Releases: jdf2e/nutui-react
Releases · jdf2e/nutui-react
- ✨ feat(form): validateFields 挂到实例上 (#1813) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat(table): 增加table锁定头部、左侧列、右侧列 (#1775) @zhehu1
- 🐛 fix(Button): incorrect color for danger (#1809) @vczyh
- 🐛 fix(cascader): 增加 ref 上的 open 和 close 方法,支持 form 中使用 (#1799) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(datepicker): 受控模式不生效 (#1797) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(infiniteloading): scrollview 的 scrolltop 不应该根据高度设置 (#1804) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(pulltorefresh): icon 部分拆到demo中 (#1812) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(tabbaritem): 将 clone 子元素的方法,改为 context 的方式,隐藏内部使用的 props,精简对外暴露的 props 类型 (#1811) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(tabs): 导航滚动到可视范围需要显示指定 name,调整为内置 uuid 替代 name (#1800) @oasis-cloud
- 🔨 chore: use svg64 in taro (#1805) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(cascader): 动态加载文档代码与 demo 保持一致,回显已选数据 (#1787) @LING_ZI_QING
- ✨ feat(fixednav): add the list icon for ReactNode (#1786) @sunsunmonkey
- 🐛 fix(cascader): second column data cannot be displayed (#1796) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: popup minheight for iPhone14 pro max (#1795) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: toast duration too long (#1794) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(swiper): implementing sliding logic through useTouch (#1793) @oasis-cloud
- 🛠 refactor: 类型文件统一为 types,增加 fixednavitem 类型 (#1789) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(searchbar): 小程序环境不支持 * 选择器,将 * 展开为 div、span、svg (#1777) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: jmapp variables (#1776) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: icon 使用方式错误 (#1778) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: 使用 popup 的组件,采用 scrollview 实现 (#1782) @oasis-cloud
- 🔨 chore(config): demo 的配置文件中增加 css 主题 (#1765) @oasis-cloud
- 🔨 chore(deps): update dependency @nutui/icons-* to 0.0.5 (#1767) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(avatar): 修改demo值,改为可支持变量 (#1752) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(checkbox): checkedIcon 改为 activeIcon (#1724) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(countdown): 修复文档中的文案多语言化 (#1723) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(form): 文档增加 useForm 的示例 (#1708) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(overlay): 文档优化 (#1706) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(picker): fix docs (#1740) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(popup): 禁止滚动穿透示例 (#1769) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(pulltorefresh): 增加 scrollTop 相关 demo (#1755) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(table): 修改文档 (#1731) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(tour): fix tour demo (#1759) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs: address and collapse doc icons (#1692) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs: fix docs (#1678) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(calendarcard): 限制范围时禁止面板切换 (#1688) @eiinu
- ✨ feat(checkbox): add button mode (#1738) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(empty): adds title,size,and actions (#1697) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(example): add with-rsbuild example (#1661) @kurisu
- ✨ feat(form): 增加上下结构的展示的demo (#1729) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(infiniteloading): 优化布局,添加css变量,增加demo (#1760) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(navbar): 增加标题左对齐方式,优化左侧icon的布局,调整className类 名和css 变量 (#1750) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(pagination): add lite mode and css variable (#1743) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(popover): 新增属性 action,简化css 变量 (#1747) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(popup): 增加description属性,调整从底部弹出时的样式,默认为 round 模式 (#1749) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(searchbar): 增加属性 backable 可返回,简化css变量 (#1736) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(tabs): 新增模式 divider 及 demo (#1761) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(tabs): 新增简约,卡片,按钮/胶囊模式,简化CSS变量,变更className类 名 (#1727) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat: add dashed and rightIcon, and changed fill default value as outline (#1695) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat: theme updated to v12 (#1573) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat: update icons (#1693) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat: 收敛 icons (#1687) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(calendar): 日历设置结束时间超过开始时间后白屏 (#1745) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(datepicker): 起始时间与结束时间更新后,时间选项数组更新 (#1694) @学友
- 🐛 fix(dialog): 调整dialog button大小 (#1720) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(form): 设置 errorMessageAlign="right" 错误文案无法右对齐 (#1709) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(form): 重置功能无法清空报错信息 (#1711) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(image): 修复开启 lazy 后 loading 失效问题 (#1768) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(indicator): 修订样式名称和样式变量 (#1712) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(swiper): demo 中分页器样式显示错误 (#1703) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: address close icon cannot be customed (#1685) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: change drag demo radius value of button (#1701) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: picker 和 address 在 form 中使用,未阻止冒泡,导致取消和确认无法关闭 (#1710) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: 对使用icon的demo 进行了size 设置的废弃,使用了默认size (#1728) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: 调整demo中button大小,调整stoke的默认颜色 (#1717) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(cell): 修订类名 (#1722) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(numberkeyboard): 修订类名和样式变量 (#1719) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(swipe): 修订className类名 (#1715) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(switch): 修改样式名称及样式变量,添加相应demo (#1714) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(table): props 中的 data 校验逻辑异常 (#1675) @oasis-cloud
- 🛠 refactor(timeselect): 优化结构,简化css变量 (#1732) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor: css 变量命名规范(主题色部分,不含灰阶) (#1679) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor: rename card classname (#1700) @xiaoyatong
style(button): class 名 nut-button__warp 更改为 nut-button-wrap (#1705) @xiaoyatong
style(calendar): 优化css变量 (#1753) @xiaoyatong
style(cascader): 去掉无意义样式,修订文档样式变量 (#1757) @xiaoyatong
style(circleprogress): docs 优化,修订 css 变量 (#1699) @xiaoyatong
style(collapse): add border-bottom as an item (#1698) @xiaoyatong
style(fixednav): 废弃 bem 规范, 修订 css 变量 (#1702) @xiaoyatong
style(input): 增加css 变量,优化demo和文档 (#1730) @xiaoyatong
style(inputnumber): 简化css变量,修订className类名 (#1737) @xiaoyatong
style(loading): 修订css变量名,补充css变量文档 (#1721) @xiaoyatong
style(menu): 优化css变量命名,修改className 类名 (#1746) @xiaoyatong
style(noticebar): 修订类名和css变量 (#1751) @xiaoyatong
style(notify): 优化样式布局 (#1762) @xiaoyatong
style(picker): 修改css变量 (#1735) @xiaoyatong
style(radio): 优化css变量和样式 (#1756) @xiaoyatong
style(range): 修订样式变量 (#1718) @xiaoyatong
style(rate): 修订 css 变量 (#1707) @xiaoyatong
style(sidnavbar): 修订css 变量 (#1734) @xiaoyatong
style(steps): 优化steps样式结构,改进css变量名 (#1741) @xiaoyatong
style(tabbar): add css variable (#1742) @xiaoyatong
style(tag): 修订样式变量 (#1733) @xiaoyatong
style(toast): 调整样式,补充demo的多语言化 (#1754) @xiaoyatong
style(trendarrow): 修订className类名 (#1716) @xiaoyatong
style(uploader): 修订样式css变量 (#1758) @xiaoyatong
style: animatenumbers number css (#1681) @xiaoyatong
style: 修订className (#1770) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(badge): 优化结构 (#1663) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(dialog): 标题前增加结构 (#1666) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(grid): 增加 demo (#1660) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(image): 增加 demo (#1658) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(theme): 修订 fontSize (#1674) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(elevator): 索引定位不准 (#1667) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(swiper): swiper-item 宽高异常问题 (#1657) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(uploader): Update uploader.tsx (#1656) @kurisu
- 🐛 fix(uploader): uploader when item type is undefined (#1650) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor: css 变量命名规范(主题色部分,不含灰阶) (#1679) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor: elevator css and variables (#1668) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor: 防抖方法归一 (#1664) @xiaoyatong
- 🌈 style: delete dark in demos (#1670) @xiaoyatong
- 🌈 style: divider css 修改, 修改部分css变量 (#1669) @xiaoyatong
- 🌈 style: 清理样式变量 (#1673) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(address): 修复非受控模式演示代码不显示 (#1659) @haitao
- 📖 docs: fix docs (#1678) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs: 修改文档 (#1662) @xiaoyatong
- 🔨 chore: add jmapp (#1665) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat(Button): size 增加可选值 mini (#1617) @eiinu
- ✨ feat(calendarcard): 增加自定义 className (#1636) @eiinu
- ✨ feat(infiniteLoading): 通过scrolltolower触发加载事件 (#1633) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat(safearea): 新增安全区组件 (#1642) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat(toast): 通过 config 方法设置内容区的className (#1632) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat: uploader taro h5 支持 video (#1605) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(infiniteloading): onloadmore 无法获取最新的 state (#1644) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: change text in locales (#1634) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: picker and datepicker theme config at taro and indicator css at taro (#1615) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: 日历close样式,可自定义样式;修改弹幕样式;更名CircleClose为Failure、Issue 为 Tips (#1648) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: 🐛 修复swipe存在点击事件时,触发onTouchStart,获取到rightRect为null导致的报错问题 (#1608) @levidcd
- 🚀 perf: radio reverse and demos (#1631) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(classname): 调整 classname 的顺序 (#1637) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(cell): 增加卡片类型的 demo (#1639) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(sideNavBar): handleClose 改为 onClose (#1635) @haitao
- 🚀 perf(deps): 升级 icons 依赖,icons 包体积缩减 (#1604) @oasis-cloud
- 🚀 perf(CalendarCard): taro demo 性能优化 (#1593) @eiinu
- ✨ feat(Toast): 新增 wordBreak 属性 (#1606) @eiinu
- ✨ feat: picker and datepicker add onCancel (#1603) @xiaoyatong
- ✨ feat: 类似微信头像裁剪组件 (#1564) @marvin Gui
- 🐛 fix(CalendarCard): 初始化渲染逻辑优化 (#1596) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(circleprogress): 计算出现 NaN 导致组件展示为 100% 的情况 (#1602) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(elevator): 替换文档展示pagation到showKeys (#1598) @haitao
- 🐛 fix(tag): 修复加载样式问题 #1588 (#1592) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix: picker & DatePicker onConfirm failed (#1601) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: swiper indicator zindex at taro (#1586) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: taro event detail is undefined (#1591) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: virtuallist key at taro (#1584) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: 标签上的属性默认为 true,导致渲染 lockscroll 相关的 class (#1599) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs(form): 由于文案包含姓名等文字,导致小程序审核不通过 (#1609) @oasis-cloud
- 📖 docs: V1 升 V2 差异点更新 (#1607) @jq
- ✨ feat(image): ssr 适配 (#1579) @eiinu
- ✨ feat: 新增组件 calendar (#1565) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix: calendar scrolltop bad (#1583) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: noticebar 垂直滚动初始化时,无法及时展示元素信息 (#1576) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: popup zindex at taro and picker adds popupProps (#1581) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: popup zindex failed to set (#1578) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: searchbar lose focus when input nothing but input the delete (#1577) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: taro 编译 H5 出现滚动穿透 (#1537) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat(NoticeBar): leftIcon 可自定义,并且支持设置 null 后不展示 icon (#1562) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(Dialog): 点击蒙层无法关闭 (#1552) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(Input): onChange 执行多次 (#1551) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix(Swipe): 禁止父元素滚动的 demo (#1560) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: image height in taro (#1567) @xiaoyatong
- 🛠 refactor(Tabs): 滚动到可视区域代码优化,同时放开 tab title 的宽度限制 (#1563) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat(Uploader): onFileItemClick 增加索引参数 (#1544) @oasis-cloud
- ✨ feat: add demo about infiniteloading (#1533) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix(menu): getBoundingClientRect 兼容 H5 (#1548) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: form input blur (#1542) @oasis-cloud
- 🐛 fix: imagepreview h5 (#1538) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: jdapp picker's item-height doesn't match jdapp's default setting (#1545) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: taro image and imagepreivew on h5 (#1532) @xiaoyatong
- 🐛 fix: zindex of popover because popup changed its zindex (#1543) @xiaoyatong
- 📖 docs(tabbar): Correct module names of tabbar component (#1539) @HUMORCE