[3]],"input_buffer":["A peekable FIFO-$D buffer @0 receiving ^c @A efficiently",C[8]],"pcg":["A port of @4 PCG &x &2 ^6 @1","4.1.0"],"rs-collector":["An scollector ^d telemetry collector $h in @3","0.1.7"],"ntquery-sys":["@D @5 to ntquery. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"coremidi-sys":["Low-@I @D @5 @0 @4 CoreMIDI @o","2.0.2"],"cairo-sys-rs":["@D @5 to libcairo",C[12]],"nonvolatile":["A $0 &6 @4 ability to store $K @A out of @4 way","0.7.0"],"$O_waf_regional":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r WAF Regional @ 2016-11-28",C[13]],"openexr":["@3 @5 @0 OpenEXR","0.7.1"],"mmime":["Mime @Y @0 email","0.1.2"],"futures-await-test-preview":[C[446],C[40]],"flatbuffers":["Official FlatBuffers @3 $4 @1.","0.8.3"],"smd_@m":["A @8 @0 @4 smd! @m","0.0.7"],"unic-ucd-version":["UNIC — &g Character Database — Version","0.9.0"],"file-descriptors":["Wrapper $C @4 $R kinds of (mostly &t) $2 descriptors, including sockets, pipes, FIFOs, terminals, serial ports, character &S, epoll, POSIX message queues, timerfd, eventfd, signalfd fanotify @6 inotify","0.9.1"],"compacts-bits":["succinct bit vector",C[7]],"wharf":["&c docker &0 @1",C[64]],"@m_rules_attribute":[C[447],C[4]],"iobuf":["A contiguous region of bytes, &K @0 I/O $V.","5.8.1"],"iota-lib-rs":["A @g @2 of @4 IOTA &X @C","0.4.1"],"awsm_^Y":[C[561],C[51]],"ogg-sys":["@D @0 libogg, @4 media container.","0.0.9"],"nautilus-extension":["Safe @3 @h @0 libnautilus-^n, to extend GNOME Nautilus $2 browser (aka Files in Ubuntu)","0.6.1"],"nanocurrency-peering":["Peering $3 @0 @4 Nano cryptocurrency",C[5]],"hackgt-nfc":["A portable @3 @1 @0 ^h @7 HackGT's NFC badges","0.4.2"],"google-speech1_beta1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 Speech (@9 v1beta1)",C[75]],"scoped-pool":["A flexible &k pool &6 scoped threads.","1.0.0"],"coco":["Concurrent &u","0.3.4"],"interval_^k":["A variant of interval ^k @A $M.",C[0]],"rgeo":["Offline reverse geocoding @1 @x geonames db","0.2.4"],"aws_event_^X_@j":["@3 @2 of @4^X $Q @M",C[9]],"smart-leds":["A @8 to $f smart-leds device drivers",C[3]],"linky":["Extract links @w Markdown @E @6 check links @0 brokenness","0.1.8"],"petrovich":["Petrovich is @1 $i inflects Russian names to given grammatical case. It supports first names, last names @6 middle names inflections.",C[0]],"$6_io_^X":["IntoAsyncRead on steriods",C[0]],"checkers-macros":["^U @0 checkers, a sanity checker @0 global allocations.","0.5.7"],"mathru":["Mathematics @1 $h in @3","0.8.4"],"rtutils-sys":["@D @5 to rtutils. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"&r_self":["Cross-@U `/&r/self` functionality.This @1 enables limited `/&r/self` $l, including getting @4 current executable, open $2 descriptors, @6 paths @0 open $2 descriptors @p can be passed to e.g. `exec` (@0 those systems ^Z `fexecve`).Integrated ^i &w://",C[0]],"vial":["a micro micro-@o","0.1.9"],"kmon":["&t kernel &N @6 activity monitor","1.5.3"],"fw":["faster workspace ^B","2.7.0"],"qapi-qmp":["QEMU Machine ^p @l","0.7.0"],"cloud":["...","0.0.2"],"rendy-util":[C[560],"0.4.1"],"lazy_&n":["A @m @0 declaring lazily evaluated statics in @3.","1.4.0"],"cargo-count":["Cargo &3 @0 displaying statistics about projects, such as $3, comments, @6 unsafe counters","0.2.4"],"mat":["Statically sized matrices @0 `no_std` @P",C[0]],"prntvpt-sys":["@D @5 to prntvpt. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"ssdp-client":["An $z @1 @0 discovering, notifying @6 subscribing to &S @6 services on a ^c.","1.0.0"],"endian-type":["Type $W &D @0 @l @7 a defined byte order","0.1.2"],"reustmann":["Reustmann is a Von Neumann architecture",C[7]],"elog":["@J &z @0 debugging.",C[3]],"thread-scoped":["Unsafe @6 deprecated std::&k::scoped","1.0.2"],"$n_traitobject":["Serializable @6 deserializable $I objects.This @1 enables @4 @V @6 &a of $I objects such @p they can be sent $G other processes running @4 same $Q.","0.2.7"],"rsdocs2docset":["@k is a ^P $F to ^m a docsets @0 Dash / Velocity / Zeal / LovelyDocs out of @3 docs.","0.4.1"],"oatmeal_raisin":["A cookies $L @0 Iron.",C[4]],"$O_@t":["^r ^J @0 @3 - ^r Support @ 2013-04-15",C[13]],"ert":["A combinator to control @v execution order.","0.2.2"],"libappindicator-sys":["@3 raw @5 @0 libappindicator",C[2]],"gccjit":["Higher-@I @3 @5 @0 libgccjit.","1.0.0"],"gob":["$n @t @0 @4 gob $Q @M",C[9]],"nickel_session":["Session @t @0",C[9]],"chit":["Crate help in $A: A $F @0 looking up details about @g $Z ^Z going to","0.1.15"],"str-macro":["$d str!() @m, similar to vec![] but @0 $y","1.0.0"],"hashtag":["A hashtag @j",C[88]],"ers":["A rewrite @Q @r on s-expressions @6 pattern matching","0.0.0"],"permutator":["Get a lexicographic cartesian product @6 lexicographic permutation at any specific index @w @A. Generate @q lexicographic cartesian product @w single or &4 set of @A. Generate @q lexicographic combination @w @A. Generate non-lexicographic permutation @6 k-permutation.",C[8]],"indy-sdk":["Note: @k @8 is deprecated in favor of indy (&w://$Z/indy). @k is @4 official ^J @0 Hyperledger Indy (&w://, $i @y a &T-ledger-@r foundation @0 self-sovereign identity (&w:// $d major artifact of @4 ^J is a c-callable @1.","0.1.1"],"pcx":["@u @0 ^R & $N PCX images.","0.2.3"],"precision":["Low overhead, high precision measurement @8",C[88]],"microstate":["Finite state &R, &J by micromachine","1.0.0"],"pokemon-go-protobuf":["Pokemon Go proto buffer @l.","0.1.4"],"kaws":["Create @6 manage Kubernetes clusters on ^r @x Terraform.",C[12]],"ecdh_@h":["ECDH @h @1","0.0.9"],"rendy-descriptor":["Rendy's descriptor ^s","0.5.1"],"rdedup":["Data deduplication @7 ^D @6 public key encryption. - $Q","3.1.1"],"arrayvec":["A vector @7 fixed capacity, backed by an array (it can be stored on @4 stack too). Implements fixed capacity ArrayVec @6 ArrayString.","0.5.2"],"storage-proofs-porep":["Proofs of replication","6.0.0"],"blunder":["Dumb @8 to make ^q $Y &s",C[7]],"mdbook-plantuml":["A preprocessor @0 mdbook $i will convert plantuml $3 blocks ^i inline SVG diagrams","0.7.0"],"drone-fatfs-sd":["Drone STM32 Secure Digital @s to ChaN's FatFs.","0.2.3"],"lexical":[C[448],"5.2.1"],"swc_ecmascript":["Ecmascript","0.20.0"],"git-testament":["Record git ^h ^k status when compiling $p @8","0.1.9"],"freetype-src-sys":["@3 $t &F @0 freetype. Licensed as GPL2 or FreeType License","0.1.5"],"cargo-local-pkgs":["Run @N commands on all local packages","0.3.2"],"nsq-client":[C[449],C[60]],"parse_duration":["Parses a duration @w a $b.","2.1.0"],"async-ready":["Async readiness $g.","3.0.0"],"virtual-node":["A standalone Virtual DOM","0.2.7"],"rinpg":[C[734],"0.1.25"],"lscolors":["Colorize paths @x @4 LS_COLORS &h variable","0.7.1"],"tower-limit":["Limit maximum request rate to a `Service`.",C[1]],"swc_eq_ignore_@d":["^U @0 EqIgnoreSpan @6 TypeEq.",C[9]],"as_num":["Checked conversions $G Rust's numeric @l.","0.2.5"],"kuon":["Twitter &X @u $h in @3","0.0.13"],"lain":["Mutation @o @0 usage in fuzzers","0.5.3"],"bitrw":["Bit Read/Write","0.8.3"],"fang_oost":["A @1 ^a Fang @6 Oosterlee's $7 @0 inverting characteristic @z.",C[65]],"dbpulse":["@H $r $F to monitor ^V $J","0.2.4"],"workspaceax-sys":["@D @5 to workspaceax. @k @8 is a @a @0 @4 @v. If @O @W @b in @S @1 feel free to get in touch @7 me: &e://",C[4]],"nahpack":["HPACK (RFC 7541) @1",C[0]],"hyper-timeout-connector":["A Hyper `NetworkConnector` $i offers a connection timeout",C[9]],"cargo-junit":["Converts @N ^7 &P ^i a junit report. Hard forked @w @N-^7-junit, after it went unmaintained @7 critical bugs.","0.8.0"],"trivial_colours":["Very @e @6 naive colour changing @0 $p $A, but that's exactly what @O need sometimes",C[3]],"rusty_pipe":["A slightly better router @0 @4 Iron @o","0.1.5"],"josekit":["JOSE (Javascript Object Signing @6 Encryption) @1 @0 @3.","0.7.1"],"moniker-derive":["Derives @0 @4 moniker @8",C[2]],"unic-idna-punycode":["UNIC — @B of Punycode (RFC 3492) $7","0.9.0"],"rsgen-avro":["Command $r @6 @1 @0 $H @3 @l @w Avro schemas","0.9.0"],"sawtooth-sabre":["Sawtooth Sabre Transaction Processor","0.7.1"],"hello-cli":["Prints a nice 'Hello World!' message","0.2.2"],"google-playmoviespartner1-cli":[C[568],C[569]],"rhizome":["A convenient hierarchical &o-extraction container. Supports lazy provision, shadowing @6 ^j/$K $f cases.",C[4]],"smol":["A ^P @6 $S $6 $4","1.2.5"],"fontfinder":["Font Finder @u","1.5.0"],"redox_liner":[C[475],"0.5.1"],"suffix":["Suffix arrays.","1.2.0"],"block_kit":["@J @h @0 slack &0",C[9]],"rust-install":["$R $3 shared by multirust @6 rustup","0.0.4"],"dconf_rs":["A @3 @C @0 &7 @7 dconf.",C[3]],"fd-lock":["Advisory cross-@U lock on a $2 @x a $2 descriptor to it.","2.0.0"],"dasp_slice":["Conversions @6 $V @0 slices of audio PCM DSP samples @6 frames.",C[15]],"plutchik":["A typification of Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions.",C[0]],"petgraph-graphml":["GraphML &P @t @0 petgraph","2.0.1"],"git-credential-null":["Git credential ^w to disable git password prompts.","1.0.1"],"ruspiro-lock":["Providing Spinlock, Semaphore @6 mutual exclusive @A ^0 @0 cross coreusage on Raspberry Pi.","0.4.1"],"huffman":["Huffman is a @1 to decode huffman-encoded @A.","0.0.3"],"embedded-triple":["Embed @4 target triple ^i @4 $Q",C[9]],"glerminal":["A ^C OpenGL $A",C[3]],"strava":["Strava @C v3 &X",C[0]],"darkside":["A TUI-kit @0 @3 @r on ncurses-rs","1.2.5"],"adhesion":["A set of @d @0 design by contact in @3. $d design of @S @1 was &J by D's contract $s facilities.",C[2]],"tarpc-trace":["foundations @0 tracing in tarpc",C[3]],"rill-export":["Exporters @0 rill tracing @Q","0.19.2"],"libfuzzy-sys":["&B @5 to @4 libfuzzy @1",C[0]],"aprs":["Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS) @9 $E",C[1]],"google-adexperiencereport1-cli":[C[771],C[26]],"num-bigint-dig":[C[907],"0.6.1"],"either_n":["An Either &G @7 N variants",C[0]],"json-api-rocket":["Rocket @t @0 @4 json-&0 @8","0.4.1"],"cargo-flash":["A $q to flash ARM cores @7 ELFs directly @w within @N.","0.10.2"],"dpl_^7":["Travis CI dpl ^7 $0","0.0.1-test.ff86cded02675a2fcdd9d59456ddce24"],"theban_db_@Z":["a unix socket @Z @0 theban_db","0.3.6"],"upower_dbus":["UPower info via Dbus",C[9]],"libdwfl":[C[450],"0.0.6"],"clfft":["@K @0 clFFT, a FFT @1 @0 OpenCL.","0.3.3"],"yandex_translate_$6":["$u-@r @h @0 @4 Yandex.Translate @C",C[3]],"ltc-modulate":["Modulate a $Q $2 @0 uplaoding to a Chibitronics Love-to-Code sticker","1.3.3"],"jsonrpc-lite":["^y-RPC 2.0 Specification @V @0 @3.",C[2]],"parity-bytes":["byte @L @0 Parity","0.1.2"],"memcache":["memcached @i @0 @g",C[42]],"tempfile":["A @1 @0 managing temporary @E @6 directories.","3.2.0"],"wiggle-generate":["@u @8 @0 wiggle $3 @G.",C[25]],"ns-env-config":["An env_logger-&J one-stop $K @0 name resolution @r on abstract-ns. Reduces boilerplate @6 @y ^M way to configure DNS @0 @P via `RUST_NS` &h variable.",C[9]],"pupil":["Arithmetic &L evaluator.","0.1.3"],"pnetlink":["Netlink @1 in &p @g","0.0.3"],"google-cloudsearch1":["A @q @1 to @n @7 cloudsearch (@9 v1)","0.1.6+20150416"],"primeval":["A monstrosity of a prime &2 @G","1.0.0"],"systemd-linter":["A SystemD unit @E linter","0.1.3"],"rand_distr":["Sampling @w &x &2 distributions",C[8]],"intl-memoizer":["A memoizer specifically tailored @0 storing lazy-initializedintl formatters.","0.5.1"],"tensile":["A ^7 @o capable of dynamic @6 parallel ^7 execution","0.6.3"],"cex":["Checked exception simulation.",C[2]],"sputnikvm-stateful":["Stateful SputnikVM wrapped @7 tries.",C[211]],"geoip":["@K @0 @4 GeoIP @1","0.0.13"],"cryptomkt":["@B of Cryptomarket @C","0.2.4"],"base_@T_socialist_^G":["Encode @6 decode @7 BCSV (base @T socialist ^G)","0.3.4"],"rexiv2":["@k @1 @y a @3 @h $C @4 gexiv2 @1, $i isa GObject-@r @h $C @4 Exiv2 @1, $i @y read andwrite ^0 to @4 Exif, XMP, @6 IPTC metadata in media @E (typicallyphotos) in various formats.","0.9.1"],"teloxide":["An elegant Telegram bots @o @0 @3","0.3.4"],"he_di_@c":["Code ^6 @0 he_di &o injection / inversion of control @o",C[7]],"dwmapi-sys":["Contains $8 $E @0 @4 ^5 @C @1 dwmapi. See winapi @0 @l @6 constants.","0.1.1"],"tis-100":["An emulator @0 @4 TIS-100","0.2.2"],"hello_rusty_worlds":["A hello world @8 @7 automated ^j, documentation,continuous ^t, tested example $3, &v as a librarywith a @H $r $F. Supports Sol @6 all its planets, not just 'Hello (unspecified) world!'",C[9]],"crowbook-intl-runtime":["Runtime @z @0 crowbook-intl",C[9]],"euc":["A software &W @8 @p lets @O &b shaders @7 @3","0.5.2"],"spng-sys":["&B @5 to libspng",C[451]],"random-integer":["Generate a &x integer $G two integer ^F (including @4 two integer ^F).","1.2.1"],"sapp-darwin":[C[713],"0.1.5"],"ruplicity-console":["Command $r @s to browse duplicity backups","0.1.2"],"btrfs":["Interface @0 BTRFS ioctls etc","1.2.2"],"html-minifier":["@k @1 can help @O ^m @6 minify $p HTML $3 at @4 same $B. It also supports to minify JS @6 CSS in `