K-N-MOMDP code for the AAAI 2021 K-N-MOMDP paper
The repository includes the necessary code for:
- Solving K-MOMDPs
- Solving N-MOMDPs
- Solving K-N-MOMDPs
It includs two case studies: Gouldian Finch and Biocontrol agents.
For examples on how to use, please, see main.m, experiments_gouldian.m and experiments_values.m.
Please, cite using:
Ferrer-Mestres, J., Dietterich, T. G., Buffet, O., & Chades, I. (2021). K-N-MOMDPs: Towards Interpretable Solutions for Adaptive Management. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(17), 14775-14784.