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Object Detection using Yolov3 in ROS

This is a guide on showing how to perform object detection in ROS. Specifically, we want to detect pedestrian and traffic light (red, yellow, green, off, wait on). In order to accomplish this, the simplified version of the workflow is as below:

  1. Gather datasets from internet
  2. Change the datasets to YOLO format
  3. Train datasets and obtain weight file in Darknet
  4. Use the weight file to do object detection in ROS

Table of Content

Below is the whole procedures that we are going to do in order to do object detection in ROS, from start to end. The detailed explanation will be summarized in each section respectively.\

A. Download This Repository
B. Install Virtual Environment for Python 3
C. Obtain Datasets
D. Create Train, Valid and Test datasets.
D. Install Yolov3 ROS Package
E. Object Dectection code implemented in Python
F. Run Object Detection node in ROS\

A. Download This Repository


This repository contains most of the scripts that we need to perform some tasks. Specifically, they are:

  • (change datasets to YOLO format)
  • (flip image datasets to produce more images)
  • (rotate image datasets to produce more images)
  • (to visualize annotated bounding box of the image datasets)
  • (store some extra functions)

We need to download this repository for the utilities that we are going to use in the future.


Open terminal:

cd ~
git clone


B. Install Virtual Environment


Since some of the scripts that we are going to use utilize python3, we need to make a virtual environment to store independent libraries and run with python3.


Open terminal:

cd ~
pip install virtualenv
mkdir python_venv
cd python_venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 python36_venv
echo "alias python36_venv='source ~/python_venv/python36_venv/bin/activate'">>~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Activate the virtual environment: python3_venv

Install some libraries
pip install opencv-python
pip install numpy\


C. Obtain Datasets from Internet


We will use Yolov3 to perform object detection on Person, Car, and Traffic light.
Both datasets obtained from OpenImages, and their annotations are not in YOLO format.
In this section, we will

  • create class.txt to store name of classes.
  • collect both image datasets and change their annotations format into YOLO format,
  • gather them into a folder (full_datasets)
  • perform data augmentation to increase the number of datasets to increase accuracy for training.

At the end of this section, we will have class.txt, and full_datasets folder containing all the images and annotation files for training.


1. Create class.txt

We need to create class.txt to store the name of classes (Person, Car, Traffic light).
class.txt will be used in the future.

First, open terminal and activate virtual environment,


Go to our main directory Object-Detection-in-ROS, create class.txt and store the names of classes inside.

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS
touch class.txt
echo -e 'Person\nCar\nTraffic light'>>class.txt

2. Download Dataset

2.1.1 Collect Traffic Lights Datasets (OPTIONAL)

Only if you want to download seperated traffic light datasets. Else, skip to 2.2.1 The source of can be found here. For conveniences, the download links are provided as below.
S2TLD(1080x1920) (1080 height, 1920 width)

Open the downloaded folder, S2TLD(1080x1920 and go to the directory where Annotations, JPEGImages located. Annotations folder contains annotations information of each dataset images, whereas JPEGImages contain all the dataset images.
Copy and paste them into our Object-Detection-in-ROS directory.
Note that:

  • The annotations are in xml format. We need to change to yolo format.
  • The names of images contain space. This is not a desire thing and we need to rename all of them.

2.1.2 Convert annotation into YOLO format

We will use from this repository to change annotations into YOLO format and rename the images.
First, create a folder TrafficImages to store the output YOLO annotations files and the dataset images that will be renamed.

mkdir TrafficImages

Next, change the annotations format into YOLO and rename the images by running the command below. The output files are all stored in TrafficImages folder.

python -type traffic -i JPEGImages -a Annotations -o TrafficImages 

2.2.1 Collect Person, Car, Traffic light from Open Images

We are going to use the datasets from Open Images website. The source can be found here.
Download datasets from Open Images directly might be troublesome and difficult to handle. Thus, we are going to use OIDv4_ToolKit. The source is here. OIDv4_ToolKit allows us to download specific class (or combination of classes) of datasets from Open Images, and also allow us to choose how many images we want to download.\

Activate the virtual environment: python3_venv

To install OIDv4_ToolKit:

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS
git clone
cd OIDv4_ToolKit
pip install -r requirements.txt

in OIDv4_ToolKit folder Download the Person, Car, Traffic light datasets from Open Images, and limit our datasets number to 700, as a follows:

python downloader --classes Person Car Traffic\ light --type_csv validation --limit 700 --multiclasses 1

Preferbly, we need 2000 images for each class. If we have less image we can increase the number of imagen following the (section: How to Improve Object Detection) Source. But since we will use data augmentation method to increase the number of images for training, 1000 images should be fine.

Enter y for both prompted message.

[Note: In the case, you cannot download the dataset, please follow the next step:]

If the processs stopped automatically without downloading the Dataset folder, re-run again.

python downloader --classes Person Car Traffic\ light --type_csv validation --limit 700 --multiclasses 1

If still not working, your device might not capable to download the datasets. Please run the OIDv4_ToolKit in google colab environment
Go to google colab, upload OIDv4_Toolkit_in_Colab.ipynb from this repository, and run all the cells). will be downloaded. After completed downloading, unzip the folder and put in /home/user/Object-Detection-in-ROS directory.\

[Note: In the case, you download the dataset, please follow the next step:]

The Dataset folder containing the Person, Car, Traffic light datasets will be created and locate in


The images are located in

/home/user/Object-Detection-in-ROS/OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic light

the annotation files are store in

/home/user/Object-Detection-in-ROS/OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic light/Label

Note: we are going to have image and annotation with the same name in .jpg and txt respectively

Using mv command, move the Dataset folder to Object-Detection-in-ROS directory.

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS
mv OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/Dataset ./

2.2.2 Convert annotation into YOLO format

Next, we will change the datasets in Dataset into YOLO format, using the from this repository.\

python -type OpenImages -i Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light -o Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light -a Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light/Label

Now, the Label folder in Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light/Label is no longer needed. Delete it.

rm -rf Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light/Label

Create full_datasets folder to store all the datasets.

mkdir full_datasets
mv Dataset/train/Person_Car_Traffic\ light/* full_datasets/

To view the bounding boxes:

python -i full_datasets -c class.txt

3 Collect Extra Datasets (ONLY datasets from Open Images)

If you need to collect extra datasets of different classes other than provided here, please follow this.
3.1) Modify class.txt in section [C] with the new <extra> classes as a follows:

echo -e 'Person\nCar\nTraffic light\n<Extra1>\n<Extra2>'>class.txt

3.2) For Extra class, download new dataset from Open image; (limit 700) means 700 images as following in section [2.2.1] Person example. go to OIDv4_ToolKit directory:

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS/OIDv4_ToolKit
python downloader --classes <Extra> --type_csv train --limit 700

Move the folder into our main directory and rename the folder .

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS
mv OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/Dataset <Extra>Images

And repeat as in [2.2.2].

python -type <Extra> -i <Extra>Images/train/<Extra> -o <Extra>Images/train/<Extra> -a <Extra>Images/train/<Extra>/Label
rm -rf <Extra>Images/train/<Extra>/Label

4 Combine the extra datasets with the original datasets into folder (full_datasets). (OPTIONAL)

Only if you have extra datasets

mv <Extra>Images/train/<Extra>/* ./full_datasets/

The full_datasets folder contains all the images and annotation files

5 Filtering Out Unsuitable Images

To increase the quality of datasets for training, we need to make sure that every target target object in every image had been labelled, and had been labelled properly!
We can check each image. If ok, press SPACE. Else, to delete, press p

python -i full_datasets -c class.txt

6 Data Augmentation

Make sure only proceed this after filtering is done
To increase accuracy of object detection, we need to increase the images for training. For the images in full_datasets folder,
Create a flipped version (total images will be x2 after flipping):

python full_datasets full_datasets 

Create a rotated version (-45 degree to 45 degree), (total images will be x2 after flipping):

python full_datasets full_datasets -min -45 -max 45

To check the bounding boxes:

python -i full_datasets -c class.txt


D. Create Train, Valid and Test Datasets in the Server


Currently, all the images and annotation datasets are stored in full_datasets folder. However, not all of them will be trained, some of them will be used for validation during training process, and some of them will be used for results testing.
In this section, we will create txt file such as:
train.txt contains path to image datasets for training.
valid.txt contains path to image datasets for validation.
test.txt contains path to image datasets for testing.
At the end of this section, we will make a folder, my_data to store class.txt, train.txt, valid.txt, andtest.txt


Open a new tab in tmux and SSH into our server:

ssh [email protected] -p24205

Move the whole Object-Detection-in-ROS folder from our computer into server computer. At our own computer terminal:

scp -P24205 -r ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS [email protected]:~/

At the server, create a virtual environement for python3, as in [B]

cd ~
pip install --user virtualenv
mkdir python_venv
cd python_venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 python36_venv
echo "alias python36_venv='source ~/python_venv/python36_venv/bin/activate'">>~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Activate the virtual environment and install opencv:

pip install opencv-python

We will create train.txt, valid.txt and test.txt. In the server:

cd ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS
touch train.txt valid.txt test.txt

The distribution of datasets for train, valid and test set is 7-2-1 (70% for training, 20% for validation, 10% for testing).
The images are randomly splitted into each category and their paths are listed inside respectively.

python -type split -d 0.7 0.2 0.1 -i full_datasets

Finally, create my_data folder to store all the necessary files for training.

mkdir my_data
cp class.txt ./my_data/obj.names
cp train.txt ./my_data/train.txt
cp valid.txt ./my_data/valid.txt
cp test.txt ./my_data/test.txt
echo -e 'classes = 3\ntrain = my_data/train.txt\nvalid = my_data/valid.txt\nnames = my_data/obj.names\nbackup = backup/'>>./my_data/

If you have extra classes, edit in the my_data folder,

nano my_data/

change line: classes = number of classes
And save:

ctrl x -> y -> enter


E. Install Darknet and Training

There are some dependencies we need to install first before able to install darknet.

Install OpenCV

pip install python-opencv

Install CUDA

First, check the compute capability of your GPU here.
Then download the corresponding version of CUDA here.
For the sake of convenience, choose deb (local) as the installation type. The installation guide is provided once you have selected the installation type.

Install cuDNN

Download the cuDNN here .
Note that you need to select the appropriate version corresponding to your CUDA version.
After downloading completed, navigate to the directory containing cuDNN tar file.
Open a new terminal in your computer, and copy the file to server:

scp -P24205 -r ./cudnn-11.0-linux-x64-v8.0.5.39.tgz [email protected]:~/

In the server, unzip the tar file

tar -xzvf cudnn-x.x-linux-x64-v8.x.x.x.tgz

and copy some files into CUDA directory:

sudo cp cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda-11.0/include
sudo cp -P cuda/lib64/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda-11.0/lib64
sudo chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda-11.0/lib64/libcudnn*

*Note that the x follows the name of tar file.

Install Darknet

We use darknet from AlexeyAB's version.

cd ~
git clone

In the darknet directory, open the Makefile:

cd darknet
nano Makefile

and set:


Save Makefile:

ctrl x -> y -> enter

Export the cuda paths that we use (in our case, it is cuda 11.0):

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.0/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}

Finally, compile the darknet:

cd darknet


Train Datasets

Now that we have darknet compiled and installed, we can start training now.
First, download pretrained weights darknet53.conv.74 into our computer.
In directory where darknet53.conv.74 stored, open terminak and copy the file to the server.

scp -P24205 -r ./darknet53.conv.74 [email protected]:~/

In the server terminal, create weights folder and move the darknet53.conv.74 into the folder.

cd ~/darknet
mkdir weights
mv ~/darknet53.conv.74 weights/

Now, move on to our own datasets training.
Copy my_data into darknet directory.

cp -r ~/Object-Detection-in-ROS/my_data ./

Make two copies of yolov3.cfg in darknet/cfg. This yolov3.cfg is originally located in the darknet/cfg folder when darknet is compiled.、 Rename the two copies of yolov3.cfg, one for training (yolov3_train.cfg), and one for testing (yolov3_test.cfg).\

cd cfg
cp yolov3.cfg yolov3_train.cfg
cp yolov3.cfg yolov3_test.cfg

We need to change the parameters in yolov3_train.cfg and yolov3_test.cfg according to the number of classes we want to train.
Below are the parameters we need to change and its explanation:

max_batches  (means the iterations for training)
width, height (these two values must be identicle. The larger the value, the higher the accuracy for training.)
classes  (There are 3 `classes` that we need to change, under each [yolo] layer)
filters  (There are 3 `filters` that we need to change, under [convolutional] layer exact before each [yolo] layer)

Open yolov3_train.cfg:

nano yolov3_train.cfg

Edit yolov3_train.cfg:

max_batches=12000         # classes*2000, but not less than number of training images, and 6000
steps=9600, 10800         # 80% and 90% of max_batches
width=416, height=416     # or any mutiple value of 32
classes=6                 # number of classes, in each of 3 [yolo] layers
filters=33                # (class+5)*3, in last [convolutional] layer before each of 3 [yolo] layers

Save yolov3_train.cfg:

ctrl x > y > enter

Open and edit yolov3_test.cfg:

nano yolov3_test.cfg

Edit yolov3_test.cfg. Everything is the same as yolov3_train.cfg , except:


Save yolov3_test.cfg:

ctrl x -> y -> enter

Lastly, since we want intermediate weight file every 1000 iterations so that we can choose best weight among them,
open detector.c in darknet/src/:

nano ~/darknet/src/detector.c

and remove the line && net.max_batches < 10000 in

(iteration >= (iter_save + 1000) || iteration % 1000 == 0) && net.max_batches < 10000)

Save detector.c:

ctrl x -> y -> enter

and recompile darknet

cd ~/darknet

Finally, we can start training!

cd ~/darknet
./darknet detector train my_data/ cfg/yolov3_train.cfg weights/darknet53.conv.74 -map

After training completed, you will find severals weigh files such as yolov3_train_X000.weights, yolov3_train_best.weights in the backup folder. The weights file which has highest accuracy is labelled as yolov3_train_best.weights. We will use this one for objection detection\

F. Install Yolov3 ROS Package on Jetson Nano

After completed training, we obtain the weight file for object detection. To run object detection and communicate with other ROS nodes, we need ROS, OpenCV, CUDA installed in order to successfully run. If you have't installed ROS yet, please follow the documentation.

Install darknet_ros

There is already ROS package for Yolov3 out there. This is the source.
source2 Create a catkin workspace for ROS if haven't done so.

mkdir -p ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws

Go into the source file of catkin workspace and install the darknet_ros package.

cd ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src
git clone --recursive
cd ../

If error occurs such as

nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_61'.

This means that you need to check the compute capability (version) of your GPU. You can find a list of supported GPUs in CUDA here: CUDA - WIKIPEDIA. Simply find the compute capability of your GPU and add it into darknet_ros/CMakeLists.txt. Simply add a similar line like

-O3 -gencode arch=compute_50,code=sm_50

and remove the one (for example:-gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61) which caused error. The installation should have no problem.
Compile again:

cd ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/


G. Run darknet_ros node on Jetson Nano

Upon sucessful installation of darknet_ros package, we can try running detection by using the weight obtained from previous training. We need to transfer the yolov3_test.cfg and yolov3_train_best.weights from server to Jetson Nano. (In the demo viideo at the bottom of this section, I demonstrate using yolov3-tiny instead of yolov3. The procedures are still the same)
Open a terminal in Jetson Nano:

scp -P24205 [email protected]:~/darknet/backup/yolov3_train_best.weights ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights
scp -P24205 [email protected]:~/darknet/cfg/yolov3_test.cfg ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/cfg

Then, direct to darknet_ros/config folder to edit yolov3.yaml to tell the detector where to find our weight file and configuration file for yolov3.
Go to the config folder:

cd ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/config

Open yolov3.yaml,

gedit yolov3.yaml

Edit the content so they are the same as below:


    name: yolov3_test.cfg
    name: yolov3_train_best.weights
    value: 0.3
      - Person
      - Car
      - Traffic light

Open ros.yaml

gedit ros.yaml

change the topic of camera reading in ros.yaml to /camera/color/image_raw, which is the topic of our camera
Finally, open darknet_ros.launch in launch folder:

cd ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/launch
gedit darknet_ros.launch

Under ROS and network parameter files, change the target yaml file from yolov2-tiny.yaml to yolov3.yaml

  <arg name="ros_param_file"             default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/ros.yaml"/>
  <arg name="network_param_file"         default="$(find darknet_ros)/config/yolov3.yaml"/>

Now, we can start to run the detector. Start the Roscore:


and open a new tab:

source ~/catkin_workspace/object_detection_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch

You will notice the node is trying to receive image stream testing

Open a new tab to run camera node

cd ~/camera_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch

Congratulation. Now you can see the bounding boxes of the target classes from the realsense camera.


F. Implementing Object Tracking from the Information of Bounding Boxes

We need to refer to other repository.
Please refer here