diff --git a/genval/modules/cuemod-argocd:v2.11.3/README.md b/genval/modules/cuemod-argocd:v2.11.3/README.md
index aaa29e2..2932974 100644
--- a/genval/modules/cuemod-argocd:v2.11.3/README.md
+++ b/genval/modules/cuemod-argocd:v2.11.3/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 # Genval workspace for managing Kubernertes configuration files
 This directory structure serves as a foundational workspace for generating and validating ArgoCD manifests.
 ├── input
 ├── policy
 └── README.md
-- `input` Directory: This directory is designated for storing all manifests that users intend to generate from or validate against specific Cuelang policies. When using the `genval cue` command, this directory should be specified with the `--reqinput` flag.
+- `input` directory: This directory is designated for storing all manifests that users intend to generate from or validate against specific Cuelang policies. When using the `genval cue` command, this directory should be specified with the `--reqinput` flag.
+- `policy` directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag.
-- `policy` Directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/genval/modules/cuemod-k8s:v1.30/README.md b/genval/modules/cuemod-k8s:v1.30/README.md
index 76be1e7..aaabba2 100644
--- a/genval/modules/cuemod-k8s:v1.30/README.md
+++ b/genval/modules/cuemod-k8s:v1.30/README.md
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ This directory structure serves as a foundational workspace for generating and v
 - `input` directory: This directory is designated for storing all manifests that users intend to generate from or validate against specific Cuelang policies. When using the `genval cue` command, this directory should be specified with the `--reqinput` flag.
-- `policy` directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions/policies, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag. The policy dir also containes all the dependencies required for writing policies for a specified technology via `genval cuemod init` command.
+- `policy` directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions/policies, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag.
diff --git a/genval/modules/cuemod-tektoncd:v0.60.2/README.md b/genval/modules/cuemod-tektoncd:v0.60.2/README.md
index b79afda..1a524e9 100644
--- a/genval/modules/cuemod-tektoncd:v0.60.2/README.md
+++ b/genval/modules/cuemod-tektoncd:v0.60.2/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Genval workspace for managing TektonCD configuration files
 This directory structure serves as a foundational workspace for generating and validating TektonCD manifests.
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ This directory structure serves as a foundational workspace for generating and v
 └── README.md
-- `input` Directory: This directory is designated for storing all manifests that users intend to generate from or validate against specific Cuelang policies. When using the `genval cue` command, this directory should be specified with the `--reqinput` flag.
+- `input` directory: This directory is designated for storing all manifests that users intend to generate from or validate against specific Cuelang policies. When using the `genval cue` command, this directory should be specified with the `--reqinput` flag.
+- `policy` directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag.
-- `policy` Directory: This directory is reserved for maintaining **Cuelang** definitions, referred to as policies in the context of Genval. When executing the `genval cue` command, this directory should be provided with the `--policy` flag.
\ No newline at end of file