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File System

Mark Green edited this page May 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

The OP-Z internal file system can be viewed in multiple ways.

When the OP-Z is turned on with the Track button down, it presents a restricted version of its internal file system. There appears to be a different structure used by file access in the app. The app contains an image of the standard file system within its payload.

USB-visible filesystem

bounces/: empty by default. Holds content related to video loops.

config/: holds the dmx.json, general.json and midi.json config files, and userPresets.dat.

projects/: holds files project01.opz through project10.opz, which presumably represents the contents of the sequencer projects. The format is not currently known.

rejected/: empty by default. Likely to hold sample packs that failed the import process.

samplepacks/: contains 8 sub-directories representing the 8 sounding track. Each internally contains 10 subdirectories representing 10 plugs, and an empty file one_sample_pack_per_slot.plz. Directories representing existing TE plugs contain 0-byte UNIX symbolic link markers to .aif or .engine files. Placing .aif files in these directories can add sample packs. .engine files placed in this directory are deleted when content mode is exited, even if they are copies of existing valid engines (see below).

how_to_dmx.txt and how_to_import.txt are text files giving documentation of seting up the samplepacks and config/dmx.json files.

import.log is a text file appended to whenever the OP-Z is removed from content mode, which logs the process taken importing the provided content.

App Imaged Filesystem

arpeggiators/ contains six text files which presumably describe arpeggios. They appear to be written in an ASCII format with one symbol per note. The default arpeggiators specified are:

  • 1: .> In use, Arp1 plays notes in the order they are held down.
  • 2: .>/^.>.>/^.>.>/^ In use, Arp2 plays LHLLHLLH, implying that .> creates a low note and /^ a high note.
  • 3: ||!>|||!>|||!>
  • 4: ||!>|^||!>|^||!>
  • 5: c>g>.^>
  • 6: |j7.4->

config/ contains the dmx.json, general.json and midi.json files as on the USB visible system, but not userPresets.dat.

engines/ contains the actual .engine files that are linked elsewhere. These appear to be libraries containing compiled Blackfin machine code. It is not known if these are signed or protected, but .engine files uploaded via the USB file system are ignored and automatically deleted, even if they match existing valid engine files.

projects/ contains the 10 project files as on the USB visible system.

readme/ contains the how_to_dmx.txt and how_to_import.txt files that are normally placed in the root of the USB visible system, and the how_to_upgrade.txt file that is placed in the root of the filesystem in upgrade mode.

samplePacks/ contains the .aif files for TE sample packs. It does not have the same structure as the samplepacks/ directory in the USB visible filesystem. The .aif files are directly placed in the directory.

settings/ contains plugPresets.dat which corresponds to userPresets.dat in the config/ directory of the USB system. It also contains plugPresets.json, plugs.json, and slotConfiguration.json which specify configuration of individual plugs. These appear to mirror the data provided by the organization of the USB-visible samplepacks/ directory, plus additional information.

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