index 830a555..a5dd91c 100755
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ Enhances:
- randomForest
+ randomForest,
+ stargazer,
+ gdata
Encoding: UTF-8
diff --git a/Slides/Intro_PSA.R b/Slides/Intro_PSA.R
index eadb62d..6f22efb 100644
--- a/Slides/Intro_PSA.R
+++ b/Slides/Intro_PSA.R
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
##### Setup
# Installing the `psa` package with dependencies = 'Enhances' should install
-# all the dependencies for the workshop. Uncomment to run the command once per
-# R installation.
+# all the dependencies for the workshop. Remove the comment to run the command
+# once per R installation.
# remotes::install_github('jbryer/psa', build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = 'Enhances')
diff --git a/Slides/Intro_PSA.Rmd b/Slides/Intro_PSA.Rmd
index ce1fa6d..fc80e70 100755
--- a/Slides/Intro_PSA.Rmd
+++ b/Slides/Intro_PSA.Rmd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: "Estimating Causal Effects with Observational Data"
-subtitle: "Propensity Score Analysis with R"
+title: "Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R"
+# subtitle: "Propensity Score Analysis with R"
author: "Jason Bryer, Ph.D."
# date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
diff --git a/Slides/Intro_PSA.html b/Slides/Intro_PSA.html
index 4e695d9..0946013 100755
--- a/Slides/Intro_PSA.html
+++ b/Slides/Intro_PSA.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- Estimating Causal Effects with Observational Data
+ Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
-# Estimating Causal Effects with Observational Data
-## Propensity Score Analysis with R
+# Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R
### Jason Bryer, Ph.D.
-### Last updated: July 04, 2023
+### Last updated: July 06, 2023
@@ -504,12 +504,13 @@
## # A tibble: 4 × 11
-## x1 x2 x3 treatment outcome ps strata5 ate_weight att_weight atc_weight atm_weight
-## <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
-## 1 1.35 0.744 FALSE 0 1.46 0.725 C 3.63 2.63 1 1
-## 2 0.149 1.55 TRUE 0 -0.924 0.790 D 4.76 3.76 1 1
-## 3 2.47 2.39 TRUE 1 -0.0527 0.982 E 1.02 1 0.0181 0.0181
-## 4 2.29 1.66 TRUE 1 1.05 0.922 D 1.08 1 0.0844 0.0844
+## x1 x2 x3 treatment outcome ps strata5 ate_weight att_weight
+## <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
+## 1 1.35 0.744 FALSE 0 1.46 0.725 C 3.63 2.63
+## 2 0.149 1.55 TRUE 0 -0.924 0.790 D 4.76 3.76
+## 3 2.47 2.39 TRUE 1 -0.0527 0.982 E 1.02 1
+## 4 2.29 1.66 TRUE 1 1.05 0.922 D 1.08 1
+## # ℹ 2 more variables: atc_weight <dbl>, atm_weight <dbl>
@@ -1272,56 +1273,56 @@
## Stratification Results:
## Complete estimate = 1587
## Complete CI = [224, 2950]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1581
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1529
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [258, 2904]
-## 69% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
-## 69% positive.
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1636
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1659
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [269, 3002]
+## 62% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
+## 62% positive.
## 0% negative.
## ctree Results:
## Complete estimate = 1598
## Complete CI = [-6.62, 3203]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1517
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1533
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [249, 2785]
-## 40.5% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
-## 40.5% positive.
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1506
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1485
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [84.4, 2927]
+## 41.3% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
+## 41.3% positive.
## 0% negative.
## rpart Results:
## Complete estimate = 1332
## Complete CI = [-295, 2959]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1455
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1492
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [-200, 3110]
-## 29% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
-## 29% positive.
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1506
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1537
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [-250, 3262]
+## 34% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
+## 34% positive.
## 0% negative.
## Matching Results:
## Complete estimate = 1827
## Complete CI = [1210, 2444]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1445
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1460
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [-353, 3243]
-## 87% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
-## 86% positive.
-## 1% negative.
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1564
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1539
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [-154, 3282]
+## 90% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
+## 90% positive.
+## 0% negative.
## MatchIt Results:
## Complete estimate = 2031
## Complete CI = [797, 3266]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1862
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1866
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [571, 3153]
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1874
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1858
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [427, 3321]
## 77% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
## 77% positive.
## 0% negative.
## Weighting Results:
## Complete estimate = 1641
## Complete CI = [380, 2902]
-## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1587
-## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1547
-## Bootstrap pooled CI = [239, 2934]
-## 72% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
-## 72% positive.
+## Bootstrap pooled estimate = 1614
+## Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = 1570
+## Bootstrap pooled CI = [234, 2993]
+## 70% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.
+## 70% positive.
## 0% negative.
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