- Kotlin 唸做 [‵kɑ-ʈə-lɪŋ],不是唸 [‵ko]。
- How to Kotlin - from the Lead Kotlin Language Designer (Google I/O '18) - YouTube Kotlin 的發明者 Andrey Breslav 現身說法,可以聽到 Kotlin 標準的唸法。
- FAQ - Kotlin Programming Language
- What is Kotlin? Kotlin is an OSS STATICALLY TYPED programming language that TARGETS the JVM, Android, JavaScript and Native. 2010 開始,直到 2016/02 釋出 v1.0。注意 target 這個用字,感覺 Kotlin 可以轉換成不同的形式,以執行在不同的平台/環境下。
- Is Kotlin free? Yes. Kotlin is free, has been free and will remain free. 授權採 Apache 2.0
- Is Kotlin an object-oriented language or a functional one? Kotlin has both object-oriented and functional constructs. You can use it in both OO and FP styles, or MIX elements of the two.
- What advantages does Kotlin give me over the Java programming language? Kotlin is more concise. (省下約 40% 的程式碼)、It’s also more type-safe (避免不必要的 NPE) ... facilitating creation of DSL. 這跟 Groovy 的定位重疊??
- Is Kotlin compatible with the Java programming language? Yes. Kotlin is 100% interoperable with the Java programming language and major emphasis has been placed on making sure that your existing codebase can interact properly with Kotlin. 可以互 call 對方,甚至 IDE 有提供 Java-to-Kotlin 的轉換。
- What can I use Kotlin for? Kotlin can be used for any kind of development, be it SERVER-SIDE, client-side web and Android. With Kotlin/Native currently in the works, support for other platforms such as embedded systems, macOS and iOS is coming. 感覺無所不包,且 Kotlin/Native 執行期不需要 VM,那麼 iOS 跟嵌入式系統的支援就不無可能。
- What does Kotlin compile down to? When targeting the JVM, Kotlin produces Java compatible bytecode. When targeting JavaScript, Kotlin transpiles to ES5.1 ... When targeting native, Kotlin will produce platform-specific code (via LLVM). 完全要看它 target 誰
- Does Kotlin only target Java 6? Kotlin lets you choose between generating Java 6 and Java 8 compatible bytecode. 當然這是 target JVM 時。
- Who develops Kotlin? 由 JetBrains 的工程師開發,lead language designer 是 Andrey Breslav。
- Comparison to Java - Kotlin Programming Language #ril
- What Java has that Kotlin does not 提到 checked exceptions!? 另外為什麼把 Ternary-operator a ? b : c 拿掉?
- Is Kotlin hard? - FAQ - Kotlin Programming Language Kotlin 受到 Java、C#、Scala 及 Groovy 等語言的影響,雖然 idiomatic Kotlin 跟進階的用法要花一些時日,但整體而言它不是個複雜的語言。
- Tutorials - Kotlin Programming Language #ril
- Kotlin Koans - Kotlin Playground 通過失敗的 unit test 來練習 Kotlin syntax,根據調查,這是 Java 開發人員學習 Kotlin 最有效的方式 #ril
- Basic Syntax - Kotlin Programming Language #ril
- What build tools support Kotlin? - FAQ - Kotlin Programming Language On the JVM side, the main build tools include Gradle, Maven, Ant, and Kobalt. There are also some build tools available that target client-side JavaScript. 針對不同 target 有不同的 build tool。
- Working with the Command Line Compiler - Kotlin Programming Language #ril
- Kotlin Programming Language
- Kotlin Playground / Try Kotlin
- JetBrains/kotlin - GitHub
- Kotlin Blog
- Kotlin.link