WARNING. This file is obsolete: it has now been superseded by the UIHAADM JIRA project.
I compared the current ui-harvester-admin UI with that of the legacy UI to derive the TODOs in the first few sections. GBV made comments on the screenshots that I supplied on 15 March, and recorded a video of the accompanying presentation. Based on these, the TODOs in the last section emerged.
- TODO -- it's on me
- done -- recently completed, left around for the sense of achievement (will be deleted)
- no -- not to be done in the short term
- BLOCKED -- cannot be implemented against the present
- @name -- I need information or work from the named person before I can proceed
- (none) -- completed
- done -- Dates should be managed using a date-picker. (The old harvester-admin UI doesn't do this, but of course we want to surpass it in this and other aspects.)
- done -- Id: should be read-only
- done -- Content Description: should be text-area
- done -- Technical Notes: should be text-area
- done -- Contact notes: should be text-area
- no -- Harvest schedule: should provide a schedule editor [6]
- done -- Transformation Pipeline: should provide a dropdown
- done -- Storage: should provide a dropdown
- done -- Log level: should provide a dropdown [1]
- done -- Saving failed records: should provide a dropdown [3]
- done -- Send notification if severity at least: should provide a dropdown [2]
- TODO -- OAI Set Name and Metadata Prefix should provide a dropdowns: see UIHAADM-2.
- done -- Use long date format: should somehow be a checkbox
- done -- URLs (space-separated): should be an editable list
- done -- MARC XML transformation format (application/marc or application/tmarc): should be a dropdown offering MARCXML, TurboMARC or N/A.
- BLOCKED -- CF Engine and CF Repository: should be dropdowns: see UIHAADM-4.
- done -- Init Data: should be a text-area
- done -- Id: should be read-only
- no -- Harvest schedule: should provide a schedule editor [6]
- @charlotte -- We need to get GBV a system that they can play with soonest.
- @nielserik -- I need guidance on how to format the long status text. Is the
field is formatted reliably enough that I can parse out the numbers and present them differently? Or is the best we can really do just to dump the message out blindly? - BLOCKED -- provide log links in the UK: we need new mod-harvester-admin WSAPI to provide access to the logs: see UIHAADM-5.
- TODO -- the set of fields to show/hide is not persisted across sessions: see UIHAADM-3.
- @gbv -- The "General" section contains the fields that are relevant for all the different kinds of harvestable. If in fact some of them are not relevant for XML harvests, then perhaps they are misplaced. Which fields fall into that category?
- @gbv -- I can break the "General" section down into smaller sections, but I need your guidance on what the new groupings should be.
- done -- cluster some fields together as multiple columns of a single row:
- id + name + service provider
- used by + managed by
- technical notes + contact notes
- harvest job enabled + harvest scheduled
- user name + password
- (in OAI-PMH section): harvest from + harvest until
- (in OAI-PMH section) request retry count + delay before retry (seconds)
- cache on disk? + store original record content?
- maximum number of failed records saved next run + maximum number of failed records saved next total
- @gbv -- I would like much more detail on which fields should be grouped onto multi-column lines.
- done -- Notification e-mail addresses should be an editable list
- done -- Constant fields should be an editable list
- done -- Filter, comma-separated list of usage tags should be an editable list
- done -- Filter, comma-separated list of admin tags should be an editable list
- done -- Custom e-mails addresses should be an editable list
- done -- full-record Actions menu needs option to delete the harvestable
- done -- Record-list Actions menu needs options to add harvestables of each kind
- done -- full-record Actions menu needs option to start the job
- done -- full-record Actions menu needs option to stop the job.
- done -- all editable fields should have a help-text like that of the legacy UI. Texts can be found in
[1] Log level is a hardwired vocabulary: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR".
[2] Send notification is a hardwired vocabulary: "OK", "WARN", "ERROR"
[3] This is another hardwired vocabulary consisting of:
(Don't save failed records)CLEAN_DIRECTORY
(Do save. Clean up directory first)CREATE_OVERWRITE
(Do save. Overwrite existing files)ADD_ALL
(Do save. Add numbered versions for existing files)
[4] This note intentionally left blank.
[5] This note intentionally left blank.
[6] in general, the schedule fields should be presented (for both view and edit) in a human-readable form, not as its underlying crontab string. But since BGV do not really use scheduling, relying on manual starting of jobs, this is not urgent and can pushed off to a later phase of work. For now, it suffices to provide a good help text for the cron format. When we do this, what is the best way to edit the crontab entry stored in the record? Ideally we would like to find a Node package that provides a crontab-entry editor rather than rolling our own. The only direct contender is
That has a very nice UI, but depends on a big (165 Mb) library antd
which may not play well with stripes-componwents. So we may be better off rolling our own using the lower-level parse/render utilities provided by