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Subscription handling package for Laravel applications

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Add to your composer.json following lines

"require": {
	"ipunkt/subscriptions": "^1.0"

Run php artisan vendor:publish ipunkt/subscriptions

Then edit plans.php in config/plans.php to your needs. All known plans are still in there.

You can use the Subscription facade.

Run php artisan migrate to migrate the necessary database tables.


Plan configuration

//  @see src/config/plans.php
return [
	'PLAN-ID' => [
		'name' => 'TRIAL',
		'description' => 'Trial subscription.',
		'subscription_break' => 0,  // optional for preventing a subscription for X days after last subscription ends

The optional property 'subscription_break can be used to prevent a subscriber to subscribe to this plan before a configured count of days will be gone. This is for example to have a TRIAL plan which can be subscribed to only once a year.

Benefit configuration for a plan

//  @see src/config/plans.php
return [
	'PLAN-ID' => [
		// [..]    		
		'benefits' => [
			'feature-1' => [],  // feature is present
			'feature-2-countable' => [
				'min' => 10,    // feature is present and has margins/countable range
			'feature-3-countable' => [
				'min' => 10,
				'max' => 50,
			'feature-4-countable' => [
				'max' => 50,    // min is automatically 0 (zero)

Payment options for a plan

//  @see src/config/plans.php
return [
    'PLAN-ID' => [
        // [..]    		
        'payments' => [
                'price' => 1,           // for 1.00
                'quantity' => 12,       // in 12-times
                'days' => 30,           // of 30-days
                'methods' => ['paypal'], // allowed payment methods
                'price' => 2,           // for 2.00
                'quantity' => 12,       // in 12-times
                'days' => 30,           // of 30-days
                'methods' => ['paypal', 'invoice'],

Choosing a default plan for all subscribers

For setting a default plan to all subscribers you can use the src/config/defaults.php and set the id for the default plan. So every call on plan-based feature checking will resolve this default plan when the subscriber has no plan yet.


Getting all plans

/** @var Plan[] $plans */
$plans = Subscription::plans();

If you use the subscription break in your plan configuration, fetch all plans with the selectablePlans method. This checks the last subscription for each breaking plan.

/** @var Plan[] $plans */
$plans = Subscription::selectablePlans($this->user);

Getting the current plan for a subscriber

/** @var Plan|null $plan */
$plan = Subscription::plan($subscriber);

Does a subscription already exists for a subscriber

Subscription::exists($subscriber); // returns true when a subscription exists

Each plan can have benefits (features)

$plan->can('feature');               // returns true or false
$plan->can('countable-feature', 14); // returns true or false

Or use the Subscription facade instead to check against current subscription plan for a subscriber. This is recommended:

Subscription::can($subscriber, 'feature');               // returns true or false
Subscription::can($subscriber, 'countable-feature', 14); // returns true or false

Getting all possible payment options for a plan

/** @var PaymentOption[] $paymentOptions */
$paymentOptions = $plan->paymentOptions();

Creating a new subscription

/** creating a subscription for a subscriber, maybe the current authenticated user */
$subscription = Subscription::create($plan, $paymentOption, SubscriptionSubscriber $subscriber);

For creating a subscription you have to give the Plan or the id of a plan and the selected PaymentOption or the identifier for the payment option. The $subscriber is the entity the subscription belongs to. This can be any morphable eloquent object.

After a subscription was created successfully an event of type Ipunkt\Subscriptions\Subscription\Events\SubscriptionWasCreated gets fired.

The underlying repository controls for duplicates itself. So for existing subscriptions it will update the current subscription and fires an event of type Ipunkt\Subscriptions\Subscription\Events\SubscriptionWasUpdated instead.

You can upgrade the subscription to any other plan. The same method Subscription::create() handles this upgrade.

The fired events have both the current subscription, the selected plan and the payment option as properties. So you can listen on these events and do your own stuff.

Getting the current subscription for a subscriber

/** @var Subscription|null $subscription */
$subscription = Subscription::current($subscriber);

Check subscriber on a Trial

/** be careful because current() can return null when no subscription existing */
$onTrial = Subscription::current($subscriber)->onTrial();

Check subscription paid

$subscription = Subscription::current($subscriber);
$isPaid = $subscription->paid(); // or Subscription::paid($subscriber);

Getting all periods for a subscription

/** @var Period[] $periods */
$periods = $subscription->periods;

Userland code

Fitting in you controllers

We use the laracasts/commander package for handling business commands and events.

class SubscriptionsController extends \Controller
     * use commandbus to execute commands
    use Laracasts\Commander\CommanderTrait;
    // display an overview of all subscriptions
    public function index()
        $subscribed = Subscription::exists($this->user);// $this->user represents a SubscriptionSubscriber interface
        if ( ! $subscribed) {
            $plans = Subscription::selectablePlans($this->user);    // unselectable plans filtered out already
            $defaultPlan = Subscription::plan($this->user);

            return View::make('subscriptions.create', compact('plans', 'defaultPlan'));

        $plan = Subscription::plan($this->user);
        $subscription = Subscription::current($this->user);

        $paid = $subscription->paid();

        $subscriptions = Subscription::all($this->user);

        return View::make('subscriptions.index', compact('subscribed', 'plan', 'subscription', 'subscriptions', 'paid'));
    //  create a plan (form)
    public function create($plan)
        $plan = Subscription::findPlan($plan);

        $subscription = Subscription::all($this->user)->last();
        if (null !== $subscription && $subscription->subscription_ends_at->isPast())
            $subscription = null;

        $startDate = (null === $subscription) ? Carbon::now() : $subscription->subscription_ends_at->addSeconds(1);

        return View::make('subscriptions.create_plan', compact('plan', 'startDate'));
    //  store the plan as subscription for user
    public function store()
        try {
        } catch (FormValidationException $e)
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors());

        $plan = Subscription::findPlan(Input::get('plan'));
        if (null === $plan)
            throw (new ModelNotFoundException('No plan ' . Input::get('plan') . ' found.'))->setModel(Plan::class);

        $this->execute(CreateSubscriptionCommand::class, Input::all());


        return Redirect::route('subscriptions.index');

And the corresponding command CreateSubscriptionCommandHandler is here (The CreateSubscriptionCommand is only a DTO for the input values):

class CreateSubscriptionCommandHandler implements Laracasts\Commander\CommandHandler
	use Laracasts\Commander\Events\DispatchableTrait;
     * authenticated user
     * @var \Illuminate\Auth\Guard
    private $auth;

     * @param AuthManager $auth
    public function __construct(\Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager $auth)
        $this->auth = $auth;
     * Handle the command
     * @param CreateSubscriptionCommand $command
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($command)
        /** @var User|SubscriptionSubscriber $user */
        $user = $this->auth->user();

        //  store invoice data
        //  create subscription
        $subscription = Subscription::create($command->plan, $command->payment_option, $user);

        //  fire event for "subscription created" or "subscription updated"

Nearly the same you have to do for extending or upgrading a plan. You can use the same command, handler and controller action. The subscription repository handles automatically an update or create for a subscription plan.

Registering a Listener

# in your app/listeners.php for example
Event::listen('Ipunkt.Subscriptions.Subscription.Events.*', 'App\Subscriptions\Listeners\EmailNotifier');

//  we use the laracasts/commander package, so you can inform you about a listener too
class EmailNotifier extends Laracasts\Commander\Events\EventListener
     * will be called when event SubscriptionWasCreated was fired
     * @param SubscriptionWasCreated $event
    public function whenSubscriptionWasCreated(SubscriptionWasCreated $event)
        //  do something when a subscription was created (a new plan was set up and no plan exists before 
        //  or every plan subscription before was in the past)

     * will be called when event SubscriptionWasUpdated was fired
     * @param SubscriptionWasUpdated $event
    public function whenSubscriptionWasUpdated(SubscriptionWasUpdated $event)
        //  do something when a subscription was updated (e.g. smaller plan before gets upgraded to a more-featured
        //  plan or a subscription was extended to get longer running)