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This Repo contains the smart contracts for ICON-IBC in rust.

Standard Libraries

Crate Usage Download
cosmwasm-schema Contract Development cosmwasm-schema on
cosmwasm-std Contract Development cosmwasm-std on
cosmwasm-storage Contract Development cosmwasm-storage on


Rust version : 1.69.0
Binaryen : 110

  • To install Rust on Linux/Mac,

First, install rustup. Once installed, make sure you have the wasm32 target:

$ rustup default stable
$ cargo version
# If this is lower than 1.55.0+, update
$ rustup update stable

$ rustup target list --installed
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

For windows, Download and run, rustup-init.exe

You can also execute the ./scripts/ script, which handles installing the necessary toolchain dependencies, building, and optimizing the contracts to their correct versions.

Build Contracts

1. Docker Build Process

To initiate the build process using Docker, it is essential to have the contract-builder image. To generate this Docker image, execute the subsequent command:

make build-builder-img

In case you possess the contract-builder image already, you can directly employ the following command:

make optimize-cosmwasm

The resulting artifacts will be located within the ./artifacts/archway directory.

2. Using build script

sh ./script/

3. Building manually

  • Execute the following command to compile the contract

    cargo wasm
  • Optimise using cargo by giving the following command

    RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm

Deploy Contracts

  • Deploy the contract on testnet

    // add the wasm binary file path in <path>
    RES=$(archwayd tx wasm store <path> --from wallet --chain-id constantine-2 --node --fees 3397uconst --gas auto -y --output json -b block)
  • Getting CodeId from RES

    CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[1].value')
  • To instantiate the contract

    archwayd tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "{}" --from wallet --gas auto --label "ics20" --no-admin --chain-id constantine-2 --node --fees 300uconst -y
  • Getting the contract address

    CONTRACT=$(archwayd query wasm list-contract-by-code 4 --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
  • To Query the contract

    archwayd query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT '{"method_name":{}}' --output json
  • To execute methods in contract

    archwayd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT '{"method_name":{}}' --from wallet --chain-id constantine-2 --output json

Checking contract validity

When the contract is built, the last step is to ensure it is valid CosmWasm contract is to call check_contract on it.

$ cargo wasm
$ check_contract . / target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/contract.wasm
Supported features: {"iterator", "staking", "stargate"}
contract checks passed.


IBC-Core is the reference implementation of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, which is a standardized protocol for enabling communication and interoperability between independent blockchain networks.

  • ics02_client :

    ICS02-Client is a module in the IBC-Core that provides a standard interface and protocol for verifying the state of a remote chain in the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.

  • ics03_connection :

    ICS03-Connection is a module in the IBC-Core that provides a standard interface and protocol for establishing a connection between two independent blockchain networks in the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. It is designed to ensure secure and reliable communication between connected chains, enabling cross-chain asset transfers and other types of communication.

  • ics04_channel :

    The ICS04-Channel module works by creating a unidirectional or bidirectional communication channel between two chains, depending on the requirements of the use case. It negotiates the parameters of the channel, such as the channel ID, packet ordering, and reliability guarantees, and establishes a set of state machine rules that govern the behavior of the channel.

  • ics05_port :

    This concrete implementation defines types and methods with which modules can bind to uniquely named ports allocated by the IBC handler.

  • ics24_host :

    ICS24 is a module in the InterBlockchain Communication (IBC) protocol stack that facilitates the transfer of tokens and other data between independent blockchain networks.

  • ics26_routing :

    ICS26 is a module in the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol stack that defines the routing of packets between independent blockchain networks. It provides a mechanism for packets to be routed through a sequence of intermediate relayers until they reach their destination on the target blockchain network.

The icon-light-client in IBC enables blockchain networks to communicate with each other without having to trust each other. This is achieved by using the cryptographic proofs to verify that transactions are valid and have been executed correctly.

This contract abstracts away ibc specific implementation from xcall. It bridges ibc host with xcall.

Unit Testing

cd <contract>
cargo test
