- Updated to use new web service URLs for data.
- Updated some labeling.
- Merged maps to single interface with layer chooser.
- Made initial extent a configurable option.
- Changed default initial extent for QFaultMap.
- Abstracted source to use a FaultMap and QFaultMap JS class.
- Added support for 2014 hazard fault data services.
- Migrated project structure to support local development.
- Corrected display output fields for hazfault.
- Removed legend header from qfault.
- Rounded fault length to nearest 0.1 kilometer.
- Restricted max zoom level for map to L11.
- Remove link to more information when that information does not exist.
- Default zoom on qfault page now includes AK and Conterminous US.
- Change legend titles to be more descriptive.
- Fixed url to Arc GIS tile services. In Arc 10.x we do not need to include the image file format extension.
- Initial deployment of application. Provides basic map-based interface for quaternary, 2002 hazard, and 2008 hazard fault data.