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90 lines (69 loc) · 6.61 KB

JSON Lines

  • JSON Lines
    • 是一種 text format,也稱做 newline-delimited JSON。
    • 方便表示結構化的資料,也方便一次處理一行 (record),跟現有 unix-style text processing 工具尤其搭;很適合 log file,也適合在 process 間傳遞 message?
  • Line-delimited JSON - JSON streaming - Wikipedia
    • JSON streaming 是一種 communication protocol,用來在 client/server 間約定如何劃定 (delimit) JSON object 的界限。
    • 系統間交換資料常用 JSON 格式,若要在單一個連線傳遞 a stream of objects,就需要有識別 JSON encoded object 從哪裡開始 & 到哪裡結束的方法,技術上這叫做 framing;而 line-delimited JSON 就是其中一種做法。
    • Line-delimited JSON (LDJSON), newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON), and JSON lines (JSONL) are three terms for EQUIVALENT formats of JSON streaming. 原來有這麼多種說法。
    • Streaming makes use of the fact that the JSON format DOES NOT ALLOW NEWLINE AND RETURN CHARACTERS WITHIN PRIMITIVE VALUES (in strings those must be escaped as \n and \r, respectively) and that most JSON formatters default to not including any whitespace, including newlines and returns. These features allow the newline and/or return characters to be used as a delimiter. 由於 primitive value 裡不能有 newline 跟 return,正好可以拿來當 delimiter。
  • JSON Lines Examples
    • CSV seems so easy that many programmers have written code to generate it themselves, and almost EVERY IMPLEMENTATION IS DIFFERENT. ... 看來 CSV 的問題真的很多,可以應用 CSV 的場合,都可以考慮用 JSON lines 來替代 -- JSON Lines handles tabular data cleanly and without ambiguity. Cells may use the standard JSON types.
    • If you have large nested structures then reading the JSON Lines text directly isn't recommended. Use the "jq" tool to make viewing large structures easier: grep pair winning_hands.jsonl | jq . 原來 JSON lines 跟 jq 這麼搭!!
  • ndjson 說明幾乎跟 JSON Lines 一樣,最下方寫著 Site forked from。 #ril
  • JSON Lines Examples 不少應用採 JSON lines #ril

Format ??

  • JSON Lines JSON Lines 格式有 3 個要求:
    • 採 UTF-8 encoding,也接受 ASCII escape sequence,雖然這不容易直接閱讀;這點在搭配 Unix 工具時尤其方便,例如 grep 閃退 usage.jsonl,若做了 ASCII eacaping,不但無法直接 grep 中文,輸出的結果也難以閱讀。
    • Encodings other than UTF-8 are very unlikely to be valid when decoded as UTF-8 ... 也就是說,解析 JSON lines 時就假設 UTF-8 即可,若編碼不對很容就會錯誤,不太需要擔心 Mojibake 的狀況。
    • 每一行都必須是合法的 JSON value,常見的是 object 或 array。
    • 換行字元 (line separator) 採 \n (Unix-like);這表示 \r\n (Windows) 也是可以接受的,因為 trailing white space (去除 \n 剩下的 \r) 會被忽略;檔案最後一行的換行字元可有可無。
    • 習慣以 .jsonl 為副檔名,推薦用像 gzipbzip2 這類的 stream compressor 來壓縮 (.jsonl.gz.jsonl.bz2)
  • JSON Lines Examples #ril


讀寫 JSON lines 其實不需要額外的套件,寫出時不要輸出多餘的空白,讀入時以行為單位解析即可。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from textwrap import dedent

def test_jsonline_write(workspace):
    workspace.src('data.jsonl', """
    {"entry1": ["value1", "value2"]}

    new_entry = {"entry2": u"第一行\n第二行"}

    with open('data.jsonl', 'ab') as f:
        line = json.dumps(new_entry, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)
        f.write(b'\n' + line.encode('utf-8')) # leading newline char

    assert open('data.jsonl', 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') == dedent(u"""\
    {"entry1": ["value1", "value2"]}

def test_jsonline_read(workspace):
    workspace.src('data.jsonl', u"""
    {"entry1": ["value1", "value2"]}

    entries = []
    with open('data.jsonl', 'rb') as f:
        for line in f:
            entry = json.loads(line) # UTF-8 encoding, by default
    assert entries == [
        {"entry1": ["value1", "value2"]},
        {"entry2": u"第一行\n第二行"},

由於 json module 本來就不會輸出 newline 或 return 字元,所以關鍵在拿掉不必要的空白字元、不要對 Unicode 字元做 ASCII escaping。這分別對應 json.dumps()separators=(',', ':') (預設是 (', ', ': ')) 與 ensure_ascii=False (預設會做 ASCII escaping)。


  • json — JSON encoder and decoder — Python 3.7.1 documentation
    • Compact encoding:

      >>> import json
      >>> json.dumps([1, 2, 3, {'4': 5, '6': 7}], separators=(',', ':'))
    • If ensure_ascii is true (the default), the output is guaranteed to have all incoming non-ASCII characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, these characters will be output as-is. 因為 JSON Lines 建議不要做 escape,調為 False 會比較好。

    • If indent is a non-negative integer or string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0, negative, or "" will only insert newlines. None (the default) selects the most compact representation. 原來預設就不會換行,符合 JSON lines 的要求。

    • If specified, separators should be an (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (', ', ': ') if indent is None and (',', ': ') otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify (',', ':') to eliminate whitespace. 原來 separators 的預設值會跟著 indent 連動,若 indent=None 維持預設值不變,可以透過 separators=(',',':') 把多餘的空白再去掉。

  • wbolster/jsonlines: python library to simplify working with jsonlines and ndjson data 處理 JSON Lines 與 NDJSON 的資料 #ril

參考資料 {: #reference }
