A very simple NoSQL JSON document database written on top of SQLite.
import simpledb
import json
# Open or create a database
var db = SimpleDB.init("database.db")
# Write a document
db.put(%* {
"id": "1234",
"timestamp": 123456,
"type": "example",
"text": "Hello world!"
# Get a specific document by it's ID (null if not found)
var doc = db.get("1234")
# Fetch a document with a query
var doc = db.query().where("type", "==", "example").get()
# Fetch a list of documents with a query
var docs = db.query()
.where("timestamp", ">=", 1000)
.where("timestamp", "<=", 2000)
# Delete documents
db.query().where("type", "==", "example").remove()
# Batch modifications
db.put(%* { "name": "item1" })
db.put(%* { "name": "item2" })
db.put(%* { "name": "item3" })
# Close the database
See tests.nim for more examples.