Check out, build and run mod-harvester-admin
against an existing legacy harvester, such as the PALCI harvester:
$ git clone [email protected]:indexdata/mod-harvester-admin
$ cd mod-harvester-admin
$ mvn install
$ csh
% setenv
% setenv harvester.auth.basic.username someguy
% setenv harvester.auth.basic.password swordfish
% java -jar target/mod-harvester-admin-fat.jar
Leave this running.
Download a FOLIO back-end vagrant box, configure it to have enough memory, and run it:
$ sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox
$ mkdir vagrant
$ cd vagrant
$ vagrant init --minimal folio/testing-backend
$ vi Vagrantfile # add this stanza:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = 16384
vb.cpus = 2
$ vagrant up
Set up an SSH tunnel so the vagrant box can see the locally running module:
$ vagrant ssh -- -R 12369:localhost:8080
guest$ # Leave the ssh session open
Tell Okapi about the locally running module. In another shell: POST the module descriptor, POST a discovery descriptor that tells Okapi where to find the already-running module, and enable the module for a tenant:
$ cd mod-harvester-admin
$ curl -w '\n' -d @target/ModuleDescriptor.json http://localhost:9130/_/proxy/modules
$ curl -w '\n' -d @target/DiscoveryDescriptor-template.json http://localhost:9130/_/discovery/modules
$ curl -w '\n' -d @target/TenantModuleDescriptor-template.json http://localhost:9130/_/proxy/tenants/diku/modules
Now you can run Stripes against the VM's Okapi on http://localhost:9130 and the side-loaded harvester-admin module will be available, as you can verify by going to the Software versions at (for example) http://localhost:3003/settings/about and searching within the page for mod-harvester-admin