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195 lines (142 loc) · 6.01 KB

File metadata and controls

195 lines (142 loc) · 6.01 KB

Pipeline walkthrough

  • For convenience in validating the pipeline, we list all shell commands executed by the pipeline below (cut-and-pasted from snakemake -np).

  • This is for a running example with the following input files:

  • Numbering of pipeline stages follows the following diagram.

Workflow Version 7

1. Concatenate and sort R1 and R2 reads

        zcat -f sample1/data/MT-swab-Iran-Liverpool-pool1_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
	     sample1/data/MT-swab-Iran-Liverpool-pool2_S7_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
	| paste - - - - \
	| sort -k1,1 -t " " \
	| tr "\t" "\n" \
	| gzip \
	> sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R1.fastq.gz

        zcat -f sample1/data/MT-swab-Iran-Liverpool-pool1_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz \
	     sample1/data/MT-swab-Iran-Liverpool-pool2_S7_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz \
	| paste - - - - \
	| sort -k1,1 -t " " \
	| tr "\t" "\n" \
	| gzip \
	> sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R2.fastq.gz
  • Note: Using zcat -f force to support gzipped and ungzipped files isn't elegant but does work.

2. FastQC analysis of untrimmed reads

        fastqc sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R1.fastq.gz 2>sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R1_fastqc.log
        fastqc sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R2.fastq.gz 2>sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R2_fastqc.log

3. Removing host DNA

    bwa mem against pre-indexed human genome
    removal of any read with hit mapq >= 30 against human reference

        # Convert to fastq
        bedtools bamtofastq -i sample1/host_removed/both_ends_mapped_nsorted.bam \
	  -fq sample1/host_removed/R1.fastq \
	  -fq2 sample1/host_removed/R2.fastq

        gzip sample1/host_removed/R1.fastq
        gzip sample1/host_removed/R2.fastq
  • Note: using MN908947.3 reference genome here.
  • Threshold was chosen by quick analysis of the small numbers of reads which mapped to both host and viral references. Of those problematic reads, the majority had only a weak map against the human reference and a 60 MAPQ against the viral reference. The threshold means those reads shouldn't be removed.

4. TrimGalore (sequencing adapter trimming and fastqc)

    trim_galore --quality 20 --length 30  -o sample1/adapter_trimmed --cores 2 --fastqc --paired sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R1.fastq.gz sample1/combined_raw_fastq/R2.fastq.gz 2> sample1/adapter_trimmed/trim_galore.log
  • Note: Autodetecting the sequencing primers here (NexteraPE in example).

5. Map reads to viral reference

    bwa mem against MN908947.3 reference

6. Amplicon primer removal

    ivar trim -e {scheme.bed}

7. Extract Primer-free Mapping Reads

    samtools/bedtools bamtofastq

8. Consensus Assembly

        samtools mpileup -A -d 100000 -Q0 \
            sample1/host_removed/both_ends_mapped_lsorted.bam \
        | ivar consensus -t 0.75 -m 10 -n N \
            -p sample1/consensus/virus.consensus \
  • Question: In the 'consensus' rule, the command-line help for ivar consensus recommends passing the -aa flag to samtools mpileup, but the ncov2019-artic workflow doesn't use this flag (source). Which is better?

9. Variant Detection

        samtools mpileup -A -d 0 \
            --reference /home/kmsmith/data/MN908947_3.fasta \
            -B -Q 0 \
            sample1/host_removed/both_ends_mapped_lsorted.bam \
        | ivar variants \
            -r /home/kmsmith/data/MN908947_3.fasta \
            -m 10 -p sample1/ivar_variants/ivar_variants -q 20 -t 0.25

10. Variants and Clinical Diagnostic Primer Detection

breseq --reference /home/kmsmith/data/ \
	  --num-processors 1 --polymorphism-prediction --brief-html-output \
	  --output sample1/breseq \
	  sample1/host_removed/R1.fastq.gz \
	  sample1/host_removed/R2.fastq.gz \
	  >sample1/breseq/breseq.log 2>&1
  • Note: for steps 8-9 we do a single breseq run, with genome made by Jalees, which contains both the reference (MN908947.3) and clinical diagnostic primers.

  • Note: using MN908947.3 reference genome here.

11. Coverage Depth Analysis

       bedtools genomecov -d -ibam \
          sample1/coverage/output.bam \

  • Note: Add postprocessing of depth file (eg compute min/max/median)? Replaced ngsCAT with bedtools to generate per-base coverage.

  • Note: On test data, I find that the first ~200 base pairs have zero coverage. Is that normal? Should we trim initial zeros?

12. Kraken2 Taxonomic QC

    cd sample2/kraken2 
    kraken2 --db covid-19-signal/data/Kraken2/db --threads 1 --quick \
        --unclassified-out unclassified-sequences# \
        --classified-out classified-sequences# \
        --output kraken2.out --paired --gzip-compressed \
            ../../sample2/adapter_trimmed/R1_val_1.fq.gz \
            ../../sample2/adapter_trimmed/R2_val_2.fq.gz \
            --report report 2>../../sample2/kraken2/kraken2.log

13. Assembly Quality Control

        quast sample1/consensus/virus.consensus.fa \
	    -r /home/kmsmith/data/MN908947_3.fasta \
	    -g /home/kmsmith/data/MN908947_3.gff3 \
	    --output-dir sample1/quast \
	    --threads 1 \

14. Viral Read Quality Control

        fastqc sample1/mapped_clean_reads/sample1_R1.fastq.gz sample1/mapped_clean_reads/sample1_R2.fastq.gz

Postprocessing Report

Postprocessing report script that summarisied outputs

Optional invocation of ncov-tools to generate phylogenies and alternative summary plots.

Future Development

  • Upload to GISAID
  • Upload to SRA