- Aim: Reproduce the experiment result in paper “High‐Speed PIV of shock boundary layer interactions in the transonic buffet flow of a compressor cascade”
- Ref: 1. Andre Weiner/naca0012--shock_buffet , 2. turbulence model , 3. AeroAcoustics solver 4. NSCBC 5. dbns 6. thesis-Linear aeroacoustic solver in OpenFOAM 7. Axis-2Dbump 8. WENO 9.RK4+LTS 10. WENO-example 11. thermophysical 12. Markus Zauner-phd-thesis 13.postprocessing-python 13. rhoEnergyFoam
- Sponsor:Dong, SJTU HPC
- Acknowledge:Song Moru, Cheng Long,Du Lei, Davide Modesti
- Please contact me if you have any ideas or suggestions~