From 0809c0df3f4ef8e0335033053f04ec9565d34586 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ahmed Hatem Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 01:30:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [+] Added incident placeholder descriptions --- ar.json | 6 +++++- cs.json | 6 +++++- da.json | 6 +++++- de.json | 6 +++++- en.json | 6 +++++- es.json | 6 +++++- et.json | 6 +++++- fi.json | 6 +++++- fr.json | 6 +++++- hu.json | 6 +++++- id.json | 6 +++++- it.json | 6 +++++- ja.json | 6 +++++- ko.json | 6 +++++- nl.json | 6 +++++- no.json | 6 +++++- pl.json | 6 +++++- pt-br.json | 6 +++++- pt.json | 6 +++++- ro.json | 6 +++++- rs.json | 6 +++++- ru.json | 6 +++++- sl.json | 6 +++++- sq.json | 6 +++++- sv.json | 6 +++++- tr.json | 6 +++++- uk.json | 6 +++++- vi.json | 6 +++++- zh-tw.json | 6 +++++- zh.json | 6 +++++- 30 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/ar.json b/ar.json index 7aceb5c..8e6f908 100644 --- a/ar.json +++ b/ar.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "الأشهر القادمة", "previousMonths": "الأشهر السابقة", "previousPage": "الصفحة السابقة", - "nextPage": "الصفحة التالية" + "nextPage": "الصفحة التالية", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "نحن نقوم حاليًا بالتحقيق في هذا الحادث.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "نحن نواصل العمل على حل هذه الحادثة.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "لقد قمنا بتنفيذ الإصلاح ونقوم حاليًا بمراقبة النتيجة.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "لقد تم حل هذه الحادثة." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cs.json b/cs.json index ff3396e..0a7226a 100644 --- a/cs.json +++ b/cs.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Další měsíce", "previousMonths": "Předchozí měsíce", "previousPage": "Předchozí stránka", - "nextPage": "Další stránka" + "nextPage": "Další stránka", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "V současné době tento incident vyšetřujeme.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Na nápravě tohoto incidentu nadále pracujeme.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Implementovali jsme opravu a v současné době sledujeme výsledek.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Tento incident byl vyřešen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/da.json b/da.json index 5c0328d..6c86da5 100644 --- a/da.json +++ b/da.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Næste måneder", "previousMonths": "Tidligere måneder", "previousPage": "Forrige side", - "nextPage": "Næste side" + "nextPage": "Næste side", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi er i øjeblikket ved at undersøge denne hændelse.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi arbejder fortsat på at rette op på denne hændelse.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi implementerede en rettelse og overvåger i øjeblikket resultatet.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Denne hændelse er blevet løst." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de.json b/de.json index d06cb88..2ddd405 100644 --- a/de.json +++ b/de.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Nächste Monate", "previousMonths": "Vorherige Monate", "previousPage": "Vorherige Seite", - "nextPage": "Nächste Seite" + "nextPage": "Nächste Seite", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Wir untersuchen diesen Vorfall derzeit.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Wir arbeiten weiterhin an einer Lösung für diesen Vorfall.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Wir haben einen Fix implementiert und überwachen derzeit das Ergebnis.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Dieser Vorfall wurde behoben." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en.json b/en.json index 99d8675..04ba205 100644 --- a/en.json +++ b/en.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "reachedTheEndOfUptimeGraph": "You reached the end of the uptime graph for {{component}}", "Incident": "Incident", "oneMaintenanceIsScheduled": "One maintenance is scheduled", - "multipleMaintenancePeriodsAreScheduled": "{{multiple}} maintenance periods are scheduled" + "multipleMaintenancePeriodsAreScheduled": "{{multiple}} maintenance periods are scheduled", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "We are currently investigating this incident.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "This incident has been resolved." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/es.json b/es.json index a1d6c50..534385c 100644 --- a/es.json +++ b/es.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Próximos meses", "previousMonths": "Meses anteriores", "previousPage": "Página anterior", - "nextPage": "Página siguiente" + "nextPage": "Página siguiente", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Actualmente estamos investigando este incidente.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Continuamos trabajando para solucionar este incidente.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Implementamos una solución y actualmente estamos monitoreando el resultado.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Este incidente ha sido resuelto." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/et.json b/et.json index c39156d..727be01 100644 --- a/et.json +++ b/et.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Järgmised kuud", "previousMonths": "Eelmised kuud", "previousPage": "Eelmine leht", - "nextPage": "Järgmine leht" + "nextPage": "Järgmine leht", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Praegu uurime seda juhtumit.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Jätkame tööd selle juhtumi lahendamise kallal.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Rakendasime paranduse ja jälgime praegu tulemust.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "See juhtum on lahendatud." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fi.json b/fi.json index bd7d91a..eeea91e 100644 --- a/fi.json +++ b/fi.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Seuraavat kuukaudet", "previousMonths": "Edelliset kuukaudet", "previousPage": "Edellinen sivu", - "nextPage": "Seuraava sivu" + "nextPage": "Seuraava sivu", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Tutkimme parhaillaan tätä tapausta.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Jatkamme tämän tapauksen korjaamista.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Otimme korjauksen käyttöön ja seuraamme parhaillaan tulosta.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Tämä tapaus on ratkaistu." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fr.json b/fr.json index e5a969f..14cf904 100644 --- a/fr.json +++ b/fr.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Les prochains mois", "previousMonths": "Mois précédents", "previousPage": "Page précédente", - "nextPage": "Page suivante" + "nextPage": "Page suivante", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Nous enquêtons actuellement sur cet incident.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Nous continuons à travailler sur un correctif pour cet incident.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Nous avons mis en place un correctif et surveillons actuellement le résultat.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Cet incident a été résolu." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hu.json b/hu.json index 7bae5e0..cd1d41a 100644 --- a/hu.json +++ b/hu.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "A következő hónapokban", "previousMonths": "Előző hónapok", "previousPage": "Előző oldal", - "nextPage": "Következő oldal" + "nextPage": "Következő oldal", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Jelenleg vizsgáljuk ezt az esetet.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Folytatjuk a munkát az eset kijavításán.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Bevezettünk egy javítást, és jelenleg figyeljük az eredményt.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ez az eset megoldódott." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/id.json b/id.json index 346207d..41a8862 100644 --- a/id.json +++ b/id.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Bulan berikutnya", "previousMonths": "Bulan sebelumnya", "previousPage": "Halaman sebelumnya", - "nextPage": "Halaman berikutnya" + "nextPage": "Halaman berikutnya", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Kami sedang menyelidiki insiden ini.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Kami terus berupaya memperbaiki insiden ini.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Kami menerapkan perbaikan dan saat ini sedang memantau hasilnya.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Insiden ini telah diselesaikan." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/it.json b/it.json index d754c2c..14a8dbf 100644 --- a/it.json +++ b/it.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Prossimi mesi", "previousMonths": "Mesi precedenti", "previousPage": "Pagina precedente", - "nextPage": "Pagina successiva" + "nextPage": "Pagina successiva", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Stiamo attualmente indagando sull'incidente.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Stiamo continuando a lavorare per risolvere questo incidente.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Abbiamo implementato una correzione e stiamo monitorando i risultati.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Questo incidente è stato risolto." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ja.json b/ja.json index a5dc16c..f7c3f97 100644 --- a/ja.json +++ b/ja.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "今後数か月", "previousMonths": "先月", "previousPage": "前のページ", - "nextPage": "次のページ" + "nextPage": "次のページ", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "現在、この事件について調査中です。", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "私たちはこの事件の解決に向けて引き続き取り組んでいます。", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "修正を実施し、現在結果を監視しています。", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "この事件は解決しました。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ko.json b/ko.json index 02da571..a9092a2 100644 --- a/ko.json +++ b/ko.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "다음 달", "previousMonths": "지난 달", "previousPage": "이전 페이지", - "nextPage": "다음 페이지" + "nextPage": "다음 페이지", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "현재 이 사건을 조사하고 있습니다.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "우리는 이 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾기 위해 계속 노력하고 있습니다.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "우리는 해결책을 구현했으며 현재 결과를 모니터링하고 있습니다.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "이 사건은 해결되었습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nl.json b/nl.json index 2c95c0d..a643a0f 100644 --- a/nl.json +++ b/nl.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Volgende maanden", "previousMonths": "Vorige maanden", "previousPage": "Vorige pagina", - "nextPage": "Volgende pagina" + "nextPage": "Volgende pagina", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Wij onderzoeken dit incident momenteel.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "We werken momenteel aan een oplossing voor dit incident.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "We hebben een oplossing geïmplementeerd en houden momenteel de resultaten in de gaten.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Dit incident is opgelost." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/no.json b/no.json index 33b6a87..cdbdb58 100644 --- a/no.json +++ b/no.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Neste måneder", "previousMonths": "Tidligere måneder", "previousPage": "Forrige side", - "nextPage": "Neste side" + "nextPage": "Neste side", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi etterforsker nå denne hendelsen.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi jobber videre med å fikse denne hendelsen.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi implementerte en løsning og overvåker nå resultatet.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Denne hendelsen er løst." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pl.json b/pl.json index e6aef9d..99a1c82 100644 --- a/pl.json +++ b/pl.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Następne miesiące", "previousMonths": "Poprzednie miesiące", "previousPage": "Poprzednia strona", - "nextPage": "Następna strona" + "nextPage": "Następna strona", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Obecnie badamy ten incydent.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Nadal pracujemy nad rozwiązaniem tego problemu.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Wprowadziliśmy poprawkę i obecnie monitorujemy efekty.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Incydent został rozwiązany." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pt-br.json b/pt-br.json index 44f6d79..13e24fa 100644 --- a/pt-br.json +++ b/pt-br.json @@ -225,5 +225,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Próximos meses", "previousMonths": "Meses anteriores", "previousPage": "Página anterior", - "nextPage": "Próxima página" + "nextPage": "Próxima página", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Estamos investigando este incidente.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Continuamos trabalhando para corrigir esse incidente.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Implementamos uma correção e estamos monitorando o resultado.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Este incidente foi resolvido." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pt.json b/pt.json index 1c32d9f..489cc0e 100644 --- a/pt.json +++ b/pt.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Próximos meses", "previousMonths": "Meses anteriores", "previousPage": "Página anterior", - "nextPage": "Próxima página" + "nextPage": "Próxima página", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Estamos investigando este incidente.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Continuamos trabalhando para corrigir esse incidente.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Implementamos uma correção e estamos monitorando o resultado.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Este incidente foi resolvido." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ro.json b/ro.json index 98ec230..4f09b5d 100644 --- a/ro.json +++ b/ro.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Lunile viitoare", "previousMonths": "Lunile anterioare", "previousPage": "Pagina anterioară", - "nextPage": "Pagina următoare" + "nextPage": "Pagina următoare", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "În prezent investigăm acest incident.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Continuăm să lucrăm la o remediere a acestui incident.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Am implementat o remediere și în prezent monitorizăm rezultatul.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Acest incident a fost rezolvat." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/rs.json b/rs.json index d4f002e..2902a43 100644 --- a/rs.json +++ b/rs.json @@ -224,5 +224,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Следећих месеци", "previousMonths": "Претходних месеци", "previousPage": "Претходна страница", - "nextPage": "Следећа страница" + "nextPage": "Следећа страница", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Тренутно истражујемо овај инцидент.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Настављамо да радимо на решавању овог инцидента.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Применили смо исправку и тренутно пратимо резултат.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Овај инцидент је решен." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ru.json b/ru.json index a8d7849..3cfad5b 100644 --- a/ru.json +++ b/ru.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Следующие месяцы", "previousMonths": "Предыдущие месяцы", "previousPage": "Предыдущая страница", - "nextPage": "Следующая страница" + "nextPage": "Следующая страница", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "В настоящее время мы расследуем этот инцидент.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Мы продолжаем работать над устранением этого инцидента.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Мы внесли исправление и в настоящее время отслеживаем результат.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Этот инцидент был урегулирован." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sl.json b/sl.json index cc32e9a..0627117 100644 --- a/sl.json +++ b/sl.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Naslednji meseci", "previousMonths": "Prejšnji meseci", "previousPage": "Prejšnja stran", - "nextPage": "Naslednja stran" + "nextPage": "Naslednja stran", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Trenutno preiskujemo ta incident.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Nadaljujemo z delom na popravku tega incidenta.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Izvedli smo popravek in trenutno spremljamo rezultat.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ta incident je bil rešen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sq.json b/sq.json index e5c15df..959fd97 100644 --- a/sq.json +++ b/sq.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Muajt e ardhshëm", "previousMonths": "Muajt e mëparshëm", "previousPage": "Faqja e mëparshme", - "nextPage": "Faqja tjetër" + "nextPage": "Faqja tjetër", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Aktualisht jemi duke hetuar këtë ngjarje.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ne po vazhdojmë të punojmë për korrigjimin e këtij incidenti.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ne kemi zbatuar një rregullim dhe aktualisht po monitorojmë rezultatin.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Kjo ngjarje është zbardhur." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sv.json b/sv.json index d647323..6772437 100644 --- a/sv.json +++ b/sv.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Nästa månader", "previousMonths": "Tidigare månader", "previousPage": "Föregående sida", - "nextPage": "Nästa sida" + "nextPage": "Nästa sida", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi utreder för närvarande denna händelse.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi fortsätter att arbeta med att åtgärda denna incident.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Vi implementerade en fix och övervakar för närvarande resultatet.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Denna incident har lösts." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tr.json b/tr.json index 1906a26..a4637ae 100644 --- a/tr.json +++ b/tr.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Önümüzdeki aylar", "previousMonths": "Önceki aylar", "previousPage": "Önceki sayfa", - "nextPage": "Sonraki sayfa" + "nextPage": "Sonraki sayfa", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Şu anda bu olayı araştırıyoruz.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Bu olayın çözümü için çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Bir düzeltme uyguladık ve şu anda sonucu izliyoruz.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Bu olay çözüldü." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uk.json b/uk.json index f16a9f5..3d364c4 100755 --- a/uk.json +++ b/uk.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Наступні місяці", "previousMonths": "Попередні місяці", "previousPage": "Попередня сторінка", - "nextPage": "Наступна сторінка" + "nextPage": "Наступна сторінка", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Зараз ми розслідуємо цей інцидент.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ми продовжуємо працювати над вирішенням цієї проблеми.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Ми впровадили виправлення та зараз стежимо за результатом.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Цей інцидент було вирішено." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vi.json b/vi.json index dae4941..dbeceda 100644 --- a/vi.json +++ b/vi.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "Những tháng tiếp theo", "previousMonths": "Những tháng trước", "previousPage": "Trang trước", - "nextPage": "Trang tiếp theo" + "nextPage": "Trang tiếp theo", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Chúng tôi hiện đang điều tra vụ việc này.", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Chúng tôi đang tiếp tục tìm cách khắc phục sự cố này.", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Chúng tôi đã triển khai bản sửa lỗi và hiện đang theo dõi kết quả.", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "Sự cố này đã được giải quyết." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/zh-tw.json b/zh-tw.json index c29fe88..4bc8c51 100644 --- a/zh-tw.json +++ b/zh-tw.json @@ -227,5 +227,9 @@ "nextMonths": "接下來的幾個月", "previousMonths": "前幾個月", "previousPage": "上一頁", - "nextPage": "下一頁" + "nextPage": "下一頁", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "目前我們正在調查這起事件。", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "我們正在繼續努力修復此事件。", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "我們實施了修復,目前正在監控結果。", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "此事件已解決。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/zh.json b/zh.json index b0afcc7..0475443 100644 --- a/zh.json +++ b/zh.json @@ -234,5 +234,9 @@ "nextMonths": "未来几个月", "previousMonths": "前几个月", "previousPage": "上一页", - "nextPage": "下一页" + "nextPage": "下一页", + "investigatingIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "我们目前正在调查此事件。", + "identifiedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "我们正在继续努力解决此事件。", + "monitoringIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "我们实施了修复,目前正在监控结果。", + "resolvedIncidentPlaceholderDescription": "此事件已解决。" } \ No newline at end of file