Login to your Vcenter
1- Create a new virtual machine.
2- Choose a name for your virtual machine template.
3- Select a temporary compute resource for the virtual machine.
4- Select a datastore for the virtual machine.
5- Select the vSphere compatibility for the virtual machine.
6- Select "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)" as guest OS for the virtual machine.
7- Change the type of the SCSI controller to "VMware Paravirtual".
8- Choose a temporary network for the virtual machine.
9- Add the Ubuntu 18.04 ISO to the CD/DVD drive of the virtual machine.
10- Connect the CD/DVD drive at boot.
11- Finish the hardware customization of the virtual machine.
12- Validate the creation of the virtual machine.
13- Power on the virtual machine.
14- Launch the vSphere web console.
Install Ubuntu.
1- Remove the temporary network configuration.
$ sudo rm /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
2- Prevent cloud config from preserving the hostname.
$ sudo vim /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
preserve_hostname: true
3- Power off the Ubuntu virtual machine.
$ sudo shutdown now
4- Edit the settings of the virtual machine.
5- Set the network card back to "VM Network".
6- Set the CD/DVD drive back to "Client Device".
7- Validate the modification.
Convert the virtual machine to a vSphere template.
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply