- 🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud
- 💬 I like to talk about Economy, Geopolitics and Spirituality
- Technology and software
- Science
- Spirituality
- Geopolitics
- Meditation (instagram)
- Nature
I create and / or improve software products as well as offer IT services
- 💻 Any freelance work or know more of my? visit my Web Site
- 👀 Do you just want to know me a little more? Follow me on my social networks
📊 Proficiency
C# ███████████████████ 75 %
Python ██████████████ 55 %
PHP ██████████████████████ 85 %
Java ████████ 35 %
HTML ██████████████████ 85 %
CSS ██████████████ 65 %
JavaScript ████████████ 55 %
SQL ████████████████████ 90 %