- git clone https://github.com/Cpruce/OpenDER.git && cd OpenDER/bootstrap_dashboard
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Build: gulp build
- Lauch: gulp run
Type: POST
Parameters: None
Function: Register a new homehub, and return its uid
Type: GET
Parameters: None
Function: Get all homehubs
Type: GET
Parameters: ?uid="homehub uid"
Function: Get the detailed homehub information
Type: POST
Parameters: {"uid" : "the homehub uid", "info" : "JSON String of the fileds to be updated, such as price or device list"}
Function: Update the specific homehub information
Type: POST
Parameters: {"uid" : "the homehub uid", "power" : "power consumption", [device status list]}
Function: Send current homehub status to the cloud control
Type: GET
Parameters: ?uid="homehub uid"
Function: Get current homehub power price
Type: POST
Parameters: {"uid" : "the homehub uid", "price" : current price}
Function: Set the homehub price
- homehubs - Store the basic information of a homehub, including uuid, name, longitude, latitude and device list, current power price
- hhstatus - Store the homehub status, including uuid, list of device status (power usage, on/off), reporting timestamp
- Add APIs for internal usage. (Rendering data on dashboard)
- Perfomance evaluation
- Security assessment