Open Payme
Authorization servers grant permission to clients to access the Open Payments Resource APIs. This enables clients to create incoming payments, quotes, and outgoing payments against an account holder's account.
-Rafiki's [auth service](/integration/services/auth-service) provides you with a reference implementation of an Open Payments authorization server. You can use the service as an alternative to developing your own in-house solution. Additionally, the server extends an [API](#interaction-endpoints) that provides interaction endpoints for your IdP.
+Rafiki's [auth service](/integration/services/auth-service) provides you with a reference implementation of an Open Payments authorization server. We recommend you use the `auth` service rather than developing your own in-house solution.
+The authorization server also extends an [API](#interaction-endpoints) that provides interaction endpoints for your IdP.
### Environment variables
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ The following variables must be configured for the `auth` service.
| Variable | Helm value name | Default | Description |
| -------- | --------------- | ------- | ----------- |
-| `IDENTITY_SERVER_URL` | `auth.identityServer.domain` | N/A | The URL of your IdP's server, used by your authorization server to inform an Open Payments client of where to redirect the end-user to complete the interaction and authorize a grant. | Y |
+| `IDENTITY_SERVER_URL` | `auth.identityServer.domain` | N/A | The URL of your IdP's server, used by the authorization server to inform an Open Payments client of where to redirect the end-user to start interactions. | Y |
| `IDENTITY_SERVER_SECRET` | `auth.identityServer.secret` | N/A | A shared secret between your authorization and IdP servers that your authorization server will use to secure its IdP-related endpoints.
When your IdP sends requests to your authorization server, your IdP must provide the secret via an [`x-idp-secret`](#x-idp-secret-header) header. | Y |
| `INCOMING_PAYMENT_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.incomingPayment` | `false` | Indicates whether incoming payments grant requests are interactive. | Y |
| `INTERACTION_EXPIRY_SECONDS` | `auth.interactionExpirySeconds` | `600` | The time in seconds for which a user can interact with a grant request | Y |
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ We also provide an grant initialization request.
+Called by your IdP server to end the interaction. Your authorization server automatically redirects the end-user's browser session to the `finish` endpoint on Rafiki's `auth` service, which handles the interaction requests on your defined `INTERACTION PORT`.
-The `result` query parameter indicates the success or failure of the grant authorization. The following are examples of the possible response types.
+The `result` query parameter in the response indicates the success or failure of the grant authorization. The following are examples of the possible response types.
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ The `result` query parameter indicates the success or failure of the grant autho
-When successful, the SHA-256 hash of the interaction is sent in the response to the client, along with an `interact_ref` that identifies the interaction on the authorization server and the URI of the grant initialization request. The client must verify the hash before it will request to continue the grant
+When successful, the SHA-256 hash of the interaction is sent in the response to the client, along with an `interact_ref` that identifies the interaction on the authorization server and the URI of the grant initialization request. The client must verify the hash before it will request to continue the grant.
#### Continue grant
diff --git a/packages/documentation/src/partials/auth-variables.mdx b/packages/documentation/src/partials/auth-variables.mdx
index f2cb02005e..5d3b4dd0a7 100644
--- a/packages/documentation/src/partials/auth-variables.mdx
+++ b/packages/documentation/src/partials/auth-variables.mdx
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import { LinkOut } from '@interledger/docs-design-system'
| Variable | Helm value name | Default | Description |
| -------- | --------------- | ------- | ----------- |
`auth.postgresql.password` | `postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/auth_development` | The URL of the Postgres database storing your Open Payments grant data. For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
-| `AUTH_SERVER_URL` | `auth.server.domain` | _undefined_ | The public endpoint for your Rafiki instance’s public Open Payments routes. |
-| `COOKIE_KEY` | `auth.cookieKey` | _undefined_ | The koa KeyGrip key that is used to sign cookies for an interaction session. |
-| `IDENTITY_SERVER_URL` | `auth.identityServer.domain` | _undefined_ | The URL of your IdP's server, used by your authorization server to inform an Open Payments client of where to redirect the end-user to complete the interaction and authorize a grant. |
-| `IDENTITY_SERVER_SECRET` | `auth.identityServer.secret` | _undefined_ | The API key for fetching your identity (IdP) server endpoint. |
-| `REDIS_URL` | ``,
`auth.redis.port` | `redis://` | The connection URL for Redis. For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
`auth.postgresql.password` | `postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/auth_development` | The URL of the Postgres database storing your Open Payments grant data. For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
+| `AUTH_SERVER_URL` | `auth.server.domain` | _undefined_ | The public endpoint for your Rafiki instance’s public Open Payments routes. |
+| `COOKIE_KEY` | `auth.cookieKey` | _undefined_ | The koa KeyGrip key that is used to sign cookies for an interaction session. |
+| `IDENTITY_SERVER_URL` | `auth.identityServer.domain` | _undefined_ | The URL of your IdP's server, used by the authorization server to inform an Open Payments client of where to redirect the end-user to start interactions. |
+| `IDENTITY_SERVER_SECRET` | `auth.identityServer.secret` | _undefined_ | The API key for fetching your identity (IdP) server endpoint. |
+| `REDIS_URL` | ``,
`auth.redis.port` | `redis://` | The connection URL for Redis. For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
@@ -21,26 +21,26 @@ import { LinkOut } from '@interledger/docs-design-system'
| Variable | Helm value name | Default | Description |
| -------- | --------------- | ------- | ----------- |
-| `ACCESS_TOKEN_DELETION_DAYS` | `auth.accessToken.deletionDays` | `30` | The days until expired and/or revoked access tokens are deleted. |
-| `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SECONDS` | `auth.accessToken.expirySeconds` | `600` (10 minutes) | The expiry time, in seconds, for access tokens. |
-| `ADMIN_API_SIGNATURE_VERSION` | `auth.adminApi.signatureVersion` | `1` | The version of the request signing algorithm used to generate signatures. |
-| `ADMIN_API_SIGNATURE_TTL_SECONDS` | `auth.adminAPI.signatureTtlSeconds` | `30` | The TTL, in seconds, for which a request’s signature will be valid. |
-| `ADMIN_PORT` | `auth.port.admin` | `3003` | The port of your Rafiki Auth Admin API server. |
-| `AUTH_PORT` | `auth.port.auth` | `3006` | The port of your Open Payments authorization server. |
-| `DATABASE_CLEANUP_WORKERS` | `auth.workers.cleanup` | `1` | The number of workers processing expired or revoked access tokens. |
-| `ENABLE_MANUAL_MIGRATIONS` | `auth.enableManualMigrations` | `false` | When `true`, you must run the auth Postgres database manually with the command `npm run knex – migrate:latest –envproduction` |
-| `INCOMING_PAYMENT_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.incomingPayment` | `false` | When `true`, incoming Open Payments grant requests are interactive |
-| `INTERACTION_EXPIRY_SECONDS` | `auth.interactionExpirySeconds` | `600` (10 minutes) | The time, in seconds, for which a user can interact with a grant request before the request expires. |
-| `INTERACTION_PORT` | `auth.port.interaction` | `3009` | The port number of your Open Payments interaction-related APIs. |
-| `INTROSPECTION_PORT` | `auth.port.introspection` | `3007` | The port of your Open Payments access token introspection server. |
-| `LIST_ALL_ACCESS_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.listAll` | `true` | When `true`, grant requests that include a `list-all` action will require interaction. In these requests, the client asks to list resources that it did not create. |
-| `LOG_LEVEL` | `auth.logLevel` | `info` | Pino log level |
-| `NODE_ENV` | `auth.nodeEnv` | `development` | The type of node environment: `development`, `test`, or `production`. |
-| `QUOTE_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.quote` | `false` | When `true`, quote grants are interactive. |
-| `REDIS_TLS_CA_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsCaFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
-| `REDIS_TLS_CERT_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsCertFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
-| `REDIS_TLS_KEY_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsKeyFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
-| `TRUST_PROXY` | `auth.trustProxy` | `false` | When `true`, the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header is used to determine if connections are secure. |
-| `WAIT_SECONDS` | `auth.grant.waitSeconds` | `5` | The wait time, in seconds, included in a grant request response (`grant.continue`). |
+| `ACCESS_TOKEN_DELETION_DAYS` | `auth.accessToken.deletionDays` | `30` | The days until expired and/or revoked access tokens are deleted. |
+| `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SECONDS` | `auth.accessToken.expirySeconds` | `600` (10 minutes) | The expiry time, in seconds, for access tokens. |
+| `ADMIN_API_SIGNATURE_VERSION` | `auth.adminApi.signatureVersion` | `1` | The version of the request signing algorithm used to generate signatures. |
+| `ADMIN_API_SIGNATURE_TTL_SECONDS` | `auth.adminAPI.signatureTtlSeconds` | `30` | The TTL, in seconds, for which a request’s signature will be valid. |
+| `ADMIN_PORT` | `auth.port.admin` | `3003` | The port of your Rafiki Auth Admin API server. |
+| `AUTH_PORT` | `auth.port.auth` | `3006` | The port of your Open Payments authorization server. |
+| `DATABASE_CLEANUP_WORKERS` | `auth.workers.cleanup` | `1` | The number of workers processing expired or revoked access tokens. |
+| `ENABLE_MANUAL_MIGRATIONS` | `auth.enableManualMigrations` | `false` | When `true`, you must run the auth Postgres database manually with the command `npm run knex – migrate:latest –envproduction` |
+| `INCOMING_PAYMENT_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.incomingPayment` | `false` | When `true`, incoming Open Payments grant requests are interactive |
+| `INTERACTION_EXPIRY_SECONDS` | `auth.interactionExpirySeconds` | `600` (10 minutes) | The time, in seconds, for which a user can interact with a grant request before the request expires. |
+| `INTERACTION_PORT` | `auth.port.interaction` | `3009` | The port number of your Open Payments interaction-related APIs. |
+| `INTROSPECTION_PORT` | `auth.port.introspection` | `3007` | The port of your Open Payments access token introspection server. |
+| `LIST_ALL_ACCESS_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.listAll` | `true` | When `true`, grant requests that include a `list-all` action will require interaction. In these requests, the client asks to list resources that it did not create. |
+| `LOG_LEVEL` | `auth.logLevel` | `info` | Pino log level |
+| `NODE_ENV` | `auth.nodeEnv` | `development` | The type of node environment: `development`, `test`, or `production`. |
+| `QUOTE_INTERACTION` | `auth.interaction.quote` | `false` | When `true`, quote grants are interactive. |
+| `REDIS_TLS_CA_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsCaFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
+| `REDIS_TLS_CERT_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsCertFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
+| `REDIS_TLS_KEY_FILE_PATH` | `auth.redis.tlsKeyFile` | `''` | Redis TLS config |
+| `TRUST_PROXY` | `auth.trustProxy` | `false` | When `true`, the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header is used to determine if connections are secure. |
+| `WAIT_SECONDS` | `auth.grant.waitSeconds` | `5` | The wait time, in seconds, included in a grant request response (`grant.continue`). |