diff --git a/Images/dlog-xcode-console.png b/Images/dlog-xcode-console.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Images/dlog-xcode-console.png differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5c8010b..1215fc2 100644
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+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
# DLog
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-DLog is the development logger for Swift that supports emoji and colored text output, oslog, pipelines, filtering, scopes, intervals, stack backtrace and more.
+DLog is the development logger for Swift that supports emoji and colored text output, format and privacy options, pipelines, filtering, scopes, intervals, stack backtrace and more.
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Log levels](#log-levels): [log](#log), [info](#info), [trace](#trace), [debug](#debug), [warning](#warning), [error](#error), [assert](#assert), [fault](#fault)
@@ -65,6 +59,23 @@ Where:
- `` - location (fileName:line), without file extension
- `Hello DLog!` - message
+You can apply privacy and format options to your logged values:
+let cardNumber = "1234 5678 9012 3456"
+logger.debug("\(cardNumber, privacy: .private(mask: .redact))")
+let salary = 10_123
+logger.debug("\(salary, format: .number(style: .currency))")
+• 12:20:29.462 [DLOG] [DEBUG] 0000 0000 0000 0000
+• 12:20:29.464 [DLOG] [DEBUG] $10,123.00
`DLog` outputs text logs to `stdout` by default but you can use the other outputs such as: `stderr`, filter, file, OSLog, Net. For instance:
@@ -90,7 +101,7 @@ Outputs:
• 00:03:07.181 [DLOG] 🅰️ [ASSERT] Assert message
-`=>` is pipeline operator and it can be used for creating a list of outputs:
+Where `=>` is pipeline operator and it can be used for creating a list of outputs:
let logger = DLog(.textEmoji
@@ -735,13 +746,13 @@ Outputs:
• 23:57:13.410 [DLOG] ┌ [Loading]
• 23:57:13.427 [DLOG] | [INFO] File: path/data.json
• 23:57:13.443 [DLOG] | [DEBUG] Loaded 121 bytes
-• 23:57:13.443 [DLOG] └ [Loading] (0.33)
+• 23:57:13.443 [DLOG] └ [Loading] (0.330s)
- `[Loading]` - a name of the scope
- - `(0.33)` - a time duration of the scope in secs
+ - `(0.330s)` - a time duration of the scope in secs
You can get duration value of a finished scope programatically:
@@ -781,7 +792,7 @@ Outputs:
• 00:01:24.158 [DLOG] ┌ [Request]
• 00:01:24.829 [DLOG] | [DEBUG] https://www.apple.com/ - HTTP 200
• 00:01:24.830 [DLOG] | [DEBUG] Loaded: 74454 bytes
-• 00:01:24.830 [DLOG] └ [Request] (0.671)
+• 00:01:24.830 [DLOG] └ [Request] (0.671s)
Scopes can be nested one into one and that implements a global stack of scopes:
@@ -812,8 +823,8 @@ Outputs:
• 00:03:13.555 [DLOG] | [DEBUG] Loaded 121 bytes
• 00:03:13.555 [DLOG] | ┌ [Parsing]
• 00:03:13.557 [DLOG] | | [DEBUG] Parsed 3 items
-• 00:03:13.557 [DLOG] | └ [Parsing] (0.2)
-• 00:03:13.609 [DLOG] └ [Loading] (0.56)
+• 00:03:13.557 [DLOG] | └ [Parsing] (0.200s)
+• 00:03:13.609 [DLOG] └ [Loading] (0.560s)
## Interval
@@ -832,16 +843,15 @@ for _ in 0..<10 {
-• 00:05:09.932 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.270, average: 0.270 }
-• 00:05:10.162 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.216, average: 0.243 }
-• 00:05:10.380 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.215, average: 0.234 }
-• 00:05:10.608 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.225, average: 0.231 }
-• 00:05:10.829 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.217, average: 0.229 }
-• 00:05:11.057 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.225, average: 0.228 }
-• 00:05:11.275 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.214, average: 0.226 }
-• 00:05:11.497 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.219, average: 0.225 }
-• 00:05:11.712 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.212, average: 0.224 }
-• 00:05:11.925 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.209, average: 0.222 }
+• 00:05:09.932 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.270s, average: 0.270s }
+• 00:05:10.162 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.216s, average: 0.243s }
+• 00:05:10.380 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.215s, average: 0.234s }
+• 00:05:10.608 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.225s, average: 0.231s }
+• 00:05:10.829 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.217s, average: 0.229s }
+• 00:05:11.057 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.225s, average: 0.228s }
+• 00:05:11.275 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.214s, average: 0.226s }
+• 00:05:11.497 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.219s, average: 0.225s }
+• 00:05:11.712 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Sort: { duration: 0.212s, average: 0.224s }
@@ -884,7 +894,7 @@ Outputs:
• 00:10:17.982 [DLOG] [INFO] Duration: 5532776
-• 00:10:17.983 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Video: { duration: 2.376, average: 2.376 }
+• 00:10:17.983 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] Video: { duration: 2.376s, average: 2.376s }
## Category
@@ -1365,7 +1375,7 @@ Outputs:
• 00:19:59.573 [DLOG] ┌ [Load]
• 00:19:59.573 [DLOG] | [DEBUG] debug
• 00:19:59.586 [DLOG] | [ERROR] error
-• 00:19:59.586 [DLOG] └ [Load] (0.13)
+• 00:19:59.586 [DLOG] └ [Load] (0.130s)
## `.disabled`
@@ -1578,7 +1588,7 @@ logger.interval("signpost") {
-• 23:26:40.978 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] signpost: { duration: 3.2, count: 1, total: 3.2, min: 3.2, max: 3.2, average: 3.2 }
+• 23:26:40.978 [DLOG] [INTERVAL] signpost: { duration: 3.200s, count: 1, total: 3.200s, min: 3.200s, max: 3.200s, average: 3.200s }
## Objective-C