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Microstrain Examples

A example listener node is provided in to demonstrate a very basic C++ node that subscribes to and displays some of the data published by the ros_mscl driver.

Over time we will provide more robust and varied examples in both C++ and Python, but in the meantime we hope this helps in quickly testing to ensure everything is installed and working properly!

Prerequisite: completed setup and build steps found here.

Create the example package

  1. If the entire microstrain_inertial package, including the microstrain_inertial_examples directory, is not already there move the microstrain_inertial_examples package to the your_workspace/src folder.

  2. Locate and register the package to the workspace: rospack find microstrain_inertial_examples

  3. Build your workspace:

     cd ~/your_workspace
     source ~/your_workspace/devel/setup.bash

    The source command may need to be run in each terminal prior to launching a ROS node. You may need to change the permissions on the file if it is failing to run.

Launch the listener node

Launch the inertial device node:

roslaunch microstrain_inertial_node microstrain.launch

In a separate terminal, launch the example listener node:

roslaunch microstrain_inertial_examples listener_cpp.launch

Optional launch parameters:

  • name: the namespace of the listener node, default: listener_cpp
  • device: the namespace of the inertial device node to subscribe to, default: gx5

Example: Launch two listener subscribed to different namespaces

In two different terminals:

roslaunch microstrain_inertial_examples listener_cpp.launch name:=listener1234 device:=sensor1234

roslaunch microstrain_inertial_examples listener_cpp.launch name:=bestListener device:=bestSensor

This will launch two nodes that listen to IMU data in different namespaces:

  • listener1234, subscribed to: /sensor1234/imu/data
  • bestListener, subscribed to: /bestSensor/imu/data

Test this by changing the namespace of the inertial device node:

  1. Launch sensor1234:

     roslaunch microstrain_inertial_driver microstrain.launch name:=sensor1234

    Data will begin to stream in only the listener1234 terminal.

  2. Stop sensor1234

  3. Launch bestSensor:

     roslaunch microstrain_inertial_driver microstrain.launch name:=bestSensor

    Data will begin to stream in only the bestListener terminal.