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             Version 11.0.0 is now released, read the ANNOUNCEMENT               


A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications

RxDB (short for Reactive Database) is a NoSQL-database for JavaScript Applications like Websites, hybrid Apps, Electron-Apps, Progressive Web Apps and Node.js. Reactive means that you can not only query the current state, but subscribe to all state changes like the result of a query or even a single field of a document. This is great for UI-based realtime applications in way that makes it easy to develop and also has great performance benefits. To replicate data between your clients and server, RxDB provides modules for realtime replication with any CouchDB compliant endpoint and also with custom GraphQL endpoints.

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💻📱 Multiplatform support for browsers, nodejs, electron, cordova, react-native and every other javascript-runtime
📨 Reactive data-handling based on RxJS
🚣 Offline first let your app still work when users have no internet
🔄 Replication between client and server-data, compatible with pouchdbPouchDB, couchdbCouchDB and cloudantIBM Cloudant. There is also a plugin for a GraphQL replication
📄 Schema-based with the easy-to-learn standard of json-schema
🍊 Mango-Query exactly like you know from mongoDB and mongoose
🔐 Encryption of single data-fields to protect your users data
📤📥 Import/Export of the database-state (json), awesome for coding with TDD
📡 Multi-Window to synchronise data between different browser-windows or nodejs-processes
💅 ORM-capabilities to easily handle data-code-relations and customize functions of documents and collections
🔷 Full TypeScript support for fast and secure coding (Requires Typescript v3.8 or higher)


RxDB is made so that you can use exactly the same code at

We optimized, double-checked and made boilerplates so you can directly start to use RxDB with frameworks like



npm install rxdb --save

# peerDependencies
npm install rxjs --save


import { 
} from 'rxdb';

// add the pouchdb indexeddb adapter

// create a database
const db = await createRxDatabase({
    // the name of the database
    name: 'heroesdb',
    // use pouchdb with the indexeddb-adapter as storage engine.
    storage: getRxStoragePouch('idb'),
    // optional password, used to encrypt fields when defined in the schema
    password: 'myLongAndStupidPassword'

// create collections
await db.addCollections({
  heroes: {
    schema: mySchema

// insert a document
db.heroes.insert({ name: 'Bob' });                          

Features (click to toggle)

Subscribe to query results

RxDB implements rxjs to make your data reactive. This makes it easy to always show the real-time database-state in the dom without manually re-submitting your queries.

  .$ // <- returns observable of query
  .subscribe( docs => {
    myDomElement.innerHTML = docs
      .map(doc => '<li>' + + '</li>')



When two instances of RxDB use the same storage-engine, their state and action-stream will be broadcasted. This means with two browser-windows the change of window #1 will automatically affect window #2. This works completely offline.



RxDB supports realtime replication with CouchDB compatible endpoints, or via GraphQL with custom endpoints. Also there is the replication primitives plugin that lets you implement replication via REST, Websockets, P2P or any other layer that can transmit data.



One big benefit of having a realtime database is that big performance optimizations can be done when the database knows a query is observed and the updated results are needed continuously. RxDB internally uses the Event-Reduce algorithm. This makes sure that when you update/insert/remove documents, the query does not have to re-run over the whole database but the new results will be calculated from the events. This creates a huge performance-gain with zero cost.


Imagine you have a very big collection with many user-documents. At your page you want to display a toplist with users which have the most points and are currently logged in. You create a query and subscribe to it.

const query = usersCollection.find().where('loggedIn').eq(true).sort('points');
query.$.subscribe(users => {
    document.querySelector('body').innerHTML = users
        .reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur.username+ '<br/>', '');

As you may detect, the query can take very long time to run, because you have thousands of users in the collection. When a user now logs off, the whole query will re-run over the database which takes again very long.

anyUser.loggedIn = false;

But not with the EventReduce. Now, when one user logs off, it will calculate the new results from the current results plus the RxChangeEvent. This often can be done in-memory without making IO-requests to the storage-engine. EventReduce not only works on subscribed queries, but also when you do multiple .exec()'s on the same query.


Schemas are defined via jsonschema and are used to describe your data.

const mySchema = {
    title: "hero schema",
    version: 0,                 // <- incremental version-number
    description: "describes a simple hero",
    primaryKey: 'name',         // <- 'name' is the primary key for the coollection, it must be unique, required and of the type string 
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        name: {
            type: "string"
        secret: {
            type: "string",
        skills: {
            type: "array",
            maxItems: 5,
            uniqueItems: true,
            item: {
                type: "object",
                properties: {
                    name: {
                        type: "string"
                    damage: {
                        type: "number"
    required: ["color"],
    encrypted: ["secret"] // <- this means that the value of this field is stored encrypted
Mango / Chained queries

RxDB can be queried by standard NoSQL mango queries, like you maybe know from other NoSQL Databases like mongoDB.

Also you can use the mquery api to create chained mango-queries.

// normal query
  selector: {
    name: {
      $ne: 'Alice'
    age: {
      $gt: 67
  sort: [{ age: 'desc' }],
  limit: 10

// chained query
  .exec().then( docs => {

By setting a schema-field to encrypted, the value of this field will be stored in encryption-mode and can't be read without the password. Of course you can also encrypt nested objects. Example:

  "title": "my schema",
  "properties": {
    "secret": {
      "type": "string",
      "encrypted": true
  "encrypted": [
Adapters and Storage

RxDB is not a self contained database. It is a wrapper arround another database that implements the `RxStorage` interface. At the moment you can either use PouchDB or Dexie.js or LokiJS as underlaying storage. Each of them respectively has it's own adapters that can be swapped out, depending on your needs. For example you can use and IndexedDB based storage in the browser, and an SQLite storage in your hybrid app.

import { 
} from 'rxdb/plugins/core';

 * Create a PouchDB based RxDB instance
 * that stores data in IndexedDB

import { 
} from 'rxdb/plugins/pouchdb';
const pouchBasedRxDB = await createRxDatabase({
    name: 'mydatabase',
    storage: getRxStoragePouch('idb')

 * Create a LokiJS based RxDB instance
 * that stores data in IndexedDB

import { 
} from 'rxdb/plugins/lokijs';
const LokiIncrementalIndexedDBAdapter = require('lokijs/src/incremental-indexeddb-adapter');
const lokiBasedRxDB = await createRxDatabase({
    name: 'mydatabase',
    storage: getRxStorageLoki({
        adapter: new LokiIncrementalIndexedDBAdapter(),
        autoload: true,
        autosave: true,
        autosaveInterval: 500

There is a big ecosystem of adapters you can use.

Import / Export

RxDB lets you import and export the whole database or single collections into json-objects. This is helpful to trace bugs in your application or to move to a given state in your tests.

// export a single collection
const jsonCol = await myCollection.dump();

// export the whole database
const jsonDB = await myDatabase.dump();

// import the dump to the collection
await emptyCollection.importDump(json);

// import the dump to the database
await emptyDatabase.importDump(json);

Imagine your website needs to get a piece of data from the server once every minute. To accomplish this task you create a websocket or pull-interval. If your user now opens the site in 5 tabs parallel, it will run the interval or create the socket 5 times. This is a waste of resources which can be solved by RxDB's LeaderElection.

  .then(() => {
      // this will only run when the instance becomes leader.
      mySocket = createWebSocket();

In this example the leader is marked with the crown ♛



Depending on which adapter and in which environment you use RxDB, client-side storage is limited in some way or the other. To save disc-space, RxDB uses a schema based keycompression to minimize the size of saved documents. This saves about 40% of used storage.


// when you save an object with big keys
await myCollection.insert({
  firstName: 'foo'
  lastName:  'bar'
  stupidLongKey: 5

// key compression will internally transform it to
  '|a': 'foo'
  '|b':  'bar'
  '|c': 5

// so instead of 46 chars, the compressed-version has only 28
// the compression works internally, so you can of course still access values via the original key.names and run normal queries.
// 'foo'

Getting started

Get started now by reading the docs or exploring the example-projects.

Pros and cons

Before you decide to use RxDB, or even before you decide to create an offline first application, read this:


Check out how you can contribute to this project. Read this when you have found a bug

Follow up

  • Follow RxDB on twitter to not miss the latest enhancements.
  • Join the chat on gitter for discussion.

Thank you

A big Thank you to every contributor of this project.

