Potentially the most boring person in the universe.
Iowa State University of Science & Technology
- Ames, IA, USA
PBMC-ShinyApp Public
Forked from kapoormuskan/PBMC-ShinyAppOKD Deployment Dev Fork
R UpdatedNov 21, 2022 -
singularity-py-ovirtsdk Public
A singularity file that installs CentOS 8 and the oVirt Python SDK.
UpdatedApr 16, 2021 -
RepeatMasker Public
Forked from Dfam-consortium/RepeatMaskerRepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences.
Perl Other UpdatedJun 7, 2019 -
spack Public
Forked from spack/spackA flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
Python Other UpdatedMay 14, 2019 -
inkpulp-quota Public
A simple, command line, PaperCut compatible quota checking tool for linux.
Python UpdatedJan 23, 2018 -
spinoff Public
Forked from isubit/spinoffexec as a content type. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS ALRIGHT IT WOULD BE A BAD MOVE
JavaScript UpdatedNov 22, 2017 -
SD_may1701_EM Public
Forked from zyuisu/SD_may1701_EMJava GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2017