(constantly updated)
- features = observables = 'branches' (in ROOT terminology) = 'columns' of table
- in supervised learning x_i - vector of features, y_i is target (something we want to reconstruct).
- optionally we may have sample weights w_i = 'cost of mistaking' at predicting this sample
- most frequent problems in supervised learning: classification and regression
- in unsupervised learning we are left only with vectors x_i
- knn - k Nearest neighobours
- ρ (rho) denotes distance in the space of features
- p denotes probability, p_{+1}(x) = p(y = +1 | x) is a probability of x belonging to the class 1
- < a, b > is dot product
- < f(z) >_{over some set of z} is taking average of f(z) over the specicied set of z
- η (eta) is learning rate a.k.a shrinkage (not to be messed up with pseudorapidity!)
- for binary clasification target is taken to be y_i = 1 (signal) or y_i = - 1 (background)
- classifiers / regressors have intermediate step - a decision function, which is denoted as d(x) for simple models.
- Example: d(x) = < w, x >
- for ensembles D(x) is used as notion.
- Example: D(x) = \sum_j d_j(x) - simply summing decisions of weak learners
- Beautiful L is loss, something we are minimizing in the algorithm. Typically, this is (upper) estimate of our risks, taken to have nice optimization properties.
- Regularizations are a way to effectively bound the combinations checked during optimization
- typically we add L_1, L2 or mixed regularization.
- (those are very nice)
- used to prevent overfitting (see below)
- w (if vector), W (if matrix) are parameters of ML models to be optimized (see previous point).
- called parameters of a model or weights of a model.
- conflict of demotions: w_i are sample weights, because i is indexing samples in the data
- Process of using ML is split into
- training = fitting = learning
- and predicting or transforming
- cross-validation is a process of getting reliable estimation of quality
- in simplest case, we estimate the quality on a separate holdout - part of the data not used in training.
- linear models are using linear decision function d(x) = < w, x >
- generalized linear models, e.g. SVM, are using Kernel functions (which are dot products in some space)
- Decision tree operates by checking
, e.g. mass > 3.7- split is described by feature used (mass) and threshold (3.7)
- Decision tree has pre-stopping conditions and can be post-pruned (simplified) after it was trained
- subsampling and bagging are the same as subsampling with / without replacement
- RSM subsamples features
- Bagging is used for taking subsets of samples in RandomForest
- overfitting - a very vague term in ML to denote problems with trained formula.
- see lectures for more details
- if you use term overfitting, you'd better directly explain what do you mean by this
- Gradient Boosting - general technique, but typically we run it over decision trees
- GB = GBDT = GBRT = GBM ~= MART are all typically used as names for gradient boosting over decision trees