cp = 1005 Specific heat capacity of dry air (J/K/kg)
eps = 0.622 Ratio of molecular weights of water and dry air
e0 = 611.213 Saturation vapour pressure at Tm (Pa)
g = 9.81 Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
hcap_ice = 2100. Specific heat capacity of ice (J/K/kg)
hcap_wat = 4180. Specific heat capacity of water (J/K/kg)
hcon_air = 0.025 Thermal conductivity of air (W/m/K)
hcon_clay = 1.16 Thermal conductivity of clay (W/m/K)
hcon_ice = 2.24 Thermal conducivity of ice (W/m/K)
hcon_sand = 1.57 Thermal conductivity of sand (W/m/K)
hcon_wat = 0.56 Thermal conductivity of water (W/m/K)
Lc = 2.501e6 Latent heat of condensation (J/kg)
Lf = 0.334e6 Latent heat of fusion (J/kg)
Ls = Lc + Lf Latent heat of sublimation (J/kg)
R = 8.3145 Universal gas constant (J/K/mol)
Rgas = 287 Gas constant for dry air (J/K/kg)
Rwat = 462 Gas constant for water vapour (J/K/kg)
rho_ice = 917. Density of ice (kg/m^3)
rho_wat = 1000. Density of water (kg/m^3)
sb = 5.67e-8 Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m^2/K^4)
Tm = 273.15 Melting point (K)
vkman = 0.4 Von Karman constant
alb Albedo
CH Transfer coefficient for heat and moisture
Dz1 Surface layer thickness (m)
gs Surface moisture conductance (m/s)
ksurf Surface thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
Ts1 Surface layer temperature (K)
z0 Surface roughness length (m)