This SDK enables you to tokenize card data natively from your iOS application to our PCI-certified servers.
Replace identifiers gatewayHost
and tokenizationHost
in Info.plist
file with your dedicated host names
Build a CardData
object with card number ("pan"), CVV/CVC code ("cvv"), card holder, exipiration month and year.
Instantiate the TokenizationApi
class with your public integration key (and optionally hostname, if different than production environment) and call
on that.
#import <GpcTokenizationSdk.h>
// Preprate cardData
CardData *cardData = [[CardData alloc] init];
cardData.pan = @"CARD NUMBER";
cardData.cvv = @"CVV";
cardData.cardHolder = @"CARD HOLDER";
cardData.expirationMonth = [NSNumber numberWithInt:4];
cardData.expirationYear = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2025];
// Initialize API object
TokenizationApi *api = [[TokenizationApi alloc] initWithPublicIntegrationKey:@"PUBLIC_INTEGRATION_KEY"];
// Tokenize cardData
[api tokenizeCardData:cardData onComplete:^(Token *token) {
// Tokenization successful
NSLog(@"Success, token is: %@ ; fingerprint: %@",
} onError:^(NSError *error) {
// Errors occurred
NSLog(@"Error occurred: Code %d", error.code);
[error.userInfo enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSErrorUserInfoKey _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
NSLog(@"Field %@, Message: %@", key, obj);
- iOS 9.0 or higher
- Xcode 8.0 or higher (to build source)
- none