diff --git a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Editing/TextArea.cs b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Editing/TextArea.cs
index 5ede9a16..1b70f719 100644
--- a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Editing/TextArea.cs
+++ b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Editing/TextArea.cs
@@ -857,6 +857,11 @@ protected virtual void OnTextEntered(TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (TextEntered != null) {
TextEntered(this, e);
+ if (this.IndentationStrategy is ILineChangedListener) {
+ DocumentLine line = this.Document.GetLineByNumber(this.Caret.Line);
+ ((ILineChangedListener)this.IndentationStrategy).OnLineChanged(this.Document, line, e.Text);
+ }
diff --git a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.xml b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36bb8b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11256 @@
+ ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit
+ Custom commands for AvalonEdit.
+ Toggles Overstrike mode
+ The default shortcut is Ins.
+ Deletes the current line.
+ The default shortcut is Ctrl+D.
+ Removes leading whitespace from the selected lines (or the whole document if the selection is empty).
+ Removes trailing whitespace from the selected lines (or the whole document if the selection is empty).
+ Converts the selected text to upper case.
+ Converts the selected text to lower case.
+ Converts the selected text to title case.
+ Inverts the case of the selected text.
+ Converts tabs to spaces in the selected text.
+ Converts spaces to tabs in the selected text.
+ Converts leading tabs to spaces in the selected lines (or the whole document if the selection is empty).
+ Converts leading spaces to tabs in the selected lines (or the whole document if the selection is empty).
+ Runs the IIndentationStrategy on the selected lines (or the whole document if the selection is empty).
+ The listbox used inside the CompletionWindow, contains CompletionListBox.
+ If true, the CompletionList is filtered to show only matching items. Also enables search by substring.
+ If false, enables the old behavior: no filtering, search by string.StartsWith.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Content of EmptyTemplate will be shown when CompletionList contains no items.
+ If EmptyTemplate is null, nothing will be shown.
+ Is raised when the completion list indicates that the user has chosen
+ an entry to be completed.
+ Raises the InsertionRequested event.
+ Gets the list box.
+ Gets the scroll viewer used in this list box.
+ Gets the list to which completion data can be added.
+ Handles a key press. Used to let the completion list handle key presses while the
+ focus is still on the text editor.
+ Gets/Sets the selected item.
+ The setter of this property does not scroll to the selected item.
+ You might want to also call .
+ Scrolls the specified item into view.
+ Occurs when the SelectedItem property changes.
+ Selects the best match, and filter the items if turned on using .
+ Filters CompletionList items to show only those matching given query, and selects the best match.
+ Selects the item that starts with the specified query.
+ The list box used inside the CompletionList.
+ Gets the number of the first visible item.
+ Gets the number of visible items.
+ Removes the selection.
+ Selects the item with the specified index and scrolls it into view.
+ Centers the view on the item with the specified index.
+ The code completion window.
+ Gets the completion list used in this completion window.
+ Creates a new code completion window.
+ Gets/Sets whether the completion window should close automatically.
+ The default value is true.
+ When this flag is set, code completion closes if the caret moves to the
+ beginning of the allowed range. This is useful in Ctrl+Space and "complete when typing",
+ but not in dot-completion.
+ Has no effect if CloseAutomatically is false.
+ Base class for completion windows. Handles positioning the window at the caret.
+ Gets the parent TextArea.
+ Gets/Sets the start of the text range in which the completion window stays open.
+ This text portion is used to determine the text used to select an entry in the completion list by typing.
+ Gets/Sets the end of the text range in which the completion window stays open.
+ This text portion is used to determine the text used to select an entry in the completion list by typing.
+ Gets whether the window was opened above the current line.
+ Creates a new CompletionWindowBase.
+ Detaches events from the text area.
+ A dummy input handler (that justs invokes the default input handler).
+ This is used to ensure the completion window closes when any other input handler
+ becomes active.
+ Raises a tunnel/bubble event pair for a WPF control.
+ The WPF control for which the event should be raised.
+ The tunneling event.
+ The bubbling event.
+ The event args to use.
+ The value of the event args.
+ Activates the parent window.
+ Gets whether the completion window should automatically close when the text editor looses focus.
+ Positions the completion window at the specified position.
+ Updates the position of the CompletionWindow based on the parent TextView position and the screen working area.
+ It ensures that the CompletionWindow is completely visible on the screen.
+ Gets/sets whether the completion window should expect text insertion at the start offset,
+ which not go into the completion region, but before it.
+ This property allows only a single insertion, it is reset to false
+ when that insertion has occurred.
+ Describes an entry in the .
+ Note that the CompletionList uses WPF data binding against the properties in this interface.
+ Thus, your implementation of the interface must use public properties; not explicit interface implementation.
+ Gets the image.
+ Gets the text. This property is used to filter the list of visible elements.
+ The displayed content. This can be the same as 'Text', or a WPF UIElement if
+ you want to display rich content.
+ Gets the description.
+ Gets the priority. This property is used in the selection logic. You can use it to prefer selecting those items
+ which the user is accessing most frequently.
+ Perform the completion.
+ The text area on which completion is performed.
+ The text segment that was used by the completion window if
+ the user types (segment between CompletionWindow.StartOffset and CompletionWindow.EndOffset).
+ The EventArgs used for the insertion request.
+ These can be TextCompositionEventArgs, KeyEventArgs, MouseEventArgs, depending on how
+ the insertion was triggered.
+ A popup-like window that is attached to a text segment.
+ Creates a new InsightWindow.
+ Gets/Sets whether the insight window should close automatically.
+ The default value is true.
+ TemplateSelector for InsightWindow to replace plain string content by a TextBlock with TextWrapping.
+ Provides the items for the OverloadViewer.
+ Gets/Sets the selected index.
+ Gets the number of overloads.
+ Gets the text 'SelectedIndex of Count'.
+ Gets the current header.
+ Gets the current content.
+ Insight window that shows an OverloadViewer.
+ Creates a new OverloadInsightWindow.
+ Gets/Sets the item provider.
+ Represents a text between "Up" and "Down" buttons.
+ The text property.
+ Gets/Sets the text between the Up and Down buttons.
+ The ItemProvider property.
+ Gets/Sets the item provider.
+ Changes the selected index.
+ The relative index change - usual values are +1 or -1.
+ Describes a change of the document text.
+ This class is thread-safe.
+ Gets the OffsetChangeMap associated with this document change.
+ The OffsetChangeMap instance is guaranteed to be frozen and thus thread-safe.
+ Gets the OffsetChangeMap, or null if the default offset map (=single replacement) is being used.
+ Gets the new offset where the specified offset moves after this document change.
+ Creates a new DocumentChangeEventArgs object.
+ Creates a new DocumentChangeEventArgs object.
+ Creates a new DocumentChangeEventArgs object.
+ Describes a change to a TextDocument.
+ Represents a line inside a .
+ The collection contains one DocumentLine instance
+ for every line in the document. This collection is read-only to user code and is automatically
+ updated to reflect the current document content.
+ Internally, the DocumentLine instances are arranged in a binary tree that allows for both efficient updates and lookup.
+ Converting between offset and line number is possible in O(lg N) time,
+ and the data structure also updates all offsets in O(lg N) whenever a line is inserted or removed.
+ Gets if this line was deleted from the document.
+ Gets the number of this line.
+ Runtime: O(log n)
+ The line was deleted.
+ Gets the starting offset of the line in the document's text.
+ Runtime: O(log n)
+ The line was deleted.
+ Gets the end offset of the line in the document's text (the offset before the line delimiter).
+ Runtime: O(log n)
+ The line was deleted.
+ EndOffset = + .
+ Gets the length of this line. The length does not include the line delimiter. O(1)
+ This property is still available even if the line was deleted;
+ in that case, it contains the line's length before the deletion.
+ Gets the length of this line, including the line delimiter. O(1)
+ This property is still available even if the line was deleted;
+ in that case, it contains the line's length before the deletion.
+ Gets the length of the line delimiter.
+ The value is 1 for single "\r" or "\n", 2 for the "\r\n" sequence;
+ and 0 for the last line in the document.
+ This property is still available even if the line was deleted;
+ in that case, it contains the line delimiter's length before the deletion.
+ Gets the next line in the document.
+ The line following this line, or null if this is the last line.
+ Gets the previous line in the document.
+ The line before this line, or null if this is the first line.
+ Gets a string with debug output showing the line number and offset.
+ Does not include the line's text.
+ Resets the line to enable its reuse after a document rebuild.
+ The number of lines in this node and its child nodes.
+ Invariant:
+ nodeTotalCount = 1 + left.nodeTotalCount + right.nodeTotalCount
+ The total text length of this node and its child nodes.
+ Invariant:
+ nodeTotalLength = left.nodeTotalLength + documentLine.TotalLength + right.nodeTotalLength
+ Data structure for efficient management of the document lines (most operations are O(lg n)).
+ This implements an augmented red-black tree.
+ See for the augmented data.
+ NOTE: The tree is never empty, initially it contains an empty line.
+ Rebuild the tree, in O(n).
+ build a tree from a list of nodes
+ A TextWriter implementation that directly inserts into a document.
+ Creates a new DocumentTextWriter that inserts into document, starting at insertionOffset.
+ Gets/Sets the current insertion offset.
+ A document representing a source code file for refactoring.
+ Line and column counting starts at 1.
+ Offset counting starts at 0.
+ Gets/Sets the text of the whole document..
+ This event is called directly before a change is applied to the document.
+ It is invalid to modify the document within this event handler.
+ Aborting the change (by throwing an exception) is likely to cause corruption of data structures
+ that listen to the Changing and Changed events.
+ This event is called directly after a change is applied to the document.
+ It is invalid to modify the document within this event handler.
+ Aborting the event handler (by throwing an exception) is likely to cause corruption of data structures
+ that listen to the Changing and Changed events.
+ This event is called after a group of changes is completed.
+ Gets the number of lines in the document.
+ Gets the document line with the specified number.
+ The number of the line to retrieve. The first line has number 1.
+ Gets the document line that contains the specified offset.
+ Gets the offset from a text location.
+ Gets the offset from a text location.
+ Gets the location from an offset.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to their movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move behind the inserted text.
+ The caret will also move behind the inserted text.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to their movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move behind the inserted text.
+ The caret will also move behind the inserted text.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to the anchor's movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move according to the movement type specified by this parameter.
+ The caret will also move according to the parameter.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to the anchor's movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move according to the movement type specified by this parameter.
+ The caret will also move according to the parameter.
+ Removes text.
+ Starting offset of the text to be removed.
+ Length of the text to be removed.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ Make the document combine the following actions into a single
+ action for undo purposes.
+ Ends the undoable action started with .
+ Creates an undo group. Dispose the returned value to close the undo group.
+ An object that closes the undo group when Dispose() is called.
+ Creates a new at the specified offset.
+ Gets the name of the file the document is stored in.
+ Could also be a non-existent dummy file name or null if no name has been set.
+ Fired when the file name of the document changes.
+ A line inside a .
+ Gets the length of this line, including the line delimiter.
+ Gets the length of the line terminator.
+ Returns 1 or 2; or 0 at the end of the document.
+ Gets the number of this line.
+ The first line has the number 1.
+ Gets the previous line. Returns null if this is the first line in the document.
+ Gets the next line. Returns null if this is the last line in the document.
+ Gets whether the line was deleted.
+ Describes a change of the document text.
+ This class is thread-safe.
+ The offset at which the change occurs.
+ The text that was removed.
+ The number of characters removed.
+ The text that was inserted.
+ The number of characters inserted.
+ Creates a new TextChangeEventArgs object.
+ Creates a new TextChangeEventArgs object.
+ Gets the new offset where the specified offset moves after this document change.
+ Creates TextChangeEventArgs for the reverse change.
+ Allows for low-level line tracking.
+ The methods on this interface are called by the TextDocument's LineManager immediately after the document
+ has changed, *while* the DocumentLineTree is updating.
+ Thus, the DocumentLineTree may be in an invalid state when these methods are called.
+ This interface should only be used to update per-line data structures like the HeightTree.
+ Line trackers must not cause any events to be raised during an update to prevent other code from seeing
+ the invalid state.
+ Line trackers may be called while the TextDocument has taken a lock.
+ You must be careful not to dead-lock inside ILineTracker callbacks.
+ Is called immediately before a document line is removed.
+ Is called immediately before a document line changes length.
+ This method will be called whenever the line is changed, even when the length stays as it is.
+ The method might be called multiple times for a single line because
+ a replacement is internally handled as removal followed by insertion.
+ Is called immediately after a line was inserted.
+ The new line
+ The existing line before the new line
+ Indicates that there were changes to the document that the line tracker was not notified of.
+ The document is in a consistent state (but the line trackers aren't), and line trackers should
+ throw away their data and rebuild the document.
+ Notifies the line tracker that a document change (a single change, not a change group) has completed.
+ This method gets called after the change has been performed, but before the event
+ is raised.
+ The TextAnchor class references an offset (a position between two characters).
+ It automatically updates the offset when text is inserted/removed in front of the anchor.
+ Use the property to get the offset from a text anchor.
+ Use the method to create an anchor from an offset.
+ The document will automatically update all text anchors; and because it uses weak references to do so,
+ the garbage collector can simply collect the anchor object when you don't need it anymore.
+ Moreover, the document is able to efficiently update a large number of anchors without having to look
+ at each anchor object individually. Updating the offsets of all anchors usually only takes time logarithmic
+ to the number of anchors. Retrieving the property also runs in O(lg N).
+ Usage:
+ TextAnchor anchor = document.CreateAnchor(offset);
+ ChangeMyDocument();
+ int newOffset = anchor.Offset;
+ Gets the text location of this anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Gets the offset of the text anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Controls how the anchor moves.
+ Anchor movement is ambiguous if text is inserted exactly at the anchor's location.
+ Does the anchor stay before the inserted text, or does it move after it?
+ The property will be used to determine which of these two options the anchor will choose.
+ The default value is .
+ Specifies whether the anchor survives deletion of the text containing it.
+ false: The anchor is deleted when the a selection that includes the anchor is deleted.
+ true: The anchor is not deleted.
+ Gets whether the anchor was deleted.
+ When a piece of text containing an anchor is removed, then that anchor will be deleted.
+ First, the property is set to true on all deleted anchors,
+ then the events are raised.
+ You cannot retrieve the offset from an anchor that has been deleted.
+ This deletion behavior might be useful when using anchors for building a bookmark feature,
+ but in other cases you want to still be able to use the anchor. For those cases, set = true.
+ Occurs after the anchor was deleted.
+ Due to the 'weak reference' nature of text anchors, you will receive
+ the Deleted event only while your code holds a reference to the TextAnchor object.
+ Gets the line number of the anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Gets the column number of this anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Defines how a text anchor moves.
+ When text is inserted at the anchor position, the type of the insertion
+ determines where the caret moves to. For normal insertions, the anchor will move
+ after the inserted text.
+ Behaves like a start marker - when text is inserted at the anchor position, the anchor will stay
+ before the inserted text.
+ Behave like an end marker - when text is insered at the anchor position, the anchor will move
+ after the inserted text.
+ A read-only view on a (potentially mutable) text source.
+ The IDocument interface derives from this interface.
+ Gets a version identifier for this text source.
+ Returns null for unversioned text sources.
+ Creates an immutable snapshot of this text source.
+ Unlike all other methods in this interface, this method is thread-safe.
+ Creates an immutable snapshot of a part of this text source.
+ Unlike all other methods in this interface, this method is thread-safe.
+ Creates a new TextReader to read from this text source.
+ Creates a new TextReader to read from this text source.
+ Gets the total text length.
+ The length of the text, in characters.
+ This is the same as Text.Length, but is more efficient because
+ it doesn't require creating a String object.
+ Gets the whole text as string.
+ Gets a character at the specified position in the document.
+ The index of the character to get.
+ Offset is outside the valid range (0 to TextLength-1).
+ The character at the specified position.
+ This is the same as Text[offset], but is more efficient because
+ it doesn't require creating a String object.
+ Retrieves the text for a portion of the document.
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ This is the same as Text.Substring, but is more efficient because
+ it doesn't require creating a String object for the whole document.
+ Retrieves the text for a portion of the document.
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ Writes the text from this document into the TextWriter.
+ Writes the text from this document into the TextWriter.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence of the character in the specified array.
+ Character to search for
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The first index where the character was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence of any character in the specified array.
+ Characters to search for
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The first index where any character was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence of the specified search text in this text source.
+ The search text
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ String comparison to use.
+ The first index where the search term was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ Gets the index of the last occurrence of the specified character in this text source.
+ The search character
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The last index where the search term was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ The search proceeds backwards from (startIndex+count) to startIndex.
+ This is different than the meaning of the parameters on string.LastIndexOf!
+ Gets the index of the last occurrence of the specified search text in this text source.
+ The search text
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ String comparison to use.
+ The last index where the search term was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ The search proceeds backwards from (startIndex+count) to startIndex.
+ This is different than the meaning of the parameters on string.LastIndexOf!
+ Represents a version identifier for a text source.
+ Verions can be used to efficiently detect whether a document has changed and needs reparsing;
+ or even to implement incremental parsers.
+ It is a separate class from ITextSource to allow the GC to collect the text source while
+ the version checkpoint is still in use.
+ Gets whether this checkpoint belongs to the same document as the other checkpoint.
+ Returns false when given null.
+ Compares the age of this checkpoint to the other checkpoint.
+ This method is thread-safe.
+ Raised if 'other' belongs to a different document than this version.
+ -1 if this version is older than .
+ 0 if this version instance represents the same version as .
+ 1 if this version is newer than .
+ Gets the changes from this checkpoint to the other checkpoint.
+ If 'other' is older than this checkpoint, reverse changes are calculated.
+ This method is thread-safe.
+ Raised if 'other' belongs to a different document than this checkpoint.
+ Calculates where the offset has moved in the other buffer version.
+ Raised if 'other' belongs to a different document than this checkpoint.
+ Implements the ITextSource interface using a string.
+ Gets a text source containing the empty string.
+ Creates a new StringTextSource with the given text.
+ Creates a new StringTextSource with the given text.
+ This Interface describes a the basic Undo/Redo operation
+ all Undo Operations must implement this interface.
+ Undo the last operation
+ Redo the last operation
+ Creates/Deletes lines when text is inserted/removed.
+ A copy of the line trackers. We need a copy so that line trackers may remove themselves
+ while being notified (used e.g. by WeakLineTracker)
+ Sets the total line length and checks the delimiter.
+ This method can cause line to be deleted when it contains a single '\n' character
+ and the previous line ends with '\r'.
+ Usually returns , but if line was deleted due to
+ the "\r\n" merge, returns the previous line.
+ Gets the location of the next new line character, or SimpleSegment.Invalid
+ if none is found.
+ Gets the location of the next new line character, or SimpleSegment.Invalid
+ if none is found.
+ Static helper methods for working with text.
+ Finds the next new line character starting at offset.
+ The text source to search in.
+ The starting offset for the search.
+ The string representing the new line that was found, or null if no new line was found.
+ The position of the first new line starting at or after ,
+ or -1 if no new line was found.
+ Gets whether the specified string is a newline sequence.
+ Normalizes all new lines in to be .
+ Gets the newline sequence used in the document at the specified line.
+ Gets the name of the control character.
+ For unknown characters, the unicode codepoint is returned as 4-digit hexadecimal value.
+ Gets all whitespace (' ' and '\t', but no newlines) after offset.
+ The text source.
+ The offset where the whitespace starts.
+ The segment containing the whitespace.
+ Gets all whitespace (' ' and '\t', but no newlines) before offset.
+ The text source.
+ The offset where the whitespace ends.
+ The segment containing the whitespace.
+ Gets the leading whitespace segment on the document line.
+ Gets the trailing whitespace segment on the document line.
+ Gets a single indentation segment starting at - at most one tab
+ or spaces.
+ The text source.
+ The offset where the indentation segment starts.
+ The size of an indentation unit. See .
+ The indentation segment.
+ If there is no indentation character at the specified ,
+ an empty segment is returned.
+ Gets whether the character is whitespace, part of an identifier, or line terminator.
+ Gets the next caret position.
+ The text source.
+ The start offset inside the text source.
+ The search direction (forwards or backwards).
+ The mode for caret positioning.
+ The offset of the next caret position, or -1 if there is no further caret position
+ in the text source.
+ This method is NOT equivalent to the actual caret movement when using VisualLine.GetNextCaretPosition.
+ In real caret movement, there are additional caret stops at line starts and ends. This method
+ treats linefeeds as simple whitespace.
+ Contains predefined offset change mapping types.
+ Normal replace.
+ Anchors in front of the replaced region will stay in front, anchors after the replaced region will stay after.
+ Anchors in the middle of the removed region will be deleted. If they survive deletion,
+ they move depending on their AnchorMovementType.
+ This is the default implementation of DocumentChangeEventArgs when OffsetChangeMap is null,
+ so using this option usually works without creating an OffsetChangeMap instance.
+ This is equivalent to an OffsetChangeMap with a single entry describing the replace operation.
+ First the old text is removed, then the new text is inserted.
+ Anchors immediately in front (or after) the replaced region may move to the other side of the insertion,
+ depending on the AnchorMovementType.
+ This is implemented as an OffsetChangeMap with two entries: the removal, and the insertion.
+ The text is replaced character-by-character.
+ Anchors keep their position inside the replaced text.
+ Anchors after the replaced region will move accordingly if the replacement text has a different length than the replaced text.
+ If the new text is shorter than the old text, anchors inside the old text that would end up behind the replacement text
+ will be moved so that they point to the end of the replacement text.
+ On the OffsetChangeMap level, growing text is implemented by replacing the last character in the replaced text
+ with itself and the additional text segment. A simple insertion of the additional text would have the undesired
+ effect of moving anchors immediately after the replaced text into the replacement text if they used
+ AnchorMovementStyle.BeforeInsertion.
+ Shrinking text is implemented by removing the text segment that's too long; but in a special mode that
+ causes anchors to always survive irrespective of their setting.
+ If the text keeps its old size, this is implemented as OffsetChangeMap.Empty.
+ Like 'Normal', but anchors with = Default will stay in front of the
+ insertion instead of being moved behind it.
+ Describes a series of offset changes.
+ Immutable OffsetChangeMap that is empty.
+ Creates a new OffsetChangeMap with a single element.
+ The entry.
+ Returns a frozen OffsetChangeMap with a single entry.
+ Creates a new OffsetChangeMap instance.
+ Gets the new offset where the specified offset moves after this document change.
+ Gets whether this OffsetChangeMap is a valid explanation for the specified document change.
+ Calculates the inverted OffsetChangeMap (used for the undo operation).
+ Gets if this instance is frozen. Frozen instances are immutable and thus thread-safe.
+ Freezes this instance.
+ An entry in the OffsetChangeMap.
+ This represents the offset of a document change (either insertion or removal, not both at once).
+ The offset at which the change occurs.
+ The number of characters inserted.
+ Returns 0 if this entry represents a removal.
+ The number of characters removed.
+ Returns 0 if this entry represents an insertion.
+ Gets whether the removal should not cause any anchor deletions.
+ Gets whether default anchor movement causes the anchor to stay in front of the caret.
+ Gets the new offset where the specified offset moves after this document change.
+ Creates a new OffsetChangeMapEntry instance.
+ Creates a new OffsetChangeMapEntry instance.
+ Tests the two entries for equality.
+ Tests the two entries for inequality.
+ Implements the ITextSource interface using a rope.
+ Creates a new RopeTextSource.
+ Creates a new RopeTextSource.
+ Returns a clone of the rope used for this text source.
+ RopeTextSource only publishes a copy of the contained rope to ensure that the underlying rope cannot be modified.
+ Represents a simple segment (Offset,Length pair) that is not automatically updated
+ on document changes.
+ Gets the overlapping portion of the segments.
+ Returns SimpleSegment.Invalid if the segments don't overlap.
+ A segment using s as start and end positions.
+ For the constructors creating new anchors, the start position will be AfterInsertion and the end position will be BeforeInsertion.
+ Should the end position move before the start position, the segment will have length 0.
+ Creates a new AnchorSegment using the specified anchors.
+ The anchors must have set to true.
+ Creates a new AnchorSegment that creates new anchors.
+ Creates a new AnchorSegment that creates new anchors.
+ The TextAnchor class references an offset (a position between two characters).
+ It automatically updates the offset when text is inserted/removed in front of the anchor.
+ Use the property to get the offset from a text anchor.
+ Use the method to create an anchor from an offset.
+ The document will automatically update all text anchors; and because it uses weak references to do so,
+ the garbage collector can simply collect the anchor object when you don't need it anymore.
+ Moreover, the document is able to efficiently update a large number of anchors without having to look
+ at each anchor object individually. Updating the offsets of all anchors usually only takes time logarithmic
+ to the number of anchors. Retrieving the property also runs in O(lg N).
+ If you want to track a segment, you can use the class which
+ implements using two text anchors.
+ Usage:
+ TextAnchor anchor = document.CreateAnchor(offset);
+ ChangeMyDocument();
+ int newOffset = anchor.Offset;
+ Gets the document owning the anchor.
+ Gets the offset of the text anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Gets the line number of the anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Gets the column number of this anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ Gets the text location of this anchor.
+ Thrown when trying to get the Offset from a deleted anchor.
+ A TextAnchorNode is placed in the TextAnchorTree.
+ It describes a section of text with a text anchor at the end of the section.
+ A weak reference is used to refer to the TextAnchor. (to save memory, we derive from WeakReference instead of referencing it)
+ Gets the inorder successor of the node.
+ Gets the inorder predecessor of the node.
+ A tree of TextAnchorNodes.
+ Swaps the anchors stored in the two nodes.
+ Finds the node at the specified offset.
+ After the method has run, offset is relative to the beginning of the returned node.
+ This class is the main class of the text model. Basically, it is a with events.
+ Thread safety:
+ However, there is a single method that is thread-safe: (and its overloads).
+ Verifies that the current thread is the documents owner thread.
+ Throws an if the wrong thread accesses the TextDocument.
+ The TextDocument class is not thread-safe. A document instance expects to have a single owner thread
+ and will throw an when accessed from another thread.
+ It is possible to change the owner thread using the method.
+ Transfers ownership of the document to another thread. This method can be used to load
+ a file into a TextDocument on a background thread and then transfer ownership to the UI thread
+ for displaying the document.
+ The owner can be set to null, which means that no thread can access the document. But, if the document
+ has no owner thread, any thread may take ownership by calling .
+ Create an empty text document.
+ Create a new text document with the specified initial text.
+ Create a new text document with the specified initial text.
+ Retrieves the text for a portion of the document.
+ Gets/Sets the text of the whole document.
+ This event is called after a group of changes is completed.
+ Is raised when one of the properties , , ,
+ changes.
+ Is raised before the document changes.
+ Here is the order in which events are raised during a document update:
+ - BeginUpdate()
+ - Start of change group (on undo stack)
+ - event is raised
+ - Insert() / Remove() / Replace()
+ - event is raised
+ - The document is changed
+ - TextAnchor.Deleted event is raised if anchors were
+ in the deleted text portion
+ - event is raised
+ - EndUpdate()
+ - event is raised
+ - event is raised (for the Text, TextLength, LineCount properties, in that order)
+ - End of change group (on undo stack)
+ - event is raised
+ If the insert/remove/replace methods are called without a call to BeginUpdate(),
+ they will call BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() to ensure no change happens outside of UpdateStarted/UpdateFinished.
+ There can be multiple document changes between the BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() calls.
+ In this case, the events associated with EndUpdate will be raised only once after the whole document update is done.
+ The listens to the UpdateStarted and UpdateFinished events to group all changes into a single undo step.
+ Is raised after the document has changed.
+ Creates a snapshot of the current text.
+ This method returns an immutable snapshot of the document, and may be safely called even when
+ the document's owner thread is concurrently modifying the document.
+ This special thread-safety guarantee is valid only for TextDocument.CreateSnapshot(), not necessarily for other
+ classes implementing ITextSource.CreateSnapshot().
+ Creates a snapshot of a part of the current text.
+ Gets if an update is running.
+ Immediately calls ,
+ and returns an IDisposable that calls .
+ Begins a group of document changes.
+ Some events are suspended until EndUpdate is called, and the will
+ group all changes into a single action.
+ Calling BeginUpdate several times increments a counter, only after the appropriate number
+ of EndUpdate calls the events resume their work.
+ Ends a group of document changes.
+ Occurs when a document change starts.
+ Occurs when a document change is finished.
+ Fires TextChanged, TextLengthChanged, LineCountChanged if required.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to their movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move behind the inserted text.
+ The caret will also move behind the inserted text.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to their movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move behind the inserted text.
+ The caret will also move behind the inserted text.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to the anchor's movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move according to the movement type specified by this parameter.
+ The caret will also move according to the parameter.
+ Inserts text.
+ The offset at which the text is inserted.
+ The new text.
+ Anchors positioned exactly at the insertion offset will move according to the anchor's movement type.
+ For AnchorMovementType.Default, they will move according to the movement type specified by this parameter.
+ The caret will also move according to the parameter.
+ Removes text.
+ Removes text.
+ Starting offset of the text to be removed.
+ Length of the text to be removed.
+ Replaces text.
+ Replaces text.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ The offsetChangeMappingType determines how offsets inside the old text are mapped to the new text.
+ This affects how the anchors and segments inside the replaced region behave.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ The offsetChangeMappingType determines how offsets inside the old text are mapped to the new text.
+ This affects how the anchors and segments inside the replaced region behave.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ The offsetChangeMap determines how offsets inside the old text are mapped to the new text.
+ This affects how the anchors and segments inside the replaced region behave.
+ If you pass null (the default when using one of the other overloads), the offsets are changed as
+ in OffsetChangeMappingType.Normal mode.
+ If you pass OffsetChangeMap.Empty, then everything will stay in its old place (OffsetChangeMappingType.CharacterReplace mode).
+ The offsetChangeMap must be a valid 'explanation' for the document change. See .
+ Passing an OffsetChangeMap to the Replace method will automatically freeze it to ensure the thread safety of the resulting
+ DocumentChangeEventArgs instance.
+ Replaces text.
+ The starting offset of the text to be replaced.
+ The length of the text to be replaced.
+ The new text.
+ The offsetChangeMap determines how offsets inside the old text are mapped to the new text.
+ This affects how the anchors and segments inside the replaced region behave.
+ If you pass null (the default when using one of the other overloads), the offsets are changed as
+ in OffsetChangeMappingType.Normal mode.
+ If you pass OffsetChangeMap.Empty, then everything will stay in its old place (OffsetChangeMappingType.CharacterReplace mode).
+ The offsetChangeMap must be a valid 'explanation' for the document change. See .
+ Passing an OffsetChangeMap to the Replace method will automatically freeze it to ensure the thread safety of the resulting
+ DocumentChangeEventArgs instance.
+ Gets a read-only list of lines.
+ Gets a line by the line number: O(log n)
+ Gets a document lines by offset.
+ Runtime: O(log n)
+ Gets the offset from a text location.
+ Gets the offset from a text location.
+ Gets the location from an offset.
+ Gets the list of s attached to this document.
+ You can add custom line trackers to this list.
+ Gets the of the document.
+ This property can also be used to set the undo stack, e.g. for sharing a common undo stack between multiple documents.
+ Creates a new at the specified offset.
+ Gets the total number of lines in the document.
+ Runtime: O(1).
+ Gets the document lines tree in string form.
+ Gets the text anchor tree in string form.
+ Gets/Sets the service provider associated with this document.
+ By default, every TextDocument has its own ServiceContainer; and has the document itself
+ registered as and .
+ Contains weak event managers for the TextDocument events.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ A line/column position.
+ Text editor lines/columns are counted started from one.
+ The document provides the methods and
+ to convert between offsets and TextLocations.
+ Represents no text location (0, 0).
+ Creates a TextLocation instance.
+ Gets the line number.
+ Gets the column number.
+ Gets whether the TextLocation instance is empty.
+ Gets a string representation for debugging purposes.
+ Gets a hash code.
+ Equality test.
+ Equality test.
+ Equality test.
+ Inequality test.
+ Compares two text locations.
+ Compares two text locations.
+ Compares two text locations.
+ Compares two text locations.
+ Compares two text locations.
+ Converts strings of the form '0+[;,]0+' to a .
+ An (Offset,Length)-pair.
+ Gets the start offset of the segment.
+ Gets the length of the segment.
+ For line segments (IDocumentLine), the length does not include the line delimeter.
+ Gets the end offset of the segment.
+ EndOffset = Offset + Length;
+ Extension methods for .
+ Gets whether fully contains the specified segment.
+ Use segment.Contains(offset, 0) to detect whether a segment (end inclusive) contains offset;
+ use segment.Contains(offset, 1) to detect whether a segment (end exclusive) contains offset.
+ Gets whether fully contains the specified segment.
+ A segment that can be put into a .
+ A can be stand-alone or part of a .
+ If the segment is stored inside a TextSegmentCollection, its Offset and Length will be updated by that collection.
+ When the document changes, the offsets of all text segments in the TextSegmentCollection will be adjusted accordingly.
+ Start offsets move like AnchorMovementType.AfterInsertion,
+ end offsets move like AnchorMovementType.BeforeInsertion
+ (i.e. the segment will always stay as small as possible).
+ If a document change causes a segment to be deleted completely, it will be reduced to length 0, but segments are
+ never automatically removed from the collection.
+ Segments with length 0 will never expand due to document changes, and they move as AfterInsertion.
+ Thread-safety: a TextSegmentCollection that is connected to a may only be used on that document's owner thread.
+ A disconnected TextSegmentCollection is safe for concurrent reads, but concurrent access is not safe when there are writes.
+ Keep in mind that reading the Offset properties of a text segment inside the collection is a read access on the
+ collection; and setting an Offset property of a text segment is a write access on the collection.
+ The color of the segment in the red/black tree.
+ The "length" of the node (distance to previous node)
+ The total "length" of this subtree.
+ The length of the segment (do not confuse with nodeLength).
+ distanceToMaxEnd = Max(segmentLength,
+ left.distanceToMaxEnd + left.Offset - Offset,
+ left.distanceToMaxEnd + right.Offset - Offset)
+ Gets whether this segment is connected to a TextSegmentCollection and will automatically
+ update its offsets.
+ Gets/Sets the start offset of the segment.
+ When setting the start offset, the end offset will change, too: the Length of the segment will stay constant.
+ Gets/Sets the end offset of the segment.
+ Setting the end offset will change the length, the start offset will stay constant.
+ Gets/Sets the length of the segment.
+ Setting the length will change the end offset, the start offset will stay constant.
+ This method gets called when the StartOffset/Length/EndOffset properties are set.
+ It is not called when StartOffset/Length/EndOffset change due to document changes
+ Gets the inorder successor of the node.
+ Gets the inorder predecessor of the node.
+ Interface to allow TextSegments to access the TextSegmentCollection - we cannot use a direct reference
+ because TextSegmentCollection is generic.
+ A collection of text segments that supports efficient lookup of segments
+ intersecting with another segment.
+ Creates a new TextSegmentCollection that needs manual calls to .
+ Creates a new TextSegmentCollection that updates the offsets automatically.
+ The document to which the text segments
+ that will be added to the tree belong. When the document changes, the
+ position of the text segments will be updated accordingly.
+ Updates the start and end offsets of all segments stored in this collection.
+ DocumentChangeEventArgs instance describing the change to the document.
+ Updates the start and end offsets of all segments stored in this collection.
+ OffsetChangeMapEntry instance describing the change to the document.
+ Adds the specified segment to the tree. This will cause the segment to update when the
+ document changes.
+ Gets the next segment after the specified segment.
+ Segments are sorted by their start offset.
+ Returns null if segment is the last segment.
+ Gets the previous segment before the specified segment.
+ Segments are sorted by their start offset.
+ Returns null if segment is the first segment.
+ Returns the first segment in the collection or null, if the collection is empty.
+ Returns the last segment in the collection or null, if the collection is empty.
+ Gets the first segment with a start offset greater or equal to .
+ Returns null if no such segment is found.
+ Finds the node at the specified offset.
+ After the method has run, offset is relative to the beginning of the returned node.
+ Finds all segments that contain the given offset.
+ (StartOffset <= offset <= EndOffset)
+ Segments are returned in the order given by GetNextSegment/GetPreviousSegment.
+ Returns a new collection containing the results of the query.
+ This means it is safe to modify the TextSegmentCollection while iterating through the result collection.
+ Finds all segments that overlap with the given segment (including touching segments).
+ Returns a new collection containing the results of the query.
+ This means it is safe to modify the TextSegmentCollection while iterating through the result collection.
+ Finds all segments that overlap with the given segment (including touching segments).
+ Segments are returned in the order given by GetNextSegment/GetPreviousSegment.
+ Returns a new collection containing the results of the query.
+ This means it is safe to modify the TextSegmentCollection while iterating through the result collection.
+ Removes the specified segment from the tree. This will cause the segment to not update
+ anymore when the document changes.
+ Removes all segments from the tree.
+ Gets the number of segments in the tree.
+ Gets whether this tree contains the specified item.
+ Copies all segments in this SegmentTree to the specified array.
+ Gets an enumerator to enumerate the segments.
+ Provides ITextSourceVersion instances.
+ Creates a new TextSourceVersionProvider instance.
+ Gets the current version.
+ Replaces the current version with a new version.
+ Change from current version to new version
+ Specifies the mode for getting the next caret position.
+ Normal positioning (stop after every grapheme)
+ Stop only on word borders.
+ Stop only at the beginning of words. This is used for Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right.
+ Stop only at the beginning of words, and anywhere in the middle of symbols.
+ Stop only on word borders, and anywhere in the middle of symbols.
+ Stop between every Unicode codepoint, even within the same grapheme.
+ This is used to implement deleting the previous grapheme when Backspace is pressed.
+ Classifies a character as whitespace, line terminator, part of an identifier, or other.
+ The character is not whitespace, line terminator or part of an identifier.
+ The character is whitespace (but not line terminator).
+ The character can be part of an identifier (Letter, digit or underscore).
+ The character is line terminator (\r or \n).
+ The character is a unicode combining mark that modifies the previous character.
+ Corresponds to the Unicode designations "Mn", "Mc" and "Me".
+ This class stacks the last x operations from the undostack and makes
+ one undo/redo operation from it.
+ Undo stack implementation.
+ undo stack is listening for changes
+ undo stack is reverting/repeating a set of changes
+ state is used for checking that noone but the UndoStack performs changes
+ during Undo events
+ Number of times undo must be executed until the original state is reached.
+ Negative: number of times redo must be executed until the original state is reached.
+ Special case: int.MinValue == original state is unreachable
+ Gets whether the document is currently in its original state (no modifications).
+ Marks the current state as original. Discards any previous "original" markers.
+ Discards the current "original" marker.
+ Gets if the undo stack currently accepts changes.
+ Is false while an undo action is running.
+ Gets if there are actions on the undo stack.
+ Use the PropertyChanged event to listen to changes of this property.
+ Gets if there are actions on the redo stack.
+ Use the PropertyChanged event to listen to changes of this property.
+ Gets/Sets the limit on the number of items on the undo stack.
+ The size limit is enforced only on the number of stored top-level undo groups.
+ Elements within undo groups do not count towards the size limit.
+ If an undo group is open, gets the group descriptor of the current top-level
+ undo group.
+ If no undo group is open, gets the group descriptor from the previous undo group.
+ The group descriptor can be used to join adjacent undo groups:
+ use a group descriptor to mark your changes, and on the second action,
+ compare LastGroupDescriptor and use if you
+ want to join the undo groups.
+ Starts grouping changes.
+ Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible.
+ Starts grouping changes.
+ Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible.
+ An object that is stored with the undo group.
+ If this is not a top-level undo group, the parameter is ignored.
+ Starts grouping changes, continuing with the previously closed undo group if possible.
+ Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible.
+ If the call to StartContinuedUndoGroup is a nested call, it behaves exactly
+ as , only top-level calls can continue existing undo groups.
+ An object that is stored with the undo group.
+ If this is not a top-level undo group, the parameter is ignored.
+ Stops grouping changes.
+ Throws an InvalidOperationException if an undo group is current open.
+ Call this method to undo the last operation on the stack
+ Call this method to redo the last undone operation
+ Call this method to push an UndoableOperation on the undostack.
+ The redostack will be cleared if you use this method.
+ Call this method to push an UndoableOperation on the undostack.
+ However, the operation will be only stored if the undo group contains a
+ non-optional operation.
+ Use this method to store the caret position/selection on the undo stack to
+ prevent having only actions that affect only the caret and not the document.
+ Call this method, if you want to clear the redo stack
+ Clears both the undo and redo stack.
+ Is raised when a property (CanUndo, CanRedo) changed.
+ Allows registering a line tracker on a TextDocument using a weak reference from the document to the line tracker.
+ Registers the as line tracker for the .
+ A weak reference to the target tracker will be used, and the WeakLineTracker will deregister itself
+ when the target tracker is garbage collected.
+ Deregisters the weak line tracker.
+ Base class for margins.
+ Margins don't have to derive from this class, it just helps maintaining a reference to the TextView
+ and the TextDocument.
+ AbstractMargin derives from FrameworkElement, so if you don't want to handle visual children and rendering
+ on your own, choose another base class for your margin!
+ TextView property.
+ Gets/sets the text view for which line numbers are displayed.
+ Adding a margin to will automatically set this property to the text area's TextView.
+ Gets the document associated with the margin.
+ Called when the is changing.
+ Called when the is changing.
+ Helper class with caret-related methods.
+ Gets/Sets the position of the caret.
+ Retrieving this property will validate the visual column (which can be expensive).
+ Use the property instead if you don't need the visual column.
+ Gets the caret position without validating it.
+ Gets/Sets the location of the caret.
+ The getter of this property is faster than because it doesn't have
+ to validate the visual column.
+ Gets/Sets the caret line.
+ Gets/Sets the caret column.
+ Gets/Sets the caret visual column.
+ Gets whether the caret is in virtual space.
+ Gets/Sets the caret offset.
+ Setting the caret offset has the side effect of setting the to NaN.
+ Gets/Sets the desired x-position of the caret, in device-independent pixels.
+ This property is NaN if the caret has no desired position.
+ Event raised when the caret position has changed.
+ If the caret position is changed inside a document update (between BeginUpdate/EndUpdate calls),
+ the PositionChanged event is raised only once at the end of the document update.
+ Validates the visual column of the caret using the specified visual line.
+ The visual line must contain the caret offset.
+ Returns the caret rectangle. The coordinate system is in device-independent pixels from the top of the document.
+ Minimum distance of the caret to the view border.
+ Scrolls the text view so that the caret is visible.
+ Makes the caret visible and updates its on-screen position.
+ Makes the caret invisible.
+ Gets/Sets the color of the caret.
+ Creates a new for the text area.
+ Contains classes for handling weak events on the Caret class.
+ Handles the Caret.PositionChanged event.
+ Margin for use with the text area.
+ A vertical dotted line to separate the line numbers from the text view.
+ Creates a vertical dotted line to separate the line numbers from the text view.
+ Gets whether the specified UIElement is the result of a DottedLineMargin.Create call.
+ Wraps exceptions that occur during drag'n'drop.
+ Exceptions during drag'n'drop might
+ get swallowed by WPF/COM, so AvalonEdit catches them and re-throws them later
+ wrapped in a DragDropException.
+ Creates a new DragDropException.
+ Creates a new DragDropException.
+ Creates a new DragDropException.
+ Deserializes a DragDropException.
+ We re-use the CommandBinding and InputBinding instances between multiple text areas,
+ so this class is static.
+ Creates a new for the text area.
+ Calls transformLine on all lines in the selected range.
+ transformLine needs to handle read-only segments!
+ Calls transformLine on all writable segment in the selected range.
+ Native API required for IME support.
+ Determines whether the document can be modified.
+ Gets whether insertion is possible at the specified offset.
+ Gets the deletable segments inside the given segment.
+ All segments in the result must be within the given segment, and they must be returned in order
+ (e.g. if two segments are returned, EndOffset of first segment must be less than StartOffset of second segment).
+ For replacements, the last segment being returned will be replaced with the new text. If an empty list is returned,
+ no replacement will be done.
+ Margin showing line numbers.
+ The typeface used for rendering the line number margin.
+ This field is calculated in MeasureOverride() based on the FontFamily etc. properties.
+ The font size used for rendering the line number margin.
+ This field is calculated in MeasureOverride() based on the FontFamily etc. properties.
+ Maximum length of a line number, in characters
+ Enumeration of possible states of mouse selection.
+ no selection (no mouse button down)
+ left mouse button down on selection, might be normal click
+ or might be drag'n'drop
+ dragging text
+ normal selection (click+drag)
+ whole-word selection (double click+drag or ctrl+click+drag)
+ whole-line selection (triple click+drag)
+ rectangular selection (alt+click+drag)
+ that has no read-only sections; all text is editable.
+ that completely disables editing.
+ Rectangular selection ("box selection").
+ Expands the selection left by one character, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+Left
+ Expands the selection right by one character, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+Right
+ Expands the selection left by one word, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left
+ Expands the selection left by one word, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right
+ Expands the selection up by one line, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+Up
+ Expands the selection up by one line, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+Down
+ Expands the selection to the start of the line, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+Home
+ Expands the selection to the end of the line, creating a rectangular selection.
+ Key gesture: Alt+Shift+End
+ Creates a new rectangular selection.
+ Performs a rectangular paste operation.
+ Gets the name of the entry in the DataObject that signals rectangle selections.
+ Base class for selections.
+ Creates a new simple selection that selects the text from startOffset to endOffset.
+ Creates a new simple selection that selects the text in the specified segment.
+ Constructor for Selection.
+ Gets the start position of the selection.
+ Gets the end position of the selection.
+ Gets the selected text segments.
+ Gets the smallest segment that contains all segments in this selection.
+ May return null if the selection is empty.
+ Replaces the selection with the specified text.
+ Updates the selection when the document changes.
+ Gets whether the selection is empty.
+ Gets whether virtual space is enabled for this selection.
+ Gets the selection length.
+ Returns a new selection with the changed end point.
+ Cannot set endpoint for empty selection
+ If this selection is empty, starts a new selection from to
+ , otherwise, changes the endpoint of this selection.
+ Gets whether the selection is multi-line.
+ Gets the selected text.
+ Creates a HTML fragment for the selected text.
+ Gets whether the specified offset is included in the selection.
+ True, if the selection contains the offset (selection borders inclusive);
+ otherwise, false.
+ Creates a data object containing the selection's text.
+ Handles selection of text using the mouse.
+ Represents a selected segment.
+ Creates a SelectionSegment from two offsets.
+ Creates a SelectionSegment from two offsets and visual columns.
+ Gets the start offset.
+ Gets the end offset.
+ Gets the start visual column.
+ Gets the end visual column.
+ A simple selection.
+ Creates a new SimpleSelection instance.
+ Control that wraps a TextView and adds support for user input and the caret.
+ Creates a new TextArea instance.
+ Creates a new TextArea instance.
+ Gets the default input handler.
+ Gets/Sets the active input handler.
+ This property does not return currently active stacked input handlers. Setting this property detached all stacked input handlers.
+ Occurs when the ActiveInputHandler property changes.
+ Gets the list of currently active stacked input handlers.
+ Pushes an input handler onto the list of stacked input handlers.
+ Pops the stacked input handler (and all input handlers above it).
+ If is not found in the currently stacked input handlers, or is null, this method
+ does nothing.
+ Document property.
+ Gets/Sets the document displayed by the text editor.
+ Options property.
+ Gets/Sets the document displayed by the text editor.
+ Occurs when a text editor option has changed.
+ Raises the event.
+ Gets the text view used to display text in this text area.
+ Occurs when the selection has changed.
+ Gets/Sets the selection in this text area.
+ Clears the current selection.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the background brush used for the selection.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the foreground brush used for selected text.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the pen used for the border of the selection.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the corner radius of the selection.
+ Gets/Sets the active mouse selection mode.
+ Setting this property to MouseSelectionMode.None will cancel mouse selection
+ and release mouse capture.
+ Setting this property to another value will acquire mouse capture and
+ activate the mouse selection mode.
+ If mouse capture cannot be acquired, MouseSelectionMode will stay unchanged.
+ Currently, the setter only supports the values None, Normal
+ and Rectangular.
+ Code that updates only the caret but not the selection can cause confusion when
+ keys like 'Delete' delete the (possibly invisible) selected text and not the
+ text around the caret.
+ So we'll ensure that the caret is inside the selection.
+ (when the caret is not in the selection, we'll clear the selection)
+ This method is invoked using the Dispatcher so that code may temporarily violate this rule
+ (e.g. most 'extend selection' methods work by first setting the caret, then the selection),
+ it's sufficient to fix it after any event handlers have run.
+ Temporarily allows positioning the caret outside the selection.
+ Dispose the returned IDisposable to revert the allowance.
+ The text area only forces the caret to be inside the selection when other events
+ have finished running (using the dispatcher), so you don't have to use this method
+ for temporarily positioning the caret in event handlers.
+ This method is only necessary if you want to run the WPF dispatcher, e.g. if you
+ perform a drag'n'drop operation.
+ Gets the Caret used for this text area.
+ Gets the collection of margins displayed to the left of the text view.
+ Gets/Sets an object that provides read-only sections for the text area.
+ Occurs when the TextArea receives text input.
+ This is like the event,
+ but occurs immediately before the TextArea handles the TextInput event.
+ Occurs when the TextArea receives text input.
+ This is like the event,
+ but occurs immediately after the TextArea handles the TextInput event.
+ Raises the TextEntering event.
+ Raises the TextEntered event.
+ Performs text input.
+ This raises the event, replaces the selection with the text,
+ and then raises the event.
+ Performs text input.
+ This raises the event, replaces the selection with the text,
+ and then raises the event.
+ IndentationStrategy property.
+ Gets/Sets the indentation strategy used when inserting new lines.
+ The dependency property.
+ Gets/Sets whether overstrike mode is active.
+ Gets the requested service.
+ Returns the requested service instance, or null if the service cannot be found.
+ Occurs when text inside the TextArea was copied.
+ EventArgs with text.
+ Gets the text.
+ Creates a new TextEventArgs instance.
+ Contains the predefined input handlers.
+ Gets the caret navigation input handler.
+ Gets the editing input handler.
+ Gets the mouse selection input handler.
+ Creates a new TextAreaDefaultInputHandler instance.
+ A set of input bindings and event handlers for the text area.
+ There is one active input handler per text area (), plus
+ a number of active stacked input handlers.
+ The text area also stores a reference to a default input handler, but that is not necessarily active.
+ Stacked input handlers work in addition to the set of currently active handlers (without detaching them).
+ They are detached in the reverse order of being attached.
+ Gets the text area that the input handler belongs to.
+ Attaches an input handler to the text area.
+ Detaches the input handler from the text area.
+ Stacked input handler.
+ Uses OnEvent-methods instead of registering event handlers to ensure that the events are handled in the correct order.
+ Creates a new TextAreaInputHandler.
+ Called for the PreviewKeyDown event.
+ Called for the PreviewKeyUp event.
+ Default-implementation of .
+ Creates a new TextAreaInputHandler.
+ Gets whether the input handler is currently attached to the text area.
+ Gets the command bindings of this input handler.
+ Gets the input bindings of this input handler.
+ Adds a command and input binding.
+ The command ID.
+ The modifiers of the keyboard shortcut.
+ The key of the keyboard shortcut.
+ The event handler to run when the command is executed.
+ Gets the collection of nested input handlers. NestedInputHandlers are activated and deactivated
+ together with this input handler.
+ Implementation for that stores the segments
+ in a .
+ Gets the collection storing the read-only segments.
+ Creates a new TextSegmentReadOnlySectionProvider instance for the specified document.
+ Creates a new TextSegmentReadOnlySectionProvider instance using the specified TextSegmentCollection.
+ Gets whether insertion is possible at the specified offset.
+ Gets the deletable segments inside the given segment.
+ A that produces line elements for folded s.
+ Gets/Sets the folding manager from which the foldings should be shown.
+ Default brush for folding element text. Value: Brushes.Gray
+ Gets/sets the brush used for folding element text.
+ Stores a list of foldings for a specific TextView and TextDocument.
+ Creates a new FoldingManager instance.
+ Creates a folding for the specified text section.
+ Removes a folding section from this manager.
+ Removes all folding sections.
+ Gets all foldings in this manager.
+ The foldings are returned sorted by start offset;
+ for multiple foldings at the same offset the order is undefined.
+ Gets the first offset greater or equal to where a folded folding starts.
+ Returns -1 if there are no foldings after .
+ Gets the first folding with a greater or equal to
+ .
+ Returns null if there are no foldings after .
+ Gets all foldings that start exactly at .
+ Gets all foldings that contain .
+ Updates the foldings in this using the given new foldings.
+ This method will try to detect which new foldings correspond to which existing foldings; and will keep the state
+ () for existing foldings.
+ The new set of foldings. These must be sorted by starting offset.
+ The first position of a parse error. Existing foldings starting after
+ this offset will be kept even if they don't appear in .
+ Use -1 for this parameter if there were no parse errors.
+ Adds Folding support to the specified text area.
+ Warning: The folding manager is only valid for the text area's current document. The folding manager
+ must be uninstalled before the text area is bound to a different document.
+ The that manages the list of foldings inside the text area.
+ Uninstalls the folding manager.
+ The specified manager was not created using .
+ A margin that shows markers for foldings and allows to expand/collapse the foldings.
+ Gets/Sets the folding manager from which the foldings should be shown.
+ FoldingMarkerBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying the lines of folding markers.
+ FoldingMarkerBackgroundBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying the background of folding markers.
+ SelectedFoldingMarkerBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying the lines of selected folding markers.
+ SelectedFoldingMarkerBackgroundBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying the background of selected folding markers.
+ Calculates fold lines for all folding sections that start in front of the current view
+ and run into the current view.
+ Calculates fold lines for all folding sections that start inside the current view
+ Draws the lines for the folding sections (vertical line with 'color', horizontal lines with 'endMarker')
+ Each entry in the input arrays corresponds to one TextLine.
+ A section that can be folded.
+ Gets/sets if the section is folded.
+ Gets/Sets the text used to display the collapsed version of the folding section.
+ Gets the content of the collapsed lines as text.
+ Gets/Sets an additional object associated with this folding section.
+ Helper class used for .
+ Gets/Sets the start offset.
+ Gets/Sets the end offset.
+ Gets/Sets the name displayed for the folding.
+ Gets/Sets whether the folding is closed by default.
+ Gets/Sets whether the folding is considered to be a definition.
+ This has an effect on the 'Show Definitions only' command.
+ Creates a new NewFolding instance.
+ Creates a new NewFolding instance.
+ Holds information about the start of a fold in an xml string.
+ Determines folds for an xml string in the editor.
+ Flag indicating whether attributes should be displayed on folded
+ elements.
+ Create s for the specified document and updates the folding manager with them.
+ Create s for the specified document.
+ Create s for the specified document.
+ Creates a comment fold if the comment spans more than one line.
+ The text displayed when the comment is folded is the first
+ line of the comment.
+ Creates an XmlFoldStart for the start tag of an element.
+ Create an element fold if the start and end tag are on
+ different lines.
+ Gets the element's attributes as a string on one line that will
+ be displayed when the element is folded.
+ Currently this puts all attributes from an element on the same
+ line of the start tag. It does not cater for elements where attributes
+ are not on the same line as the start tag.
+ Xml encode the attribute string since the string returned from
+ the XmlTextReader is the plain unencoded string and .NET
+ does not provide us with an xml encode method.
+ This class can syntax-highlight a document.
+ It automatically manages invalidating the highlighting when the document changes.
+ Stores the span state at the end of each line.
+ storedSpanStacks[0] = state at beginning of document
+ storedSpanStacks[i] = state after line i
+ Gets the document that this DocumentHighlighter is highlighting.
+ Creates a new DocumentHighlighter instance.
+ Disposes the document highlighter.
+ Gets/sets the the initial span stack of the document. Default value is .
+ Invalidates all stored highlighting info.
+ When the document changes, the highlighting is invalidated automatically, this method
+ needs to be called only when there are changes to the highlighting rule set.
+ Invalidates stored highlighting info, but does not raise the HighlightingStateChanged event.
+ Gets the span stack at the end of the specified line.
+ -> GetSpanStack(1) returns the spans at the start of the second line.
+ GetSpanStack(0) is valid and will return .
+ The elements are returned in inside-out order (first element of result enumerable is the color of the innermost span).
+ Sets the engine's CurrentSpanStack to the end of the target line.
+ Updates the span stack for all lines up to (and including) the target line, if necessary.
+ Is called when the highlighting state at the end of the specified line has changed.
+ This callback must not call HighlightLine or InvalidateHighlighting.
+ It may call GetSpanStack, but only for the changed line and lines above.
+ This method must not modify the document.
+ Takes a series of highlighting commands and stores them.
+ Later, it can build inline objects (for use with WPF TextBlock) from the commands.
+ This class is not used in AvalonEdit - but it is useful for someone who wants to put a HighlightedLine
+ into a TextBlock.
+ In SharpDevelop, we use it to provide syntax highlighting inside the search results pad.
+ Creates a new HighlightedInlineBuilder instance.
+ Creates a new HighlightedInlineBuilder instance.
+ Gets the text.
+ Applies the properties from the HighlightingColor to the specified text segment.
+ Sets the foreground brush on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the background brush on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the font weight on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the font style on the specified text segment.
+ Creates WPF Run instances that can be used for TextBlock.Inlines.
+ Creates a RichText instance.
+ Clones this HighlightedInlineBuilder.
+ Represents a highlighted document line.
+ Creates a new HighlightedLine instance.
+ Gets the document associated with this HighlightedLine.
+ Gets the document line associated with this HighlightedLine.
+ Gets the highlighted sections.
+ The sections are not overlapping, but they may be nested.
+ In that case, outer sections come in the list before inner sections.
+ The sections are sorted by start offset.
+ Validates that the sections are sorted correctly, and that they are not overlapping.
+ Merges the additional line into this line.
+ Writes the highlighted line to the RichTextWriter.
+ Writes a part of the highlighted line to the RichTextWriter.
+ Produces HTML code for the line, with <span class="colorName"> tags.
+ Produces HTML code for a section of the line, with <span class="colorName"> tags.
+ Creates a that stores the text and highlighting of this line.
+ Creates a that stores the highlighting of this line.
+ Creates a that stores the text and highlighting of this line.
+ A text section with syntax highlighting information.
+ Gets/sets the document offset of the section.
+ Gets/sets the length of the section.
+ Gets the highlighting color associated with the highlighted section.
+ A brush used for syntax highlighting. Can retrieve a real brush on-demand.
+ Gets the real brush.
+ The construction context. context can be null!
+ Gets the color of the brush.
+ The construction context. context can be null!
+ Highlighting brush implementation that takes a frozen brush.
+ Creates a new HighlightingBrush with the specified color.
+ HighlightingBrush implementation that finds a brush using a resource.
+ A highlighting color is a set of font properties and foreground and background color.
+ Gets/Sets the name of the color.
+ Gets/sets the font family. Null if the highlighting color does not change the font style.
+ Gets/sets the font size. Null if the highlighting color does not change the font style.
+ Gets/sets the font weight. Null if the highlighting color does not change the font weight.
+ Gets/sets the font style. Null if the highlighting color does not change the font style.
+ Gets/sets the underline flag. Null if the underline status does not change the font style.
+ Gets/sets the strikethrough flag. Null if the strikethrough status does not change the font style.
+ Gets/sets the foreground color applied by the highlighting.
+ Gets/sets the background color applied by the highlighting.
+ Creates a new HighlightingColor instance.
+ Deserializes a HighlightingColor.
+ Serializes this HighlightingColor instance.
+ Gets CSS code for the color.
+ Prevent further changes to this highlighting color.
+ Gets whether this HighlightingColor instance is frozen.
+ Clones this highlighting color.
+ If this color is frozen, the clone will be unfrozen.
+ Overwrites the properties in this HighlightingColor with those from the given color;
+ but maintains the current values where the properties of the given color return null.
+ A colorizes that interprets a highlighting rule set and colors the document accordingly.
+ Creates a new HighlightingColorizer instance.
+ The highlighting definition.
+ Creates a new HighlightingColorizer instance that uses a fixed highlighter instance.
+ The colorizer can only be used with text views that show the document for which
+ the highlighter was created.
+ The highlighter to be used.
+ Creates a new HighlightingColorizer instance.
+ Derived classes using this constructor must override the method.
+ This method is called when a text view is removed from this HighlightingColorizer,
+ and also when the TextDocument on any associated text view changes.
+ This method is called when a new text view is added to this HighlightingColorizer,
+ and also when the TextDocument on any associated text view changes.
+ Creates the IHighlighter instance for the specified text document.
+ Gets whether the color is empty (has no effect on a VisualLineTextElement).
+ For example, the C# "Punctuation" is an empty color.
+ Applies a highlighting color to a visual line element.
+ This method is responsible for telling the TextView to redraw lines when the highlighting state has changed.
+ Creation of a VisualLine triggers the syntax highlighter (which works on-demand), so it says:
+ Hey, the user typed "/*". Don't just recreate that line, but also the next one
+ because my highlighting state (at end of line) changed!
+ Indicates that the highlighting definition that was tried to load was invalid.
+ Creates a new HighlightingDefinitionInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new HighlightingDefinitionInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new HighlightingDefinitionInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new HighlightingDefinitionInvalidException instance.
+ Converts between strings and by treating the string as the definition name
+ and calling HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition(name).
+ Regex-based highlighting engine.
+ Creates a new HighlightingEngine instance.
+ Gets/sets the current span stack.
+ the HighlightedLine where highlighting output is being written to.
+ if this variable is null, nothing is highlighted and only the span state is updated
+ Highlights the specified line in the specified document.
+ Before calling this method, must be set to the proper
+ state for the beginning of this line. After highlighting has completed,
+ will be updated to represent the state after the line.
+ Updates for the specified line in the specified document.
+ Before calling this method, must be set to the proper
+ state for the beginning of this line. After highlighting has completed,
+ will be updated to represent the state after the line.
+ Returns the first match from the array or endSpanMatch.
+ Manages a list of syntax highlighting definitions.
+ All memers on this class (including instance members) are thread-safe.
+ Gets a highlighting definition by name.
+ Returns null if the definition is not found.
+ Gets a copy of all highlightings.
+ Gets a highlighting definition by extension.
+ Returns null if the definition is not found.
+ Registers a highlighting definition.
+ The name to register the definition with.
+ The file extensions to register the definition for.
+ The highlighting definition.
+ Registers a highlighting definition.
+ The name to register the definition with.
+ The file extensions to register the definition for.
+ A function that loads the highlighting definition.
+ Gets the default HighlightingManager instance.
+ The default HighlightingManager comes with built-in highlightings.
+ A highlighting rule.
+ Gets/Sets the regular expression for the rule.
+ Gets/Sets the highlighting color.
+ A highlighting rule set describes a set of spans that are valid at a given code location.
+ Creates a new RuleSet instance.
+ Gets/Sets the name of the rule set.
+ Gets the list of spans.
+ Gets the list of rules.
+ A highlighting span is a region with start+end expression that has a different RuleSet inside
+ and colors the region.
+ Gets/Sets the start expression.
+ Gets/Sets the end expression.
+ Gets/Sets the rule set that applies inside this span.
+ Gets the color used for the text matching the start expression.
+ Gets the color used for the text between start and end.
+ Gets the color used for the text matching the end expression.
+ Gets/Sets whether the span color includes the start.
+ The default is false.
+ Gets/Sets whether the span color includes the end.
+ The default is false.
+ Allows copying HTML text to the clipboard.
+ Builds a header for the CF_HTML clipboard format.
+ Sets the TextDataFormat.Html on the data object to the specified html fragment.
+ This helper methods takes care of creating the necessary CF_HTML header.
+ Creates a HTML fragment from a part of a document.
+ The document to create HTML from.
+ The highlighter used to highlight the document. null is valid and will create HTML without any highlighting.
+ The part of the document to create HTML for. You can pass null to create HTML for the whole document.
+ The options for the HTML creation.
+ HTML code for the document part.
+ Holds options for converting text to HTML.
+ Creates a default HtmlOptions instance.
+ Creates a new HtmlOptions instance that copies applicable options from the .
+ The amount of spaces a tab gets converted to.
+ Writes the HTML attribute for the style to the text writer.
+ Gets whether the color needs to be written out to HTML.
+ RichTextWriter implementation that produces HTML.
+ Creates a new HtmlRichTextWriter instance.
+ The text writer where the raw HTML is written to.
+ The HtmlRichTextWriter does not take ownership of the htmlWriter;
+ disposing the HtmlRichTextWriter will not dispose the underlying htmlWriter!
+ Options that control the HTML output.
+ Represents a highlighted document.
+ This interface is used by the to register the highlighter as a TextView service.
+ Gets the underlying text document.
+ Gets the stack of active colors (the colors associated with the active spans) at the end of the specified line.
+ -> GetColorStack(1) returns the colors at the start of the second line.
+ GetColorStack(0) is valid and will return the empty stack.
+ The elements are returned in inside-out order (first element of result enumerable is the color of the innermost span).
+ Highlights the specified document line.
+ The line to highlight.
+ A line object that represents the highlighted sections.
+ Enforces a highlighting state update (triggering the HighlightingStateChanged event if necessary)
+ for all lines up to (and inclusive) the specified line number.
+ Notification when the highlighter detects that the highlighting state at the
+ beginning of the specified lines has changed.
+ fromLineNumber and toLineNumber are both inclusive;
+ the common case of a single-line change is represented by fromLineNumber == toLineNumber.
+ During highlighting, the highlighting of line X will cause this event to be raised
+ for line X+1 if the highlighting state at the end of line X has changed from its previous state.
+ This event may also be raised outside of the highlighting process to signalize that
+ changes to external data (not the document text; but e.g. semantic information)
+ require a re-highlighting of the specified lines.
+ For implementers: there is the requirement that, during highlighting,
+ if there was no state changed reported for the beginning of line X,
+ and there were no document changes between the start of line X and the start of line Y (with Y > X),
+ then this event must not be raised for any line between X and Y (inclusive).
+ Equal input state + unchanged line = Equal output state.
+ See the comment in the HighlightingColorizer.OnHighlightStateChanged implementation
+ for details about the requirements for a correct custom IHighlighter.
+ Outside of the highlighting process, this event can be raised without such restrictions.
+ Opens a group of calls.
+ It is not necessary to call this method before calling ,
+ however, doing so can make the highlighting much more performant in some cases
+ (e.g. the C# semantic highlighter in SharpDevelop will re-use the resolver within a highlighting group).
+ The group is closed by either a or a call.
+ Nested groups are not allowed.
+ Closes the currently opened group of calls.
+ .
+ Retrieves the HighlightingColor with the specified name. Returns null if no color matching the name is found.
+ Gets the default text color.
+ Event handler for
+ A highlighting definition.
+ Gets the name of the highlighting definition.
+ Gets the main rule set.
+ Gets a rule set by name.
+ The rule set, or null if it is not found.
+ Gets a named highlighting color.
+ The highlighting color, or null if it is not found.
+ Gets the list of named highlighting colors.
+ Gets the list of properties.
+ Interface for resolvers that can solve cross-definition references.
+ Gets the highlighting definition by name, or null if it is not found.
+ Represents a immutable piece text with highlighting information.
+ The empty string without any formatting information.
+ Creates a RichText instance with the given text and RichTextModel.
+ The text to use in this RichText instance.
+ The model that contains the formatting to use for this RichText instance.
+ model.DocumentLength should correspond to text.Length.
+ This parameter may be null, in which case the RichText instance just holds plain text.
+ Gets the text.
+ Gets the text length.
+ Gets the HighlightingColor for the specified offset.
+ Retrieves the highlighted sections in the specified range.
+ The highlighted sections will be sorted by offset, and there will not be any nested or overlapping sections.
+ Creates a new RichTextModel with the formatting from this RichText.
+ Gets the text.
+ Creates WPF Run instances that can be used for TextBlock.Inlines.
+ Produces HTML code for the line, with <span style="..."> tags.
+ Produces HTML code for a section of the line, with <span style="..."> tags.
+ Creates a substring of this rich text.
+ Concatenates the specified rich texts.
+ Concatenates the specified rich texts.
+ Implicit conversion from string to RichText.
+ A colorizer that applies the highlighting from a to the editor.
+ Creates a new RichTextColorizer instance.
+ Stores rich-text formatting.
+ Creates a new RichTextModel.
+ Creates a RichTextModel from a CONTIGUOUS list of HighlightedSections.
+ Updates the start and end offsets of all segments stored in this collection.
+ TextChangeEventArgs instance describing the change to the document.
+ Updates the start and end offsets of all segments stored in this collection.
+ OffsetChangeMap instance describing the change to the document.
+ Updates the start and end offsets of all segments stored in this collection.
+ OffsetChangeMapEntry instance describing the change to the document.
+ Appends another RichTextModel after this one.
+ Gets a copy of the HighlightingColor for the specified offset.
+ Applies the HighlightingColor to the specified range of text.
+ If the color specifies null for some properties, existing highlighting is preserved.
+ Sets the HighlightingColor for the specified range of text,
+ completely replacing the existing highlighting in that area.
+ Sets the foreground brush on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the background brush on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the font weight on the specified text segment.
+ Sets the font style on the specified text segment.
+ Retrieves the highlighted sections in the specified range.
+ The highlighted sections will be sorted by offset, and there will not be any nested or overlapping sections.
+ Creates WPF Run instances that can be used for TextBlock.Inlines.
+ The text source that holds the text for this RichTextModel.
+ A RichTextWriter that writes into a document and RichTextModel.
+ Creates a new RichTextModelWriter that inserts into document, starting at insertionOffset.
+ Gets/Sets the current insertion offset.
+ Static class with helper methods to load XSHD highlighting files.
+ Lodas a syntax definition from the xml reader.
+ Creates a highlighting definition from the XSHD file.
+ Creates a highlighting definition from the XSHD file.
+ A visitor over the XSHD element tree.
+ Visit method for XshdRuleSet
+ Visit method for XshdColor
+ Visit method for XshdKeywords
+ Visit method for XshdSpan
+ Visit method for XshdImport
+ Visit method for XshdRule
+ Xshd visitor implementation that saves an .xshd file as XML.
+ XML namespace for XSHD.
+ Creates a new SaveXshdVisitor instance.
+ Writes the specified syntax definition.
+ Loads .xshd files, version 1.0.
+ Loads .xshd files, version 2.0.
+ Version 2.0 files are recognized by the namespace.
+ Sets the element's position to the XmlReader's position.
+ A color in an Xshd file.
+ Gets/sets the name.
+ Gets/sets the font family
+ Gets/sets the font size.
+ Gets/sets the foreground brush.
+ Gets/sets the background brush.
+ Gets/sets the font weight.
+ Gets/sets the underline flag
+ Gets/sets the strikethrough flag
+ Gets/sets the font style.
+ Gets/Sets the example text that demonstrates where the color is used.
+ Creates a new XshdColor instance.
+ Deserializes an XshdColor.
+ Serializes this XshdColor instance.
+ An element in a XSHD rule set.
+ Gets the line number in the .xshd file.
+ Gets the column number in the .xshd file.
+ Applies the visitor to this element.
+ <Import> element.
+ Gets/sets the referenced rule set.
+ A list of keywords.
+ The color.
+ Gets the list of key words.
+ A property in an Xshd file.
+ Gets/sets the name.
+ Gets/sets the value.
+ Creates a new XshdColor instance.
+ A reference to an xshd color, or an inline xshd color.
+ Gets the reference.
+ Gets the reference.
+ Gets the inline element.
+ Creates a new XshdReference instance.
+ Creates a new XshdReference instance.
+ Applies the visitor to the inline element, if there is any.
+ Equality operator.
+ Equality operator.
+ Inequality operator.
+ <Rule> element.
+ Gets/sets the rule regex.
+ Gets/sets the rule regex type.
+ Gets/sets the color reference.
+ A rule set in a XSHD file.
+ Gets/Sets the name of the rule set.
+ Gets/sets whether the case is ignored in expressions inside this rule set.
+ Gets the collection of elements.
+ Applies the visitor to all elements.
+ Specifies the type of the regex.
+ Normal regex. Used when the regex was specified as attribute.
+ Ignore pattern whitespace / allow regex comments. Used when the regex was specified as text element.
+ <Span> element.
+ Gets/sets the begin regex.
+ Gets/sets the begin regex type.
+ Gets/sets the end regex.
+ Gets/sets the end regex type.
+ Gets/sets whether the span is multiline.
+ Gets/sets the rule set reference.
+ Gets/sets the span color.
+ Gets/sets the span begin color.
+ Gets/sets the span end color.
+ A <SyntaxDefinition> element.
+ Creates a new XshdSyntaxDefinition object.
+ Gets/sets the definition name
+ Gets the associated extensions.
+ Gets the collection of elements.
+ Applies the visitor to all elements.
+ Smart indentation for C#.
+ Creates a new CSharpIndentationStrategy.
+ Creates a new CSharpIndentationStrategy and initializes the settings using the text editor options.
+ Gets/Sets the indentation string.
+ Performs indentation using the specified document accessor.
+ Object used for accessing the document line-by-line
+ Specifies whether empty lines should be kept
+ Interface used for the indentation class to access the document.
+ Gets if the current line is read only (because it is not in the
+ selected text region)
+ Gets the number of the current line.
+ Gets/Sets the text of the current line.
+ Advances to the next line.
+ Adapter IDocumentAccessor -> TextDocument
+ Creates a new TextDocumentAccessor.
+ Creates a new TextDocumentAccessor that indents only a part of the document.
+ Leave empty lines empty.
+ An indentation block. Tracks the state of the indentation.
+ The indentation outside of the block.
+ The indentation inside the block.
+ The last word that was seen inside this block.
+ Because parenthesis open a sub-block and thus don't change their parent's LastWord,
+ this property can be used to identify the type of block statement (if, while, switch)
+ at the position of the '{'.
+ The type of bracket that opened this block (, [ or {
+ Gets whether there's currently a line continuation going on inside this block.
+ Gets whether there's currently a 'one-line-block' going on. 'one-line-blocks' occur
+ with if statements that don't use '{}'. They are not represented by a Block instance on
+ the stack, but are instead handled similar to line continuations.
+ This property is an integer because there might be multiple nested one-line-blocks.
+ As soon as there is a finished statement, OneLineBlock is reset to 0.
+ The previous value of one-line-block before it was reset.
+ Used to restore the indentation of 'else' to the correct level.
+ Gets the line number where this block started.
+ Handles indentation by copying the indentation from the previous line.
+ Does not support indenting multiple lines.
+ Does nothing: indenting multiple lines is useless without a smart indentation strategy.
+ Strategy how the text editor handles indentation when new lines are inserted.
+ Sets the indentation for the specified line.
+ Usually this is constructed from the indentation of the previous line.
+ Reindents a set of lines.
+ Allows the indentation strategy to listen to Line changes
+ Allows the indentation strategy to act based upon the user entering new text.
+ Helper for creating a PathGeometry.
+ Gets/sets the radius of the rounded corners.
+ Gets/Sets whether to align to whole pixels.
+ If BorderThickness is set to 0, the geometry is aligned to whole pixels.
+ If BorderThickness is set to a non-zero value, the outer edge of the border is aligned
+ to whole pixels.
+ The default value is false.
+ Gets/sets the border thickness.
+ This property only has an effect if AlignToWholePixels is enabled.
+ When using the resulting geometry to paint a border, set this property to the border thickness.
+ Otherwise, leave the property set to the default value 0.
+ Gets/Sets whether to extend the rectangles to full width at line end.
+ Creates a new BackgroundGeometryBuilder instance.
+ Adds the specified segment to the geometry.
+ Adds a rectangle to the geometry.
+ This overload will align the coordinates according to
+ .
+ Use the -overload instead if the coordinates should not be aligned.
+ Calculates the list of rectangle where the segment in shown.
+ This method usually returns one rectangle for each line inside the segment
+ (but potentially more, e.g. when bidirectional text is involved).
+ Calculates the rectangles for the visual column segment.
+ This returns one rectangle for each line inside the segment.
+ Adds a rectangle to the geometry.
+ This overload assumes that the coordinates are aligned properly
+ (see ).
+ Use the -overload instead if the coordinates are not yet aligned.
+ Closes the current figure.
+ Creates the geometry.
+ Returns null when the geometry is empty!
+ Represents a collapsed line section.
+ Use the Uncollapse() method to uncollapse the section.
+ Gets if the document line is collapsed.
+ This property initially is true and turns to false when uncollapsing the section.
+ Gets the start line of the section.
+ When the section is uncollapsed or the text containing it is deleted,
+ this property returns null.
+ Gets the end line of the section.
+ When the section is uncollapsed or the text containing it is deleted,
+ this property returns null.
+ Uncollapses the section.
+ This causes the Start and End properties to be set to null!
+ Does nothing if the section is already uncollapsed.
+ Gets a string representation of the collapsed section.
+ Base class for that helps
+ splitting visual elements so that colors (and other text properties) can be easily assigned
+ to individual words/characters.
+ Gets the list of elements currently being transformed.
+ implementation.
+ Sets and calls .
+ Performs the colorization.
+ Changes visual element properties.
+ This method accesses , so it must be called only during
+ a call.
+ This method splits s as necessary to ensure that the region
+ can be colored by setting the of whole elements,
+ and then calls the on all elements in the region.
+ Start visual column of the region to change
+ End visual column of the region to change
+ Action that changes an individual .
+ Called when added to a text view.
+ Called when removed from a text view.
+ Renders a ruler at a certain column.
+ Default implementation for TextRunTypographyProperties.
+ Base class for that helps
+ colorizing the document. Derived classes can work with document lines
+ and text offsets and this class takes care of the visual lines and visual columns.
+ Gets the current ITextRunConstructionContext.
+ Override this method to colorize an individual document line.
+ Changes a part of the current document line.
+ Start offset of the region to change
+ End offset of the region to change
+ Action that changes an individual .
+ Formatted text (not normal document text).
+ This is used as base class for various VisualLineElements that are displayed using a
+ FormattedText, for example newline markers or collapsed folding sections.
+ Creates a new FormattedTextElement that displays the specified text
+ and occupies the specified length in the document.
+ Creates a new FormattedTextElement that displays the specified text
+ and occupies the specified length in the document.
+ Creates a new FormattedTextElement that displays the specified text
+ and occupies the specified length in the document.
+ Gets/sets the line break condition before the element.
+ The default is 'BreakPossible'.
+ Gets/sets the line break condition after the element.
+ The default is 'BreakPossible'.
+ Constructs a TextLine from a simple text.
+ This is the TextRun implementation used by the class.
+ Creates a new FormattedTextRun.
+ Gets the element for which the FormattedTextRun was created.
+ Red-black tree similar to DocumentLineTree, augmented with collapsing and height data.
+ Rebuild the tree, in O(n).
+ build a tree from a list of nodes
+ Collapses the specified text section.
+ Runtime: O(log n)
+ Checks that all elements in list1 are contained in list2.
+ Returns 0 if the line is directly collapsed, otherwise, returns .
+ A node in the text view's height tree.
+ Gets the inorder successor of the node.
+ The number of lines in this node and its child nodes.
+ Invariant:
+ totalCount = 1 + left.totalCount + right.totalCount
+ The total height of this node and its child nodes, excluding directly collapsed nodes.
+ Invariant:
+ totalHeight = left.IsDirectlyCollapsed ? 0 : left.totalHeight
+ + lineNode.IsDirectlyCollapsed ? 0 : lineNode.Height
+ + right.IsDirectlyCollapsed ? 0 : right.totalHeight
+ List of the sections that hold this node collapsed.
+ Invariant 1:
+ For each document line in the range described by a CollapsedSection, exactly one ancestor
+ contains that CollapsedSection.
+ Invariant 2:
+ A CollapsedSection is contained either in left+middle or middle+right or just middle.
+ Invariant 3:
+ Start and end of a CollapsedSection always contain the collapsedSection in their
+ documentLine (middle node).
+ Background renderers draw in the background of a known layer.
+ You can use background renderers to draw non-interactive elements on the TextView
+ without introducing new UIElements.
+ Gets the layer on which this background renderer should draw.
+ Causes the background renderer to draw.
+ A inline UIElement in the document.
+ Gets the inline element that is displayed.
+ Creates a new InlineObjectElement.
+ The length of the element in the document. Must be non-negative.
+ The element to display.
+ A text run with an embedded UIElement.
+ Creates a new InlineObjectRun instance.
+ The length of the TextRun.
+ The to use.
+ The to display.
+ Gets the element displayed by the InlineObjectRun.
+ Gets the VisualLine that contains this object. This property is only available after the object
+ was added to the text view.
+ Contains information relevant for text run creation.
+ Gets the text document.
+ Gets the text view for which the construction runs.
+ Gets the visual line that is currently being constructed.
+ Gets the global text run properties.
+ Gets a piece of text from the document.
+ This method is allowed to return a larger string than requested.
+ It does this by returning a that describes the requested segment within the returned string.
+ This method should be the preferred text access method in the text transformation pipeline, as it can avoid repeatedly allocating string instances
+ for text within the same line.
+ Allows s, s and
+ s to be notified when they are added or removed from a text view.
+ Called when added to a text view.
+ Called when removed from a text view.
+ Allows transforming visual line elements.
+ Applies the transformation to the specified list of visual line elements.
+ Base class for known layers.
+ An enumeration of well-known layers.
+ This layer is in the background.
+ There is no UIElement to represent this layer, it is directly drawn in the TextView.
+ It is not possible to replace the background layer or insert new layers below it.
+ This layer is below the Selection layer.
+ This layer contains the selection rectangle.
+ This layer is between the Background and the Text layers.
+ This layer contains the text and inline UI elements.
+ This layer is between the Selection and the Caret layers.
+ This layer contains the blinking caret.
+ This layer is above the Text layer.
+ Specifies where a new layer is inserted, in relation to an old layer.
+ The new layer is inserted below the specified layer.
+ The new layer replaces the specified layer. The old layer is removed
+ from the collection.
+ The new layer is inserted above the specified layer.
+ Detects hyperlinks and makes them clickable.
+ This element generator can be easily enabled and configured using the
+ .
+ Gets/Sets whether the user needs to press Control to click the link.
+ The default value is true.
+ Creates a new LinkElementGenerator.
+ Creates a new LinkElementGenerator using the specified regex.
+ Constructs a VisualLineElement that replaces the matched text.
+ The default implementation will create a
+ based on the URI provided by .
+ Fetches the URI from the regex match. Returns null if the URI format is invalid.
+ Detects e-mail addresses and makes them clickable.
+ This element generator can be easily enabled and configured using the
+ .
+ Creates a new MailLinkElementGenerator.
+ Encapsulates and adds MouseHover support to UIElements.
+ Creates a new instance and attaches itself to the UIElement.
+ Occurs when the mouse starts hovering over a certain location.
+ Raises the event.
+ Occurs when the mouse stops hovering over a certain location.
+ Raises the event.
+ Removes the MouseHover support from the target UIElement.
+ Element generator that displays · for spaces and » for tabs and a box for control characters.
+ This element generator is present in every TextView by default; the enabled features can be configured using the
+ .
+ Gets/Sets whether to show · for spaces.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show » for tabs.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show a box with the hex code for control characters.
+ Creates a new SingleCharacterElementGenerator instance.
+ The control that contains the text.
+ This control is used to allow other UIElements to be placed inside the TextView but
+ behind the text.
+ The text rendering process (VisualLine creation) is controlled by the TextView, this
+ class simply displays the created Visual Lines.
+ This class does not contain any input handling and is invisible to hit testing. Input
+ is handled by the TextView.
+ This allows UIElements that are displayed behind the text, but still can react to mouse input.
+ the index of the text layer in the layers collection
+ A virtualizing panel producing+showing s for a .
+ This is the heart of the text editor, this class controls the text rendering process.
+ Taken as a standalone control, it's a text viewer without any editing capability.
+ Creates a new TextView instance.
+ Document property.
+ Gets/Sets the document displayed by the text editor.
+ Occurs when the document property has changed.
+ Recreates the text formatter that is used internally
+ by calling .
+ Options property.
+ Gets/Sets the options used by the text editor.
+ Occurs when a text editor option has changed.
+ Raises the event.
+ Gets a collection where element generators can be registered.
+ Gets a collection where line transformers can be registered.
+ Gets the list of layers displayed in the text view.
+ Inserts a new layer at a position specified relative to an existing layer.
+ The new layer to insert.
+ The existing layer
+ Specifies whether the layer is inserted above,below, or replaces the referenced layer
+ Adds a new inline object.
+ Remove the inline objects that were marked for removal.
+ NonPrintableCharacterBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying non-printable characters.
+ LinkTextForegroundBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying link texts.
+ LinkTextBackgroundBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for the background of link texts.
+ LinkTextUnderlinedBrush dependency property.
+ Gets/sets whether to underline link texts.
+ Note that when setting this property to false, link text remains clickable and the LinkTextForegroundBrush (if any) is still applied.
+ Set TextEditorOptions.EnableHyperlinks and EnableEmailHyperlinks to false to disable links completely.
+ Causes the text editor to regenerate all visual lines.
+ Causes the text editor to regenerate all visual lines.
+ Causes the text editor to regenerate the specified visual line.
+ Causes the text editor to redraw all lines overlapping with the specified segment.
+ Causes a known layer to redraw.
+ This method does not invalidate visual lines;
+ use the method to do that.
+ Causes a known layer to redraw.
+ This method does not invalidate visual lines;
+ use the method to do that.
+ Causes the text editor to redraw all lines overlapping with the specified segment.
+ Does nothing if segment is null.
+ Invalidates all visual lines.
+ The caller of ClearVisualLines() must also call InvalidateMeasure() to ensure
+ that the visual lines will be recreated.
+ Gets the visual line that contains the document line with the specified number.
+ Returns null if the document line is outside the visible range.
+ Gets the visual line that contains the document line with the specified number.
+ If that line is outside the visible range, a new VisualLine for that document line is constructed.
+ Gets the currently visible visual lines.
+ Gets thrown if there are invalid visual lines when this property is accessed.
+ You can use the property to check for this case,
+ or use the method to force creating the visual lines
+ when they are invalid.
+ Gets whether the visual lines are valid.
+ Will return false after a call to Redraw().
+ Accessing the visual lines property will cause a
+ if this property is false.
+ Occurs when the TextView is about to be measured and will regenerate its visual lines.
+ This event may be used to mark visual lines as invalid that would otherwise be reused.
+ Occurs when the TextView was measured and changed its visual lines.
+ If the visual lines are invalid, creates new visual lines for the visible part
+ of the document.
+ If all visual lines are valid, this method does nothing.
+ The visual line build process is already running.
+ It is not allowed to call this method during the construction of a visual line.
+ Additonal amount that allows horizontal scrolling past the end of the longest line.
+ This is necessary to ensure the caret always is visible, even when it is at the end of the longest line.
+ Build all VisualLines in the visible range.
+ Width the longest line
+ Arrange implementation.
+ Gets the list of background renderers.
+ Size of the document, in pixels.
+ Offset of the scroll position.
+ Size of the viewport.
+ Gets the horizontal scroll offset.
+ Gets the vertical scroll offset.
+ Gets the scroll offset;
+ Occurs when the scroll offset has changed.
+ Gets the width of a 'wide space' (the space width used for calculating the tab size).
+ This is the width of an 'x' in the current font.
+ We do not measure the width of an actual space as that would lead to tiny tabs in
+ some proportional fonts.
+ For monospaced fonts, this property will return the expected value, as 'x' and ' ' have the same width.
+ Gets the default line height. This is the height of an empty line or a line containing regular text.
+ Lines that include formatted text or custom UI elements may have a different line height.
+ Gets the default baseline position. This is the difference between
+ and for a line containing regular text.
+ Lines that include formatted text or custom UI elements may have a different baseline.
+ Scrolls the text view so that the specified rectangle gets visible.
+ Updates the mouse cursor by calling , but with background priority.
+ Gets the visual line at the specified document position (relative to start of document).
+ Returns null if there is no visual line for the position (e.g. the position is outside the visible
+ text area).
+ Gets the visual top position (relative to start of document) from a document line number.
+ Gets the visual position from a text view position.
+ The text view position.
+ The mode how to retrieve the Y position.
+ The position in WPF device-independent pixels relative
+ to the top left corner of the document.
+ Gets the text view position from the specified visual position.
+ If the position is within a character, it is rounded to the next character boundary.
+ The position in WPF device-independent pixels relative
+ to the top left corner of the document.
+ The logical position, or null if the position is outside the document.
+ Gets the text view position from the specified visual position.
+ If the position is inside a character, the position in front of the character is returned.
+ The position in WPF device-independent pixels relative
+ to the top left corner of the document.
+ The logical position, or null if the position is outside the document.
+ Gets a service container used to associate services with the text view.
+ This container does not provide document services -
+ use TextView.GetService() instead of TextView.Services.GetService() to ensure
+ that document services can be found as well.
+ Retrieves a service from the text view.
+ If the service is not found in the container,
+ this method will also look for it in the current document's service provider.
+ The PreviewMouseHover event.
+ The MouseHover event.
+ The PreviewMouseHoverStopped event.
+ The MouseHoverStopped event.
+ Occurs when the mouse has hovered over a fixed location for some time.
+ Occurs when the mouse has hovered over a fixed location for some time.
+ Occurs when the mouse had previously hovered but now started moving again.
+ Occurs when the mouse had previously hovered but now started moving again.
+ Collapses lines for the purpose of scrolling. s marked as collapsed will be hidden
+ and not used to start the generation of a .
+ This method is meant for s that cause s to span
+ multiple s. Do not call it without providing a corresponding
+ .
+ If you want to create collapsible text sections, see .
+ Note that if you want a VisualLineElement to span from line N to line M, then you need to collapse only the lines
+ N+1 to M. Do not collapse line N itself.
+ When you no longer need the section to be collapsed, call on the
+ returned from this method.
+ Gets the height of the document.
+ Gets the document line at the specified visual position.
+ The pen used to draw the column ruler.
+ Gets/Sets the pen used to draw the column ruler.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the background brush used by current line highlighter.
+ The property.
+ Gets/Sets the background brush used for the current line.
+ Gets/Sets highlighted line number.
+ Empty line selection width.
+ Contains weak event managers for the TextView events.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Represents a visual line in the document.
+ A visual line usually corresponds to one DocumentLine, but it can span multiple lines if
+ all but the first are collapsed.
+ Gets the document to which this VisualLine belongs.
+ Gets the first document line displayed by this visual line.
+ Gets the last document line displayed by this visual line.
+ Gets a read-only collection of line elements.
+ Gets a read-only collection of text lines.
+ Gets the start offset of the VisualLine inside the document.
+ This is equivalent to FirstDocumentLine.Offset.
+ Length in visual line coordinates.
+ Length in visual line coordinates including the end of line marker, if TextEditorOptions.ShowEndOfLine is enabled.
+ Gets the height of the visual line in device-independent pixels.
+ Gets the Y position of the line. This is measured in device-independent pixels relative to the start of the document.
+ Replaces the single element at with the specified elements.
+ The replacement operation must preserve the document length, but may change the visual length.
+ This method may only be called by line transformers.
+ Replaces elements starting at with the specified elements.
+ The replacement operation must preserve the document length, but may change the visual length.
+ This method may only be called by line transformers.
+ Gets the visual column from a document offset relative to the first line start.
+ Gets the document offset (relative to the first line start) from a visual column.
+ Gets the text line containing the specified visual column.
+ Gets the text line containing the specified visual column.
+ Gets the visual top from the specified text line.
+ Distance in device-independent pixels
+ from the top of the document to the top of the specified text line.
+ Gets the start visual column from the specified text line.
+ Gets a TextLine by the visual position.
+ Gets the visual position from the specified visualColumn.
+ Position in device-independent pixels
+ relative to the top left of the document.
+ Gets the distance to the left border of the text area of the specified visual column.
+ The visual column must belong to the specified text line.
+ Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document).
+ If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.
+ Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document).
+ If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.
+ Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document).
+ If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.
+ Validates the visual column and returns the correct one.
+ Validates the visual column and returns the correct one.
+ Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document).
+ If the user clicks between two visual columns, returns the first of those columns.
+ Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document).
+ If the user clicks between two visual columns, returns the first of those columns.
+ Gets the text view position from the specified visual column.
+ Gets the text view position from the specified visual position.
+ If the position is within a character, it is rounded to the next character boundary.
+ The position in WPF device-independent pixels relative
+ to the top left corner of the document.
+ Controls whether positions in virtual space may be returned.
+ Gets the text view position from the specified visual position.
+ If the position is inside a character, the position in front of the character is returned.
+ The position in WPF device-independent pixels relative
+ to the top left corner of the document.
+ Controls whether positions in virtual space may be returned.
+ Gets whether the visual line was disposed.
+ Gets the next possible caret position after visualColumn, or -1 if there is no caret position.
+ EventArgs for the event.
+ Gets/Sets the first line that is visible in the TextView.
+ Creates a new VisualLineConstructionStartEventArgs instance.
+ Represents a visual element in the document.
+ Creates a new VisualLineElement.
+ The length of the element in VisualLine coordinates. Must be positive.
+ The length of the element in the document. Must be non-negative.
+ Gets the length of this element in visual columns.
+ Gets the length of this element in the text document.
+ Gets the visual column where this element starts.
+ Gets the text offset where this element starts, relative to the start text offset of the visual line.
+ Gets the text run properties.
+ A unique instance is used for each
+ ; colorizing code may assume that modifying the
+ will affect only this
+ .
+ Gets/sets the brush used for the background of this .
+ Creates the TextRun for this line element.
+ The visual column from which the run should be constructed.
+ Normally the same value as the property is used to construct the full run;
+ but when word-wrapping is active, partial runs might be created.
+ Context object that contains information relevant for text run creation.
+ Retrieves the text span immediately before the visual column.
+ This method is used for word-wrapping in bidirectional text.
+ Gets if this VisualLineElement can be split.
+ Splits the element.
+ Position inside this element at which it should be broken
+ The collection of line elements
+ The index at which this element is in the elements list.
+ Helper method for splitting this line element into two, correctly updating the
+ , ,
+ and properties.
+ The element before the split position.
+ The element after the split position.
+ The split position as visual column.
+ The split position as text offset.
+ Gets the visual column of a text location inside this element.
+ The text offset is given relative to the visual line start.
+ Gets the text offset of a visual column inside this element.
+ A text offset relative to the visual line start.
+ Gets the next caret position inside this element.
+ The visual column from which the search should be started.
+ The search direction (forwards or backwards).
+ Whether to stop only at word borders.
+ The visual column of the next caret position, or -1 if there is no next caret position.
+ In the space between two line elements, it is sufficient that one of them contains a caret position;
+ though in many cases, both of them contain one.
+ Gets whether the specified offset in this element is considered whitespace.
+ Gets whether the implementation handles line borders.
+ If this property returns false, the caller of GetNextCaretPosition should handle the line
+ borders (i.e. place caret stops at the start and end of the line).
+ This property has an effect only for VisualLineElements that are at the start or end of a
+ .
+ Queries the cursor over the visual line element.
+ Allows the visual line element to handle a mouse event.
+ Allows the visual line element to handle a mouse event.
+ Abstract base class for generators that produce new visual line elements.
+ Gets the text run construction context.
+ Initializes the generator for the
+ De-initializes the generator.
+ Should only be used by VisualLine.ConstructVisualElements.
+ Gets the first offset >= startOffset where the generator wants to construct an element.
+ Return -1 to signal no interest.
+ Constructs an element at the specified offset.
+ May return null if no element should be constructed.
+ Avoid signalling interest and then building no element by returning null - doing so
+ causes the generated elements to be unnecessarily split
+ at the position where you signalled interest.
+ implementation that allows changing the properties.
+ A instance usually is assigned to a single
+ .
+ Creates a new VisualLineElementTextRunProperties instance that copies its values
+ from the specified .
+ For the and collections, deep copies
+ are created if those collections are not frozen.
+ Creates a copy of this instance.
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Sets the .
+ Gets the text decorations. The value may be null, a frozen
+ or an unfrozen .
+ If the value is an unfrozen , you may assume that the
+ collection instance is only used for this instance and it is safe
+ to add s.
+ Sets the .
+ Gets the text effects. The value may be null, a frozen
+ or an unfrozen .
+ If the value is an unfrozen , you may assume that the
+ collection instance is only used for this instance and it is safe
+ to add s.
+ Sets the .
+ Gets the typography properties for the text run.
+ Sets the .
+ Gets the number substitution settings for the text run.
+ Sets the .
+ VisualLineElement that represents a piece of text and is a clickable link.
+ Gets/Sets the URL that is navigated to when the link is clicked.
+ Gets/Sets the window name where the URL will be opened.
+ Gets/Sets whether the user needs to press Control to click the link.
+ The default value is true.
+ Creates a visual line text element with the specified length.
+ It uses the and its
+ to find the actual text string.
+ Gets whether the link is currently clickable.
+ Returns true when control is pressed; or when
+ is disabled.
+ A VisualLinesInvalidException indicates that you accessed the property
+ of the while the visual lines were invalid.
+ Creates a new VisualLinesInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new VisualLinesInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new VisualLinesInvalidException instance.
+ Creates a new VisualLinesInvalidException instance.
+ VisualLineElement that represents a piece of text.
+ Gets the parent visual line.
+ Creates a visual line text element with the specified length.
+ It uses the and its
+ to find the actual text string.
+ Override this method to control the type of new VisualLineText instances when
+ the visual line is split due to syntax highlighting.
+ WPF TextSource implementation that creates TextRuns for a VisualLine.
+ An enum that specifies the possible Y positions that can be returned by VisualLine.GetVisualPosition.
+ Returns the top of the TextLine.
+ Returns the top of the text.
+ If the line contains inline UI elements larger than the text, TextTop may be below LineTop.
+ For a line containing regular text (all in the editor's main font), this will be equal to LineTop.
+ Returns the bottom of the TextLine.
+ The middle between LineTop and LineBottom.
+ Returns the bottom of the text.
+ If the line contains inline UI elements larger than the text, TextBottom might be above LineBottom.
+ For a line containing regular text (all in the editor's main font), this will be equal to LineBottom.
+ The middle between TextTop and TextBottom.
+ Returns the baseline of the text.
+ A button that opens a drop-down menu when clicked.
+ Identifies the dependency property.
+ The key that identifies the dependency property.
+ Identifies the dependency property.
+ Gets/Sets the popup that is used as drop-down content.
+ Gets whether the drop-down is opened.
+ Basic interface for search algorithms.
+ Finds all matches in the given ITextSource and the given range.
+ This method must be implemented thread-safe.
+ All segments in the result must be within the given range, and they must be returned in order
+ (e.g. if two results are returned, EndOffset of first result must be less than or equal StartOffset of second result).
+ Finds the next match in the given ITextSource and the given range.
+ This method must be implemented thread-safe.
+ Represents a search result.
+ Replaces parts of the replacement string with parts from the match. (e.g. $1)
+ Defines supported search modes.
+ Standard search
+ RegEx search
+ Wildcard search
+ Holds default texts for buttons and labels in the SearchPanel. Override properties to add other languages.
+ Default: 'Match case'
+ Default: 'Match whole words'
+ Default: 'Use regular expressions'
+ Default: 'Find next (F3)'
+ Default: 'Find previous (Shift+F3)'
+ Default: 'Error: '
+ Default: 'No matches found!'
+ Search commands for AvalonEdit.
+ Finds the next occurrence in the file.
+ Finds the previous occurrence in the file.
+ Closes the SearchPanel.
+ TextAreaInputHandler that registers all search-related commands.
+ Fired when SearchOptions are modified inside the SearchPanel.
+ Provides search functionality for AvalonEdit. It is displayed in the top-right corner of the TextArea.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets whether the search pattern should be interpreted as regular expression.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets whether the search pattern should be interpreted case-sensitive.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets whether the search pattern should only match whole words.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets the search pattern.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for marking search results in the TextView.
+ Dependency property for .
+ Gets/sets the localization for the SearchPanel.
+ Creates a new SearchPanel.
+ Creates a SearchPanel and installs it to the TextEditor's TextArea.
+ This is a convenience wrapper.
+ Creates a SearchPanel and installs it to the TextArea.
+ Adds the commands used by SearchPanel to the given CommandBindingCollection.
+ Removes the SearchPanel from the TextArea.
+ Reactivates the SearchPanel by setting the focus on the search box and selecting all text.
+ Moves to the next occurrence in the file.
+ Moves to the previous occurrence in the file.
+ Gets whether the Panel is already closed.
+ Closes the SearchPanel.
+ Opens the an existing search panel.
+ Fired when SearchOptions are changed inside the SearchPanel.
+ Raises the event.
+ EventArgs for event.
+ Gets the search pattern.
+ Gets whether the search pattern should be interpreted case-sensitive.
+ Gets whether the search pattern should be interpreted as regular expression.
+ Gets whether the search pattern should only match whole words.
+ Creates a new SearchOptionsChangedEventArgs instance.
+ Provides factory methods for ISearchStrategies.
+ Creates a default ISearchStrategy with the given parameters.
+ Represents an active element that allows the snippet to stay interactive after insertion.
+ Called when the all snippet elements have been inserted.
+ Called when the interactive mode is deactivated.
+ Gets whether this element is editable (the user will be able to select it with Tab).
+ Gets the segment associated with this element. May be null.
+ Represents the context of a snippet insertion.
+ Creates a new InsertionContext instance.
+ Gets the text area.
+ Gets the text document.
+ Gets the text that was selected before the insertion of the snippet.
+ Gets the indentation at the insertion position.
+ Gets the indentation string for a single indentation level.
+ Gets the line terminator at the insertion position.
+ Gets/Sets the insertion position.
+ Gets the start position of the snippet insertion.
+ Inserts text at the insertion position and advances the insertion position.
+ This method will add the current indentation to every line in and will
+ replace newlines with the expected newline for the document.
+ Registers an active element. Elements should be registered during insertion and will be called back
+ when insertion has completed.
+ The snippet element that created the active element.
+ The active element.
+ Returns the active element belonging to the specified snippet element, or null if no such active element is found.
+ Gets the list of active elements.
+ Calls the method on all registered active elements
+ and raises the event.
+ The EventArgs to use
+ Occurs when the all snippet elements have been inserted.
+ Calls the method on all registered active elements.
+ The EventArgs to use
+ Occurs when the interactive mode is deactivated.
+ Adds existing segments as snippet elements.
+ A code snippet that can be inserted into the text editor.
+ Inserts the snippet into the text area.
+ Creates a named anchor that can be accessed by other SnippetElements.
+ Gets or sets the name of the anchor.
+ Creates a SnippetAnchorElement with the supplied name.
+ AnchorElement created by SnippetAnchorElement.
+ Creates a new AnchorElement.
+ Gets or sets the text at the anchor.
+ Gets or sets the name of the anchor.
+ An element that binds to a and displays the same text.
+ Gets/Sets the target element.
+ Converts the text before copying it.
+ Sets the caret position after interactive mode has finished.
+ Creates a new SnippetCaretElement.
+ Creates a new SnippetCaretElement.
+ If set to true, the caret is set only when some text was selected.
+ This is useful when both SnippetCaretElement and SnippetSelectionElement are used in the same snippet.
+ A snippet element that has sub-elements.
+ Gets the list of child elements.
+ An element inside a snippet.
+ Performs insertion of the snippet.
+ Converts the snippet to text, with replaceable fields in italic.
+ Provides information about the event that occured during use of snippets.
+ Gets the reason for deactivation.
+ Creates a new SnippetEventArgs object, with a DeactivateReason.
+ Describes the reason for deactivation of a .
+ Unknown reason.
+ Snippet was deleted.
+ There are no active elements in the snippet.
+ The SnippetInputHandler was detached.
+ Return was pressed by the user.
+ Escape was pressed by the user.
+ Text element that is supposed to be replaced by the user.
+ Will register an .
+ Interface for active element registered by .
+ Gets the current text inside the element.
+ Occurs when the text inside the element changes.
+ Inserts the previously selected text at the selection marker.
+ Gets/Sets the new indentation of the selected text.
+ Represents a text element in a snippet.
+ The text to be inserted.
+ The text editor control.
+ Contains a scrollable TextArea.
+ Creates a new TextEditor instance.
+ Creates a new TextEditor instance.
+ Forward focus to TextArea.
+ Document property.
+ Gets/Sets the document displayed by the text editor.
+ This is a dependency property.
+ Occurs when the document property has changed.
+ Raises the event.
+ Options property.
+ Gets/Sets the options currently used by the text editor.
+ Occurs when a text editor option has changed.
+ Raises the event.
+ Gets/Sets the text of the current document.
+ Occurs when the Text property changes.
+ Raises the event.
+ Is called after the template was applied.
+ Gets the text area.
+ Gets the scroll viewer used by the text editor.
+ This property can return null if the template has not been applied / does not contain a scroll viewer.
+ The property.
+ Gets/sets the syntax highlighting definition used to colorize the text.
+ Creates the highlighting colorizer for the specified highlighting definition.
+ Allows derived classes to provide custom colorizer implementations for special highlighting definitions.
+ Word wrap dependency property.
+ Specifies whether the text editor uses word wrapping.
+ Setting WordWrap=true has the same effect as setting HorizontalScrollBarVisibility=Disabled and will override the
+ HorizontalScrollBarVisibility setting.
+ IsReadOnly dependency property.
+ Specifies whether the user can change the text editor content.
+ Setting this property will replace the
+ TextArea.ReadOnlySectionProvider.
+ Dependency property for
+ Gets/Sets the 'modified' flag.
+ ShowLineNumbers dependency property.
+ Specifies whether line numbers are shown on the left to the text view.
+ LineNumbersForeground dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the Brush used for displaying the foreground color of line numbers.
+ Appends text to the end of the document.
+ Begins a group of document changes.
+ Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
+ Removes the current selection and copies it to the clipboard.
+ Begins a group of document changes and returns an object that ends the group of document
+ changes when it is disposed.
+ Removes the current selection without copying it to the clipboard.
+ Ends the current group of document changes.
+ Scrolls one line down.
+ Scrolls to the left.
+ Scrolls to the right.
+ Scrolls one line up.
+ Scrolls one page down.
+ Scrolls one page up.
+ Scrolls one page left.
+ Scrolls one page right.
+ Pastes the clipboard content.
+ Redoes the most recent undone command.
+ True is the redo operation was successful, false is the redo stack is empty.
+ Scrolls to the end of the document.
+ Scrolls to the start of the document.
+ Scrolls to the specified position in the document.
+ Scrolls to the specified position in the document.
+ Selects the entire text.
+ Undoes the most recent command.
+ True is the undo operation was successful, false is the undo stack is empty.
+ Gets if the most recent undone command can be redone.
+ Gets if the most recent command can be undone.
+ Gets the vertical size of the document.
+ Gets the horizontal size of the current document region.
+ Gets the horizontal size of the viewport.
+ Gets the horizontal size of the viewport.
+ Gets the vertical scroll position.
+ Gets the horizontal scroll position.
+ Gets/Sets the selected text.
+ Gets/sets the caret position.
+ Gets/sets the start position of the selection.
+ Gets/sets the length of the selection.
+ Selects the specified text section.
+ Gets the number of lines in the document.
+ Clears the text.
+ Loads the text from the stream, auto-detecting the encoding.
+ This method sets to false.
+ Loads the text from the stream, auto-detecting the encoding.
+ Encoding dependency property.
+ Gets/sets the encoding used when the file is saved.
+ The method autodetects the encoding of the file and sets this property accordingly.
+ The method uses the encoding specified in this property.
+ Saves the text to the stream.
+ This method sets to false.
+ Saves the text to the file.
+ The PreviewMouseHover event.
+ The MouseHover event.
+ The PreviewMouseHoverStopped event.
+ The MouseHoverStopped event.
+ Occurs when the mouse has hovered over a fixed location for some time.
+ Occurs when the mouse has hovered over a fixed location for some time.
+ Occurs when the mouse had previously hovered but now started moving again.
+ Occurs when the mouse had previously hovered but now started moving again.
+ Dependency property for
+ Gets/Sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility.
+ Dependency property for
+ Gets/Sets the vertical scroll bar visibility.
+ Gets the text view position from a point inside the editor.
+ The position, relative to top left
+ corner of TextEditor control
+ The text view position, or null if the point is outside the document.
+ Scrolls to the specified line.
+ This method requires that the TextEditor was already assigned a size (WPF layout must have run prior).
+ Scrolls to the specified line/column.
+ This method requires that the TextEditor was already assigned a size (WPF layout must have run prior).
+ Exposes to automation.
+ Creates a new TextEditorAutomationPeer instance.
+ Represents a text editor control (,
+ or ).
+ Gets the document being edited.
+ Occurs when the Document property changes (when the text editor is connected to another
+ document - not when the document content changes).
+ Gets the options of the text editor.
+ Occurs when the Options property changes, or when an option inside the current option list
+ changes.
+ A container for the text editor options.
+ Initializes an empty instance of TextEditorOptions.
+ Initializes a new instance of TextEditorOptions by copying all values
+ from to the new instance.
+ Raises the PropertyChanged event.
+ The name of the changed property.
+ Raises the PropertyChanged event.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show · for spaces.
+ The default value is false.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show » for tabs.
+ The default value is false.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show ¶ at the end of lines.
+ The default value is false.
+ Gets/Sets whether to show a box with the hex code for control characters.
+ The default value is true.
+ Gets/Sets whether to enable clickable hyperlinks in the editor.
+ The default value is true.
+ Gets/Sets whether to enable clickable hyperlinks for e-mail addresses in the editor.
+ The default value is true.
+ Gets/Sets whether the user needs to press Control to click hyperlinks.
+ The default value is true.
+ The default value is true.
+ Gets/Sets the width of one indentation unit.
+ The default value is 4.
+ Gets/Sets whether to use spaces for indentation instead of tabs.
+ The default value is false.
+ Gets the text used for indentation.
+ Gets text required to indent from the specified to the next indentation level.
+ Gets/Sets whether copying without a selection copies the whole current line.
+ Gets/Sets whether the user can scroll below the bottom of the document.
+ The default value is false; but it a good idea to set this property to true when using folding.
+ Gets/Sets the indentation used for all lines except the first when word-wrapping.
+ The default value is 0.
+ Gets/Sets whether the indentation is inherited from the first line when word-wrapping.
+ The default value is true.
+ When combined with , the inherited indentation is added to the word wrap indentation.
+ Enables rectangular selection (press ALT and select a rectangle)
+ Enable dragging text within the text area.
+ Gets/Sets whether the user can set the caret behind the line ending
+ (into "virtual space").
+ Note that virtual space is always used (independent from this setting)
+ when doing rectangle selections.
+ Gets/Sets whether the support for Input Method Editors (IME)
+ for non-alphanumeric scripts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, ...) is enabled.
+ Gets/Sets whether the column ruler should be shown.
+ Gets/Sets where the column ruler should be shown.
+ Gets/Sets if current line should be shown.
+ Gets/Sets if mouse cursor should be hidden while user is typing.
+ Gets/Sets if the user is allowed to enable/disable overstrike mode.
+ Contains weak event managers for .
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Weak event manager for the event.
+ Represents a text location with a visual column.
+ Gets/Sets Location.
+ Gets/Sets the line number.
+ Gets/Sets the (text) column number.
+ Gets/Sets the visual column number.
+ Can be -1 (meaning unknown visual column).
+ When word-wrap is enabled and a line is wrapped at a position where there is no space character;
+ then both the end of the first TextLine and the beginning of the second TextLine
+ refer to the same position in the document, and also have the same visual column.
+ In this case, the IsAtEndOfLine property is used to distinguish between the two cases:
+ the value true indicates that the position refers to the end of the previous TextLine;
+ the value false indicates that the position refers to the beginning of the next TextLine.
+ If this position is not at such a wrapping position, the value of this property has no effect.
+ Creates a new TextViewPosition instance.
+ Creates a new TextViewPosition instance.
+ Creates a new TextViewPosition instance.
+ Creates a new TextViewPosition instance.
+ Equality test.
+ Equality test.
+ Inequality test.
+ Reuse the same instances for boxed booleans.
+ Invokes an action when it is disposed.
+ This class ensures the callback is invoked at most once,
+ even when Dispose is called on multiple threads.
+ This class is used to prevent stack overflows by representing a 'busy' flag
+ that prevents reentrance when another call is running.
+ However, using a simple 'bool busy' is not thread-safe, so we use a
+ thread-static BusyManager.
+ Poor man's template specialization: extension methods for Rope<char>.
+ Creates a new rope from the specified text.
+ Retrieves the text for a portion of the rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where M=.
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Retrieves the text for a portion of the rope and writes it to the specified text writer.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where M=.
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Appends text to this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M).
+ newElements is null.
+ Inserts text into this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M).
+ newElements is null.
+ index or length is outside the valid range.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence of any element in the specified array.
+ The target rope.
+ Array of characters being searched.
+ Start index of the search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The first index where any character was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence of the search text.
+ Gets the index of the last occurrence of the search text.
+ A IList{T} implementation that has efficient insertion and removal (in O(lg n) time)
+ and that saves memory by allocating only one node when a value is repeated in adjacent indices.
+ Based on this "compression", it also supports efficient InsertRange/SetRange/RemoveRange operations.
+ Current memory usage: 5*IntPtr.Size + 12 + sizeof(T) per node.
+ Use this class only if lots of adjacent values are identical (can share one node).
+ Gets the inorder predecessor of the node.
+ Gets the inorder successor of the node.
+ Creates a new CompressingTreeList instance.
+ The equality comparer used for comparing consequtive values.
+ A single node may be used to store the multiple values that are considered equal.
+ Creates a new CompressingTreeList instance.
+ A function that checks two values for equality. If this
+ function returns true, a single node may be used to store the two values.
+ Inserts times at position
+ .
+ Removes items starting at position
+ .
+ Sets indices starting at to
+ Gets or sets an item by index.
+ Gets the number of items in the list.
+ Gets the index of the specified .
+ Gets the the first index so that all values from the result index to
+ are equal.
+ Gets the first index after so that the value at the result index is not
+ equal to the value at .
+ That is, this method returns the exclusive end index of the run of equal values.
+ Applies the conversion function to all elements in this CompressingTreeList.
+ Applies the conversion function to the elements in the specified range.
+ Inserts the specified at
+ Removes one item at
+ Adds the specified to the end of the list.
+ Removes all items from this list.
+ Gets whether this list contains the specified item.
+ Copies all items in this list to the specified array.
+ Removes the specified item from this list.
+ Gets an enumerator for this list.
+ Multiply with this constant to convert from points to device-independent pixels.
+ Maintains a list of delayed events to raise.
+ Double-ended queue.
+ Gets/Sets an element inside the deque.
+ Adds an element to the end of the deque.
+ Pops an element from the end of the deque.
+ Adds an element to the front of the deque.
+ Pops an element from the end of the deque.
+ Helps printing documents.
+ Converts an IDocument to a Block and applies the provided highlighter.
+ Converts an IDocument to a RichText and applies the provided highlighter.
+ Creates a flow document from the editor's contents.
+ Provides immutable empty list instances.
+ Epsilon used for IsClose() implementations.
+ We can use up quite a few digits in front of the decimal point (due to visual positions being relative to document origin),
+ and there's no need to be too accurate (we're dealing with pixels here),
+ so we will use the value 0.01.
+ Previosly we used 1e-8 but that was causing issues:
+ http://community.sharpdevelop.net/forums/t/16048.aspx
+ Returns true if the doubles are close (difference smaller than 0.01).
+ Returns true if the doubles are close (difference smaller than 0.01).
+ Returns true if the doubles are close (difference smaller than 0.01).
+ Forces the value to stay between mininum and maximum.
+ minimum, if value is less than minimum.
+ Maximum, if value is greater than maximum.
+ Otherwise, value.
+ Forces the value to stay between mininum and maximum.
+ minimum, if value is less than minimum.
+ Maximum, if value is greater than maximum.
+ Otherwise, value.
+ Creates typeface from the framework element.
+ Creates an IEnumerable with a single value.
+ Gets the value of the attribute, or null if the attribute does not exist.
+ Gets the value of the attribute as boolean, or null if the attribute does not exist.
+ Gets the value of the attribute as boolean, or null if the attribute does not exist.
+ Class that can open text files with auto-detection of the encoding.
+ Gets if the given encoding is a Unicode encoding (UTF).
+ Returns true for UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, UTF-16 BE, UTF-32 LE and UTF-32 BE.
+ Returns false for all other encodings.
+ Reads the content of the given stream.
+ The stream to read.
+ The stream must support seeking and must be positioned at its beginning.
+ The encoding to use if the encoding cannot be auto-detected.
+ The file content as string.
+ Reads the content of the file.
+ The file name.
+ The encoding to use if the encoding cannot be auto-detected.
+ The file content as string.
+ Opens the specified file for reading.
+ The file to open.
+ The encoding to use if the encoding cannot be auto-detected.
+ Returns a StreamReader that reads from the stream. Use
+ to get the encoding that was used.
+ Opens the specified stream for reading.
+ The stream to open.
+ The encoding to use if the encoding cannot be auto-detected.
+ Returns a StreamReader that reads from the stream. Use
+ to get the encoding that was used.
+ Gets if this instance is frozen. Frozen instances are immutable and thus thread-safe.
+ Freezes this instance.
+ If the item is not frozen, this method creates and returns a frozen clone.
+ If the item is already frozen, it is returned without creating a clone.
+ Gets if this instance is frozen. Frozen instances are immutable and thus thread-safe.
+ Freezes this instance.
+ An immutable stack.
+ Using 'foreach' on the stack will return the items from top to bottom (in the order they would be popped).
+ Gets the empty stack instance.
+ Pushes an item on the stack. This does not modify the stack itself, but returns a new
+ one with the value pushed.
+ Gets the item on the top of the stack.
+ The stack is empty.
+ Gets the item on the top of the stack.
+ Returns default(T) if the stack is empty.
+ Gets the stack with the top item removed.
+ The stack is empty.
+ Gets if this stack is empty.
+ Gets an enumerator that iterates through the stack top-to-bottom.
+ A collection that cannot contain null values.
+ A collection where adding and removing items causes a callback.
+ It is valid for the onAdd callback to throw an exception - this will prevent the new item from
+ being added to the collection.
+ Creates a new ObserveAddRemoveCollection using the specified callbacks.
+ Contains static helper methods for aligning stuff on a whole number of pixels.
+ Gets the pixel size on the screen containing visual.
+ This method does not take transforms on visual into account.
+ Aligns on the next middle of a pixel.
+ The value that should be aligned
+ The size of one pixel
+ Aligns the borders of rect on the middles of pixels.
+ Rounds to whole number of pixels.
+ Rounds val to whole number of pixels.
+ Rounds to a whole number of pixels.
+ Rounds to an whole odd number of pixels.
+ RichTextWriter implementation that writes plain text only
+ and ignores all formatted spans.
+ The text writer that was passed to the PlainRichTextWriter constructor.
+ Creates a new PlainRichTextWriter instance that writes the text to the specified text writer.
+ Gets/Sets the string used to indent by one level.
+ Writes the indentation, if necessary.
+ Is called after a write operation.
+ WeakEventManager for INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged.
+ A text writer that supports creating spans of highlighted text.
+ Gets called by the RichTextWriter base class when a BeginSpan() method
+ that is not overwritten gets called.
+ Writes the RichText instance.
+ Writes the RichText instance.
+ Begin a colored span.
+ Begin a span with modified font weight.
+ Begin a span with modified font style.
+ Begin a span with modified font family.
+ Begin a highlighted span.
+ Begin a span that links to the specified URI.
+ Marks the end of the current span.
+ Increases the indentation level.
+ Decreases the indentation level.
+ A kind of List<T>, but more efficient for random insertions/removal.
+ Also has cheap Clone() and SubRope() implementations.
+ This class is not thread-safe: multiple concurrent write operations or writes concurrent to reads have undefined behaviour.
+ Concurrent reads, however, are safe.
+ However, clones of a rope are safe to use on other threads even though they share data with the original rope.
+ Creates a new rope representing the empty string.
+ Creates a rope from the specified input.
+ This operation runs in O(N).
+ input is null.
+ Creates a rope from a part of the array.
+ This operation runs in O(N).
+ input is null.
+ Creates a new rope that lazily initalizes its content.
+ The length of the rope that will be lazily loaded.
+ The callback that provides the content for this rope.
+ will be called exactly once when the content of this rope is first requested.
+ It must return a rope with the specified length.
+ Because the initializer function is not called when a rope is cloned, and such clones may be used on another threads,
+ it is possible for the initializer callback to occur on any thread.
+ Any modifications inside the rope will also cause the content to be initialized.
+ However, insertions at the beginning and the end, as well as inserting this rope into another or
+ using the method, allows constructions of larger ropes where parts are
+ lazily loaded.
+ However, even methods like Concat may sometimes cause the initializer function to be called, e.g. when
+ two short ropes are concatenated.
+ Clones the rope.
+ This operation runs in linear time to the number of rope nodes touched since the last clone was created.
+ If you count the per-node cost to the operation modifying the rope (doing this doesn't increase the complexity of the modification operations);
+ the remainder of Clone() runs in O(1).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Resets the rope to an empty list.
+ Runs in O(1).
+ Gets the length of the rope.
+ Runs in O(1).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Gets the length of the rope.
+ Runs in O(1).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Inserts another rope into this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + lg M), plus a per-node cost as if newElements.Clone() was called.
+ newElements is null.
+ index or length is outside the valid range.
+ Inserts new elemetns into this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where N is the length of this rope and M is the number of new elements.
+ newElements is null.
+ index or length is outside the valid range.
+ Inserts new elements into this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where N is the length of this rope and M is the number of new elements.
+ newElements is null.
+ index or length is outside the valid range.
+ Appends multiple elements to the end of this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where N is the length of this rope and M is the number of new elements.
+ newElements is null.
+ Appends another rope to the end of this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + lg M), plus a per-node cost as if newElements.Clone() was called.
+ newElements is null.
+ Appends new elements to the end of this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M), where N is the length of this rope and M is the number of new elements.
+ array is null.
+ Removes a range of elements from the rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N).
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ Copies a range of the specified array into the rope, overwriting existing elements.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M).
+ Creates a new rope and initializes it with a part of this rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N) plus a per-node cost as if this.Clone() was called.
+ offset or length is outside the valid range.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Concatenates two ropes. The input ropes are not modified.
+ Runs in O(lg N + lg M).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Concatenates multiple ropes. The input ropes are not modified.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Gets/Sets a single character.
+ Runs in O(lg N) for random access. Sequential read-only access benefits from a special optimization and runs in amortized O(1).
+ Offset is outside the valid range (0 to Length-1).
+ The getter counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Creates a string from the rope. Runs in O(N).
+ A string consisting of all elements in the rope as comma-separated list in {}.
+ As a special case, Rope<char> will return its contents as string without any additional separators or braces,
+ so it can be used like StringBuilder.ToString().
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Finds the first occurance of item.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ The index of the first occurance of item, or -1 if it cannot be found.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Gets the index of the first occurrence the specified item.
+ Item to search for.
+ Start index of the search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The first index where the item was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Gets the index of the last occurrence of the specified item in this rope.
+ Gets the index of the last occurrence of the specified item in this rope.
+ The search item
+ Start index of the area to search.
+ Length of the area to search.
+ The last index where the item was found; or -1 if no occurrence was found.
+ The search proceeds backwards from (startIndex+count) to startIndex.
+ This is different than the meaning of the parameters on Array.LastIndexOf!
+ Inserts the item at the specified index in the rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N).
+ Removes a single item from the rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N).
+ Appends the item at the end of the rope.
+ Runs in O(lg N).
+ Searches the item in the rope.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Copies the whole content of the rope into the specified array.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Copies the a part of the rope into the specified array.
+ Runs in O(lg N + M).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Removes the first occurance of an item from the rope.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ Retrieves an enumerator to iterate through the rope.
+ The enumerator will reflect the state of the rope from the GetEnumerator() call, further modifications
+ to the rope will not be visible to the enumerator.
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Creates an array and copies the contents of the rope into it.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Creates an array and copies the contents of the rope into it.
+ Runs in O(N).
+ This method counts as a read access and may be called concurrently to other read accesses.
+ Balances this node and recomputes the 'height' field.
+ This method assumes that the children of this node are already balanced and have an up-to-date 'height' value.
+ Copies from the array to this node.
+ Copies from this node to the array.
+ Splits this leaf node at offset and returns a new node with the part of the text after offset.
+ Gets the root node of the subtree from a lazily evaluated function node.
+ Such nodes are always marked as shared.
+ GetContentNode() will return either a Concat or Leaf node, never another FunctionNode.
+ TextReader implementation that reads text from a rope.
+ Creates a new RopeTextReader.
+ Internally, this method creates a Clone of the rope; so the text reader will always read through the old
+ version of the rope if it is modified.
+ Represents a string with a segment.
+ Similar to System.ArraySegment<T>, but for strings instead of arrays.
+ Creates a new StringSegment.
+ Creates a new StringSegment.
+ Gets the string used for this segment.
+ Gets the start offset of the segment with the text.
+ Gets the length of the segment.
+ Equality operator.
+ Inequality operator.
+ Creates TextFormatter instances that with the correct TextFormattingMode, if running on .NET 4.0.
+ Creates a using the formatting mode used by the specified owner object.
+ Returns whether the specified dependency property affects the text formatter creation.
+ Controls should re-create their text formatter for such property changes.
+ Creates formatted text.
+ The owner element. The text formatter setting are read from this element.
+ The text.
+ The typeface to use. If this parameter is null, the typeface of the will be used.
+ The font size. If this parameter is null, the font size of the will be used.
+ The foreground color. If this parameter is null, the foreground of the will be used.
+ A FormattedText object using the specified settings.
+ Contains exception-throwing helper methods.
+ Throws an ArgumentNullException if is null; otherwise
+ returns val.
+ Use this method to throw an ArgumentNullException when using parameters for base
+ constructor calls.
+ public VisualLineText(string text) : base(ThrowUtil.CheckNotNull(text, "text").Length)
+ WeakEventManager with AddListener/RemoveListener and CurrentManager implementation.
+ Helps implementing the WeakEventManager pattern with less code.
+ Creates a new WeakEventManagerBase instance.
+ Adds a weak event listener.
+ Removes a weak event listener.
+ Attaches the event handler.
+ Detaches the event handler.
+ Gets the current manager.
+ Wrapper around Win32 functions.
+ Gets the caret blink time.
+ Creates an invisible Win32 caret for the specified Visual with the specified size (coordinates local to the owner visual).
+ Sets the position of the caret previously created using . position is relative to the owner visual.
+ Destroys the caret previously created using .
+ GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
+ CreateInstance
+ GetPropertyValue
+ SetPropertyValue
+ CreateDelegate
+ AddEventHandler
diff --git a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/CSharp/CSharpIndentationStrategy.cs b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/CSharp/CSharpIndentationStrategy.cs
index 41288b86..67b9ce07 100644
--- a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/CSharp/CSharpIndentationStrategy.cs
+++ b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/CSharp/CSharpIndentationStrategy.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Indentation.CSharp
/// Smart indentation for C#.
- public class CSharpIndentationStrategy : DefaultIndentationStrategy
+ public class CSharpIndentationStrategy : DefaultIndentationStrategy, ILineChangedListener
/// Creates a new CSharpIndentationStrategy.
@@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ public override void IndentLines(TextDocument document, int beginLine, int endLi
Indent(new TextDocumentAccessor(document, beginLine, endLine), true);
+ ///
+ public void OnLineChanged(TextDocument document, DocumentLine line, string newText)
+ {
+ // Reformat line when blocks are created
+ if (newText == "{" || newText == "}") {
+ IndentLine(document, line);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/ILineChangedListener.cs b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/ILineChangedListener.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e894318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit/Indentation/ILineChangedListener.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
+// software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
+// without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+// publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
+// to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
+// substantial portions of the Software.
+using ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document;
+namespace ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Indentation
+ ///
+ /// Allows the indentation strategy to listen to Line changes
+ ///
+ public interface ILineChangedListener
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Allows the indentation strategy to act based upon the user entering new text.
+ ///
+ void OnLineChanged(TextDocument document, DocumentLine line, string newText);
+ }