Rubyric is an online tool which is used in teaching to make giving written feedback on assignments easier and faster using predefined rubrics. Rubyric allows teachers to create courses, course instances and assignments. Teachers can create assessment rubrics to assignments to be used as a base to review students' submissions. Rubrics contain predefined criteria, feedback phrases and their corresponding grades and points. The reviewer can choose phrases and add their own comments in between them to create consistent but personalized feedback for students.
This version of Rubyric has parts that have been developed according to wishes of some courses in Aalto University and other parts have been developed to connect Rubyric to other teaching services, mainly A+. However, Rubyric can be used as a standalone service.
This documentation aims to explain how Rubyric works from the point of view of the developer as well as the end user.
- Installation
- Install environment
- Install Rubyric
- Connect local Rubyric to A+ course in docker (optional for testing)
- Technical documentation
- User Guide
Install ruby version 2.3.1 or higher, for example, with rvm or rbenv. Then install rails:
gem install rails -v 5.0.2
sudo gem install rails -v 5.0.2
Rubyric requires pdfinfo, ghostscript and libpq-dev to work
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils ghostscript libpq-dev
Rubyric uses postgresql as database. Install postgresql and create user.
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
Install gems
bundle install
Copy configuration files
cp config/initializers/secret_token.rb.base config/initializers/secret_token.rb
cp config/initializers/settings.rb.base config/initializers/settings.rb
cp config/database.yml.base config/database.yml
Create database, and put password and username to config/database.yml
sudo -u postgres createdb -O my_username rubyric
Initialize database
rails db:setup
Start server
bin/delayed_job start
rails server
Now you can access Rubyric at http://localhost:3000/.
NOTE: Unless you are a developer and you need help in testing Rubyric with A+, you can just ignore this section.
This section is optional and is only used if you want to test how Rubyric works with your A+ course in a development environment, e.g. when you are implementing some new function to Rubyric. To test your local Rubyric version with A+ course, you need to start A+ course at localhost. To do this follow instructions at
In order to get A+ and Rubyric to communicate with each other we need to do some configuring to both services. At the time of writing this guide A+ needs ports 8000, 8080 and 3000. Thus we cannot use the default port 3000 with Rubyric. As an example we can use the port 3030.
You also need to find out your docker gateway IP address by running the following command in your terminal:
´´´sh $ docker network ls ´´´ The result must be something like this:
772f39dbb9a5 aplus_default bridge local
f998bb4669cc bridge bridge local
76f5347971a9 host host local
79644927166d none null local
In this case we are interested in getting more information about the bridge
network of the aplus_default
. Therefore we need to run the following
$ docker network inspect aplus_default
In the output of this command you will find the gateway IP address, which can
be something like "Gateway": ""
, "Gateway": ""
, or
something similar that starts with the 172.
NOTE: In this particular case, we are using the name of the network
, but you should use the name that is shown in your terminal.
Now that you know the gateway IP address and the port you want to use to run Rubyric, it is time to run your Rubyric application.
$ bin/delayed_job start
$ rails server -p [port] -b [docker gateway ip address]
Verify that the Rubyric application is accessible through the web browser. If you followed the above instructions the Rubyric instance should be running in a IP address similar to this
Now, that you have your Rubyric server running locally, you can add Rubyric as a LTI service in A+.
Go to http://localhost:8000/admin and login as
Lti services
andAdd Lti service
Set settings as
- Url: http://[docker gateway ip]:[port]/session/lti, e.g.
- Destination region: hosted in the same organization
- Access settings: allow API access
- Consumer key: test
- Consumer secret: secret
Key-secret pair test:secret are part of the default configuration of Rubyric. You can change these in
. As a good practice, you should change the key-secret pain into something safer, once Rubyric is in the production server. -
In Rubyric add A+ (docker) ip address into APLUS_IP_WHITELIST at file
so that Rubyric will accept submissions from A+.
With this your local Rubyric should allow your A+ course to connect to it.