Presentation on FRP in ReactiveCocoa, given to CocoaHeadsNL 21-Apr-15
Watch full presentation on YouTube
Download Presentation as Keynote
Contact me on Twitter @id.
- Ash Furrow - Reactive Cocoa 101 at AltConf
- RACify Non-Reactive Code by Dave Lee
- Andy Matuschak on Functional Programming
- FunctionalReactivePixels Source code to go with Ash's book (below)
- GroceryList - written by @jspahrsummers (one of the RAC framework authors)
- C-41 - A full app (in app store) open-sourced by Ash Furrow
- Functional Reactive Programming on iOS - Ash Furrow's "Pay what you think" book
- Reactive Cocoa Philiosophy
- Justin Spahr-Summers on the NSBrief podcast
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