- WireMock - WireMock #ril
- Mock your APIs for fast, ROBUST and comprehensive testing.
- WireMock is a simulator for HTTP-based APIs. Some might consider it a SERVICE VIRTUALIZATION tool or a mock server.
- It enables you to stay productive when an API you depend on DOESN'T EXIST OR ISN'T COMPLETE. It supports testing of EDGE CASES AND FAILURE MODES that the real API won't reliably produce. 就算 API 完成了,有些東西也很難安排,尤其是錯誤。
- Home - WireMock User Documentation - WireMock #ril
- Service virtualization - Wikipedia 原來是個跟 testing 高度相關的議題 #ril
- Comparison of API simulation tools - Wikipedia #ril
- API Mocking 這類工具叫 API mocking #ril
- 或許有機會搭配 RD 慣用的 mitmproxy 產生的 certifcate 使用?? 那為什麼不直接用 mitmproxy 做 API mocking??
- HTTPS - WireMock #ril
- Running as a Standalone Process - WireMock 有多個 option 跟 HTTPS 有關 #ril
- HTTPS Configuration - Configuration - WireMock #ril
- How to get HTTPS endpoints to proxy successfully in WireMock? #ril
- How to use Wiremock with HTTPS · The Dev Haus (2018-02-10) #ril
- Hoverfly 跟 WireMock 很像,且看輕量?