Riouken - cTab creator
SpectreRSG - Graphic Design
Capt Drumheller / Jester814 - Technical advisor / Ideas / Media
LCpl C. Johnston - Technical advisor
LCpl Schwanke - Technical advisor
Knobee - Documentation
Raspu - Tablet, TAD, Android and MicroDAGR day / night mode interface graphics and 3D models
Killzone_Kid - for his many excellent tutorials
Everyone else in the 15th MEU SOC and C-L-F for help with support and testing.
Gundy - Prior maintenance
jetelain aka GrueArbre - cTab maintenance, cTab IRL
1er GTD members - for help with testing and support
Bamse - Fixes
spyderblack723 - Fixes
dedmen - Fixes
ColdEvul - Fixes
z3r03nna - Fixes
TinfoilHate - Fixes
BI - for ArmA 3 and all the opportunities to mod for this game.