- Now Using Ubuntu OS
- old versions
- Please download below RasberryPi OS - Rapberrian based on 2017 06 Jessie version
- http://cogcom.asuscomm.com:6080/open/2017-06-BerePi-jessie-4G.img.gz
- ~~
- it supports Korean Lang. with common US keyboard, timezone is SEOUL, I2C enabled
- Unzip it and write img file to SD card
- if you using more size than 8 GB SD Card, run sudo raspi-config and expand SD memory size
- check by "df -h", whether you are using full of SD memory size which you want.
- efficient using smaller size of image file rather than over 16GB image, to reduce download, writing time.
- old versions
- After installation BerePi supports automatic installation of Python packages and shell config settting
- if you have "init.sh" file in '/home/pi', just "source init.sh"
- otherwise, use " wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeonghoonkang/BerePi/master/setup/init.sh" to download installation script.
- and just "source init.sh"
- id / password : pi / tinyos, it has sudo permission
- download shell script from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeonghoonkang/BerePi/master/setup/init.sh (https://goo.gl/GDiYfN) or
- and just run 'source init.sh'
- Be carefull that init.sh will change your /etc/rc.local, /etc/resolv, /etc/network/interfaces
- If you just want update SW package installation, look into the file init.sh, which has setup_apt.sh process, you will be able to easily catch the path