三秒內常見的 Shell 中設定 Rick Roll !
當你朋友登入 Shell 時就會被 Rick Roll :-)
Setup Rick Roll Shell in your friend's Terminal in a second!
Syntax: rick.sh [options...]
-h, --help display this help and exit
-s, --shell select shell type {bash,zsh,csh,ksh,tcsh,fish}
-f, --folder select dot folder to hide rickroll.sh (defult: ~/.vim folder)
-c, --config select shell configuration file
-r, --roll run rickroll.sh
Add "$SHELL /path/to/.FOLDER/rickroll.sh" to the beginning of shell configuration file
rickroll.sh will be copy to /path/to/.FOLDER folder
./rick.sh <enter> # interative mode
./rick.sh -s zsh -f ~/.vim -c ~/.zshrc # setup with options
./rick.sh --shell bash --folder ~/project/.vscode --config ~/.bashrc # setup with long options
./rick.sh -s bash -f ~/.npm # use defult bash configuration file ( ~/.bashrc)