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+layout: post
+title: Zen Of Threat Modeling
+author: Izar Tarandach
These are the observations of the warrior monk Itzairo Taran-Da-Chi, of the CTM-Ryu school, musing about the experiences and people along the road to Reasonable Security.
The man who threat models his friends' systems will collect the bounty. But the man who threat models his own systems will sleep the whole night.
Life is navigating your own threat model and only appearing on other people's as a mitigation to threats.
What is the color of what you're building? What is the taste of what could go wrong? What sounds does what you can do about it makes? A threat model fulfills every sense.
You did good if you did well.
Before threat modeling, chop wood, carry water. After threat modeling, chop wood, carry water.
If a threat turns into a vulnerability but there was no impact, was it a threat?
What sound does a no-alert design make?
A threat model of a thousand systems begins with a single question.
The threat model pointing at the flaw is not the flaw.
Threat model rather than be threatened by a model.
When the mind becomes still, the design sings and the flaws cough.
A life well threat modeled is a life well lived.
You can ask a LLM, but it can't answer.
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