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Releases: jessielw/FFMPEG-Audio-Encoder

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v3.2

20 Dec 20:57
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Main GUI:

  • Broke up the code for the config file, to separate blocks in order to make the code write each settings by itself in the case one is missing
  • Added the ability to set the shell options permanently depending on what the user wants, this is now written to the config.ini file and can be adjusted via the GUI like before or can be adjusted via the config file if information is entered correctly

Batch GUI:

  • Removed menu bars completely, this is not required and I wanted to make it cleaner looking
  • The Batch GUI now checks the config file for the 'shell_options' setting, this can be changed on the fly/before you open the batch gui

BETA - v3.3

  • Program is now uncompressed, this allows for a faster start and less chance of Windows detecting it as a false positive virus. The downside to this is the programs folder is a lot messier (You can just place program in a folder and create a shortcut to the .exe).
  • Program now utilizes a new 'profiles.ini' file to save/read profiles (This is a work in progress, see below)

FFMPEG AAC and AC3 encoders now support the following features:

  • Both codecs now have a new toolbar menu labeled 'Options' with the following sub menu options 'Save Current Settings' and 'Reset Settings to Default'
  • 'Save Current Settings' will allow the user to save what ever settings they have selected in the codec audio window. Next time you open that audio codec, it will have the exact same settings. (This does not save 'Track Selection', 'Custom Command Line', or 'Track Name' (If requested I could program these to be saved as well)
  • 'Reset Settings to Default' will revert the current selected codec back to default settings, close and then re-open the audio window with default settings. This will delete your profile with no way to get it back, aside from manually saving the new profile again.

BETA - v3.31

Main GUI:

  • AAC Codec: Fixed a bug where saving current settings 'Gain' would get overwritten with default settings of '0'

Batch GUI:

  • AC3/AAC codecs now support reading from saved profile (Profile can be adjusted/saved/reset in the Main GUI)

  • Batch encoder now reads 'profiles.ini'

  • Added AC3/AAC default settings to read from the Main Gui saved profile (If requested I'll program the batch GUI to have a separate profile)

BETA - v3.33

Main GUI:

  • Moved Batch Processing Button into the 'Tools' section of the program
  • Moved 'Show Command' in it's place
  • Added a new button 'Auto Encode:...' in 'Show Commands' place
  • This allows the user to encode the next file with the last options/codec used (This does not include Track selection, currently it defaults to Track 1 always) If requested I'll add this
  • Currently this BETA (v.3.33) only supports AAC/AC3/DTS codecs for the new Auto Encode feature

BETA - v3.36

Main GUI (Major Bug Fix):

  • Modified the auto track selection code to allow a new feature:
    Program now supports displaying source file audio codec(s)
    This enables it to show the Track Number, Codec, Channels, and Bitrate in the drop down menu instead of the generic Track 1, Track 2

  • Adjusted the code for View Streams selection, so the track counts always started at 1 instead of randomly at 0 or 2 depending on source

  • Fixed code required for 'Input Button' to work correctly again (Drag and Drop worked fine, bug was only for manual input)

  • Added a 'Status Label' to the bottom of the GUI:
    This updates when the user hovers the mouse over the buttons/menus in the main GUI giving them useful tips/commands in the 'Status Label'

  • Added a new 'Right Click' menu to the 'Auto Encode:...' button:
    This new menu allows the user to open a small window to see the commands that was last used/that will be used with that button, in case the settings aren't what they want

  • Set both entry boxes on the main GUI to disabled right away, this is just a quality of life fix, will not effect the user at all

  • Slightly adjusted main GUI size

  • Adjusted 'Status Label' color to a darker grey as well as set the border from 2 to 4 to make it appear a little more sunken in

  • Program now generates 'Opus' profile settings upon first launch

  • Added profile options menu to the 'Opus' codec window (save/reset)

  • Opus codec now reads all of it's variables from the profile.ini file

  • AAC / AC3 / DTS/ E-AC3 / Opus - all support the new Auto Encode/Profile Save-Reset features (as of v3.36 BETA)

    This was a bug in the way 'Auto Encode' would work, it would encode correctly once, but after words default to the original codec settings. This has been fixed for all of the supported codecs in BETA v3.36

  • I haven't done any work to the Batch Encoder, it isn't up to date with all of the codecs yet. Will work on that as soon as I finish the main GUI

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v3.1

17 Nov 23:43
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  • Fixed a bug where 'FFMPEG' was located on Windows PATH and had white spaces in the name, the program could bug out on some encoders resulting in an error like so ('C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.)
  • Added forced window geometry, so progress bar pop ups would look correct on different DPI settings
  • Added a new config.ini file (this will be generated upon first program launch)
  • You can now adjust the path to ffmpeg.exe/mpv.exe/mediainfo(gui & cli).exe
  • Adjust these settings in the Options menu at the top of the GUI
  • I have also added a 'Reset Configuration File' button in the Options menu as well (this will reset the config file/shut down the program)
  • I have also fixed a bug with the QAAC encoder. Using 'True VBR' could result in a failed encode rarely, this has been fixed now

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v3.0

03 Nov 06:42
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  • Added quite a bit of new code to enable functional progress bars
  • In the main GUI it is accurate to the seconds from 0% to 100%
  • In the batch GUI the progress is calculated based off the files
  • Quite a few quality of life improvements in the code

Selecting 'Debug' will still allow the encode to run in the windows command prompt

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.7

20 Oct 19:33
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  • Program now checks for for existing folders in the 'Apps' directory, if they aren't there, it creates them.
  • Added static links for the downloadable app, I got as many of these links to pull directly from the source for the latest versions
  • Added a progress bar to the 'App Download' window
  • Updated 'Youtube-DL-Gui' to the latest beta (v1.4) Check Youtube-DL-Gui github for changes (
  • Program now checks for both ffmpeg.exe and youtube-dl.exe on your system path, before attempting to download them directly to the program
  • Some minor bug fixes

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.6

18 Oct 23:53
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Major Changes to the code

  • Added '.aax' extension to the program
  • Removed 'NEW_' from the batch side of the program, since the program automatically puts new files into a new directory. This makes it easier for the user not to have to go batch edit a bunch of new files in case they didn't want 'NEW_' included in the filename
  • Added a license to the program (GPL-3.0 License)
  • Updated 'ffmpeg.exe' to the latest version
  • Program will now 'Auto Download' required apps, instead of them being in the repository
  • The 'Auto Downloader' will check to see if the file exists, if it doesn't it'll download it for you
  • Program will no longer ship with FFMPEG automatically, this makes the program lighter and will check your system 'PATH' for existing installations before downloading one on it's own
  • Changed the way closing the program behaves. It will now prompt you to be sure you want to close it

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.4

07 Oct 19:34
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Major Changes to the code

  • Broke up the code between Main Gui, Batch Gui, and YoutubeDL Gui (This will make managing all of them a lot easier)
  • Changed how the File -> Exit button functions, this was required for each individual window with the new code
  • QAAC encoder had some major bugs on any setting that was not 'True VBR.' This has been fixed for both the batch encoder and the single file encoder
  • YoutubeDL Gui is now built into the main GUI, instead of being a separate executable/script. (I will still update/release standalone versions of this) You can access this via the 'Tools' menu at the top of the GUI
    update 2

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.3

07 Oct 04:18
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Added a new custom GUI to download videos from the internet based off of Youtube-DL CLI

  • This gui is in BETA but functional for audio/as well as downloading highest quality video
  • You can access this via the Tools Menu by selection Youtube-DL-GUI

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.2

25 Sep 20:59
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Added MPV Player to listen to selected tracks

  • You can control the volume with keys '9' and '0' (VolDown and VolUp) when viewing/listening to video/audio
  • Added E-AC3 to the extension list for both main GUI and batch GUI

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9.1

23 Sep 03:03
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Added "ALAC" encoder to main GUI and batch GUI
Handled several code bugs that was on the batch side of the program

FFMPEG Audio Encoder v2.9

21 Sep 17:45
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Added 'FLAC' encoder to the main GUI
Added 'FLAC' encoder to the batch encoder

Fixed a bug in the batch encoder GUI. Manually opening (instead of drag and drop) directory would result in the "Save Directory" button not working. This has been resolved.