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  • Pipenv: Python Dev Workflow for Humans — pipenv 2018.7.1.dev0 documentation #ril
    • Slogan 是 Python Dev Workflow for Humans,重點在 DEV Workflow。
    • It automatically creates and manages a VIRTUALENV for your projects, as well as adds/removes packages from your Pipfile as you install/uninstall packages. It also generates the ever-important Pipfile.lock, which is used to produce DETERMINISTIC BUILDS. 層次比 virtualenv 高了一階,這些概念其實是來自其他語言的套件,例如 Composer、npm、Yarn 等。
    • Pipenv is primarily meant to provide USERS and DEVELOPERS of applications with an easy method to setup a working environment. 兼顧 user 與 developer,呼應 pipenv installpip --env install 的用法。
  • Installing Pipenv - Pipenv & Virtual Environments — pipenv 2018.10.14.dev0 documentation Pipenv is a DEPENDENCY MANAGER for Python projects. If you’re familiar with Node.js’ npm or Ruby’s bundler, it is similar in spirit to those tools. While pip can install Python packages, Pipenv is recommended as it’s a HIGHER-LEVEL TOOL that simplifies dependency management for common use cases. 說明了 pip 與 Pipenv 的關係 -- Pipenv 是 pip 的高階應用。

新手上路 ?? {: #getting-started }

Pipfile, Pipfile.lock ??

  • 若在 Docker image 裡佈署,建議 pip install --deploy [--system],好處是檢查到 Pipfile.lockPipfile 失去同步時會噴錯,而且可以搭配 --system 直接裝到系統。


  • General Recommendations & Version Control - Basic Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation

    • Generally, keep both Pipfile and Pipfile.lock in version control. Do not keep Pipfile.lock in version control if multiple versions of Python are being targeted. 後者通常指的是 library。
    • Specify your target Python version in your Pipfile’s [requires] section. Ideally, you should only have one target Python version, as this is a DEPLOYMENT tool. 不是 development tool?
  • Using pipenv for Deployments - pipenv/advanced.rst at master · pypa/pipenv

    • You may want to use pipenv as part of a deployment process. You can enforce that your Pipfile.lock is up to date using the --deploy flag: pipenv install --deploy. This will fail a build if the Pipfile.lock is out–of–date, instead of generating a new one. ... pipenv install by default does attempt to RE-LOCK unless using the --deploy flag

      原來 pipenv install 本來就會檢查 Pipfile.lock 是否跟 Pipfile 一致,遇到不一致時會 "自動更新" Pipfile.lock (這就是所謂的 re-lock),加了 --deploy 在檢查到不一致時就會停下來。

    • Or you can install packages exactly as specified in Pipfile.lock using the sync command. 不加以說明還以為是 sync PipfilePipfile.lock,它的行為跟 --ignore-pipfile 接近;可以解釋成 "sync Pipfile.lock 與 virtualenv,別管 Pipfile 了",但實在很難跟 sync 連結在一起。

  • python - Why are there two hashes in my Pipfile.lock for one module? - Stack Overflow

    • Joern Boegeholz: I've started using pipenv and installed the flask package.

      In my Pipfile.lock there is this entry:

       "flask": {
                  "hashes": [
                  "index": "pypi",
                  "version": "==1.0.2"

      I wonder why there are two different hashes. Can anyone elaborate on this? Thanks in advance!

    • user10424986: Just take a look at

      2271c0070dbcb5275fad4a82e29f23ab92682dc45f9dfbc22c02ba9b9322ce48 is the tar.gz
      a080b744b7e345ccfcbc77954861cb05b3c63786e93f2b3875e0913d44b43f05 is the wheel-file

      因為 Pipfile 裡指定 flask==1.0.2 的關係,所以 Pipfile.lock 會記錄 v1.0.2 所有 distribution package 的 hash。

  • pip install — pip 19.1.1 documentation #ril

    • The ability to use MULTIPLE HASHES is important when a package has both binary and source distributions or when it offers binary distributions for a variety of platforms.

Pipfile 與

  • Library 性質的專案,仍會將 library 需要的 (abstract) dependencies 寫在 setup.pyinstall_requires 裡,開發相關的套件才會宣告在 Pipfile[dev-packages] 裡 ([packages] 底下空白);開發時先用 pipenv install -e . 安裝 (abstract) dependencies,再用 pipenv install --dev 安裝開發相關的套件。
  • Application 性質的專案,通常只有 Pipfile,將 application 執行期與開發時會用到的套件分別宣告在 [packages][dev-packages] 底下,再分別用 pipenv installpipenv install --dev 安裝。


  • Pipfile vs - Advanced Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.10.14.dev0 documentation
    • Application 與 library 間有個微妙但很重大的差異 -- library 要讓其他 library 或 application 使用,所以不會寫死 subdependencies 的版本 (pin dependency versions),只會宣告 abstract dependencies -- 只宣告需要什麼、或是要求一個範圍 (在 setup.pyinstall_requires 裡),因為實際採用的版本是由使用它的 library/application 決定。
    • 而 application 會被佈署到特定的環境,所以 dependencies 及 subdependencies 的版本都要固定下來 (concrete),而這正是 Pipenv 要解決的問題。
    • For applications, define dependencies and where to get them in the Pipfile and use this file to update the set of concrete dependencies in Pipfile.lock. This file defines a specific IDEMPOTENT environment that is known to work for your project. The Pipfile.lock is your SOURCE OF TRUTH. The Pipfile is a convenience for you to create that lock-file, in that it allows you to still remain somewhat VAGUE about the exact version of a dependency to be used. Pipenv is there to help you define a working CONFLICT-FREE SET OF SPECIFIC DEPENDENCY-VERSIONS (協調不同套件間的要求), which would otherwise be a very tedious task.
    • For libraries, define abstract dependencies via install_requires in The decision of which version exactly to be installed and where to obtain that dependency is not yours to make! Of course, Pipfile and Pipenv are still useful for library developers, as they can be used to define a development or test environment. 也就是 會宣告安裝這個 library 時需要的 abstract dependencies,但開發時會用到的套件則會宣告在 Pipfile ([dev-packages]),並不相衝突。
    • 最後提到 pipenv install -e . This will tell Pipenv to lock all your–declared dependencies. 實驗發現,要有 Pipfile (空的也沒關係),否則會遇到 pipenv.vendor.requirementslib.exceptions.RequirementError: Error parsing requirement . -- are you sure it is installable? 的錯誤;它會把套件安裝到 virtualenv 裡 (當然也就包含 裡宣告的 install_requires),至於 Pipfile 裡的 [dev-packages] 則要透過 pipenv install --dev 安裝。
  • Pipenv does not respect dependencies in - Frequently Encountered Pipenv Problems — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation No, it does not, intentionally. Pipfile and serve different purposes, and should not consider each other by default. 但 pipenv install -e . 是個例外。
  • Editable Dependencies (e.g. -e . ) - Basic Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation #ril
  • How to keep install_requires and Pipfile in sync · Issue #1263 · pypa/pipenv #ril
    • Korijn: 在寫 Python package,但如何維持 setup(install_requires=...)Pipfile 同步? For applications that are deployed or distributed in installers, I just use Pipfile. For applications that are distributed as packages with, I put all my dependencies in install_requires, and I add an extras_require CATEGORY labeled "dev" for my development dependencies. Then I make my Pipfile depend on by running pipenv install '-e .' first, and then pipenv install --dev '-e .[dev]'. 但 dev 相關的套件宣告在 Pipfile[dev-packages] 底下不是更直接?
    • uranusjr: (member) I thiink @Korijn’s approach is best practice here. Pipfile (and requirements.txt) is for applications; is for packages. They serve different purposes. IF YOU NEED TO SYNC THEM, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG (IMO). 兩邊負責的東西不同,其實不需要 sync; 是定義 library 需要的 dependencies,而 Pipfile 只宣告開發專用的 dependencies ([dev-packages])。
  • requests/requests: Python HTTP Requests for Humans 同時有 setup.pyPipfile
  • pypa/pipenv: Python Development Workflow for Humans. 也同時有 setup.pyPipfile!! Pipfile 裡只用到 [dev-packages],但 裡用到 python_requiressetup_requiresinstall_requires
  • serum/Pipfile at master · suned/serum 沒有相依套件,但開發用套件都宣告在 Pipfile 裡 ([dev-packages]),所以 沒有任何 *_requires

Multiple Indexes ??

  • Specifying Package Indexes - Advanced Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation

    • If you’d like a specific package to be installed with a specific package index, you can do the following:

      url = ""
      verify_ssl = true
      name = "pypi"
      url = ""
      verify_ssl = false
      name = "home"
      requests = {version="*", index="home"}
      maya = {version="*", index="pypi"}
      records = "*"

      雖然從 log 觀察到會先問第一個 index 再問第二個 index,但官方文件沒有講明多個 [[source]] 間的順序會造成什麼影響,建議還是將 PyPI 擺在第一位,沒有指明 `index="xxx" 的話,就會找第一個 index。

  • support for multiple sources · Issue #716 · pypa/pipenv #ril

Virtualenv 的位置 ??

  • Virtualenv mapping caveat - Pipenv & Virtual Environments — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation #ril

    • The virtualenv is stored GLOBALLY with the name of the project’s root directory plus the HASH OF THE FULL PATH to the project’s root (e.g., my_project-a3de50). If you change your project’s path, you break such a default mapping and pipenv will no longer be able to find and to use the project’s virtualenv.

      這大概是 virtualenv 使用者一開始最不習慣的點

    • You might want to set export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 in your .bashrc/.zshrc (or any shell configuration file) for creating the virtualenv inside your project’s directory, avoiding problems with subsequent path changes.

      實驗發現,virtualenv 會建在 .venv/,而且 pipenv 若發現 CWD 有 .venv/,就算沒有 PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 也會以它為 virtualenv。

  • PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT - Advanced Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation

    • If set, creates .venv in your project directory.
    • Default is to create new virtual environments in a global location.
  • Custom Virtual Environment Location - Advanced Usage of Pipenv — pipenv 2018.11.27.dev0 documentation

    • Pipenv automatically honors the WORKON_HOME environment variable, if you have it set — so you can tell pipenv to store your virtual environments wherever you want, e.g.:

      export WORKON_HOME=~/.venvs

      In addition, you can also have Pipenv stick the virtualenv in project/.venv by setting the PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT environment variable.

Packaging ??

pyenv ??

  • 當 Pipenv 要求的 Python version 不存在時,若環境內有 pyenv,會問要不要自動安裝該版的 Python:

    $ pipenv install
    Warning: Python 3.5 was not found on your system…
    Would you like us to install CPython 3.5.6 with pyenv? [Y/n]: Y
    Installing CPython 3.5.6 with pyenv (this may take a few minutes)…

搭配 tox 使用 ??

安裝設置 {: #setup }

參考資料 {: #reference }


