draw series
- when clicked on checkbox in legend-item, it draws colorful series
- "" in yVar makes parseFloat(yVra) become 0 or NaN.
- when clicked on checkbox in legend-item, it draws colorful series
sort function
- when clicking on sort icons, sort legend items by name or score
- problem: casting number and string, NaN in numbers
- resolution: change sort function
- when clicking on sort icons, sort legend items by name or score
add bold
- when click on label, if drawn, make legend item and series bold
- make all non-bolds passive
- when removed, make passives active
- when click on label, if drawn, make legend item and series bold
add horizontal annotation
add mouse-over on series
- when mouse over, both legend item and line become bold
legendCheckboxHandler can be done when creating legend item from template
move all event handlers to inline in html
- each template element should have the event handlers
- why? then we do not need to worry about if the element populated when deploying the event handler
change sort function to have sort(by, direction) and make it inline for readability
git commit to invisement and tmo
change of y-axis to logarithm
- working data: db-ranking
- problems: y-axis range too wide, double-click: error
- added manual entries for x and y range
- changed double-click to closest row
draw upon reading query parameters
- setup easel
- read params and do actions
create view mode that does not have the header
add sort by importance (bold, check, uncheck)
#BUG: labels do not have color
add sorts to actions
combine two columns for slicer
- #HACK: for now, we use input (env/host/name), change it to multiple select
change header to "dataset: log y-var on x-var by slicer from to apply
checkbox to bold items
add query params for bold,check,uncheck,unbold
- bold=:tea means 1)filter tea 2)bold all 3)empty filter
combine url query parameters with dataset query parameters
- window.location.search + dataset.query
- for example if url has ?dataset=us-covid-vaccination&mode=view just do that graph in view mode
#BUG: y-min remains the same when changing dataset
#BUG: #TODO: #HERE: when choosing new dataset, old values are not reset, new ones added to old ones
- when new dataset selected, everything should be from scratch, including header
when changing y-var it draws the same graph
- write a function get snapshot to get bolds, selected
add title, x label, y label
reading from url
read from url with shortening url for datasets
use it for tmo operational chart
upload it for public view
add tooltip (title) to mouse on points
dialog to create actions
rewrite legend.filter function
- get condition and then apply to list of nodes
- right now, for each element, it evaluates the condition
- aggregator
- if data has state,city it can aggregate in state level with function sum,mean,etc
- Derivator: (us-states-covid dataset) make daily cases graph out of total: feasibility
- two-axis graph: put two columns in display
- Markdown editor
- summary table
- reference cell and data in markdown
- table editor (excel in markdow)
- add query parameter ui