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Protostellar System Model

Build a kinematic model of a protostellar system, which consists of a protostar(s), a disk(s) and an envelope, and calculate the model images. Use the open code RADMC-3D to calculate a tempearture distribution and to solve the radiative transfer.

Coordinates are limitied only to spherical coordinates for now. A density profile for a disk is the cut-off disk. The density and velocity distributions for an envelope model is calculated based on Ulrich 1976.


  • ptsmodel: Module of the protostellar system model.
  • infiles: Input files necessary for calculations with RADMC-3D.
  • A script to build models and calculate model images.


  • Ulrich (1976)
  • Mendoza et al. (2004)

E-mail: [email protected]
Jinshi Sai (Insa Choi)
Depertment of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo

How to use

The script contains all needed processes. Run in a directory containing ptsmodel and infiles. I recommend you to generate one directory for one model, and add a line to change directory inside a script to start from the directory where ptsmodel located but put all calculation results in another directory. Or you can use ptsmodel in a more interactive way.

The model requires many input parameters. Look into to check what parameters are needed. The modeling is done with the following steps:

  1. Give a grid
  2. Put a protostar
  3. Calculate density distributions of a disk and an envelope
  4. Calculate velocity field
  5. (Visualize density and velocity distributions)
  6. Export the model into RADMC-3D input files
  7. Calculate the temperature distribution with RADMC-3D
  8. Solve the radiative transfer with RADMC-3D
  9. Export into a fits file

See below for the detail of each step. Constants like au must be given in a script. Here is an example of constants:

# -------------- constants -----------------
au    = 1.49598e13      # Astronomical Unit       [cm]
pc    = 3.08572e18      # Parsec                  [cm]
ms    = 1.98892e33      # Solar mass              [g]
ts    = 5.78e3          # Solar temperature       [K]
ls    = 3.8525e33       # Solar luminosity        [erg/s]
rs    = 6.96e10         # Solar radius            [cm]
Ggrav = 6.67428e-8      # gravitational constant  [dyn cm^2 g^-2]
mp    = 1.672621898e-24 # proton mass [g]
sigsb = 5.670367e-5     # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [erg s^-1 cm^-2 K^-4]
kb    = 1.38064852e-16  # Boltzman coefficient in cgs
clight = 2.99792458e10  # light speed [cm s^-1]
# ------------------------------------------


  1. Build an empty model and grid for a model.
# Import
import ptsmodel # in a directory where you put ptsmodel

# Model name
modelname = 'test_model'

# Grid parameters (spherical coordiante)
nr       = 32               # radius from center
ntheta   = 32               # angle from z axis, 90 deg is disk plane
nphi     = 32               # azimuthal
rmin     = 1.*au            # minimum radius of the domein
rmax     = 4000.*au         # maximum radius of the domein
thetamin = 0.               # from z axis

# Make a model
model_i = ptsmodel.PTSMODEL(modelname, nr, ntheta, nphi ,rmin, rmax, thetamin=0., thetamax=np.pi*0.5, phimin=0., phimax=2.*np.pi)
  1. Put a protostar
# Stellar parameters
mstar = 1.6                                       # stellar mass [Msun]
mstar = mstar*ms                                  # Msun --> g
lstar = 3.5*ls                                    # Steller Luminosity
rstar = 4.*rs                                     # Stahler, Shu and Taam (1980), for protostars
pstar = np.array([0.,0.,0.])                      # position

# Put a protostar
model_i.prop_star(mstar, lstar, rstar, pstar, tstar=None)
  1. Make density distributions.

Calculate density distributions for a disk and an envelope, and run .rho_model. Then, if you input both, envelope density within the disk radius and the scale height is replaced with disk density. You can put either only if you don't need to put both.

#  ---------------- Input -------------------
# Disk
mdisk     = 1.8e-2*ms                     # Gas mass of a disk
plsig     = -0.5e0                        # Power-law index of the surface density
rd_in     = 1.*au                         # Dust & gas disk inner radius [cm]
rd_out    = 600.*au                       # Dust & gas disk outer radius [cm]
Tdisk_1au = 400.                          # Disk temperature at 1 au [K]
cs_1au    = np.sqrt(kb*Tdisk_1au/(mu*mp)) # Isothermal sound speed at 1 au [cm/s]
Omg_1au   = np.sqrt(Ggrav*mstar/au**3)    # Keplerian angular velocity at 1 au[/s]
hr0       = cs_1au/Omg_1au/au             # H/r at 1au, assuming hydrostatic equillibrium
plh       = 0.25                          # Powerlaw of flaring h/r, assuming T prop r^-0.5 & Keplerian rotation

# Envelope
rcent  = rd_out   # Centrifugal radius [cm]
re_in  = rd_in    # Envelope inner radius [cm]
re_out = 5000.*au # Envelope outer radius [cm]
rho0_e = 1.4e-18  # rho at rcent [g]

# Global
mu         = 2.8    # mean molecular weight. Kauffman (2008)
abunc18o   = 1.7e-7 # C18O abundance. Frerking, Langer and Wilson (1982), for rho-Oph and Taurus
gtod_ratio = 100.   # gas to dust mass ratio
# --------------------------------------------

# Density distributions
# For an envelope
model_i.rho_envUl76(rho0_e, rcent, re_in=re_in, re_out=re_out)

# For a disk
model_i.rho_cutoffdisk(mdisk, rd_in, rd_out, plsig, hr0, plh, sig0=False)

# Density distribution
model_i.rho_model(abunc18o, mu, gtod_ratio)
  1. Calculate velocity distribution After put a protostar and made a density distribution, you can calculate the velocity distributions from given information; the protostellar mass and the centrifugal radius.
# velocity field

If you want to add more options, you can modify the velocity field as follows, for example.

# Modify velocity field
# Suppress the radial velocity
vr = model_i.vr # v_r
vr = vr*0.5     # Reduce v_r by a factor of 2
model_i.vr = vr # Update
  1. (Visualize the density and velocity distributions)

Density and velocity field is easily visualized if you want.

model_i.show_density() # Visualize the density distribution
model_i.show_vfield(r_range=[100*au, 4000*au]) # Visualize v-field

# Options:
#  - nrho_g_range: nrho range for the coloring. Must be given [min, max].
#  - r_range: Radial range to be shown. Must be given [min, max].
#  - binstep: Binning step to make the velocity field sparse. Default = 1.
#  - figsize: Figure size. Default (11.69,8.27), which is A4 size.
#  - vscale: Parameter to determine lengths of arrows to show v-field. Default 3e2. Large number makes arrows shorter.
#  - width: Widths of arrows for v-field. Default 10.
#  - cmap: Color map. Default 'coolwarm'.
#  - fontsize: Fontsize in pt. Default 14.
#  - wspace: Horizontal space between subplots. Default 0.4.
#  - hspace: Vertical space between subplots. Default 0.2
  1. Export the model into RADMC-3D input files
# Input
nphot    = 10000000 # Number of photon for Monte Carlo calculations.
dustopac = 'nrmS03' # Dust opacity. Here adopt opacity table calculated in Semenov et al. (2003).
line     = 'c18o'   # Line. Here, C18O.

# Export
model_i.export_to_radmc3d(nphot, dustopac, line) # All information including info. of a protostar, density and v-field is exported.
  1. Calculate the temperature distribution

RADMC-3D has to be called out of Python but you may want to put all procedures in one script. Here, system module is used to run RADMC-3D inside a python script.

# Calculate temperature profile
print ('Calculate temperature profile')
print ('radmc3d mctherm')
os.system('radmc3d mctherm') # Run RADMC-3D

# Visualize. t_range is an option to determine the coloring range.
  1. Solve the radiative transfer

Produce images of the model by solving the radiative transfer. system module is used again to run RADMC-3D inside a python script.

# Input
# Example for C18O 2--1
inc      = 73.                     # [deg]
inc      = 180.-inc                # Make lower side face us
restfreq = 219.56035e9             # Rest frequency of C18O 2--1 [Hz]
sizeau   = 8000.                   # Image size [au]
pa       = 54.-90.                 # Position angle [deg]
vmin     = -5                      # Minimum velocity to be imaged
vmax     = 5                       # Maximum velocity to be imaged
vrange   = np.array([vmin,vmax])   # Velocity range
nchan    = 70                      # Channel number
iline    = 2                       # The upper exciation level of the radiation. 2 means J=2--1.
npix     = 1000                    # Pixel size of image

# Frequency --> Wavelength
freqrange      = restfreq*(1. - vrange*1.e5/clight)
lambdarange    = clight/freqrange       # in cm
lambdarange    = lambdarange*1.e-2*1.e6 # cm --> micron
lammin, lammax = lambdarange

# Command
run_radmc = 'radmc3d image npix %i phi 0 iline %i\
sizeau %.f lambdarange %.15e %.15e posang %.2f\
incl %.2f nlam %.0f'%(npix, iline, sizeau, lammin,lammax,pa,inc,nchan)

# Check
print ('Solve radiative transfer')
print (run_radmc)

# Run RADMC-3D
  1. Export into a fits file

Finally, obtained image is exported into a fits file. Then, you can handle the model image like a real observed map. You can perform beam convolution and add noise if you necessary.

# Input for export
obname            = 'L1489 IRS'                   # Object name
outname           = model_i.modelname + '_c18o21' # Output fits name
dist              = 140.                          # Distance to object [pc]
coordinate_center = '4h4m43.07s +26d18m56.20s'    # RA Dec
vsys              = 7.22                          # km/s
beam_convolution  = True                          # Convolve a beam?
beam              = [7.7, 6.4, -85.]              # bmaj, bmin, bpa
Tb                = False                         # In a unit of Tb?
add_noise         = True                          # Add noise
rms               = 0.22                          # Jy/beam
frame             = 'fk5'                         # Frame
projection        = 'SFL'                         # Projection

 dist=dist, obname=obname, vsys=vsys,
 coordinate_center=coordinate_center, beam_convolution=beam_convolution,
 beam=beam, Tb=Tb, add_noise=add_noise, rms=rms,
 frame=frame, projection=projection)