diff --git a/account_debt_report/models/res_partner.py b/account_debt_report/models/res_partner.py
index 80f06b484..e1276fe46 100644
--- a/account_debt_report/models/res_partner.py
+++ b/account_debt_report/models/res_partner.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# For copyright and license notices, see __manifest__.py file in module root
# directory
-from odoo import api, models, fields, _
+from odoo import models, _
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
# from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -40,13 +40,18 @@ def get_line_vals(
historical_full = self._context.get('historical_full', False)
company_id = self._context.get('company_id', False)
show_invoice_detail = self._context.get('show_invoice_detail', False)
+ only_currency_lines = not self._context.get('company_currency') and self._context.get('secondary_currency')
+ balance_in_currency = 0.0
domain = []
if company_id:
domain += [('company_id', '=', company_id)]
+ company_currency_ids = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id).currency_id
domain += [('company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids)]
+ company_currency_ids = self.env.companies.mapped('currency_id')
+ if only_currency_lines and len(company_currency_ids) == 1:
+ domain += [('currency_id', 'not in', company_currency_ids.ids)]
if not historical_full:
domain += [('reconciled', '=', False), ('full_reconcile_id', '=', False)]
@@ -70,27 +75,23 @@ def get_line_vals(
inicial_lines = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo()._read_group(
initial_domain, groupby=['partner_id'], aggregates=['balance:sum'])
balance = inicial_lines[0][1] if inicial_lines else 0.0
+ if len(company_currency_ids) == 1:
+ inicial_lines_currency = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo()._read_group(
+ initial_domain + [('currency_id', 'not in', company_currency_ids.ids)], groupby=['partner_id'], aggregates=['amount_currency:sum'])
+ balance_in_currency = inicial_lines_currency[0][1] if inicial_lines_currency else 0.0
- res = [get_line_vals(name=_('INITIAL BALANCE'), balance=balance)]
+ res = [get_line_vals(name=_('INITIAL BALANCE'), balance=balance, amount_currency=balance_in_currency)]
domain.append(('date', '>=', from_date))
balance = 0.0
res = []
if to_date:
- final_line = []
domain.append(('date', '<=', to_date))
- else:
- final_line = []
+ final_line = []
records = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().search(domain, order='date asc, name, move_id desc, date_maturity asc, id')
- grouped = self.env['account.payment']._fields.get('payment_group_id') and safe_eval(
- self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
- 'account_debt_report.group_payment_group_payments', 'False'))
- last_payment_group_id = False
# construimos una nueva lista con los valores que queremos y de
# manera mas facil
for record in records:
@@ -117,24 +118,8 @@ def get_line_vals(
amount = record.balance
amount_residual = record.amount_residual
amount_currency = record.amount_currency
- if grouped and record.payment_id and record.payment_id.payment_group_id == last_payment_group_id:
- # si agrupamos pagos y el grupo de pagos coincide con el Ășltimo, entonces acumulamos en linea anterior
- res[-1].update({
- 'amount': res[-1]['amount'] + record.balance,
- 'amount_residual': res[-1]['amount_residual'] + record.amount_residual,
- 'amount_currency': res[-1]['amount_currency'] + record.amount_currency,
- 'balance': balance,
- })
- continue
- elif grouped and record.payment_id and record.payment_id.payment_group_id != last_payment_group_id:
- # si es un payment pero no es del payment group anterior, seteamos este como ultimo payment group
- last_payment_group_id = record.payment_id.payment_group_id
- elif not grouped and record.payment_id:
- # si no agrupamos y es pago, agregamos nombre de diario para que sea mas claro
- name += ' - ' + record.journal_id.name
- elif not record.payment_id:
- last_payment_group_id = False
+ show_currency = record.currency_id != record.company_id.currency_id
+ name += ' - ' + record.journal_id.name
# TODO tal vez la suma podriamos probar hacerla en el xls como hacemos en libro iva v11/v12
@@ -145,9 +130,15 @@ def get_line_vals(
- amount_currency=amount_currency,
- currency_name=currency.name,
+ amount_currency=amount_currency if show_currency else False,
+ currency_name=currency.name if show_currency else False,
# move_line=record.move_line_id,
+ record_currencys = records.filtered(lambda x: x.currency_id != x.company_id.currency_id)
+ if len(record_currencys.mapped('currency_id')) == 1:
+ total_currency = sum(record_currencys.mapped('amount_currency')) + balance_in_currency
+ final_line += [get_line_vals(name=_('Total'), amount_currency=total_currency, currency_name=record_currencys.mapped('currency_id').name)]
res += final_line
return res
diff --git a/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard.py b/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard.py
index be6552339..f364da861 100644
--- a/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard.py
+++ b/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard.py
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ def _default_result_selection(self):
historical_full = fields.Boolean(
help='If true, then it will show all partner history. If not, only '
'unreconciled items will be shown.')
+ company_currency = fields.Boolean(
+ default=True,
+ help='Add columns for company currency?'
+ )
secondary_currency = fields.Boolean(
help='Add columns for secondary currency?')
@@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ def confirm(self):
return self.env['ir.actions.report'].search(
[('report_name', '=', 'account_debt_report')],
+ company_currency=self.company_currency,
diff --git a/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard_view.xml b/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard_view.xml
index fc5d6b69a..8d33d94c4 100644
--- a/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard_view.xml
+++ b/account_debt_report/wizard/account_debt_report_wizard_view.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@