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- Quick Start - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
📓 NOTE: The DWH module should get installed already if you use diqu in a dbt project, if not, please perform additional step, for example, to install snowflake module:
+ Quick Start - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
📓 NOTE: The DWH module should get installed already if you use diqu in a dbt project, if not, please perform additional step, for example, to install snowflake module:
In the realm where circuits hum and wires entwine,
A bug’s life, oh, how it’s truly divine.
In the world of engineering, where chaos thrives,
Auto Alert, our savior, arrives.
In the efforts of making our bug's life easier, diqu CLI is born with a significant impact, streamlining collaboration and enhancing agility in our daily tasks. This tool takes charge of handling the beloved "chick" of our engineering world: Anomalies or Incidents 🐞
Alongside our methods for detecting these anomalies in our data, it's important to ensure the Auto Alert trigger is firmly in place, ready to notify us promptly. Together, these innovations pave the way for a more efficient and seamless bug-fighting experience 🚀
Infinite Lambda is a cloud and data consultancy. We build strategies, help organisations implement them and pass on the expertise to look after the infrastructure.
We are an Elite Snowflake Partner, a Platinum dbt Partner and two-times Fivetran Innovation Partner of the Year for EMEA.
Naturally, we love exploring innovative solutions and sharing knowledge, so go ahead and:
Infinite Lambda is a cloud and data consultancy. We build strategies, help organisations implement them and pass on the expertise to look after the infrastructure.
We are an Elite Snowflake Partner, a Platinum dbt Partner and two-times Fivetran Innovation Partner of the Year for EMEA.
Naturally, we love exploring innovative solutions and sharing knowledge, so go ahead and:
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- Contribution Guideline - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
diqu is open source software. Whether you are a seasoned open source contributor or a first-time committer, we welcome and encourage you to contribute code, documentation, ideas, or problem statements to this project.
There are many ways to contribute to the ongoing development of diqu, such as by participating in discussions and issues.
The rest of this document serves as a more granular guide for contributing code changes to diqu (this repository). It is not intended as a guide for using diqu, and some pieces assume a level of familiarity with Python development with poetry. Specific code snippets in this guide assume you are using macOS or Linux and are comfortable with the command line.
Branches: All pull requests from community contributors should target the main branch (default). If the change is needed as a patch for a minor version of dbt that has already been released (or is already a release candidate), a maintainer will backport the changes in your PR to the relevant "latest" release branch (1.0.<latest>, 1.1.<latest>, ...). If an issue fix applies to a release branch, that fix should be first committed to the development branch and then to the release branch (rarely release-branch fixes may not apply to main).
Releases: Before releasing a new minor version, we prepare a series of beta release candidates to allow users to test the new version in live environments. This is an important quality assurance step, as it exposes the new code to a wide variety of complicated deployments and can surface bugs before official release. Releases are accessible via pip.
You can contribute to diqu by forking the diqu repository. For a detailed overview on forking, check out the GitHub docs on forking. In short, you will need to:
Fork the diqu repository
Clone your fork locally
Check out a new branch for your proposed changes
Push changes to your fork
Open a pull request against infintelambda/diqu from your forked repository
There are some tools that will be helpful to you in developing locally. While this is the list relevant for diqu development, many of these tools are used commonly across open-source python projects.
diqu is open source software. Whether you are a seasoned open source contributor or a first-time committer, we welcome and encourage you to contribute code, documentation, ideas, or problem statements to this project.
There are many ways to contribute to the ongoing development of diqu, such as by participating in discussions and issues.
The rest of this document serves as a more granular guide for contributing code changes to diqu (this repository). It is not intended as a guide for using diqu, and some pieces assume a level of familiarity with Python development with poetry. Specific code snippets in this guide assume you are using macOS or Linux and are comfortable with the command line.
Branches: All pull requests from community contributors should target the main branch (default). If the change is needed as a patch for a minor version of dbt that has already been released (or is already a release candidate), a maintainer will backport the changes in your PR to the relevant "latest" release branch (1.0.<latest>, 1.1.<latest>, ...). If an issue fix applies to a release branch, that fix should be first committed to the development branch and then to the release branch (rarely release-branch fixes may not apply to main).
Releases: Before releasing a new minor version, we prepare a series of beta release candidates to allow users to test the new version in live environments. This is an important quality assurance step, as it exposes the new code to a wide variety of complicated deployments and can surface bugs before official release. Releases are accessible via pip.
You can contribute to diqu by forking the diqu repository. For a detailed overview on forking, check out the GitHub docs on forking. In short, you will need to:
Fork the diqu repository
Clone your fork locally
Check out a new branch for your proposed changes
Push changes to your fork
Open a pull request against infintelambda/diqu from your forked repository
There are some tools that will be helpful to you in developing locally. While this is the list relevant for diqu development, many of these tools are used commonly across open-source python projects.
diqu CLI is built in the modular approach with 3 main one:
Alert module: Define how to alert **_/ notify the Incidents _**to which channels e.g. Jira, Slack
Source module: Build the Data Source connection e.g. Snowflake, Csv file
Package module: Manage the Query of the Incidents captured
👉 See the next pages for more information of how to configure the modules
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- JIRA - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
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index 159d22f..936235c 100644
--- a/0.1/nav/guide/config/alerts/slack.html
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- Slack - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
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- Custom query - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
Log table is containing all the test results produced by dbt Jobs, and surely can be configured by specifying the database or/and the schema. By default, these info will be getting from the dbt profiles.yml.
And the hook is to save the test result if any.
In dbt_project.yml file:
diff --git a/0.1/nav/guide/config/sources/custom.html b/0.1/nav/guide/config/sources/custom.html
index 95b6d61..5a97436 100644
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- Custom via CSV file - Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts