All examples post a single comment on pull requests, which gets updated as more changes are pushed. The examples show how to run the actions with:
- Terraform directory: a Terraform project containing HCL code
- Terraform plan JSON: a Terraform plan JSON file
- Terragrunt: a Terragrunt project
- Terraform Cloud/Enterprise: a Terraform project using Terraform Cloud/Enterprise
- Multi-project using config file: multiple Terraform projects using the Infracost config file
- Multi-project using build matrix: multiple Terraform projects using GitHub Actions build matrix
- Multi-Terraform workspace: multiple Terraform workspaces using the Infracost config file
- Slack: send cost estimates to Slack
Cost policy examples:
- OPA: check Infracost cost estimates against policies using Open Policy Agent
- Sentinel: check Infracost cost estimates against policies using Hashicorp's Sentinel
See the contributing guide if you'd like to add an example.