Sometimes, I gather up wallpapers and make them timed (to work in GNOME). I then delete, or reinstall, and lose the work.
I decided to save those wallpapers here. All rights on those images go out to the original creators.
Source: Louis Coyle
Place the directories in either /usr/share/backgrounds/
or ~/.local/share/backgrounds/
and select the timed.xml
using GNOME Tweaks
GIF Images have been generated using:
# Exodus
convert -resize 20% -delay 120 -loop 0 Exodus-morning.jpeg Exodus-afternoon.jpeg Exodus-evening.jpeg Exodus-night.jpeg exodus_preview.gif
# Lakeside
convert -resize 20% -delay 120 -loop 0 lakeside-morning.png lakeside-afternoon.png lakeside-evening.png lakeside-night.png lakeside_preview.gif