openpyxl: my python xlsx library | Eric Gazoni's Blog (2010-04-10) #ril
openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files — openpyxl 2.6.2 documentation #ril
雖然文件內都用 openpyxl,但左上方的 logo 明確寫著 OpenPyXL,揭露了正確的大小寫。
openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files.
It was born from lack of existing library to read/write NATIVELY from Python the Office Open XML format.
All kudos to the PHPExcel team as openpyxl was initially based on PHPExcel.
竟然 PHP 比 Python 早有可以好好處理 Excel 的套件。
- By default openpyxl does not guard against quadratic blowup or billion laughs xml attacks. ?? To guard against these attacks install defusedxml. #ril
Defined Names — openpyxl 2.6.2 documentation
The specification has the following to say about defined names:
“Defined names are descriptive text that is used to represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value.”
This means they are very LOOSELY DEFINED. They might contain a constant, a formula, a single cell reference, a range of cells or multiple ranges of cells across different worksheets. Or all of the above. They are defined GLOBALLY for a workbook and accessed from there
Sample use for ranges
Accessing a range called “
”:my_range = wb.defined_names['my_range'] # if this contains a range of cells then the destinations attribute is not None dests = my_range.destinations # returns a generator of (worksheet title, cell range) tuples cells = [] for title, coord in dests: ws = wb[title] cells.append(ws[coord])
- feature: add custom properties support · Issue #91 · python-openxml/python-docx 尚不支援,未來可能從
拿到 #ril - Extract xlsx workbook file metadata/properties in python 3.6 - Stack Overflow #ril
- 安裝
套件即可,若需要寫出大檔,搭配 lxml 可以提昇效能。 - 需要在檔案裡安插圖片,要再加裝
Install openpyxl using pip. It is advisable to do this in a Python virtualenv without system packages:
$ pip install openpyxl
Note: There is support for the popular lxml library which will be USED IF IT IS INSTALLED. This is particular useful when creating LARGE FILES.
Reading and Writing Excel workbooks - Tools for Working with Excel and Python | PyXLL 提到 OpenPyXL 寫出大檔案時會有偏慢的問題,看來可以搭配 lxml 解掉。
Warning: To be able to include images (jpeg, png, bmp,…) into an openpyxl file, you will also need the “pillow” library that can be installed with:
$ pip install pillow