Run the initialising function to:
Create an array with the grid squares, with randomly situated mines, numbered squares adjacent to mines, and empty squares
render the starting grid with:
- empty, numbered and mined squares hidden
- event listener on the whole grid, listening for left-clicks and right clicks
- a countdown clock above grid
- the number of flags still to place above grid
- a smiley emoji button to reset above grid
All squares start with "hidden" class
if first click, start countdown clock
if square contains mine:
- render revealed grid with all unrevealed mines, correct flags, incorrect flags, numbered squares and empty squares
- turn face to sick face
if square contians no mines:
- change square class to 'shown'
- Turn all empty adjacent squares class to 'shown'
- Turn all subsqueently adjacent empty squares to 'shown' up to and including any numbered squares, or the edge of the grid
render grid as per classes and wait for click
- change value of square in array to "flagged correct" or "flagged incorrect"
- reduce flag count by 1
- render grid and wait for click
- render revealed grid
- turn emoji to sick-face
- remove event-listener
- call initialising function
- turn emoji to sunglasses face
- stop timer
- remove event-listener