- File Header (DONE)
- 1a. Journey Header (DONE)
- 1d. Origin Record (DONE)
- 1e. Intermediate Record (DONE)
- 1f. Destination Record (DONE)
- 2a. Location record (DONE)
- 2b. Additional Location Information Record (DONE)
- 4a. Operator Record 1 (DONE)
- Bank Holiday Dates (DONE)
- Iterate lines and parse each into an object from methods extracted above (DONE)
- Collate data in a procedural form (DONE)
- Output data (DONE)
- Journey header not integrated into output (DONE)
- Location data should be combined (DONE)
- Gemify the library (DONE)
- Place the entirety of atco code within a Module for namespacing. (DONE)
- Journey data, combine into one object. (DONE)
- Remove data from the repo / gem (DONE)
- If nil or blank data found. Remove from output
- Specs should not test the internal methods, should retrieve the objects to test from Atco.parse !!
- Parse all objects into more native ruby objects
- Header attributes should just be root attrs
- "Models" are getting quite repetitive/declarative, declarative is good to allow for easy (understandable) mapping to better domain... however, use active model?
- Handle translink atco-cif extensions during parsing
- handle bank holiday parsing